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A biological affinities study based on frequencies of cranial nonmetric traits in skeletal samples from three cemeteries at predynastic Naqada, Egypt, confirms the results of a recent nonmetric dental morphological analysis. Both cranial and dental traits analyses indicate that the individuals buried in a cemetery characterized archaeologically as high status are significantly different from individuals buried in two other, apparently nonelite cemeteries and that the nonelite samples are not significantly different from each other. A comparison with neighbouring Nile Valley skeletal samples suggests that the high status cemetery represents an endogamous ruling or elite segment of the local population at Naqada, which is more closely related to populations in northern Nubia than to neighbouring populations in southern Egypt. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Excavation at Tell esh-Shuqafiya, Egypt, during the 1982 season exposed several Ptolemaic Period burials. One of these, a young adult male, showed a bright yellow stain on the right femur. Analysis of the stain demonstrated it to be hematoidin, a degradation compound derived from hemoglobin associated with old hemorrhage. The specific location of the stain on the skeleton suggests death a few weeks after a severe injury to the thigh.  相似文献   

In ancient Egypt, lettuce was considered an aphrodisiac and was featured in the yearly festival of Min, an ithyphallic god of fertility and procreation. The Greeks considered it an antiaphrodisiac and its use as a soporific continued into this century. The sycomore fig has a highly specialized fertilization biology, but does not produce seed in Egypt for want of the proper species of wasp. Ripening has been hastened since ancient times by gashing the syconia. To the ancient Egyptians it was a sacred trysting tree inhabited by the goddess of love and was the focus of a body of love poetry. Some selected verses are presented.  相似文献   

The dental remains of 88 individuals from Old Kingdom, First Intermediate, and Greco-Roman periods at the ancient Egyptian site of Mendes (Tell er-Rub(c)a) were examined for dental enamel hypoplasia, and the results reported here provide some of the first comparative data on enamel defects in ancient Egypt. Overall, 48% of the individuals in the sample have one or more teeth with hypoplasia, with 17% of permanent teeth and 8% of deciduous teeth affected. The permanent teeth account for 87% of the total number of affected teeth, a prevalence over deciduous teeth that is significant at alpha = 0.05. Permanent and deciduous teeth display different patterns of hypoplasia, with the former exhibiting both discrete pitting and linear furrowing, and the latter exhibiting only pits. Teeth with linear defects significantly outnumber those with pits by a factor of more than three to one. Only permanent canines display more than one lesion on a tooth, with a mean of 1.4 defects per affected tooth. Although calculation of the age of insult from lesion position is imprecise, it appears that stress episodes occurred most commonly between approximately 3-5 years of age. The presence of pits in the deciduous dentition, however, suggests that physiological stresses began in utero. There is no statistically significant difference in the frequency of enamel defects between males and females. An observed decrease in the frequency of defects from the Old Kingdom period to the subsequent First Intermediate and Greco-Roman periods is not significant at alpha = 0.05, although such a decrease is expected given epigraphic and other data that refer to prolonged drought and malnutrition in the late Old Kingdom. The calculated chi(2) value of 3.83 is significant at the 0.10 level, however, and since our sample is rather small and the magnitude of the chi-square statistic is a function of sample size, we recommend that future research investigate further the relationship between the frequency of enamel defects and the time period in which they occur.  相似文献   

During the summer season of 2003 and 2004, wilt syndromes of grapevine leaves (Cv. crimson) and vascular discolouration of roots have been observed in 2-year-old grapevine plants in the field at two sides in Gharbeia Governorate, Egypt. First, symptoms of wilt began on bottom leaves borderline as chlorosis and then these turned to necrotic spots and the leaves died. Wilt symptoms were spread to apical associated with vascular discolouration of roots and stem basal. Routine isolations of discoloured root tissue from diseased plant yielded eight isolates of Fusarium oxysporum Schlechtend only where no other fungi were developed. Microscopic examination revealed the presence of three shapes of microconidia, first is avoid shape non-septate measuring 2.5–3.0 μm × 6–10 μm, second is cylindrical with one septa measuring 2.6 μm × 17.0 μm and third shape also cylindrical with two septate measuring 3.0 μm × 20.0 μm. Macroconidia was rarely with three septate measuring 3.5– 4.0 μm × 35.0–38.0 μm, and chlamydospores were found singly or in pairs or chains. F. oxysporum isolates attacked grapevine plants (Cv. crimson) causing vascular wilt (66.7%) and root-rot syndrome (33.3%). In vitro isolates of F. oxysporum causing wilt of grapevine (Cv. crimson) varied for producing lytic enzymes, i.e. polygalacturonase (PG) and cellulase. The reactions of several grapevines (Cvs.) with a virulent isolate of F. oxysporum indicated the presence of two different symptoms, i.e. vascular wilt only on grapevine plants (Cv. crimson) and root-rot on the other grapevine (Cvs.), i.e. superior, Thompson, King robi and flame seedless. All F. oxysporum isolates caused vascular wilt of grapevine Cv. crimson, successfully reisolated from symptomatic vascular infected tissue and complete identification on the basis of colony, conidia morphology and host range at formae speciales level as F. oxysporum f. sp. herbemontis (Tochetto) Gordan. This is the first report of Fusarium wilt on grapevine in Egypt.  相似文献   

