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The results of numerous investigations during the last 20 years show that nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDP kinase) is a multifunctional protein. In this paper, the current data are analyzed indicating that one of the possible mechanisms by which NDP kinase manifests its multifunctional role is its participation in the activation (or regulation) of heterotrimeric GTP-binding proteins (G proteins). We demonstrate that one of the NDP kinase isoforms dynamically interacts with the retinal rod G protein transducin (Gt) and phosphorylates its β-subunit at histidine residue (His 266). It is also shown that it leads to the consecutive transfer of the phosphate group to GDP in the active center of G protein α-subunit and G protein activation. The advantages of this mechanism are considered as compared to the classic G protein activation mechanism, GDP/GTP exchange.  相似文献   

To elucidate the physicochemical basis of differences between the isoforms of mammalian multifunctional nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDP), we investigated the recombinant rat homohexameric NDP kinases alpha and beta, consisting of highly homologous alpha or beta subunits of 152 residues each and differing only in variable regions V1 and V2, and their chimerical forms (NDP kinase alpha(1-130)beta(131-152) and NDP kinase beta(1-130)alpha(131-152)) and tagged derivatives (NDP kinase HA-alpha(1-130)beta(131-152), NDP kinase HA-beta(1-130)alpha(131-152), and NDP kinase HA-beta). The thermal stability of these proteins and the ability of some of them to interact with the rhodopsin-transducin (R*Gt) complex have been studied. It was found that NDP kinase alpha, NDP kinase alpha(1-130)beta(131-152), and NDP kinase HA-alpha(1-130)beta(131-152) were similar in their thermal stability (T(1/2) = 61-63 degrees C). NDP kinase beta, NDP kinase beta(1-130)alpha(131-152), NDP kinase HA-beta(1-130)alpha(131-152), and NDP kinase HA-beta were inactivated at a lower temperature (T(1/2) = 51-54 degrees C). NDP kinase HA-alpha(1-130)beta(131-152) interacted with the R*Gt complex in the same manner as NDP kinase alpha, whereas the interaction of NDP kinase HA-beta(1-130)alpha(131-152) and NDP kinase beta with the photoreceptor membranes under the same conditions was very weak. It is suggested that the variability of the region V1 is a structural basis for the multifunctionality of NDP kinase hexamers in the cell.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that reversible phosphorylation of histidine residues regulates numerous important cellular processes. The first protein histidine phosphatase (PHP) from vertebrates was discovered just recently. Here, we report on amino acids and domains essential for activity of PHP. Point mutations of conserved residues and deletions of the N- and C-termini of PHP were analyzed using [32P-his]ATP-citrate lyase as a substrate. Individual or joint replacement of all cysteine residues by alanine did not affect PHP activity. Deletion of 9 N-terminal amino acids resulted in inactive PHP. Furthermore, only 4 C-terminal residues could be deleted without losing PHP activity. Single or multiple mutations of the glycine-rich domain (Gly75, Gly77) of a putative nucleotide binding site of PHP (GxGxxG/S) caused inactivation of PHP. Wildtype PHP could be labeled with [α-32P]ATP. Such radiolabeling was not detectable for catalytically inactive PHP-G75A and PHP-G77A. These data suggest further studies on the interaction between PHP and ATP.  相似文献   

