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Evolution of adaptation through allometric shifts in a marine snail   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Variation in ontogenetic development among individuals may be a major contributor to morphological variation within species. Evolution of different growth trajectories might, for example, evolve as a response to varying ecological contexts of individuals living in different environments, or by life-stage or gender differences. The intertidal periwinkle Littorina saxatilis is strongly polymorphic in shell shape. We compared ontogenetic trajectories between life stages, local populations, and sexes to understand how different morphological end points are reached during ontogeny and what might cause these differences. Applying landmark-based geometric morphometrics, we captured shell shape variation for four Swedish populations of this species. We also derived a method to visualize ontogenetic trajectories described by the relationship of size to the multivariate shape space. We found that growth trajectories differed between individuals living in different habitats, as well as between sexes and maturity stages. Males living on rocky cliffs grew isometrically throughout life, whereas females from the same habitat switched from isometric growth as juveniles to allometric growth as adults. In contrast, males and females living on boulders grew allometrically as juveniles but changed to isometric growth at sexual maturity. Thus, in this species, ontogenetic growth seems influenced by habitat-associated selection as well as by gender and age-specific selection. These differing selection regimes result in ontogenetic shifts in allometry in three of the four groups examined.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity for plant development, function and life history   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
A single genotype can produce different phenotypes in different environments. This fundamental property of organisms is known as phenotypic plasticity. Recently, intensive study has shown that plants are plastic for a remarkable array of ecologically important traits, ranging from diverse aspects of morphology and physiology to anatomy, developmental and reproductive timing, breeding system, and offspring developmental patterns. Comparative, quantitative genetics and molecular approaches are leading to new insights into the adaptive nature of plasticity, its underlying mechanisms and its role in the ecological distribution and evolutionary diversification of plants.  相似文献   

The extent to which phenotypic plasticity, or the ability of a single genotype to produce different phenotypes in different environments, impedes or promotes genetic divergence has been a matter of debate within evolutionary biology for many decades (see, for example, Ghalambor et al. 2007 ; Pfennig et al. 2010 ). Similarly, the role of evolution in shaping phenotypic plasticity remains poorly understood (Pigliucci 2005 ). In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Dayan et al. ( 2015 ) provide empirical data relevant to these questions by assessing the extent of plasticity and divergence in the expression levels of 2272 genes in muscle tissue from killifish (genus Fundulus) exposed to different temperatures. F. heteroclitus (Fig.  1 A) and F. grandis are minnows that inhabit estuarine marshes (Fig.  1 B) along the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico in North America. These habitats undergo large variations in temperature both daily and seasonally, and these fish are known to demonstrate substantial phenotypic plasticity in response to temperature change (e.g. Fangue et al. 2006 ). Furthermore, the range of F. heteroclitus spans a large latitudinal gradient of temperatures, such that northern populations experience temperatures that are on average ~10°C colder than do southern populations (Schulte 2007 ). By comparing gene expression patterns between populations of these fish from different thermal habitats held in the laboratory at three different temperatures, Dayan et al. ( 2015 ) address two important questions regarding the interacting effects of plasticity and evolution: (i) How does phenotypic plasticity affect adaptive divergence? and (ii) How does adaptive divergence affect plasticity?  相似文献   

The ability of an organism to alter the environment that it experiences has been termed 'niche construction'. Plants have several ways whereby they can determine the environment to which they are exposed at different life stages. This paper discusses three of these: plasticity in dispersal, flowering timing and germination timing. It reviews pathways through which niche construction alters evolutionary and ecological trajectories by altering the selective environment to which organisms are exposed, the phenotypic expression of plastic characters, and the expression of genetic variation. It provides examples whereby niche construction creates positive or negative feedbacks between phenotypes and environments, which in turn cause novel evolutionary constraints and novel life-history expression.  相似文献   

