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Recent studies provide evidence that high-fat diets (HF) trigger both i) a deficit of reward responses linked to a decrease of mesolimbic dopaminergic activity, and ii) a disorganization of circadian feeding behavior that switch from a structured meal-based schedule to a continuous snacking, even during periods normally devoted to rest. This feeding pattern has been shown to be a cause of HF-induced overweight and obesity. Our hypothesis deals with the eventual link between the rewarding properties of food and the circadian distribution of meals. We have investigated the effect of circadian feeding pattern on reward circuits by means of the conditioned-place preference (CPP) paradigm and we have characterized the rewarding properties of natural (food) and artificial (cocaine) reinforcers both in free-feeding ad libitum HF mice and in HF animals submitted to a re-organized feeding schedule based on the standard feeding behavior displayed by mice feeding normal chow ("forced synchronization"). We demonstrate that i) ad libitum HF diet attenuates cocaine and food reward in the CPP protocol, and ii) forced synchronization of feeding prevents this reward deficit. Our study provides further evidence that the rewarding impact of food with low palatability is diminished in mice exposed to a high-fat diet and strongly suggest that the decreased sensitivity to chow as a positive reinforcer triggers a disorganized feeding pattern which might account for metabolic disorders leading to obesity.  相似文献   

A total of 115 samples representing 38 different feedstuffs was analysed for carbohydrates and lignin. The samples were analysed for low-molecular weight (LMW) sugars by high-performance liquid chromatography, starch, fructan and mixed linked β(1 → 3;1 → 4)-D-glucan by colorimetry, total, soluble and insoluble non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) by gas-liquid chromatography and lignin by gravimetry. For all but alfalfa meal, almost quantitative recovery of carbohydrates and lignin was obtained with a deviation between calculated and analysed values of less than 2 g kg−1 dry matter. The correlation between calculated and analysed values was 0.985 (P < 0.0001).The concentration (g kg−1 dry matter) of LMW-sugars varied from 5 g kg−1 and up to 137 g kg−1 with the lowest values found in cereal substitutes, whole grain cereals and by-products while the protein concentrates in general had the highest content of LMW-sugars (57–137 g kg−1). Starch was the main polysaccharide in whole grain cereals where it varied from 468 g kg−1 in oats to 690 g kg−1 in maize, in cereal by-products (93–902 g kg−1) and in tapioca (768 g kg−1). In contrast, the concentration of starch was low in all protein concentrates but peas and faba beans. The lowest levels of NSP and lignin were found in maize flour (NSP, 21 g kg−1; lignin, 4 g kg−1) and the highest levels in oat hull meal (NSP, 503 g kg−1; lignin, 148 g kg−1). There was also a significant variation in NSP and lignin in protein concentrates with the NSP value varying from 189 g kg−1 in faba beans to 451 g kg−1 in white lupins and with lignin varying from 12 g kg−1 in white lupins to 133 g kg−1 in sunflower cake. Grass meal, alfalfa meal and sugar beet fibre had in general high concentrations of NSP and lignin with values in grass and alfalfa meals of NSP: 329–426 g kg−1 and lignin: 128–169 g kg−1 and in sugar beet fibre 779 g kg−1 and 35 g kg−1, respectively.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to find by which mechanisms an increased availability of plasma free fatty acids (FFA) reduced carbohydrate utilization during exercise. Rats were fed high-protein medium-chain triglycerides (MCT), high-protein long-chain triglycerides (LCT), carbohydrate (CHO) or high-protein low-fat (HP) diets for 5 weeks, and liver and muscle glycogen, gluconeogenesis and FFA oxidation were studied in rested and trained runner rats. In the rested state the hepatic glycogen store was decreased by fat and protein feeding, whereas soleus muscle glycogen concentration was only affected by high-protein diets. The percentage decrease in liver and muscle glycogen stores, after running, was similar in fat-fed, high-protein and CHO-fed rats. The fact that plasma glucose did not drastically change during exercise could be explained by a stimulation of hepatic gluconeogenesis: the activity of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) and liver phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) concentration increased as well as cyclic adenosine monophosphate (AMPc) while liver fructose 2,6-bisphosphate decreased and plasma FFA rose. In contrast, the stimulation of gluconeogenesis in rested HP-, MCT- and LCT-fed rats appears to be independent of cyclic AMP.  相似文献   

