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A new approach, graph-grammars, to encode RNA tertiary structure patterns is introduced and exemplified with the classical sarcin-ricin motif. The sarcin-ricin motif is found in the stem of the crucial ribosomal loop E (also referred to as the sarcin-ricin loop), which is sensitive to the alpha-sarcin and ricin toxins. Here, we generate a graph-grammar for the sarcin-ricin motif and apply it to derive putative sequences that would fold in this motif. The biological relevance of the derived sequences is confirmed by a comparison with those found in known sarcin-ricin sites in an alignment of over 800 bacterial 23S ribosomal RNAs. The comparison raised alternative alignments in few sarcin-ricin sites, which were assessed using tertiary structure predictions and 3D modeling. The sarcin-ricin motif graph-grammar was built with indivisible nucleotide interaction cycles that were recently observed in structured RNAs. A comparison of the sequences and 3D structures of each cycle that constitute the sarcin-ricin motif gave us additional insights about RNA sequence-structure relationships. In particular, this analysis revealed the sequence space of an RNA motif depends on a structural context that goes beyond the single base pairing and base-stacking interactions.  相似文献   

A minimum cycle basis of the tertiary structure of a large ribosomal subunit (LSU) X-ray crystal structure was analyzed. Most cycles are small, as they are composed of 3- to 5 nt, and repeated across the LSU tertiary structure. We used hierarchical clustering to quantify and classify the 4 nt cycles. One class is defined by the GNRA tetraloop motif. The inspection of the GNRA class revealed peculiar instances in sequence. First is the presence of UA, CA, UC and CC base pairs that substitute the usual sheared GA base pair. Second is the revelation of GNR(X(n))A tetraloops, where X(n) is bulged out of the classical GNRA structure, and of GN/RA formed by the two strands of interior-loops. We were able to unambiguously characterize the cycle classes using base stacking and base pairing annotations. The cycles identified correspond to small and cyclic motifs that compose most of the LSU RNA tertiary structure and contribute to its thermodynamic stability. Consequently, the RNA minimum cycles could well be used as the basic elements of RNA tertiary structure prediction methods.  相似文献   

Explicit solvent molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were carried out for three RNA kissing–loop complexes. The theoretical structure of two base pairs (2 bp) complex of H3 stem–loop of Moloney murine leukemia virus agrees with the NMR structure with modest violations of few NMR restraints comparable to violations present in the NMR structure. In contrast to the NMR structure, however, MD shows relaxed intermolecular G-C base pairs. The core region of the kissing complex forms a cation-binding pocket with highly negative electrostatic potential. The pocket shows nanosecond-scale breathing motions coupled with oscillations of the whole molecule. Additional simulations were carried out for 6 bp kissing complexes of the DIS HIV-1 subtypes A and B. The simulated structures agree well with the X-ray data. The subtype B forms a novel four-base stack of bulged-out adenines. Both 6 bp kissing complexes have extended cation-binding pockets in their central parts. While the pocket of subtype A interacts with two hexacoordinated Mg2+ ions and one sodium ion, pocket of subtype B is filled with a string of three delocalized Na+ ions with residency times of individual cations 1–2 ns. The 6 bp complexes show breathing motions of the cation-binding pockets and loop major grooves.  相似文献   

Single stranded RNA molecules can assume a wide range of tertiary structures beyond the canonical A-form double helix. Certain sequences, termed motifs, are more common than a random distribution would suggest. The existence of such motifs can be rationalized in structural terms. In this study, we have investigated the intrinsic structural stability of RNA terminal loop motifs using multiple MD simulations in explicit water. Representative loops were chosen from the major tetraloop motifs, including also the U-turn motif. Not all loops retain their folded starting structure, but lowering the temperature to 277 K, or adding adjacent base pairs from the stem to which the motif is attached, helps stabilizing the folded loop structure.  相似文献   

Analysis of RNA motifs   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
RNA motifs are directed and ordered stacked arrays of non-Watson-Crick base pairs forming distinctive foldings of the phosphodiester backbones of the interacting RNA strands. They correspond to the 'loops' - hairpin, internal and junction - that intersperse the Watson-Crick two-dimensional helices as seen in two-dimensional representations of RNA structure. RNA motifs mediate the specific interactions that induce the compact folding of complex RNAs. RNA motifs also constitute specific protein or ligand binding sites. A given motif is characterized by all the sequences that fold into essentially identical three-dimensional structures with the same ordered array of isosteric non-Watson-Crick base pairs. It is therefore crucial, when analyzing a three-dimensional RNA structure in order to identify and compare motifs, to first classify its non-Watson-Crick base pairs geometrically.  相似文献   

