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A detailed sensitivity analysis of a model of a predator-prey system comprised of Tetranychus urticae and Phytoseiulus persimilis was performed. The aim was to assess the relative importance of the life history parameters of both species, the functional response, and the components of the numerical response. In addition, the impact of the initial predator-prey ratio and the timing of predator introduction were tested. Results indicated that the most important factors in the system were relative rates of predator and prey development, the time of onset of predator oviposition, and the mode of the predator's oviposition curve. The total oviposition of the predator, the effect of prey consumption on predator oviposition, and predator searching were important under some conditions. Factors of moderate importance were the adult female predator's functional response, total prey oviposition, the mode of the prey's oviposition curve, abiotic mortality of the pre-adult predator, and the effect of prey consumption on predator development and on the immature predator's mortality. Factors of least importance were the variances of the predator's and prey's oviposition curves, the abiotic mortality of the adult predator, the abiotic mortality of the pre-adult and adult prey, the functional response of the nymphal and adult male predators, and the effect of prey consumption on adult predator mortality. The sex ratios had little effect, except when the proportion of female predators was very low. The initial predator-prey ratio and time of predator introduction had significant impacts on system behavior, though the patterns of impact were different.  相似文献   

Two experiments on the nymphal predation of Podisus maculiventris were conducted using Spodoptera litura larvae as prey. First experiment: The predator nymphs divided into three groups were reared individually from second instar to adult in a small vessel. Each nymph in the groups 1, 2 and 3 was allowed to attack the serially growing larvae (these were supplied at the rate of one per day) from 3-, 5- and 7-day old after hatching, respectively. The first prey used for the group 1 was so small that it was not only insufficient to satiate the predator but also was difficult to be searched out. But these disadvantages were soon recuperated due to the rapid growth of the prey and all nymphs could survive to adults. The survival rate of third and fourth instar nymphs in the group 3 was severely affected by vigorous counterattack of older prey larvae. Second experiment: The predator nymphs were individually reared either in a small vessel or in a large one at various rates of food supply (the prey larvae of 7-day old were used). The functional response curves obtained for each instar of the predator took a saturation type within a certain range of the prey density. The saturation level specific to each instar was generally higher for the predator reared in the large vessel than in the small one. The functional response of fourth and fifth instar nymphs was accelerated at a high prey density, viz. 16 larvae per vessel. Even at the low rate of food supply, viz. one larva per day per predator, the predator nymphs could survive to adults, but the size of resultant adults were abnormally small.  相似文献   

The numerical response of adult female T. pyri feeding on different levels of ERM larvae, and at a range of temperatures was examined. The duration of the pre-oviposition period decreased as larval consumption increased, and the rate of oviposition was linearly related to the rate of consumption of larvae. Mathematical models were used to describe these relationships in terms of temperature and consumption of ERM larvae. The results were discussed in relation to the nature of the T. pyri/ERM interaction in New Zealand apple orchards.  相似文献   

The stability of predator-prey systems subject to the Allee effects   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In recent years, many theoreticians and experimentalists have concentrated on the processes that affect the stability of predator-prey systems. But few papers have addressed the Allee effect with focus on the their stability. In this paper, we select two classical models describing predator-prey systems and introduce the Allee effects into the dynamics of both the predator and prey populations in these models, respectively. By combining mathematical analysis with numerical simulation, we have shown that the Allee effect may be a destabilizing force in predator-prey systems: the equilibrium point of the system could be changed from stable to unstable or otherwise, the system, even when it is stable, will take much longer time to reach the stable state. We also conclude that the equilibrium of the prey population will be enlarged due to the Allee effect of the predator, but the Allee effects of the prey may decrease the equilibrium value of the predator, or that of both the predator and prey. It should also be pointed out that the impact of the Allee effects of predator and prey due to different mechanisms on different predator-prey systems could also vary.  相似文献   

Invertebrate predators and parasitoids have long been characterized as having a hyperbolic (Type 2) functional response. Modifications were made to Holling's sand paper disc experiment which consisted of limiting the initial period of search during which a host must be contacted. Failure to contact a host during this initial period causes the predator to emigrate from the search area. The modification generated a sigmoid (Type 3) functional response. This response resulted from the low probability of encountering a host during the initial period of search at low host densities in the time allotted. A limited period of search has been found in several insect parasitoids. Such a strategy would minimize the time (energy) spent per offspring produced by minimizing the time invested in searching microhabitats in which hosts are scarce or absent.  相似文献   