We examine the interaction between phenotypic plasticity and evolutionary adaptation using muscle gene expression levels among populations of the fish Fundulus heteroclitus acclimated to three temperatures. Our analysis reveals shared patterns of phenotypic plasticity due to thermal acclimation as well as non‐neutral patterns of variation among populations adapted to different thermal environments. For the majority of significant differences in gene expression levels, phenotypic plasticity and adaptation operate on different suites of genes. The subset of genes that demonstrate both adaptive differences and phenotypic plasticity, however, exhibit countergradient variation of expression. Thus, expression differences among populations counteract environmental effects, reducing the phenotypic differentiation between populations. Finally, gene‐by‐environment interactions among genes with non‐neutral patterns of expression suggest that the penetrance of adaptive variation depends on the environmental conditions experienced by the individual.  相似文献   

Dislodgement by the large drag forces imparted by breaking waves is an important cause of mortality for intertidal snails. The risk of drag-induced dislodgement can be reduced with: (1) a smaller shell of lower maximum projected surface area (MPSA); (2) a streamlined shell shape characterized by a squatter shell; and/or (3) greater adhesive strength attained through a larger foot area or increased foot tenacity. Snails on exposed coasts tend to express traits that increase dislodgement resistance. Such habitat-specific differences could result from direct selection against poorly adapted phenotypes on exposed shores but may reflect gastropod adaptation to high wave action achieved through phenotypic plasticity or genetic polymorphism. With this in mind, we examined the size, shape and adhesive strength of populations of two gastropod species, Austrocochlea constricta (Lamarck) and Nerita atramentosa (Reeve), from two adjacent shores representing extremes in wave exposure. Over a 5 day period, maximum wave forces were more than 10 times greater on the exposed than sheltered shore. Size-frequency distributions indicate that a predator consuming snails within the 1.3-1.8 cm length range regulates sheltered shore populations of both snail species. Although morphological scaling considerations suggest that drag forces should not place physical limits on the size of these gastropods, exposed shore populations of both snails were small relative to the maximum size documented for these species. Therefore, selective forces at the exposed site might favour smaller individuals with increased access to microhabitat refuges. Unexpectedly, however, neither snail species exhibited between-shore differences in shape, foot area or foot tenacity, which are likely to have adaptive explanations. Hence, it is possible that these snails are incapable of adaptive developmental responses to high wave action. Instead, the homogeneous and wave-exposed nature of Australia's southern coastline may have favoured the evolution of generalist strategies in these species.  相似文献   

We analyzed variation in phenotypic plasticity of life history traits between two Cardamine flexuosa populations based on differences in plasticity of age and size at maturity. C. flexuosa (Cruciferae) is a facultative, vernalization-sensitive, long-day annual, and its phenology and the phenotypic expressions of many life history traits are largely controlled by photoperiod and vernalization in natural populations. We used plants from two populations which differed in their responses to chilling and photoperiod treatments. The timing of developmental processes was changed by controlling temperature and photoperiod regimes in growth chambers. Plasticity in size at maturity was analyzed as changes in a growth trajectory using two parameters, age at maturity (Δt) and growth rate (k). Both traits showed plasticity, but differences between the populations were found mostly for Δt. Distinctive differences in size at maturity of individuals in the two populations were mainly due to different amounts of plasticity in Δt. Variations in plasticity of nine other life history traits and their associations to age and size at maturity were also analyzed. Variation for eight of the traits can be described, at least in part, as a function of age and size at maturity for both populations, and most of the variation in the total number of seeds was explained by age and size at maturity. Only age at maturity had any effect on changes in resource allocation. The nine life history traits were integrated through associated character expressions with age and size at maturity. Changes in the association between a trait and age and/or size at maturity were rather conservative compared to changes in the plasticity of a trait between the two populations. Associations with age and size at maturity are mostly explicable in terms of inherent relationships in the developmental processes, and they may limit the ecological range expansion and the adaptive evolution of plasticity in C. flexuosa. The negative correlation between reproductive allocation and age at maturity can be a cost of delaying maturation in C. flexuosa.  相似文献   

