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K. Rohde 《Hydrobiologia》1986,137(1):21-28
Data from five extensive surveys each in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans show that relative species diversity (number of parasite species per host species) of gill Monogenea of coastal marine fishes is greater in the northern and southwestern Pacific than in the northeastern and central- and southwestern Atlantic. Relative species diversity is markedly lower in the cold northeastern Atlantic than in the warmer parts of the Atlantic examined, and in the northern Pacific than in the warm southwestern Pacific. The difference between the northern Pacific and Atlantic is entirely or almost entirely due to a much greater number of species of Gyrodactylidae in the northern Pacific. A species-area relationship cannot explain the difference, because the area of the northern Pacific is not larger than that of the northern Atlantic and because Gyrodactylidae are cold-water forms which cannot have immigrated from warmer seas. The difference is tentatively explained by an evolutionary time hypothesis: more species of Gyrodactylidae have accumulated in the much older Pacific than in the Atlantic Ocean. Alternatively, an ecological time hypothesis may explain the difference: ice sheets during the last glaciation covered much more of the continental shelf in the northern Atlantic than in the northern Pacific, possibly extinguishing more Monogenea in the former than in the latter Ocean.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic and paleontological analyses are combined to reveal patterns of species origination and divergence and to define the significance of potential and actual barriers to dispersal in Conus, a species-rich genus of predatory gastropods distributed throughout the world's tropical oceans. Species-level phylogenetic hypotheses are based on nucleotide sequences from the nuclear calmodulin and mitochondrial 16S rRNA genes of 138 Conus species from the Indo-Pacific, eastern Pacific, and Atlantic Ocean regions. Results indicate that extant species descend from two major lineages that diverged at least 33 mya. Their geographic distributions suggest that one clade originated in the Indo-Pacific and the other in the eastern Pacific + western Atlantic. Impediments to dispersal between the western Atlantic and Indian Oceans and the central and eastern Pacific Ocean may have promoted this early separation of Indo-Pacific and eastern Pacific + western Atlantic lineages of Conus. However, because both clades contain both Indo-Pacific and eastern Pacific + western Atlantic species, migrations must have occurred between these regions; at least four migration events took place between regions at different times. In at least three cases, incursions between regions appear to have crossed the East Pacific Barrier. The paleontological record illustrates that distinct sets of Conus species inhabited the Indo-Pacific, eastern Pacific + western Atlantic, and eastern Atlantic + former Tethys Realm in the Tertiary, as is the case today. The ranges of <1% of fossil species (N=841) spanned more than one of these regions throughout the evolutionary history of this group.  相似文献   

Some of the views on the marine ecology of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) that were popular in the second half of the 20th century are discussed critically: the absolutization of the influence of sea surface temperature on distribution of salmon and strength of their year classes, as well as the conclusions on the shortage of food (particularly in winter) and the fierce competition for food, the “suppression” of other salmon species and own adjacent broodline by pink salmon, the limited carrying capacity of the pelagic zone of subarctic ocean waters for salmon, the distortion of the structure of epipelagic communities in ecosystems of the North Pacific due to the large-scale stock enhancement of chum salmon, etc. Most of these ideas have not been confirmed by the data of long-term monitoring conducted in the form of complex marine expeditions by the Pacific Research Fisheries Center (TINRO Center) in the Far-Eastern Seas and adjacent North Pacific waters since the 1980s. The data show that Pacific salmon are ecologically very flexible species with a wider temperature range of habitat than was previously believed. Salmon are able to make considerable vertical migrations, easily crossing zones of sharp temperature gradient and different water masses. Having the wide feeding spectra and being dispersed (as non-schooling fish) when feeding in the sea and ocean, they successfully satisfy their dietary needs in vast areas even with relatively low concentrations of prey organisms (macroplankton and small nekton). The total biomass of all the Pacific salmon species in the North Pacific is not greater than 4–5 million t (including 1.5–2.0 million t in Russian waters), whereas the biomass of other common species of nekton is a few hundreds of millions of tons. Salmon account for 1.0–5.0% of the total amount of food consumed by nekton in the epipelagic layer of the western Bering Sea, 0.5–1.0% in the Sea of Okhotsk, less than 1% in the ocean waters off the Kuril Islands, and 5.0–15.0% in the ocean waters off East Kamchatka. Thus, the role of Pacific salmon in the trophic webs of subarctic waters is rather moderate. Therefore, neither pink nor chum salmon can be considered as the species responsible for the large reorganization in ecosystems and the population fluctuations in other common nekton species.  相似文献   

