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INTRODUCTION: Training for cervical smear takers in primary care is well established. We aimed to assess the adequacy of training in cervical smear taking among hospital medical trainees. METHOD: An anonymous questionnaire survey was conducted among hospital medical trainees within the North West region of England. The questionnaire assessed the trainees' level of confidence in their knowledge and skills in the theoretical and practical aspects of cervical smear taking, and the training they had received. The standards used were as stated in the National Health Service Cervical Screening Programme Resource Pack for Training Smear Takers (July 1998). These included practical smear taking, pre- and post-test counselling, the background to cervical screening, the National Health Service Cervical Screening Programme, the role of the Health Authority and the laboratory, provision for women with special needs, acceptability, accountability and quality assurance. RESULTS: Seventy-eight per cent of trainees returned the questionnaires. Although all the trainees were confident about taking smears, a significant percentage was concerned about the theoretical and specific issues associated with smear taking such as the care of women with special needs. Only 60.7% had received formal training in practical smear taking. Furthermore, only 48.3% had been formally trained in the clinical management of smears. CONCLUSION: There appears to be an urgent need for formal training in the theory and practice of smear taking and for the standardization of the course content. The introduction of training in liquid-based cytology provides us with a golden opportunity to address this deficit.  相似文献   

G. Tinacci, A. Biggeri, A. Pellegrini, M.P. Cariaggi, M.L. Schiboni and M. Confortini The use of digital images to evaluate the interobserver agreement on cervical smear readings in Italian cervical cancer screening Objective: The aim of this study was to measure interobserver agreement among cytologists on using a set of digital images. Methods: A set of 90 selected Papanicolaou‐stained cervical smears were digitalized and the digital images circulated among 117 readers, from laboratories spread across almost all Italian regions. Three representative fields of each smear were displayed at 20× and 40× magnification (overall six images for each case). The diagnoses made by the cytologists who provided the images were taken as target diagnoses. Results: The κ values were: very low for the categories atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC‐US), and atypical squamous cells – cannot exclude high‐grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (ASC‐H); poor for the categories atypical glandular cells (AGC), high‐grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL) and invasive cancer; and fair to good for the categories negative and low‐grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL). However, we found a cluster of 42 best concordant readers. The overall κ value and overall weighted κ with the target diagnosis for these 42 readers were 0.45 and 0.66, respectively. This finding is in contrast with the overall κ value and overall weighted κ for the other readers of 0.39 and 0.59, respectively. Conclusions: As this finding is an estimate of the accuracy of the readers, we can infer that it will be very important to reach this level of concordance for all the participating readers. Future effort will facilitate common experiences in order to improve the reproducibility of diagnostic criteria. Digital images could be the key to reach this aim.  相似文献   

One hundred and thirty deaths definitely or potentially due to asthma occurring in hospitals in the North East Thames region over one year were identified from death certificates and Hospital Activity Analysis records. Thirty five of these deaths were considered after independent assessment to have been directly due to asthma. Control patients who left hospital alive after acute asthma attacks were selected and matched with cases for sex, age, and hospital. Management was compared in the two groups. Inadequate monitoring, including failure to monitor arterial blood gas values, and inadequate use of nebulised beta agonists occurred significantly more often in fatal cases. Use of sedation, inadequate treatment with steroids, exposure to potentially toxic doses of aminophylline, and inadequate clinical assessment were more common in cases than controls, but not significantly so. Failure to institute artificial ventilation contributed to seven deaths. Assessors considered important defects in management to have occurred in 83% (29/35) of the cases and 40% (14/35) of the controls. Nevertheless, most of the hospital deaths (19/35) were considered not to have been preventable. Eight other deaths in the region were attributed to the complications of asthma or its treatment. Three of these were associated with gastrointestinal bleeding and one with perforation of a duodenal ulcer. Before considering policies aimed at speeding admission to hospital of patients with acute attacks of asthma it is crucial that the general standard of hospital care offered to all patients with asthma should be improved.  相似文献   

As the numbers of people suffering from human immunodeficiency virus infection and the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) increase, so will the contribution to care required from general practice. A postal questionnaire survey was therefore carried out among general practitioners in the North West Thames and East Anglian regions to determine their attitudes to AIDS and the issues it raises for them. One hundred and thirty seven questionnaires were returned (response rate 57%) and four factors underlying the doctors'' attitudes identified; these concerned disease control, general practitioner care, patient support, and perception of seriousness. There were wide divergencies of attitude among the general practitioners, younger doctors being more in line with specialist thinking on AIDS than older colleagues, and evidence of important gaps between policies advocated by AIDS specialists and bodies of opinion in general practice.Attitudes to AIDS in general practice may partly be a function of personal experience; further study is required.  相似文献   