We investigate models for animal feeding behaviour, with the aim of improving understanding of how animals organise their behaviour in the short term. We consider three classes of model: hidden Markov, latent Gaussian and semi-Markov. Each can predict the typical 'clustered' feeding behaviour that is generally observed, however they differ in the extent to which 'memory' of previous behaviour is allowed to affect future behaviour. The hidden Markov model has 'lack of memory', the current behavioural state being dependent on the previous state only. The latent Gaussian model assumes feeding/non-feeding periods to occur by the thresholding of an underlying continuous variable, thereby incorporating some 'short-term memory'. The semi-Markov model, by taking into account the duration of time spent in the previous state, can be said to incorporate 'longer-term memory'. We fit each of these models to a dataset of cow feeding behaviour. We find the semi-Markov model (longer-term memory) to have the best fit to the data and the hidden Markov model (lack of memory) the worst. We argue that in view of effects of satiety on short-term feeding behaviour of animal species in general, biologically suitable models should allow 'memory' to play a role. We conclude that our findings are equally relevant for the analysis of other types of short-term behaviour that are governed by satiety-like principles.  相似文献   

Prior data demonstrated differential roles for cholecystokinin (CCK)1 receptors in maintaining energy balance in rats and mice. CCK1 receptor deficiency results in hyperphagia and obesity of Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima Fatty (OLETF) rats but not in mice. To ascertain the role of CCK1 receptors in high-fat-diet (HFD)-induced obesity, we compared alterations in food intake, body weight, fat mass, plasma glucose, and leptin levels, and patterns of hypothalamic gene expression in OLETF rats and mice lacking CCK1 receptors in response to a 10-wk exposure to HFD. Compared with Long-Evans Tokushima Otsuka (LETO) control rats, OLETF rats on HFD had sustained overconsumption over the 10-wk period. High fat feeding resulted in greater increases in body weight and plasma leptin levels in OLETF than in LETO rats. In situ hybridization determinations revealed that, while HFD reduced neuropeptide Y (NPY) mRNA expression in both the arcuate nucleus (Arc) and the dorsomedial hypothalamus (DMH) of LETO rats, HFD resulted in decreased NPY expression in the Arc but not in the DMH of OLETF rats. In contrast to these results in OLETF rats, HFD increased food intake and induced obesity to an equal degree in both wild-type and CCK1 receptor(-/-) mice. NPY gene expression was decreased in the Arc in response to HFD, but was not detectable in the DMH in both wild-type and CCK1 receptor(-/-) mice. Together, these data provide further evidence for differential roles of CCK1 receptors in the controls of food intake and body weight in rats and mice.  相似文献   

Uncoupling protein 1 (Ucp1) is the key component of β-adrenergically controlled nonshivering thermogenesis in brown adipocytes. This process combusts stored and nutrient energy as heat. Cold exposure not only activates Ucp1-mediated thermogenesis to maintain normothermia but also results in adaptive thermogenesis, i.e., the recruitment of thermogenic capacity in brown adipose tissue. As a hallmark of adaptive thermogenesis, Ucp1 synthesis is increased proportionally to temperature and duration of exposure. Beyond this classical thermoregulatory function, it has been suggested that Ucp1-mediated thermogenesis can also be employed for metabolic thermogenesis to prevent the development of obesity. Accordingly, in times of excess caloric intake, one may expect a positive regulation of Ucp1. The general impression from an overview of the present literature is, indeed, an increased brown adipose tissue Ucp1 mRNA and protein content after feeding a high-fat diet (HFD) to mice and rats. The reported increases are very variable in magnitude, and the effect size seems to be independent of dietary fat content and duration of the feeding trial. In white adipose tissue depots Ucp1 mRNA is generally downregulated by HFD, indicating a decline in the number of interspersed brown adipocytes.  相似文献   

