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The complete nucleotide sequence derived from a genomic clone and two cDNA clones of the creA gene of Aspergillus nidulans is presented. The gene contains no introns. The derived polypeptide of 415 amino acids contains two zinc fingers of the C2H2 class, frequent S(T)PXX motifs, and an alanine-rich region indicative of a DNA-binding repressor protein. The amino acid sequence of the zinc finger region has 84% similarity to the zinc finger region of Mig1, a protein involved in carbon catabolite repression in yeast cells, and it is related both to the mammalian Egr1 and Egr2 proteins and to the Wilms' tumor protein. A deletion removing the creA gene was obtained, by using in vitro techniques, in both a heterokaryon and a diploid strain but was unobtainable in a pure haploid condition. Evidence is presented suggesting that the phenotype of such a deletion, when not complemented by another creA allele, is leaky lethality allowing limited germination of the spore but not colony formation. This phenotype is far more extreme than that of any of the in vivo-generated mutations, and thus either the gene product may have an activator activity as well as a repressor function or some residual repressor function may be required for full viability.  相似文献   

Carbon catabolite repression of the Aspergillus nidulans xlnA gene   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Expression of the Aspergillus nidulans 22 kDa endoxylanase gene, xlnA , is controlled by at least three mechanisms: specific induction by xylan or xylose; carbon catabolite repression (CCR); and regulation by ambient pH. Deletion analysis of xlnA upstream sequences has identified two positively acting regions: one that mediates specific induction by xylose; and another that mediates the influence of ambient pH and contains two PacC consensus binding sites. The extreme derepressed mutation creAd 30 results in considerable, although not total, loss of xlnA glucose repressibility, indicating a major role for CreA in its CCR. Three consensus CreA binding sites are present upstream of the structural gene. Point mutational analysis using reporter constructs has identified a single site, xlnA .C1, that is responsible for direct CreA repression in vivo . Using the creAd 30 derepressed mutant background, our results indicate the existence of indirect repression by CreA.  相似文献   

Abstract The induction of the synthesis of extracellular xylanases was investigated in the fungus Aspergillus nidulans using a number of compounds, including xylans of different origin, monosaccharides, xylooligosaccharides and xylose derivatives. Certain xylans (wheat arabinoxylan, oat spelt xylan, birchwood xylan and 4-O-methyl-D-glucurono-D-xylan) were found to be the most powerful inducers. Also, xylooligosaccharides such as xylobiose, xylotriose and xylotetraose served as inducers, their efficiency being directly related to their chain length. Xylose, on the contrary, was not a true inducer. Of the three endo-β-(1,4)-xylanases secreted by A. nidulans , that of 24 kDa was not under carbon catabolite repression, whereas the other two, of 22 and 34 kDa, were under glucose repression mediated by the creA gene product.  相似文献   

Expression of many microbial genes required for the utilisation of less favoured carbon sources is carbon catabolite repressed in the presence of a preferred carbon source such as D-glucose. In Aspergillus nidulans, creC mutants show derepression in the presence of D-glucose of some, but not all, systems normally subject to carbon catabolite repression. These mutants also fail to grow on some carbon sources, and show minor morphological impairment and altered sensitivity to toxic compounds including molybdate and acriflavin. The pleiotropic nature of the phenotype suggests a role for the creC gene product in the carbon regulatory cascade. The creC gene was cloned and found to encode a protein which contains five WD40 motifs. The sequence changes in three mutant alleles were found to lead to production of truncated proteins which lack one or more of the WD40 repeats. The similarity of the phenotypes conferred by these alleles implies that these alleles represent loss of function alleles. Deletion analysis also showed that at least the most C-terminal WD40 motif is required for function. The CreC protein is highly conserved relative to the Schizosaccharomyces pombe protein Yde3 – whose function is unknown – and human and mouse DMR-N9, which may be associated with myotonic dystrophy. Received: 1 July 1999 / Accepted: 31 January 2000  相似文献   

