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Ferran  A.  Vallejo  V. R. 《Plant Ecology》1992,(1):239-246
Forest floor regeneration after fire in a holm oak forest was studied in a chronosequence in Catalonia (NE Spain). The sampled area represented situations of high fire disturbance because of the frequency of wildfires and the high impact of erosive processes. Forest floor bulk samples from the L, F and H layers were taken in 5 burned plots, aging from 0 to 35 years. They were analyzed for dry standing weight, and organic carbon and N content.Plant cover reached almost 100% two years after the fire. During the first 20 years, shrubs and herbs had the highest surface covering, and thereafter, holm oaks became dominant.Holm oak litterfall stabilized by the fourth year after burning.The major shrub species which were present in the chronosequence had two different patterns with respect to nitrogen: 1) a low litter C/N ratio (i.e. nitrogen fixing species); 2) a high litter C/N ratio.The litter decay coefficients were relatively high, allowing for a rapid structuration and formation of the L and F layers after the fire. Indeed, 95% of the maximum steady standing weight accumulates in 8–9 years. The pattern of cover in the different strata influenced the lateral distribution and variable accumulation of the forest floor layers and determined different turnover rates.  相似文献   

桂西北喀斯特区原生林与次生林凋落叶降解和养分释放   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
凋落叶降解及养分释放研究对喀斯特生态脆弱区森林生态系统的恢复与重建具有重要指导意义。本文选取桂西北喀斯特区3种原生林与3种次生林进行比较,研究其凋落叶降解与降解过程中的营养元素释放规律以及降解速率的影响因子。结果表明,原生林凋落叶的降解速率略大于次生林。C、N、K元素在前180天释放速率较快,随后趋于稳定。次生林凋落叶总P含量在降解初始阶段呈净积累,随后净释放,而原生林的凋落叶在降解360天后仍呈现P素净积累。相关分析表明,凋落叶降解速率与凋落叶初始总N、木质素含量及木质素:N比值呈负相关,与C:N比呈正相关。综合比较发现,次生林圆叶乌桕(Sapium rotundifolium Hemsl)凋落叶的降解速率与养分释放速率较快,是喀斯特退化土地及植被恢复过程中潜在的优势种和建群种。  相似文献   

Fallopia japonica succeeds in invading different ecosystems likely because of its huge biomass production. This biomass is characterized by low nutritional quality and low decomposition rates but knowledge on whether these features are correlated to microbial decomposers is still lacking. The aims of this work were: i) to determine litter decomposition rates of native grassland vegetation and F. japonica under different conditions in a year-round experiment; ii) to evaluate litter quality and/or site effect on the decomposition of the invader and native vegetation and iii) to characterize mycoflora isolated from F. japonica and native vegetation litter. The results showed that F. japonica litter decomposes 3–4 times slower than that of native grassland, mainly due to its low N content and consequently high C/N ratio both in leaves and stems. As decomposition proceeds C/N in F. japonica litter decreases to values approaching those of the grassland litter. Site had no effect on the decomposition rates of F. japonica and grassland litter. Total fungal load and composition differed between F. japonica and native litter, and also varied across sites. These results indicate that the successful invasive plant F. japonica affects the structure and functions of the invaded ecosystem through a huge production of low quality, slow-decomposing litter that selects saprotrophic fungi.  相似文献   

Relationships between canopy cover and tree regeneration were determined for various species in cove forests of the Great Smoky Mountains. Old-growth stands were sampled with six plots covering a total area of 4.8 ha. Each plot was subdivided into contiguous 10×10 m quadrats. Canopy cover overlying each of the 480 quadrats was characterized with three different indices based on visual estimates of cover. Influences of: (1) overlying cover, (2) proximate openings, and (3) total area of proximate openings on quadrat regeneration densities were determined. Most species reproducing by seed and some species reproducing by vegetative means had higher densities in quadrats with openings, but only the intolerants were highly dependent on gaps. Tsuga canadensis, a very shade-tolerant species, was one of the few species with abundant regeneration beneath dense canopy cover. In general, understory areas near gaps had somewhat higher regeneration densities than other areas with overlying cover. Several shade-tolerant species showed a positive regeneration density response to canopy openings and an ability to regenerate in gaps 0.01–0.03 ha in area. These openings were too small for intolerant species. Many species exhibited a positive response to total size of the proximate opening(s). A sharp increase in regeneration density with area of the opening(s) was evident at approximately 0.04 ha for the shade-intolerant species.  相似文献   