In addition to the canonical base-pairs comprising the standard Watson-Crick (C:G and U:A) and wobble U:G conformations, an analysis of the base-pair types and conformations in the rRNAs in the high-resolution crystal structures of the Thermus thermophilus 30S and Haloarcula marismortui 50S ribosomal subunits has identified a wide variety of non-canonical base-pair types and conformations. However, the existing nomenclatures do not describe all of the observed non-canonical conformations or describe them with some ambiguity. Thus, a standardized system is required to classify all of these non-canonical conformations appropriately. Here, we propose a new, simple and systematic nomenclature that unambiguously classifies base-pair conformations occurring in base-pairs, base-triples and base-quadruples that are associated with secondary and tertiary interactions. This system is based on the topological arrangement of the two bases and glycosidic bonds in a given base-pair. Base-pairs in the internal positions of regular secondary structure helices usually form with canonical base-pair groups (C:G, U:A, and U:G) and canonical conformations (C:G WC, U:A WC, and U:G Wb). In contrast, non-helical base-pairs outside of regular structure helices usually have non-canonical base-pair groups and conformations. In addition, many non-helical base-pairs are involved in RNA motifs that form a defined set of non-canonical conformations. Thus, each rare non-canonical conformation may be functionally and structurally important. Finally, the topology-based isostericity of base-pair conformations can rationalize base-pair exchanges in the evolution of RNA molecules.  相似文献   

B52, also known as SRp55, is a member of the Drosophila melanogaster SR protein family, a group of nuclear proteins that are both essential splicing factors and specific splicing regulators. Like most SR proteins, B52 contains two RNA recognition motifs in the N terminus and a C-terminal domain rich in serine-arginine dipeptide repeats. Since B52 is an essential protein and is expected to play a role in splicing a subset of Drosophila pre-mRNAs, its function is likely to be mediated by specific interactions with RNA. To investigate the RNA-binding specificity of B52, we isolated B52-binding RNAs by selection and amplification from a pool of random RNA sequences by using full-length B52 protein as the target. These RNAs contained a conserved consensus motif that constitutes the core of a secondary structural element predicted by energy minimization. Deletion and substitution mutations defined the B52-binding site on these RNAs as a hairpin loop structure covering about 20 nucleotides, which was confirmed by structure-specific enzymatic probing. Finally, we demonstrated that both RNA recognition motifs of B52 are required for RNA binding, while the RS domain is not involved in this interaction.  相似文献   

The recent deluge of new RNA structures, including complete atomic-resolution views of both subunits of the ribosome, has on the one hand literally overwhelmed our individual abilities to comprehend the diversity of RNA structure, and on the other hand presented us with new opportunities for comprehensive use of RNA sequences for comparative genetic, evolutionary and phylogenetic studies. Two concepts are key to understanding RNA structure: hierarchical organization of global structure and isostericity of local interactions. Global structure changes extremely slowly, as it relies on conserved long-range tertiary interactions. Tertiary RNA-RNA and quaternary RNA-protein interactions are mediated by RNA motifs, defined as recurrent and ordered arrays of non-Watson-Crick base-pairs. A single RNA motif comprises a family of sequences, all of which can fold into the same three-dimensional structure and can mediate the same interaction(s). The chemistry and geometry of base pairing constrain the evolution of motifs in such a way that random mutations that occur within motifs are accepted or rejected insofar as they can mediate a similar ordered array of interactions. The steps involved in the analysis and annotation of RNA motifs in 3D structures are: (a) decomposition of each motif into non-Watson-Crick base-pairs; (b) geometric classification of each basepair; (c) identification of isosteric substitutions for each basepair by comparison to isostericity matrices; (d) alignment of homologous sequences using the isostericity matrices to identify corresponding positions in the crystal structure; (e) acceptance or rejection of the null hypothesis that the motif is conserved.  相似文献   

We present a computational scheme to locally align a collection of RNA sequences using sequence and structure constraints. In addition, the method searches for the resulting alignments with the most significant common motifs, among all possible collections. The first part utilizes a simplified version of the Sankoff algorithm for simultaneous folding and alignment of RNA sequences, but maintains tractability by constructing multi-sequence alignments from pairwise comparisons. The algorithm finds the multiple alignments using a greedy approach and has similarities to both CLUSTAL and CONSENSUS, but the core algorithm assures that the pairwise alignments are optimized for both sequence and structure conservation. The choice of scoring system and the method of progressively constructing the final solution are important considerations that are discussed. Example solutions, and comparisons with other approaches, are provided. The solutions include finding consensus structures identical to published ones.  相似文献   

RNA is now known to possess various structural, regulatory and enzymatic functions for survival of cellular organisms. Functional RNA structures are generally created by three-dimensional organization of small structural motifs, formed by base pairing between self-complementary sequences from different parts of the RNA chain. In addition to the canonical Watson–Crick or wobble base pairs, several non-canonical base pairs are found to be crucial to the structural organization of RNA molecules. They appear within different structural motifs and are found to stabilize the molecule through long-range intra-molecular interactions between basic structural motifs like double helices and loops. These base pairs also impart functional variation to the minor groove of A-form RNA helices, thus forming anchoring site for metabolites and ligands. Non-canonical base pairs are formed by edge-to-edge hydrogen bonding interactions between the bases. A large number of theoretical studies have been done to detect and analyze these non-canonical base pairs within crystal or NMR derived structures of different functional RNA. Theoretical studies of these isolated base pairs using ab initio quantum chemical methods as well as molecular dynamics simulations of larger fragments have also established that many of these non-canonical base pairs are as stable as the canonical Watson–Crick base pairs. This review focuses on the various structural aspects of non-canonical base pairs in the organization of RNA molecules and the possible applications of these base pairs in predicting RNA structures with more accuracy.  相似文献   