As adults Littorina littorea and L. saxatilis have overlapping distributions, both on the shore and on a geographical scale, this implies that they are affected by similar selective forces to a large extent. The two species have, however, different reproductive strategies. Littorina littorea has a planktonic larval stage lasting 4–6 weeks, whereas L. saxatilis has direct development. This influences dispersal rates of the two species, and gene flow and effective population size are both assumed to be much smaller in L. saxatilis than in L. littorea. Intraspeciflc variation in morphological and allozyme characters differs between the two species. Littorina littorea is homogeneous for both types of characters, both within and between populations, while populations of L. saxatilis may show pronounced differences in shell characters with micro-environment changes, and allozyme variation is markedly higher in this species too. The polymorphism in shell characters of L. saxatilis and the monomorphism of L. littorea, may be expected from theory as a consequence of the different dispersal strategies. Also the lack of divergence between geographically separate populations of L. littorea, but the high degree of between population differentiation in L. saxatilis, could be attributed to the high and low dispersal rates, respectively. However, the larger allozyme variation within subpopulations of L. saxatilis compared to that of L. littorea, is surprising as the former species has a smaller effective population size than the latter. Furthermore, there is no correlation between dispersal ability and overall allozyme heterozygosity, when 10 additional species of Littorina are included in the comparison. It is suggested that different evolutionary backgrounds of different species will possibly explain this, as neither selectionist nor neutralist models alone account for the observation. That is, an earlier passage through a population bottleneck may, for example, influence the genetic variation for a long period of time.  相似文献   

Signal evolution is thought to depend on both a signal's detectability or conspicuousness (signal design) as well as any extractable information it may convey to a potential receiver (signal content). While theoretical and empirical work in sexual selection has largely focused on signal content, there has been a steady accrual of evidence that signal design is also important for trait evolution. Despite this, relatively little attention has been paid to spatial variation in the conspicuousness of a given signal, especially over small spatial scales (relative to an organism's dispersal distance). Here, we show that visual signals of male threespine stickleback vary in conspicuousness, depending on a male's nest depth within a given lake. Deeper nesting males were typically more chromatically conspicuous than shallow nesting males. This trend is partly because all male stickleback are more conspicuous in deep optical environments. However, deep males are even more conspicuous than environmentally driven null expectations, while shallow males tend to be disproportionally cryptic. Experimental manipulation of male nesting depth induced plastic changes in nuptial color that replicated the natural gradients in conspicuousness. We discuss a number of potential mechanisms that could produce depth gradients in conspicuousness in male stickleback, including concomitant depth gradients in diet, predation pressure, male/female density, female preference, and opportunity for sexual selection.  相似文献   

Crickets can autotomize their limbs when attacked by predators. This enables them to escape death, but imposes a short-term cost on their escape speed and a long-term cost on their future mating ability. Therefore, adaptive response compensated for the cost of autotomy might be advantageous for autotomized individuals. In the present study, we examined whether autotomy induced life history plasticities compensating for the future cost in the band-legged ground cricket Dianemobius nigrofasciatus . Life history traits of D. nigrofasciatus were compared between autotomized and intact individuals. The developmental time and head width of the individuals that were autotomized as fourth instar nymphs were significantly shorter and smaller, respectively, than those of intact individuals. However, the adult longevity, number of eggs laid and oviposition schedule did not vary between autotomized and intact individuals. In addition, there was no difference between individuals autotomized at the fourth instar and adult stages in these three traits. Early maturation in the autotomized individuals might be advantageous through reducing the risk of predation owing to the shorter period in nymphal stages. The cost of small body size in the autotomized females might not be so great because of no significant difference in fecundity between autotomized and intact individuals. However, the cost of small body size was unclear in the autotomized males because in general larger males were preferred by females. These results indicated autotomy-induced life history that might reduce the cost of autotomy.  相似文献   

