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REAY  P. F. 《Annals of botany》1987,59(2):219-225
The Ca, Mg, K, Na, P, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu and opaline-Si contentsof leaves, stems and inflorescences from each order of shootaxis was determined in Lupinus albus L. and Lupinus angustifoliusL. The distribution of Si was used as a base for passive transportin the transpiration stream. All of the elements investigatedwere redistributed among the leaves, stems and inflorescencesof either L. albus or L. angustifolius. Most of the elementsinvestigated were enriched in the inflorescences and depletedin either the leaves or the stems. Sodium was enriched in thestems whereas Ca and Mn were redistributed only in L. albus.The pattern of element redistribution was similar in each ofthe lateral shoot axes except for the youngest. For the elementsenriched in the inflorescences, more than half was suppliedby redistribution. Calcium redistribution was similar to thatfor K, which is regarded as phloem mobile, but a mechanism forCa redistribution is uncertain. Lupinus albus L., Lupinus angustifolius L., mineral transport, leaves, inflorescences, transpiration, silicon, calcium  相似文献   

Mobilization of Minerals to Developing Seeds of Legumes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
HOCKING  P. J.; PATE  J. S. 《Annals of botany》1977,41(6):1259-1278
The mineral nutrition of fruiting plants of Pisum sativum L.,Lupinus albus L. and Lupinus angustifolius L. is examined insand cultures supplying adequate and balanced amounts of essentialnutrients. Changes in content of specific minerals in leaves,pods, seed coat, and embryo are described. P, N and Zn tendto increase precociously in an organ relative to dry matteraccumulation, other elements more or less parallel with (K,Mn, Cu, Mg and Fe) or significantly behind (Ca and Na) dry weightincrease. Some 60–90 per cent of the N, P and K is lostfrom the leaf, pod and seed coat during senescence, versus 20–60per cent of the Mg, Zn, Mn, Fe and Cu and less than 20 per centof the Na and Ca. Mobilization returns from pods are estimatedto provide 4–39 per cent of the seeds' accumulations ofspecific minerals, compared with 4–27 per cent for testatransfer to the embryo. Endosperm minerals are of only minorsignificance in embryo nutrition. Comparisons of the mineral balance of plant parts of Lupinusspp. with that of stem xylem sap and fruit tip phloem sap supportthe view that leaves and pod are principal recipients of xylem-borneminerals and that export from these organs via phloem is themajor source of minerals to the seeds. Endosperm and embryodiffer substantially in mineral compostition from phloem sap,suggesting that selective uptake occurs from the translocationstream during seed development. Considerable differences are observed between species in mineralcomposition of plant organs and in the effectiveness of transferof specific minerals to the seeds Differences between speciesrelate principally to Ca, Na and certain trace elements.  相似文献   

HOCKING  P. J. 《Annals of botany》1984,53(4):489-501
The seasonal dynamics of uptake, partitioning and redistributionof dry matter, N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg, Na, Cl, Fe, Zn, Mn and Cuby the cormaceous plant Ixia flexuosa were studied in pot cultureat Perth, Western Australia. Dry matter and P, N, K, Zn andCu were redistributed from the mother corm with about 90 percent net efficiency: there was no net redistribution of Ca,Na, Fe or Mn. The efficiency of redistribution from the leafyshoot to fruits and the new season's corm was 80 per cent forN and P, 24–49 per cent for K, Cu and Zn, and 0–15per cent for Na, Fe, Ca, Mn, Cl, Mg, S and dry matter. Redistributionfrom the mother corm and vegetative organs could have suppliedthe replacement corm, cormlets and fruits with 32–53 percent of their S, K, P, N, Cu and Zn, and 11–25 per centof their Ca, Cl, Mn, Mg and dry matter. The mature replacementcorm had over 60 per cent of the plant's N and P, 25–50per cent of its dry matter, Zn, Cu, Mg, K and Cl, but less than20 per cent of its Ca, Na, Fe and Mn. Each plant produced anaverage of 12 cormlets; these had 35 per cent of the dry matterand 23–47 per cent of the amount of a particular nutrientin the new season's corms. Fruits had less than 16 per centof the dry matter and each mineral in the mature plant. Ratesof mineral intake by Ixia were much lower than reported forcrop plants, and may be related to the long growing season ofthe species. Ixia polystachya L., corm, nutrition, mineral nutrients, nutrient redistribution  相似文献   