Predator-prey responses in an acarine system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary This study examines the responses of the predatory mite,Phytoseiulus persimilis, to the density and distribution of its prey,Tetranychus urticae. It is divided into three parts. Firstly, the functional responses of protonymph, deutonymph and adult females towards different prey stages are displayed. The great majority of the responses are of the type II form, and the variations in the values of attack ratea′ and handling timeT h are discussed. Experiments are then described in which individual protonymph, deutonymph and adult female predators are presented with varying ratios of two prey age-classes (eggs and deutonymphs, and larvae and deutonymphs). Any observed preference for one of the prey stages is discussed in relation to the predicted preference on the basis of the separate functional response experiments. Finally, the response of different densities of adult female predators to a non-random distribution of deutonymph prey on bean leaflets is examined. The predators show a clear tendency to aggregate on the leaflets of high prey density, counteracted to some extent by interference increasing the probability of dispersal to other leaflets.  相似文献   

  1. The functional response to, and preference for, the host density in a parasite were examined experimentally using an icheumon wasp, Exidechthis canescens, and its host Cadra cautella under controlled conditions.
  2. Wasps were more active in host-searching at higher than lower host densities. Percent parasitism increased rapidly with initial increments in host density and then tended to increase more slowly at higher host densities. A sigmoid functional response curve is indicated, which implies that the parasite is able to control its host even at low densities.
  3. Wasps actively selected areas of high host density in which to concentrate host-searching behavior.
  4. Host-searching by E. canescens is stimulated by the odor of the host when present, and by food in which hosts have developed but have been removed.
  5. Both the functional response and the host-density preference of the parasite are mediated by its host-searching behavior. This relationship is discussed in the context of population regulation.

The functional response parameters of the parasitoid, Anisopteromalus calandrae (Howard ) to the third instar, the fourth instar and the pupae of Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) were estimated from the Random Parasitoid Equation. By modifying this equation for a two host situation and using the parameters estimated above, a no switch model could be obtained. This model was then used to test for switching. In the preference experiments where two stages of the host were presented to the female parasitoid, a definite preference for the fourth instar followed by the pupa and the third instar, respectively was shown. There was, however, no evidence of switching. There was also no evidence that the data fitted the no switch models which suggests that when the parasitoid is searching in an environment with two or more hosts, its searching behaviour is more complex.  相似文献   

Dispersal behaviour was studied on a predacious phytoseiid mite, Phytoseiulus persimilisAthias-Henriot in response to the density of its prey, Tetranychus kanzawaiKishida . And the effect of the change in the rate of successful dispersal of the predators among patches was tested on the persistence of the predator-prey system. The results of the study are summarized as follows:
  1. With a severe decline in prey density available per individual predator, the predators exhibited a marked behavioural change and dispersed to other areas.
  2. When two neighboring host plants did not touch with each other and the dispersal of the predators was possible only through a 20cm plywood “bridge” which connected the two plants, the rate of successful dispersal of the predators was only 20 to 25%, whereas it was 95% when the plants touched with each other.
  3. In the system where 32 host plants touched with each other, the predators succeeded in immigrating into all the plants by the 16th day, and they completely eliminated all the prey by the 33rd day.
  4. In another system, the 32 plants were equally divided into eight “patches” which were connected with each other with two of the bridges and the predators could move between them only through the bridges as mentioned above. In such a system the predators and their prey coexisted about three times longer than in the other one.
  5. It is suggested that for a longer continued coexistence of the predators and prey, it would be necessary to introduce more physical barrier against the dispersal of the predators and to provide more chances for the prey to disperse.

