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Mevalonate biosynthesis pathway is important in cell growth and survival and its blockade by 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA reductase inhibitors, statins, arrest brain neuroblasts growth and induce apoptosis. Translation is among the main biochemical mechanisms that controls gene expression and therefore cell growth or apoptosis. In the CNS, translation regulates synaptic plasticity. Thus, our aim was to investigate the effect of lovastatin in protein translation in rat neuroblasts of the CNS and the biochemical pathways involved. Lovastatin treatment in rat brain neuroblasts causes a significant time- and concentration-inhibition of protein synthesis, which is partially mediated by phosphatydilinositol 3-kinase/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway inhibition. Lovastatin treatment decreases the phosphorylation state of mTOR substrates, p70S6K and eukaryotic translation initiation factor (eIF) 4E-binding protein 1 and simultaneously increases eIF4E-binding protein 1 in a time-dependent manner. Concomitantly, lovastatin causes a decrease in eIF4G cellular amount, which is partially mediated by caspase(s) activity excluding caspase 3. These biochemical pathways affected by lovastatin might explain the protein translation inhibition observed in neuroblasts. Cycloheximide treatment, which blocked protein synthesis, does not induce neuroblasts apoptosis. Therefore, we suggest that lovastatin-induced protein synthesis inhibition might not contribute to the concomitant neuroblasts apoptosis previously observed.  相似文献   

Background information. The translational inhibitor protein 4E‐BP1 [eIF4E (eukaryotic initiation factor 4E)‐binding protein 1] regulates the availability of polypeptide chain initiation factor eIF4E for protein synthesis. Initiation factor eIF4E binds the 5′ cap structure present on all cellular mRNAs. Its ability to associate with initiation factors eIF4G and eIF4A, forming the eIF4F complex, brings the mRNA to the 43S complex during the initiation of translation. Binding of eIF4E to eIF4G is inhibited in a competitive manner by 4E‐BP1. Phosphorylation of 4E‐BP1 decreases the affinity of this protein for eIF4E, thus favouring the binding of eIF4G and enhancing translation. We have previously shown that induction or activation of the tumour suppressor protein p53 rapidly leads to 4E‐BP1 dephosphorylation, resulting in sequestration of eIF4E, decreased formation of the eIF4F complex and inhibition of protein synthesis. Results. We now report that activation of p53 also results in modification of 4E‐BP1 to a truncated form. Unlike full‐length 4E‐BP1, which is reversibly phosphorylated at multiple sites, the truncated protein is almost completely unphosphorylated. Moreover, the latter interacts with eIF4E in preference to full‐length 4E‐BP1. Inhibitor studies indicate that the p53‐induced cleavage of 4E‐BP1 is mediated by the proteasome and is blocked by conditions that inhibit the dephosphorylation of full‐length 4E‐BP1. Measurements of the turnover of 4E‐BP1 indicate that the truncated form is much more stable than the full‐length protein. Conclusions. The results suggest a model in which proteasome activity gives rise to a stable, hypophosphorylated and truncated form of 4E‐BP1, which may exert a long‐term inhibitory effect on the availability of eIF4E, thus contributing to the inhibition of protein synthesis and the growth‐inhibitory and pro‐apoptotic effects of p53.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) plays an important role in mRNA translation by binding the 5'-cap structure of the mRNA and facilitating the recruitment to the mRNA of other translation factors and the 40S ribosomal subunit. eIF4E undergoes regulated phosphorylation on Ser-209 and this phosphorylation is believed to be important for its binding to mRNA and to other initiation factors. The findings showing that the translation initiation factor eIF4E becomes gradually phosphorylated during in vitro maturation (IVM) of pig oocytes with a maximum in metaphase II (M II) stage oocytes have been documented by us recently (Ellederova et al., 2006). The aim of this work was to study in details the metabolic pathways involved in this process. Using inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinases, Butyrolactone I (BL I) and protein phosphatases, okadaic acid (OA) we show that ERK1/2 MAP kinase pathway is involved in this phosphorylation. We also demonstrate that activation and phosphorylation of ERK1/2 MAP kinase and eIF4E is associated with the activating phosphorylation of Mnk1 kinase, one of the two main kinases phosphorylating eIF4E in somatic cells.  相似文献   