在蛹化第一天的卵巢管中一可见卵母细胞已经分化.但大小和滋养细胞接近。到第三天,卵母细胞体积明星增大,细胞核大而清新,滋养细胞排列趋于规则.滤胞细胞仍为合胞体.分布于卵巢管的周围,以后,滤胞细胞分化,卵母细胞开始摄取卵黄蛋白,并随着卵黄沉积而增大,滋养细胞逐新缩小消失。从卵母细胞纯化出卵黄磷蛋白并制备抗血清.对卵黄磷蛋白的摄入进行了研究,观察到卵黄磷蛋白是由滤胞细胞间隙经滤细胞膜主动运输进入卵母细胞的。  相似文献   

Out of 951 smears taken from women attending a hospital cytology clinic, 122 were found to be of poor quality. Twenty‐eight percent of these were associated with clinical and/or cytological atrophy, and in 91% of these the main adverse factor affecting smear quality was scantiness. The relative risk of obtaining a scanty smear was found to be 4.8 times greater in women in whom clinical atrophy was identified when compared with those with no atrophy. It is suggested that a reduction in the number of scanty, and hence potentially inadequate, smears in the screening programme may be achieved by the use of more appropriate sampling implements in all women in whom there is clinical evidence of atrophy. Further review of alternative sampling methods is indicated.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the variation in surgical and adjuvant treatment of breast cancer of known histology and detected on screening in a large cohort of patients treated by the surgeons of a health region. DESIGN: Part prospective, part retrospective observational study using the databases of a region''s breast screening programme and of the cancer registry. SETTING: The former South East Thames region. SUBJECTS: 600 women aged 49-79 who presented during 1991-2 with invasive breast cancer up to 20 mm in diameter that had been detected on screening. These patients were treated by 35 surgeons. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Mastectomy rate by surgeon and the use of adjuvant treatment (radiotherapy, tamoxifen, and chemotherapy) were compared with risk factors, tumour grade, resection margins, and axillary node status. RESULTS: The mastectomy rate varied between nil and 80%, although the numbers at these extremes were small (0/13 v 8/10). Surgeons operating on more than 20 such cases had a lower mastectomy rate (15%) than surgeons treating fewer cases (23%), but this difference was confounded by variation in casemix. There were also wide variations in mastectomy rates and in axillary sampling rates that were independent of casemix or caseload. There was broad agreement on the use of adjuvant tamoxifen (94%), but few patients received chemotherapy (2.5%). 78 patients (19%) did not receive radiotherapy, including 51 out of 317 patients with unfavourable tumours, and 26 patients did not receive tamoxifen. Whether the patient received adjuvant treatment was more dependent on referral by the surgeon than the risk factors for local recurrence and was independent of caseload. CONCLUSION: Mastectomy rates for similar tumours vary widely by surgeon independently of casemix or caseload, but surgeons with a higher caseload tend to have a lower mastectomy rate. Omission of postoperative radiotherapy or tamoxifen after conservative treatment is not related to risk factors for local recurrence or caseload. Confidential feedback of treatment profiles to individual surgeons has been used, but when benefit has been established treatment should be guided by evidence based protocol.  相似文献   

Anshu, A. Herbert, B. Cochand‐Priollet, P. Cross, M. Desai, R. Dina, J. Duskova, A. Evered, A. Farnsworth, W. Gray, S. S. Gupta, K. Kapila, I. Kardum‐Skelin, V. Kloboves‐Prevodnik, T. K. Kobayashi, H. Koutselini, W. Olszewski, B. Onal, M. B. Pitman, ?. Marin?ek, T. Sauer, U. Schenck, F. Schmitt, I. Shabalova, J. H. F. Smith, E. Tani, L. Vass, P. Vielh and H. Wiener
Survey of medical training in cytopathology carried out by the journal Cytopathology This report of the Editorial Advisory Board of Cytopathology gives the results of a survey of medical practitioners in cytopathology, which aimed to find out their views on the current situation in undergraduate and postgraduate training in their institutions and countries. The results show that training in cytopathology and histopathology are largely carried out at postgraduate level and tend to be organized nationally rather than locally. Histopathology was regarded as essential for training in cytopathology by 89.5% of respondents and was mandatory according to 83.1%. Mandatory cytopathology sections of histopathology were reported by 67.3% and specific examinations in cytopathology by 55.4%. The main deficiencies in training were due to its variability; there were insufficient numbers of pathologists interested in cytology and a consequent lack of training to a high level of competence. Pathologists without specific training in cytopathology signed out cytology reports according to 54.7% of responses, more often in centres where training was 3–6 months or less duration. Although 92.2% of respondents thought that specialist cytology should not be reported by pathologists without experience in general cytopathology, that practice was reported by 30.9%, more often in centres with small workloads. The survey report recommends that 6–12 months should be dedicated to cytopathology during histopathology training, with optional additional training for those wanting to carry out independent practice in cytopathology. Formal accreditation should be mandatory for independent practice in cytopathology. When necessary, temporary placements to centres of good practice should be available for trainees intending to practise independently in cytopathology. There should be adequate numbers of pathologists trained in cytopathology to a high level of competence; some of their time could be released by training cytotechnologists and trainee pathologists to prescreen cytology slides and assess adequacy of fine‐needle aspiration samples when immediate diagnosis was not required. The survey demonstrated a clear need for European and international guidelines for training in cytopathology.  相似文献   

