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Coevolution between hosts and their parasites is expected to follow a range of possible dynamics, the two extreme cases being called trench warfare (or Red Queen) and arms races. Long‐term stable polymorphism at the host and parasite coevolving loci is characteristic of trench warfare, and is expected to promote molecular signatures of balancing selection, while the recurrent allele fixation in arms races should generate selective sweeps. We compare these two scenarios using a finite size haploid gene‐for‐gene model that includes both mutation and genetic drift. We first show that trench warfare do not necessarily display larger numbers of coevolutionary cycles per unit of time than arms races. We subsequently perform coalescent simulations under these dynamics to generate sequences at both host and parasite loci. Genomic footprints of recurrent selective sweeps are often found, whereas trench warfare yield signatures of balancing selection only in parasite sequences, and only in a limited parameter space. Our results suggest that deterministic models of coevolution with infinite population sizes do not predict reliably the observed genomic signatures, and it may be best to study parasite rather than host populations to find genomic signatures of coevolution, such as selective sweeps or balancing selection.  相似文献   

When long‐lasting, balancing selection can lead to “trans‐species” polymorphisms that are shared by two or more species identical by descent. In such cases, the gene genealogy at the selected site clusters by allele instead of by species, and nearby neutral sites also have unusual genealogies because of linkage. While this scenario is expected to leave discernible footprints in genetic variation data, the specific patterns remain poorly characterized. Motivated by recent findings in primates, we focus on the case of a biallelic polymorphism under ancient balancing selection and derive approximations for summaries of the polymorphism data from two species. Specifically, we characterize the length of the segment that carries most of the footprints, the expected number of shared neutral single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and the patterns of allelic associations among them. We confirm the accuracy of our approximations by coalescent simulations. We further show that for humans and chimpanzees—more generally, for pairs of species with low genetic diversity levels—these patterns are highly unlikely to be generated by neutral recurrent mutations. We discuss the implications for the design and interpretation of genome scans for ancient balanced polymorphisms in primates and other taxa.  相似文献   

Some populations of Pogonomyrmex harvester ants comprise genetically differentiated pairs of interbreeding lineages. Queens mate with males of their own and of the alternate lineage and produce pure-lineage offspring which develop into queens and inter-lineage offspring which develop into workers. Here we tested whether such genetic caste determination is associated with costs in terms of the ability to optimally allocate resources to the production of queens and workers. During the stage of colony founding, when only workers are produced, queens laid a high proportion of pure-lineage eggs but the large majority of these eggs failed to develop. As a consequence, the number of offspring produced by incipient colonies decreased linearly with the proportion of pure-lineage eggs laid by queens. Moreover, queens of the lineage most commonly represented in a given mating flight produced more pure-lineage eggs, in line with the view that they mate randomly with the two types of males and indiscriminately use their sperm. Altogether these results predict frequency-dependent selection on pairs of lineages because queens of the more common lineage will produce more pure-lineage eggs and their colonies be less successful during the stage of colony founding, which may be an important force maintaining the coexistence of pairs of lineages within populations.  相似文献   

The presence of shell bands is common in gastropods. Both the marine snails Littorina fabalis and Lttorina saxatilis are polymorphic for this trait. Such polymorphism would be expected to be lost by the action of genetic drift or directional selection, but it appears to be widespread at relatively constant frequencies. This suggests it is maintained by balancing selection on the trait or on a genetically linked trait. Using long time series of empirical data, we compared potential effects of genetic drift and negative frequency‐dependent selection (NFDS) in the two species. The contribution of genetic drift to changes in the frequency of bands in L. fabalis was estimated using the effective population size estimated from microsatellite data, while the effect of genetic drift in L. saxatilis was derived from previously published study. Frequency‐dependent selection was assessed by comparing the cross‐product estimator of fitness with the frequency of the polymorphism across years using a regression analysis. Both studied species showed patterns of NFDS. In addition, in L. fabalis, contributions from genetic drift could explain some of the changes in banding frequency. Overdominance and heterogeneous selection did not fit well to our data. The possible biological explanations resulting in the maintenance of the banding polymorphism are discussed.  相似文献   

