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A vertical gel electrophoresis apparatus is described which can distinguish DNA fragments differing by single base pair substitutions. The system employs a homogenous polyacrylamide gel containing urea-formamide and a temperature gradient which runs either perpendicular or parallel to the direction of electrophoresis. The temperature-gradient system simplifies several features of the denaturant-gradient system (1) and is relatively inexpensive to construct. Eight homologous 373 bp DNAs differing by one, two, or nine base pair substitutions were examined. DNA electrophoretic mobility changed abruptly with the temperature induced unwinding of DNA domains. GC to AT substitutions at different locations within the first melting domain, as well as an AT to TA transversion were separated with temperature gradients parallel to the electrophoretic direction. The relative stabilities of the DNAs observed in the gels were compared to predictions of DNA melting theory. General agreement was observed however complete correspondence was not obtained.  相似文献   

Ribosomal RNA and precursor ribosomal RNA from at least one representative of each vertebrate class have been analyzed by electron microscopic secondary structure mapping. Reproducible patterns of hairpin loops were found in both 28 S ribosomal and precursor ribosomal RNA, whereas almost all the 18 S ribosomal RNA molecules lack secondary structure under the spreading conditions used. The precursor ribosomal RNA of all species analyzed have a common design. The 28 S ribosomal RNA is located at or near the presumed 5′-end and is separated from the 18 S ribosomal RNA region by the internal spacer region. In addition there is an external spacer region at the 3′-end of all precursor ribosomal RNA molecules. Changes in the length of these spacer regions are mainly responsible for the increase in size of the precursor ribosomal RNA during vertebrate evolution. In cold blooded vertebrates the precursor contains two short spacer regions; in birds the precursor bears a long internal and a short external spacer region, and in mammals it has two long spacer regions. The molecular weights, as determined from the electron micrographs, are 2·6 to 2·8 × 106 for the precursor ribosomal RNA of cold blooded vertebrates, 3·7 to 3·9 × 106 for the precursor of birds, and 4·2 to 4·7 × 106 for the mammalian precursor. Ribosomal RNA and precursor ribosomal RNA of mammals have a higher proportion of secondary structure loops when compared to lower vertebrates. This observation was confirmed by digesting ribosomal RNAs and precursor ribosomal RNAs with single-strandspecific S1 nuclease in aqueous solution. Analysis of the double-stranded, S1-resistant fragments indicates that there is a direct relationship between the hairpin loops seen in the electron microscope and secondary structure in aqueous solution.  相似文献   

The removal of inherent curving in Crithidia fasciculata kinetoplast DNA by various small DNA ligands, groove binders and mono- and bisintercalators, has been studied by gel retardation and electron microscopy. The migration of the kinetoplast DNA fragment is highly retarded during gel electrophoresis. We demonstrate that this retardation is suppressed by DNA ligands such as distamycin and ditercalinium, which have different modes of binding and sequence specificities. Observation by electron microscopy confirms that the effect of ditercalinium on gel migration of curved DNA is linked to DNA uncurving. As the drug is progressively added to DNA, a large broadening of the retarded band is observed during gel electrophoresis for distamycin and ditercalinium. In the case of distamycin, the retarded DNA band splits into two broad bands, whereas the noncurved DNA bands remain homogeneous. This indicates that the drug-DNA exchange is extremely slow in the gel and that a limited number of specific sites on DNA are critical for the removal of bending. GC-specific quinomycin, monointercalators, and bisintercalators act in a manner similar to that of AT-specific distamycin. This indicates that direct drug binding at the dAn tracts is not required for DNA uncurving. We propose that the uncurving of kinetoplast DNA by drugs is caused by a global alteration of DNA structure; subsequent increased flexibility leads to the suppression of rigid bending at the AT tract junctions.  相似文献   

The present state of studies on capillary affinity gel electrophoresis, which is a new technique for the specific recognition of a target DNA sequence, is reviewed. This article includes the principle, theory, methods, and applications of this technology. The great potential of capillary affinity gel electrophoresis for the sequence-specific recognition of DNA and the detection of mutations in specific genes is illustrated.  相似文献   