eIF2B is a multisubunit protein that is critical for protein synthesis initiation and its control. It is a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for its GTP-binding protein partner eIF2. eIF2 binds initiator tRNA to ribosomes and promotes mRNA AUG codon recognition. eIF2B is critical for regulation of protein synthesis via a conserved mechanism of phosphorylation of eIF2, which converts eIF2 from a substrate to an inhibitor of eIF2B GEF. In addition, inherited mutations affecting eIF2B subunits cause the fatal disorder leukoencephalopathy with Vanishing White Matter (VWM), also called Childhood Ataxia with Central nervous system Hypomyelination (CACH). Here we review findings which reveal that eIF2B is a decameric protein and also define a new function for the eIF2B. Our results demonstrate that the eIF2Bγ subunit is required for eIF2B to gain access to eIF2•GDP. Specifically it displaces a third translation factor eIF5 (a dual function GAP and GDI) from eIF2•GDP/eIF5 complexes. Thus eIF2B is a GDI displacement factor (or GDF) in addition to its role as a GEF, prompting the redrawing of the eIF2 cycling pathway to incorporate the new steps. In structural studies using mass spectrometry and cross-linking it is shown that eIF2B is a dimer of pentamers and so is twice as large as previously thought. A binding site for GTP on eIF2B was also found, raising further questions concerning the mechanism of nucleotide exchange. The implications of these findings for eIF2B function and for VWM/CACH disease are discussed.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic initiation factor eIF4E plays a pivotal role in translation initiation. As a component of the ternary eIF4F complex, eIF4E interacts with the mRNA cap structure to facilitate recruitment of the 40S ribosomal subunit onto mRNA. Plants contain two distinct cap-binding proteins, eIF4E and eIFiso4E, that assemble into different eIF4F complexes. To study the functional roles of eIF4E and eIFiso4E in tobacco, we isolated two corresponding cDNAs, NteIF4E1 and NteIFiso4E1, and used these to deplete cap-binding protein levels in planta by antisense downregulation. Antibodies raised against recombinant NteIF4E1 detected three distinct cap-binding proteins in tobacco leaf extracts; NteIF4E and two isoforms of NteIFiso4E. The three cap-binding proteins were immuno-detected in all tissues analysed and were coordinately regulated, with peak expression in anthers and pollen. Transgenic tobacco plants showing significant depletion of either NteIF4E or the two NteIFiso4E isoforms displayed normal vegetative development and were fully fertile. Interestingly, NteIFiso4E depletion resulted in a compensatory increase in NteIF4E levels, whereas the down-regulation of NteIF4E did not trigger a reciprocal increase in NteIFiso4E levels. The antisense depletion of both NteIF4E and NteIFiso4E resulted in plants with a semi-dwarf phenotype and an overall reduction in polyribosome loading, demonstrating that both eIF4E and eIFiso4E support translation initiation in planta, which suggests their potential role in the regulation of plant growth.  相似文献   