Changes during growth in the activity of several enzymes involved in purine "salvage", adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (EC, guanine phosphoribosyl-transferase (EC, hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (EC and adenosine kinase (EC, the enzymes which catalyze the conversion of nucleoside monophosphate to triphosphate, nucleoside monophosphate kinase (EC and nucleoside diphosphate kinase (EC, and several degradation enzymes, deoxyribonucleae(s), ribonuclease(s). phosphatase(s), nucleosidase (EC, 3'-nucleotidase (EC and 5'-nucleotidase (EC were examined in cells of Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don cultured in suspension. In addition, the incorporation of [8-14C] adenine, [8-14C] adenine, [8-14C]hypoxanthine. [8-14C] adenosine and [8-14C]inosine into nucleotides and nucleic acids was also determined using intact cells.
The activities of all purine "salvage" enzymes examined and those of nucleoside monophosphate and diphosphate kinases increased rapidly during the lag phase and decreased during the following cell division and cell expansion phases. The rate of incorporation of adenine, guanine, hypoxanthine, and adenosine into nucleotides and nucleic acids was higher in the lag phase cells than during the following three phases. The highest rate of [8-14C]inosine incorporation was observed in the stationary phase cells. The activity of all degradation enzymes examined decreased when the stationary phase cells were transferred to a new medium.
These results indicated that the increased activity of purine "salvage" enzymes observed in the lag phase cells may contribute to an active purine "salvage" which is required to initiate a subsequent cell division.  相似文献   

Nucleoside diphosphate (NDP) kinase is transiently phosphorylated on a histidine of the active site during the catalytic cycle. In the presence of a nucleotide acceptor, the phosphohistidine bond is unstable and the phosphate is transferred to the acceptor in less than 1 msec. We describe the synthesis of an analog of the phosphoenzyme intermediate with an inactive mutant of NDP kinase in which the catalytic histidine is replaced by a cysteine. In two sequential disulfide exchange reactions, a thiophosphate group reacts with the thiol function of the cysteine that had previously reacted with dithionitrobenzoate (DTNB). The thiophosphoenzyme presents a 400,000-fold increased stability in the presence of NDPs compared with the phosphoenzyme. The binding of NDP is studied at the steady state and presteady state. Data were analyzed according to a bimolecular association model. For the first time, the true equilibrium dissociation constants of NDP for the analog of the phosphoenzyme are determined in the absence of phosphotransfer, allowing a better understanding of the catalytic mechanism of the enzyme.  相似文献   

中试规模纯化重组人核苷二磷酸激酶A(rhNDPK-A)。菌体高压匀浆,然后微滤去除菌体碎片,超滤浓缩,所得样品上样DEAE-sepharose Fast Flow,收集目的峰,上样Cibacron Blue 3GA Sepharose CL-4B,含ATP的缓冲液洗脱目的蛋白,超滤精制。结果表明,1500g菌体经过2次匀浆后,所得匀浆液中含NDPK47.6g,经过微滤超滤处理后,可回收目的蛋白27.3g。再经过两步柱层析及超滤精制后,最终可得纯度为96.3%的目的蛋白17.2g,总回收率为36.2%,每100g湿菌体的蛋白产率为1.15g。比较每个步骤的回收率,发现精制>亲和层析>离子交换层析>样品前处理过程。与前期报道发酵工艺联用,rhNDPK-A的纯化产量达到510mg/L。工艺简便、得率高的rhNDPK-A纯化工艺的建立为NDPK的应用开发提供了物质基础;另外,本文结果也提示,对于非分泌型重组蛋白来说,影响目的蛋白回收的最主要因素可能不是柱层析,而是样品前处理过程。  相似文献   

The metabolic fate of the carbon skeleton of l-(U-14C)-histidine has been investigated in growing rats fed diets containing different percentages of protein calories (0, 5, 10, 15 and 30 PC%) at 410 kcal of metabolizable energy per 100 g diet.

The incorporation of 14C into body protein at 12 hr after injection of 14C-histidine was about 70% of the dose in rats fed 0 to 10 PC% diets, though the value was reduced in rats fed higher PC% diets. The expired 14CO2 production was depressed in the low protein groups, and it showed an inverse pattern to that of 14C incorporation into body protein. Urinary excretion of 14C was about 20% of the dose in all dietary groups. The activities of hepatic histidase, urocanase and histidine-pyruvate aminotransferase were increased in the 30 PC% group.

These results indicate that the metabolic response of histidine to dietary protein changes around 10 PC%, where growth rate and body protein retention reached approximate plateaus.