The economy of carbon, nitrogen, water and mineral elementsin fruits of Lupinus albus L. was studied by measuring accumulationof these quantities in the developing fruit and estimating itstranspirational losses and CO2 exchanges. Combining this informationwith data on levels of mineral elements in the xylem sap andphloem sap supplying the fruit, it was possible to test whethertransport based on mass inflow through xylem and phloem wouldaccount for the observed intake of elements. A model of transportbased on water and carbon intake suggested that vascular intakeduring the fruit's life matched the recorded increment for mineralsto within ± 15 per cent for N, Na, Zn, Fe and Cu, andto within ± 23 per cent for P, K and S. However, estimatedvascular intake of Ca, Mg and Mn accounted for less than one–thirdof the recorded intake by the fruit, inadequacy of vascularintake being especially great early in growth. Transport inphloem accounted for more than 80 per cent of the fruit's vascularintake of C, N and S, and 70–80 per cent of its P, K,Mg and Zn. Xylem contributed 68 per cent of the vascular inputof Ca, 59 per cent of the Na, and 34–38 per cent of theFe, Mn and Cu. Enclosure and darkening of fruits reduced levelsof Ca and Fe but increased levels of N, P, K and Zn in fruitdry matter relative to unenclosed, illuminated fruits. Resultswere related to previous observations on fruit functioning. Lupinus albus, legume fruit, mineral supply, phloem, xylem  相似文献   

HOCKING  P. J. 《Annals of botany》1982,49(1):51-62
The nutrition of developing fruits of Ricinus communis was studiednear Perth, Western Australia, where the species grows as aweed on poor sandy soil. Fruits required 60 days to mature anddehydration of the capsule began 20 days before the seeds ripened.Mature seeds accumulated 49 per cent of the fruit dry matterand over 80 per cent of its P, Zn and Cu, 50–80 per centof its Mg, N, Fe and Mn, 41–46 per cent of its S and Caand 11–21 per cent of its K and Na. Losses of nutrientsfrom capsules during fruit ripening were: Zn, 73 per cent, P,42 per cent, Cu, 23 per cent and Mn, 8 per cent. Dry matter,N, K, S, Ca, Mg, Na and Fe were not withdrawn from capsules.Apparent retranslocation from capsules could have provided from6–28 per cent of the Zn, Mn, P and Cu in mature seeds.Seeds from plants on poor sandy soil were small but had adequatelevels of nutrients when compared with those from plants growingon a fertile loam. Concentrations of all nutrients except P were higher in youngcapsules than in young seeds, but levels of N, P, Mg, Fe, Znand Cu were higher in mature seeds than in mature capsules.The intake of most nutrients by fruits was out of phase withdry matter accumulation, especially in capsules, and the elementsappeared to accumulate in fruit parts independently of eachother. Glutamine accounted for over 85 per cent of the amino-Nin phloem sap destined for fruits. Potassium made up over 90per cent of the inorganic cations in phloem exudate. Of theminor elements in the exudate, Fe was present at highest concentrationand Cu at the lowest. The results showed that retranslocation from the capsule madea very small contribution to the nutrition of seeds. It is suggestedthat R. communis would require a sustained supply of soil nutrientsto ensure maximum seed yield, partly due to the restricted retranslocationof most nutrients from capsules. Ricinus communis L., castor bean, mineral nutrition, translocation, retranslocation  相似文献   