目的:调查我院专科医师培训开展的整体情况,为继续做好专科医师培训工作提供依据。方法:随机调查我院参与普通专科医师培训轮转科室的指导教师,发放自制调查表。结果:90%以上导师认为科室带教质量高;48.78%导师认为临床科室应为学员每月发放1000元以上生活补助;60.98%导师认为硕士研究生普通专科医师培训时间应为二年;60%以上导师认为应着重硕士研究生临床操作技能、医患沟通能力、病历书写能力及阅片能力等方面能力的培训;50%以上导师认为目前培训中存在的主要问题是生活无保障;图书馆国内外最新文献不足;监管力度不强;临床技能培训针对性不强等。结论:我院开展普通专科医师培训整体情况较好。但仍存在很多问题,在今后的培训过程中应继续为学员的生活提供更多保障,继续加强管理监督,保证培训按计划、按质量完成。  相似文献   

目的:调查我院专科医师培训开展的整体情况,为继续做好专科医师培训工作提供依据。方法:随机调查我院参与普通专科医师培训轮转科室的指导教师,发放自制调查表。结果:90%以上导师认为科室带教质量高;48.78%导师认为临床科室应为学员每月发放1000元以上生活补助;60.98%导师认为硕士研究生普通专科医师培训时间应为二年;60%以上导师认为应着重硕士研究生临床操作技能、医患沟通能力、病历书写能力及阅片能力等方面能力的培训;50%以上导师认为目前培训中存在的主要问题是生活无保障;图书馆国内外最新文献不足;监管力度不强;临床技能培训针对性不强等。结论:我院开展普通专科医师培训整体情况较好。但仍存在很多问题,在今后的培训过程中应继续为学员的生活提供更多保障,继续加强管理监督,保证培训按计划、按质量完成。  相似文献   

A major cause of false‐negative cervical smears is sampling error. We examined the results obtained with three different instruments in 126 608 smears from general practitioners. The spatula/brush combination yielded the highest proportion of smears showing cytological abnormalities, and the Cervex brush the lowest. Although not a randomized study, this paper highlights the shortcomings of the Cervex brush. We postulate a mechanical deficiency. Diagnostic accuracy rather than a high proportion of good quality smears should dictate the choice of instrument.  相似文献   

当前医学生临床实践活动在时间上不能保证,质量上又明显下滑的情况下,增加住院医师/专科医师通科培训是十分必要的。不仅能弥补临床实践的不足,而且也能为医学生向住院医师平稳顺利过度作铺垫。住院医师/专科医师培养是医学生向临床医师角色转换的一个重要的过度阶段,因此,培训时间、学习内容安排的科学、合理与否将直接影响培养效果。住院医师/专科医师通科培训应为培养具有较高临床综合能力的医学人才奠定基础。  相似文献   

陕西延安北洛河流域蝶类资源调查及区系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对延安北洛河流域的蝶类资源进行调查,发现该地区共有蝴蝶6科54属75种(凤蝶科2属3种、粉蝶科7属10种、眼蝶科10属13种、蛱蝶科15属25种、灰蝶科11属15种、弄蝶科8属9种),其中34种为单属种,陕西省新纪录5种;区系结构分析表明该地区蝴蝶以古北种为主。标本保存于延安大学生命科学学院标本馆。  相似文献   

Vocational trainees in the North Western region who were in their general practice year completed a questionnaire concerning the hospital component of their training. Replies were received from 125 trainees, providing information about 451 hospital posts. In a total of 372 posts (85%) less than two hours of formal teaching a week was provided. Trainees stated that they received no informal teaching in nearly one third of posts. The orientation of teaching towards general practice was reported as greatest in the posts that were not part of a vocational training scheme. Study leave was applied for by doctors in only 163 (37%) posts, usually to prepare for or to sit an examination. There seem to be serious educational deficiencies in hospital posts that are used to train both general practitioners and other specialists. Improvements in both the quantity and quality of in service teaching are therefore needed urgently.  相似文献   

