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Classification of rapidly growing mycobacteria   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

By the use of two adapted phage preparations of Typing phage II the S. weltevreden phage types 4 and 5 could be classified into two sub-types each and phage types 9 and 10 into three sub-types each. The 1094 strains of S. weltevreden could be classified into a total of sixteen phage types including the sub-types.The host range mutants of Typing phage II were distinct from the parent strain. After adaptation to two insensitive strains, one of the new preparations, IIA lost its affinity to some strains which were lysed by the parent phage strain but gained lytic affinity for a few others that were originally insensitive. The second preparation IIB showed an increase in lytic range as expected. Antigenically these preparations were shown to be related but not identical. The possible reasons for serological non-identity of host range mutants with the parent strain have been discussed.  相似文献   

A 3 × 3 factorial experiment was conducted to study the interactions between Cu and Si in growing turkeys fed a basal dextrosecasein semipurified diet supplemented at 0, 270, and 540 ppm Si, and 2, 8, and 75 ppm Cu levels of inclusion. There were no significant (p>0.05) Cu, Si, or Cu-Si interaction effects on turkey growth. However, there were significant (p<0.05) Si effects on hemoglobin concentrations, and Cu−Si interaction effects on hematocrit and plasma Mg levels (p<0.01). Plasma Ca, P, Zn, Cu, total cholesterol, and serum alkaline phosphatase activity were not affected (p>0.05) by Cu, Si, or Cu−Si interaction. Heart and liver weights were affected (p<0.05) by the Cu-Si interaction. In general, a 8-ppm Cu supplemental level prevented cardiac hypertrophy only in the presence of 270 or 540 ppm Si inclusion in the diets. There were significant (p<0.05) Cu effects on liver Cu and Mn and heart Zn concentrations, Si effects on liver Mn levels, and Cu-Si interaction on liver Zn concentrations. Within the 0- and 270-ppm Si groups, Cu-deficient turkeys (2 ppm Cu) had higher liver Zn levels but not within the 540-ppm Si group. The Cu-Si interaction did not affect (p>0.05) concentrations of Cu in the heart and liver tissues. It is postulated that the Cu-Si interactions demonstrated in this study could have profound implications on the cardiovascular and skeletal health of birds.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted using completely randomized designs to study the bioavailability of Si from three sources to growing rats and turkeys fed semipurified diets. The basal diets were dextrose-egg albumin for rats and dextrose-casein for turkeys. The Si sources were tetraethylorthosilicate (TES), sodium silicate (NaSil), and sodium zeolite A (NaZA). Rats and turkeys were supplemented at 500 and 270 ppm Si, respectively, from each source. A control group of unsupplemented rats and turkeys was included in each experiment. In general, irrespective of Si source, Si supplementation slowed (p < 0.05 orp < 0.01) growth rates in both rats and turkeys. Although dietary Si supplementation reduced (p < 0.05) plasma Mg levels and liver Zn concentrations in rats, it increased (p < 0.05) plasma P and reduced (p < 0.05) plasma Cu levels in turkeys. Rats on TES had significantly slower (p < 0.05 orp < 0.01) growth rates (5–10%) than those on NaSil or NaZA. In rats, NaZA and TES reduced (p < 0.05) hemoglobin concentrations and plasma Zn, respectively. However, plasma Mg levels were higher (p < 0.05) in TES than NaSil-or NaZA-fed rats. The source of the dietary Si did not affect (p < 0.05) the organ weights of rats and their mineral concentrations. Turkeys on TES diets grew at a significantly faster (p < 0.05) rate (15%) than those on NaSil or NaZA diets during the first 2 wk of experimentation. However, after 4 wk, there were no significant (p > 0.05) differences in growth between the Si sources. In turkeys, NaZA increased (p < 0.05) hematocrit levels and plasma Mg levels. Turkeys on NaZA diets had larger (p < 0.05) hearts and livers than those on NaSil but not TES. Liver Mn content was higher (p < 0.05) in turkeys on NaSil than TES or NaZA. Heart Zn was lower (p < 0.05) in turkeys on NaSil than TES, but not NaZA.  相似文献   

A scheme for the phage typing of Salmonella hadar   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Typing phages for Salmonella and the prophages of their typical propagation strains were analyzed at the DNA level. Most of them belong to the P22 branch of the lambdoid phages. Acquisition of new plating properties of the typing phages by propagation in particular strains can be due to different host specific modifications of the DNA or to recombination events with residing prophages which are reflected by changes in the respective DNA restriction patterns. It is concluded that the actually available set of typing phages is a historically unique combination of strains.  相似文献   

Numerical analysis of 211 strains of rapidly growing, nonphotochromogenic mycobacteria was carried out by using 116 characters. New species reported after 1981 and not yet compared with known species by numerical classification were included. At the level of 90% of the matching coefficient, the following species could be differentiated from each other and were shown as distinct clusters: Mycobacterium pulveris, M. moriokaense, M. chitae, M. diernhoferi, M. porcinum, M. fortuitum, M. chelonae subspecies chelonae, M. chelonae subspecies abscessus, M. smegmatis, M. agri, M. fallax, M. parafortuitum, M. fortuitum subspecies acetamidolyticum. Four taxa, M. fortuitum, M. porcinum, M. chelonae subsp. chelonae, and M. chelonae subsp. abscessus, were regarded as distinct. However, these were combined into one large cluster at a level of 90% of the matching coefficient and, therefore, were regarded as forming one series or complex. M. fortuitum subsp. acetamidolyticum was reported as a subspecies of M. fortuitum, but this was differentiated clearly from the other species including M. fortuitum.  相似文献   

A new phage typing scheme using wild bacteriophages isolated from sewage for phage typing Salmonella bareilly is described. Six hundred and thirty-seven strains of Salm. bareilly could be separated into 11 different phage types using five wild phages. Overall typability was 94.5%. These phages belonged to two different morphotypes. A1 and B1, and showed varying host range.  相似文献   

A new phage typing scheme using wild bacteriophages isolated from sewage for phage typing Salmonella bareilly is described. Six hundred and thirty-seven strains of Salm. bareilly could be separated into 11 different phage types using five wild phages. Overall typability was 94˙5%. These phages belonged to two different morphotypes, A1 and B1, and showed varying host range.  相似文献   

Summary A system of four phages is described which permits the differentiation of staphylococci in phage group II into about ten distinct patterns which are dependent on lysogenicity (see table 5). All phages are propagated on one propagating strain. Weak reactions are rare. The new patterns II A, II B ... to II K correlated reasonably with the patterns of theWilliams andRippon system.  相似文献   

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