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A pollen study at Survilly (2235m asl, 06° 49′ 12″ E, 45° 59′ 24″ N), a small peatbog located on the Anterne mountain (Upper-Arve Valley, French north-western Alps) highlights the local role of human activities in Holocene vegetation dynamics of the currently treeless subalpine belt and the consecutive resumption of erosion. As early as 8890 cal. years BP (± 122), Pinus cembra grew close to the site. Grasslands without shrubs were established at around 4624 ± 86 cal. years BP. Due to human activities, spruces extended little after 3600 cal. BP. The intense grazing that resulted in the current alpine meadows goes back to 1436 cal. years BP (± 81). After 4624 cal. BP three clay layers show that from this period, the erosion became as active as during the first steps of the colonization of the vegetation prior to 10,050 cal. BP. During peat growth only a millimetre of clay at the end of the 9400–9050 cal. BP climatic event was recorded.  相似文献   

Associations among the few tree species in the North American boreal landscape are the result of complex interactions between climate, biota, and historical disturbances during the Holocene. The closed-crown boreal forest of eastern North America is subdivided into two ecological regions having distinct tree species associations; the balsam fir zone and the black spruce zone, south and north of 49°N, respectively. Subalpine old-growth stands dominated by trees species typical of the balsam fir forest flora (either balsam fir or white spruce) are found on high plateaus, some of which are isolated within the black spruce zone. Here we identified the ecological processes responsible for the distinct forest associations in the subalpine belt across the eastern boreal landscape. Extensive radiocarbon dating, species composition, and size structure analyses indicated contrasted origin and dynamics of the subalpine forests between the two ecological regions. In the black spruce zone, the subalpine belt is a mosaic of post-fire white spruce or balsam fir stands coexisting at similar elevation on the high plateaus. With increasing time without wildfire, the subalpine forests become structurally similar to the balsam fir forest of the fir zone. These results concur with the hypothesis that the subalpine forests of this area are protected remnants of an historical northern expansion of the fir zone. Its replacement by the fire-prone black spruce forest flora was caused by recurrent fires. In the subalpine belt of the fir zone, no fire was recorded for several millennia. Harsh climate at high altitude is the primary factor explaining white spruce dominance over balsam fir forming a distinct subalpine white spruce belt above the balsam fir dominated forest.  相似文献   

Wildfire size, frequency, and severity are increasing in the Alaskan boreal forest in response to climate warming. One of the potential impacts of this changing fire regime is the alteration of successional trajectories, from black spruce to mixed stands dominated by aspen, a vegetation composition not experienced since the early Holocene. Such changes in vegetation composition may consequently alter the intensity of fires, influencing fire feedbacks to the ecosystem. Paleorecords document past wildfire-vegetation dynamics and as such, are imperative for our understanding of how these ecosystems will respond to future climate warming. For the first time, we have used reflectance measurements of macroscopic charcoal particles (>180μm) from an Alaskan lake-sediment record to estimate ancient charring temperatures (termed pyrolysis intensity). We demonstrate that pyrolysis intensity increased markedly from an interval of birch tundra 11 ky ago (mean 1.52%Ro; 485°C), to the expansion of trees on the landscape ∼10.5 ky ago, remaining high to the present (mean 3.54%Ro; 640°C) irrespective of stand composition. Despite differing flammabilities and adaptations to fire, the highest pyrolysis intensities derive from two intervals with distinct vegetation compositions. 1) the expansion of mixed aspen and spruce woodland at 10 cal. kyr BP, and 2) the establishment of black spruce, and the modern boreal forest at 4 cal. kyr BP. Based on our analysis, we infer that predicted expansion of deciduous trees into the boreal forest in the future could lead to high intensity, but low severity fires, potentially moderating future climate-fire feedbacks.  相似文献   