Four genera of scombrid fishes (26 species) and their copepod (32 species) and monogenean ectoparasites (25 species) were used to test the hypothesis that the East Pacific Barrier is responsible for the most pronounced break in the circum-tropical warm water fauna of the continental shelves, and not the New World Barrier. Analysis at the species level showed that there is a primary centre of diversity in the West Pacific, and a secondary centre in the West Atlantic. The former, almost entirely, shares its species of the largely coastal Scomberomorus and Grammatorcynus and their parasites with seas located to the west. Only four parasites (all copepods) are shared by the East and West Pacific, and they are circum-tropical. In contrast, the West Pacific shares species of the more pelagic Scomber and their parasites with seas both to the east and west, although at the genus level, only two circum-tropical monogenean genera are shared by the E and W Pacific. We conclude that the East Pacific Barrier has been a 100% or almost 100% effective barrier to dispersal of species of Scomberomorus, Grammatorcynus and their parasites, whereas for species of Scomber and their parasites, the East Pacific has been a less effective barrier.  相似文献   

The anomuran crabs are among the best known crustacean groups from the Pacific coast. However, this group is poorly known from the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica. In this compilation based on the literature and the collection at the Zoology Museum, Biology School, University of Costa Rica, we report the presence of 114 species of the Infraorder Anomura for Costa Rica, 20 species from the Caribbean, 96 species from the Pacific (two are present on both coasts). Twenty-nine species are new reports for Costa Rica, 15 from the Caribbean coast (74% of the total of species from that coast) and 14 from the Pacific (15% of the total from the Pacific). The range often species is extended to Costa Rica, siete from the Caribbean and three from the Pacific. Six species are reported for the first time from Cocos Island, where there are also four endemic species.  相似文献   


A new species of grunt sculpin, Rhamphocottus nagaakii inhabiting the northwestern Pacific, previously identified as Rhamphocottus richardsonii Günther 1874, is described based on genetic evidence and morphological differences. The new species can be distinguished based on morphometric characters related to the head, including head length [45.3–54.6% of standard length (SL)], postorbital head length (18.8–25.5% SL) and the length of pectoral-fin base (15.8–20.7% SL), which are smaller than in R. richardsonii (53.6–60.5% SL, 26.2–31.7% SL, and 19.5–25.2% SL, respectively). Genetic differences between two species markedly exceed levels for intra-specific differences. Rhamphocottus nagaakii is considered to have arisen from a common ancestor of the two species, which probably inhabited somewhere the North Pacific Rim around the Aleutian Archipelago. During a period of cooling in the Pliocene or the Miocene, R. nagaakii and R. richardsonii became separated to the southern regions of the northwestern and northeastern Pacific, and subsequently underwent speciation.


A global review of island endemic birds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Although fewer than one-fifth of the world's bird species are restricted to islands, over 90% of bird extinctions during historic times have occurred on islands. The major identified cause has been the effects of exotic animal species introduced by man; the largest number of documented extinctions has occurred on islands of the Pacific Ocean.
Some 39% (402) of threatened bird species are restricted to islands and more than 907; of these are endemic to a single geopolitical unit. The largest numbers occurring in such units are in Indonesia (91) and the Philippines (34). As a region, the Pacific holds more threatened species (110) than any other, including almost half of those considered Endangered and over 40% of the Vulnerable species.
Most threatened island species are forest-dwelling. A high proportion of the Endangered species use seasonal/temperate forest. While habitat destruction now poses the greatest overall threat to island birds (affecting over half the species restricted to islands), the presence of introduced species threatens 30 of the 66 Endangered species.
Although immediate extinctions of island species can best be averted by mitigating the effects of introductions, the removal of native forests will be a more severe problem in the longer term. There is an urgent need for ecologists to provide detailed information on the habitats of both threatened and endemic species so that more appropriate and effective conservation programmes can be developed.  相似文献   

