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Introns are key regulatory elements of rice tubulin expression   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Fiume E  Christou P  Gianì S  Breviario D 《Planta》2004,218(5):693-703

Computer analyses of the entire GenBank database were conducted to examine correlation between splicing sites and codon positions in reading frames. Intron insertion patterns (i.e., splicing site locations with respect to codon positions) have been analyzed for all of the 74 codons of all the eukaryote taxonomic groups: primates, rodents mammals, vertebrates, invertebrates, and plants. We found that reading frames are interrupted by an intron at a codon boundary (as opposed to the middle of a codon) significantly more often than expected. This observation is consistent with the exon shuffling hypothesis, because exons that end at codon boundaries can be concatenated without causing a frame shift and thus are evolutionarily advantageous. On the other hand, when introns interrupt at the middles of codons, they exist in between the first and second bases much more frequently than between the second and third bases, despite the fact that boundaries between the first and second bases of codons are generally far more important than those between the second and third bases. The reason for this is not clear and yet to be explained. We also show that the length of an exon is a multiple of 3 more frequently than expected. Furthermore, the total length of two consecutive exons is also more frequently a multiple of 3. All the observations above are consistent with results recently published by Long, Rosenberg, and Gilbert (1995).   相似文献   

Regulation of alternative splicing is controlled by pre-mRNA sequences (cis-elements) and trans-acting protein factors that bind them. The combinatorial interactions of multiple protein factors with the cis-elements surrounding a given alternative splicing event lead to an integrated splicing decision. The mechanism of multifactorial splicing regulation is poorly understood. Using a splicing-sensitive DNA microarray, we assayed 352 Caenorhabditis elegans alternative cassette exons for changes in embryonic splicing patterns between wild-type and 12 different strains carrying mutations in a splicing factor. We identified many alternative splicing events that are regulated by multiple splicing factors. Many splicing factors have the ability to behave as splicing repressors for some alternative cassette exons and as splicing activators for others. Unexpectedly, we found that the ability of a given alternative splicing factor to behave as an enhancer or repressor of a specific splicing event can change during development. Our observations that splicing factors can change their effects on a substrate during development support a model in which combinatorial effects of multiple factors, both constitutive and developmentally regulated ones, contribute to the overall splicing decision.  相似文献   

Spliceosomal introns are key components of the eukaryotic gene structure. Although they contributed to the emergence of eukaryotes, their origin remains elusive. In fungi, they might originate from the multiplication of invasive introns named Introner-Like Elements (ILEs). However, so far ILEs have been observed in six fungal species only, including Fulvia fulva and Dothistroma septosporum (Dothideomycetes), arguing against ILE insertion as a general mechanism for intron gain. Here, we identified novel ILEs in eight additional fungal species that are phylogenetically related to F. fulva and D. septosporum using PCR amplification with primers derived from previously identified ILEs. The ILE content appeared unique to each species, suggesting independent multiplication events. Interestingly, we identified four genes each containing two gained ILEs. By analysing intron positions in orthologues of these four genes in Ascomycota, we found that three ILEs had inserted within a 15 bp window that contains regular spliceosomal introns in other fungal species. These three positions are not the result of intron sliding because ILEs are newly gained introns. Furthermore, the alternative hypothesis of an inferred ancestral gain followed by independent losses contradicts the observed degeneration of ILEs. These observations clearly indicate three parallel intron gains in four genes that were randomly identified. Our findings suggest that parallel intron gain is a phenomenon that has been highly underestimated in ILE-containing fungi, and likely in the whole fungal kingdom.  相似文献   

The ins and outs of protein splicing elements   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Protein splicing involves the removal of an internal protein sequence from a precursor molecule and the ligation of the two flanking sequences to produce a mature protein product, in a post-translational event analogous to the removal of an intron from rRNA. Protein splicing introns, or‘inteins’appear to be a novel type of genetic element capable of mediating gene conversion of an‘intein-less’allele, and hence promoting their own dissemination. The mechanism by which protein splicing is achieved is probably entirety encoded within the internal protein sequence, or intein, and does not require other accessory molecules. Although the concept of protein splicing inteins as selfish genetic elements of no immediate consequence to the host organism has emerged, this interpretation is questioned by recent evidence that in at least one example there appears to have been selection for protein splicing.  相似文献   

