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This paper reports our exploratory work to redesign, implementand integrate a collection of genome software tools with anobject-oriented database system. Our software tools deal withgenome data from Escherichia coli K-12, a bacterium that hasbeen studied intensively and provides richer data sets thanany other living organism. The object-oriented DBMS used forthe integration is ONTOS, a commercial object-oriented systemfrom Ontologic Inc. This redesign and implementation task wasperformed in two steps. First, Cprograms were converted intoC+ +, and then the C+ + version programs were modified and integratedwith an object-oriented modeling of the data to form an ONTOSdatabase application. The first step helps us develop a conceptualview for a DBMS-independent object-oriented construct. The secondstep elucidates what additional DBMS-dependent modificationsteps are needed to provide persistency to the objects. Examplesare included to illustrate steps of the redesign and implementation.Overall, the outcome of this project demonstrates that programsand data can be successfully integrated with an object-orienteddatabase, while providing the objects with persistency and shareability.This paper includes discussions using concrete examples on whatadvantage the object–oriented database approach providesover the relational database approach.  相似文献   

A collaborative database of inbred mouse strain characteristics   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A database and website (MPD: Mouse Phenome Database) have been developed to serve as a consolidated home for mouse strain characterization data being generated by the scientific community. Physiological, anatomical and behavioral data are being collected and integrated into a common framework for tabulation by strain and sex. Genotypic data are being collected as well. The current focus is on a set of 40 inbred strains. The MPD as of February 2004 contains approximately 500 phenotypic parameters relevant to human health, voluntarily contributed by several dozen investigators and laboratories. AVAILABILITY: www.jax.org/phenome  相似文献   

Shotgun proteomics using mass spectrometry is a powerful method for protein identification but suffers limited sensitivity in complex samples. Integrating peptide identifications from multiple database search engines is a promising strategy to increase the number of peptide identifications and reduce the volume of unassigned tandem mass spectra. Existing methods pool statistical significance scores such as p-values or posterior probabilities of peptide-spectrum matches (PSMs) from multiple search engines after high scoring peptides have been assigned to spectra, but these methods lack reliable control of identification error rates as data are integrated from different search engines. We developed a statistically coherent method for integrative analysis, termed MSblender. MSblender converts raw search scores from search engines into a probability score for every possible PSM and properly accounts for the correlation between search scores. The method reliably estimates false discovery rates and identifies more PSMs than any single search engine at the same false discovery rate. Increased identifications increment spectral counts for most proteins and allow quantification of proteins that would not have been quantified by individual search engines. We also demonstrate that enhanced quantification contributes to improve sensitivity in differential expression analyses.  相似文献   

Modernizing data systems to inform collaborative management is critical to adaptively managing fisheries in an era of climate change. In 2006, The Nature Conservancy of California purchased 13 federal groundfish permits in California with the objective of managing the fishing and reporting activities in a manner that protected sensitive habitats and species. At that time, collecting data for this fishery was done with paper logbooks. This made queries and visualization that could inform management decisions towards our objective impossible in a timely manner. To solve this problem, we built successive software prototypes that leveraged location-aware mobile devices, cloud-based computing, and visualization and query of geographic data over the web. The resulting software, eCatch, enabled avoidance of sensitive species and habitats and quantitative reporting on performance metrics related to those activities. What started as a technology solution to a problem of timely scientific monitoring revealed collateral benefits of collaboration with the fishing industry and markets that support sustainable activities.  相似文献   

We developed a database system for collaborative HIV analysis (DBCollHIV) in Brazil. The main purpose of our DBCollHIV project was to develop an HIV-integrated database system with analytical bioinformatics tools that would support the needs of Brazilian research groups for data storage and sequence analysis. Whenever authorized by the principal investigator, this system also allows the integration of data from different studies and/or the release of the data to the general public. The development of a database that combines sequences associated with clinical/epidemiological data is difficult without the active support of interdisciplinary investigators. A functional database that securely stores data and helps the investigator to manipulate their sequences before publication would be an attractive tool for investigators depositing their data and collaborating with other groups. DBCollHIV allows investigators to manipulate their own datasets, as well as integrating molecular and clinical HIV data, in an innovative fashion.  相似文献   