Using PCR fragments of known sequences derived from isolates of two related fungal species, simple submarine electrophoresis in agarose gels containing a bisbenzimide-PEG conjugate (H.A.-Yellow) has been shown to be capable of distinguishing DNA fragments 567 bp long which differ by as little as a single base change. However, only changes affecting bisbenzimide binding sites (which consist of at least four consecutive A/T bases) alter mobility; other changes are ineffective. A second ligand (H.A.-Red) with high G/C specificity is suggested which may be as effective in detecting other sequence changes.  相似文献   

A computer program was developed to automate the selection of DNA fragments for detecting mutations within a long DNA sequence by denaturing gel electrophoresis methods. The program, MELTSCAN, scans through a user specified DNA sequence calculating the melting behavior of overlapping DNA fragments covering the sequence. Melting characteristics of the fragments are analyzed to determine the best fragment for detecting mutations at each base pair position in the sequence. The calculation also determines the optimal fragment for detecting mutations within a user specified mutational hot spot region. The program is built around the statistical mechanical model of the DNA melting transition. The optimal fragment for a given position is selected using the criteria that its melting curve has at least two steps, the base pair position is in the fragment's lowest melting domain, and the melting domain has the smallest number of base pairs among fragments that meet the first two criteria. The program predicted fragments for detecting mutations in the cDNA and genomic DNA of the human p53 gene.  相似文献   

The Schwartz and Cantor technique for releasing and fractionating megabase-sized DNA from agarose-embedded cells is beginning to bridge the gap in resoluation between classical genetics and current molecular DNA techniques, particularly in mammalian systems. As yet no conditions have been described for preparing plant DNA that is of sufficient length to allow similar long-range restriction mapping experiments in plant systems. In this report, we describe the application of the Schwartz and Cantor technique for preparing high molecular weight DNA from embedded tomato leaf protoplasts, as well as conditions for generating and fractionating large restriction fragments, by field inversion gel electrophoresis (FIGE). The bulk of DNA released from lysed protoplasts was at least 2 Mb in size and amenable to restriction digestion as shown by hybridizing Southern blots with, among others, a probe for the Adh-2 gene of tomato. Restriction fragments as large as 700 kb were detected. Chloroplast DNA is isolated intact, amenable to restriction analysis and, in its native form, not mobile in FIGE.  相似文献   

The idea that large DNA molecules adopt a stretched conformation as they pass through gels suggests a simple mechanism for the separation of DNA by crossed field electrophoresis: at each change in field direction a DNA molecule takes off in the new direction of the field by a movement which is led by what was formerly its back end. The effect of this ratcheting motion is to subtract from the DNA molecule's forward movement, at each step, an amount which is proportional to its length. We find that this model explains most of the features of the separation, and we describe experiments, using a novel electrophoresis apparatus, which support the model. The apparatus turns the gel between two preset orientations in a uniform electric field at preset time intervals. This separation method has the practical advantage over some others that the DNA molecules follow straight tracks. A further advantage is that the parameters which determine the separation are readily predicted from the simple theory describing their motion.  相似文献   

Duplex DNA fragments differing by single base substitutions can be separated by electrophoresis in denaturing gradient polyacrylamide gels, but only substitutions in a restricted part of the molecule lead to a separation (1). In an effort to circumvent this problem, we demonstrated that the melting properties and electrophoretic behavior of a 135 base pair DNA fragment containing a beta-globin promoter are changed by attaching a GC-rich sequence, called a 'GC-clamp' (2). We predicted that these changes should make it possible to resolve most, if not all, single base substitutions within fragments attached to the clamp. To test this possibility we examined the effect of several different single base substitutions on the electrophoretic behavior of the beta-globin promoter fragment in denaturing gradient gels. We find that the GC-clamp allows the separation of fragments containing substitutions throughout the promoter fragment. Many of these substitutions do not lead to a separation when the fragment is not attached to the clamp. Theoretical calculations and analysis of a large number of different mutations indicate that approximately 95% of all possible single base substitutions should be separable when attached to a GC-clamp.  相似文献   

A new method is described for specifically staining protein sulfhydryl groups after the proteins have been separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in slab gels. The stain will detect as little as 0.25 microgram of lysozyme and 1 microgram of most other proteins; the range of sensitivity for a specific protein depending on its sulfhydryl content. Proteins with no cysteine residues (type I collagen) and glycoproteins do not cause spurious staining.  相似文献   

