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The enteric flora of captive whooping cranes (Grus americana) and sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis) has not been well described, despite its potential importance in the understanding of both the normal condition of the intestinal physiology of these animals and the altered colonization within disease states in these birds. Nineteen whooping cranes and 23 sandhill cranes housed currently at the Calgary Zoo or its affiliated Devonian Wildlife Conservation Centre (DWCC) in Calgary, Alberta were sampled from October 2004–February 2005 by collecting aerobic and anaerobic cloacal swabs from each bird. There were seven major groupings of bacteria isolated from both species of crane. Gram‐positive cocci, coliforms, and gram‐negative bacilli were the most prevalent types of bacteria isolated for both crane species, with Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, and Streptococcus Group D, not Enterococcus the bacterial species isolated most commonly. There was a significant difference in the average number of isolates per individual between the two crane species but no differences between age or gender categories within crane species. Campylobacter sp. were isolated from five whooping cranes. The potential zoonotic pathogen Campylobacter jejuni was isolated from one whooping crane and C. upsaliensis was isolated from a second. Three other isolates were unspeciated members of the Campylobacter genus and likely belong to a species undescribed previously. The evaluation of the enteric cloacal flora of whooping cranes and sandhill cranes illustrates that differences exist between these two closely related crane species, and highlights the potential implications these differences may have for current practices involving captive wildlife. Zoo Biol 0:1–13, 2007. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Sandhill cranes (Antigone canadensis) were broadly extirpated from much of their historical range in North America at the beginning of the twentieth century. Various conservation-related legislation, such as the United States Migratory Bird Treaty Act, have assisted with population recovery. The eastern population of sandhill cranes has been growing rapidly since the 1980s and is thought to have expanded its geographic range to Quebec, Canada. Understanding the colonization and habitat use by the species in previously unoccupied breeding areas is necessary to develop and apply management measures. Using a dynamic occupancy modeling approach, we investigated the recent colonization and extirpation patterns of sandhill cranes in Quebec from 2004–2019. We combined data from 3 data sets (helicopter surveys, breeding bird atlas surveys, and eBird) to increase the spatial coverage and the number of species occurrence records while accounting for imperfect detection probability. Detection probability was highest for the helicopter survey (0.70), whereas the 2 other data sets had relatively low detection levels (0.10–0.26). Based on a simulation study, we found that excluding the eBird data from the analysis produced more biased estimates than excluding the atlas and helicopter survey data sets. Throughout the study, sandhill cranes seemed to have completed their colonization of western Quebec and only recently started to nest in eastern areas. Initial occupancy increased with wetland cover and colonization probability increased weakly with the cover of agricultural areas, suggesting that in our study area sandhill cranes rely essentially on natural wetlands during the breeding season.  相似文献   

From 1990-2001, we made 188 successful captures of 166 different greater sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis tabida) through experimental use of alpha-chloralose (AC). Most captures took place during September (72.3%; n = 136), followed by August (14.9%; n = 28), and October (12.8%; n = 24). Territorial pairs were captured more successfully than family groups. Overall morbidity (6.4%) and mortality (4.3%) were lower than most other capture techniques for sandhill cranes. Exertional myopathy (EM) was the most common complication observed using AC (3.7%). Sedation level (chi5(2) = 25.9, P < 0.01) and month of capture (chi2(2) = 12.3, P < 0.01) were both associated with the presence of EM in cranes captured with AC. A logistic regression model suggests lighter sedation and the months of August and October are potential risk factors for EM in sandhill cranes captured with AC in Wisconsin (USA).  相似文献   

Coccidia of whooping cranes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Coccidial oocysts were observed in 6 of 19 fecal samples from free-ranging whooping cranes (Grus americana) and 4 of 16 samples from captive whooping cranes. Eimeria gruis occurred in four free-ranging whooping cranes and E. reichenowi in two free-ranging and two captive whooping cranes. Fecal samples from two captive cranes contained oocysts of Isospora lacazei which was considered a spurious parasite. Oocysts of both species of Eimeria were prevalent in fecal samples collected from three free-ranging Canadian sandhill cranes (G. canadensis rowani) from whooping crane wintering grounds in Texas. These coccidia were prevalent also in fecal samples from 14 sandhill cranes (of 4 subspecies) maintained in captivity at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center in Maryland.  相似文献   

