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The asymptotic final size distribution of a multitype Reed-Frost process, a chain-binomial model for the spread of infection in a finite, closed multitype population, is derived in the case of reducible contact pattern between types. The results are obtained using techniques developed for the irreducible case.  相似文献   

A model has been formulated in [6] to describe the spatial spread of an epidemic involving n types of individual, and the possible wave solutions at different speeds were investigated. The final size and pandemic theorems are now established for such an epidemic. The results are relevant to the measles, host-vector, carrier-borne epidemics, rabies and diseases involving an intermediate host. Diseases in which some of the population is vaccinated, and models that divide the population into several strata are also covered.  相似文献   

A continuous-time Markov chain (CTMC) model is formulated for an influenza epidemic with drug resistance. This stochastic model is based on an influenza epidemic model, expressed in terms of a system of ordinary differential equations (ODE), developed by Stilianakis, N.I., Perelson, A.S., Hayden, F.G., [1998. Emergence of drug resistance during an influenza epidemic: insights from a mathematical model. J. Inf. Dis. 177, 863-873]. Three different treatments-chemoprophylaxis, treatment after exposure but before symptoms, and treatment after symptoms appear, are considered. The basic reproduction number, R(0), is calculated for the deterministic-model under different treatment strategies. It is shown that chemoprophylaxis always reduces the basic reproduction number. In addition, numerical simulations illustrate that the basic reproduction number is generally reduced with realistic treatment rates. Comparisons are made among the different models and the different treatment strategies with respect to the number of infected individuals during an outbreak. The final size distribution is computed for the CTMC model and, in some cases, it is shown to have a bimodal distribution corresponding to two situations: when there is no outbreak and when an outbreak occurs. Given an outbreak occurs, the total number of cases for the CTMC model is in good agreement with the ODE model. The greatest number of drug resistant cases occurs if treatment is delayed or if only symptomatic individuals are treated.  相似文献   

A stochastic epidemic model allowing for both mildly and severely infectious individuals is defined, where an individual can become severely infectious directly upon infection or if additionally exposed to infection. It is shown that, assuming a large community, the initial phase of the epidemic may be approximated by a suitable branching process and that the main part of an epidemic that becomes established admits a law of large numbers and a central limit theorem, leading to a normal approximation for the final outcome of such an epidemic. Effects of vaccination prior to an outbreak are studied and the critical vaccination coverage, above which only small outbreaks can occur, is derived. The results are illustrated by simulations that demonstrate that the branching process and normal approximations work well for finite communities, and by numerical examples showing that the final outcome may be close to discontinuous in certain model parameters and that the fraction mildly infected may actually increase as an effect of vaccination.  相似文献   

Manipulations of substrate size and components of heterogeneity were designed to test their independent effects and interactions on the abundance and species richness of stream macroinvertebrates. Two components of substrate heterogeneity, variation in size class proportions and number of size classes, had no independent effect on abundance or richness; and in general did not interact with median particle size. Median particle size, stream current, and detritus accounted for most of the significant variation in macroinvertebrates colonizing the experimental substrates. Rocks with high surface heterogeneity (roughness) were colonized by more individuals (but not taxa) than rocks with low surface heterogeneity.  相似文献   

The paper investigates a class of SIS models of the evolution of an infectious disease in a heterogeneous population. The heterogeneity reflects individual differences in the susceptibility or in the contact rates and leads to a distributed parameter system, requiring therefore, distributed initial data, which are often not available. It is shown that there exists a corresponding homogeneous (ODE) population model that gives the same aggregated results as the distributed one, at least in the expansion phase of the disease. However, this ODE model involves a nonlinear “prevalence-to-incidence” function which is not constructively defined. Based on several established properties of this function, a simple class of approximating function is proposed, depending on three free parameters that could be estimated from scarce data.How the behaviour of a population depends on the level of heterogeneity (all other parameters kept equal) – this is the second issue studied in the paper. It turns out that both for the short run and for the long run behaviour there exist threshold values, such that more heterogeneity is advantageous for the population if and only if the initial (weighted) prevalence is above the threshold.This research was partly supported by the Austrian Science Foundation under contract N0. 15618-OEK.  相似文献   

