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Cotyledon venation patterns are described for 93 species representing all tribes of the Caesalpinioideae. Patterns are grouped into a series of levels of complexity according to the number of primary veins, nine, seven, six, five, three or one, but five- and three-vein patterns predominate. The number of petiolar vascular strands varies from one to eight but most species have two or four strands. It is proposed that all the patterns have been derived from one in which four strands and a protoxylem trace in the petiole branch and anastomose to form seven primary veins in the lamina. Venation patterns show correlations with cotyledon anatomy, size and shape and with taxonomic grouping at tribal, infratribal and generic levels. Each tribe is characterized by a particular set of related patterns, pattern frequencies and evolutionary trends.  相似文献   

Cotyledon size, shape, venation pattern and anatomy have been investigated in Faidherbia albida and 152 species of Acacia representing the three subgenera Acacia, Aculeiferum and Heterophyllum. Cell volumes of epidermis, palisade and storage tissue, stomatal frequency, stomatal index and frequency of stomatal types have been determined for F. albida and 12 species from each subgenus. The data obtained support the recognition of the subgenera of Acacia as separate taxa but provide no indication of their status. The evidence from cotyledons also supports the separation of Faidherbia from Acacia , and the amalgamation of the Acacieae and Ingeae.  相似文献   

Cotyledon anatomy in the Leguminosae   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cotyledon anatomy has been investigated in approximately 900 species representing all the major tribes of the Leguminosae. Four main cotyledon forms are recognized on the basis of morphological, anatomical and functional criteria. The two modal forms are a leaf-like photosynthetic cotyledon, usually borne in an endospermic seed and occurring in about 60% of species; and a fleshy, storage cotyledon, borne in a non-endospermic seed and occurring in about 30% of species. Two intermediate forms combine the structural and functional characteristics of the modal forms in varying degree. The leaf-like cotyledon is considered to be the basic form from which the others have been derived. Cotyledon anatomy shows correlations with seed size and with taxonomic grouping at the tribal and generic levels and thus provides a set of minor characters of potential taxonomic or phylogenetic value or for use in seed and seedling classification and identification.  相似文献   

An ultrastructural study on the reserves stored in cotyledons and endosperm and on their utilization after germination has been carried out in Cercis siliquastrum seeds. The observations have shown that all the cotyledonal reserves of proteins and lipids are used during seedling growth. However, inside the endosperm cells only the protein reserves are depleted, and large quantities of lipids remain undigested. In both cell walls and intercellular spaces of the endosperm cells huge masses of polysaccharide reserves are stored. However, only the polysaccharides inserted in the cell walls are dismantled, while those located in the intercellular spaces are not attacked by the lytic enzymes. Some hypotheses regarding the possible roles of those endospermic non-nutritional materials in the strategies of seed germination and seedling growth are suggested.  相似文献   

Earlier studies of the interrelationships between bruchid beetles and their host plants have suggested that the typical pattern tends to be that one bruchid species attacks only a few host species, and that most host species are attacked by only one bruchid species, or at most very few. However, the bruchids attacking Parkia in Amazonian Brazil do not conform to this pattern. The bruchid diversity on Parkia was found to be higher than on any other legume genus yet studied. It is not yet possible to assess whether Parkia is particularly unusual in this regard, or whether such high levels of diversity are typical in Amazonian forests. The number of bruchid taxa attacking any one Parkia species is related to the number of co-occurring closely-related Parkia species. In either taxonomically or geographically isolated host species the bruchid diversity is much reduced.  相似文献   

Abstract The Acacia acuminata complex includes three taxa, A. acuminata ssp. acuminata, A. acuminata ssp. burkittii and A. oldfieldii, along with several informal variants of A. acuminata. It is widespread throughout southern Australia with the centre of diversity in south‐west Western Australia. Phylogeographical patterns in the complex were investigated using a nested clade analysis of cpDNA RFLPs from 25 populations in Western Australia. Except for A. oldfieldii that was clearly identified as a distinct entity, haplotypes were not restricted to sub‐specific taxa or variants within A. acuminata. There was significant association between phylogenetic position of many haplotypes and their geographical distribution. The fine‐scale phylogeographical patterns were complex but at deeper levels in the phylogeny there was evidence of divergence between two lineages. The pattern of shared haplotypes between lineages suggests retention of ancestral polymorphism as a result of incomplete lineage sorting. The divergence of these lineages is consistent with fragmentation caused by climatic instability during the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms have been used to reconstruct the maternal phylogeny of all the known taxa in the small neotropical legume genusLeucaena. Three major plastome clades were recognized, but these did not conform with relationships between the taxa proposed on other characters from morphology, cytology or hybridization. The maternal parentage of tetraploids within the genus has been proposed. Evidence for introgression was found between diploidL. diversifolia and tetraploidL. diversifolia. The implications of these results for the origin of the cultivated taxa are discussed.  相似文献   

