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The probability that a fish matures at a certain age and length (the so‐called probabilistic maturation reaction norm, PMRN) was analysed for a European whitefish Coregonus lavaretus species complex population living in the Austrian pre‐alpine Lake Irrsee. Fish length was found to be the only relevant determinant of maturation probability, and females matured at slightly smaller sizes than males.  相似文献   

Our laboratory has reported a self-assembled 3-D crystal based on a DNA tensegrity triangle. The tensegrity triangle is a rigid DNA motif with three-fold rotational symmetry consisting of three helices whose axes are directed along three linearly independent directions (1). The triangles form a crystalline lattice stabilized via sticky ends (2). The length of the sticky ends reported previously was two nucleotides (nt) GA:TC. Although diffracting to 4 Å resolution at the APS-ID19 beam line, they diffract only to 4.9 Å at the NSLS-X25 beam line. In the current study, we have analysed the effect of sticky end length and sequence on crystal formation and the resolution of the X-ray diffraction pattern on NSLS-X25. Tensegrity triangle motifs having 1-, 2-, and 3-nt sticky ends have all formed crystals. X-ray diffraction data from the same beam line revealed that the crystal resolution was somewhat better for the 2-nt sticky end having an AA:TT base pair (4.75 Å) than GA:CT and CC:GG (8.0 Å). Moreover, the 1-nt sticky end (C:G) yielded a diffraction pattern whose resolution (3.5 Å) compared favorably with all the three 2-nt sticky end systems. However, the triangle motif having a 1-nt sticky end with an A:T base pair did not yield any crystals. For motifs with 3-nt sticky ends, the sequence GAG:CTC produced small crystals (10–20?μm), while larger crystals (150?μm) were obtained with the sequences TAG:ATC and TAT:ATA. Our results indicate that not only do the lengths and sequences of the sticky ends define the interactions between motifs, but they also have an impact on the resulting resolution. We expect redesigned assemblies to form 3-D crystals with better resolution that can aid in the scaffolding of biological macromolecules for crystallographic structure determination. Applications in many areas of DNA nanotechnology are expected to benefit from a complete analysis of the effects of sticky end length, sequence, and free energy.  相似文献   

We show that the folding rates (k(F)s) of RNA are determined by N, the number of nucleotides. By assuming that the distribution of free-energy barriers separating the folded and the unfolded states is Gaussian, which follows from central limit theorem arguments and polymer physics concepts, we show that k(F)≈k(0)exp(-αN(0.5)). Remarkably, the theory fits experimental rates spanning over 7 orders of magnitude with k(0)~1.0(μs)(-1). Our finding suggests that the speed limit of RNA folding is ~ 1 μs, [corrected] just as it is in the folding of globular proteins.  相似文献   

Few studies have attempted to distinguish between cues and signals in the context of chemical communication. A number of chemical substances have been shown to vary with physiological state, such as stage of oestrus cycle, fertility, dominance status or nutritional condition, but little is known about whether this variation is incidental or adaptive. Here, we provide evidence of a substance whose emission varies with breeding state, but is not merely an incidental by-product of physiological state, but rather, an evolved signal. Breeding females of the facultative biparental burying beetle, Nicrophorus vespilloides, release methyl geranate, a substance that helps males to identify breeding status and to distinguish between their female partners and non-breeding intruders. We demonstrate that females respond flexibly to their social environment and emit high amounts of methyl geranate only in the presence of a male partner, i.e. a receiver. In contrast, cuticular hydrocarbons, which also have been shown to change with breeding status, are not modulated and do not differ between single and paired breeding females. Receiver-dependent chemical signalling is expected to evolve when costs are involved in the production or transmission of the signal; such signal modulation might be more common than previously thought.  相似文献   