Epidemic models have successfully included many aspects of the complex contact structure apparent in real-world populations. However, it is difficult to accommodate variations in the number of contacts, clustering coefficient and assortativity. Investigations of the relationship between these properties and epidemic behaviour have led to inconsistent conclusions and have not accounted for their interrelationship. In this study, simulation is used to estimate the impact of social network structure on the probability of an SIR (susceptible-infective-removed) epidemic occurring and, if it does, the final size. Increases in assortativity and clustering coefficient are associated with smaller epidemics and the impact is cumulative. Derived values of the basic reproduction ratio (R0) over networks with the highest property values are more than 20% lower than those derived from simulations with zero values of these network properties.  相似文献   

In a greenhouse experiment, one isolate of the systemic rust fungus Puccinia minussensis was applied to the host clone from which it was collected and to four other clones of the host Lactuca sibirica. The plants were grown in fertilized potting compost (N+) to promote growth and in peat (N-) to hamper growth, for three growing periods during one year. The results show that the expression of host plant resistance could not be determined visually, but there were differences in effects on the clones. The rust isolate was found to produce a significantly higher percentage of diseased shoots on clone A (the clone it was taken from). Furthermore, the rust also had the strongest effect on both biomass and shoot production on clone A compared to the other four clones. The data suggest that the rust isolate is highly adapted to the clone from which it originated. We suggest that selection in this system has not favoured a benign pathogen and that similar patterns are likely to occur for plants that (i) rarely establish by seeds; (ii) have strong lateral growth; and (iii) may persist for long periods once established.  相似文献   

Exact results concerning the asymptotic speed of propagation of infection have recently been obtained for the multi-type SIS epidemic in continuous space when the contact distributions are assumed to be symmetric with the Laplace transforms finite for all entries. There is a link between the equations for this epidemic and the equations for a multi-type contact birth-death process. This enables methods developed for the epidemic to be used to obtain the asymptotic speed of translation for the contact birth-death process. Symmetry of the contact distributions is required but no existence constraint is placed on their Laplace transforms. The method for removing this constraint may also be used for the SIS epidemic. Results are given for both processes when the basic reproduction ratio is at most one.  相似文献   

Deterministic and stochastic models motivated by Salmonella transmission in unmanaged/managed populations are studied. The SIRS models incorporate three routes of transmission (direct, vertical and indirect via free-living infectious units in the environment). With deterministic models we are able to understand the effects of different routes of transmission and other epidemiological factors on infection dynamics. In particular, vertical transmission has little influence on this dynamics, whereas the higher the indirect (direct) transmission rate the greater the tendency to persistent oscillation (stable endemic states). We show that the sustained cycles are also prone to demographic effect, i.e., persistent oscillation becomes impossible in the managed case (in the sense of balanced recruitment and death rates) by comparing with results in unmanaged populations (exponential population dynamics). Further, approximations of quasi-stationary distributions are derived for stochastic versions of the proposed models based on a diffusion approximation to the infection process. The effect of transmission parameters on the ratio of mean to standard deviation of the approximating distribution, used to judge the validity of the approximations and the expected time until fade out of infection, is further discussed. We conclude that strengthening any route of transmission may or may not reduce the expected time to fade out of infection, depending on the population dynamics.  相似文献   

The saturating contact rate in marriage- and epidemic models   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
In this note we show how to derive, by a mechanistic argument, an expression for the saturating contact rate of individual contacts in a population that mixes randomly. The main assumption is that the individual interaction times are typically short as compared to the time-scale of changes in, for example, individual-type, but that the interactions yet make up a considerable fraction of the time-budget of an individual. In special cases an explicit formula for the contact rate is obtained. The result is applied to mathematical epidemiology and marriage models.  相似文献   

We investigate how scale-free (SF) and Erd?s-Rényi (ER) topologies affect the interplay between evolvability and robustness of model gene regulatory networks with Boolean threshold dynamics. In agreement with Oikonomou and Cluzel (2006) we find that networks with SFin topologies, that is SF topology for incoming nodes and ER topology for outgoing nodes, are significantly more evolvable towards specific oscillatory targets than networks with ER topology for both incoming and outgoing nodes. Similar results are found for networks with SFboth and SFout topologies. The functionality of the SFout topology, which most closely resembles the structure of biological gene networks (Babu et al., 2004), is compared to the ER topology in further detail through an extension to multiple target outputs, with either an oscillatory or a non-oscillatory nature. For multiple oscillatory targets of the same length, the differences between SFout and ER networks are enhanced, but for non-oscillatory targets both types of networks show fairly similar evolvability. We find that SF networks generate oscillations much more easily than ER networks do, and this may explain why SF networks are more evolvable than ER networks are for oscillatory phenotypes. In spite of their greater evolvability, we find that networks with SFout topologies are also more robust to mutations (mutational robustness) than ER networks. Furthermore, the SFout topologies are more robust to changes in initial conditions (environmental robustness). For both topologies, we find that once a population of networks has reached the target state, further neutral evolution can lead to an increase in both the mutational robustness and the environmental robustness to changes in initial conditions.  相似文献   