Cutaneous elevations were present on the feet, legs and heads of four Florida sandhill cranes, Grus canadensis pratensis, (one free-living, three penreared birds). As a result of examination of the elevations by light- and electron microscopy, it was determined that the lesions were caused by poxvirus. This is the first record of pox in cranes in North America.  相似文献   

A number of wildlife species have recovered from the brink of extinction to flourish and, in some cases, even become a commonly recognized urban species (e.g., Canada goose [Branta canadensis]). Broadly extirpated from much of their historical range in North America, the sandhill crane (Antigone canadensis) demonstrated this potential for population recovery. The trajectory of the eastern population of greater sandhill cranes is remarkable—perhaps as many as 90,000 cranes now occur throughout the same Great Lakes states that reported only dozens of birds less than a century ago. However, understanding future population growth of the species remains uncertain because breeding birds are increasingly exposed to the pressures of urban sprawl and a changing agricultural landscape. From 2009 to 2014 we investigated the survival of sandhill crane nests and young up to 11 weeks of age (the point at which they are capable of flight) in the core of the eastern population's range in central Wisconsin and at its peripheral extent in a rapidly developing urban region of northeastern Illinois, USA. We located crane nests via systematic surveys on foot and from helicopters, we then radio-tagged the young and monitored them until they died or were capable to sustained flight. Overall, young were more likely to hatch from nests in Illinois (60%) than in central Wisconsin (46%), regardless of differences in land cover surrounding the nest site. In contrast, the survivorship of young was positively correlated with urban land cover in both regions but higher in central Wisconsin (54%) than in northeast Illinois (27%). Overall, the probability of producing young was greater in landscapes with more urban development, regardless of region. We suggest that differences in predator composition, predator behavior, and crane density between rural and urban areas is the primary reason for the difference in crane productivity. Higher recruitment of sandhill cranes using urban landscapes may allow cranes to echo the population trajectory of urban Canada geese. We anticipate that sandhill cranes will continue to use urban landscapes, and likely expand their geographic range as breeding pairs benefit from the increased survivorship of young in those landscapes. © The Wildlife Society, 2019  相似文献   

Florida sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis pratensis) were conditioned to confinement 6 hr/day for 7 days. On day 8, each bird's jugular vein was catheterized, blood samples were drawn, and each crane was confined for 6 hr. Using a randomized, restricted cross-over design, cranes were injected intravenously with either 0.9% NaCl solution or ACTH (cosyntropin; Cortrosyn; 0.25 mg). During the 6 hr of confinement, fecal samples (feces and urine) were collected from each of five cranes immediately after defecation. Individual fecal samples were collected approximately at hourly intervals and assayed for corticosterone. We showed previously that serum corticosterone did not vary significantly following saline injection, but peaked significantly 60 min after ACTH injection. Maximal fecal corticosterone concentrations (ng/g) were greater (P < 0.10; median 1087 ng/g) following ACTH stimulation compared to maximal fecal corticosterone concentrations at the end of acclimation (day 7; median 176) and following saline treatment (median 541). In cranes under controlled conditions, fecal corticosterone concentration reflects serum corticosterone levels, fecal corticosterone, Grus canadensis pratensis, sandhill cranes, serum corticosterone levels.  相似文献   

Fourteen captive-reared greater sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis tabida) were conditioned to follow ultralight aircraft to promote migration between Wisconsin and Florida (USA) after release. Fecal samples were collected throughout the training period in Wisconsin and during a l977-km human-led migration to Florida to determine fecal corticosterone (FC) concentrations by radioimmunnoassay. The mean (+/-SE) FC concentration during the training period was 109.5 +/- 7.5 ng/g and was representative of baseline levels recorded previously from sandhill cranes. Fecal corticosterone concentrations increased in early migration compared to concentrations I mo prior to departure (P < 0.01) but were not different from baseline concentrations at tile end of the 6-wk migration period. The variability of FC concentrations in individual samples was greater throughout the migration than the training period. Increases in FC during migration were modest and generally consistent with normal corticosterone elevations observed in migrating birds.  相似文献   