The Late Quaternary paleoenvironmental history from Pacific slopes of the western Andes is reconstructed by pollen analysis of 32 samples from two marine sediment cores from the Panama Basin, eastern equatorial Pacific: core ODP 677B (83°44.2200′ W, 1°12.1440′ N, 3473 m water depth) is 185 cm long and spans the last 39,410 years, core TR 163-38 (81.583° W, 1.337° N, 2200 m water depth) is 103 cm long and covers the last 17,380 years. Six ecological groups were established: mangrove, brackish and fresh water swamps, terra firma lowland forests, broad range taxa, Andean forests, and open vegetation. A good correspondence was found between the changes of these ecological groups in the two cores. The records evidence the continuous presence of all vegetation types during the last 39,410 years and specially the uninterrupted occurrence of tropical rain forest. They record a development from: (1) a cold and humid phase (39,410-28,120 yr cal BP) with moderately high sea levels, (2) the coldest and driest phase in the record (28,120-14,500 yr cal BP) accompanied by the lowest sea levels, (3) a transitional phase when sea level rose and humid conditions dominated, (4) a stage (11,300-5600 yr cal BP) of the highest sea levels and moisture conditions including a drier period ∼7000 yr BP, to (5) a final period (5600 yr cal BP-Present) when sea level reached its present height, humidity persisted, and indicators of disturbance expanded. Peaks in pollen and spore concentration, associated with high river discharge periods, indicate periods of higher precipitation around 33,500, 28,000 and 12,000-9000 yr cal BP. Although main vegetation responses seem to reflect rainfall and moisture variations, a good correspondence was found between δ18O values and percentages of Andean and lowland pollen, suggesting that vegetation also responded to tempearture changes.  相似文献   

A pollen analysis conducted on a 600 cm core from Lake Ribno (2184 m) in the Northwestern Rila Mountains, supplemented by 13 radiocarbon dates, has revealed the basic stages in its postglacial vegetation dynamics. The lateglacial vegetation, composed of Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae and Poaceae, with stands of Pinus and Juniperus-Ephedra shrubland, dominated in the stadials and partly retreated during the B?lling/Aller?d interstadial (14700–12900 cal. yrs. BP). The afforestation in the early Holocene (11600–7800 cal. yrs. BP) started with pioneer Betula forests, with groups of Pinus and Juniperus at mid-high altitudes, and Quercus forests with Tilia, Ulmus, Fraxinus, Corylus below the birch zone. A coniferous belt composed of Pinus sylvestris, P. peuce and Abies was shaped under the conditions of a more humid climate (7800–5800 cal. yrs. BP). The last trees that invaded the study area were Fagus after 4300 cal. yrs. BP and Picea abies after 3400 cal. yrs. BP. Evidence for destructive changes in the vegetation and indications of agricultural and stock-breeding activities (pollen of Triticum, Secale, Plantago lanceolata, Rumex, Juglans) was continuously recorded since the Late Bronze Age (3400–3200 cal. yrs. BP). The postglacial vegetation history in the Northwestern Rila Mountains demonstrated close similarities with that of the Northern Pirin Mountains.  相似文献   