PlasmoDB (http://PlasmoDB.org) is the official database of the Plasmodium falciparum genome sequencing consortium. This resource incorporates the recently completed P. falciparum genome sequence and annotation, as well as draft sequence and annotation emerging from other Plasmodium sequencing projects. PlasmoDB currently houses information from five parasite species and provides tools for intra- and inter-species comparisons. Sequence information is integrated with other genomic-scale data emerging from the Plasmodium research community, including gene expression analysis from EST, SAGE and microarray projects and proteomics studies. The relational schema used to build PlasmoDB, GUS (Genomics Unified Schema) employs a highly structured format to accommodate the diverse data types generated by sequence and expression projects. A variety of tools allow researchers to formulate complex, biologically-based, queries of the database. A stand-alone version of the database is also available on CD-ROM (P. falciparum GenePlot), facilitating access to the data in situations where internet access is difficult (e.g. by malaria researchers working in the field). The goal of PlasmoDB is to facilitate utilization of the vast quantities of genomic-scale data produced by the global malaria research community. The software used to develop PlasmoDB has been used to create a second Apicomplexan parasite genome database, ToxoDB (http://ToxoDB.org).  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The PFDB (Protein Family Database) is a new database designed to integrate protein family-related data with relevant functional and genomic data. It currently manages biological data for three projects-the CATH protein domain database (Orengo et al., 1997; Pearl et al., 2001), the VIDA virus domains database (Albà et al., 2001) and the Gene3D database (Buchan et al., 2001). The PFDB has been designed to accommodate protein families identified by a variety of sequence based or structure based protocols and provides a generic resource for biological research by enabling mapping between different protein families and diverse biochemical and genetic data, including complete genomes. RESULTS: A characteristic feature of the PFDB is that it has a number of meta-level entities (for example aggregation, collection and inclusion) represented as base tables in the final design. The explicit representation of relationships at the meta-level has a number of advantages, including flexibility-both in terms of the range of queries that can be formulated and the ability to integrate new biological entities within the existing design. A potential drawback with this approach-poor performance caused by the number of joins across meta-level tables-is avoided by implementing the PFDB with materialized views using the mature relational database technology of Oracle 8i. The resultant database is both fast and flexible. This paper presents the principles on which the database has been designed and implemented, and describes the current status of the database and query facilities supported.  相似文献   

Methods for establishing biodiversity conservation priorities are urgently required, as the number of species and habitats that are threatened increases relative to the material resources available for their conservation. The identification of priority areas demands the integration of biophysical data on ecosystems together with social data on human pressures and planning opportunities. But comprehensive and reliable data are rarely available to demarcate where the need for action is most urgent and where the benefits of conservation strategies can be maximized. Strategic conservation initiatives cannot wait for the creation of comprehensive databases. In order to fill the missing data gaps, the combined knowledge of local and technical experts can be used. This study presents a collaborative geographic information system (GIS) method for integrating the knowledge of local and technical experts with existing spatial environmental data to establish priority areas for biodiversity conservation. Procedures for structuring and framing the discussions, establishing assessment criteria, integrating knowledge with data, and building consensus are incorporated into the method. The method provides a novel cooperative mechanism to aid spatial knowledge management and inclusive biodiversity planning.  相似文献   