nessi is a computer program generating predictions about allelic and genotypic frequencies at the S-locus in sporophytic self-incompatibility systems under finite and infinite populations. For any pattern of dominance relationships among self-incompatibility alleles, nessi computes deterministic equilibrium frequencies and estimates distributions in samples from finite populations of the number of alleles at equilibrium, allelic and genotypic frequencies at equilibrium and allelic and genotypic frequency changes in a single generation. These predictions can be used to rigorously test the impact of negative frequency-dependent selection on diversity patterns in natural populations.  相似文献   

Don A. Driscoll 《Oikos》2008,117(2):297-309
Metapopulation and metacommunity theory may be extremely useful for understanding community composition and species distributions in fragmented landscapes. However, how well particular spatial ecological models represent natural systems is not known and so the general importance of those models is unclear. In three naturally fragmented landscapes in Tasmania, Australia, I sampled beetles from 67 sites, including continuous forest, small forest patches in a sedgeland matrix, streamside forest, and the matrix. Of forty commonly captured beetle species, at least 37% do not form metapopulations of any kind because they do not disperse far enough, disperse too far, or occur in the matrix. Only 7.5% of the species showed distributions consistent with a mainland‐island metapopulation, which was surprising given the mainland‐island structure of the landscape. These patterns were also consistent with a classic metapopulation. Deterministic metapopulations were probably common, involving at least 32% of species. Most predicted metacommunity patterns were not observed because only subsets of the fauna followed a particular metacommunity model. Seven, mostly flying, species were influenced only by habitat quality, supporting the Species‐sorting or Mass‐effects models, and the strong distinction between the beetle fauna of Eucalyptus patches and the matrix suggested an over‐riding influence of a Species‐sorting process. Seven, mostly flightless, species showed a negative relationship with increasing patch isolation, while another six, mostly flying, species showed the opposite pattern, with higher frequency of occurrence in more isolated patches. Both groups were strongly nested. The flying species were probably excluded from less isolated sites through interactions with poor dispersers , providing a novel mechanism leading to a nested distribution. The Patch‐dynamics and Species‐sorting processes were equally consistent with the pattern, emphasizing that these models are relatively simplistic when confronted with real community data. Additional complexity needs to be built into the models to accommodate the diverse patterns observed in natural communities.  相似文献   

Genetic colour polymorphisms are widespread across animals and often subjected to complex selection regimes. Traditionally, colour morphs were used as simple visual markers to measure allele frequency changes in nature, selection, population divergence and speciation. With advances in sequencing technology and analysis methods, several model systems are emerging where the molecular targets of selection are being described. Here, we discuss recent studies on the genetics of sexually selected colour polymorphisms, aiming at (i) reviewing the evidence of sexual selection on colour polymorphisms, (ii) highlighting the genetic architecture, molecular and developmental basis underlying phenotypic colour diversification and (iii) discuss how the maintenance of such polymorphisms might be facilitated or constrained by these. Studies of the genetic architecture of colour polymorphism point towards the importance of tight clustering of colour loci with other trait loci, such as in the case of inversions and supergene structures. Other interesting findings include linkage between colour loci and mate preferences or sex determination, and the role of introgression and regulatory variation in fuelling polymorphisms. We highlight that more studies are needed that explicitly integrate fitness consequences of sexual selection on colour with the underlying molecular targets of colour to gain insights into the evolutionary consequences of sexual selection on polymorphism maintenance.  相似文献   