Many tropical reef fishes are divided into Atlantic and East Pacific taxa, placing similar species in two very different biogeographic regimes. The tropical Atlantic is a closed ocean basin with relatively stable currents, whereas the East Pacific is an open basin with unstable oceanic circulation. To assess how evolutionary processes are influenced by these differences in oceanography and geography, we analyze a 630-bp region of mitochondrial cytochrome b from 171 individuals in the blenniid genus Ophioblennius. Our results demonstrate deep genetic structuring in the Atlantic species, O. atlanticus, corresponding to recognized biogeographic provinces, with divergences of d = 5.2-12.7% among the Caribbean, Brazilian, St. Helena/Ascension Island, Gulf of Guinea, and Azores/Cape Verde regions. The Atlantic phylogeny is consistent with Pliocene dispersal from the western to eastern Atlantic, and the depth of these separations (along with prior morphological comparisons) may indicate previously unrecognized species. The eastern Pacific species, O. steindachneri, is characterized by markedly less structure than O. atlanticus, with shallow mitochondrial DNA lineages (dmax = 2.7%) and haplotype frequency shifts between locations in the Sea of Cortez, Pacific Panama, Clipperton Island, and the Galapagos Islands. No concordance between genetic structure and biogeographic provinces was found for O. steincdachneri. We attribute the phylogeographic pattern in O. atlanticus to dispersal during the reorganization of Atlantic circulation patterns that accompanied the shoaling of the Isthmus of Panama. The low degree of structure in the eastern Pacific is probably due to unstable circulation and linkage to the larger Pacific Ocean basin. The contrast in genetic signatures between Atlantic and eastern Pacific blennies demonstrates how differences in geology and oceanography have influenced evolutionary radiations within each region.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Three hundred and fifty-seven reptiles belonging to 15 species (11 genera, 7 families) from the Pacific Northwest were examined for haematozoa. Twenty-six (7.3%) had parasites. Eleven (3.1%) were infected with haemogregarines, 6 (1.7%) with microfilariae and 9 (2.5%) with unidentified organisms. Four species of snakes and 4 of lizards were positive. Several forms of haemogregarine from the Pacific gopher snake ( Pituophis melanoleucus catenifer ) are described.  相似文献   

This study examines the crystal-liquid crystal phase transitions of the major phospholipids, phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), from muscle tissue of marine fish living at temperatures of 0–4.1°C (the Pacific cod Gadus macrocephalus, banded Irish lord Hemilepidotus gilberti, Pacific halibut Hippoglossus hippoglossus, black edged sculpin Gymnocanthus herzensteini, dark colored flounder Pleuronectes obscurus, and plain sculpin Myoxocephalus jaok), as well as of fish living at 14 and 18°C (Pacific redfin Tribolodon brandti). The PC and PE phase-transition thermograms of all the investigated species displayed specific profiles. The largest share of the thermogram area at temperatures higher than those of the habitat was found for the PC (28–40%) and PE (47–82%) of the black-edged sculpin, dark-colored flounder, and the plain sculpin, which have reduced physiological activity at low temperatures. In the Pacific cod, banded Irish lord, and the Pacific redfin, this parameter was much lower, 0–18% (PC) and 0–39% (PE). The thermotropic behavior PC and PE was symbate in all fish, except for the cod and the plain sculpin. The transition enthalpy of PC in all the investigated species was 2.8 times higher than that of PE. To interpret the varied PC and PE thermogram profiles of fish with similar fatty-acid compositions, the data on the composition of the molecular species of these phospholipids appeared to be the most informative. This study suggests that each fish species has its own strategy for thermal adaptation, which is realized through a certain set of phospholipid molecular species.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis of 13 substantially complete mitochondrial DNA genome sequences (14,036 bp) from 10 taxa of gadine codfishes and pollock provides highly corroborated resolution of outstanding questions on their biogeographic evolution. Of 6 resolvable nodes among species, 4 were supported by >95% of bootstrap replications in parsimony, distance, likelihood, and similarly high posterior probabilities in bayesian analyses, one by 85%-95% according to the method of analysis, and one by 99% by one method and a majority of the other two. The endemic Pacific species, walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), is more closely related to the endemic Atlantic species, Atlantic cod (Gadus macrocephalus), than either is to a second Pacific endemic, Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus). The walleye pollock should thus be referred to the genus Gadus as originally described (Gadus chalcogrammus Pallas 1811). Arcto-Atlantic Greenland cod, previously regarded as a distinct species (G. ogac), are a genomically distinguishable subspecies within pan-Pacific G. macrocephalus. Of the 2 endemic Arctic Ocean genera, Polar cod (Boreogadus) as the outgroup to Arctic cod (Arctogadus) and Gadus sensu lato is more strongly supported than a pairing of Boreogadus and Arctogadus as sister taxa. Taking into consideration historical patterns of hydrogeography, we outline a hypothesis of the origin of the 2 endemic Pacific species as independent but simultaneous invasions through the Bering Strait from an Arcto-Atlantic ancestral lineage. In contrast to the genome data, the complete proteome sequence (3830 amino acids) resolved only 3 nodes with >95% confidence, and placed Alaska pollock outside the Gadus clade owing to reversal mutations in the ND5 locus that restore ancestral, non-Gadus, amino acid residues in that species.  相似文献   