We present the 11?150-cal-yr-long pollen record Laguna Las Margaritas (3°23′N, 73°26′W; 290 m altitude), located at a site sensitive to climatic change near the transition from the Amazonian rainforest to the savanna of the Llanos Orientales in Colombia. In the 10-m-long core nine AMS 14C bulk samples show ages from 9760±60 to 854±36 BP and provide initial time control. Thirty-one additional AMS 14C samples of selected macrofossils provide time control from 6250 to 4050 cal BP; for this interval precise time control was obtained by 14C wiggle-match dating. From 11?150 to 9100 cal BP, grass savanna dominated the landscape while gallery forest along the drainage system was poorly developed. Water availability was lower than today and the length of the dry season longer. From 9100 to 7330 cal BP gallery forest expanded pointing to wetter conditions. From 7330 to 5430 cal BP savanna was increasingly replaced by forest, but with alternating abundance of both vegetation types. From 5430 to 2500 cal BP forest and wooded savanna dominated the western Llanos Orientales suggesting high precipitation rates. Expansion of Mauritia palm forest at 2500 cal BP reflects increasing water availability and stagnant water environments. Increasing savanna between 2500 and 1000 cal BP may represent a combined natural and anthropogenic signal. Development from open savanna to forest during the Middle Holocene is synchronous with a decreasing caloric seasonality, and a southward migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone, suggesting that the large-scale climatic and vegetational change in the Colombian savannas is precession-forced. High-frequent migration of the savanna-rainforest boundary started around 6000 cal BP and continued at least to 3000 cal BP. Precipitation regimes in northwest and northeast South America seem opposite: dry conditions in the Colombian savanna area seem to reflect a La Niña setting of the climate system; wet conditions reflect an El Niño setting. Δ14C fluctuations reflect changes of solar activity and we tested the hypothesis that Δ14C fluctuations correspond to climatic and vegetational change. For the interval 6250 to 4050 cal BP, we applied 14C wiggle-match dating (WMD), i.e. matching a series of radiocarbon ages in 14C BP from the sediment, with the dendrochronology-based calibration curve, and we also wiggle-matched the pollen record vs. the Δ14C record. In this first attempt in a neotropical ecosystem, we could not find unambiguous support that changes in solar activity did trigger climatic and vegetational change in the savannas of the Llanos Orientales.  相似文献   

Two 17,000-yr-old peat bog records from low-elevation sites in Tierra del Fuego (Harberton, 54°54′S) and southern Patagonia (Río Rubens, 52°4′48″S) and one c. 14,000 cal yr BP record from the upper treeline in Tierra del Fuego (Paso Garibaldi, 54°43′S) were analyzed for pollen, charcoal, and plant macrofossils to reconstruct changes in regional and local vegetation, fire frequency, and bog hydrology, respectively. Past environmental changes in both lowland records and in the upper treeline record are interpreted in terms of variations in effective moisture. During the late-glacial period, effective moisture changes at both low and high-elevation sites were interpreted from comparable shifts between mesic herb-rich grasslands and arid Empetrum heath or shrub-grassland with abundant disturbance indicators. The late-glacial effective moisture changes were primarily driven by temperature changes. During the early Holocene, expansion of open Nothofagus woodlands in the lowlands in present-day areas of dense forest was related to a marked precipitation increase. However, precipitation must have remained highly variable with century-long periods of increased summer drought, as evidenced by repeated intervals when bogs dried out and fire frequency was high. Up-slope shifts of the Nothofagus forest — Andean tundra ecotone at 11,000 and 9000 cal yr BP also appear to reflect precipitation increases. Precipitation variability, however, must not have affected the upper treeline environments as no fires were recorded and the present-day Nothofagus forest had become established after 9000 cal yr BP. Upper treeline apparently was below present from 8000 to 7000 and 2500 to c. 400 cal yr BP. During those times low-elevation environments did not register change which suggests that the upper treeline may have been affected by lower temperatures. After c. 5000 cal yr BP fires became rare in the lowlands, suggesting a shift to an equable precipitation regime with only minor intervals of summer drought. No simultaneous change was recorded at the upper treeline. Thus, for the late-glacial and early Holocene the upper and lower treeline environments apparently responded similarly to primarily moisture changes. Only during the mid- and late Holocene environmental changes at high and low elevations differed, suggesting responses to different climate signals, precipitation in the lowlands and temperature at high elevation.  相似文献   