Genetically polymorphic species offer the possibility to study maintenance of genetic variation and the potential role for genetic drift in population divergence. Indirect inference of the selection regimes operating on polymorphic traits can be achieved by comparing population divergence in neutral genetic markers with population divergence in trait frequencies. Such an approach could further be combined with ecological data to better understand agents of selection. Here, we infer the selective regimes acting on a polymorphic mating trait in an insect group; the dorsal structures (either rough or smooth) of female diving beetles. Our recent work suggests that the rough structures have a sexually antagonistic function in reducing male mating attempts. For two species (Dytiscus lapponicus and Graphoderus zonatus), we could not reject genetic drift as an explanation for population divergence in morph frequencies, whereas for the third (Hygrotus impressopunctatus) we found that divergent selection pulls morph frequencies apart across populations. Furthermore, population morph frequencies in H. impressopunctatus were significantly related to local bioclimatic factors, providing an additional line of evidence for local adaptation in this species. These data, therefore, suggest that local ecological factors and sexual conflict interact over larger spatial scales to shape population divergence in the polymorphism.  相似文献   

We use an individual-based numerical simulation to study the effects of phenotypic plasticity on ecological speciation. We find that adaptive plasticity evolves readily in the presence of dispersal between populations from different ecological environments. This plasticity promotes the colonization of new environments but reduces genetic divergence between them. We also find that the evolution of plasticity can either enhance or degrade the potential for divergent selection to form reproductive barriers. Of particular importance here is the timing of plasticity in relation to the timing of dispersal. If plasticity is expressed after dispersal, reproductive barriers are generally weaker because plasticity allows migrants to be better suited for their new environment. If plasticity is expressed before dispersal, reproductive barriers are either unaffected or enhanced. Among the potential reproductive barriers we considered, natural selection against migrants was the most important, primarily because it was the earliest-acting barrier. Accordingly, plasticity had a much greater effect on natural selection against migrants than on sexual selection against migrants or on natural and sexual selection against hybrids. In general, phenotypic plasticity can strongly alter the process of ecological speciation and should be considered when studying the evolution of reproductive barriers.  相似文献   

We model the evolution of reaction norms focusing on three aspects: frequency-dependent selection arising from resource competition, maintenance and production costs of phenotypic plasticity, and three characteristics of environmental heterogeneity (frequency of environments, their intrinsic carrying capacity and the sensitivity to phenotypic maladaptation in these environments). We show that (i) reaction norms evolve so as to trade adaptation for acquiring resources against cost avoidance; (ii) maintenance costs cause reaction norms to better adapt to frequent rather than to infrequent environments, whereas production costs do not; and (iii) evolved reaction norms confer better adaptation to environments with low rather than with high intrinsic carrying capacity. The two previous findings contradict earlier theoretical results and originate from two previously unexplored features that are included in our model. First, production costs of phenotypic plasticity are only incurred when a given phenotype is actually produced. Therefore, they are proportional to the frequency of environments, and these frequencies thus affect the selection pressure to avoid costs just as much as the selection pressure to improve adaptation. This prevents the frequency of environments from affecting the evolving reaction norm. Secondly, our model describes the evolution of plasticity for a phenotype determining an individual's capability to acquire resources, and thus its realized carrying capacity. When individuals are distributed randomly across environments, they cannot avoid experiencing environments with intrinsically low carrying capacity. As selection pressures arising from the need to improve adaptation are stronger under such extreme conditions than under mild ones, better adaptation to environments with low rather than with high intrinsic carrying capacity results.  相似文献   