Two dimers of the replication terminator protein (RTP) of Bacillus subtilis bind to a chromosomal DNA terminator site to effect polar replication fork arrest. Cooperative binding of the dimers to overlapping half-sites within the terminator is essential for arrest. It was suggested previously that polarity of fork arrest is the result of the RTP dimer at the blocking (proximal) side within the complex binding very tightly and the permissive-side RTP dimer binding relatively weakly. In order to investigate this "differential binding affinity" model, we have constructed a series of mutant terminators that contain half-sites of widely different RTP binding affinities in various combinations. Although there appeared to be a correlation between binding affinity at the proximal half-site and fork arrest efficiency in vivo for some terminators, several deviated significantly from this correlation. Some terminators exhibited greatly reduced binding cooperativity (and therefore have reduced affinity at each half-site) but were highly efficient in fork arrest, whereas one terminator had normal affinity over the proximal half-site, yet had low fork arrest efficiency. The results show clearly that there is no direct correlation between the RTP binding affinity (either within the full complex or at the proximal half-site within the full complex) and the efficiency of replication fork arrest in vivo. Thus, the differential binding affinity over the proximal and distal half-sites cannot be solely responsible for functional polarity of fork arrest. Furthermore, efficient fork arrest relies on features in addition to the tight binding of RTP to terminator DNA.  相似文献   

The length of the Yersinia injectisome needle is determined by the protein YscP, which could act as a molecular ruler. The analysis of the correlation between the size of YscP and the needle length in seven wild-type strains of Yersinia enterocolitica reinforced this hypothesis but hinted that the secondary structure of YscP might influence needle length. Hence, 11 variants of YscP515 were generated by multiple Pro or Gly substitutions. The needle length changed in inverse function of the helical content, indicating that not only the number of residues but also their structure controls length. Taking the secondary motifs into account, Pro/Gly-variants were subjected to in silico modelling to simulate the extension of YscP upon needle growth. The calculated lengths when the helical content is preserved correlated strikingly with the measured needle length, with a constant difference of ∼29 nm, which corresponds approximately to the size of the basal body. These data support the ruler model and show that the functional ruler has a helical structure.  相似文献   

Studies carried out by the method of DNA-DNA hybridization have confirmed that Enterococcus faecalis, S. faecium and S. durans are independent species. As revealed in these studies, S. faecalis are homogeneous, genetically related and form an independent, sharply defined species, while S. faecium form a heterogeneous species. Mobile enterococci with yellow pigmentation must not be classified with both S. faecalis and S. faecium.  相似文献   

Haemophilus influenzae is an obligate commensal of the upper respiratory tract of humans that uses simple repeats (microsatellites) to alter gene expression. The mod gene of H. influenzae strain Rd has homology to DNA methyltransferases of type III restriction/modification systems and has 40 tetranucleotide (5'-AGTC) repeats within its open reading frame. This gene was found in 21 out of 23 genetically distinct H. influenzae strains, and in 13 of these strains the locus contained repeats. H. influenzae strains were constructed in which a lacZ reporter was fused to a chromosomal copy of mod downstream of the repeats. Phase variation occurred at a high frequency in strains with the wild-type number of repeats. Mutation rates were derived for similarly engineered strains, containing different numbers of repeats. Rates increased linearly with tract length over the range 17-38 repeat units. The majority of tract alterations were insertions or deletions of one repeat unit with a 2:1 bias towards contractions of the tract. These results demonstrate the number of repeats to be an important determinant of phase variation rate in H. influenzae for a gene containing a microsatellite.  相似文献   

DNA binding and the topology of DNA have been determined in complexes formed by >20 archaeal histone variants and archaeal histone dimer fusions with residue replacements at sites responsible for histone fold dimer:dimer interactions. Almost all of these variants have decreased affinity for DNA. They have also lost the flexibility of the wild type archaeal histones to wrap DNA into a negative or positive supercoil depending on the salt environment; they wrap DNA into positive supercoils under all salt conditions. The histone folds of the archaeal histones, HMfA and HMfB, from Methanothermus fervidus are almost identical, but (HMfA)(2) and (HMfB)(2) homodimers assemble into tetramers with sequence-dependent differences in DNA affinity. By construction and mutagenesis of HMfA+HMfB and HMfB+HMfA histone dimer fusions, the structure formed at the histone dimer:dimer interface within an archaeal histone tetramer has been shown to determine this difference in DNA affinity. Therefore, by regulating the assembly of different archaeal histone dimers into tetramers that have different sequence affinities, the assembly of archaeal histone-DNA complexes could be localized and used to regulate gene expression.  相似文献   

