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The swordlike exaggerated caudal fin extensions of male swordtails are conspicuous traits that are selected for through female choice. Swords are one of only few examples where the hypothesis of a pre-existing bias is believed to apply for the evolution of a male trait. Previous laboratory experiments demonstrated that females prefer males with longer swords and even females from some swordless species show an affiliation for males of sworded species. Earlier phylogenetic studies based on maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA placed the sworded southern swordtail Xiphophorus clemenciae with swordless platies, contradicting its morphology-based evolutionary affinities. The analyses of new nuclear DNA markers now recover its traditional phylogenetic placement with other southern swordtails, suggesting that this species was formed by an ancient hybridization event. We propose that sexual selection through female choice was the likely process of hybrid speciation, by mating of platy females with males of an ancestral swordtail lineage. In artificial crosses of descendent species from the two potential ancestral lineages of X. clemenciae the hybrid and backcross males have swords of intermediate lengths. Additionally, mate choice experiments demonstrate that hybrid females prefer sworded males. These experimental lines of evidence make hybridization through xeno-specific sexual selection by female choice the likely mechanism of speciation.  相似文献   

The structure of body size and shape divergence among populations of Poecilia vivipara inhabiting quaternary lagoons in South-eastern Brazil was studied. This species is abundant throughout an environmental gradient formed by water salinity differences. The salinity gradient influences the habitat structure (presence of macrophytes) and the fish community (presence of large predators). Size and shape variation within and among populations was quantified by geometric morphometrics and analysed by indirect and direct gradient ordinations, using salinity and geography as a framework. Morphological divergence was associated with the salinity gradient. The evolutionary allometries observed were independent of within-group static allometries. Sexually dimorphic patterns were observed in size variation and within-population allometries. Specimens from freshwater (higher predation) sites presented smaller sizes, relatively longer caudal regions, lower anterior regions and a ventrally displaced eye. These features are consistent with an ecomorphological paradigm for aquatic organisms from populations subject to intense predation. A process of directional selection is postulated as the most likely force driving diversification among P. vivipara populations.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 799–812.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic variation ascribable to three enzyme loci, coding for a pyruvate kinase (PK1), a glucose phosphate isomerase (GPI1), and an isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH1), was observed in three species of fish of the genus Xiphophorus. Electrophoretic patterns in F1 hybrid heterozygotes confirmed the dimeric structures of GPI and IDH, and indicated a multimeric structure for pyruvate kinase. Variant alleles at the three loci exhibited normal Mendelian segregation in backcross hybrids. Linkage analyses indicate a gene order and estimated recombination of PK1—10%—GPI1—41%—IDH1. No significant interference or sex- or population-specific recombination difference was detected. This group (designated linkage group IV) was shown to assort independently from the nine loci comprising linkage groups I, II, and III and from 23 other informative markers, within the limits of the data. No conclusions with respect to homology of linkage relationships could be reached, due to the presence of presumably duplicated loci in these fish coding for isozymes whose homology with enzymes in other vertebrate species is as yet unestablished.This work was supported in part by Public Health Service Research Grant CA-28909.  相似文献   

Natural hybridization is widespread among coral reef fishes. However, the ecological promoters and evolutionary consequences of reef fish hybridization have not been thoroughly evaluated. Butterflyfishes form a high number of hybrids and represent an appropriate group to investigate hybridization in reef fishes. This study provides a rare test of terrestrially derived hybridization theory in the marine environment by examining hybridization between Chaetodon trifasciatus and C. lunulatus at Christmas Island. Overlapping spatial and dietary ecologies enable heterospecific encounters. Nonassortative mating and local rarity of both parent species appear to permit heterospecific breeding pair formation. Microsatellite loci and mtDNA confirmed the status of hybrids, which displayed the lowest genetic diversity in the sample and used a reduced suite of resources, suggesting decreased adaptability. Maternal contribution to hybridization was unidirectional, and no introgression was detected, suggesting limited, localized evolutionary consequences of hybridization.Comparisons to other reef fish hybridization studies revealed that different evolutionary consequences emerge, despite being promoted by similar factors, possibly due to the magnitude of genetic distance between hybridizing species. This study highlights the need for further enquiry aimed at evaluating the importance and long-term consequences of reef fish hybridization.  相似文献   

