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The interior of vital lymphocytes, as opposed to their outer environment, has a negative electric potential (rest potential), the magnitude of which depends on the potassium ion concentration of the extracellular medium. The bioelectric phenomena at the lymphocyte are determined not only by the functional state of the cell membrane, but also by the milieu of the blood cells which includes also the adsorbed proteins and lipids.  相似文献   

A new method of simultaneous measurement of membrane (Em) and transorgan (Etr)electric potential in intactChenopodium rubrum plants and changes in Em and Etr under various experimental conditions are described. Em was measured in mesophyll leaf cells, and Etr in the same plant as a potential difference between a first pair leaf, tip and roots. The two potentials differed distinctly, Em averaging-156mV and Etr -5mV. But the,-changes in Em and Etr had approximately the same magnitude and time-course after changing light and darkness or KCl concentration in solution flowing around the leaf or during the photoperiodic induetive cycle. In relation to the same electrode connection they had an opposite polarity. The nature of Etr and its relation to Em are discussed. The measurement of Etr is much more stable and simpler than that of Em. The similarity of Em and Etr time-courses justifies the use of Etr measurement in electrophysiological studies as a replacement for Em measurements especially in intact plants.  相似文献   

A method is presented which renders parameter estimation possible in systems of non-linear differential equations where normally no solution exists in terms of analytic functions and which have to be solved numerically. The method uses the concept of sensitivity equations. Two examples are given, taking mathematical models for membrane action potentials in nerve and heart muscle by Hodgkin and Huxley and by Beeler and Reuter. The model equations together with the corresponding system of sensitivity equations are given, which are necessary to estimate maximum conductivity coefficients defining the interactions of different ionic current components. A computer program is described and results of action potential numerical analysis are presented using simulated data. It can be seen, that even with superimposed simulated noise the real parameter values are estimated in an excellent manner. The method can be used to interpret observed changes in action potential time courses under physiological and pharmacological conditions.  相似文献   

Membrane vesicles isolated from Staphylococcus aureus cells by ultrasonication possess the NADH-, succinate-, and malate oxidase activities, contain cytochromes a and b and have the lipid/protein ratio of 0.12-0.24. Energized membrane vesicles absorb permeant anions of tetraphenylborate and phenyldicarbaundecaborane. This results in the electric field generation with a "plus" sign on the inner side of the membranes. The generation of the membrane potential occurs in response to the addition of a respiratory substrate (NADH, malate, or succinate) and is inhibited by electron transfer inhibitors, such as rotenone, 2-N-nonyl-4-oxyquinoline-N-oxide, cyanide and the protonophore uncoupler, M-chlorinecarbonylcyanidephenylhydrazonium. The generation of the membrane potential takes place during ATP hydrolysis and in the course of the transhydrogenase reaction. The data obtained suggest the similarity of energization systems of St. aureus and those of animal mitochondria.  相似文献   

A tissue is a geometrical, space-filling, random cellular network; it remains in this steady state while individual cells divide. Cell division is a local, elementary topological transformation which establishes statistical equilibrium of the structure. We describe the physical conditions to maintain stationary the epidermis (of mammals or of the cucumber), in spite of the fact that cells constantly divide and die. Specifically, we study the statistical equilibrium of the basal layer, a corrugated surface filled with cells, constituting a two-dimensional topological froth. Cells divide and detach from the basal layer, and these two topological transformations are responsible for the stationary state of the epidermis. The topological froth is capable of responding rapidly and locally to external constraints, and is a good illustration of the plasticity of random cellular networks.Statistical equilibrium is controlled by entropy, both as a measure of disorder and as information, and is characterized by observable relations between average cell shapes and sizes. The technique can be applied to any random cellular network in dynamical equilibrium. Mitosis as the dominating topological transformation and the fact that the distribution of cell shapes is very narrow are the only inputs specific to biology.
Resume Un tissu est, à première vue, un pavage aléatoire d'une surface ou d'un volume par des polygones (polyèdres) topologiques, les cellules. Ce pavage reste dans un état stationnaire alors que les cellules se divisent constamment. Nous décrivons les conditions physiques nécessaires à l'état stationnaire de l'épiderme (des mammifères et du concombre), en dépit du fait que ses cellules se divisent et meurent. En particulier, nous étudions l'équilibre statistique de la couche basale, une surface couverte de cellules constituant une mousse topologique aléatoire. Les cellules se divisent et se détachent de la couche basale, et ces transformations topologiques sont responsable de l'état stationnaire de l'épiderme. Cette mousse topologique est capable de répondre rapidement et localement à des contraintes externes. C'est un exemple de plasticité de structures cellulaires aléatoires.L'équilibre statistique est contrôlé par l'entropie qui est ici à la fois une mesure du désordre et une quantité d'information. Il est caractérisé par des relations facilement observables entre les formes des cellules et leurs dimensions. Les seuls éléments spécifiques aux tissus biologiques sont la mitose comme transformation topologique dominante, et l'étroitesse de la distribution des formes de cellules.