We present version 2 of the SPINE system for structural proteomics. SPINE is available over the web at http://nesg.org. It serves as the central hub for the Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium, allowing collaborative structural proteomics to be carried out in a distributed fashion. The core of SPINE is a laboratory information management system (LIMS) for key bits of information related to the progress of the consortium in cloning, expressing and purifying proteins and then solving their structures by NMR or X-ray crystallography. Originally, SPINE focused on tracking constructs, but, in its current form, it is able to track target sample tubes and store detailed sample histories. The core database comprises a set of standard relational tables and a data dictionary that form an initial ontology for proteomic properties and provide a framework for large-scale data mining. Moreover, SPINE sits at the center of a federation of interoperable information resources. These can be divided into (i) local resources closely coupled with SPINE that enable it to handle less standardized information (e.g. integrated mailing and publication lists), (ii) other information resources in the NESG consortium that are inter-linked with SPINE (e.g. crystallization LIMS local to particular laboratories) and (iii) international archival resources that SPINE links to and passes on information to (e.g. TargetDB at the PDB).  相似文献   

Recent studies have revealed that Ca2+ not only regulates the contraction of cardiomyocytes, but can also function as a signaling agent to stimulate ATP production by the mitochondria. However, the spatiotemporal resolution of current experimental techniques limits our investigative capacity to understand this phenomenon. Here, we created a detailed three-dimensional (3D) cardiomyocyte model to study the subcellular regulatory mechanisms of myocardial energetics. The 3D cardiomyocyte model was based on the finite-element method, with detailed subcellular structures reproduced, and it included all elementary processes involved in cardiomyocyte electrophysiology, contraction, and ATP metabolism localized to specific loci. The simulation results were found to be reproducible and consistent with experimental data regarding the spatiotemporal pattern of cytosolic, intrasarcoplasmic-reticulum, and mitochondrial changes in Ca2+; as well as changes in metabolite levels. Detailed analysis suggested that although the observed large cytosolic Ca2+ gradient facilitated uptake by the mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter to produce cyclic changes in mitochondrial Ca2+ near the Z-line region, the average mitochondrial Ca2+ changes slowly. We also confirmed the importance of the creatine phosphate shuttle in cardiac energy regulation. In summary, our 3D model provides a powerful tool for the study of cardiac function by overcoming some of the spatiotemporal limitations of current experimental approaches.  相似文献   

Practitioners and academicians throughout the world recognize the crucial role played by flexibility within manufacturing organizations, especially those engaged in small batch manufacture. However, although the concept of flexibility has begun to attract increased attention, its interaction with information integration and automation has not captured due attention. For example, it almost always has been assumed that a real-time control mechanism is available for exploiting routing flexibility on the shop floor. While this may be true for FMSs, it generally is not so for the vast majority of conventional manufacturing systems with varying levels of information integration and automation. The lack of a fully integrated and automated control mechanism within such semi-automated flexible manufacturing systems (SAFMSs) would eventually cause delays in the availability of shop status information. In this paper, we study the impact that defined modes of information delay have on the performance of a hypothetical SAFMS through detailed simulation experiments. Given that the level of routing flexibility is a controllable design parameter, our interest is in determining the impact that information delays have on decisions pertaining to the selection of appropriate levels of routing flexibility. To highlight the impact of information delays within the SAFMS, the Taguchi experimental design procedure is adopted as a performance evaluation and analysis vehicle, using makespan as a measure of performance. Simulation results indicate the presence of a system specific tolerance limit, operation below which minimizes performance loss.  相似文献   

A novel concept for a protein-ligand docking simulator using Virtual Reality (VR) technologies, in particular the tactile sense technology, was designed and a prototype was developed. Most conventional docking simulators are based on numerical differential calculations of the total energy between a protein and a ligand. However, the basic concept of our method differs from that of conventional simulators. Our design utilizes the force between a ligand and a protein instead of the total energy. The most characteristic function of the system is its ability to enable the user to 'touch' and sense the electrostatic potential field of a protein molecule. The user can scan the surface of a protein using a globular probe, which is given an electrostatic charge, and is controlled by a force feedback device. The electrostatic force between the protein and the probe is calculated in real time and immediately fed back into the force feedback device. The user can easily search interactively for positions where the probe is strongly attracted to the force field. Such positions can be regarded as candidate sites where functional groups of ligands corresponding to the probe can bind to the target protein. Certain limitations remain; for example, only twenty protein atoms can be used to generate the electrostatic field. Furthermore, the system can only use globular probes, preventing drug molecules or small chemical groups from being simulated. These limitations are the result of our insufficient computer resources. However, our prototype system has the potential to become a novel application method as well as being applicable to conventional VR technologies, especially to force feedback technologies.  相似文献   