Predation can drive morphological divergence in prey populations, although examples of divergent selection are typically limited to nonreproductive individuals. In livebearing females, shape often changes drastically during pregnancy, reducing speed and mobility and enhancing susceptibility to predation. In the present study, we document morphological divergence among populations of nonreproductive female livebearing fish (Brachyrhaphis rhabdophora) in predator and nonpredator environments. We then test the hypothesis that shape differences among nonreproductive females are maintained among reproductive females between predator and nonpredator environments. Nonreproductive females in predator environments had larger caudal regions and more fusiform bodies than females in nonpredator environments; traits that are associated with burst speed in fish. Shape differences were maintained in reproductive females, although the magnitude of this difference declined relative to nonreproductive females, suggesting morphological convergence during pregnancy. Phenotypic change vector analysis revealed that females in predator environments became more similar to females in nonpredator environments in the transition from nonreproductive to reproductive. Furthermore, the level of reproductive allocation affected shape similarly between predator environments. These results suggest a life‐history constraint on morphology, in which predator‐driven morphological divergence among nonreproductive B. rhabdophora is not maintained at the same level during pregnancy. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 386–392.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the early spermatogonia in mature testes of the platyfish, Xiphophorus maculatus, was compared to that of oogonia in mature ovaries of X. maculatus and the related X. nigrensis. Both cell types were very similar and, characterized as being large, oval to round cells containing large, central nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Abundant mitochondria with sparse transverse cristae were located at one pole or around the nucleus. Annulate lamellae and electron-dense granular material (nuage) were present. Other organelles were not prominent. A female that had received a testis graft had testicular tissue containing mature spermatozoa within the ovary, indicating that cells were present that could develop along the male line. Special crosses were carried out to obtain all-male embryos of X. maculatus and all-female embryos of X. nigrensis. The ultrastructure of the germ cells in all embryonic gonads was similar to that of the adult cells. These results suggest the presence of sexually undifferentiated germ cells in the adult gonads of both sexes. The support cells investing all of these germ cells were also similar structurally and appeared to be undifferentiated.  相似文献   

Hybrid zones are natural laboratories for investigating the dynamics of gene flow, reproductive isolation, and speciation. A predominant marine hybrid (or suture) zone encompasses Christmas Island (CHR) and Cocos (Keeling) Islands (CKE), where 15 different instances of interbreeding between closely related species from Indian and Pacific Oceans have been documented. Here, we report a case of hybridization between genetically differentiated Pacific and Indian Ocean lineages of the three‐spot dascyllus, Dascyllus trimaculatus (Rüppell, 1829). Field observations indicate there are subtle color differences between Pacific and Indian Ocean lineages. Most importantly, population densities of color morphs and genetic analyses (mitochondrial DNA and SNPs obtained via RADSeq) suggest that the pattern of hybridization within the suture zone is not homogeneous. At CHR, both color morphs were present, mitochondrial haplotypes of both lineages were observed, and SNP analyses revealed both pure and hybrid genotypes. Meanwhile, in CKE, the Indian Ocean color morphs were prevalent, only Indian Ocean mitochondrial haplotypes were observed, and SNP analysis showed hybrid individuals with a large proportion (~80%) of their genotypes assigning to the Indian Ocean lineage. We conclude that CHR populations are currently receiving an influx of individuals from both ocean basins, with a greater influence from the Pacific Ocean. In contrast, geographically isolated CKE populations appear to be self‐recruiting and with more influx of individuals from the Indian Ocean. Our research highlights how patterns of hybridization can be different at scales of hundreds of kilometers, due to geographic isolation and the history of interbreeding between lineages.  相似文献   