We investigated the conditions under which plastic responses to density are adaptive in natural populations of Impatiens capensis and determined whether plasticity has evolved differently in different selective environments. Previous studies showed that a population that evolved in a sunny site exhibited greater plasticity in response to density than did a population that evolved in a woodland site. Using replicate inbred lines in a reciprocal transplant that included a density manipulation, we asked whether such population differentiation was consistent with the hypothesis of adaptive divergence. We hypothesized that plasticity would be more strongly favored in the sunny site than in the woodland site; consequently, we predicted that selection would be more strongly density dependent in the sunny site, favoring the phenotype that was expressed at each density. Selection on internode length and flowering date was consistent with the hypothesis of adaptive divergence in plasticity. Few costs or benefits of plasticity were detected independently from the expressed phenotype, so plasticity was selected primarily through selection on the phenotype. Correlations between phenotypes and their plasticity varied with the environment and would cause indirect selection on plasticity to be environment dependent. We showed that an appropriate plastic response even to a rare environment can greatly increase genotypic fitness when that environment is favorable. Selection on the measured characters contributed to local adaptation and fully accounted for fitness differences between populations in all treatments except the woodland site at natural density.  相似文献   

The connectivity of marine populations is often surprisingly lower than predicted by the dispersal capabilities of propagules alone. Estimates of connectivity, moreover, do not always scale with distance and are sometimes counterintuitive. Population connectivity requires more than just the simple exchange of settlers among populations: it also requires the successful establishment and reproduction of exogenous colonizers. Marine organisms often disperse over large spatial scales, encountering very different environments and suffering extremely high levels of post-colonization mortality. Given the growing evidence that such selection pressures often vary over spatial scales that are much smaller than those of dispersal, we argue that selection will bias survival against exogenous colonizers. We call this selection against exogenous colonizers a phenotype–environment mismatch and argue that phenotype–environment mismatches represent an important barrier to connectivity in the sea. Crucially, these mismatches may operate independently of distance and thereby have the potential to explain the counterintuitive patterns of connectivity often seen in marine environments. We discuss how such mismatches might alter our understanding and management of marine populations.
Ecology Letters (2010) 13: 128–140  相似文献   

披针叶茴香对变化光环境的表型可塑性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物对变化光环境的表型可塑性大小影响其在林下生境中分布、生长和更新。为探讨披针叶茴香在不同光环境下的整体表型可塑性及其适应机制,采用遮荫试验模拟5种光照条件(100%、52%、33%、15%和6%相对光照强度),研究了不同光环境下披针叶茴香叶片形态、生理、解剖结构、根系形态以及生物量分配等的变化。结果表明:叶生物量在5种光照处理之间差异不显著,但叶面积和比叶面积均随光照强度减弱显著增加。遮荫处理增加了叶绿素a、叶绿素b和类胡萝卜素的含量,但叶绿素a/b比值随光照强度减弱而降低。遮荫降低了非结构性碳水化合物(淀粉和可溶性糖)和可溶性蛋白的含量,增加了叶片氮和磷含量,对叶片氮/磷比影响较小。在52%和33%相对光照处理下,叶片中硝酸盐含量最低,而在100%和6%相对光照处理下硝酸盐积累较多。根生物量、细根和粗根的长度、表面积以及比根长和比根表面积在5种光照处理之间均没有显著差异,根系氮含量在低光环境(15%和6%相对光照处理)中显著降低。随光照强度减弱,披针叶茴香采取保守生存策略,并没有增加叶生物量的分配,而是分配较多的生物量给枝条和树干,储存能量。综合来看,披针叶茴香具有较宽的光生态幅,在6%—100%光照强度下均能正常生长,遮荫有利于披针叶茴香地上和总生物量的积累,52%的相对光照条件下生长最佳。变化光环境下根系性状和整体结构的可塑性相对较低,叶片生理性状的可塑性在披针叶茴香适应光环境变化过程中发挥了主要作用。  相似文献   