Trebouxia sp. TR9 and Coccomyxa simplex are desiccation-tolerant microalgae with flexible cell walls, which undergo species-specific remodelling during dehydration–rehydration (D/R) due to their distinct ultrastructure and biochemical composition. Here, we tested the hypothesis that extracellular polysaccharides excreted by each microalga could be quantitatively and/or qualitatively modified by D/R. Extracellular polysaccharides were analysed by size exclusion and anion exchange chromatography, specific stains after gel electrophoresis and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry of trimethylsilyl derivatives (to determine their monosaccharide composition). The structure of a TR9-sulfated polymer was deduced from nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analyses. In addition, sugar-sulfotransferase encoding genes were identified in both microalgae, and their expression was measured by RT-qPCR. D/R did not alter the polydispersed profile of extracellular polysaccharides in either microalga but did induce quantitative changes in several peaks. Furthermore, medium-low-sized uronic acid-containing polysaccharides were almost completely substituted by higher molecular mass carbohydrates after D/R. Sulfated polysaccharide(s) were detected, for the first time, in the extracellular polymeric substances of both microalgae, but only increased significantly in TR9 after cyclic D/R, which induced a sugar-sulfotransferase gene and accumulated sulfated ß-D-galactofuranan(s). Biochemical remodelling of extracellular polysaccharides in aeroterrestrial desiccation-tolerant microalgae is species-specific and seems to play a role in the response to changes in environmental water availability.  相似文献   

Asexuality is rare in animals in spite of its apparent advantage relative to sexual reproduction, indicating that it must be associated with profound costs [1-9]. One expectation is that reproductive advantages gained by new asexual lineages will be quickly eroded over time [3, 5-7]. Ancient asexual taxa that have evolved and adapted without sex would be "scandalous" exceptions to this rule, but it is often difficult to exclude the possibility that putative asexuals deploy some form of "cryptic" sex, or have abandoned sex more recently than estimated from divergence times to sexual relatives [10]. Here we provide evidence, from high intraspecific divergence of mitochondrial sequence and nuclear allele divergence patterns, that several independently derived Timema stick-insect lineages have persisted without recombination for more than a million generations. Nuclear alleles in the asexual lineages displayed significantly higher intraindividual divergences than in related sexual species. In addition, within two asexuals, nuclear allele phylogenies suggested the presence of two clades, with sequences from the same individual appearing in both clades. These data strongly support ancient asexuality in Timema and validate the genus as an exceptional opportunity to attack the question of how asexual reproduction can be maintained over long periods of evolutionary time.  相似文献   

Preserved rhizomes ofCanna edulis from 5 archaeological sites in the Casma Valley of Peru are illustrated and described. These were identified by their extant surface features and by their starch grains, which are different from those of any other known flowering plant species. Based on radiocarbon assays, these specimens range in date from 2250–295 B.C. Materials used for comparative purposes in this study included a collection of edible canna from the Peruvian archaeological site of Pachacamac and a modern-day specimen. A theory on the place of origin and time of domestication of this species is given in the conclusions of this paper.  相似文献   