Previous studies of migratory sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis) have made significant progress explaining evolution of this group at the species scale, but have been unsuccessful in explaining the geographically partitioned variation in morphology seen on the population scale. The objectives of this study were to assess the population structure and gene flow patterns among migratory sandhill cranes using microsatellite DNA genotypes and mitochondrial DNA haplotypes of a large sample of individuals across three populations. In particular, we were interested in evaluating the roles of Pleistocene glaciation events and postglaciation gene flow in shaping the present-day population structure. Our results indicate substantial gene flow across regions of the Midcontinental population that are geographically adjacent, suggesting that gene flow for most of the region follows an isolation-by-distance model. Male-mediated gene flow and strong female philopatry may explain the differing patterns of nuclear and mitochondrial variation. Taken in context with precise geographical information on breeding locations, the morphologic and microsatellite DNA variation shows a gradation from the Arctic-nesting subspecies G. c. canadensis to the nonArctic subspecies G. c. tabida. Analogous to other Arctic-nesting birds, it is probable that the population structure seen in Midcontinental sandhill cranes reflects the result of postglacial secondary contact. Our data suggest that subspecies of migratory sandhills experience significant gene flow and therefore do not represent distinct and independent genetic entities.  相似文献   

The feces of 212 sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis) collected in central New Mexico from October 1982 to January 1983 and from October 1983 to January 1984 were examined to determine the prevalence of coccidial oocysts. One hundred forty-five granulomatous nodules from the viscera of 64 cranes and samples of lung, small intestine, and large intestine from 58 birds were examined by light and transmission electron microscopy for the presence of intestinal or extraintestinal coccidiosis. Of the 212 fecal samples, 160 (75%) were positive for oocysts of Eimeria, including E. gruis in 139 (66%) and E. reichenowi in 118 (56%) of the samples. Eimeria bosquei sp. n. was found in two (approximately 1%) of the fecal samples. Subspheroid to ovoid oocysts of this new species are 19-27 X 14-19 (23.6 X 17.1) micrograms with ovoid sporocysts 10-14 X 7-11 (12.3 X 9.3) micrograms. A rough, heavily pitted outer oocyst wall, sporocyst residuum, Stieda and substieda bodies, and multiple polar bodies are present. The polar bodies, of varying sizes, always aggregate at the apex of the sporulated oocyst. An Adelina sp. was found in one (0.5%) crane. Coccidian developmental stages were found in the epithelium and lamina propria of the small and large intestine. Disseminated granulomatous nodules were found in the oral mucosa, esophagus, heart, descending aorta, liver, small intestine, mesenteries, and parietal peritoneum. Unique cell types resembling coccidian asexual and sexual stages were observed by light and electron microscopy in some of the nodules.  相似文献   

Three subspecies of sandhill crane (Grus canadensis) are recognized in the Midcontinental population, the lesser (Grus c. canadensis), Canadian (G. c. rowani), and greater (G. c. tabida). Blood samples collected on the population's primary spring staging area in Nebraska, U.S.A., were used to resolve the genetic relationship among these subspecies. Phylogenetic analysis of 27 G. canadensis, by DNA sequencing of a 675 bp region of the mtDNA, supports the subspecies designations of G. c. canadensis and G. c. tabida. G. c. rowani individuals were intermediate with each of the other two subspecies. Genetic divergence ranged from 6.5 to 14.5% between G. c. canadensis and G. c. tabida, 0.5 to 6.6% within G. c. canadensis, and 0.1 to 6.0% within G. c. tabida. Sufficient DNA for analysis was obtained from shed feathers indicating a source of genetic material that does not require the capture or sacrifice of the birds. Other genetic markers and methods, including satellite telemetry, are required for obtaining detailed information on crane distributions as needed to establish effective management units for the MCP.  相似文献   