Hocking  Peter J. 《Annals of botany》1993,71(6):495-509
The seasonal dynamics of the accumulation, distribution andredistribution of dry matter and 12 mineral nutrients by a weedyspecies of gladiolus (Gladiolus caryophyllaceus) were studiedat Perth, Western Australia, where it has colonized the nutrient-poorsandy soils. Parent corms sprouted in autumn, and the plantshad completed their growth cycle by early summer. The maturereplacement corm had 15-25% of the plant's P, Ca, Na, Zn andCu, 5-15% of its K, N, Cl, Mg, S and dry matter, and < 5%of its Fe and Mn. Seeds had 26% of the plant's dry matter, 60%of its N and P, 21-33% of its S, Mg, Cu and K, 5-20% of itsFe, Mn and Zn, and < 5% of its Ca and Na. The mature vegetativeshoot had 47% of the plant's dry matter and over 40% of eachnutrient, except for N, P and Cu. Phosphorus, K and N were redistributedfrom the parent corm with over 85% efficiency, S, Mg, Zn andCu with 60-70% efficiency, but there was < 10% redistributionof Ca, Na, Cl, Fe and Mn. The efficiency of redistribution fromthe leafy shoot was over 70% for N and P, 29-52% for K, Mg andCu, 16-20% for S, Zn and Cl, but negligible for Ca, Na, Fe andMn. Redistribution from the shoot could have provided the replacementcorm and seeds with 53-98% of their Cu, Mg, N, P and K, and29-38% of their S, Zn and dry matter. Seeds contained over 60%of each nutrient in a capsule, except for Ca, Na and Fe. Redistributionfrom the capsule walls could have provided 13-19% of the P,Cu and Zn, and 3-7% of the N, K, Mg and dry matter accumulatedby seeds. Each plant produced an average of 520 seeds. Removalof flowers and buds at first anthesis resulted in a larger replacementcorm containing a greater quantity of most nutrients, indicatingcompetition between the replacement corm and seeds for nutrients.Redistribution from parent to replacement cormlets in the absenceof shoot and root development was high, with over 50% of thedry matter and each nutrient, except for Ca, being transferred.Concentration of nutrients were low in all organs of G. caryophyllaceus,especially the replacement corm. It was concluded that the effectiveredistribution of key nutrients, such as N and P, to reproductivestructures and tolerance of low internal concentrations of nutrientscontribute to the capacity of G. caryophyllaceus to colonizeand persist on infertile soils.Copyright 1993, 1999 AcademicPress Gladiolus caryophyllaceus, corm, distribution, dry matter, gladiolus, mineral nutrients, nutrient accumulation, nutrient redistribution, seasonal growth, weed  相似文献   

‘Physiological maturity’, i.e. the time when seedsreach their maximum dry weight during development, occurredwhen maturation drying on the parent plant in the field hadreduced seed moisture content to approximately 60 per cent infaba bean (Vicia faba L.), lentil (Lens culinaris Medic.), chickpea(Cicer arietinum L.), white lupin (Lupinus albus L.), soya bean(Glycine max [L.] Merr.) and pea (Pisum sativum L.) The onsetof desiccation-tolerance, i.e. the ability of seeds to germinatefollowing harvest and rapid artificial drying, coincided withphysiological maturity, except in pea where it occurred a littleearlier at about 70 per cent moisture content. Maximum seedquality as determined by maximum viability, minimum seedlingabnormalities and maximum seedling size occurred in pea, chickpeaand lupin when seeds were harvested for rapid drying at physiologicalmaturity; but for maximum seed quality in the other speciesmaturation drying had to proceed further - to about 45 per centmoisture content in soya bean and to about 30 per cent moisturecontent in lentil and faba bean seed crops. Much of this variationamongst the six species, however, was due to differences inthe variation in maturity within each seed crop. Results forindividual pods showed that peak maturity, i.e. maximum seedquality following harvest and rapid artificial drying, was achievedin all six species once maturation drying had reduced the moisturecontent of the seeds to 45–50 per cent. In pea, faba beanand soya bean there was a substantial decline in viability andan increase in seedling abnormalities when harvest was delayedbeyond the optimal moisture content for harvest.  相似文献   

Fluctuations in mineral elements id xylem (tracheal) sap, fruitphloem sap, leaflets and dmloping fruits were studied in a fieldpopulation of Lupinus angustifolius L. by three-hourly samplingover a 39 h period. Elements usually reached maximum contentsor concentrations at or near noon, minimum levels during thenight. Amplitudes of diurnal fluctuations in minerals lay withinthe range ±4–33 per cent of the mean content ofleaflets, and ±17–157 per cent of the mean concentrationsin xylem and phloem sap. Most minerals elements fluctuatcd inphase with daily changes in sugar level of phloem sap and drymatter and carbohydrate fluctuations of leaflets, suggestinga coupling of translocation of photosynthate and minerals fromthe leaflets. Rates of import of minerals by shoots wereestimatedfrom shoot transpiration and mineral concentrations in trachealsap. Average day time rates of import of most elements were12–25 times those at night. Translocation of minerals,nitrogen and carbon to fruits also exhibited diurnal periodicity,average rates of import king three to seven times higher inthe day than at night. A model of transport based on the carbonand water economy of the fruit suggested that P, K, Fe, Zn,Mn and Cu were imported predominantly by phloem. Estimates ofvascular import accounted for 87–104 per cent of the fruit'sactual increment of these elements. Na and Ca were gauged tobe imported mainly by xylem, Mg almost equally by xylem andphloem. However, large discrepancies existed for these threeelements between estimated vascular import and actual intakeby the fruit. Lupinus angustifolius L., mineral transport, accumulation, fruits, xylem sap, phloem sap, transpiration  相似文献   