Sufficient sample sizes are needed in breeding programs to be confident, with a specified probability , of obtaining a specified number of plants of a desired genotype in segregating populations. We develop a method of determining the minimum sample size needed to produce, with specified probability , at least m individuals of a desired genotype. This method takes into consideration factors affecting differential selection of gametes, segregation at a single locus, and linkage among the loci of interest. We first consider the effects in the gametophyte (haploid level) of fitness and linkage on the frequencies of alleles at two linked loci, then at three or more linked loci. The probability of obtaining at least m successes, or occurrences of the desired allele, among n gametes is given by a formula based on the binomial distribution. This probability is affected by fitness and linkage through their impact on the probability that a single randomly chosen gamete is of the desired type. Using an extension of this approach, we examine the effects of the altered allelic frequencies on the likelihood of obtaining the desired genotype from a randomly chosen pair of gametes in the sporophyte (diploid level). A table and a figure show the sample size required to produce, with probability 0.95, m individuals of the desired g enotype or phenotype, as a function of m and the probability that a randomly selected individual is of the desired type.BU-1031-MC in the Technical Report Series of the Biometrics Unit, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853  相似文献   

Many important results in stochastic epidemic modelling are based on the Reed-Frost model or on other similar models that are characterised by unrealistic temporal dynamics. Nevertheless, they can be extended to many other more realistic models thanks to an argument first provided by Ludwig [Final size distributions for epidemics, Math. Biosci. 23 (1975) 33-46], that states that, for a disease leading to permanent immunity after recovery, under suitable conditions, a continuous-time infectious process has the same final size distribution as another more tractable discrete-generation contact process; in other words, the temporal dynamics of the epidemic can be neglected without affecting the final size distribution. Despite the importance of such an argument, its presence behind many results is often not clearly stated or hidden in references to previous results. In this paper, we reanalyse Ludwig’s result, highlighting some of the conditions under which it does not hold and providing a general framework to examine the differences between the continuous-time and the discrete-generation process.  相似文献   

Both the threat of bioterrorism and the natural emergence of contagious diseases underscore the importance of quantitatively understanding disease transmission in structured human populations. Over the last few years, researchers have advanced the mathematical theory of scale-free networks and used such theoretical advancements in pilot epidemic models. Scale-free contact networks are particularly interesting in the realm of mathematical epidemiology, primarily because these networks may allow meaningfully structured populations to be incorporated in epidemic models at moderate or intermediate levels of complexity. Moreover, a scale-free contact network with node degree correlation is in accord with the well-known preferred mixing concept. The present author describes a semi-empirical and deterministic epidemic modeling approach that (a) focuses on time-varying rates of disease transmission in both unstructured and structured populations and (b) employs probability density functions to characterize disease progression and outbreak controls. Given an epidemic curve for a historical outbreak, this modeling approach calls for Monte Carlo calculations (that define the average new infection rate) and solutions to integro-differential equations (that describe outbreak dynamics in an aggregate population or across all network connectivity classes). Numerical results are obtained for the 2003 SARS outbreak in Taiwan and the dynamical implications of time-varying transmission rates and scale-free contact networks are discussed in some detail.  相似文献   

A disease is considered which is transferred between two populations, termed hosts and vectors. The disease is transmitted solely from infected vector to uninfected host and from infected host to uninfected vector. Two models are formulated in which infectious individuals are introduced at time t = 0 into the populations of susceptibles, thus triggering an epidemic through those populations. Conditions are established for a major epidemic to occur, and the final size of the epidemic is obtained for these models when no spatial aspect is considered. When a spatial aspect is included in the models, again the condition for a major epidemic is obtained. The pandemic theorem is proved rigorously, giving a lower bound for the proportion of each population, at each point, who eventually suffer the epidemic. The behavior a long way from the initial focus of infection is also rigorously obtained.  相似文献   

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