One of the earliest steps in translation initiation is recognition of the mRNA cap structure (m7GpppX) by the initiation factor eIF4E. Studies of interactions between purified eIF4E and its binding partners provide important information for understanding mechanisms underlying translational control in normal and cancer cells. Numerous impediments of the available methods used for eIF4E purification led us to develop a novel methodology for obtaining fractions of eIF4E free from undesired by-products. Herein we report methods for bacterial expression of eIF4E tagged with mutant dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) followed by isolation and purification of the DHFR–eIF4E protein by using affinity and anion exchange chromatography. Fluorescence quenching experiments indicated the cap-analog, 7MeGTP, bound to DHFR–eIF4E and eIF4E with a dissociation constant (Kd) of 6 ± 5 and 10 ± 3 nM, respectively. Recombinant eIF4E and DHFR–eIF4E were both shown to significantly enhance in vitro translation in dose dependent manner by 75% at 0.5 μM. Nevertheless increased concentrations of eIF4E and DHFR–eIF4E significantly inhibited translation in a dose dependent manner by a maximum at 2 μM of 60% and 90%, respectively. Thus, we have demonstrated that we have developed an expression system for fully functional recombinant eIF4E. We have also shown that the fusion protein DHFR–eIF4E is functional and thus may be useful for cell based affinity tag studies with fluorescently labeled trimethoprim analogs.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 (eIF2) has key functions in the initiation step of protein synthesis. eIF2 guides the initiator tRNA to the ribosome, participates in scanning of the mRNA molecule, supports selection of the start codon, and modulates the translation of mRNAs in response to stress. eIF2 comprises a heterotrimeric complex whose assembly depends on the ATP-grasp protein Cdc123. Mutations of the eIF2γ subunit that compromise eIF2 complex formation cause severe neurological disease in humans. To this date, however, details about the assembly mechanism, step order, and the individual functions of eIF2 subunits remain unclear. Here, we quantified assembly intermediates and studied the behavior of various binding site mutants in budding yeast. Based on these data, we present a model in which a Cdc123-mediated conformational change in eIF2γ exposes binding sites for eIF2α and eIF2β subunits. Contrary to an earlier hypothesis, we found that the associations of eIF2α and eIF2β with the γ-subunit are independent of each other, but the resulting heterodimers are nonfunctional and fail to bind the guanosine exchange factor eIF2B. In addition, levels of eIF2α influence the rate of eIF2 assembly. By binding to eIF2γ, eIF2α displaces Cdc123 and thereby completes the assembly process. Experiments in human cell culture indicate that the mechanism of eIF2 assembly is conserved between yeast and humans. This study sheds light on an essential step in eukaryotic translation initiation, the dysfunction of which is linked to human disease.  相似文献   

Translation mechanisms at different stages of the cell cycle have been studied for many years, resulting in the dogma that translation rates are slowed during mitosis, with cap-independent translation mechanisms favored to give expression of key regulatory proteins. However, such cell culture studies involve synchronization using harsh methods, which may in themselves stress cells and affect protein synthesis rates. One such commonly used chemical is the microtubule de-polymerization agent, nocodazole, which arrests cells in mitosis and has been used to demonstrate that translation rates are strongly reduced (down to 30% of that of asynchronous cells). Using synchronized HeLa cells released from a double thymidine block (G1/S boundary) or the Cdk1 inhibitor, RO3306 (G2/M boundary), we have systematically re-addressed this dogma. Using FACS analysis and pulse labeling of proteins with labeled methionine, we now show that translation rates do not slow as cells enter mitosis. This study is complemented by studies employing confocal microscopy, which show enrichment of translation initiation factors at the microtubule organizing centers, mitotic spindle, and midbody structure during the final steps of cytokinesis, suggesting that translation is maintained during mitosis. Furthermore, we show that inhibition of translation in response to extended times of exposure to nocodazole reflects increased eIF2α phosphorylation, disaggregation of polysomes, and hyperphosphorylation of selected initiation factors, including novel Cdk1-dependent N-terminal phosphorylation of eIF4GII. Our work suggests that effects on translation in nocodazole-arrested cells might be related to those of the treatment used to synchronize cells rather than cell cycle status.  相似文献   

In this study, we document that the overall rate of protein synthesis decreases during in vitro maturation (IVM) of pig oocytes despite enhanced formation of the 5' cap structure eIF4F. Within somatic/interphase cells, formation of the eIF4F protein complex correlates very well with overall rates of protein translation, and the formation of this complex is controlled primarily by the availability of the 5' cap binding protein eIF4E. We show that the eIF4E inhibitory protein, 4E-BP1, becomes phosphorylated during IVM, which results in gradual release of eIF4E from 4E-BP1, as documented by immunoprecipitation analyses. Isoelectric focusing and Western blotting experiments show conclusively that eIF4E becomes gradually phosphorylated with a maximum at metaphase II (M II). The activity of eIF4E and its ability to bind mRNA also increases during oocyte maturation as documented in experiments with m7-methyl GTP-Sepharose, which mimics the cap structure of mRNA. Complementary analysis of flow-through fraction for 4E-BP1, and eIF4G proteins additionally provides evidence for enhanced formation of cap-binding protein complex eIF4F. Altogether, our results bring new insights to the regulation of translation initiation during meiotic division, and more specifically clarify that 4E-BP1 hyper-phosphorylation is not the cause of the observed suppression of overall translation rates.  相似文献   