Summary Lupinus albus andK. angustifolius were grown in the field, harvested prior to leaf fall and the Ca, Mg, Na, K, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, P and Si content of the leaflets, petioles, stems, young shoots and inflorescences determined. Element levels inL. albus parts had changed little from those at an earlier harvest, except in the inflorescences in which most element levels had decreased. Both species accumulated manganese;L. angustifolius only in, the leaflets andL. albus in most parts. The leaflets of both were enriched with iron and this with manganese accumulation in a soil of neutral pH is considered to result from reducing conditions in the rhizosphere increasing their availability to the lupins. Silica, present at trace levels, is unlikely to be important for tolerance of lupins to manganese.  相似文献   

Patterns of transport and accumulation of manganese were studiedin Lupinus albus L. and Lupinus angustifolius L. in a wide rangeof availability levels in the rooting medium. The recently described‘split seed’ disorder, involving discolouration,splitting, and deformity of seeds, was reproduced in sand cultureusing critically low levels of manganese. The disorder was preventedby maintaining adequate manganese in the medium and its incidencein field and glasshouse was quantitatively related to the managneselevel in seed and fruit phloem sap. The use of phloem sap analysisfor early diagnosis of the disorder is suggested. High levelsof manganese in parent seed is suggested to afford protectionagainst the disorder by improving early vegetative growth ina manganese deficient situation. Direct carry-over of manganesefrom one seed generation to the next was insignificant. Manganese proved to be fully mobile in xylem but only sparinglymobile in phloem from vegetative structures to seed. It wasaccumulated in massive amounts in leaves and fruits when availabilitywas high. Seed manganese content increased 80–100 foldas the level in the rooting medium was increased from 0•1to 500 mg Mn 1–1. L. albus was superior to L. angustifoliusin accumulating manganese in leaves and pods, and more efficientin translocating the element to its seeds. These differenceswere greatest at low or moderate manganese levels. Xylem intakeby a fruit was small relative to phloem intake when manganeseavailability was low, but became increasingly important as thesupply in the rooting medium was raised.  相似文献   

The regulatory function of sucrose in the activity of lipid-degrading enzymes was investigated in germinating seeds of yellow lupin (Lupinus luteus L.), white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) and Andean lupin (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet). The study was conducted on isolated embryo axes, excised cotyledons and seedlings cultured in vitro for 96 h on medium with 60 mM sucrose or without the sugar. The activity of lipase (lipolysis), acyl-CoA oxidase and catalase (fatty acid β-oxidation) was enhanced in all studied organs cultured on medium without sucrose. The activity of cytosolic aconitase (glyoxylate cycle) was stimulated by sucrose in seedling axes and isolated embryo axes, whereas in seedling cotyledons and excised cotyledons, it was inhibited. The regulatory function of sucrose in phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (gluconeogenesis) was observed only in isolated embryo axes and the activity was lower in carbohydrate deficiency conditions. The peculiar features of storage lipid breakdown in germinating lupin seeds and its regulation by sucrose are discussed.  相似文献   

Comparative embryo development has been studied histologicallyin Lupinus albus, Lupinus mutabilis, Vicia faba, Pisum sativumand Latkyrus latifolius. The detailed histology of the stagesof embryo formation up to the early differentiation of tissuesof the seed is reported. The rate of embryogenesis has beentimed through 15 stages of development from anthesis and comparativerates of tissue formation established between the species. Themain observation was the slow rate of morphogenesis of embryosand seeds in Lupinus albus in comparison with the very rapidrate observed in Pisum sativum. A long period at the globularembryo stage, when embryo morphogenesis was inactive contributedto the extended development time of embryos and seeds in Lupinusalbus. Slow differentiation of reproductive tissues in L. albusdetermines late maturity in seeds and pods. Lupinus albus, white lupin, L. mutabilis, tarwi, Vicia faba, faba bean, Pisum sativum, pea, Lathyrus latifolius, everlasting pea, embryo development  相似文献   