Neal A. Scott  Dan Binkley 《Oecologia》1997,111(2):151-159
The feedback between plant litterfall and nutrient cycling processes plays a major role in the regulation of nutrient availability and net primary production in terrestrial ecosystems. While several studies have examined site-specific feedbacks between litter chemistry and nitrogen (N) availability, little is known about the interaction between climate, litter chemistry, and N availability across different ecosystems. We assembled data from several studies spanning a wide range of vegetation, soils, and climatic regimes to examine the relationship between aboveground litter chemistry and annual net N mineralization. Net N mineralization declined strongly and non-linearly as the litter lignin:N ratio increased in forest ecosystems (r 2 = 0.74, P < 0.01). Net N mineralization decreased linearly as litter lignin concentration increased, but the relationship was significant (r 2 = 0.63, P < 0.01) only for tree species. Litterfall quantity, N concentration, and N content correlated poorly with net N mineralization across this range of sites (r 2 < 0.03, P = 0.17–0.26). The relationship between the litter lignin:N ratio and net N mineralization from forest floor and mineral soil was similar. The litter lignin:N ratio explained more of the variation in net N mineralization than climatic factors over a wide range of forest age classes, suggesting that litter quality (lignin:N ratio) may exert more than a proximal control over net N mineralization by influencing soil organic matter quality throughout the soil profile independent of climate. Received: 16 December 1996 / Accepted: 8 February 1997  相似文献   

桂西北喀斯特区原生林与次生林凋落物量及其降解   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
凋落物量及其降解速率在养分循环尤其碳循环中起着至关重要的作用。本文比较了桂西北喀斯特区3种原生林(圆果化香、大叶蚊母树和青檀)与3种次生林(圆叶乌桕、八角枫和黄荆)凋落物量及其降解特征。结果发现,在所有原生林与次生林中,叶凋落量占总凋落物量的80%左右,且与降雨量呈负相关,降雨量最少的旱期凋落物量最大。除大叶蚊母树外,次生林的总凋落物量及养分归还量大于原生林。凋落物降解90d后,大叶蚊母树的质量损失最小,有87.6%未分解。经过1年的降解,质量损失最大的为圆果化香,仅剩余49.5%未降解。圆叶乌桕凋落物含N量最高,降解最快;大叶蚊母树凋落物量最高,降解最慢;而圆叶乌桕凋落物养分含量高,降解速率快。因此,圆叶乌桕是喀斯特区退化土地植被重建与土壤养分修复较好的选择。  相似文献   

A field-scale experiment with nitrogen (N) addition treatments was performed in three forest types – a pine (Pinus massoniana Lamb.) forest, a pine-broadleaf mixed forest (mixed) and a mature monsoon evergreen broadleaf forest (mature) – in tropical China. Two kinds of leaf litter, Schima superba Chardn. & Champ. and Castanopsis chinensis Hance, were studied using the litterbag technique after more than 2 years of continuous N additions. The objective of this study was to understand the cumulative effect of N addition on litter decomposition in the tropical forests and to determine if the initial effects of N addition changes over time. Results indicated that leaf litter decomposition was significantly faster in the mature forest than in the mixed or pine forests. The mean fraction of mass remaining after 12-months of decomposition was: mature (0.22) < mixed (0.50) < pine (0.51) for the two litters. Nitrogen addition significantly depressed litter decomposition in the pine forest and the mature forest, but had no significant effect in the mixed forest. These results suggest that N deposition has significant cumulative effect on litter decomposition.  相似文献   

Abstract. Litter fall and decomposition in a Pinus halepensis forest was studied in order to help understand nutrient cycles in this ecosystem, threatened as it is by fire and tourism. The study was done over two years in an experimental forest stand at Cap des Pinar on Mallorca, Spain. The woodland area has not been disturbed for about 40 yr. Total litter fall amounted to 3.44 ton ha-1 yr-1 and 2.52 ton ha-1 yr-1 in the first and second year, and leaf fall to 2.00 ton ha-1 yr-1 and 1.93 ton ha-1 yr-1 respectively with a maximum in July. As to litter fall, there was a summer maximum for brown needles and kernels, a spring maximum for inflorescences and bud scales, and an autumn maximum for bark. Erratic maxima occurred for fall of green needles, cones and branches, linked to strong winds in winter. The total amount of litter mass on the forest soil reached 12.68 ton/ha: 5.75 ton/ha in the L organic horizon, 3.46 ton/ha needles, and 6.93 ton/ha in the F organic horizon. Weight loss from annual decomposition, measured using litter bags, was 18.1 % in year 1 and 26.8% in year 2. Over 365 days, an Olson (1963) decomposition rate of 0.045 %/day was found in year 1 and of 0.084 %/day for year 2. Decomposition half-time was 1529 for year 1 and 827 days for year 2.  相似文献   