We have exploited a property of chicken erythrocyte nuclei to analyze the regulation of DNA replication in a cell-free system from Xenopus eggs. Many individual demembranated nuclei added to the extract often became enclosed within a common nuclear membrane. Nuclei within such a "multinuclear aggregate" lacked individual membranes but shared the perimeter membrane of the aggregate. Individual nuclei that were excluded from the aggregates initiated DNA synthesis at different times over a 10-12-h period, as judged by incorporation of biotinylated dUTP into discrete replication foci at early times, followed by uniformly intense incorporation at later times. Replication forks were clustered in spots, rings, and horseshoe-shaped structures similar to those described in cultured cells. In contrast to the asynchronous replication seen between individual nuclei, replication within multinuclear aggregates was synchronous. There was a uniform distribution and similar fluorescent intensity of the replication foci throughout all the nuclei enclosed within the same membrane. However, different multinuclear aggregates replicated out of synchrony with each other indicating that each membrane-bound aggregate acts as an individual unit of replication. These data indicate that the nuclear membrane defines the unit of DNA replication and determines the timing of DNA synthesis in egg extract resulting in highly coordinated triggering of DNA replication on the DNA it encloses.  相似文献   

Desiccation tolerant (DT) organisms are able to withstand an extended loss of body water and rapidly resume metabolism upon rehydration. This ability, however, is strongly dependent on a slow dehydration rate. Fast dehydration affects membrane integrity leading to intracellular solute leakage upon rehydration and thereby impairs metabolism recovery. We test the hypothesis that the increased cell membrane damage and membrane permeability observed under fast dehydration, compared with slow dehydration, is related to an increase in lipid peroxidation. Our results reject this hypothesis because following rehydration lipid peroxidation remains unaltered, a fact that could be due to the high increase of NO upon rehydration. However, in fast‐dried samples we found a strong signal of red autofluorescence upon rehydration, which correlates with an increase in ROS production and with membrane leakage, particularly the case of phenolics. This could be used as a bioindicator of oxidative stress and membrane damage.  相似文献   

A chromatin insulator determines the nuclear localization of DNA   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  

In Xenopus early embryos, replication origins neither require specific DNA sequences nor is there an efficient S/M checkpoint, even though the whole genome (3 billion bases) is completely duplicated within 10-20 minutes. This leads to the "random-completion problem" of DNA replication in embryos, where one needs to find a mechanism that ensures complete, faithful, timely reproduction of the genome without any sequence dependence of replication origins. We analyze recent DNA replication data in Xenopus laevis egg extracts and find discrepancies with models where replication origins are distributed independently of chromatin structure. Motivated by these discrepancies, we have investigated the role that chromatin looping may play in DNA replication. We find that the loop-size distribution predicted from a wormlike-chain model of chromatin can account for the spatial distribution of replication origins in this system quantitatively. Together with earlier findings of increasing frequency of origin firings, our results can explain the random-completion problem. The agreement between experimental data (molecular combing) and theoretical predictions suggests that the intrinsic stiffness of chromatin loops plays a fundamental biological role in DNA replication in early-embryo Xenopus in regulating the origin spacing.  相似文献   