We have designed a high-capacity gel electrophoretic device for the purification of large amounts of restriction endonuclease fragments of genomic DNA. This device exploits the high resolution of gel electrophoresis in conjunction with an electronic system permitting discontinuous sample elution over a large gel surface area. This feature preserves resolution and greatly increases capacity and yield. The resulting DNA fractions may be used in restriction endonuclease, ligation, transfection, and transformation reactions without further extensive manipulation. Furthermore, DNA fragments of a broad size range are recovered with high efficiency from the gel.  相似文献   

Capillary gel electrophoresis was applied to the high speed separation of DNA and RNA. Factors affecting resolution and speed were optimized for the single base resolution of polynucleotides. Polynucleotides up to 350 bases were completely resolved within 38 min under optimum conditions.  相似文献   

We elaborate basic chemical principles and current laboratory procedures for sequencing end-labeled DNA by partial cleavage and gel electrophoresis (A. M. Maxam and W. Gilbert, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 1977, v. 74, p. 560-564). We provide step-by-step protocols for 32P-labeling DNA ends, segregating the labeled ends by cutting with a second restriction enzyme or separating strands, partially cleaving the DNA at specific bases with reagents, electrophoresing the labeled products of cleavage on sequencing gels, and interpreting sequencing band patterns. Many of these procedures have been condensed, to make them faster and easier, and some are new. We also discuss sequencing strategies, and suggest a technique which will reduce plasmid or viral DNA to a collection of singly-end-labeled fragments in one day, for efficient sequencing of these chromosomes in 250-nucleotide blocks.  相似文献   

AIMS: To examine whether pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) of DNA macro-restriction fragments could provide better discrimination among the different biotypes previously described within the species Staphylococcus aureus than the traditional biochemical approach. METHODS AND RESULTS: Seventy three Staph. aureus strains from various sources (human, animal or food origin) and belonging to eight biotypes, including the poultry-like biotype, tentatively designated as an 'abattoir' biotype, were genotyped by PFGE after SmaI digestion of DNA. The PFGE patterns were compared using the average linkage matching method (UPGMA) with the Dice coefficient. A total of 61 PFGE patterns were observed, showing between 31 and 100% similarity. In most cases, strains with the same biotype were grouped specifically into one, two or three separate sub-clusters. Strains from the 'abattoir' biotype were clustered in one separate sub-cluster. CONCLUSIONS: The PFGE typing is useful to distinguish the traditional biotypes of Staph. aureus and has a more discriminatory power than the biochemical typing. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The PFGE typing confirms the 'abattoir' biotype as a separate group on a genetic level and is well suited to investigate modes of staphylococcal contamination of food.  相似文献   

Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis techniques were used to study chromosome-sized DNA molecules of C. albicans. Chromosome-sized DNA of two strains of Candida albicans has been resolved into 8 bands by orthogonal-field-alternation gel electrophoresis (OFAGE). Six bands were observed in chromosomal preparations of C. albicans using field-inversion gel electrophoresis (FIGE). Differences in the electrophoretic mobilities of bands of the strains of C. albicans examined suggests that chromosome-length polymorphisms exist and make it difficult to correlate the banding patterns among strains. These correlations were facilitated, however, by assignment of C. albicans chromosomes by hybridization using a collection of cloned DNA probes specific for each of the 8 observed bands. Southern blotting showed that the 6 FIGE bands consisted of 4 singlets and 2 comigrating doublets, accounting for the 8 bands observed by OFAGE analysis. The agreement between OFAGE and FIGE analysis suggests that the C. albicans haploid genome contains a minimum of 8 chromosomes.  相似文献   

Short single-stranded DNA fragments carrying a GCGAAAGC sequence were found to move unexpectedly faster than other fragments of the same length in electrophoresis on a polyacrylamide gel containing a denaturing agent. The fragments were noted to have a stable structure even in 7M urea solution, but the stability cannot be explained simply on the basis of base pair formation alone. Physical characterization of the GCGAAAGC fragment indicated that it takes a hairpin-like structure in spite of the short chain length with only two G-C base pairs, comprised of GCG and AAAGC subsegments, each possessing a helical configuration independent of the others. Some biological implications of this unusual structure are discussed.  相似文献   

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