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Recently the author presented data which supported the suggestion (Owen & Williams 1969) that the brachiopod caeca can inhibit boring organisms and store excess nutrients (Curry 1983). In the light of this work it is appropriate to describe and discuss an additional function which has been proposed for the caeca, especially as the data appear in a zoological journal which may not otherwise come to the attention of brachiopod palaeontologists.  相似文献   

This article comments on: Accumulation of sugars in the xylem apoplast observed under water stress conditions is controlled by xylem pH  相似文献   

FtsK is a multifunctional, multidomain protein that acts to co-ordinate chromosome unlinking, segregation and cell division. In this issue of Molecular Microbiology, the report by Dubarry et al. reveals new insight into the surprisingly complex relationship between the different activities of FtsK. The new study makes extensive use of fusion proteins to highlight the role of the FtsK 'linker' domain in helping to co-ordinate these processes. This, taken together with previous studies, suggests that FtsK is intimately involved in septum constriction, physically contacting several other divisome proteins. Further, it is attractive to speculate that FtsK can regulate the late stages of septation to act as a checkpoint to ensure DNA is fully cleared from the septum before it is allowed to close, as well as being the driving force to unlink the chromosomes and segregate the DNA away from the septum.  相似文献   

The microbiome and its cross‐talk with the brain have drawn increasing attention lately, since imbalances in the gut microbiota's composition may result in pathogenic dysfunctions affecting brain functioning up to development of neurodegenerative and mental diseases. The current Editorial discusses a study by Gao and coworkers in the current issue of the Journal of Neurochemistry in which the authors use a model of antibiotic‐induced dysbiosis ‐ targeted infusion of antibiotics into the gut ‐ to assess if microbiotic metabolites exert effects on local neurotransmitter expression or contribute to the gut‐brain axis. The authors mechanistically link distal ileal infusion of antibiotics with a change in the levels of microbial metabolites that affect the expression of neurotransmitters in the brain and thereby can participate in the fine‐tuning of the hypothalamic functions, including regulation of visceral and neuroendocrine processes, stress responses, mood and anxiety. Their study thus represents an important step towards our understanding of the brain‐gut axis, with the potential to advance therapeutics.


Despite the great interest it generates, the definition of Bergmann's Rule is vague and often contested. Debate focuses on whether the rule should be described in terms of pattern or process, what taxa it should apply to and what taxonomic level it should be associated with. Here I review the historical development of studies of Bergmann's Rule. I suggest that Bergmann thought that his rule should be strongest at the intra‐specific level, rather than between closely related species as is usually thought. I argue that the rule is a pattern that can be studied regardless of mechanism in any taxon and at any taxonomic level.  相似文献   

Savannas are defined based on vegetation structure, the central concept being a discontinuous tree cover in a continuous grass understorey. However, at the high‐rainfall end of the tropical savanna biome, where heavily wooded mesic savannas begin to structurally resemble forests, or where tropical forests are degraded such that they open out to structurally resemble savannas, vegetation structure alone may be inadequate to distinguish mesic savanna from forest. Additional knowledge of the functional differences between these ecosystems which contrast sharply in their evolutionary and ecological history is required. Specifically, we suggest that tropical mesic savannas are predominantly mixed tree–C4 grass systems defined by fire tolerance and shade intolerance of their species, while forests, from which C4 grasses are largely absent, have species that are mostly fire intolerant and shade tolerant. Using this framework, we identify a suite of morphological, physiological and life‐history traits that are likely to differ between tropical mesic savanna and forest species. We suggest that these traits can be used to distinguish between these ecosystems and thereby aid their appropriate management and conservation. We also suggest that many areas in South Asia classified as tropical dry forests, but characterized by fire‐resistant tree species in a C4 grass‐dominated understorey, would be better classified as mesic savannas requiring fire and light to maintain the unique mix of species that characterize them.  相似文献   