1. Heart microperoxisomal beta-oxidation activity, measured as cyanide-insensitive palmitoyl-CoA-dependent NAD+-reduction, was detected in a microperoxisome-enriched fraction from rat myocardium. The effect on this microperoxisomal beta-oxidation of the fatty acid composition of the dietary oils was investigated. 2. Feeding 15% (w/w) high erucic acid rapeseed oil or partially hydrogenated marine oil for 3 weeks increased the microperoxisomal beta-oxidation in the heart 4-5-fold, compared to a soybean oil diet. Increasing amounts (5-30%, w/w) of partially hydrogenated marine oil in the diet led to a 3-fold increase in the microperoxisomal beta-oxidation capacity at 20% or more of this oil in the diet. 3. The activity of the microperoxisomal marker enzyme catalase followed closely the cyanide-insensitive palmitoyl-CoA-dependent NAD+-reduction, except when feeding more than 20% (w/w) partially hydrogenated marine oil where a significant decrease in the catalase activity was observed. 4. In rapeseed oil-fed animals the extent of increase of microperoxisomal beta-oxidation was directly correlated to the amount of erucic acid (22:1, n-9 cis) in the diet. 5. Feeding partially hydrogenated rapeseed oil or partially hydrogenated soybean oil resulted in activities of microperoxisomal beta-oxidation significantly lower than in the corresponding unhydrogenated oils. No significant difference could be detected between diets containing hydrogenated or unhydrogenated marine oil. 6. Addition of 5% soybean oil to the essential fatty acid-deficient, partially hydrogenated marine oil diet did not change the effect on the microperoxisomal beta-oxidation activity. 7. Clofibrate feeding increased the heart microperoxisomal beta-oxidation capacity 2.5-fold, as compared to a standard pelleted diet. 8. These findings are discussed in relation to the transient nature of the cardiac lipidosis observed with animals fed on diets rich in C22:1 fatty acids. It is concluded that the heart plays an important part in the adaptation process.  相似文献   

Liver peroxisomes were prepared by using a Percoll gradient in a vertical rotor. beta-Oxidation was measured in peroxisomes isolated from livers of rats fed on either high-(15% by wt.) or low- (5% by wt.) fat diets. The feeding of high-fat diets gave a 1.4-2.4-fold increase in total liver peroxisomal beta-oxidation, and a similar increase in specific activity. A 1.5-4.5-fold increase was seen in the specific activity of purified peroxisomal preparations. The reasons for these increases are discussed.  相似文献   

Response of rat exocrine pancreas to high-fat and high-carbohydrate diets   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Intake of diets with high fat content is a risk factor for acute pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer. The underlying mechanisms leading to the development of these diseases due to high fat intake are currently unknown. The current study was designed in rats to determine the physiologic and pathological consequences of a highfat diet that contained excess amounts of cottonseed oil or a high-carbohydrate diet that contained high amounts of sucrose on the exocrine pancreas. Rats were maintained on the diets for 4 weeks, and a cannula was inserted into the right jugular vein and one into the pancreatic duct for collection of pancreatic juice. Volume of the pancreatic juice and concentrations of amylase, lipase, and trypsinogen in the pancreatic juice were measured before and after infusions of CCK-8. Results showed that basal and CCK-stimulated pancreatic outputs of volume, amylase and lipase but not trypsinogen, were significantly elevated in intact rats given a high-fat diet when compared with rats given a high-carbohydrate diet. Forty-eight hours later, rats were sacrificed, and parts of the pancreas were removed for isolation of pancreatic acinar cells and for histopathologic studies. Pancreatic acini isolated from rats on a high-fat diet showed significantly lower basal and CCK-stimulated amylase release when compared with those on a high-carbohydrate diet. Histology of the pancreas of rats on a high-carbohydrate diet appeared normal; however, the pancreas of rats on high-fat diet showed significant alterations in exocrine pancreas. These results showed abnormalities in the exocrine pancreas of rats on a high-fat diet, that were not found in rats on a high-carbohydrate diet; further, they support the contention that a high-fat diet has a deleterious effect on the pancreas.  相似文献   