The Mid-continent Population (MCP) of sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis) is widely hunted in North America and is separated into the Gulf Coast Subpopulation and Western Subpopulation for management purposes. Effective harvest management of the MCP requires detailed knowledge of breeding distribution of subspecies and subpopulations, chronology of their use of fall staging areas and wintering grounds, and exposure to and harvest from hunting. To address these information needs, we tagged 153 sandhill cranes with Platform Transmitting Terminals (PTTs) during 22 February–12 April 1998–2003 in the Central and North Platte River valleys of south-central Nebraska. We monitored PTT-tagged sandhill cranes, hereafter tagged cranes, from their arrival to departure from breeding grounds, during their fall migration, and throughout winter using the Argos satellite tracking system. The tracking effort yielded 74,041 useable locations over 49,350 tag days; median duration of tracking of individual cranes was 352 days and 73 cranes were tracked >12 months. Genetic sequencing of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from blood samples taken from each of our random sample of tagged cranes indicated 64% were G. c. canadensis and 34% were Grus canadensis tabida. Tagged cranes during the breeding season settled in northern temperate, subarctic, and arctic North America (U.S. [23%, n = 35], Canada [57%, n = 87]) and arctic regions of northeast Asia (Russia [20%, n = 31]). Distribution of tagged cranes by breeding affiliation was as follows: Western Alaska–Siberia (WA–S, 42 ± 4% [SE]), northern Canada–Nunavut (NC–N, 21 ± 4%), west-central Canada–Alaska (WC–A, 23 ± 4%) and East-central Canada–Minnesota (EC–M, 14 ± 3%). All tagged cranes returned to the same breeding affiliation used during the previous year with a median distance of 1.60 km (range: 0.08–7.7 km, n = 53) separating sites used in year 1 and year 2. Fall staging occurred primarily in central and western Saskatchewan (69%), North Dakota (16%), southwestern Manitoba (10%), and northwestern Minnesota (3%). Space-use sharing indices showed that except for NC–N and WC–A birds, probability of finding a crane from one breeding affiliation within the home range of another breeding affiliation was low during fall staging. Tagged cranes from WC–A and EC–M breeding affiliations, on average, spent 25 and 20 days, respectively, longer on fall staging areas in the northern plains than did WA–S and NC–N birds. Cranes in the NC–N, WA–S, and WC–A affiliations spent 99%, 74%, and 64%, respectively, of winter in western Texas in Hunting Zone A; EC–M cranes spent 83% of winter along the Texas Gulf Coast in Hunting Zone C. Tagged cranes that settled within the breeding range of the Gulf Coast Subpopulation spent 28% and 42% of fall staging and winter within the range of the Western Subpopulation, indicating sufficient exchange of birds to potentially limit effectiveness of MCP harvest management. Harvests of EC–M and WC–A cranes during 1998–2003 were disproportionately high to their estimated numbers in the MCP, suggesting more conservative harvest strategies may be required for these subpopulations in the future, and for sandhill cranes to occupy major parts of their historical breeding range in the Prairie Pothole Region. Exceptionally high philopatry of MCP cranes of all 4 subpopulations to breeding sites coupled with strong linkages between crane breeding distribution, and fall staging areas and wintering grounds, provide managers guidance for targeting MCP crane harvest to meet management goals. Sufficient temporal or spatial separation exists among the 4 subpopulations on fall staging areas and wintering grounds to allow harvest to be targeted at the subpopulation level in all states and provinces (and most hunting zones within states and provinces) when conditions warrant. Knowledge gained from our study provides decision-makers in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Russia with improved guidance for developing sound harvest regulations, focusing conservation efforts, and generating collaborative efforts among these nations on sandhill crane research and management to meet mutually important goals. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted to determine if carcinogenic mycotoxins were present in foods consumed by Mississippi sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis pulla). Samples of field corn (Zea mays) (n = 111) and chufa (Cyperus esculentus) (n = 20), obtained in 1987, 1988 and 1989 on the Mississippi Sandhill Crane National Wildlife Refuge (MSCNWR) and nearby private lands were analyzed for aflatoxin B1(AB1), ochratoxin A and sterigmatocystin using thin layer chromatography. Chufa samples were negative for all three mycotoxins. Aflatoxin B1 was found in corn at concentrations from 5 to 5,000 ppb; the other mycotoxins were not found in corn. Contaminated corn was found in 72% of all corn fields, but the proportion of contaminated fields was 57 to 100% for the 3-yr period. Contamination with AB1 was greatest in corn obtained from the ground post-harvest. Overall, 32% of corn samples from the ground had levels greater than or equal to 200 ppb with a mean of 427 ppb (range = 5 to 5,000 ppb) in contaminated fields. In 1989, mean AB1 concentration in corn on the ground was 5 to 1138 ppb for individual fields. The concentration of AB1 was less than or equal to 200 ppb in all corn samples from upright stalks. The study demonstrated that AB1 is available to sandhill cranes and at levels that may pose a serious health threat.  相似文献   