The long held view that annelids and arthropods are closely related (Articulata) has been challenged recently by phylogenetic analyses using molecular data. The outcome of these studies is a clade of moulting animals (Ecdysozoa) comprising arthropods and some taxa of the nemathelminth worms. Monophyly of the Ecdysozoa has not yet been shown convincingly on morphological evidence, but is strongly supported by molecular data. The implication of the Ecdysozoa hypothesis is that the type of segmentation found in annelids and arthropods must be either convergent or an ancestral feature of protostomes or even bilaterians. The present review discusses aspects of segmentation in annelids and arthropods at the genetic, cellular, morphogenetic and morphological levels. Based on numerous similarities not shared with other bilaterian taxa it is suggested that segmentation of annelids and arthropods is homologous and apomorphic for a monophyletic Articulata. However, the challenge provided by the molecular analyses should stimulate research programmes gaining more data such as on additional genes, cleavage patterns, molecular developmental biology, and the comparison of nervous systems at the level of single neurons.  相似文献   

Gliotoxin (GT) is the most important epidithiodioxopiperazine (ETP)‐type fungal toxin. GT was originally isolated from Trichoderma species as an antibiotic substance involved in biological control of plant pathogenic fungi. A few isolates of GT‐producing Trichoderma virens are commercially marketed for biological control and widely used in agriculture. Furthermore, GT is long known as an immunosuppressive agent and also reported to have anti‐tumour properties. However, recent publications suggest that GT is a virulence determinant of the human pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus. This compound is thus important on several counts – it has medicinal properties, is a pathogenicity determinant, is a potential diagnostic marker and is important in biological crop protection. The present article addresses this paradox and the ecological role of GT. We discuss the function of GT as defence molecule, the role in aspergillosis and suggest solutions for safe application of Trichoderma‐based biofungicides.  相似文献   

1. This is a discussion of the applicability to the phytoplankton of the concepts of ‘plant functional types’ (PFTs) and ‘functional diversity’ (FD), which originated in terrestrial plant ecology. 2. Functional traits driving the performance of phytoplankton species reflect important processes such as growth, sedimentation, grazing losses and nutrient acquisition. 3. This paper presents an objective, mathematical way of assigning PFTs and measuring FD. Ecologists can use this new approach to investigate general hypotheses [e.g. the intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH), the insurance hypothesis and synchronicity phenomena] as, for example, in its original formulation the IDH makes its predictions based on FD rather than species diversity.  相似文献   

Dicarbonyl/l ‐xylulose reductase (DCXR; SDR20C1), a member of the short‐chain dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR) superfamily catalyzes the reduction of α‐dicarbonyl compounds and monosaccharides. Its role in the metabolism of l ‐xylulose has been known since 1970, when essential pentosuria was found to be associated with DCXR deficiency. Despite its early discovery, our knowledge about the role of human DCXR in normal physiology and pathophysiology is still incomplete. Sporadic studies have demonstrated aberrant expression in several cancers, but their physiological significance is unknown. In reproductive medicine, where DCXR is commonly referred to as ‘sperm surface protein P34H’, it serves as marker for epididymal sperm maturation and is essential for gamete interaction and successful fertilization. DCXR exhibits a multifunctional nature, both acting as a carbonyl reductase and also performing non‐catalytic functions, possibly resulting from interactions with other proteins. Recent observations associate DCXR with a role in cell adhesion, pointing to a novel function involving tumour progression and possibly metastasis. This review summarizes the current knowledge about human DCXR and its orthologs from mouse and Caenorhabditis elegans (DHS‐21) with an emphasis on its multifunctional characteristics. Due to its close structural relationship with DCXR, carbonyl reductase 2 (Cbr2), a tetrameric enzyme found in several non‐primate species is also discussed. Similar to human DCXR, Cbr2 from golden hamster (P26h) and cow (P25b) is essential for sperm–zona pellucida interaction and fertilization. Because of the apparent similarity of these two proteins and the inconsistent use of alternative names previously, we provide an overview of the systematic classification of DCXR and Cbr2 and a phylogenetic analysis to illustrate their ancestry.  相似文献   

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