Background and AimsHybridization is an important evolutionary process that can have a significant impact on natural plant populations. Eucalyptus species are well known for weak reproductive barriers and extensive hybridization within subgenera, but there is little knowledge of whether patterns of hybridization differ among subgenera. Here, we examine eucalypts of Western Australia’s Stirling Range to investigate how patterns of hybridization are associated with landscape and taxon age between the two largest Eucalyptus subgenera: Eucalyptus and Symphyomyrtus. In doing so, we tested a hypothesis of OCBIL (old, climatically buffered, infertile landscape) theory that predicts reduced hybridization on older landscapes.MethodsSingle nucleotide polymorphism markers were applied to confirm the hybrid status, parentage and genetic structure of five suspected hybrid combinations for subg. Eucalyptus and three combinations for subg. Symphyomyrtus.Key ResultsEvidence of hybridization was found in all combinations, and parental taxa were identified for most combinations. The older parental taxa assessed within subg. Eucalyptus, which are widespread on old landscapes, were identified as well-defined genetic entities and all hybrids were exclusively F1 hybrids. In addition, many combinations showed evidence of clonality, suggesting that the large number of hybrids recorded from some combinations is the result of long-term clonal spread following a few hybridization events rather than frequent hybridization. In contrast, the species in subg. Symphyomyrtus, which typically occur on younger landscapes and are more recently evolved, showed less distinction among parental taxa, and where hybridization was detected, there were high levels of introgression.ConclusionsReduced hybridization in subg. Eucalyptus relative to extensive hybridization in subg. Symphyomyrtus affirmed the hypothesis of reduced hybridization on OCBILs and demonstrate that clade divergence times, landscape age and clonality are important drivers of differing patterns of speciation and hybridization in Eucalyptus.  相似文献   

The biogeography of Central America is viewed as a classic case study in understanding the impact of vicariant events on patterns of biotic dispersal. While many biogeographers have focused on community composition and geographical limits of species at broad scales across Central America, much less work has focused on post-colonization diversification patterns at finer scales. The livebearing freshwater fish Xenophallus umbratilis presents an ideal system for determining the impact of recent Earth history events on biodiversity in northern Costa Rica. Here, we test the hypotheses that marine inundation of the San Carlos and northern Limón basins during the Pliocene and Pleistocene has caused genetic fragmentation among X. umbratilis populations, despite contemporary freshwater connections. To test this idea, we collected mitochondrial (cytochrome b ) sequence data in 162 individuals taken from 27 localities across northern Costa Rica. We employed a variety of analytical approaches, including: maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood, analysis of molecular variance, and demographic analysis of population size through time. We found four major clades within X. umbratilis , each geographically isolated with no shared haplotypes across drainages. Oddly, clades that occupy adjacent drainages are not always sister taxa in the phylogeny, suggesting that colonization in this species is more complex than a simple model of isolation by distance. All our results are consistent with the hypothesis that changes in sea level associated with glacial eustatic cycles have had an important effect in shaping diversification patterns in this species.  相似文献   

Aquaculture finfish production based on floating cage technology has raised increasing concerns regarding the genetic integrity of natural populations. Accidental mass escapes can induce the loss of genetic diversity in wild populations by increasing genetic drift and inbreeding. Farm escapes probably represent an important issue in the gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata), which accounted for 76.4% of total escapees recorded in Europe during a 3‐year survey. Here, we investigated patterns of genetic variation in farmed and wild populations of gilthead sea bream from the Western Mediterranean, a region of long gilthead sea bream farming. We focused on the role that genetic drift may play in shaping these patterns. Results based on microsatellite markers matched those observed in previous studies. Farmed populations showed lower levels of genetic diversity than wild populations and were genetically divergent from their wild counterparts. Overall, farmed populations showed the smallest effective population size and increased levels of relatedness compared to wild populations. The small broodstock size coupled with breeding practices that may favour the variance in individual reproductive success probably boosted genetic drift. This factor appeared to be a major driver of the genetic patterns observed in the gilthead sea bream populations analysed in the present study. These results further stress the importance of recommendations aimed at maintaining broodstock sizes as large as possible and equal sex‐ratios among breeders, as well as avoiding unequal contributions among parents.  相似文献   