The best studied role of ubiquitination is to mark proteins for destruction by the proteasome but, in addition, it has recently been shown to promote macromolecular assembly and function, and alter protein function, thus playing a regulatory role distinct from protein degradation. Deubiquinating enzymes, the ubiquitin-processing proteases (ubps) and the ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolases (uchs), remove ubiquitin from ubiquitinated substrates. We show here that the creB gene involved in carbon catabolite repression in Aspergillus nidulans encodes a functional member of the novel subfamily of the ubp family defined by the human homologue UBH1, thus implicating ubiquitination in the process of carbon catabolite repression. Members of the novel subfamily of ubps that include CreB are widespread amongst eukaryotes, with homologues present in mammals, nematodes, Drosophila and Arabidopsis, but mutations in the genes have only been identified in A. nidulans. From phenotypes of the A. nidulans mutants it is probable that this subfamily is involved in complex regulatory pathways. Mutations in the gene encoding the WD40 repeat protein CreC result in an identical phenotype, implicating both genes in this pathway.  相似文献   

Summary The creA204, creB15 and creC27 mutations have been shown to cause carbon catabolite derepression of acetyl CoA synthase and isocitrate lyase in Aspergillus nidulans. A recessive mutation, cre-34, which is linked to the creC gene, results in these enzymes being more sensitive than cre or wildtype strains to catabolite repression. The acetamidase levels of strains containing cre mutations have been investigated and provide support for the hypothesis that an acetate metabolite, rather than acetamide, induces this enzyme.  相似文献   

Summary The role of mitochondria in carbon catabolite repression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae was investigated by comparing normal, respiratory competent (RHO) strains with their mitochondrially inherited, respiratory deficient mutant derivatives (rho). Formation of maltase and invertase was used as an indicator system for the effect of carbon catabolite repression on carbon catabolic reactions. Fermentation rates for glucose, maltose and sucrose were the same in RHO and rho strains. Specific activities of maltase and invertase were usually higher in the rho-mutants. A very pronounced difference in invertase levels was observed when cells were grown on maltose; rho-mutants had around 30 times more invertase than their RHO parent strains.The fact that rho-mutants were much less sensitive to carbon catabolite repression of invertase synthesis than their RHO parents was used to search for the mitochondrial factor(s) or function(s) involved in carbon catabolite repression. A possible metabolic influence of mitochondria on this system of regulation was tested after growth of RHO strains under anaerobic conditions (no respiration nor oxidative phosphorylation), in the presence of KCN (respiration inhibited), dinitrophenol (uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation) and of both inhibitors anaerobic conditions and dinitrophenol had no effect on the extent of invertase repression. KCN reduced the degree of repression but not to the level found in rho-mutants. A combination of both inhibitors gave the same results as with KCN alone. Erythromycin and chloramphenicol were used as specific inhibitors of mitochondrial protein synthesis. Erythromycin prevented the formation of mitochondrial respiratory systems but did not induce rho-mutants under the conditions used. However, repression of invertase was as strong as in the absence of the inhibitor. Chloramphenicol led only to a slight reduction of the respiratory systems and did not affect invertase levels. A combination of both antibiotics had about the same effect as growth in the presence of KCN.The results showed that mitochondria are involved in carbon catabolite repression and they cause an increase in the degree of repression. These effects cannot be due to mere metabolic activities nor to factors made on the mitochondrial protein synthesizing machinery. This regulatory role of mitochondria is observed as long as an intact mitochondrial genome is maintained.  相似文献   

Summary The synthesis of thymine 7-hydroxylase, an -ketoglutarate dependent dioxygenase, is subject both to nitrogen metabolite repression and to oxygen repression, while synthesis of the other pyrimidine salvage pathway dioxygenase, pyrimidine deoxyribonucleoside 2-hydroxylase, is subject to neither. areA300, an allele of the positive acting regulatory gene areA mediating nitrogen metabolite repression in Aspergillus nidulans, considerably elevates levels of thymine 7-hydroxylase, probably alleviating at least partly both nitrogen metabolite repression and oxygen repression. areA300 has little or no effect on levels of pyrimidine deoxyribonucleoside 2-hydroxylase but does elevate net uptake capacities for thymine, thymidine and deoxyuridine two-fold. areA300 was selected as allowing thymine to supplement a pyrimidine auxotrophy and was found to allow supplementation by thymidine, other pyrimidine nucleosides and pyrimidine salvage intermediates as well. This is the first reported evidence for areA control over an activity(-ies) not directly concerned with nitrogen source utilization.  相似文献   