Many plant species have evolved defense traits against herbivores. Associational effects (AEs) refer to a kind of apparent interaction where the herbivory risk to a focal plant species depends on the composition of other plant species in a neighborhood. Despite ample evidence for AEs between different plant species, this point of view has rarely been applied to polymorphism in defense traits within a plant species. The purpose of this review is to highlight an overlooked role of conspecific AEs in maintaining polymorphism in antiherbivore defense. First, I present a general review of AE between plant species and its role in the coexistence of plant species. This viewpoint of AE can be applied to genetic polymorphism within a plant species, as it causes frequency‐ and density‐dependent herbivory between multiple plant types. Second, I introduce a case study of conspecific AEs in the trichome‐producing (hairy) and glabrous plants of Arabidopsis halleri subsp. gemmifera. Laboratory and semi‐field experiments illustrated that AEs against the brassica leaf beetle Phaedon brassicae mediate a minority advantage in defense and fitness between hairy and glabrous plants. Combined with a statistical modeling approach, field observation revealed that conspecific AEs can maintain the trichome dimorphism via negative frequency‐dependent selection in a plant population. Finally, I discuss spatial and temporal scales at which AEs contribute to shaping genetic variation in antiherbivore defense in a plant metapopulation. Based on the review and evidence, I suggest that AEs play a key role in the maintenance of genetic variation within a plant species.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory has been remarkably successful at explaining the prevalence of even sex ratios in natural populations and at identifying specific conditions that can result in biased sex ratios. Much of this theory focuses on parental sex determination (SD) strategies. Here, we consider instead the evolutionary causes and consequences of mixed offspring SD strategies, in which the genotype of an individual determines not its sex, but the probability of developing one of multiple sexes. We find that alleles specifying mixed offspring SD strategies can generally outcompete alleles that specify pure strategies, but generate constraints that may prevent a population from reaching an even sex ratio. We use our model to analyze sex ratios in natural populations of Tetrahymena thermophila, a ciliate with seven sexes determined by mixed SD alleles. We show that probabilistic SD is sufficient to account for the occurrence of skewed sex ratios in natural populations of T. thermophila, provided that their effective population sizes are small. Our results highlight the importance of genetic drift in sex ratio evolution and suggest that mixed offspring SD strategies should be more common than currently thought.  相似文献   

Theory on indirect genetic effects (IGEs) indicates that variation in the genetic composition of social groups can generate GxG epistasis that may promote the evolution of stable polymorphisms. Using a livebearing fish with a genetic polymorphism in coloration and associated behavioral differences, we tested whether genotypes of social partners interacted with focal individual genotypes to influence growth and condition over 16 weeks of development. We found that IGEs had a significant influence on patterns of feeding, regardless of focal fish genotype. There was no influence of social environment on juvenile length, but there was significant GxG epistasis for body condition. Each focal juvenile was in better condition when its own genotype was not present in adult social partners. These data are consistent with negative frequency‐dependent selection in which each morph performs better when it is rare. Neither variation in feeding nor activity‐related behaviors explained variation in body condition, suggesting that GxG epistasis for condition was caused by physiological differences between the two genotypes. These findings indicate that GxG epistasis in a given polymorphism can generate fitness landscapes that contribute to the maintenance of that polymorphism and to maintenance of genetic variation for additional fitness‐related traits.  相似文献   

Patterns of spatio-temporal genetic variation at a class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) locus and multiple microsatellite loci were analysed within and between three water vole metapopulations in Scotland, UK. Comparisons of MHC and microsatellite spatial genetic differentiation, based on standardised tests between two demographically asynchronous zones within a metapopulation, suggested that spatial MHC variation was affected by balancing selection, directional selection and random genetic drift, but that the relative effects of these microevolutionary forces vary temporally. At the metapopulation level, between-year differentiation for MHC loci was significantly correlated with that of microsatellites, signifying that neutral factors such as migration and drift were primarily responsible for overall temporal genetic change at the metapopulation scale. Between metapopulations, patterns of genetic differentiation implied that, at large spatial scales, MHC variation was primarily affected by directional selection and drift. Levels of MHC heterozygosity in excess of Hardy–Weinberg expectations were consistent with overdominant balancing selection operating on MHC variation within metapopulations. However, this effect was not constant among all samples, indicating temporal variation in the strength of selection relative to other factors. The results highlight the benefit of contrasting variation at MHC with neutral markers to separate the effects of stochastic and deterministic microevolutionary forces, and add to a growing body of evidence showing that the mode and relative strength of selection acting on MHC diversity varies both spatially and temporally.  相似文献   

Allozymic variation in 22 loci in several Yugoslavian populations of four subspecies of the smooth newt Triturus vulgaris, has been analyzed. The frequency of private alleles and the coefficient of genetic differentiation, FST, give very different indirect estimates of the effective number of migrants per generation, Nm. However, such Nm estimates, in most cases higher than 1, imply that gene flow between populations is large enough as to prevent differentiation by random drift. In the case of T.v. vulgaris, of which sixteen populations amply distributed through Yugoslavia were sampled, there is evidence that frequent extinction and recolonization processes might be responsible for the observed genetic structure. This conclusion has been reached after testing the correlation between genetic, environmental and geographical matrices.  相似文献   

