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Control of sex ratio by female spider mites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Control of sex ratio in the progenies of mated female spider mites was investigated in two laboratory experiments. In Experiment I, a single strain of Tetranychus urticae Koch was reared in four different environments. In Experiment II, 4 different geographic strains of T. urticae were reared in a single environment.Results indicated that spider mite females were able to control the sex ratio of their progeny at two levels: an initial control of mean population ratio according to ovipositional environment. In addition, a secondary control resulted in an approximately uniform daily ratio. Although each parental female produced a varying number of eggs from day to day, a more or less constant fraction of those eggs were fertilized every day. It is concluded that both of these characteristics are probably important to the colonizing ability of the species.
Résumé L'étude de la régulation du sexe de la descendance de femelles inséminées d'acariens est basée sur deux expériences de laboratoire. Dans l'expérience I, une lignée de Tetranychus urticae a été élevée dans deux conditions différentes de qualité des feuilles pendant le développement des parents, d'une part, pendant leur ponte et le développement de la descendance d'autre part. Dans l'expérience II, quatre souches géographiques différentes de T. urticae ont été élevées dans les mêmes conditions.Il est apparu nettement que les femelles dans des conditions différentes ont donné des descendances avec des taux sexuels variant dans certaines limites. Ces différences étaient statistiquement significatives dans les duex lots de données expérimentales. Les taux sexuels des populations d'acariens variaient aussi avec les conditions écologiques. Dans les bonnes conditions, la proportion de femelles dans la descendance était la plus élevée. Les taux sexuels des populations variaient aussi entre les quatre souches géographiques.Les analyses ont aussi révélé que les femelles d'acariens sont capables de contrôler le taux sexuel à deux niveaux: une régulation initiale du taux de la population en fonction des conditions écologiques ou de la lignée géographique et un contrôle secondaire qui s'est traduit par un taux quotidien approximativement uniforme.En utilisant un argument mathématique simple incorporant la fécondité caractéristique des acariens, nous avons conclu que ces deux caractéristiques de la rulation sont probablement d'une importance capitale pour le pouvoir colonisateur de cette espèce.

Sexual size dimorphism and sex ratios in dragonflies (Odonata)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sexual size dimorphism and biased sex ratios are common in animals. Rensch's rule states that sexual size dimorphism (SSD) would increase with body size in taxa where males are larger than females and decrease with body size in taxa where females are larger. We tested this trend in dragonflies (Odonata) by analysing body size of 21 species and found support for Rensch's rule. The increase in SSD with increasing size among species can be explained by sexual selection favouring large males. We also estimated the slope of the relationship between sex ratio and size ratio in populations of the 21 species. A negative slope would suggest that the larger sex suffers from high mortality in the larval stage, consistent with riskier foraging. The slope of this relationship was negative, but after correcting for phylogentic non-independence with independent contrasts the relationship was no longer statistically significant, perhaps because of phylogenic inertia or low sample size.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 86 , 507–513.  相似文献   

Using field surveys and histological methods, we show that a dragonfly species (Sympetrum internum) has an effective resistance, not seen previously in other odonates, to a mite parasite (Arrenurus planus). This mite is a generalist parasite known to effectively engorge on several other odonate species. We argue that selection is likely weak, favouring counter adaptations of Arrenurus planus to Sympetrum internum, in part because other host species are available. We further argue that this pattern is possibly linked to the fact that the mode of resistance is relatively novel, and because Sympetrum internum is rare compared to another host species, Sympetrum obtrusum, at our study site. Although resistance of Sympetrum internum is quite effective against Arrenurus planus, Arrenurus planus larvae still attach to this species, but less often than they attach to Sympetrum obtrusum. Attachment to unsuitable hosts may reflect constraints operating on Arrenurus planus larvae during host discovery. Such factors influencing the evolution of resistance, when several potential host species exist, have not received much attention.  相似文献   

For aquatic mites parasitic on dragonflies, completion of their life cycle depends on their being returned to appropriate water bodies by their hosts, after completion of engorgement. We examined whether differences among hosts in timing of emergence or phenotypic attributes might affect their probability of return to an emergence pond, and hence success of mites. Parasitized males and females of the dragonfly Sympetrum obtrusum (Hagen) did not differ in overall recapture rates. Females that had wing cell symmetry and emerged early were more likely to be recaptured than females that emerged later or had wing cell asymmetry, but there were no consistent relations between these variables and parasitism by mites. No such relations between wing cell asymmetry, emergence date, and recapture likelihood were found for males. Using randomization tests, we found that mean intensities of Arrenurus planus (Marshall) mites at host emergence were the same for recaptured females and females not recaptured; however, males that were recaptured had lower mean intensities of mites at emergence than males not recaptured. Further, mature females carried more mites than mature males, and the latter had fewer mites than newly emerged males not recaptured. Biases in detachment of engorging mites do not explain the differences in parasitism between mature males and females, nor the differences in mite numbers between mature males and newly emerged males that were not recaptured. Rather, heavily parasitized males appear to disperse or die and are not recaptured, which should have implications for dispersal of mites and fitness of male hosts.  相似文献   