Holocene vegetation changes in response to climate fluctuations and human impacts are reviewed on the basis of pollen analyses from borehole cores taken from the Changjiang (Yangtze River) delta, China, and other previously reported data. During the earliest Holocene (10,930−9000 cal yr BP), the climate was warm and wet, allowing thermophilous hardwoods to occupy mid- and low-elevations surrounding a palaeo-Changjiang estuary. The climate became gradually cooler, and cool-tolerant conifers, grasses and ferns became dominant until 7600 cal yr BP, when the estuary became a delta. A mid-Holocene climatic optimum occurred between 7600 and 4800 cal yr BP, when evergreen and broadleaved deciduous trees flourished at mid- and low-elevations surrounding the delta front-prodelta. After this time, climate became cooler again until 1340 cal yr BP. During this period, evergreen and broadleaved deciduous trees were replaced by conifers and grasses inhabiting the inter/subtidal flat-delta front. This development of conifer-grassland vegetation was shortly interrupted between 3860 and 3200 cal yr BP when thermophilous tree cover increased and open vegetation with scattered conifers was reduced. Since 1340 cal yr BP, the vegetation has been similar to that at present under warm, wet conditions. Human impacts are recognized by the first appearance of Fagopyrum and a sudden increase in herb pollen at 4500 and 1340 cal yr BP, respectively.  相似文献   

Palynological analyses in combination with radiocarbon dating on a Holocene borehole from the Lake Nanyi, Anhui Province, East China demonstrate a well-documented local vegetation evolution since 9000 cal BP, which is the first record of Holocene climate change and human impact in this region. Since 9000 cal BP a mixed evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forest dominated by Cyclobalanopsis and Quercus developed in this area, indicating a warm climate condition with enhanced insolation. A mixed evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forest was fully developed between 6600–4500 cal BP, which corresponds to the Holocene Climate Optimum with the strong influence of East Asian summer monsoon (EASM). After 3000 cal BP the broad-leaved forest decreased rapidly, while land herbs and ferns increased. It seems that the climate condition in East China was similar to the present after Holocene Climate Optimum. Pollen results show a potential interface between environment changes and human activities. Pollen diagram demonstrates that human impacts on the natural vegetation remained weak at the early stage but significantly enhanced upwards. The distinctive fluctuations of the pollen contents among AP (trees and shrubs), and the possible agriculture indicators might infer the potential human behaviors for environment changes. Due to the enlargement of organized farming and increase in population, natural forest was eventually replaced by farmland since 3000 cal BP. This study would increase our knowledge of Holocene vegetation transition related to the monsoon dynamics on a long timescale in East China and provide an environmental background for more detailed studies on cultural developments in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River region.  相似文献   

Nutrient enrichment is a threat to botanical diversity in Europe, and its assessment is part of biodiversity monitoring schemes. In Switzerland, this is done by calculating the average nutrient (N) indicator value of the vegetation based on a country-wide systematic vegetation survey. However, it is questionable whether N values indicate eutrophication and resulting species loss equally well across an entire country, which includes wide topographic gradients and distinct biogeographic regions. Here we analyze vascular plant species lists from 415 grassland plots (10 m2) between 365 and 2770 m a.s.l. throughout Switzerland to investigate how the relationship between N value and species richness differs with altitude and among regions. The N value strongly decreased with altitude (piecewise regression: r2 = 0.77), particularly between 800 and 2000 m a.s.l., where this decrease was related to a decreasing proportion of fertilized grasslands. In the alpine belt, lower N values were associated with a greater frequency of acidic soils and a restricted species pool. Vascular plant species richness was maximal at intermediate altitude (piecewise regression: r2 = 0.33) and intermediate N value (polynomial regression: r2 = 0.46). When analyzed separately by altitudinal belt, the relationship between species richness and N value was negative in the lowlands and montane belt but unimodal in the subalpine belt. In the alpine belt, soil pH (R indicator values) explained most of the variation in species richness. Two indices of between-plot diversity (floristic dissimilarity and the contribution of individual plots to total species richness) were negatively related to N values from the lowlands to the subalpine belt but not in the alpine belt. All relationships differed little among the biogeographic regions of Switzerland, but they might be modified by changes in management and by the expansion of common lowland species into mountain grasslands.  相似文献   