Lake Sainte-Croix is a hydro-electric reservoir on the river Verdon that came into operation about 16 years ago. The area of the lake is about 22 km2 and the volume about 767 Mm3. The water level drops by as much as 16 m in winter. Sainte-Croix is a warm monomictic oligotrophic lake. The indigenous fish fauna of the Verdon originally included 8 species. Successive stocking has raised this number to 17. In catches made in 1976–1977 with 27 mm mesh nets, 80 to 90% of the fish with a body size of between 15 and 25 cm were of the four main species indigenous to the river before the dam was built: Leuciscus cephalus, Barbus fluviatilis, Chondrostoma toxostoma, Salmo trutta. Catches made at same period with 14 mm mesh nets gave only Chondrostoma toxostoma and Leuciscus cephalus.Changes in the fish fauna were apparent from catches made in 1984 and 1987 with nets of the same mesh size. There was a marked demographic increase of roach, and more recently of bleak and gudgeon, all three species introduced after the construction of the dam. At the same time, there was a decrease in catch frequency of Ch. toxostoma, L. cephalus and B. fluviatilis in the downstream area of the lake. Stomach content analysis carried out in different seasons on the six most abundant species of the lake (roach, toxostome, chub, bleak, perch and gudgeon) provided evidence on the trophic organisation of the fish fauna. We have measured niche breadth for each species by the Simpson diversity index and niche overlap by the Pianka index. Bleak is the only species to feed on zooplankton in open water. Roach is a particularly opportunistic feeder, sometimes taking plankton, but at Sainte-Croix it is exclusively herbivorous and benthophagous. Niche overlap between these two species is slight or null, depending on the season. On the other hand, there is a high degree of overlap between roach and chub and between roach and toxostome. The decrease in toxostome and chub frequency in the downstream area of the lake, where roach is most abundant, would appear to be a competitive exclusion phenomenon. There is high niche overlap between bleak and young perch, which partly explains the low abundance of the latter species; other contributory factors are the scarcity of zooplankton inshore, and the scarcity of zoobenthos resulting from the drop in the water level in winter.  相似文献   

Rhynchocypris oxycephalus (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) is a typical small cold water fish, which is distributed widely and mainly inhabits in East Asia. Here, we sequenced and determined the complete mitochondrial genome of R. oxycephalus and studied its phylogenetic implication. R. oxycephalus mitogenome is 16,609 bp in length (GenBank accession no.: MH885043), and it contains 13 protein‐coding genes (PCGs), two rRNA genes, 22 tRNA genes, and two noncoding regions (the control region and the putative origin of light‐strand replication). 12 PCGs started with ATG, while COI used GTG as the start codon. The secondary structure of tRNA‐Ser (AGN) lacks the dihydrouracil (DHU) arm. The control region is 943bp in length, with a termination‐associated sequence, six conserved sequence blocks (CSB‐1, CSB‐2, CSB‐3, CSB‐D, CSB‐E, CSB‐F), and a repetitive sequence. Phylogenetic analysis was performed with maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods based on the concatenated nucleotide sequence of 13 PCGs and the complete sequence without control region, and the result revealed that the relationship between R. oxycephalus and R. percnurus is closest, while the relationship with R. kumgangensis is farthest. The genus Rhynchocypris is revealed as a polyphyletic group, and R. kumgangensis had distant relationship with other Rhynchocypris species. In addition, COI and ND2 genes are considered as the fittest DNA barcoding gene in genus Rhynchocypris. This work provides additional molecular information for studying R. oxycephalus conservation genetics and evolutionary relationships.  相似文献   

The two‐spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch has two forms: green form and red form. Understanding the molecular basis of how these two forms established without divergent genetic background is an intriguing area. As a well‐known epigenetic process, DNA methylation has particularly important roles in gene regulation and developmental variation across diverse organisms that do not alter genetic background. Here, to investigate whether DNA methylation could be associated with different phenotypic consequences in the two forms of T. urticae, we surveyed the genome‐wide cytosine methylation status and expression level of DNA methyltransferase 3 (Tudnmt3) throughout their entire life cycle. Methylation‐sensitive amplification polymorphism (MSAP) analyses of 585 loci revealed variable methylation patterns in the different developmental stages. In particular, principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) indicates a significant epigenetic differentiation between female adults of the two forms. The gene expression of Tudnmt3 was detected in all examined developmental stages, which was significantly different in the adult stage of the two forms. Together, our results reveal the epigenetic distance between the two forms of T. urticae, suggesting that DNA methylation might be implicated in different developmental demands, and contribute to different phenotypes in the adult stage of these two forms.  相似文献   