The general pattern of decrease of the 'critical' plant N concentration(i.e. minimum concentration required for maximum growth rate)during growth has been described for several C3 non grain-legumespecies, and this can be used as a reference curve for diagnosisof N nutrition in these species. The present study was undertakento investigate changes of N concentration during growth of agrain legume, in different conditions of N nutrition. Whitelupin (Lupinus albus L.) was grown for six crop seasons in fieldtrials in which inoculation with Rhizobium lupini, nitrogenfertilizer rate, cultivar and plant density were density weremanipulated. The yield and dry matter production of noninoculatedplants were lower than, or at the best similar to, those ofinoculated plants, whatever the level of N supply. From anthesisto the beginning of seed filling, the N concentration of shootsof inoculated plants was found to be remarkably stable betweenyears, N fertilization regimes, cultivars, and for individualplants within a plot. Nitrogen concentration only varied withplant density. By contrast, the N concentration of noninoculatedplants was highly variable and generally lower than that ofinoculated plants, whatever the level of N supply. The highand stable N concentration of inoculated plants did not appearto be necessary for maximum growth rate but seemed to be requiredfor maximum production of seed dry matter and N. The potentialuse of these results to diagnose, in any white lupin crop, aninefficiency of the lupin-R. lupini interaction is evaluated.Copyright1993, 1999 Academic Press Lupinus albus L., white lupin, N2 concentration, inoculated plants, non-inoculated plants, N2 fixation efficiency, diagnosis  相似文献   

HERBERT  S. J. 《Annals of botany》1979,43(1):65-73
Components of seed yield of cv. Ultra (Lupinus albus L.) andcv. Unicrop (L. angustifolius L.) were measured when grown atthree densities. The low density (10 plants m–2) Unicropyield (34 g seed per plant) was 1.8 times that of Ultra as ithad more branches, pods and seeds per pod. Ultra seeds (310mg per seed) were heavier than Unicrop seeds (180 mg). The branchingpattern of Ultra was less dependent on plant density, henceat 93 plants m–2 it gave a higher per plant yield (7.4vs 6.4 g) than Unicrop at lower densities (83 plants m–2).Density had most influence on pod formation and only small effectson seeds per pod and seed weight. Yield components on the main-steminflorescence were influenced less by density than componentson branch inflorescences. Later formed, higher order generationsof inflorescences were most affected by increased inter- andintra-plant competition. Pod numbers on the main-stem were similarfor both species. Pods formed at higher flower nodes in Unicrop,but the lower flower nodes were less fertile than those in Ultra.Node position of flowers had no influence on seed set in main-stemUnicrop pods, but pods from higher nodes in Ultra formed fewerseeds. Seed weights in Unicrop were similar among main-stemnodes but in Ultra seed weights tended to increase at highernodes. Lupinus spp, lupins, seed yield, planting density  相似文献   

A single-gene recessive mutant (Abs-) of Lupinus angustifoliusL. ‘Danja’ that does not abscise any organs wascompared with its parent during continuous exposure of explantsfrom 14 d old seedlings to 10 µl l-1ethylene. Both endo-(1,4)-ß- D -glucanase (cellulase) and polygalacturonase(PGA) activities increased significantly and progressively inpetiole-stem abscission zones of the parent before the onsetof abscission, and were reflected in a rapid decline in breakstrengthfrom 300 to 70 g within 32 h. In the mutant there was negligibleincrease in hydrolytic enzyme activity, breakstrength declinedslowly (to 180–200 g by 72 h) and there was no abscission.Isoelectric focusing showed two cellulase isoforms (pI 5.0 andpI 8.5) expressed in abscission zones of the parent; these wereexpressed at much lower levels in the mutant. These data areinterpreted to indicate that expression of at least two formsof cellulase activity is enhanced by ethylene in normal petioleabscission zones of lupin. PGA activity also increased in theabscission zone tissue of the parent but to a lesser extentin that of the mutant. We attribute the Abs-phenotype to mutationof a gene regulating ethylene-responsive expression of abscission-specifichydrolytic enzymes. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Lupinus angustifolius, abscission, breakstrength, cellulase, ethylene, legume, lupin, mutant, polygalacturonase  相似文献   