The composition and affinities of the bipinnate Acacia series Pulchellae Bentham are examined in the light of evidence from studies of gross morphology, seedling morphology, pollen morphology and seed chemistry. Acacia mitchellii , the only non-Western Australian species, is atypical and should be relocated in section Vninervea Vassal. The remaining 27 species (the Pulchellae sensu lato ) comprise a coherent group of 21 species (the Pulchellae sensu stricto ) and six less closely related ones. These 27 species appear unrelated to series Botrycephalae Bentham. Some affinities exist with phyllodinous groups, especially series Uninerves and Continuae .  相似文献   

Enrique Forero 《Brittonia》1972,24(2):143-147
Stryphnodendron campestre Forero andS. guianense (Aubl.) Benth. ssp.glandulosum Forero are described and illustrated, and notes on the nomenclature ofS. adstringens and on the exclusion ofS. colombianum from the genus are included.  相似文献   

TUCKER, S. C., RUGENSTEIN, S. R. & DERSTINE, K. S., 1984. Inflated trichomes in flowers of Bauhinia (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae). An unusual kind of bifid multicellular inflated trichome is reported to occur on floral organs of II species of Bauhinia (Leguminosae-Caesalpinioideae), They occur on sepals, petals, stamens, carpels, receptacle, leaves, and stems, but not on all organs in each species. Their development in B. malabarica is described.  相似文献   

Floral organogenesis and development of the tropical legume trees Haematoxylum campechianum (logwood) and H. brasiletto (brazilwood) were studied using scanning electron microscopy. The aims were to compare ontogenies, and to elucidate the relationships of Haematoxylum with other genera of Caesalpinieae, the basal tribe of Caesalpinioideae. Flowers of Haematoxylum are in racemes or fascicles, lack bracteoles, and are pentamerous, hermaphroditic, and either actinomorphic or zygomorphic. Whorls arise in acropetal order except for the carpel, which arises concurrently with the outer stamens. Sepal order is bidirectional (a rare condition) within the whorl in both. Petals and outer stamens are initiated bidirectionally in H. campechianum, and unidirectionally in H. brasiletto. Inner stamens are initiated unidirectionally in both. In H. campechianum, time of petal initiation overlaps with that of outer stamens, and initiation of the two stamen whorls overlap. In both, the gynoecium becomes stipitate, and a hypanthium forms late in development. Both show many plesiomorphic states at anthesis; H. brasiletto alone shows several specialized states (expressed late in development), including a fused, gibbous calyx cup, a zygomorphic corolla, lightly aggregated filaments held together by hairs, and fenestrations in the stamen column. Ontogenetic divergence late in ontogeny characterizes differences at anthesis between related species.  相似文献   

Kaoru Kitajima 《Biotropica》2003,35(3):429-434
The relative importance of cotyledons and leaves for seedling survival was evaluated using a factorial field experiment on three neotropical tree species with contrasting cotyledon functional morphologies (photosynthetic, epigeal reserve vs. hypogeal reserve). In all species, cotyledon and leaf removal shortly after leaf expansion had additive negative effects on seedling survival over 7 weeks. Carbon supplies from cotyledons and other carbohydrate reserves apparently enhanced ability of seedlings to cope with herbivory and disease.  相似文献   

Genetic variation has been assessed in 30 populations (931 families) ofFaidherbia albida (Leguminosae, Mimosoideae) from across its entire African range, using six isozyme loci identified by five enzyme systems. Among the populations studied a null allele was proposed to explain the absence ofLap-1 activity in populations from southern and eastern Africa. The mean percentage of polymorphic loci per population, the mean number of alleles per locus and the mean genetic diversity within populations were 31.7%, 1.6 and 0.127 respectively. Genetic diversity was greatest in populations from West Africa and lowest in populations from eastern/southern Africa, with Ethiopian/Sudanese populations intermediate. The overall degree of genetic differentiation between populations (GST) indicated that approximately 56% of the enzyme variation resided within populations. Clustering of Nei's unbaised genetic distances calculated between all populations produced a dendrogram that generally followed the geographic distribution of the populations. Two major groups were identified that may be considered the eastern/southern African and the Ethiopian/West African clusters. Within the Ethiopian/West African cluster two subclusters could be recognised, one broadly corresponding to those populations from Ethiopia/Sudan and the other to those populations from West Africa. The implications of these results for theories regarding the origin ofF. albida in Africa are discussed.  相似文献   