Abstract. Litter fall and litter decomposition were studied in four mature stands of Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine) in the eastern Pyrenees. The stands were located in environments differing in bedrock type and exposition and were studied for two years. Mass-loss during the first year of decomposition was compared with other European P. sylvestris forests and regressed with environmental variables (temperature and rainfall) and latitude. The results suggested that the mean amount of needle fall (1760 kg-ha-1·yr-1) was within the range reported for northern European stands. There were more differences in the amount of litter fall between the four stands than between the two years studied. However, the needle fall pattern over the year showed significant differences between years in three of the four stands. Litter decomposition was similar in all the stands and only the one in drier conditions showed a lower decomposition rate. On the European scale the decomposition rate was positively related to mean annual temperature and annual rainfall. However, regression analysis suggests that there are other factors, not taken into account in this study, that are important for predicting the decomposition rate.  相似文献   

为探究广西乐业大石围天坑森林群落的C、N、P养分循环特征,比较了天坑内外森林群落的植物叶片-凋落物-土壤C、N、P含量及其化学计量比,采用相关性分析和冗余分析等统计方法研究其内在联系和相互影响。结果表明,与天坑外部森林相比,天坑内部森林植物叶片和凋落物呈现出C低N、P高,土壤为C、N低P高的格局。植物叶片C:N、C:P与凋落物C、N:P显著正相关,植物叶片C与土壤P显著负相关;天坑外部森林的植物叶片N、N:P与土壤N:P显著负相关,植物叶片C:N与土壤C、C:N显著正相关,说明天坑森林内部凋落物的C、P养分可能主要来源于植物叶片,而天坑外部森林的植物叶片C、N主要来自土壤。土壤C:N:P对植物叶、凋落物的C:N:P变化的解释率分别为90.7%和50.6%,其中土壤P对植物叶和凋落物的C:N:P计量特征变化的解释度最高,坑内生境植物对P含量变化更为敏感、坑外植物对于N含量变化更为敏感,表明天坑内部森林可能是P素受限位点、天坑外部森林是N素受限位点。喀斯特天坑内部森林和外部森林植物叶-凋落物-土壤的C:N:P的差异和联系,体现了天坑内外森林群落的养分循环特征和植物群落的适应性。  相似文献   

天然落叶松老龄林每1个种子年后第2年,林地表面即会出现大量天然幼苗100-270株·m-2.幼苗发生时间集中,绝大多数在6月底.赤杨落叶松林幼苗发生较丛桦落叶松林和杜香落叶松林的迟.幼苗死亡时期也集中,主要在幼苗发生后的15天内.其间杜香落叶松林的幼苗死亡率为48%,3年内97%;丛桦落叶松林为29%和66%;赤杨落叶松林为33%和69%.7月以后发生的幼苗存活率很低,早期发生的幼苗占优势,死亡率低.丛桦落叶松林和杜香落叶松林幼苗的早期优势显著,尤其是杜香落叶松林.幼苗存活的年际变化很大,落叶松幼苗数量丛桦落叶松林>赤杨落叶松林>杜香落叶松林.  相似文献   