Regulation of starch accumulation in yellow (Lupinus luteus L.), white (L. albus L.), and Andean lupin (L. mutabilis Sweet) developing and germinating seeds was investigated. Research was conducted on cotyledons isolated from developing seeds as well as on organs of germinating seeds, that is, isolated embryo axes, excised cotyledons, and seedling axes and cotyledons. All organs were cultured in vitro for 96 h in different carbon (60 mM sucrose) and nitrogen (35 mM asparagine or 35 mM nitrate) conditions. Ultrastructure observation showed one common pattern of changes in the number and size of starch granules caused by sucrose, asparagine, and nitrate in both developing and germinating seeds. Sucrose increased the number and size of starch granules. Asparagine additionally increased starch accumulation (irrespective of sucrose nutrition) but nitrate had no effect on starch accumulation. Asparagine treatment resulted in a significant decrease in soluble sugar level in all organs of germinating lupin seeds of the three species investigated. The above-mentioned changes were most clearly visible in white lupin organs. In white lupin, starch granules were visible even in cells of sucrose-starved isolated embryo axes where advanced autophagy occurs. The importance of asparagine-increased starch content in the creation of a strong source–sink gradient in developing and germinating lupin seeds is discussed.  相似文献   

The activities of adenosylhomocysteinase (EC and adenosine nucleosidase (EC were assayed in extracts from yellow lupin (Lupinus luteus L.) cotyledons at different stages of seed formation and seedling development. Adenosylhomocysteinase activity was demonstrated in all the cotyledon extracts examined. Its lowest level was found in the dry seeds and the highest, in 4-day-old seedling cotyledons. Extracts from the cotyledons of maturating seeds, dry seeds, and seedlings up to the second day of growth exhibited no adenosine nucleosidase activity. Adenosine nucleosidase activity appeared in the cotyledons of 2-day-old seedlings and its highest level was reached in 4-to 5-day-old seedlings. There is no inhibitor of adenosine nucleosidase in the maturating and dry yellow lupin seeds. No activator of a possible zymogen form of adenosine nucleosidase from maturating or dry seeds occurs in the growing seedlings.  相似文献   

MCNEIL  D. L. 《Annals of botany》1980,45(3):329-338
Collections of phloem sap made over a 40-day period from a varietyof locations on nodulated white lupin plants (Lupinus albusL. cv. ultra) showed considerable enrichment with K+ and Mg2+in the phloem streams destined for the shoot apices or fruitsrelative to the streams arising from the leaflets (up to 5.5times). Sodium showed enrichment in the streams destined forthe roots (up to 2.5 times) but only when present in the watersupply at a high level (3 mM). The stem, in view of its centrallocation in the transport pathway, is seen as an organ capableof redistributing minerals in the phloem independently of photosynthate. Lupinus albus L., lupin, phloem loading, magnesium, potassium, sodium, mineral elements  相似文献   

Summary Activity measurements and specific antibodies were used to detect and localize in developing and mature cotyledons ofLupinus albus seeds an endopeptidase, active on BAPA, previously isolated from the same seeds. Total activity and enzyme amount were highest at full seed maturation and then declined during germination. Protein bodies were isolated from mature dry cotyledons under anhydrous conditions with a yield of intact organelles of about 80% as assessed by dot blotting with antibodies to lupin legumin-like storage globulin. Activity assays on the isolated protein bodies indicated that 72% of BAPAase activity was associated with these organelles. Quantitative immunocytolocalization with antibodies to the enzyme on thin sections of mature lupin cotyledons confirmed that 75% of the enzyme was located inside the protein bodies. The possible involvement of the BAPAase in the proteolytic processing of the storage proteins during seed ontogeny is discussed.Abbreviations BAPA N-benzoyl-L-arginine-4-p-nitroanilide - DAF days after flowering - EM electron microscopy - NaPi sodium phosphate buffer - LRW London resin white - SDS sodium dodecylsulphate - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

The effect of high pH on the morphology and anatomy of the rootsof lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L. cv. Yandee) and pea (Pisumsativum L. cv. Dundale) was examined in buffered solution. Themorphology and anatomy of lupin roots were markedly altered,and root growth was reduced by increasing solution pH from 5·2to 7·5, whereas pea roots were unaffected. In lupin roots,pH 7·5 caused disintegration of the root surface andimpaired root hair formation. Lupin roots grown at pH 7·5also had decreased cell lengths but increased cell diameterin both the epidermis and the cortex in comparison to rootsgrown at pH 5·2. High pH reduced cell volume greatlyin the epidermis, to a lesser extent in the outer cortex andnot at all in the inner cortex. It appears that in lupins, theprimary detrimental effects of growth at pH 7·5 is reducedlongitudinal growth of cells near the root surface with a consequentreduction in elongation of the cells in inner cortex.Copyright1993, 1999 Academic Press Lupinus angustifolius L., Pisum sativum L., high pH, root morphology, root anatomy  相似文献   

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