Ten sandhill crane chicks were reared in isolation from humans to prepare them for an experimental wild release. They were imprinted on realistic models using crane brooding calls and were fed by crane-like puppets. Six of the chicks were simultaneously imprinted on a human in a crane costume. The other four chicks were introduced to this surrogate parent at 5–7 days of age. The chicks were fed natural foods by the parent at two wild sites, one of which, the release site, was a staging area for migratory cranes. Observations were made on their behavioral development, including the time spent close to the model or costumed parent and the percentage of time spent foraging. The chicks spent the initial month close to the surrogate parent but moved away more to forage during the second month. The chicks regressed to again spend a great deal of time near the parent during the third and fourth months. They were released during this regressive period by removing the surrogate parent. All five of the released chicks showed increased interest in wild cranes within days of the release and formed a continuous association with wild cranes within 30 days. Four of the five were relocated by telemetry the following spring back in Wisconsin. These young juvenile cranes were excellent candidates for release due to their adaptable nature and their level of social development. The artificial stimuli of the surrogate parent helped the chicks to generalize their attachment to wild cranes. Once with wild cranes they quickly learned additional survival skills.  相似文献   

Artificial insemination has been used frequently in the captive whooping crane (Grus americana) population. In the 1980s, it was necessary at times to inseminate females with semen from several males during the breeding season or with semen from multiple males simultaneously due to unknown sperm viability of the breeding males. The goals of this study were to apply microsatellite DNA profiles to resolve uncertain paternities and to use these results to evaluate the current paternity assignment assumptions used by captive managers. Microsatellite DNA profiles were successful in resolving 20 of 23 paternity questions. When resolved paternities were coupled with data on insemination timing, substantial information was revealed on fertilization timing in captive whooping cranes. Delayed fertilization from inseminations 6+ days pre‐oviposition suggests capability of sperm storage. Zoo Biol 20:331–342, 2001. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Food consumption, digesta retention time, and food preference were measured for captive whooping cranes fed pelleted diets. The basal commercial diet was compared to four mixtures containing 70% basal and 30% of one of four important winter foods for the whooping crane: blue crab (Callinectes sapidus), wolfberry fruit (Lycium carolinianum), live oak acorn (Quercus virginiana), or common Rangia clam (Rangia cuneata). Because captive birds would not eat whole foods, we were prevented from direct food preference tests. Food passed through the gut rapidly, with almost complete elimination within 7 hr. There was some indication that retention time was shorter for the low fiber and high ash and calcium clam diet. Cranes ate less wolfberry feed (g/day) than the other feeds, and all birds ate less wolfberry feed on the day it was first fed, compared to basal diet the previous day. Birds ate more low energy feed than high energy feed. Due to combined effects of low energy content, lower metabolizable energy coefficients, and reduced feed consumption, less energy was assimilated for study diets than basal diet. Apparent shorter retention times for some diets containing whooping crane foods may partly explain lower digestibilities and metabolizable energy of winter whooping crane foods compared to commercial crane diet. Zoo Biol 16:519–531, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We used radioimmunoassay to determine fecal corticoid concentrations and assess potential stress in 10 endangered whooping cranes (Grus americana) undergoing reintroduction to the wild. Fecal samples were collected shortly after hatching at a captive facility in Maryland, during field training in Wisconsin, and throughout a human‐led migration to Florida. After a 14‐day decline following hatching, fecal corticoid concentrations stabilized at baseline levels for the duration of the captive period, despite exposure to potentially stressful stimuli. Shipment of the cranes to the field training site was correlated with an eight‐ to 34‐fold increase in fecal corticoid concentrations, which returned to baseline levels within 1 week. Increases were positively correlated with age but not body weight at the time of shipping. Fecal corticoid concentrations during the training period increased slightly and exhibited greater variation than levels observed at the captive facility, but were well within expected norms based on previous studies. Fecal corticoid concentrations increased twofold following premigration physical examinations and placement of radiotransmitters, and persisted for up to 4 days before they returned to baseline levels. Though fecal corticoid concentrations and variation during the migration period were similar to training levels, there was an overall decline in fecal corticoid concentrations during the artificial migration. Acute stressors, such as capture, restraint, and severe storms, were associated with stress responses by the cranes that varied in accordance with lasting physical or psychological stimuli. The overall reintroduction process of costume‐rearing, ultralight aircraft habituation, training, and artificial migration was not associated with elevations in fecal corticoid concentrations suggestive of chronic stress. Zoo Biol 24:15–28, 2005. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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