Aims Using a network of permanent plots, we determined how multiple old-growth forests changed over an 18–19-year period at a state-wide scale. This examination of change allowed us to assess how the compositional and structural stability of each forest varied with site characteristics (topography, physiography and productivity) and stochastic disturbance.Methods In 2011, we resampled 150 plots distributed across five old-growth hardwood forests in Indiana, USA that were originally sampled in 1992–1993. Within each plot, we relocated and remeasured the diameter at breast height (dbh) of all trees (≥10.0cm) present during the 1992–1993 sample, which allowed us to track their individual fates through time for growth and mortality calculations. Trees that grew to ≥10.0cm dbh since plot establishment were designated as ingrowth. The dbh and species of all saplings (stems ≥2.0cm but <10.0cm dbh) were also recorded. For each forest, we calculated density (stems ha-1), basal area (BA; m 2 ha-1) and importance value (relative density + relative BA)/2) of trees by species. For saplings, density per ha was calculated by species for each forest. We also calculated annual mortality rate (AMR) for three diameter classes (10–29.9, 30–59.9 and ≥60cm) and species richness (S), evenness (E) and Shannon–Weiner diversity (H?) for the tree and sapling layers. Differences between years were compared for each forest using paired t -tests and Wilcoxon signed rank tests.Important findings Although we observed commonality in changes across some sites, our results suggest that these forests differ in their rates and trajectories of change. Changes in total stand BA and density varied across sites and were influenced by past disturbance and mortality rates. We observed a general increase in the overstory dominance of Acer saccharum coupled with a general decrease in the dominance of Quercus section Lobatae (red oak group) species. Mortality of overstory trees present in 1992–1993 ranged from 27% to 49% over the study period (mean AMR 1.6–3.7%). Most sites experienced greater mortality of early and mid-successional species, but one site experienced heavy mortality of Fagus grandifolia, a shade-tolerant late-successional species. Shade tolerant species, A. saccharum in particular, dominated the sapling layer at most sites. However, recruitment of this species into larger size classes did not occur uniformly across all sites and the species was comparatively uncommon at one site. Overall, our results suggest that old-growth remnants, even within a single state, cannot be viewed as equivalent units with regard to research or management. Stochastic disturbance events and surrounding land use may have amplified effects on small scattered remnants. Therefore, continued monitoring of these rare, but biologically important forests is critical to their long-term management and protection.  相似文献   

鼎湖山主要森林植物凋落物分解及其对N沉降的响应   总被引:46,自引:10,他引:46  
莫江明  薛璟花  方运霆 《生态学报》2004,24(7):1413-1420
研究了鼎湖山森林主要植物凋落物分解及其对模拟 N沉降的响应。凋落物分解速率随林分、树种和分解阶段不同而异。分解试验 3个月后 ,季风常绿阔叶林、混交林和马尾松林分解物残存量占起始量的比例平均分别为 0 .5 0 ,0 .80和 0 .87,且它们的差异均达显著水平 (p<0 .0 5 ) ;6个月后 ,这 3种林分的分解物残存量占起始量的比例平均分别为 0 .4 1、0 .73和 0 .70。试验 3个月后 ,所有试验树种中凋落物分解最快的树种是季风常绿阔叶林的锥栗 (Castanopsis chinensis,残存量占起始量的比例为0 .34)最慢为马尾松林中的马尾松 (Pinus massoniana,残存量占起始量的比例为 0 .87) ;经 6个月后 ,最快的树种是季风常绿阔叶林的华润楠 (Machilus chinensis,残存量占起始量的比例为 0 .2 5 ) ,最慢为混交林中的马尾松 (残存量占起始量的比例为0 .75 )。 N沉降对凋落物分解的影响也随林分、树种和分解阶段不同而异。在马尾松林中 ,N沉降仅在试验开始 3个月对马尾松针叶凋落物分解存在明显的促进作用 (p<0 .0 5 )。在混交林中 ,经 6个月试验后 ,低 N处理对马尾松针叶凋落物分解仍无明显作用 ,中 N处理则明显促进其分解 (p<0 .0 5 ) ,但在两次取样中 N沉降处理对荷木 (Schima superba)凋落物的分解均无显著影响。 N沉降增  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the abundance of Quercus species, the spatial pattern of Quercus regeneration, the current canopy disturbance pattern, and their interrelationship in two old-growth deciduous forests in Ohio (Goll Woods and Sears-Carmean Woods). Acer saccharum and Fagus grandifolia had the greatest density and basal area in both forests, yet the largest trees (by basal area) present at each site were Quercus spp. Quercus spp. appeared to be decreasing in abundance in both sites. Though Quercus seedlings were common, few Quercus saplings or subcanopy trees were present. The current disturbance regimes were dominated by small canopy gaps created by death of 1–2 trees; canopy gaps 100 m2 in size were rare and only 2.5–2.8% of the forest area was covered by recognizable canopy gaps. No significant differences in the density of Quercus seedlings or saplings were found between gaps and non-gap areas at either site. Though no significant barrier to seedling establishment appeared to exist, the present disturbance regimes are not well suited for the growth of Quercus into the subcanopy size class or the recruitment of Quercus into the canopy. The most frequent gapmakers in Goll Woods were Tilia americana and Acer saccharum, and those in Sears-Carmean Woods were A. saccharum and F. grandifolia. The species most frequent as gap fillers were A. saccharum (in both sites) and F. grandifolia (in Goll Woods). These results suggest that A. saccharum will continue to increase in abundance, and Quercus decrease in abundance, in these two old-growth stands.  相似文献   