目的:调查我国西北地区康复治疗师的现状,为规范康复治疗师培养的改革提供依据。方法:采用抽样调查的方法,向西北五个省区部分康复医疗单位发放调查问卷共200份,由单位负责人填写,调查内容包括该单位康复治疗师的数量、专业、学历、从业时间、职称、持证情况和对培训的需求情况等,填写完成后进行数据统计分析。结果:康复治疗师中从事神经康复方向的治疗师比例最高,约为45.04%。大部分的治疗师从业时间都在5年以内,从业时间大于5年的比例只占13.68%。77.60%的治疗师为医学相关专业毕业,多数治疗师为本科以下学历,硕士和博士学历仅占0.48%,而获得康复治疗师资格证书的人员比例仅为39.35%。治疗师的职称也大多为初、中级(92.49%),高级职称治疗师仅占7.51%,78.81%的治疗师希望得到高水平的培训或进修。结论:西北地区康复治疗师整体从业时间较短,学历较低,缺乏高职称的治疗师,康复治疗师人才队伍培养体系亟待改善。  相似文献   

In this article we attempt to answer the question of how the ethical and conceptual framework (ECF) for a learning health‐care system (LHS) affects some of the main controversies in research ethics by addressing five key problems of research ethics: (a) What is the difference between practice and research? (b) What is the relationship between research ethics and clinical ethics? (c) What is the ethical relevance of the principle of clinical equipoise? (d) Does participation in research require a higher standard of informed consent than the practice of medicine? and (e) What ethical principle should take precedence in medicine? These questions allow us to construct two opposite idealized positions on the distinction between research and practice: the integration model and the segregation model of research and practice. We then compare the ECF for an LHS with these two idealized positions. We argue that the ECF for a LHS does not, in fact, solve these problems, but that it is a third, separate position in the relationship between research ethics and clinical ethics. Moreover, we suggest that the ECF for a LHS raises new ethical problems that require additional ethical analysis and justification. Our article contributes to the discussion on the relationship between research ethics and clinical ethics, revealing that although a learning health‐care system may significantly change the landscape of health care, some ethical dilemmas still require resolving on both theoretical and policy‐making levels.  相似文献   

黑龙江省老鹳草属植物的资源调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:了解老鹳草属(Geranium)植物在黑龙江省的分布及其广布种居群所在的主要植物群落类型以及其单位面积蓄积量,为更科学合理地开发和可持续利用老鹳草提供资源学方面的依据.方法:查阅文献、腊叶标本和实地考察.结果:记录所调查的居群中老鹳草的生长环境及主要伴生植物并测量、计算单位面积蓄积量.结论:佳木斯地区地榆、蚊子草、杂类草草甸群落类型的鼠掌老鹤草单位面积蓄积量为73.57 kg/667.7 m2,凸脉苔草、榛子灌丛群落类型的粗根老鹳草单位面积蓄积量为18.24 kg/667.7 m2.  相似文献   

黑龙江省蓝靛果忍冬的资源调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
了解蓝靛果忍冬在黑龙江省的分布及其居群所在的主要植物群落类型 ,为黑龙江省蓝靛果忍冬的开发提供资源学依据。方法 :查阅资料和实地调察。结果 :记录所调查的居群中蓝靛果忍冬的生长环境及主要伴生植物。结论 :蓝靛果忍冬在黑龙江省主要存在毛果苔草 小叶樟—丛桦—红松和苔草—柴桦 沼柳—赤杨 兴安落叶松两种群落类型  相似文献   

Ecological restoration has become increasingly important in conservation. Yet, synthesized statistics are scarce with respect to essential characteristics of restoration activities. We surveyed restoration stakeholders in the U.S. states of Arizona and California to evaluate key attributes in restoration activities including ecosystems of focus, goals, size, cost, duration, and the prevalence of recommended restoration practices. We also examined how some of the attributes varied with size of restoration, ecosystem type, and state identity. While enhancing biodiversity and increasing plant cover were common goals in the two states, restoration in California also focused more on wildlife habitat re‐establishment and weed control. Restoration in Arizona was implemented more in arid/semiarid systems, larger in size, shorter in duration, used more passive restoration, spent more on equipment, and was less likely to source plants from native plant nurseries. Labor was the most expensive restoration component regardless of state identity and ecosystem type. Per unit area cost of restoration decreased with increasing size of restoration. Yet, the decline in this cost was more strongly explained by moving from mesic to arid/semiarid ecosystems. Duration of restoration projects increased with size of restoration and in more mesic ecosystems. Overall, restoration in mesic ecosystems, compared to arid/semiarid systems, was smaller in size, higher in cost, and longer in duration. These results confirmed that ecological and socio‐political conditions impact restoration goals and practice, with implications of how research can further support practitioners to achieve restoration success under practical constraints revealed by these results.  相似文献   

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