It is generally believed that only the nodulating species of the Leguminosae fix atmospheric nitrogen; however, anatomical, ecological and taxonomic considerations indicate that non-nodulating legume species may also fix nitrogen. To test whether nitrogen-fixing symbioses in the Leguminosae might extend to the non-nodulating species, a survey of the Leguminosae was conducted: living plants of non-nodulating species were assayed using acetylene reduction. Ethylene evolution, indicating apparent nitrogenase activity, was detected in non-nodulating species representing the major taxonomic groups of Caesalpinioideae as well as in non-nodulating species of the Papilionoideae and Mimosoideae. Non-nodules nitrogen fixation appears to have provided evolutionary precursors for the nodular symbiosis in the Leguminosae.  相似文献   

在广东鼎湖山,华南云实(LaesalpiniacristaL.)始花期从2月或3月开始,开花后约1周达到盛花期,盛花期持续2~4d,花期可持续到4月底。华南云实基本繁育系统为雌蕊先熟、自交不亲和的异花受精。华南云实传粉方式为风虫媒。其主要传粉者为膜翅目昆虫,该种是云实属植物中首次报道的可行风媒传粉的种类。描述并探讨了华南云实花的结构与其主要传粉者木蜂之间的互动适应,并讨论了传粉生物学实验中的一些处理方法对华南云实开花过程的影响。  相似文献   

Lourdes Rico 《Brittonia》1987,39(1):130-132
A new species,Acacia sousae, from the states of Guerrero and Puebla is described and illustrated. A key for determination of the related species is given.  相似文献   

在广东鼎湖山,华南云实(Laesalpinia crista L.)始花期从2月或3月开始,开花后约1周达到盛花期,盛花期持续2~4 d,花期可持续到4月底.华南云实基本繁育系统为雌蕊先熟、自交不亲和的异花受精.华南云实传粉方式为风虫媒.其主要传粉者为膜翅目昆虫,该种是云实属植物中首次报道的可行风媒传粉的种类.描述并探讨了华南云实花的结构与其主要传粉者木蜂之间的互动适应,并讨论了传粉生物学实验中的一些处理方法对华南云实开花过程的影响.  相似文献   

The detection of hybridity inLeucaena is discussed in relation to: (i) traditional criteria, (ii) molecular criteria and (iii) models to predict hybrid leaf morphology. Morphological, geographical and molecular evidence for the occurrence of interspecific hybrids betweenL. leucocephala andL. diversifolia in south-central Mexico, northern Guatemala, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, the Philippines and Papua New Guinea is presented. Predicted mean hybrid leaf trait values calculated from parent material are compared with data from putative hybrids and shown to be similar. The origin of these hybrids is discussed and shown to be the result of artificial sympatry resulting from indigenous, and recent exotic, domestication of the parent species. The hybrid is described asL. ×spontanea.  相似文献   

The leaf vasculature plays crucial roles in transport and mechanical support. Understanding how vein patterns develop and what underlies pattern variation between species has many implications from both physiological and evolutionary perspectives. We developed a method for extracting spatial vein pattern data from leaf images, such as vein densities and also the sizes and shapes of the vein reticulations. We used this method to quantify leaf venation patterns of the first rosette leaf of Arabidopsis thaliana throughout a series of developmental stages. In particular, we characterized the size and shape of vein network areoles (loops), which enlarge and are split by new veins as a leaf develops. Pattern parameters varied in time and space. In particular, we observed a distal to proximal gradient in loop shape (length/width ratio) which varied over time, and a margin-to-center gradient in loop sizes. Quantitative analyses of vein patterns at the tissue level provide a two-way link between theoretical models of patterning and molecular experimental work to further explore patterning mechanisms during development. Such analyses could also be used to investigate the effect of environmental factors on vein patterns, or to compare venation patterns from different species for evolutionary studies. The method also provides a framework for gathering and overlaying two-dimensional maps of point, line and surface morphological data.  相似文献   

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