The nutritional significance of the metabolism of histidine has been discussed and compared with that of leucine, alanine and serine reported previously.  相似文献   

Background: Allergy to Prunoideae fruit (plum, peach, cherry and apricot) is one of the most frequent food allergies in southern Europe. All these fruits cross-react in vivo and in vitro, as they share their major allergen, a 9 kD lipid transfer protein (LTP). Objective: The aim of the study was the identification and molecular characterization of the major allergen of plum. Methods: The IgE pattern of reactivity to plums was investigated by SDS–PAGE and immunoblotting with the sera of 23 patients. The identified major allergen was purified by HPLC, using a cationic-exchange column followed by gel-filtration. Further characterization was achieved by periodic-Schiff stain, isoelectrofocusing and N-terminal amino acid sequencing. Results and conclusions: The major allergen of plum is a 9 kD lipid transfer protein, not glycosylated and with a basic character (pI>9), highly homologous to the major allergen of peach.  相似文献   

Phosphocellulose chromatography of initiation factor eIF-2 from rat liver separates it from a protein fraction which is highly stimulatory for [eIF-2.GTP.Met-tRNAf] ternary complex formation. Evidence is presented which indicates that this stimulatory fraction contains a specific GDPase activity. eIF-2 dependent formation of 40S ribosomal initiation complexes is also enhanced by the GDPase preparation. The enzyme may play a role in the recycling of eIF-2 by removing inhibitory GDP which is generated during 80S initiation complex formation.  相似文献   

Data on localization of nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDPK) in the outer mitochondrial compartment are contradictory. We have demonstrated that repeated quintuple wash of a mitochondrial pellet (protein concentration is about 2 mg/ml) solubilized only 60% of total NDPK activity. Since no release of adenylate kinase, the marker enzyme of the intermembrane space, was observed, it was concluded that the solubilized NDPK activity was associated with the outer surface of the outer mitochondrial membrane. Treatment of mitochondria with digitonin solutions in low (sucrose, mannitol) or high (KCl) ionic strength media revealed that solubilization of remaining NDPK activity basically coincided with the solubilization curve of monoamine oxidase, the marker enzyme of the outer mitochondrial membrane, but differed from solubilization behavior of adenylate kinase and malate dehydrogenase. We concluded that the remaining NDPK activity was also associated with the outer mitochondrial membrane and electrostatic interactions were not essential for NDPK binding to mitochondrial membranes. Results of polarographic determination of remaining adenylate kinase and NDPK activities of mitochondria incubated in ice for different time intervals and subjected to subsequent centrifugation suggest that all NDPK activity of the outer compartment of rat liver mitochondria is associated with the outer surface of the outer mitochondrial membrane. We suggest the existence of at least three NDPK fractions. They represent 70, 15, and 15% of total NDPK activity of the outer compartment and differ by tightness of membrane binding.  相似文献   

Human isoforms A and B of nm23/nucleoside diphosphate (NDP) kinase, functionally important in development and cancer, have been reported to bind to DNA, and in particular isoform A to the PDGF-A promoter and isoform B to the c-myc promoter and to telomeric repeats. However, no direct proof of the binding in vivo has yet been obtained. To demonstrate this interaction, human erythroleukemic K562 cells were incubated with two different cross-linking reagents, formaldehyde or cis-diammine dichloro platinum II. The DNA-protein covalent complexes were isolated and analyzed by Western blotting. The positive immunochemical staining showed that in both conditions NDP kinase isoforms A and B were efficiently cross-linked to DNA in vivo. NDP kinase-linked DNA fragments obtained by immunoprecipitation, subjected to hybridization with different probes, showed a definite enrichment in the nuclease-hypersensitive silencer element of the PDGF-A promoter. No conclusive evidence was found by this technique of preferential hybridization with a nuclease-hypersensitive element of the c-myc promoter and with the telomeric TTAGGG repeats. The immunoprecipitated NDP kinase-DNA complexes are a promising material for the detection of other specific DNA sequences interacting with NDP kinase.  相似文献   