We report here evidence of the role that the isoform of the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4G (eIF(iso)4G) plays in naturally occurring resistance in plant/virus interactions. A genetic and physical mapping approach was developed to isolate the Rymv1 locus controlling the high recessive resistance to Rice yellow mottle virus (RYMV) in the rice (Oryza sativa) variety Gigante. The locus was mapped to a 160-kb interval containing a gene from the eIF(iso)4G family. The stable transformation of a resistant line with the cDNA of this gene, derived from a susceptible variety, resulted in the loss of resistance in transgenic plants. The allelic variability of this gene was analysed in three resistant and 17 susceptible varieties from different cultivated rice species or subspecies. Compared with susceptible varieties, resistant varieties present specific alleles, characterized by either amino acid substitutions or short amino-acid deletions in the middle domain of the protein. The structure of this domain was modelled and showed that the substitutions were clustered on a small surface patch. This suggests that this domain may be involved in an interaction with the virus.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E (eIF4E)-binding protein 1 (4E-BP1) is a member of a family of translation repressor proteins, and a well-known substrate of mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway. Phosphorylation of 4E-BP1 causes its release from eIF4E to allow cap-dependent translation to proceed. Recently, 4E-BP1 was shown to be phosphorylated by other kinases besides mTOR, and overexpression of 4E-BP1 was found in different human carcinomas. In this review, we summarize the novel findings on mTOR independent 4E-BP1 phosphorylation in carcinomas. The implications of overexpression and possible multi-function of 4E-BP1 are also discussed.  相似文献   

The emerging roles of translation factor eIF4E in the nucleus   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The emerging field of nuclear eIF research has yielded many surprises and led to the dissolution of some dogmatic/ideological viewpoints of the place of translation in the regulation of gene expression. Eukaryotic initiation factors (eIFs) are classically defined by their cytoplasmic location and ability to regulate the initiation phase of protein synthesis. For instance, in the cytoplasm, the m7G cap-binding protein eIF4E plays a distinct role in cap-dependent translation initiation. Disruption of eIF4E's regulatory function drastically effects cell growth and may lead to oncogenic transformation. A growing number of studies indicate that many eIFs, including a substantial fraction of eIF4E, are found in the nucleus. Indeed, nuclear eIF4E participates in a variety of important RNA-processing events including the nucleocytoplasmic transport of specific, growth regulatory mRNAs. Although unexpected, it is possible that some eIFs regulate protein synthesis within the nucleus. This review will focus on the novel, nuclear functions of eIF4E and how they contribute to eIF4E's growth-activating and oncogenic properties. Both the cytoplasmic and nuclear functions of eIF4E appear to be dependent on its intrinsic ability to bind to the 5' m7G cap of mRNA. For example, Promyelocytic Leukemia Protein (PML) potentially acts as a negative regulator of nuclear eIF4E function by decreasing eIF4E's affinity for the m7G cap. Therefore, eIF4E protein is flexible enough to utilize a common biochemical activity, such as m7G cap binding, to participate in divergent processes in different cellular compartments.  相似文献   