The Holocene vegetation history of the islet of Melkøya at Hammerfest, Norway (70°42N, 23°36E) is documented by several pollen profiles sampled close to excavated stone-age and iron-age settlements. Local paludification began c. 9700 cal B.P. and oligotrophication from c. 7300 cal B.P. onwards. A Betula pubescensB.nana heath/woodland persisted until c. 8500 cal B.P., when a mixed Betula pubescensPinus sylvestris forest developed. Development towards an open heath is recorded from c. 4700 cal B.P. and culminates around 2700 cal B.P. A weak, possibly anthropogenic, impact is recognisable from c. 9200 cal. BP, but a marked local impact by man begins with the climate improvement and local forest development around 8500 cal B.P. The anthropogenic impact on the vegetation was the cutting of local woodland with an increase in grasses and herbs, the latter partly originating from the nitrophilous seashore vegetation. Forest clearance is recognisable at c. 6200 cal B.P., following a short period of re-growth after a burning event. Several anthropogenically related charred layers were formed in the peat before a longer period of abandonment from c. 3100 cal B.P. to c. 2000 cal B.P.  相似文献   

We compared four types of 30‐year‐old forest stands growing on spoil of opencast oil shale mines in Estonia. The stand types were: (1) natural stands formed by spontaneous succession, and plantations of (2) Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine), (3) Betula pendula (silver birch), and (4) Alnus glutinosa (European black alder). In all stands we measured properties of the tree layer (species richness, stand density, and volume of growing stock), understory (density and species richness of shrubs and tree saplings), and ground vegetation (aboveground biomass, species richness, and species diversity). The tree layer was most diverse though sparse in the natural stands. Understory species richness per 100‐m2 plot was highest in the natural stand, but total stand richness was equal in the natural and alder stands, which were higher than the birch and pine stands. The understory sapling density was lower than 50 saplings/100 m2 in the plantations, while it varied between 50 and 180 saplings/100 m2 in the natural stands. Growing stock volume was the least in natural stands and greatest in birch stands. The aboveground biomass of ground vegetation was highest in alder stands and lowest in the pine stands. We can conclude that spontaneous succession promotes establishment of diverse vegetation. In plantations the establishment of diverse ground vegetation depends on planted tree species.  相似文献   

Comparative isoenergetic action spectra of net photosynthesis for intact, current year foliage of five tree species were determined from 400 to 710 nm by CO2 exchange analysis. The blue (400 to 500 nm) peak of net photosynthetic activity for the green broadleaves of red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.) was reduced to a plateau for the green needle-leaves of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii [Mirb.] Franco) and Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis [Bong.] Carr.), a shoulder for the blue-green needles of Colorado spruce (Picea pungens Engelm.), and a reduced shoulder for the blue-white needles of Blue spruce (Picea pungens var. hoospii). These differences were attributable neither to a differential blue light stimulation of photorespiration nor to a differential presence of a nonplastid screening pigment. The conifers all had similar carotenoid-chlorophyll ratios, with approximately 50% more carotenoid relative to chlorophyll as compared to red alder. Blue light absorption and low efficiency of energy transfer by the carotenoids probably accounts for the low net photosynthetic activity of the green conifers in blue light as compared to red alder. Leaf form per se (broad versus needle) had no distinguishable influence on these results.  相似文献   

The identification of Middle-Late Holocene palaeoenvironmental conditions of the Marathon coastal plain gained great interest in the last decades due to its high environmental and archaeological importance. Palynological analysis of samples from two boreholes and two trenches along a transect in the marshy area of the Marathon coastal plain, enabled the tracing of the vegetation and the main environmental changes for the last ∼6000 cal BP. Pollen data suggest a human disturbed environment with Pinus, Quercus, Juniperus and Ericaceae, while a general trend towards Mediterranean vegetation patterns is observed during the last ∼3000 cal BP. Pollen grains from aquatic and hydrophilous plants, dinoflagellate cysts, algal remains and other palynomorphs were used in order to determine the local depositional environment and its evolution through time.  相似文献   