Sphingosylphosphorylcholine (SPC) has been implicated in a variety of cellular responses, including proliferation and differentiation. In this study, we demonstrate that d-erythro-SPC, but not l-threo-SPC, stereoselectively stimulated the proliferation of human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hADSCs), with a maximal increase at 5 microM, and increased the intracellular concentration of Ca(2+) ([Ca(2+)](i)) in hADSCs, which do not express known SPC receptors (i.e., OGR1, GPR4, G2A, and GPR12). The SPC-induced proliferation and increase in [Ca(2+)](i) were sensitive to pertussis toxin (PTX) and the phospholipase C (PLC) inhibitor U73122, suggesting that PTX-sensitive G proteins, Gi or Go, and PLC are involved in SPC-induced proliferation. In addition, SPC treatment induced the phosphorylation of c-Jun and extracellular signal-regulated kinase, and SPC-induced proliferation was completely prevented by pretreatment with the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK)-specific inhibitor SP600125 but not with the MEK-specific inhibitor U0126. Furthermore, the SPC-induced proliferation and JNK activation were completely attenuated by overexpression of a dominant negative mutant of JNK2, and the SPC-induced activation of JNK was inhibited by pretreatment with PTX or U73122. Treatment of hADSCs with lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) receptor antagonist, Ki16425, had no impact on the SPC-induced increase in [Ca(2+)](i). However, SPC-induced proliferation was partially, but significantly, attenuated by pretreatment of the cells with Ki16425.These results indicate that SPC stimulates the proliferation of hADSCs through the Gi/Go-PLC-JNK pathway and that LPA receptors may be responsible in part for the SPC-induced proliferation.  相似文献   

Human deoxycytidine kinase (dCK) is a key enzyme in the 5'-phosphorylation of purine and pyrimidine deoxynucleosides with deoxycytidine as the most efficient substrate. The ability of dCK to degrade 2'-deoxyribonucleosides to free nucleobases and 2-deoxy-alpha-d-ribofuranose-1-phosphate was demonstrated by 1H-31P correlation spectroscopy and by isotope enzyme kinetic methods. The reaction depended on inorganic phosphate, and dCK showed maximum cleavage activity between pH 7 and pH 8. In this pH range, [HPO4(2-)] is the dominant phosphate species, most likely being the phosphate donor. All natural deoxyribonucleosides could be cleaved and the Vmax of the phosphorylytic reaction compared to the kinase reaction was about 2-10%. The formation of free nucleobases occurred only with reduced dCK, because the reaction was highly dependent on the presence of reducing agents such as dithiotreitol. Thus, recombinant dCK can act as a phosphorylase, similar to the nucleoside phosphorylase family of enzymes. This catalytic activity is important for the design of in vitro experiments with dCK, such as crystallization and NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of gluconate kinase from Escherichia coli has been determined to 2.0 A resolution by X-ray crystallography. The three-dimensional structure was solved by multi-wavelength anomalous dispersion, using a crystal of selenomethionine-substituted enzyme. Gluconate kinase is an alpha/beta structure consisting of a twisted parallel beta-sheet surrounded by alpha-helices with overall topology similar to nucleoside monophosphate (NMP) kinases, such as adenylate kinase. In order to identify residues involved in substrate binding and catalysis, structures of binary complexes with ATP, the ATP analogue adenosine 5'-(beta,gamma-methylene) triphosphate and the product, gluconate-6-phosphate have been determined. Significant conformational changes are induced upon binding of ATP to the enzyme. The largest changes involve a hinge-bending motion of the NMP(bind) part and a motion of the LID with adjacent helices, which opens the cavity to the second substrate, gluconate. Opening of the active site cleft upon ATP binding is the opposite of what has been observed in the NMP kinase family so far, which usually close their active site to prevent fortuitous hydrolysis of ATP. The conformational change positions the side-chain of Arg120 to stack with the purine ring of ATP and the side-chain of Arg124 is shifted to interact with the alpha-phosphate in ATP, at the same time protecting ATP from solvent water. The beta and gamma-phosphate groups of ATP bind in the predicted P-loop. A conserved lysine side-chain interacts with the gamma-phosphate group, and might promote phosphoryl transfer. Gluconate-6-phosphate binds with its phosphate group in a similar position as the gamma-phosphate of ATP, consistent with inline phosphoryl transfer. The gluconate binding-pocket in GntK is located in a different position than the nucleoside binding-site usually found in NMP kinases.  相似文献   

