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The steady-state statistics of a single gene auto-regulatory genetic network with the additive external Gaussian white noises is investigated. The main result shows that the negative feedback will result in that the mRNA noise has a positive contribution to the protein noise, but the positive feedback will result in that the mRNA noise has a negative contribution to the protein noise. If there is no feed back, then the contribution of mRNA noise to protein noise is always positive. On the other hand, the analysis and numerical simulations of linear and nonlinear feedback show that it is possible that the negative feedback increases, but the positive feedback decreases, the protein noise.  相似文献   

Stochastic noise in gene expression arises as a result of species in small copy number undergoing transitions between discrete chemical states. Here the noise in a single gene network is investigated using the Omega-expansion techniques. We show that the linear noise approximation implies an invariant relationship between the normalized variances and normalized covariance in steady-state statistics. This invariant relationship provides an exactly statistical interpretation for why the stochastic noise in gene expression should be measured by the normalized variance. The nature of the normalized variance reveals the basic relationship between the stochasticity and system size in gene expression. The linear noise approximation implies also that for both mRNA and protein, the total noise can be decomposed into two basic components, one concerns the contribution of average number of molecules, and other the contribution of interactions between mRNA and protein. For the situation with linear feedback, our results clearly show that for two genes with the same average number of protein molecules, the gene with negative feedback will have a small protein noise, i.e., the negative feedback will reduce the protein noise. For the effect of the burst size on the protein noise, we show also that the protein intrinsic noise will decrease with the increase of the burst size, but the protein extrinsic noise is independent of the burst size.  相似文献   

Autoregulatory feedback loops, where the protein expressed from a gene inhibits or activates its own expression are common gene network motifs within cells. In these networks, stochastic fluctuations in protein levels are attributed to two factors: intrinsic noise (i.e., the randomness associated with mRNA/protein expression and degradation) and extrinsic noise (i.e., the noise caused by fluctuations in cellular components such as enzyme levels and gene-copy numbers). We present results that predict the level of both intrinsic and extrinsic noise in protein numbers as a function of quantities that can be experimentally determined and/or manipulated, such as the response time of the protein and the level of feedback strength. In particular, we show that for a fixed average number of protein molecules, decreasing response times leads to attenuation of both protein intrinsic and extrinsic noise, with the extrinsic noise being more sensitive to changes in the response time. We further show that for autoregulatory networks with negative feedback, the protein noise levels can be minimal at an optimal level of feedback strength. For such cases, we provide an analytical expression for the highest level of noise suppression and the amount of feedback that achieves this minimal noise. These theoretical results are shown to be consistent and explain recent experimental observations. Finally, we illustrate how measuring changes in the protein noise levels as the feedback strength is manipulated can be used to determine the level of extrinsic noise in these gene networks.  相似文献   

Sensory systems have mechanisms to respond to the external environment and adapt to them. Such adaptive responses are effective for a wide dynamic range of sensing and perception of temporal change in stimulus. However, noise generated by the adaptation system itself as well as extrinsic noise in sensory inputs may impose a limit on the ability of adaptation systems. The relation between response and noise is well understood for equilibrium systems in the form of fluctuation response relation. However, the relation for nonequilibrium systems, including adaptive systems, are poorly understood. Here, we systematically explore such a relation between response and fluctuation in adaptation systems. We study the two network motifs, incoherent feedforward loops (iFFL) and negative feedback loops (nFBL), that can achieve perfect adaptation. We find that the response magnitude in adaption systems is limited by its intrinsic noise, implying that higher response would have higher noise component as well. Comparing the relation of response and noise in iFFL and nFBL, we show that whereas iFFL exhibits adaptation over a wider parameter range, nFBL offers higher response to noise ratio than iFFL. We also identify the condition that yields the upper limit of response for both network motifs. These results may explain the reason of why nFBL seems to be more abundant in nature for the implementation of adaption systems.  相似文献   

An internal noise-driven oscillator was studied in a two-variable Drosophila model, where both positive feedback and negative feedback are crucial to the circadian oscillations. It is shown that internal noise could sustain reliable oscillations for the parameter which produces a stable steady state in the deterministic system. The noise-sustained oscillations are interpreted by using phase plane analysis. The period of such oscillations fluctuates slightly around the period of deterministic oscillations and the coherence of oscillations becomes the best at an optimal internal noise intensity, indicating the occurrence of intrinsic coherence resonance. In addition, in the oscillatory region, the coherence of noisy circadian oscillations is suppressed by the internal noise, but the period is hardly affected, demonstrating the robustness of the Drosophila model for circadian rhythms to the intrinsic noise.  相似文献   

Burst-like synthesis of protein is a significant source of cell-to-cell variability in protein levels. Negative feedback is a common example of a regulatory mechanism by which such stochasticity can be controlled. Here we consider a specific kind of negative feedback, which makes bursts smaller in the excess of protein. Increasing the strength of the feedback may lead to dramatically different outcomes depending on a key parameter, the noise load, which is defined as the squared coefficient of variation the protein exhibits in the absence of feedback. Combining stochastic simulation with asymptotic analysis, we identify a critical value of noise load: for noise loads smaller than critical, the coefficient of variation remains bounded with increasing feedback strength; contrastingly, if the noise load is larger than critical, the coefficient of variation diverges to infinity in the limit of ever greater feedback strengths. Interestingly, feedbacks with lower cooperativities have higher critical noise loads, suggesting that they can be preferable for controlling noisy proteins.  相似文献   