The studies on marine copepods of Costa Rica started in the 1990’s and focused on the largest coastal-estuarine systems in the country, particularly along the Pacific coast. Diversity is widely variable among these systems: 40 species have been recorded in the Culebra Bay influenced by upwelling, northern Pacific coast, only 12 in the Gulf of Nicoya estuarine system, and 38 in Golfo Dulce, an anoxic basin in the southern Pacific coast of the country. Freshwater environments of Costa Rica are known to harbor a moderate diversity of continental copepods (25 species), which includes 6 calanoids, 17 cyclopoids and only two harpacticoids. Of the +100 freshwater species recorded in Central America, six are known only from Costa Rica, and one appears to be endemic to this country. The freshwater copepod fauna of Costa Rica is clearly the best known in Central America. Overall, six of the 10 orders of Copepoda are reported from Costa Rica. A previous summary by 2001 of the free-living copepod diversity in the country included 80 marine species (67 pelagic, 13 benthic). By 2009, the number of marine species increased to 209: 164 from the Pacific (49% of the copepod fauna from the Eastern Tropical Pacific) and 45 from the Caribbean coast (8% of species known from the Caribbean Basin). Both the Caribbean and Pacific species lists are growing. Additional collections of copepods at Cocos Island, an oceanic island 530 km away of the Pacific coast, have revealed many new records, including five new marine species from Costa Rica. Currently, the known diversity of marine copepods of Costa Rica is still in development and represents up to 52.6% of the total marine microcrustaceans recorded in the country. Future sampling and taxonomic efforts in the marine habitats should emphasize oceanic environments including deep waters but also littoral communities. Several Costa Rican records of freshwater copepods are likely to represent undescribed species. Also, the biogeographic relevance of the inland copepod fauna of Costa Rica requires more detailed surveys.  相似文献   

The marine areas of South America (SA) include almost 30,000 km of coastline and encompass three different oceanic domains--the Caribbean, the Pacific, and the Atlantic--ranging in latitude from 12°N to 55°S. The 10 countries that border these coasts have different research capabilities and taxonomic traditions that affect taxonomic knowledge. This paper analyzes the status of knowledge of marine biodiversity in five subregions along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of South America (SA): the Tropical East Pacific, the Humboldt Current,the Patagonian Shelf, the Brazilian Shelves, and the Tropical West Atlantic, and it provides a review of ecosystem threats and regional marine conservation strategies. South American marine biodiversity is least well known in the tropical subregions (with the exception of Costa Rica and Panama). Differences in total biodiversity were observed between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans at the same latitude. In the north of the continent, the Tropical East Pacific is richer in species than the Tropical West Atlantic, however, when standardized by coastal length, there is very little difference among them. In the south, the Humboldt Current system is much richer than the Patagonian Shelf. An analysis of endemism shows that 75% of the species are reported within only one of the SA regions, while about 22% of the species of SA are not reported elsewhere in the world. National and regional initiatives focusing on new exploration, especially to unknown areas and ecosystems, as well as collaboration among countries are fundamental to achieving the goal of completing inventories of species diversity and distribution.These inventories will allow accurate interpretation of the biogeography of its two oceanic coasts and latitudinal trends,and will also provide relevant information for science based policies.  相似文献   