The competitive abilities of a given species are inversely proportional to its tolerance to environmental stress. Thus, in estuaries, vegetation is generally controlled by salinity and flooding in their lower limits, and by biotic drivers in their upper limits. Crinum americanum L. is vastly distributed over flooded regions of American seacoast, frequently associated with stressful habitats. We aimed to explain the role of hydrologic, edaphic, and biotic drivers in the distribution of this species on the Massaguaçu River estuary, Southeastern Brazil (23°37′20″S and 54°21′25″W). We sampled randomly 400 plots in the estuary, and registered covering of all species, the height of the C. americanum individuals, and the relative height of the plots. We collected soil samples from every five plots. We measured the estuary level daily for two years. We used Correspondence Analysis, Simple and Canonical, and graphic analysis. The salinity has explained the major part of the observed pattern, and the C. americanum population was positively related to it. The estuary level was also important. C. americanum has presented higher densities in intermediary flooding classes than in the extremes of the gradient. Species reduction in regions of low salinity or its absence has probably been due to the highly competitive environment, and not to the lack of salt per se.  相似文献   

A palynological investigation of the last glacial-interglacial cycle in the southern hemisphere tropical Andes reveals changes in the moisture balance as the main driver in vegetation change. Thirty accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon dates, biostratigraphy and tephra correlation reveal that a 119 m sediment core recovered from the Huiñaimarca sub-basin of Lake Titicaca (16.0° to 17.5° S, 68.5° to 70° W; 3810 masl) contains sediments covering > 151,000 years. Correlation of aridity indicators with precessional variations in insolation is used to fine tune the structure of the age-depth curve within this period.Variations in Isoëtes concentration (above/below 10,000 grains/cm3) identify the extent of shallow water environments. Examination of another palaeolimnological indicator (Pediastrum) and consideration of the bathymetry of the Huiñaimarca sub-basin allow the reconstruction of lake-level fluctuations. These data indicate five wet/dry cycles between c. 151,000 and 14,200 cal yr BP. High stands are suggested during the transition into (c. 134,000 cal yr BP), and out of (c. 114,000 and 92,000 cal yr BP), the last interglacial, and during full glacial conditions (c. 70,000 and 45,000 cal yr BP). These cycles are superimposed on a general trend of deepening lake levels through the glacial period.This interpretation is supported by correlation with sediments from Salar de Uyuni (20°S, 68°W; 3653 masl). The youngest wet episode is concurrent with palaeolake Minchin (c. 45,000 cal yr BP), with further evidence for an additional wet period commencing c. 28,000 cal yr BP, concomitant with palaeolake Tauca. The timing of lake level fluctuations is also supported by palaeoshoreline reconstructions from the Uyuni-Poopó region. However, our data do not suggest a major peak in lake level in Huiñaimarca during the Ouki lake cycle (c. 120,000–98,000 cal yr BP) as inferred from U–Th ages obtained from palaeoshorelines around Lago Poopó. The most extreme dry event occurs during the last interglacial period and resulted in a sedimentary hiatus tentatively dated to c. 121,000–129,000 cal yr BP.The observed wet/dry cycles are shown to have a marked and rapid impact on the vegetation. The aridity of the last interglacial promoted a community dominated by Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthacae, with no modern Andean analogue. Polylepis/Acaena pollen is also shown to fluctuate markedly (0–20%), particularly during the transitions into, and out of, the last interglacial. It is probable that this pollen taxon is primarily representative of the high altitude arboreal genus Polylepis, which is a key component of highly biodiverse Andean woodlands today. Rapid fluctuations indicate the sensitivity of this ecosystem to natural environmental pressure and potential vulnerability to future human impact and climate change.The 100,000 year (eccentricity) solar cycle is shown to be the major controlling factor in moisture balance and vegetation over the last glacial-interglacial cycle. However, significant fluctuations in moisture balance are also evident on timescales considerably shorter than the full glacial-interglacial cycle. We have linked these to precessional (21,000 year) forcing. Nevertheless, precise independent dating during the full glacial cycle is required to confirm the importance of this forcing mechanism.  相似文献   