The alpha subunit of translation initiation factor 2 (eIF2alpha) is the target of specific kinases that can phosphorylate a conserved serine residue as part of a mechanism for regulating protein expression at the translational level in eukaryotes. The structure of the 20 kDa N-terminal region of eIF2alpha from Saccharomyces cerevisiae was determined by X-ray crystallography at 2.5A resolution. In most respects, the structure is similar to that of the recently solved human eIF2alpha; the rather elongated protein contains a five-stranded antiparallel beta-barrel in its N-terminal region, followed by an almost entirely helical domain. The S.cerevisiae eIF2alpha lacks a disulfide bridge that is present in the homologous protein in humans and some of the other higher eukaryotes. Interestingly, a conserved loop consisting of residues 51-65 and containing serine 51, the putative phosphorylation site, is visible in the electron density maps of the S.cerevisiae eIF2alpha; most of this functionally important loop was not observed in the crystal structure of the human protein. This loop is relatively exposed to solvent, and contains two short 3(10) helices in addition to some extended structure. Serine 51 is located at the C-terminal end of one of the 3(10) helices and near several conserved positively charged residues. The side-chain of serine 51 is sufficiently exposed so that its phosphorylation would not necessitate a substantial change in the protein structure. The structures and relative positions of residues that have been implicated in kinase binding and in the interaction with guanine nucleotide exchange factor (eIF2B) are described.  相似文献   

Human homologue of Drosophila ariadne (HHARI) is a RING-IBR-RING domain protein identified through its ability to bind the human ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, UbcH7. We now demonstrate that HHARI also interacts with the eukaryotic mRNA cap binding protein, translation initiation factor 4E homologous protein (4EHP), via the N-terminal RING1 finger of HHARI. HHARI, 4EHP and UbcH7 do not form a stable heterotrimeric complex as 4EHP cannot immunoprecipitate UbcH7 even in the presence of HHARI. Overexpression of 4EHP and HHARI in mammalian cells leads to polyubiquitylation of 4EHP. By contrast, HHARI does not promote its own autoubiquitylation. Thus, by promoting the ubiquitin-mediated degradation of 4EHP, HHARI may have a role in both protein degradation and protein translation.  相似文献   

A gene coding for a protein homologous to a translation initiation factor of eukaryotes, eIF5A, was cloned from Methanococcus jannaschii, a hyperthermophile with an optimum growth temperature of 85 degrees C. The protein was overexpressed, purified and crystallized. The crystals were obtained by vapor diffusion method with 8% PEG 4000 as precipitant and belong to space group P4(1)22 with unit cell dimensions a = b = 45.52 A and c = 155.59 A. These crystals diffract to at least 2.2 A resolution.  相似文献   

Protein kinase CK2 forms complexes with some protein substrates what may be relevant for the physiological control of this protein kinase. In previous studies in rat liver cytosol we had detected that the trimeric form of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 (eIF-2) co-eluted with protein kinase CK2. We have now observed that the ratio between eIF-2 and cytosolic CK2 contents in testis, liver and brain is quite similar, being eIF-2 levels about 5-fold higher than those of CK2. Furthermore eIF-2 was present in liver samples immunoprecipitated with anti-CK2/ antibodies, confirming the existence of complexes containing both proteins. Nonetheless, these complexes would represent only a fraction of total cytosolic CK2 and eIF-2.We had also observed that rat liver membrane glycoproteins obtained through chromatography on wheat-germ lectin-Sepharose contain CK2 activity which copurifies with grp94/endoplasmin. We have now confirmed that this activity was due to the presence of protein kinase CK2 as evidenced by immunodetection with antibodies against CK2/. The fractions enriched in grp94/endoplasmin and CK2 also contained another 55-kDa polypeptide (p55) phosphorylated by CK2 which has been identified as calreticulin by N-terminal sequencing. Calreticulin and grp94/endoplasmin could be partially resolved from CK2 by chromatography on heparin-agarose and almost completely on ConA-Sepharose. However, phosphorylation of immunoprecipitated grp94/endoplasmin was enhanced by its preincubation with purified CK2 prior to immunoprecipitation, what confirms the easy reassociation between these proteins.The association of protein kinase CK2 with eIF-2 and with grp94/endoplasmin may serve to locate the enzyme in the cellular machinery involved in protein synthesis and folding, and reinforces the possible involvement of CK2 in these processes.  相似文献   

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