1. Comparative studies with rats and rabbits were carried out to address the question as to whether the amount of dietary fat affects butyrylcholinesterase (EC activity in plasma. 2. Plasma butyrylcholinesterase activities were about 5-fold higher in rabbits than rats. 3. Ad libitum feeding of diets enriched with corn oil caused increased body weights in rabbits but not in rats 4. Plasma butyrylcholinesterase activities of rats were increased with increasing intakes of corn oil. In rabbits, such an effect could not be demonstrated conclusively. 5. Evidence is presented that in rats the substitution of dietary corn oil for isocaloric amounts of either carbohydrates or protein produces similar increases in plasma butyrylcholinesterase activity. 6. This suggests that among macronutrients the amount of fat primarily determines butyrylcholinesterase activity in the plasma of rats.  相似文献   

Direct evidence for leptin resistance in peripheral tissues such as skeletal muscle does not exist. Therefore, we investigated the effects of different high-fat diets on lipid metabolism in isolated rat soleus muscle and specifically explored whether leptin's stimulatory effects on muscle lipid metabolism would be reduced after exposure to high-fat diets. Control (Cont, 12% kcal fat) and high-fat [60% kcal safflower oil (n-6) (HF-Saff); 48% kcal safflower oil plus 12% fish oil (n-3)] diets were fed to rats for 4 wk. After the dietary treatments, muscle lipid turnover and oxidation in the presence and absence of leptin was measured using pulse-chase procedures in incubated resting soleus muscle. In the absence of leptin, phospholipid, diacylglycerol, and triacylglycerol (TG) turnover were unaffected by the high-fat diets, but exogenous palmitate oxidation was significantly increased in the HF-Saff group. In Cont rats, leptin increased exogenous palmitate oxidation (21.4 +/- 5.7 vs. 11.9 +/- 1.61 nmol/g, P = 0.019) and TG breakdown (39.8 +/- 5.6 vs. 27.0 +/- 5.2 nmol/g, P = 0.043) and decreased TG esterification (132.5 +/- 14.6 vs. 177.7 +/- 29.6 nmol/g, P = 0.043). However, in both high-fat groups, the stimulatory effect of leptin on muscle lipid oxidation and hydrolysis was eliminated. Partial substitution of fish oil resulted only in the restoration of leptin's inhibition of TG esterification. Thus we hypothesize that, during the development of obesity, skeletal muscle becomes resistant to the effects of leptin, resulting in the accumulation of intramuscular TG. This may be an important initiating step in the development of insulin resistance common in obesity.  相似文献   

Lipid accumulation in pancreatic beta-cells during high-fat (HF) feeding may be involved in inducing a defective insulin secretion due to lipotoxicity. Hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) is expressed and active in beta-cells, but its importance for islet dysfunction during the development of type 2 diabetes is not known. In this study, prolonged HF feeding of C57BL/6J mice, resulted in decreased HSL expression in islets, representing only 25+/-4% of the levels observed in controls. This was paralleled by triglyceride accumulation and blunted insulin secretion both in vivo and in vitro. After switching the HF diet to a LF diet, HSL expression increased 10-fold compared to the HF fed mice. This was accompanied by reduced triglyceride levels and a restored insulin secretion. These results support the notion that HSL plays a critical role in the regulation of intracellular triglyceride levels in beta-cells, and that downregulation of the enzyme may serve to protect against fatty acid-induced islet dysfunction.  相似文献   