Abstract Pleistocene genetic structure of the bullhead, Cottus gobio, was evaluated across the western Palearctic using a 771‐bp long fragment of the mitochondrial control region in 123 individuals collected at 35 sites (data set I). In total, 59 haplotypes that differed at 73 positions (9.3%) were detected. Data analysis also included sequences from Englbrecht et al. (2000 ), thus increasing the sampling to a more comprehensive data set of 529 fish and 63 control region sequences of 482 bp (data set II). A minimum spanning and phylogenetic tree identified a seventh clade (Brittany–Loire) in addition to the previously identified six clades. The geographical range of the North Sea and Lower Rhine clades was considerably larger than thought previously. Haplotype diversity was generally low, and the total fixation index high (FST = 0.49). Among‐group differentiation accounted for 41.7% (data set I) of the variation. Contiguous range expansions and restricted gene flow combined with isolation by distance, interspersed with past fragmentation characterize bullhead across its range. New is the knowledge that dated interglacial periods correlated with population expansions; river captures, proglacial lake systems and sea level played a significant role in the dispersal and expansion either in northern or southern direction. Hence it became possible to identify and date the colonization routes and putative palaeorefugia, most of which were located in Central and North‐west Europe. Glacial periods resulted in distinct fragmentation events and lineage sorting.  相似文献   

We investigated the distributions and routes of colonization of two commensal subspecies of house mouse in Norway: Mus musculus domesticus and M. m. musculus. Five nuclear markers (Abpa, D11 cenB2, Btk, SMCY and Zfy2) and a morphological feature (tail length) were used to differentiate the two subspecies and assess their distributions, and mitochondrial (mt) D‐loop sequences helped to elucidate their colonization history. M. m. domesticus is the more widespread of the two subspecies, occupying the western and southern coast of Norway, while M. m. musculus is found along Norway’s southeastern coast and east from there to Sweden. Two sections of the hybrid zone between the two subspecies were localized in Norway. However, hybrid forms also occur well away from that hybrid zone, the most prevalent of which are mice with a M. m. musculus‐type Y chromosome and an otherwise M. m. domesticus genome. MtDNA D‐loop sequences of the mice revealed a complex phylogeography within M. m. domesticus, reflecting passive human transport to Norway, probably during the Viking period. M. m. musculus may have colonized earlier. If so, that leaves open the possibility that M. m. domesticus replaced M. m. musculus from much of Norway, with the widely distributed hybrids a relict of this process. Overall, the effects of hybridization are evident in house mice throughout Norway.  相似文献   

Natural hybridization and introgression is recorded between the newt species Triturus vulgaris and T. montandoni in Slovakia. To confirm a hybrid status of two putative hybrids, morphological and Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers specific for T. vulgaris and T. montandoni were used. The individuals found in Zbojská (Veporské vrchy Mts, Slovakia; analyzed morphologically and genetically) and Zubrohlava (Oravská kotlina basin, Slovakia; analyzed only morphologically) possessed markers of both species. Segregation of RAPD markers together with a model-based Bayesian analysis revealed that the specimen from Zbojská belonged to later generation hybrids.  相似文献   

The uplift of the Tibetan Plateau caused significant ecogeographical changes that had a major impact on the exchange and isolation of regional fauna and flora. Furthermore, Pleistocene glacial oscillations were linked to temporal large‐scale landmass and drainage system reconfigurations near the Hengduan Mountain Region and might have facilitated speciation and promoted biodiversity in southwestern China. However, strong biotic evidence supporting this role is lacking. Here, we use the Euchiloglanis fish species complex as a model to demonstrate the compound effects of the Tibetan Plateau uplift and Pleistocene glacial oscillations on species formation in this region. The genetic structure and geographical differentiation of the Euchiloglanis complex in four river systems within the Hengduan Mountain Region were deduced using the cytochrome b (cyt b) gene and 10 microsatellite loci from 360 to 192 individuals, respectively. The results indicated that the populations were divided into four independently evolving lineages, in which the populations from the Qingyi River and Jinsha River formed two sub‐lineages. Phylogenetic relationships were structured by geographical isolation, especially near drainage systems. Divergence time estimation analyses showed that the Euchiloglanis complex diverged from its sister clade Pareuchiloglanis sinensis at around 1.3 Million years ago (Ma). Within the Euchiloglanis complex, the divergence time between the Dadu–Yalong and Jinsha–Qingyi River populations occurred at 1.0 Ma. This divergence time was in concordance with recent geological events, including the Kun‐Huang Movement (1.2–0.6 Ma) and the lag time (<2.0 Ma) of river incision in the Hengduan Mountain Region. Population expansion signals were detected from mismatched distribution analyses, and the expansion times were concurrent with Pleistocene glacier fluctuations. Therefore, current phylogeographic patterns of the Euchiloglanis fish complex in the Hengduan Mountain Region were influenced by the uplift event of the Tibetan Plateau and were subsequently altered by paleo‐river transitions during the late Pleistocene glacial oscillations.  相似文献   