Summary The flux of permeant species through a membrane is examined using discrete state stochastic models for the transport process within the membrane. While a membrane flux is maintained due to a concentration gradient between bathing solutions, the distribution of species within the membrane evolves to a time invariant configuration which can differ significantly from the equilibrium configuration. Some special properties of these stationary states are examined using linear, microcanonical models for the membrane transport process. Analysis of these models reveals properties which are masked by the phenomenological analysis of irreversible thermodynamics. For example, the models can be used to study the nature of multi-state relaxation within the membrane by observation of the time dependence of the net membrane flux when the membrane is perturbed from its stationary state distribution. Under some conditions, multi-state models will produce relaxation similar to that observed for single-state processes. The symmetry within the membrane is a critical factor for monitoring relaxation processes within the membrane. Because of the stationary nature of the membrane configuration, statistical thermodynamic variables can be defined for the membrane configuration. The total system is not in equilibrium since the baths must still be described by dissipation functions. In the stationary state, the configurational entropy of the membrane is lowered relative to equilibrium and is shown to depend quadratically on the time independent parameter (j/p) wherej is the membrane flux andp is a characteristic transition probability for intra-membrane transitions. The basic membrane system serves as a quantitative example of the entropy reduction possible in a stationary state system. An allosteric transition mediated by the stationary state configuration is examined as a means of utilizing this negentropy production.  相似文献   

A transition state analog for lysozyme   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The kinetics and amplitudes of membrane potential induced by externally applied electric field pulses are determined for a spherical lipid bilayer using a voltage-sensitive dye. Several experimental parameters were systematically varied. These included the incorporation of gramicidin into the membrane to alter its conductivity and the variation of the external electrolyte conductivity via changes in salt concentration. The ability of the solution to Laplace's equation for a spherical dielectric shell to quantitatively describe the membrane potential induced on a lipid bilayer could thus be critically evaluated. Both the amplitude and the kinetics of the induced potential were consistent with the predictions of this simple model, even at the extremes of membrane conductance or electrolyte concentration. The success of the experimental approach for this system encourages its application to more complex problems such as electroporation and the influences of external electric fields in growth and development.  相似文献   

1. The plasma membrane potential and the mitochondrial membrane potential of P. yoellii was examined by fluorescence microscopy using rhodamine 123 and by transmembrane distribution of tetraphenylphosphonium. 2. The mitochondrion of P. yoelii, free of gametocyte stage, maintained a high negative inside membrane potential. 3. Deprivation of glucose in incubation medium largely abolished the plasma membrane potential but not the mitochondrial membrane potential. 4. Studies with metabolic inhibitors showed that the mitochondrial membrane potential constituted a marginal portion as compared with the plasma membrane potential in intact infected erythrocytes.  相似文献   

A membrane with an arbitrary distribution of fixed charges inside and on its surfaces is considered. A procedure for calculating the local electrostatic potential at an arbitrary point of the system is described and its validity discussed. This procedure is based on the linearization of the 3-dimensional Poisson-Boltzmann equation around an exact 1-dimensional solution.  相似文献   

Surface magnetic and electric recordings were used to localize the sources of late pain-related magnetic fields and electric potentials, evoked by painful intracutaneous electric finger stimulation. We find that the source of the P90m component of the evoked magnetic field lies in the finger area of the primary somatosensory cortex; the sources of the N150m and P250m are found to reside in the frontal operculum. These findings are unexpected from the evoked electric potential data, which suggest a central location for these sources. We also note that the interpretation of the electric data was confounded by the presence of an alpha-like oscillation, which overlapped many components of the evoked potential.  相似文献   

The fragmentation of human erythrocytes heated in a range of ionic environments has been examined by video microscopy, , the average number of surface wave crests growing on the cell rim during fragmentation by membrane externalization, andI, the percentage of cells internalizing membrane, were scored.The membrane diffusion potential was altered experimentally on decreasing the extracellular chloride concentration by substituting either membrane-impermeant sorbitol or Na gluconate for some NaCl. The external-membrane-face surface potential was altered either by surface charge depletion or by ionic strength changes. The dependence of morphological change on diffusion potential at constant cell volume and surface potentials was established over a 34-mV change in diffusion potential. The rate constants for morphological change with charge depletion at different diffusion potentials are largely independent of the diffusion potential. A l.O-mV increase in diffusion potential has an effect on morphological change of comparable magnitude to that of a 1.0-mV decrease in the modulus of the negative surface potential. When the diffusion potential increased on decreasing both the extracellular diffusible ion concentration and extracellular ionic strength, the effect on cell morphology of increasing the modulus of the surface potential was overcome by the effects of the diffusion potential change.  相似文献   

An analysis of the stationary state behavior of model enzyme (or catalytic) membranes is considered. In particular, membrane functional symmetry is shown to be of critical importance in deriving a unique set of global linear phenomenological relations from their local counterparts. Indeed the appropriate transformation of the dissipation function, based on the correct identification of the “transport plane” within the membrane, leads to a global analog of the Curie Principle. By extending the argument from the near-equilibrium regime to the pseudo-first-order kinetic regime a set of practical equations can be derived. These make it possible to obtain local transport and reaction parameters from global measurements. The facilitation of transport by reaction is discussed.  相似文献   

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