To know the conditions of contamination by the chemicals in the experimental animal diets, the contents of nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) were analyzed in the diets for mice and rats. The raw materials of the diets were also analyzed. In addition, NDMA levels were determined in the diets which were stored long or heated in the autoclaves. The averages of NDMA in these diets were less than 10 ppb. In the raw materials, alfalfa contained a higher levels of NDMA. There was no clear tendency of increase or decrease in NDMA levels, when the diets were stored for six months at room temperature (23-25 degrees C) or at low temperature (7-10 degrees C). Heating the diets at 121 degrees C, no remarkable changes were observed in NDMA levels. It seems that little adverse influences on the conduct of the animal experiments would be anticipated by the NDMA in the commercial diets.  相似文献   

A diet with 20% (w/w) fish oil or partially hydrogenated fish oil has been shown to stimulate omega-oxidation of lauric acid 2.5-fold with rat liver microsomal preparations after 1 week of feeding. A diet containing either 20% (w/w) soybean oil, partially hydrogenated soybean oil or rapeseed oil had no effect. The omega-oxidation was also stimulated by fasting (3.7-fold) and by clofibrate (13-fold). The stimulation of omega-oxidation with partially hydrogenated fish oil was at its highest level after 3 days of feeding, and was dose dependent in the dietary oil of range 5-25% (w/w). With various high-fat diets, a high correlation was found (r = 0.81) between peroxisomal beta-oxidation of palmitoyl-CoA and microsomal omega-oxidation of lauric acid.  相似文献   

Phytoestrogens are a diverse group of plant-derived compounds structurally or functionally mimicking mammalian oestrogens. A variety of effects, in vitro, in animal models and in humans, have been attributed to these compounds. It is generally not appreciated that many commercial rodent diets are formulated with soy as a source of protein and thus large daily doses of phytoestrogens in the form of isoflavones are delivered to the animals. The content of isoflavones in laboratory diets depends on a number of factors and, therefore, varies considerably, both between different formulations, and also from batch to batch of the same formulation. Dietary isoflavones can influence a number of different endpoints, rendering the dietary levels of such compounds an important experimental factor to consider. The levels of isoflavones in common laboratory diets are reviewed in relation to the dietary levels influencing different endpoints.  相似文献   

Human epidemiological studies have supported the hypothesis that a dairy food-rich diet is associated with lower fat accumulation, although prospective studies and intervention trials are not so conclusive and contradictory data exist in animal models. The purpose of this study was to assess the effects on body weight and fat depots of dairy calcium (12 g/kg diet) in wild-type mice under ad libitum high-fat (43%) and normal-fat (12%) diets and to gain comprehension on the underlying mechanism of dairy calcium effects. Our results show that calcium intake decreases body weight and body fat depot gain under high-fat diet and accelerates weight loss under normal-fat diet, without differences in food intake. No differences in gene or protein expression of UCP1 in brown adipose tissue or UCP2 in white adipose tissue were found that could be related with calcium feeding, suggesting that calcium intake contributed to modulate body weight in wild-type mice by a mechanism that is not associated with activation of brown adipose tissue thermogenesis. UCP3 protein but not gene expression increased in muscle due to calcium feeding. In white adipose tissue there were effects of calcium intake decreasing the expression of proteins related to calcium signalling, in particular of stanniocalcin 2. CaSR levels could play a role in decreasing cytosolic calcium in adipocytes and, therefore, contribute to the diminution of fat accretion. Results support the anti-obesity effect of dietary calcium in male mice and indicate that, at least at the time-point studied, activation of thermogenesis is not involved.  相似文献   

Optogenetics is the optical control of neuronal excitability by genetically delivered light-activated channels and pumps and represents a promising tool to fuel the study of circuit function in psychiatric animal models. This review highlights three developments. First, we examine the application of optogenetics in one of the neuromodulators central to the pathophysiology of many psychiatric disorders, the dopaminergic system. We then discuss recent work in translating functional magnetic resonance imaging in small animals (in which optogenetics can be employed to reveal physiological mechanisms underlying disease-related alterations in brain circuits) to patients. Finally, we describe emerging technological developments for circuit manipulation in freely behaving animals.  相似文献   

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