For aquatic mites parasitic on dragonflies, completion of their life cycle depends on their being returned to appropriate water bodies by their hosts, after completion of engorgement. We examined whether differences among hosts in timing of emergence or phenotypic attributes might affect their probability of return to an emergence pond, and hence success of mites. Parasitized males and females of the dragonfly Sympetrum obtrusum (Hagen) did not differ in overall recapture rates. Females that had wing cell symmetry and emerged early were more likely to be recaptured than females that emerged later or had wing cell asymmetry, but there were no consistent relations between these variables and parasitism by mites. No such relations between wing cell asymmetry, emergence date, and recapture likelihood were found for males. Using randomization tests, we found that mean intensities of Arrenurus planus (Marshall) mites at host emergence were the same for recaptured females and females not recaptured; however, males that were recaptured had lower mean intensities of mites at emergence than males not recaptured. Further, mature females carried more mites than mature males, and the latter had fewer mites than newlyemerged males not recaptured. Biases in detachment of engorging mites do not explain the differences in parasitism between mature males and females, nor the differences in mite numbers between mature males and newly emerged males that were not recaptured. Rather, heavily parasitized males appear to disperse or die and are not recaptured, which should have implications for dispersal of mites and fitness of male hosts.  相似文献   

Can sex allocation be controlled by haplo-diploid organisms where both males and females arise from fertilised eggs but males become effectively haploid by paternal genome loss (pseudo-arrhenotoky)? If so, how does the control of mean and variance of sex allocation compare with haplo-diploids where males arise from unfertilised eggs (arrhenotoky)? These questions are addressed by experiments with two species of pseudo-arrhenotokous plant-inhabiting predatory mites: Typhlodromus occidentalis Nesbitt and Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot (Acari: Phytoseiidae). It is shown that females conditionally adjust offspring sex ratio in response to the presence of conspecifics or their cues. The sex ratios are precise in that their variance is less than expected from a binomial distribution. Because eggs are produced one-by-one at regular intervals, it is not possible to designate separate clutches, thus rendering conventional clutch-based estimates of precision inadequate. To remedy this a range of time scales was investigated and this showed an increase in precision with time scale (and hence “clutch” size). Markovian analysis of son-daughter sequences showed that this increase arises only if the predator “memorizes” the mean sex ratio of all eggs laid before. Control of mean and variance of sex allocation is selectively advantageous when local mating groups vary in size and are usually small, as is the case for the phytoseiid mites under study. Predictions of the optimal sex ratio from local mate competition models were in agreement for T. occidentalis. However, P. persimilis, exhibited a stronger female bias than predicted. We suggest that this may be due to selection levels operating at a larger spatial scale than the local mating group. Control of sex allocation seems as good as in arrhenotokous arthropods, suggesting that — in this respect — pseudo-arrhenotoky is not at a disadvantage compared to arrhenotoky.  相似文献   

Inaccuracies introduced through biases in preservation are a major source of error in paleodemographic reconstructions. Although it is generally assumed that such biases exist, little is known about their magnitude. To investigate this problem, we studied age and sex differences in the preservation of skeletal remains from Mission La Purisima and a prehistoric cemetery (Ca-Ven-110). Comparison of mortality profiles obtained through analysis of skeletal remains and burial records from the mission indicates that biases in preservation can be very significant in poorly preserved skeletal collections. The Purisima burial records show that most of the people interred in the cemetery were either infants or elderly adults. The skeletal remains, in contrast, are predominantly those of young adults. The burial records and skeletal collection produced comparable sex ratios. These results show that age biases in preservation are much more important than sex biases. This conclusion is supported by data on the completeness of the skeletons from La Purisima and Ca-Ven-110. At both sites, the remains of young adults were better preserved than those of children or elderly adults, and the completeness of male and female skeletons was comparable.  相似文献   

Determining historical sex ratios throughout human evolution can provide insight into patterns of genomic variation, the structure and composition of ancient populations, and the cultural factors that influence the sex ratio (e.g., sex-specific migration rates). Although numerous studies have suggested that unequal sex ratios have existed in human evolutionary history, a coherent picture of sex-biased processes has yet to emerge. For example, two recent studies compared human X chromosome to autosomal variation to make inferences about historical sex ratios but reached seemingly contradictory conclusions, with one study finding evidence for a male bias and the other study identifying a female bias. Here, we show that a large part of this discrepancy can be explained by methodological differences. Specifically, through reanalysis of empirical data, derivation of explicit analytical formulae, and extensive simulations we demonstrate that two estimators of the effective sex ratio based on population structure and nucleotide diversity preferentially detect biases that have occurred on different timescales. Our results clarify apparently contradictory evidence on the role of sex-biased processes in human evolutionary history and show that extant patterns of human genomic variation are consistent with both a recent male bias and an earlier, persistent female bias.  相似文献   