Knowledge on how historical disturbances shaped the long-term development of forests is essential for understanding the present forest structure and for predicting the future forest ecosystem dynamics. In this study, dendroecological methods were used to reconstruct the disturbance history of an old-growth subalpine larch (Larix chinensis) forest in the Qinling Mountains of north-central China. Growth patterns of 690 and 582 increment cores extracted respectively from two climatically and topographically different larch stands in the northern and southern slope of the Qinling Mountains were examined for abrupt increases in radial growth indicating formation of past canopy gaps and for rapid early growth rates indicating recruitment in former canopy gaps. The findings demonstrated that there were no large-scale, stand-replacing disturbances during the past more than two centuries. Low- and medium-severity disturbance events predominated, which were probably caused by windthrows due to strong winds. The stand was unevenly aged, and the recruitment pulses associated with disturbance peaks could be distinguished. There were considerable spatio-temporal differences in disturbance dynamics of the subalpine larch stand between the topographically and climatically different sites, manifesting that the larch stand in the northern slope experienced frequent moderate but rare major disturbance events, contrasting with frequent major and moderate disturbance events in the southern slope. This study provided strong evidences that there were substantial variations in the intensity and frequency of disturbance dynamics, leading to considerable differences in the size and age structures of the subalpine larch forest.  相似文献   

In two consecutive years, we analysed the effect of litter quality, quantity and decomposability on soil N at three characteristic sites of the Patagonian Monte. We assessed (i) concentrations of N, C, lignin and total phenolics and the C/N ratio in senesced leaves as indicators of litter quality of three species of each dominant plant life form (evergreen shrubs and perennial grasses), and (ii) N, and organic-C concentrations, potential N-mineralisation and microbial-N flush in the soil beneath each species. Rate constants of potential decomposition of senesced leaves and N content in decaying leaves during the incubation period were assessed in composite samples of the three sites as indicators of litter decomposability. Further, we estimated for each species leaf-litter production, leaf-litter on soil, and the mass of standing senesced leaves during the senescence period. Senesced leaves of evergreen shrubs showed higher decomposability than those of perennial grasses. Leaf-litter production, leaf-litter on soil, and the mass of standing senesced leaves differed significantly among species. The largest variations in leaf-litter production and leaf-litter on soil were observed in evergreen shrubs. The mass of standing senesced leaves was larger in perennial grasses than in evergreen shrubs. Nitrogen, organic C and potential N-mineralisation in soil were higher underneath evergreen shrubs than beneath perennial grasses, while no significant differences were found in microbial-N flush among life forms. The initial concentrations of C, N and total phenolics of senesced leaves explained together 78% of the total variance observed in the dry mass loss of decaying leaves. Litter decomposition rates explained 98%, 98%, 73%, and 67% of the total variance of soil N, organic C, net-N mineralisation, and microbial-N flush, respectively. We concluded that leaf-litter decomposition rates along with leaf-litter production are meaningful indicators of plant local effects on soil N dynamics in shrublands of the Patagonian Monte, and probably in other similar ecosystem of the world dominated by slow growing species that accumulate a wide variety of secondary metabolites including phenolics. Indicators such as C/N or lignin concentration usually used to predict litter decomposability or local plant effects may not be adequate in the case of slow growing species that accumulate a wide range of secondary metabolites or have long leaf lifespan and low leaf-litter production.  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhizal mats in forest soils have a wide global distribution and have been noted as potentially important elements in forest soil nutrient cycling. To elucidate the relationship between ectomycorrhizal mats and their environment, we undertook field studies and spatial analyses of mat distributions at different spatial scales.We used two experimental approaches to study mat-forming ectomycorrhizal fungi in coniferous forests of the Pacific Northwest in the United States. In the first approach, ectomycorrhizal mats and other forest floor features were mapped in 2 × 10 m plots and digitized into a geographical information system (GIS) for spatial pattern analysis. In order to examine larger-scale phenomena, a second approach involving other sites was taken; soil cores were taken along 30-m transects, and distance to the closest living potential host tree was calculated for each core.Mat patterns were studied at two scales: (1) within-stand level (i.e. variability attributed to distribution of other mat species, forest floor attributes, and understory vegetation); and (2) stand level (i.e. variability expressed along a successional gradient). Mat distribution was influenced by: (1) the proximity of one mat to another; (2) the distance from the mat to the closest living tree; (3) the density of living trees in a stand; and (4) the successional stage of the stand.Although GIS analysis indicated that mats of different morphologies did not physically overlap, there was a tendency for clustering of mats. No apparent correlations were observed between forest floor features and mats located within the 2 × 10 m grids. On the scale of tens of meters, mats decreased with distance from the closest potential host tree. Spatial patterns of mat distributions in harvested sites suggest that these mats may persist at least 2 years after their host trees have been cut. For Gautieria mats, total mat area, size, and frequency differed with stand age.This study has demonstrated the importance of both spatial scaling and forest stand age when the natural distribution of mycorrhizal fungi is examined. Results suggest the need for mat research directed at higher-order scales (e.g. stand and watershed) that will provide accurate information for managing forests to ensure their survival and normal function. ei]J H Graham  相似文献   