Roles of diverse fungi in larch needle-litter decomposition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Osono T  Fukasawa Y  Takeda H 《Mycologia》2003,95(5):820-826
Functional biodiversity of fungi in larch (Larix leptolepis) forests needle-litter decomposition was examined by a pure-culture test. Weight loss of larch-needle litter, utilization pattern of lignocellulose and chemical composition of remaining litter were investigated and compared for 31 isolates in 27 species of basidiomycetes and ascomycetes. Weight loss (% original weight) of litter ranged from -2.0% to 14.2%. Mean weight loss of litter caused by the basidiomycetes was not significantly different from that caused by the ascomycetes. Basidiomycetes caused loss of lignin and carbohydrates in variable proportions, while ascomycetes exclusively attacked carbohydrates without delignification. The content of lignin and nitrogen in remaining litter was not significantly correlated when both basidiomycetes and ascomycetes were included. However, the correlation coefficient was significant when the relationship was examined separately for basidiomycetes, indicating that the degree of selective delignification determined the final nitrogen content in litter. Possible effects of fungal colonization on needle-litter decomposition in larch forests are discussed.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin in five genetically diverse Frankia strains   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Five strains of Frankia were selected to represent a wide range of genetic diversity and examined for presence of hemoglobin. All five strains produced hemoglobin when grown on media without (-N) or with (+N) combined nitrogen. This indicates that hemoglobin is common in Frankia and is not directly associated with nitrogen fixation. Frankia strain EAN1(pec) was examined in more detail. It showed greater hemoglobin concentration when grown at 2% O2 than at 20% O2 in the -N treatment but no effect of oxygen on hemoglobin concentration in the +N treatment. At both oxygen levels, it produced substantially more biomass in +N than in -N culture. It also produced significantly more biomass when the medium contained 0.2% CO2 than in the absence of CO2. The molecular mass of the hemoglobin as determined by size exclusion chromatography was 13.4 +/- 0.2 kDa (mean +/- SE, n = 3) and is consistent with that of a truncated hemoglobin. The hemoglobin had absorption spectra that were typical of a hemoglobin. The oxygen dissociation rate constants for the hemoglobin were 131.2 +/- 5.8 s(-1) for -N culture and 166 +/- 8.2 s(-1) for +N culture. These rapid rates are consistent with a function in facilitated diffusion of oxygen.  相似文献   

Sporocarps (fruit bodies) are the sexual reproductive stage in the life cycle of many fungi. They are highly nutritious and consequently vulnerable to grazing by birds and small mammals, and invertebrates, and can be infected by microbial and fungal parasites and pathogens. The complexity of communities thriving inside sporocarps is largely unknown. In this study, we revealed the diversity, taxonomic composition and host preference of fungicolous fungi (i.e., fungi that feed on other fungi) in sporocarps. We carried out DNA metabarcoding of the ITS2 region from 176 sporocarps of 11 wood-decay fungal host species, all collected within a forest in northeast Finland. We assessed the influence of sporocarp traits, such as lifespan, morphology and size, on the fungicolous fungal community. The level of colonisation by fungicolous fungi, measured as the proportion of non-host ITS2 reads, varied between 2.8–39.8% across the 11 host species and was largely dominated by Ascomycota. Host species was the major determinant of the community composition and diversity of fungicolous fungi, suggesting that host adaptation is important for many fungicolous fungi. Furthermore, the alpha diversity was consistently higher in short-lived and resupinate sporocarps compared to long-lived and pileate ones, perhaps due to a more hostile environment for fungal growth in the latter too. The fungicolous fungi represented numerous lineages in the fungal tree of life, among which a significant portion was poorly represented with reference sequences in databases.Subject terms: Microbial ecology, Molecular evolution  相似文献   