Bud mite, blister mite (Colomerus vitis Pagenstecher), and rust mite (Calepitrimerus vitis Nalepa) (Acari: Eriophyoidae) are recognized grapevine pests. Much of the biology and ecology of these pests is poorly understood. We used two types of molecular markers to gain further insight into the breeding biology and population structure of these mites, using individuals collected from sites around south‐eastern Australia. Patterns of genetic variation observed using PCR‐RFLP of ITS 1 (Internal Transcribed Spacer 1) confirmed the separate species status of the rust mite, and resolved the species status of bud and blister mites, revealing two closely related but distinct species. Microsatellite markers revealed extensive genetic differentiation between bud mite populations and blister mite populations even at micro‐geographical levels, suggesting low movement in these species. The findings indicate that separate control strategies are needed against bud and blister mites, and that localized control strategies are likely to be effective given their limited dispersal.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that optimal sex allocation in subdivided populations is dependent on the genetic relatedness among competing offspring such that when relatedness is high, progeny sex allocation should be more biased than when relatedness is low. In the laboratory we compared the progeny sex ratio of four groups of five ovipositing females of various presumed degrees of relatedness (sisters of inbred laboratory population, sisters of outbred field population, non-sisters of the same field population and non-sisters each from a different, geographically distant field population). We found a greater female bias in the progeny of inbred sisters than for sisters from the field population; the progeny sex ratio was also more strongly female biased for sisters than for non-sisters from the field population. These differences in sex ratio are in line with theoretical predictions. Our results indicate that spider mites are capable of some method of discrimination between kin and non-kin.  相似文献   

The typical life cycle of aphids involves several parthenogenetic generations followed by a single sexual one in autumn, i.e. cyclical parthenogenesis. Sexual females are genetically identical to their parthenogenetic mothers and carry two sex chromosomes (XX). Male production involves the elimination of one sex chromosome (to produce X0) that could give rise to genetic conflicts between X-chromosomes. In addition, deleterious recessive mutations could accumulate on sex chromosomes during the parthenogenetic phase and affect males differentially depending on the X-chromosome they inherit. Genetic conflicts and deleterious mutations thus may induce transmission bias that could be exaggerated in males. Here, the transmission of X-chromosomes has been studied in the laboratory in two cyclically parthenogenetic lineages of the bird cherry-oat aphid Rhopalosiphum padi . X-chromosome transmission was followed, using X-linked microsatellite loci, at male production in the two lineages and in their hybrids deriving from reciprocal crosses. Genetic analyses revealed non-Mendelian inheritance of X-chromosomes in both parental and hybrid lineages at different steps of male function. Putative mechanisms and evolutionary consequences of non-Mendelian transmission of X-chromosomes to males are discussed.  相似文献   

Perching dragonflies (Libellulidae; Odonata) are sit-and-wait predators, which take off and pursue small flying insects. To investigate their prey pursuit strategy, we videotaped 36 prey-capture flights of male dragonflies, Erythemis simplicicollis and Leucorrhinia intacta, for frame-by-frame analysis. We found that dragonflies fly directly toward the point of prey interception by steering to minimize the movement of the prey's image on the retina. This behavior could be guided by target-selective descending interneurons which show directionally selective visual responses to small-object movement. We investigated how dragonflies discriminate distance of potential prey. We found a peak in angular velocity of the prey shortly before take-off which might cue the dragonfly to nearby flying targets. Parallax information from head movements was not required for successful prey pursuit. Accepted: 11 November 1999  相似文献   

[目的]以螨治螨是害虫生物防治的一个重要部分,也是果园害虫生态控制的重要措施.通过在苹果园人为释放捕食螨的方法,定量分析加州新小绥螨Neoseiulus californicus(McGregor)和东方钝绥螨Amblyseius orientalis(Ehara)对苹果园2种害螨(苹果全爪螨Panony chusul...  相似文献   