以浙江天童常绿阔叶林、常绿针叶林和落叶阔叶林为对象, 通过对叶片和凋落物C:N:P比率与N、P重吸收的研究, 揭示3种植被类型N、P养分限制和N、P重吸收的内在联系。结果显示: 1)叶片C:N:P在常绿阔叶林为758:18:1, 在常绿针叶林为678:14:1, 在落叶阔叶林为338:11:1; 凋落物C:N:P在常绿阔叶林为777:13:1, 常绿针叶林为691:14:1, 落叶阔叶林为567:14:1; 2)常绿阔叶林和常绿针叶林叶片与凋落物C:N均显著高于落叶阔叶林; 叶片C:P在常绿阔叶林最高, 常绿针叶林中等, 落叶阔叶林最低, 常绿阔叶林和常绿针叶林凋落物C:P显著高于落叶阔叶林; 叶片N:P比也是常绿阔叶林最高、常绿针叶林次之, 落叶阔叶林最低, 但常绿阔叶林凋落物N:P最低; 3)植被叶片N、P含量间(N为x, P为y)的II类线性回归斜率显著大于1 (p < 0.05), 表明叶片P含量的增加可显著提高叶片N含量; 凋落物N、P含量的回归斜率约等于1, 反映了凋落物中单位P含量与单位N含量间的等速损耗关系; 4)常绿阔叶林N重吸收率显著高于常绿针叶林与落叶阔叶林, 落叶阔叶林P重吸收率显著高于常绿阔叶林和常绿针叶林。虽然植被的N:P指示常绿阔叶林受P限制, 落叶阔叶林受N限制, 常绿针叶林受N、P的共同限制, 但是N、P重吸收研究结果表明: 受N素限制的常绿阔叶林具有高的N重吸收率, 受P限制的落叶阔叶林并不具有高的P重吸收率。可见, 较高的N、P养分转移率可能不是植物对N、P养分胁迫的一种重要适应机制, 是物种固有的特征。  相似文献   

Due to economic needs, a process of abandonment of unfavourably situated areas and intensified cultivation on favoured areas has taken place in the alpine region. This abandonment not only means the loss of a cultural landscape based on centuries of care but also interference with an established ecological balance. We wanted to investigate the impact of land-use, such as mowing, fertilisation and irrigation and the effects of abandonment on the O-horizon type, quantity and quality. Therefore, we selected areas with different types of land use but with equivalent site conditions in the Passeier Valley (Bolzano-South Tyrol province) for investigation. The areas studied were as follows: an organically fertilised and irrigated, intensively managed hay meadow mown once a year; an organically fertilised, intensively managed hay meadow mown once a year; a lightly managed hay meadow mown every second year; a lightly managed hay meadow mown every 3–4 years; an area densely covered with dwarf shrubs abandoned 10 years ago; and a reforested area abandoned 30 years ago. These selected areas represent different intensities of land use or stages of succession. On these areas, vegetation, phytomass, litter quantity, humus type, O-horizon quantity, litter decomposition and C and N storage, were analysed in detail. Abandonment causes the percentage of coverage with grasses and herbs to decrease from 100 to 10%, while lignified species increase from 0 to 90%. This leads to growth of the phytomass pools, which in turn causes an increase in the annual litter quantity (from 117 to 525 g m−2). Significant changes in litter quality in the case of reduced use or abandonment increases the litter’s resistance to decomposition, decreasing overall decomposition. Litter quantity and quality then have a significant impact on the O-horizon quantity. This increases strongly with decreasing intensity of land use or longer times since abandonment (115–1,180 g m−2). This leads to a significant increase of C and N storage and a change in O-horizon type ranging from no definite O-horizon or mull O-horizons on regularly used areas to moder on abandoned areas.  相似文献   

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