It was found that in medium with low ionic strength nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDPK) solubilization from the outer membrane of liver mitochondria could be partially reversed by the addition of 3.3 mM MgCl2. Complete rebinding of the enzyme after the addition of MgCl2 was observed when the mitochondrial washing and storage medium contained leupeptin, an inhibitor of cathepsins. It was demonstrated that leupeptin and another inhibitor of cysteine proteinases, E-64, do not influence the rate of NDPK solubilization as well as its solubilized and membrane-associated activity. We conclude that NDPK becomes sensitive to proteolysis only after its solubilization; proteolysis does not affect the part of the enzyme molecule that is responsible for catalysis. After solubilization of NDPK in the absence of leupeptin, cathepsins damage sites of its binding on the membranes. The rate of the enzyme solubilization is dependent on the pH of the storage medium (pH 6.0–8.0); it decreases with increase in pH. It was shown that in the medium with high ionic strength, MgCl2 does not reverse pH-dependent NDPK solubilization, but solubilization could be reversed by increase in medium pH in the presence of E-64 and BSA. The physiological importance of these results is discussed. Published in Russian in Biokhimiya, 2009, Vol. 74, No. 5, pp. 710–720.  相似文献   

In rat liver mitochondria all nucleoside diphosphate kinase of the outer compartment is associated with the outer surface of the outer membrane (Lipskaya, T. Yu., and Plakida, K. N. (2003) Biochemistry (Moscow), 68, 1136-1144). In the present study, three systems operating as ADP donors for oxidative phosphorylation have been investigated. The outer membrane bound nucleoside diphosphate kinase was the first system tested. Two others employed yeast hexokinase and yeast nucleoside diphosphate kinase. The two enzymes exhibited the same activity but could not bind to mitochondrial membranes. In all three systems, muscle creatine phosphokinase was the external agent competing with the oxidative phosphorylation system for ADP. Determination of mitochondrial respiration rate in the presence of increasing quantities of creatine phosphokinase revealed that at large excess of creatine phosphokinase activity over other kinase activities (of the three systems tested) and oxidative phosphorylation the creatine phosphokinase reaction reached a quasi-equilibrium state. Under these conditions equilibrium concentrations of all creatine phosphokinase substrates were determined and K(eq)app of this reaction was calculated for the system with yeast hexokinase. In samples containing active mitochondrial nucleoside diphosphate kinase the concentrations of ATP, creatine, and phosphocreatine were determined and the quasi-equilibrium concentration of ADP was calculated using the K(eq)app value. At balance of quasi-equilibrium concentrations of ADP and ATP/ADP ratio the mitochondrial respiration rate in the system containing nucleoside diphosphate kinase was 21% of the respiration rate assayed in the absence of creatine phosphokinase; in the system containing yeast hexokinase this parameter was only 7% of the respiration rate assayed in the absence of creatine phosphokinase. Substitution of mitochondrial nucleoside diphosphate kinase with yeast nucleoside diphosphate kinase abolished this difference. It is concluded that oxidative phosphorylation is accompanied by appearance of functional coupling between mitochondrial nucleoside diphosphate kinase and the oxidative phosphorylation system. Possible mechanisms of this coupling are discussed.  相似文献   

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