Dispersal behaviour was studied on a predacious phytoseiid mite, Phytoseiulus persimilisAthias-Henriot in response to the density of its prey, Tetranychus kanzawaiKishida . And the effect of the change in the rate of successful dispersal of the predators among patches was tested on the persistence of the predator-prey system. The results of the study are summarized as follows:
  1. With a severe decline in prey density available per individual predator, the predators exhibited a marked behavioural change and dispersed to other areas.
  2. When two neighboring host plants did not touch with each other and the dispersal of the predators was possible only through a 20cm plywood “bridge” which connected the two plants, the rate of successful dispersal of the predators was only 20 to 25%, whereas it was 95% when the plants touched with each other.
  3. In the system where 32 host plants touched with each other, the predators succeeded in immigrating into all the plants by the 16th day, and they completely eliminated all the prey by the 33rd day.
  4. In another system, the 32 plants were equally divided into eight “patches” which were connected with each other with two of the bridges and the predators could move between them only through the bridges as mentioned above. In such a system the predators and their prey coexisted about three times longer than in the other one.
  5. It is suggested that for a longer continued coexistence of the predators and prey, it would be necessary to introduce more physical barrier against the dispersal of the predators and to provide more chances for the prey to disperse.

The functional response of Pseudogonatopus flavifemur E & H (Hym., Dryinidae) was investigated by offering hosts (brown planthopper) at densities ranging from 8 to 160 per cage. The response curve was found to be sigmoid, i. e.Holling 's (1959) Type III curve. In experiments involving 310 hosts per cage distributed unevenly in 5 densities (10, 20, 40, 80 and 160 per hill), and a different female parasite density each time (viz. 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16 per cage), the behavioral response was described well by the “random predator equation” ofRoyama (1971) andRoger (1972), which is a convex exponential curve. The area of discovery (a) decreased with an increase in female parasite density (P), and the relationship was described by the equation: log a=−1.0099−0.3638 log P. There was an apparent increase in handling time per host as the number of female parasites increased. Superparasitism, a rare phenomenon under natural conditions, was often observed in the laboratory. The potential of P. flavifemur as a biocontrol agent of the brown planthopper is discussed.  相似文献   

光肩星天牛Anoplophora glabripennis(Motsch.)是我国重要林木蛀干害虫,造成了巨大的经济损失(张星耀、骆有庆,2003)。大斑啄木鸟Picoides major(L.)是林业蛀干类害虫的重要天敌,关于啄木鸟对蛀干类害虫的控制作用国内已有一些报道,  相似文献   

Understanding effects of hypotheses about reproductive influences, reproductive schedules and the model mechanisms that lead to a loss of stability in a structured model population might provide information about the dynamics of natural population. To demonstrate characteristics of a discrete time, nonlinear, age structured population model, the transition from stability to instability is investigated. Questions about the stability, oscillations and delay processes within the model framework are posed. The relevant processes include delay of reproduction and truncation of lifetime, reproductive classes, and density dependent effects. We find that the effects of delaying reproduction is not stabilizing, but that the reproductive delay is a mechanism that acts to simplify the system dynamics. Density dependence in the reproduction schedule tends to lead to oscillations of large period and towards more unstable dynamics. The methods allow us to establish a conjecture of Levin and Goodyear about the form of the stability in discrete Leslie matrix models.This research was supported in part by the US Environmental Protection Agency under cooperation agreement CR-816081  相似文献   

We employ the general model of predator-prey systems incorporating age structure in the predator, developed in the previous paper, to study the role of functional response in stability and the paradox of enrichment. The destabilizing effect of age structure leads to both qualitatively and quantitatively new results, including a lower bound to prey density for a stable equilibrium, a feature not present in models without age structure.  相似文献   

茶园节肢动物类群多样性和稳定性研究   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
对常年用人工或除草剂除草的茶园和地面种植长节耳草(Hedyotis uncinella)的茶园茶树生境节肢动物类群的多样性和稳定性进行了分析和比较.结果表明,复合茶园节肢动物类群主要特征的丰富度值除一次低于4外,其他都在4~8之间,最高达7.7403.单一园丰富度值大部分在4~6之间,最高的为6.7810;复合园丰富度值平均值为5.4672±0.3483,高于单一园相应值4.8809±0.3175.复合园节肢动物Shannon-Weiner多样性指数平均值为3.8535±0.1232,比单一园相应值3.4654±0.1856高.复合园均匀度指数平均值0.8781±0.012,高于单一园均匀度值0.8261±0.038.相反,复合园节肢动物优势集中度平均值(0.0992±0.009)低于单一园值(0.1636±0.038).复合园稳定性指标Ss/Si和Sn/Sp比单一园的高,而复合园多样性变异系数ds/dm值(0.1107)比单一园相应值(0.1855)低.研究表明,复合茶园生态系统有比单一茶园生态系统更丰富的生物多样性和更高的系统稳定性.  相似文献   

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