The number of exotic ant species being dispersed to new regions by human transportation and the trade pathways responsible for this are poorly understood. In this study, the taxonomic diversity, trade pathways, and origin of exotic ants intercepted at the New Zealand border were examined for the period 1955–2005. Overall, there were a total 4355 interception records, with 115 species from 52 genera. The 10 most frequently intercepted genera, and the 20 most frequently intercepted species contributed > 90% of all records. Many of the species frequently intercepted are regarded as invasive species, and several are established in New Zealand. The most intercepted species was Pheidole megacephala . Despite a relatively low trade relationship, a high proportion (> 64%) of the exotic ants which were intercepted originated from the Pacific region. However, the majority of species intercepted from the Pacific was exotic to the region (71%), or to a lesser extent, wide-ranging Pacific native species. No endemic species from the Pacific were intercepted. The effectiveness of detecting exotic ant species at the New Zealand border ranged from 48–78% for different trade pathways, indicating a number of species remain undetected. Trade routes associated with specific geographical regions represent a major filter for the arrival of exotic ant species. Despite the importance of the Pacific as a frequent pathway, we suggest that the future establishment of exotic ant species in New Zealand is likely to be mitigated by a renewed focus on trade routes with cool temperate regions, particularly Australia.  相似文献   

The pronghorn spiny lobster, Panulirus penicillatus, is a circumtropical species which has the widest global distribution among all the species of spiny lobster, ranging throughout the entire Indo-Pacific region. Partial nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial DNA COI (1,142-1,207 bp) and 16S rDNA (535-546 bp) regions were determined for adult and phyllosoma larval samples collected from the Eastern Pacific (EP)(Galápagos Islands and its adjacent water), Central Pacific (CP)(Hawaii and Tuamotu) and the Western Pacific (WP)(Japan, Indonesia, Fiji, New Caledonia and Australia). Phylogenetic analyses revealed two distinct large clades corresponding to the geographic origin of samples (EP and CP+WP). No haplotype was shared between the two regional samples, and average nucleotide sequence divergence (Kimura's two parameter distance) between EP and CP+WP samples was 3.8±0.5% for COI and 1.0±0.4% for 16S rDNA, both of which were much larger than those within samples. The present results indicate that the Pacific population of the pronghorn spiny lobster is subdivided into two distinct populations (Eastern Pacific and Central to Western Pacific), with no gene flow between them. Although the pronghorn spiny lobster have long-lived teleplanic larvae, the vast expanse of Pacific Ocean with no islands and no shallow substrate which is known as the East Pacific Barrier appears to have isolated these two populations for a long time (c.a. 1MY).  相似文献   

The Arctic is geologically and biogeographically young, and the origin of its seaweed flora has been widely debated. The Arctic littoral biogeographic region dates from the latest Tertiary and Pleistocene. Following the opening of Bering Strait, about 3.5 mya, the “Great Trans‐Arctic Biotic Interchange” populated the Arctic with a fauna strongly dominated by species of North Pacific origin. The Thermogeographic Model (TM) demonstrates why climate and geography continued to support this pattern in the Pleistocene. Thus, Arctic and Atlantic subarctic species of seaweeds are likely to be evolutionarily “based” in the North Pacific, subarctic species are likely to be widespread in the warmer Arctic, and species of Atlantic Boreal or warmer origin are unlikely in the Arctic and Subarctic. Although Arctic seaweeds have been thought to have a greater affinity with the North Atlantic, we have reanalyzed the Arctic endemic algal flora, using the Thermogeographic Model and evolutionary trees based on molecular data, to demonstrate otherwise. There are 35 congeneric species of the six, abundant Arctic Rhodophyta that we treat in this paper; 32 of these species (91%) occur in the North Pacific, two species (6%) occur in the Boreal or warmer Atlantic Ocean, and a single species is panoceanic, but restricted to the Subarctic. Laminaria solidungula J. Agardh, a kelp Arctic “endemic” species, has 18 sister species. While only eleven (61%) occur in the North Pacific, this rapidly dispersing and evolving genus is a terminal member of a diverse family and order (Laminariales) widely accepted to have evolved in the North Pacific. Thus, both the physical/time‐based TM and the dominant biogeographic pattern of relatives of Arctic macrophytes suggest strong compliance with the evidence of zoology, geology, and paleoclimatology that the Arctic marine flora is largely of Pacific origin.  相似文献   