Nitrogen metabolite repression in Aspergillus nidulans   总被引:47,自引:0,他引:47  
Summary In Aspergillus nidulans, mutations, designated areAr, can result in the inability to utilise a wide variety of nitrogen sources including amino acids, purines, amides, nitrate, and nitrite, whilst not affecting growth on ammonium. Other allelic areA mutations, designated areAd, lead to derepression of one or more activities which are ammonium repressible in wild type (areA+) strains, whilst not affecting their inducibility. Various areA mutations exhibit a wide variety of phenotypes: areAr alleles can be temperature sensitive on some nitrogen sources while not on others, and different alleles can be temperature sensitive for utilisation of different nitrogen sources. areAd alleles can be derepressed for one ammonium-repressible activity, be normally repressible for another, and lead to abnormally low levels for a third. Once again each areAd allele has its own highly specific phenotype. The inability of areAr strains to utilise most nitrogen sources is paralleled by low activities of certain ammonium-repressible enzymes. areAr mutations appear to be epistatic to some but not all regulatory mutations leading to constitutive synthesis of inducible enzymes and also epistatic to gdhA mutations which lead both to loss of NADP-linked glutamate dehydrogenase and to derepression of ammonium-repressible activities. areAr mutations do not interfere with repair of a large number of auxotrophies in double mutants. Furthermore, although areAr mutations prevent utilisation of L-arginine, L-ornithine, and L--amino-n-butyrate as nitrogen sources, they do not prevent the metabolism of these compounds necessary for repairing auxotrophies for proline and isoleucine in the appropriate double mutants. Utilisation of acetamide and most amino acids as carbon or carbon and nitrogen sources is unaffected by areAr mutations, and areAr strains are able to utilise acetamide and L-proline (but not other amino acids) as nitrogen sources in the presence of non-catabolite-repressing carbon sources such as L-arabinose, glycerol, melibiose, and lactose. Suppressor mutations, designated creAd, probably leading to loss of carbon catabolite repression, allow utilisation of acetamide and proline as nitrogen sources in areAr double mutants in the presence of carbon catabolite-repressing carbon sources. creAd mutations allow ethanol to serve as a source of acetate for pyruvate dehydrogenaseless (pdhA) strains in the presence of carbon catabolite-repressing carbon sources, whereas pdhA single mutants respond to ethanol as sole carbon source only in the presence of non-carbon catabolite-repressing carbon sources. Specific suppressor mutations, designated amd d and prn d, allow utilisation of acetamide or proline, respectively, in areAr double mutants.The areA locus can be interpreted as specifying a protein which is capable of (and in most cases essential for) allowing the synthesis of a number of enzymes of nitrogen metabolism but which cannot function in the presence of ammonium (i.e., as specifying a positive regulatory element which mediates ammonium repression) although the possibility that the areA product also plays a negative regulatory role cannot at present be ruled out.  相似文献   

Expression of many microbial genes required for the utilisation of less favoured carbon sources is carbon catabolite repressed in the presence of a preferred carbon source such as D-glucose. In Aspergillus nidulans, creC mutants show derepression in the presence of D-glucose of some, but not all, systems normally subject to carbon catabolite repression. These mutants also fail to grow on some carbon sources, and show minor morphological impairment and altered sensitivity to toxic compounds including molybdate and acriflavin. The pleiotropic nature of the phenotype suggests a role for the creC gene product in the carbon regulatory cascade. The creC gene was cloned and found to encode a protein which contains five WD40 motifs. The sequence changes in three mutant alleles were found to lead to production of truncated proteins which lack one or more of the WD40 repeats. The similarity of the phenotypes conferred by these alleles implies that these alleles represent loss of function alleles. Deletion analysis also showed that at least the most C-terminal WD40 motif is required for function. The CreC protein is highly conserved relative to the Schizosaccharomyces pombe protein Yde3 – whose function is unknown – and human and mouse DMR-N9, which may be associated with myotonic dystrophy.  相似文献   

The expression of the structural genes of the proline utilization cluster of Aspergillus nidulans is repressed efficiently only when both repressing carbon and nitrogen sources are present. Two hypotheses can account for this fact. One is a direct or indirect competition mechanism between the positive-acting AreA GATA factor, mediating nitrogen metabolite repression, and the negative-acting CreA protein, mediating carbon catabolite repression. The second is to propose that CreA prevents the binding or activity of another, as yet unidentified, positive-acting factor, here called ADA. We show the second possibility to be the correct one, and we localize the new positive cis-acting element within 290 bp of the prnD-prnB divergent promoter.  相似文献   

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