While it is commonplace for biologists to use the response to environmental manipulation as a guide to evolutionary responses to selection, the relationship between phenotypic plasticity and genetic change is not generally well-established. The life-histories of laboratory Drosophila populations are among the few experimental systems which simultaneously afford information on phenotypic plasticity and evolutionary trajectories. We employed a combination of two replicated selectively differentiated stocks (postponed aging stocks and their controls; 10 populations in total) and two different environmental manipulations (nutrition and mating) to explore the empirical relationship between phenotypic plasticity and evolutionary trajectories. While there are a number of parallels between the results obtained using these two approaches, there are important differences. In particular, as the detail of the biological characterization of either type of response increases, so their disparities multiply. Nonetheless, the combination of environmental manipulation with evolutionary divergence provides valuable information about the biological connections between life-history, caloric reserves, and reproductive physiology in Drososphila.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity is important for species responses to global change and species coexistence. Phenotypic plasticity differs among species and traits and changes across environments. Here, we investigated phenotypic plasticity of the widespread grass Arrhenatherum elatius in response to winter warming and frost stress by comparing phenotypic plasticity of 11 geographically and environmentally distinct populations of this species to phenotypic plasticity of populations of different species originating from a single environment. The variation in phenotypic plasticity was similar for populations of a single species from different locations compared to populations of functionally and taxonomically diverse species from one environment for the studied traits (leaf biomass production and root integrity after frost) across three indices of phenotypic plasticity (RDPI, PIN, slope of reaction norm). Phenotypic plasticity was not associated with neutral genetic diversity but closely linked to the climate of the populations’ origin. Populations originating from warmer and more variable climates showed higher phenotypic plasticity. This indicates that phenotypic plasticity can itself be considered as a trait subject to local adaptation to climate. Finally, our data emphasize that high phenotypic plasticity is not per se positive for adaptation to climate change, as differences in stress responses are resulting in high phenotypic plasticity as expressed by common plasticity indices, which is likely to be related to increased mortality under stress in more plastic populations.  相似文献   

Green foxtail (Setaria viridis L,) is a common weed species in temperate regions. Research on the effect of delayed reproduction on the phenotypic plasticity and regularity of the vegetative and reproductive growth is of vital significance for understanding population regulation and control of the weed in the growing season, Green foxtail seeds were sown every 10 days from 25 June to 24 August of 2004. The growth and production metrics were measured via harvesting tufts and statistical analysis was carried out. The results showed that the reproductive tillers, seed number, seed biomass and one thousand-seed weight of plants at the first sowing (25 June) approximately increased 28.8, 7827.0, 1104.0 and 12.3 times compared with that at the last sowing (24 August), respectively. Total tillers, reproductive tillers and height increased linearly as the reproductive period delayed, however, biomass increased exponentially. Quadratic equations best explained the relationships between the delayed reproductive period and seed number, Inflorescence length, one thousand-seed weight, seed biomass. Based on the quantity and quality of seed production, weeding young seedlings emerging before July can be the most effective weed-control strategy in the Songnen Plain.  相似文献   

In the field, juvenile brook charr Salvelinus fontinalis inhabiting high-velocity water were found to have larger caudal fins and more slender bodies than those inhabiting low-velocity water. Young-of-the-year S. fontinalis were reared in either a high- or low-velocity treatment for 16 weeks and their morphology was measured bi-weekly. From the second to fourth weeks of the experiment onwards, fish reared in the high-velocity treatment had larger maximum caudal fin heights and deeper caudal peduncles than fish reared in the low-velocity treatment. This study demonstrated that the morphological variation in caudal area exhibited by wild juvenile brook charr from microhabitats differing in water velocity could be a consequence of phenotypic plasticity in response to hydrological conditions.  相似文献   

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