The biogeographic patterns of abundance and prevalence of helminths from Liza haematocheilus were studied across its native (Sea of Japan) and introduced (Sea of Azov) distribution ranges. Abundance-occupancy relationships (AORs) were tested for the core-satellite and enemy release (ERH) species hypotheses in eight and 14 host samples from the native and introduced host ranges, respectively. The AOR model fitted parasite data extremely well, irrespective of whether the host or the parasite species were native or invasive. Except for co-introduced monogeneans, species were less abundant and prevalent in the introduced host population than in the native one, which agrees well with the ERH. Two occupancy patterns were observed. A unimodal, right-skewed distribution of prevalence frequency was common for the acquired groups of helminth parasites in the introduced range, whereas a bimodal distribution was more common in the native range. Core species in the native range were monogeneans, adult and larval digeneans, whereas host-specific, co-introduced monogeneans were the only core species in the introduced range. Acquired grey-mullet specialists and host generalists infected only a small portion of the introduced host population with low mean abundance. These results indicate that strict host specificity, together with a direct life cycle, are the traits that enabled helminth species to entirely occupy the invasive host population. The AORs showed that parasite individuals tend to accumulate in a relatively small fraction of susceptible introduced hosts, probably as an adaptation to enhance mating opportunities, thereby providing a mechanistic explanation of the ERH. All this evidence suggests that co-introduced and acquired species use the introduced host population in very different ways. Therefore, we posit that the examination of AORs can be instrumental in understanding the role of co-introduced parasites in invasion theory.  相似文献   

 A new liparid, Careproctus parvidiscus, is described on the basis of a single specimen (177 mm in standard length) collected from the southern Okhotsk Sea, off Shiretoko Point, Hokkaido, Japan, at 400–700 m depth. It is distinguished from other congeners by the following combination of the characters: 50 dorsal fin rays, 44 anal fin rays, 10 + 47 = 57 vertebrae, 2 pleural ribs, 14 pyloric caeca being slender and pointed, 2 suprabranchial pores, narrower gill opening, longer lower lobe of pectoral fin, base of uppermost pectoral fin ray almost on a level with center of eye, rudimentary disk, dusky peritoneum, and black stomach. Received: June 13, 2001 / Revised: December 7, 2001 / Accepted: December 22, 2001  相似文献   

A strange Papilio female specimen with a prominent yellow wing band type very much like P. brevicauda (and also seen in P. machaon, and P. zelicaon) was captured in the forested mountains of southwest Vermont, USA. Despite its brevicauda-like appearance, it had mt-DNA of P. polyxenes. In eastern North America the P. brevicauda (Maritime Provinces of Canada) is currently believed to reflect previous (ancient) hybridization between ancestral P. machaon and P. polyxenes. It is uncertain whether the brevicauda-like wing trait features in the odd Vermont female may be a result of some introgression of P. machaon or P. brevicauda with P. polyxenes in eastern North America as seen also in the Ozark Mountains with P. joanae. Nonetheless, the significance of wing trait analyses in relation to hybrid zones with P. polyxenes remains relevant. The segregation of wing color patterns and hostplant use abilities (efficiencies and growth rates) were examined for laboratory hand-paired F-2 hybrids of P. zelicaon ~ Papilio polyxenes relative to the parental species and primary hybrids. The black adult color pattern characterizing P. polyxenes is presumed to be inherited as a simple autosomal dominant. These hybrids were examined to determine: (i) how F-1 primary hybrid offspring perform relative to the parental types in survival, growth rates, and growth efficiencies; and (ii) whether these larval traits and the adult color patterns might be linked with wing morphology in the F-2 hybrids. While the F-1 hybrids grew as well as the P. polyxenes parent (P. zelicaon was significantly less efficient and slower in growth than either of these), we could not convincingly determine whether the growth performances of the F-2 segregants were linked with the parental wing patterns.  相似文献   

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