Prions are transmissible self-replicating alternative states of proteins. Four prions ([PSI+], [URE3], [RNQ+] and [NU+]) can be inherited cytoplasmically in Saccharomyces cerevisiae laboratory strains. In the case of [PSI+], there is increasing evidence that prion formation may engender mechanisms to uncover hidden genetic variation. Here, we have analysed the evolution of the prion-determinant (PD) domains across 21 fungi, focusing on compositional biases, repeats and substitution rates. We find evidence for constraint on all four PD domains, but each domain has its own evolutionary dynamics. For [PSI+], the Q/N bias is maintained in fungal clades that diverged one billion years ago, with purifying selection observed within the Saccharomyces species. The degree of Q/N bias is correlated with the degree of local homology to prion-associated repeats, which occur rarely in other proteins (<1% of sequences for the proteomes studied). The evolutionary conservation of Q/N bias in Sup35p is unusual, with only eight other S. cerevisiae proteins showing similar, phylogenetically deep patterns of bias conservation. The [URE3] PD domain is unique to Hemiascomycota; part of the PD domain shows purifying selection, whereas another part engenders bias changes between clades. Also, like for Sup35p, the [RNQ+] and [NU+] PD domains show purifying selection in Saccharomyces species. Additionally, in each proteome, we observe on average several hundred yeast-prion-like domains, with fewest in fission yeast. Our findings on yeast prion evolution provide further support for the functional significance of these molecules.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a highly conserved eukaryotic mechanism whereby cells recycle cellular elements to survive under adverse conditions. Surprisingly, of the three fungal pathogens of greatest relevance to human health, only Cryptococcus neoformans has been shown to require this process during infection. In contrast, autophagy is dispensable for the virulence of both Candida albicans and Aspergillus fumigatus. The divergent roles for autophagy in these opportunistic species underscore the uniqueness of the host infection niche occupied by each fungus and provide insights into the evolutionary pressures that may have influenced the need for autophagy during infection. Further study of fungal autophagy may reveal the host signals which induce this protective response and determine if these signals differ between host cells or tissues. In addition, a comprehensive understanding of the autophagy machinery in fungal pathogens may provide a rational basis for the design of future therapeutic interventions to improve outcome in patients who are at risk for these infections.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a highly conserved eukaryotic mechanism whereby cells recycle cellular elements to survive under adverse conditions. Surprisingly, of the three fungal pathogens of greatest relevance to human health, only Cryptococcus neoformans has been shown to require this process during infection. In contrast, autophagy is dispensable for the virulence of both Candida albicans and Aspergillus fumigatus. The divergent roles for autophagy in these opportunistic species underscore the uniqueness of the host infection niche occupied by each fungus and provide insights into the evolutionary pressures that may have influenced the need for autophagy during infection. Further study of fungal autophagy may reveal the host signals which induce this protective response and determine if these signals differ between host cells or tissues. In addition, a comprehensive understanding of the autophagy machinery in fungal pathogens may provide a rational basis for the design of future therapeutic interventions to improve outcome in patients who are at risk for these infections.  相似文献   

Biodegradation of pure cellulose powder, bagasse and wheatstraw by five cellulolytic fungi,Aspergillus niger, Chaetomium globosum, Scopulariopsis brevicaulis, Trichoderma koningii andTrichothecium roseum, was studied in solid culture conditions. Minimum degradation was with pure cellulose. Bagasse and wheatstraw were the most suitable for growth and activity of cellulolytic fungi. All fungi contained cellulase activity.
Résumé On a étudié la biodégradation de la poudre de cellulose pure, de la bagasse et de la paille de froment chez cinq moisissures cellulolytiques,Aspergillus niger, Chaetomium globosum, Scopulariopsis brevicaulis, Trichoderma koningii etTrichothecium roseum, en condition de culture sur milieu solide. La dégradation minimum a lieu avec la cellulose pure. La bagasse et la paille de froment offrent la meilleure croissance et la meilleure activité cellulolytique fungale. Toutes les moisissures exhibent l'activité de la cellulase.

Protein O-glycosylation in fungi: diverse structures and multiple functions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Protein glycosylation is essential for eukaryotic cells from yeasts to humans. When compared to N-glycosylation, O-glycosylation is variable in sugar components and the mode of linkages connecting the sugars. In fungi, secretory proteins are commonly mannosylated by protein O-mannosyltransferase (PMT) in the endoplasmic reticulum, and subsequently glycosylated by several glycosyltransferases in the Golgi apparatus to form glycoproteins with diverse O-glycan structures. Protein O-glycosylation has roles in modulating the function of secretory proteins by enhancing the stability and solubility of the proteins, by affording protection from protease degradation, and by acting as a sorting determinant in yeasts. In filamentous fungi, protein O-glycosylation contributes to proper maintenance of fungal morphology, hyphal development, and differentiation. This review describes recent studies of the structure and function of protein O-glycosylation in industrially and medically important fungi.  相似文献   