In this study we assessed whether individuals of the damselfly species Ischnura elegans and Coenagrion puella that moved between ponds differed in their mean characteristics from individuals that did not move. Overall, the sex (female) and species ( C. puella ) that spent the most time away from the breeding site was more likely to move between ponds. Ischnura elegans males that dispersed had significantly longer forewings than males that did not, while male C. puella parasitised by water mites were more likely to disperse than unparasitised males. There was no evidence for differences in dispersal rates among the female colour forms of either I. elegans or C. puella . In general, the differences in dispersal characteristics between sexes and species could be explained by underlying variation in activity and mobility. The majority of dispersal between breeding sites by C. puella and I. elegans did not appear to be directed, but probably arose from chance movements occasionally taking individuals to a different pond from which they emerged.  相似文献   

A population survey of spider mites and phytoseiid mites was conducted on Japanese pear leaves in a greenhouse. For the survey, the method to estimate phytoseiid mite species composition using quantitative sequencing was modified to be applicable for phytoseiid mite species inhabiting in the greenhouse. Results show the dominant appearance of Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor), Neoseiulus womersleyi (Schicha), and Neoseiulus makuwa (Ehara) from the end of June to late September and their contribution in spider mite control. PCR-based method to detect the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences of spider mites from phytoseiid mites was developed. The method shows sensitivity to detect the ITS sequences of Tetranychus urticae Koch from single N. californicus adult at 168 h after ingestion of the spider mite. PCR-based method to detect the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I sequences of several arthropod pests belonging to Hemiptera, Thysanoptera, and Acari from phytoseiid mites was also developed. Results show that phytoseiid mites prey on Eriophyes chibaensis (Kadono) and Aphis gossypii (Glover), in addition to spider mites.  相似文献   

This work is a synthesis of our current understanding of the mechanics, aerodynamics and visually mediated control of dragonfly and damselfly flight, with the addition of new experimental and computational data in several key areas. These are: the diversity of dragonfly wing morphologies, the aerodynamics of gliding flight, force generation in flapping flight, aerodynamic efficiency, comparative flight performance and pursuit strategies during predatory and territorial flights. New data are set in context by brief reviews covering anatomy at several scales, insect aerodynamics, neuromechanics and behaviour. We achieve a new perspective by means of a diverse range of techniques, including laser-line mapping of wing topographies, computational fluid dynamics simulations of finely detailed wing geometries, quantitative imaging using particle image velocimetry of on-wing and wake flow patterns, classical aerodynamic theory, photography in the field, infrared motion capture and multi-camera optical tracking of free flight trajectories in laboratory environments. Our comprehensive approach enables a novel synthesis of datasets and subfields that integrates many aspects of flight from the neurobiology of the compound eye, through the aeromechanical interface with the surrounding fluid, to flight performance under cruising and higher-energy behavioural modes.This article is part of the themed issue ‘Moving in a moving medium: new perspectives on flight’.  相似文献   

Sex steroids, due to the generally negative responses observed in routinely employed standard genotoxicity assays, are considered epigenetic carcinogens. Some doubts on this conviction are raised by the results of recent studies providing evidence that cyproterone acetate and two structural analogues, chlormadinone acetate and megestrol acetate, are genotoxic in female rats but only for the liver, and in primary human hepatocytes from donors of both genders. The experimental evidence suggests that the metabolic activation of these molecules to reactive species and the consequent formation of DNA adducts occur only in the intact hepatocyte. Since the possibility that other sex steroids cause a liver-specific genotoxic effect cannot be ruled out a priori, we investigated nine drugs of this family for their ability to induce DNA repair synthesis in primary cultures of rat and human hepatocytes. Each steroid was tested in cultures from at least two male and two female donors of each species. Hepatocytes were exposed for 20h to sub-toxic concentrations ranging from 1 to 50 micro M, and DNA repair induction was measured by quantitative autoradiography. In primary rat hepatocytes, induction of DNA repair indicative of a frankly positive response was detected in cultures from: 2/2 males and 3/3 females with drospirenone, 2/2 males and 1/2 females with ethinylestradiol, 1/2 males and 1/2 females with oxymetholone, 1/2 males with norethisterone, 1/4 females with progesterone, and 1/4 males with methyltestosterone. Consistent negative responses were obtained with testosterone and stanozolol. A few inconclusive responses were observed in rat hepatocytes exposed to progesterone, medroxyprogesterone, norethisterone, methyltestosterone and oxymetholone. In contrast, under the same experimental conditions the nine sex steroids provided frankly negative responses in the large majority of cultures of primary hepatocytes from both male and female human donors; the only exceptions being the inconclusive responses obtained in cultures from two of the donors exposed to norethisterone and to ethinylestradiol, and from one of the donors exposed to testosterone, methyltestosterone, and stanozolol. These results and previous findings concerning cyproterone and its structural analogues suggest that sex steroids differ for their ability to induce DNA repair, and that their genotoxicity may be: (i) different in rat and human hepatocytes, (ii) dependent on the sex of the donor, and (iii) affected by inter-individual variability.  相似文献   

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