Species of Lophiidae collected from the western South Pacific Ocean are examined. Nine nominal species are recognized, all but one species with their distributions extended eastwards and southwards from the western Pacific Ocean. Two new species are described from Polynesia. Lophiodes iwamotoi n. sp. is described from five specimens collected from Savannah Seamount. It is characterized by a relatively long third dorsal-fin spine (56.9-70.8% standard length, L(S)) that extends (when retracted) to between the end of the soft dorsal fin and caudal-fin base; a relatively short fifth dorsal-fin spine (10.5-13.1% L(S)); a relatively short and narrow head; 19-20 pectoral-fin rays. Lophiodes maculatus n. sp. is described from 20 specimens collected from Marquesas Islands. It is characterized by an extremely long third dorsal-fin spine (71.9-87.2% L(S)), extending well beyond the caudal-fin base; a relatively short fifth dorsal-fin spine (11.4-16.5% L(S)); 17-18 pectoral-fin rays. A key to the lophiids in the western South Pacific Ocean is provided.  相似文献   

Scyllaeidae represents a small clade of dendronotoid nudibranchs. Notobryon wardi Odhner, 1936, has been reported to occur in tropical oceans from the Indo‐Pacific and eastern Pacific to temperate South Africa. The systematics of Notobryon has not been reviewed using modern systematic tools. Here, specimens of Notobryon were examined from the eastern Pacific, the Indo‐Pacific, and from temperate South Africa. Additionally, representatives of Scyllaea and Crosslandia were studied. Scyllaeidae was found to be monophyletic. Notobryon was also found to be monophyletic and is the sister group to Crosslandia plus Scyllaea. The molecular data also clearly indicate that within Notobryon, at least three distinct species are present, two of which are here described. Genetic distance data indicate that eastern Pacific and South African exemplars are 10–23% divergent from Indo‐Pacific exemplars of Notobryon wardi. Scyllaea pelagica has been regarded as a single, circumtropical species. Our molecular studies clearly indicate that the Atlantic and Indo‐Pacific populations are distinct and we resurrect Scyllaea fulva Quoy & Gaimard, 1824 for the Indo‐Pacific species. Our morphological studies clearly corroborate our molecular findings and differences in morphology distinguish closely related species. Different species clearly have distinct penial morphology. These studies clearly reinforce the view that eastern Pacific, Indo‐Pacific, and temperate biotas consist largely of distinct faunas, with only a minor degree of faunal overlap. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 165 , 311–336.  相似文献   

New information on the presence and relative abundances of 41 reef-building (zooxanthellate) coral species at 11 eastern Pacific and 3 central Pacific localities is examined in a biogeographic analysis and review of the eastern Pacific coral reef region. The composition and origin of the coral fauna and other reef-associated taxa are assessed in the context of dispersal and vicariance hypotheses. A minimum variance cluster analysis using coral species presence–absence classification data at the 14 localities revealed three eastern Pacific reef-coral provinces: (1) equatorial– mainland Ecuador to Costa Rica, including the Galápagos and Cocos Islands; (2) northern– mainland México and the Revillagigedo Islands; (3) island group– eastern Pacific Malpelo Island and Clipperton Atoll, and central Pacific Hawaiian, Johnston and Fanning Islands. Coral species richness is relatively high in the equatorial (17–26 species per locality) and northern (18–24 species) provinces, and low at two small offshore island localities (7–10 species). A high proportion (36.6%, 15 species) of eastern Pacific coral species occurs at only one or two localities; of these, three disappeared following the 1982–83 ENSO event, three occur as death assemblages at several localities, and five are endangered with known populations of ten or fewer colonies. Principal component analysis using ordinal relative density data for the 41 species at the 14 localities indicated three main species groupings, i.e., those with high, mid, and narrow spatial distributions. These groupings correlated with species population-dynamic characteristics. These results were compared with data for riverine discharges, ocean circulation patterns, shoreline habitat characteristics, and regional sea surface temperature data to help clarify the analyses as these measures of environmental variability affect coral community composition. Local richness was highest at localities with the highest environmental variability. Recent information regarding the strong affinity between eastern and central Pacific coral faunas, abundance of teleplanic larvae in oceanic currents, high genetic similarity of numerous reef-associated species, and appearances of numerous Indo-west Pacific species in the east Pacific following ENSO activity, suggest the bridging of the east Pacific filter bridge (formerly east Pacific barrier). Accepted: 20 September 1999  相似文献   

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