A modern pollen rain study was performed in a 300 km-long altitudinal transect (~ 28° N latitude) from 300 to 2300 m elevation. The higher elevation modern communities: epithermal oak–pines, pine–oak forest, pine forest, and mixed conifer forest were easy to distinguish from their pollen content. In contrast, lower elevation subtropical communities: thornscrub and tropical deciduous forest were difficult to separate, because they share many pollen taxa. Nevertheless we identify high frequencies of Bursera laxiflora as an important component of the tropical deciduous forest.Additionally, fossil pollen was analyzed at three sites located between 1700 and 1950 m altitude at ~ 28° latitude north in the Sierra Madre Occidental of northwestern Mexico. The sites were in pine–oak (Pinus–Quercus), pine, and mixed-conifer forests respectively. Shifts in the altitudinal distribution of vegetation belts were recorded for the last 12,849 cal yr BP, and climate changes were inferred. The lowest site (pine–oak forest) was surrounded by pine forest between 12,849 and 11,900 cal yr BP, suggesting a cold and relatively dry Younger Dryas period. The early Holocene was also cold but wetter, with mixed conifer forest with Abies (fir) growing at the same site, at 1700 m elevation, 300 m lower than today. After 9200 cal yr BP, a change to warmer/drier conditions caused fir migration to higher elevations and the expansion of Quercus at 1700 m. At 5600 cal yr BP Abies was growing above 1800 m and Picea (spruce) that is absent today, was recorded at 1950 m elevation. Fir and spruce disappeared from the 1950 m site and reached their present distribution (scattered, above 2000 m) after 1000 cal yr BP; we infer an episodic Holocene migration rate to higher elevations for Abies of 23.8 m/1000 cal yr and for Picea of 39.2 m/1000 cal yr. The late Holocene reflects frequent climate oscillations, with variations in the representation of forest trees. A tendency towards an openness of the forest is recorded for the last 2000 yrs, possibly reflecting human activities along with short-term climate change.  相似文献   

In a Picea abies (L.) Karst. (Norway spruce) mountain forest on the Gandberg site in the northern Swiss Alps, trees were killed by bark beetles in 1992–1997. A combination of field studies and dynamic modelling was used to project snag decay and future ground vegetation succession in these steep, unharvested stands. In permanent plots, ground vegetation cover and natural tree regeneration have been monitored annually since 1994. To obtain additional information on the abundance of snags, logs, boulders and other microsite types in these stands, the relative frequency of the microsite types was quantified along four strip transects on the montane and subalpine elevational levels. A dynamic model of snag decay and ground vegetation development was constructed (modified matrix model approach). Based on field data and literature values, the model was parameterised and initialised separately for the montane and the subalpine level. For model validation, microsite types were quantified in 2001 with the line-intercept method on both elevational levels. Starting from the conditions in the stands before the bark beetle attacks, it was possible to project short-term succession and to accurately simulate the decay and ground vegetation patterns eight years after tree die-back. Long-term simulations suggest that on the montane level, raspberries (Rubus idaeus L.) will be replaced by Picea abies, while on the subalpine level ferns will dominate for a long time.  相似文献   

Deep undercooled tissue water, which froze near −40 C, was found in winter collected stem and leaf tissue of the dominant timberline tree species of the Colorado Rocky Mountains, Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii (Parry) Engelm.) and subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt.), and in numerous other woody species in and below the subalpine vegetation zone. Previous work on numerous woody plants indicates that deep undercooling in xylem makes probable a −40 C winter hardiness limit in stem tissue. Visual injury determinations and electrolyte loss measurements on stem tissue revealed injury near −40 C associated with the freezing of the deep undercooled stem tissue water. These results suggest that the winter hardiness limit of this woody flora is near −40 C. The relevance of deep undercooling in relation to timberline, the upper elevational limit of the subalpine forest, is discussed.  相似文献   

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