CCP5 is a Collaborative Computational Project in the Computer Simulation of Condensed Phases sponsored by the Science and Engineering Research Council of the United Kingdom. Its purpose, organization and the resources available to the participants are described.  相似文献   



The molecular operational taxonomic unit (MOTU) has recently been applied to microbial and microscopic animal biodiversity surveys. However, in many cases, some of the MOTUs cannot be definitively tied to any of the taxonomic groups in current databases. To surmount these limitations, the concept of “reverse taxonomy” has been proposed, i.e. to primarily list the MOTUs with morphological information, and then identify and/or describe them at genus/species level using subsamples or by re-isolating the target organisms. Nevertheless, the application of “reverse taxonomy” has not been sufficiently evaluated. Therefore, the practical applicability of “reverse taxonomy” is tested using termite-associated nematodes as a model system for phoretic/parasitic organisms which have high habitat specificity and a potential handle (their termite host species) for re-isolation attempts.


Forty-eight species (from 298 colonies) of termites collected from the American tropics and subtropics were examined for their nematode associates using the reverse taxonomy method and culturing attempts (morphological identification and further sequencing efforts). The survey yielded 51 sequence types ( =  MOTUs) belonging to 19 tentatively identified genera. Within these, four were identified based on molecular data with preliminary morphological observation, and an additional seven were identified or characterized from successful culturing, leaving eight genera unidentified.


That 1/3 of the genera were not successfully identified suggests deficiencies in the depth of available sequences in the database and biological characters, i.e. usually isolated as phoretic/parasitic stages which are not available for morphological identification, and too many undiscovered lineages of nematodes. Although there still is the issue of culturability of nematodes, culturing attempts could help to make reverse taxonomy methods more effective. However, expansion of the database, i.e., production of more DNA barcodes tied to biological information by finding and characterizing additional new and known lineages, is necessary for analyzing functional diversity.  相似文献   

Herbs are the base used for treatment in Ayurveda. We describe a database named Phyto-Mellitus with information on plants traditionally used for diabetes with their chemical constituents. The active principles of these plants are antioxidant and free radical scavenging.


http://www.bicmlacw.org/bt/  相似文献   

While microarray experiments generate voluminous data, discerning trends that support an existing or alternative paradigm is challenging. To synergize hypothesis building and testing, we designed the Pathogen Associated Drosophila MicroArray (PADMA) database for easy retrieval and comparison of microarray results from immunity-related experiments (www.padmadatabase.org). PADMA also allows biologists to upload their microarray-results and compare it with datasets housed within PADMA. We tested PADMA using a preliminary dataset from Ganaspis xanthopoda-infected fly larvae, and uncovered unexpected trends in gene expression, reshaping our hypothesis. Thus, the PADMA database will be a useful resource to fly researchers to evaluate, revise, and refine hypotheses.  相似文献   

细胞自动机模型(Cellular Automata Model,简称CA模型)是一种能够表现系统复杂行为的模拟方法,适于研究植物群落时空动态过程.本文利用CA模型,模拟具有化感作用的外来种入侵原有物种所构成植被的过程.模型由产生化感物质的外来种和两个对化感物质敏感性不同的本地种组合成不同类型的群落,利用化感物质作用下受体物种生物活性响应模型及种子扩散负指数分布模型,模拟外来杂草和本地种分布格局的时空动态变化.结果表明,外来种可成功地完全入侵由两个对化感物质敏感的本地种构成的群落空间,但对于由对化感物质敏感的一个本地种及对化感物质具有抗性的另一个本地种构成的群落,外来种只能够与本地种共存.  相似文献   

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