Silencer elements as possible inhibitors of pseudoexon splicing   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Human pre-mRNAs contain a definite number of exons and several pseudoexons which are located within intronic regions. We applied a computational approach to address the question of how pseudoexons are neglected in favor of exons and to possibly identify sequence elements preventing pseudoexon splicing. A search for possible splicing silencers was carried out on a pseudoexon selection that resembled exons in terms of splice site strength and exon splicing enhancer (ESE) representation; three motifs were retrieved through hexamer composition comparisons. One of these functions as a powerful silencer in transfection-based splicing assays and matches a previously identified silencer sequence with hnRNP H binding ability. The other two motifs are novel and failed to induce skipping of a constitutive exon, indicating that they might act as weak repressors or in synergy with other unidentified elements. All three motifs are enriched in pseudoexons compared with intronic regions and display higher frequencies in intronless gene-coding sequences compared with exons. We consider that a subpopulation of pseudoexons might rely on negative regulators for splicing repression; this hypothesis, if experimentally verified, might improve our understanding of exonic splicing regulatory sequences and provide the identification of a novel mutation target for human genetic diseases.  相似文献   

Non-conventional infectious elements in filamentous fungi   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Old data (most often in French) described phenomena involving non-conventional infectious factors in filamentous fungi. Recently, it was shown that two yeast cytoplasmic determinants are similar to known mammalian prions, in that their different states are attributed to conformational changes of normal cellular proteins. In the light of this discovery, fungal elements are now being reconsidered. This review presents four elements that affect vegetative incompatibility, conidiogenesis, morphology and cell growth. Recently, one element has been shown to be a prion analogue. The status of the others is not clear. We consider the view that non-conventional inheritance might be initiated by the appearance, in the cytoplasm, of a metabolite or a macromolecule whose production involves a positive regulatory loop.  相似文献   

Alternative splicing is a major contributor to genomic complexity, disease, and development. Previous studies have captured some of the characteristics that distinguish alternative splicing from constitutive splicing. However, most published work only focuses on skipped exons and/or a single species. Here we take advantage of the highly curated data in the MAASE database (see related paper in this issue) to analyze features that characterize different modes of splicing. Our analysis confirms previous observations about alternative splicing, including weaker splicing signals at alternative splice sites, higher sequence conservation surrounding orthologous alternative exons, shorter exon length, and more frequent reading frame maintenance in skipped exons. In addition, our study reveals potentially novel regulatory principles underlying distinct modes of alternative splicing and a role of a specific class of repeat elements (transposons) in the origin/evolution of alternative exons. These features suggest diverse regulatory mechanisms and evolutionary paths for different modes of alternative splicing.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the functional cis-regulatory elements that regulate constitutive and alternative pre-mRNA splicing is fundamental for biology and medicine. Here we undertook a genome-wide comparative genomics approach using available mammalian genomes to identify conserved intronic splicing regulatory elements (ISREs). Our approach yielded 314 ISREs, and insertions of ~70 ISREs between competing splice sites demonstrated that 84% of ISREs altered 5′ and 94% altered 3′ splice site choice in human cells. Consistent with our experiments, comparisons of ISREs to known splicing regulatory elements revealed that 40%–45% of ISREs might have dual roles as exonic splicing silencers. Supporting a role for ISREs in alternative splicing, we found that 30%–50% of ISREs were enriched near alternatively spliced (AS) exons, and included almost all known binding sites of tissue-specific alternative splicing factors. Further, we observed that genes harboring ISRE-proximal exons have biases for tissue expression and molecular functions that are ISRE-specific. Finally, we discovered that for Nova1, neuronal PTB, hnRNP C, and FOX1, the most frequently occurring ISRE proximal to an alternative conserved exon in the splicing factor strongly resembled its own known RNA binding site, suggesting a novel application of ISRE density and the propensity for splicing factors to auto-regulate to associate RNA binding sites to splicing factors. Our results demonstrate that ISREs are crucial building blocks in understanding general and tissue-specific AS regulation and the biological pathways and functions regulated by these AS events.  相似文献   

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