The stochastic process of long‐distance dispersal is the exclusive means by which plants colonize oceanic islands. Baker's rule posits that self‐incompatible plant lineages are unlikely to successfully colonize oceanic islands because they must achieve a coordinated long‐distance dispersal of sufficiently numerous individuals to establish an outcrossing founder population. Here, we show for the first time that Mauritian Coffea species are self‐incompatible and thus represent an exception to Baker's rule. The genus Coffea (Rubiaceae) is composed of approximately 124 species with a paleotropical distribution. Phylogenetic evidence strongly supports a single colonization of the oceanic island of Mauritius from either Madagascar or Africa. We employ Bayesian divergence time analyses to show that the colonization of Mauritius was not a recent event. We genotype S‐RNase alleles from Mauritian endemic Coffea, and using S‐allele gene genealogies, we show that the Mauritian allelic diversity is confined to just seven deeply divergent Coffea S‐RNase allelic lineages. Based on these data, we developed an individual‐based model and performed a simulation study to estimate the most likely number of founding individuals involved in the colonization of Mauritius. Our simulations show that to explain the observed S‐RNase allelic diversity, the founding population was likely composed of fewer than 31 seeds that were likely synchronously dispersed from an ancestral mainland species.  相似文献   

A random sample of the Bigoudens community was tested for 16 genetic markers. The existence of silent alleles had to be postulated more often than usual although no minus-minus phenotype was observed. Four explanations may be put forward for this apparent contradiction: selection pressure for homozygosity, inbreeding, true silent alleles and random genetic drift between and within the villages. The degree of inbreeding is unlikely to be high enough to account for our data and some of the silent alleles postulated are not thought to exist. We therefore favour the explanation of genetic differentiation and the so-called Wahlund effect.  相似文献   

Egg‐to‐adult viability is studied in the progeny of the flies of different genotypes according to S and F alleles of Amy locus of Drsophila subobscura . This component of fitness is observed in the single and mixed cultures with various frequencies of three genotypes (S/S, F/F and S/F) under conditions of low (LD) and high densities (HD) on three types of media with different carbohydrate composition. In such multifactorial experimental conditions, density‐ and frequency‐dependent selection on certain Amy genotypes was observed. Genotype frequencies and carbohydrate composition have significant effect on the viability of Amy genotypes. The significant intergenotypic differences exist, mostly at HD conditions. The heterozygous genotype S/F has generally lower viability which decreases with its increased frequencies, on all media at LD or HD. The results suggest a high level of complexity and interaction between these two types of balanced selection.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity at the S‐locus controlling self‐incompatibility (SI) is often high because of negative frequency‐dependent selection. In species with highly patchy spatial distributions, genetic drift can overwhelm balancing selection and cause stochastic loss of S‐alleles. Natural selection may favor the breakdown of SI in populations with few S‐alleles because low S‐allele diversity constrains the seed production of self‐incompatible plants. We estimated S‐allele diversity, effective population sizes, and migration rates in Leavenworthia alabamica, a self‐incompatible mustard species restricted to discrete habitat patches in rocky glades. Patterns of polymorphism were investigated at the S‐locus and 15 neutral microsatellites in three large and three small populations with 100‐fold variation in glade size. Populations on larger glades maintained more S‐alleles, but all populations were estimated to harbor at least 20 S‐alleles, and mate availabilities typically exceeded 0.80, which is consistent with little mate limitation in nature. Estimates of the effective size (Ne) in each population ranged from 600 to 1600, and estimated rates of migration (m) ranged from 3 × 10−4 to nearly 1 × 10−3. According to theoretical models, there is limited opportunity for genetic drift to reduce S‐allele diversity in populations with these attributes. Although pollinators or resources limit seed production in small glades, limited S‐allele diversity does not appear to be a factor promoting the incipient breakdown of SI in populations of this species that were studied.  相似文献   

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