The vast majority of G protein-coupled receptors are desensitized by a uniform two-step mechanism: phosphorylation of an active receptor followed by arrestin binding. The arrestin x receptor complex is then internalized. Internalized receptor can be recycled back to the plasma membrane (resensitization) or targeted to lysosomes for degradation (down-regulation). The intracellular compartment where this choice is made and the molecular mechanisms involved are largely unknown. Here we used two arrestin2 mutants that bind with high affinity to phosphorylated and unphosphorylated agonist-activated beta 2-adrenergic receptor to manipulate the receptor-arrestin interface. We found that mutants support rapid internalization of beta 2-adrenergic receptor similar to wild type arrestin2. At the same time, phosphorylation-independent arrestin2 mutants facilitate receptor recycling and sharply reduce the rate of receptor loss, effectively protecting beta 2-adrenergic receptor from down-regulation even after very long (up to 24 h) agonist exposure. Phosphorylation-independent arrestin2 mutants dramatically reduce receptor phosphorylation in response to an agonist both in vitro and in cells. Interestingly, co-expression of high levels of beta-adrenergic receptor kinase restores receptor down-regulation in the presence of mutants to the levels observed with wild type arrestin2. Our data suggest that unphosphorylated receptor internalized in complex with mutant arrestins recycles faster than phosphoreceptor and is less likely to get degraded. Thus, targeted manipulation of the characteristics of an arrestin protein that binds to a G protein-coupled receptors can dramatically change receptor trafficking and its ultimate fate in a cell.  相似文献   

In the wormlike chain (Kratky-Porod) model of DNA the stiffness of the chain is determined by the persistence length, a. The persistence length may be evaluated from light-scattering measurements of the molecular weight and the mean-square radius if the samples are not polydisperse or if the polydispersity can be quantitatively determined. The persistence length can also be evaluated with the aid of hydro dynamic theory from measurements of intrinsic viscosity and sedimentation coefficient. Data taken from the literature and from other studies by the authors are examined by these methods. The light-scattering method yields a value of a of 900 ± 200 Å the hydrodynamic data yield 600 ± 100 Å. These values are considerably larger than those obtained by most previous authors.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: The wheat spikelet meristem differentiates into up to 12 floret primordia, but many of them fail to reach the fertile floret stage at anthesis. We combined microarray, biochemical and anatomical studies to investigate floret development in wheat plants grown in the field under short or long days (short days extended with low-fluence light) after all the spikelets had already differentiated. Long days accelerated spike and floret development and greening, and the expression of genes involved in photosynthesis, photoprotection and carbohydrate metabolism. These changes started while the spike was in the light-depleted environment created by the surrounding leaf sheaths. Cell division ceased in the tissues of distal florets, which interrupted their normal developmental progression and initiated autophagy, thus decreasing the number of fertile florets at anthesis. A massive decrease in the expression of genes involved in cell proliferation, a decrease in soluble carbohydrate levels, and an increase in the expression of genes involved in programmed cell death accompanied anatomical signs of cell death, and these effects were stronger under long days. We propose a model in which developmentally generated sugar starvation triggers floret autophagy, and long days intensify these processes due to the increased carbohydrate consumption caused by the accelerated plant development.  相似文献   

In the early embryo of many species, comparatively small spindles are positioned near the cell center for subsequent cytokinesis. In most insects, however, rapid nuclear divisions occur in the absence of cytokinesis, and nuclei distribute rapidly throughout the large syncytial embryo. Even distribution and anchoring of nuclei at the embryo cortex are crucial for cellularization of the blastoderm embryo. The principles underlying nuclear dispersal in a syncytium are unclear. We established a cell-free system from individual Drosophila melanogaster embryos that supports successive nuclear division cycles with native characteristics. This allowed us to investigate nuclear separation in predefined volumes. Encapsulating nuclei in microchambers revealed that the early cytoplasm is programmed to separate nuclei a distinct distance. Laser microsurgery revealed an important role of microtubule aster migration through cytoplasmic space, which depended on F-actin and cooperated with anaphase spindle elongation. These activities define a characteristic separation length scale that appears to be a conserved property of developing insect embryos.  相似文献   

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