Feedback modules, which appear ubiquitously in biological regulations, are often subject to disturbances from the input, leading to fluctuations in the output. Thus, the question becomes how a feedback system can produce a faithful response with a noisy input. We employed multiple time scale analysis, Fluctuation Dissipation Theorem, linear stability, and numerical simulations to investigate a module with one positive feedback loop driven by an external stimulus, and we obtained a critical quantity in noise attenuation, termed as “signed activation time”. We then studied the signed activation time for a system of two positive feedback loops, a system of one positive feedback loop and one negative feedback loop, and six other existing biological models consisting of multiple components along with positive and negative feedback loops. An inverse relationship is found between the noise amplification rate and the signed activation time, defined as the difference between the deactivation and activation time scales of the noise-free system, normalized by the frequency of noises presented in the input. Thus, the combination of fast activation and slow deactivation provides the best noise attenuation, and it can be attained in a single positive feedback loop system. An additional positive feedback loop often leads to a marked decrease in activation time, decrease or slight increase of deactivation time and allows larger kinetic rate variations for slow deactivation and fast activation. On the other hand, a negative feedback loop may increase the activation and deactivation times. The negative relationship between the noise amplification rate and the signed activation time also holds for the six other biological models with multiple components and feedback loops. This principle may be applicable to other feedback systems.  相似文献   

Fluctuations in the copy number of key regulatory macromolecules (“noise”) may cause physiological heterogeneity in populations of (isogenic) cells. The kinetics of processes and their wiring in molecular networks can modulate this molecular noise. Here we present a theoretical framework to study the principles of noise management by the molecular networks in living cells. The theory makes use of the natural, hierarchical organization of those networks and makes their noise management more understandable in terms of network structure. Principles governing noise management by ultrasensitive systems, signaling cascades, gene networks and feedback circuitry are discovered using this approach. For a few frequently occurring network motifs we show how they manage noise. We derive simple and intuitive equations for noise in molecule copy numbers as a determinant of physiological heterogeneity. We show how noise levels and signal sensitivity can be set independently in molecular networks, but often changes in signal sensitivity affect noise propagation. Using theory and simulations, we show that negative feedback can both enhance and reduce noise. We identify a trade-off; noise reduction in one molecular intermediate by negative feedback is at the expense of increased noise in the levels of other molecules along the feedback loop. The reactants of the processes that are strongly (cooperatively) regulated, so as to allow for negative feedback with a high strength, will display enhanced noise.  相似文献   

The intrinsic noise in a two-gene network model is analysed. The technique of the Fokker-Planck approximation is used to investigate the statistics of noise when the system state is near a stable equilibrium. This is called also the steady-state statistics. The relative size of noise is measured by the Fano factor that is defined as the ratio of the variance to the mean. Our main result shows that in general, the noise control in a two-gene network might be a very complicated process, but for the repressor-repressor system that is a very important case in investigating the genetic switch, the relative size of noise, i.e. the Fano factor, must be bigger than one for both the repressor proteins.  相似文献   

Interactions between genes and proteins are crucial for efficient processing of internal or external signals, but this connectivity also amplifies stochastic fluctuations by propagating noise between components. Linear (unbranched) cascades were shown to exhibit an interplay between the sensitivity to changes in input signals and the ability to buffer noise. We searched for biological circuits that can maintain signaling sensitivity while minimizing noise propagation, focusing on cases where the noise is characterized by rapid fluctuations. Negative feedback can buffer this type of noise, but this buffering comes at the expense of an even greater reduction in signaling sensitivity. By systematically analyzing three-component circuits, we identify positive feedback as a central motif allowing for the buffering of propagated noise while maintaining sensitivity to long-term changes in input signals. We show analytically that noise reduction in the presence of positive feedback results from improved averaging of rapid fluctuations over time, and discuss in detail a particular implementation in the control of nutrient homeostasis in yeast. As the design of biological networks optimizes for multiple constraints, positive feedback can be used to improve sensitivity without a compromise in the ability to buffer propagated noise.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that interaction in gene expression and biochemical reaction processes has a significant influence on reducing fluctuations. Especially, we have found that the interaction between synthesized proteins and background molecules can reduce the fluctuation level in gene expression, which is a counter example to the intuition that background factors disturb information processing in genetic networks by increasing the noise level. This fact also indicates that the macromolecular crowding observed in actual cells can contribute to reduce the noise level. In addition, the noise-reduction phenomenon is not limited to the interaction between the proteins and background molecules, but can be applied to other reactions such as a dimerization process and the coupling of reactions with large fluctuations by intrinsic noise. Finally, on the basis of these results, we propose a new and plausible method for reducing the fluctuations generated in synthesized genetic networks, and also discuss the applicability of this method to the stabilization of system dynamics by using a toggle switch model.  相似文献   

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