A case of ovarian enterobiasis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 36-year old Korean woman consulted a clinic for a regular gynecological examination, and a mass was noticed in her pelvis. She was referred to the Asan Medical Center, Seoul where transvaginal ultrasonography confirmed a pelvic mass exceeding 10 cm in diameter. She received total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingoophorectomy, and a borderline serous neoplasm with micropapillary features involving the left ovary and right ovarian serosa was histopathologically confirmed. In addition, a section of a nematode with numerous eggs was found in the parenchyma of the left ovary. The worm had degenerated but the eggs were well-preserved and were identified as those of Enterobius vermicularis. She is an incidentally recognized case of ovarian enterobiasis.  相似文献   

To scrutinize the male ancestry of extant Native American populations, we examined eight biallelic and six microsatellite polymorphisms from the nonrecombining portion of the Y chromosome, in 438 individuals from 24 Native American populations (1 Na Dené and 23 South Amerinds) and in 404 Mongolians. One of the biallelic markers typed is a recently identified mutation (M242) characterizing a novel founder Native American haplogroup. The distribution, relatedness, and diversity of Y lineages in Native Americans indicate a differentiated male ancestry for populations from North and South America, strongly supporting a diverse demographic history for populations from these areas. These data are consistent with the occurrence of two major male migrations from southern/central Siberia to the Americas (with the second migration being restricted to North America) and a shared ancestry in central Asia for some of the initial migrants to Europe and the Americas. The microsatellite diversity and distribution of a Y lineage specific to South America (Q-M19) indicates that certain Amerind populations have been isolated since the initial colonization of the region, suggesting an early onset for tribalization of Native Americans. Age estimates based on Y-chromosome microsatellite diversity place the initial settlement of the American continent at approximately 14,000 years ago, in relative agreement with the age of well-established archaeological evidence.  相似文献   

Allozyme electrophoresis has been employed to examine genetic differentiation among eight described species, and representatives of an additional 15 taxa, of Australian peripatopsid Onychophora. The data reveal extremely high genetic differentiation among the described species and among the other taxa, each of which warrants specific recognition. Rapid protein evolution cannot account for the large genetic distances and it is proposed that these are a consequence of ancient divergence times. A method is presented for extracting phylogenetic information from allozyme data sets which are not amenable to conventional analysis.  相似文献   

During a systematic study of carbohydrate material present inhuman meconium, in addition to the previously described mucins,glycolipids and free oligosaccharides, we have now characterizeda significant quantity of free glycoasparagines. These glycoasparagineshave been isolated from human meconium by a combination of ion-exchange,concanavalin A (ConA)-affinity and high-performance liquid (HPLC)chromatographies. Their structures have been established by400 MHz 1H-NMR spectroscopy. These compounds are related toN-acetyllactosaminic type structures and are based on the commoncore These glycoasparagines are probably derived from both proteaseand partial exoglycosidase hydrolysis of fetal gastrointestinalN-glycosyl proteins. Their structures are discussed in the contextof the known catabolic pathways of N-glycans glycoasparagine N-glycosyl protein catabolism meconium NMR  相似文献   

Ammonoids had high evolutionary rates and diversity throughout their entire history and played an important role in the high‐resolution sub‐division of the Mesozoic, but much of their palaeobiology remains unclear, including the brooding habitat. We present our study of the first recorded ammonite embryonic shell clusters preserved with calcified embryonic aptychi in situ within the body chambers of mature macroconch shells of the Early Aptian (Early Cretaceous) ammonite Sinzovia sazonovae. The following support the idea that the clusters are egg masses, which developed inside ammonite body chambers: the absence of post‐embryonic shells and any other fossils in these clusters, the presence of the aptychi in all embryonic shell apertures and peculiarities of adult shells preservation. These facts confirm earlier speculations that at least some ammonoids could have been ovoviviparous and that, like many modern cephalopods, they could have reproduced in mass spawning events. The aptychi of ammonite embryonic shells are observed here for the first time, indicating that they were already formed and calcified before hatching. Our results are fully congruent with the peculiar modes of ammonoid evolution: quick recovery after extinctions, distinct evolutionary rates, pronounced sexual dimorphism and the nearly constant size of embryonic shells through ammonoid history. We assume that adaptation to ovoviviparity may be the reason for the presence of these features in all post‐Middle Devonian ammonoids.  相似文献   

For the first time, a jar of embalming rejects was studied in search for helminth parasite eggs. This kind of jar was used to put discarded material by Egyptian embalmers during mummification process. Ascaris lumbricoides and Taenia saginata eggs were found in the linen and strip fragment contents of the jar, dated of 2,715-2,656 years ago.  相似文献   

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