Explicit solvent and counterion molecular dynamics simulations have been carried out for a total of >80 ns on the bacterial and spinach chloroplast 5S rRNA Loop E motifs. The Loop E sequences form unique duplex architectures composed of seven consecutive non-Watson-Crick basepairs. The starting structure of spinach chloroplast Loop E was modeled using isostericity principles, and the simulations refined the geometries of the three non-Watson-Crick basepairs that differ from the consensus bacterial sequence. The deep groove of Loop E motifs provides unique sites for cation binding. Binding of Mg(2+) rigidifies Loop E and stabilizes its major groove at an intermediate width. In the absence of Mg(2+), the Loop E motifs show an unprecedented degree of inner-shell binding of monovalent cations that, in contrast to Mg(2+), penetrate into the most negative regions inside the deep groove. The spinach chloroplast Loop E shows a marked tendency to compress its deep groove compared with the bacterial consensus. Structures with a narrow deep groove essentially collapse around a string of Na(+) cations with long coordination times. The Loop E non-Watson-Crick basepairing is complemented by highly specific hydration sites ranging from water bridges to hydration pockets hosting 2 to 3 long-residing waters. The ordered hydration is intimately connected with RNA local conformational variations.  相似文献   

Ribonuclic acid (RNA) enjoys increasing interest in molecular biology; despite this interest fundamental algorithms are lacking, e.g. for identifying local motifs. As proteins, RNA molecules have a distinctive structure. Therefore, in addition to sequence information, structure plays an important part in assessing the similarity of RNAs. Furthermore, common sequence-structure features in two or several RNA molecules are often only spatially local, where possibly large parts of the molecules are dissimilar. Consequently, we address the problem of comparing RNA molecules by computing an optimal local alignment with respect to sequence and structure information. While local alignment is superior to global alignment for identifying local similarities, no general local sequence-structure alignment algorithms are currently known. We suggest a new general definition of locality for sequence-structure alignments that is biologically motivated and efficiently tractable. To show the former, we discuss locality of RNA and prove that the defined locality means connectivity by atomic and non-atomic bonds. To show the latter, we present an efficient algorithm for the newly defined pairwise local sequence-structure alignment (lssa) problem for RNA. For molecules of lengthes n and m, the algorithm has worst-case time complexity of O(n2 x m2 x max(n,m)) and a space complexity of only O(n x m). An implementation of our algorithm is available at http://www.bio.inf.uni-jena.de. Its runtime is competitive with global sequence-structure alignment.  相似文献   

Structural motifs in naturally occurring RNAs and RNPs can be employed as new molecular parts for synthetic biology to facilitate the development of novel devices and systems that modulate cellular functions. In this review, we focus on the following: (i) experimental evolution techniques of RNA molecules in vitro and (ii) their applications for regulating gene expression systems in vivo. For experimental evolution, new artificial RNA aptamers and RNA enzymes (ribozymes) have been selected in vitro. These functional RNA molecules are likely to be applicable in the reprogramming of existing gene regulatory systems. Furthermore, they may be used for designing hypothetical RNA-based living systems in the so-called RNA world. For the regulation of gene expressions in living cells, the development of new riboswitches allows us to modulate the target gene expression in a tailor-made manner. Moreover, recently RNA-based synthetic genetic circuits have been reported by employing functional RNA molecules, expanding the repertory of synthetic biology with RNA motifs.  相似文献   

The intricate network of interactions observed in RNA three-dimensional structures is often described in terms of a multitude of geometrical properties, including helical parameters, base pairing/stacking, hydrogen bonding and backbone conformation. We show that a simple molecular representation consisting in one oriented bead per nucleotide can account for the fundamental structural properties of RNA. In this framework, canonical Watson-Crick, non-Watson-Crick base-pairing and base-stacking interactions can be unambiguously identified within a well-defined interaction shell. We validate this representation by performing two independent, complementary tests. First, we use it to construct a sequence-independent, knowledge-based scoring function for RNA structural prediction, which compares favorably to fully atomistic, state-of-the-art techniques. Second, we define a metric to measure deviation between RNA structures that directly reports on the differences in the base–base interaction network. The effectiveness of this metric is tested with respect to the ability to discriminate between structurally and kinetically distant RNA conformations, performing better compared to standard techniques. Taken together, our results suggest that this minimalist, nucleobase-centric representation captures the main interactions that are relevant for describing RNA structure and dynamics.  相似文献   

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