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An early release system developed for Nesidiocoris tenuis Reuter (Heteroptera: Miridae) could provide a good control of Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in tomato. Tuta absoluta and the whitefly Bemisia tabaci Gennadius (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) often appear simultaneously in tomato crops and this might affect control capacity. Therefore, the new approach needs to be tested in a situation with both pests present. In addition, Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner and Trichogramma achaeae Nagaraja & Nagarkatti (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) have been shown to be effective against T. absoluta and could be a supplement to N. tenuis. Two experiments were carried out to evaluate the potential of this approach and its combination with supplementary control agents against T. absoluta. In the first experiment four treatments were compared (T. absoluta, B. tabaci, T. absoluta + N. tenuis, and T. absoluta + B. tabaci + N. tenuis) and N. tenuis was able to control T. absoluta and B. tabaci either alone or together. In the second experiment, five treatments were compared: T. absoluta, T. absoluta + N. tenuis, T. absoluta + N. tenuis + T. achaeae, T. absoluta + N. tenuis + B. thuringiensis, and T. absoluta + N. tenuis + T. achaeae + B. thuringiensis. Nesidiocoris tenuis again proved capable of significantly reducing T. absoluta populations, and the implementation of additional agents did not increase its effectiveness.  相似文献   

The omnivorous predators Macrolophus pygmaeus and Nesidiocoris tenuis (Hemiptera: Miridae) are important biological control agents of pests on tomato crops. In this study, potential intraguild predation (IGP) interactions between the two species were investigated on tomato. We examined: (a) the within plant distribution of both species in the field, (b) the within plant distribution of each predatory species when co-occurred at high densities on tomato caged plants, (c) their behavioral interactions when enclosed in experimental arenas and (d) the development young and old nymphs of M. pygmaeus when enclosed together with N. tenuis adults. Results revealed that the two predators showed a different distribution pattern on the plants, with N. tenuis exploiting mostly the upper part, whereas M. pygmaeus were mostly observed on the 5th to the 7th leaf from the top. However, when the predators co-occurred, N. tenuis or M. pygmaeus individuals were recorded with increased numbers on the lower or the higher part of the plant, respectively. In the presence of N. tenuis adult young nymphs of M. pygmaeus completed their development to the adult stage, when alternative prey (lepidopteran eggs) was present on the plant, however failed to reach adulthood in the absence of alternative prey. A high percentage of the dead nymphs found with their body fluids totally sucked indicating predation by N. tenuis. However, large 4th instar nymphs of M. pygmaeus were much less vulnerable to N. tenuis than younger. The behavior of N. tenuis was affected by the presence of M. pygmaeus, but at a rate similar to that when two individuals of N. tenuis were enclosed together. Contacts between the predators were recorded in a similar frequency in mono- and heterospecific treatments, whereas aggressive behavior was not observed. This study shows that intraguild interactions between M. pygmaeus and N. tenuis occur but are not intensive. The potential implications of the outcomes for biological control are discussed.  相似文献   

The South American tomato pinworm, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick), is one of the major pests of tomato crop. Since its detection in the Mediterranean basin, it has been commonly controlled using chemical insecticides. However, inoculation and conservation of predatory mirids, integrated with sprays of selective insecticides, has been demonstrated to be a cost‐effective strategy for controlling this pest. In this work, we tested the efficacy of two sulphur formulations, dustable and wettable powder, for controlling T. absoluta on tomato under greenhouse and open‐field conditions. In addition, the side effects of both sulphur formulations on the predator, Nesidiocoris tenuis (Reuter), were evaluated under laboratory conditions. Dustable sulphur, applied weekly on tomato seedlings artificially infested with T. absoluta in greenhouse conditions, significantly reduced the infestation levels and was demonstrated to have a repellent effect on oviposition. Wettable sulphur was not effective for controlling T. absoluta populations in both greenhouse and open‐field experiments. In the side effect trials conducted with N. tenuis, only dustable sulphur resulted in being moderately harmful as a fresh residue and slightly harmful as a 7‐day‐old residue; no effects were recorded exposing the predator to 14‐day‐old sulphur residues. In contrast, wettable sulphur was classified as harmless to N. tenuis. Our results suggest that the use of sulphur, especially as dustable powder, could be considered as a tool in T. absoluta management strategies, although its side effects on Ntenuis should be taken into account. The implications of these results for the use of sulphur formulations in pest and disease management programmes in tomato crops are discussed.  相似文献   

Functional response type and predatory parameters of Macrolophus pygmaeus and Nesidiocoris tenuis (Hemiptera: Miridae), the two important predators widely used in IPM programmes at tomato greenhouses, were investigated. The predators fed on Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) or Ephestia kuehniella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) eggs. Different densities of prey eggs including 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20, 30 and 40 (latest only for E. kuehniella) were used at laboratory conditions. The results showed that both predatory bugs had type II functional response. Also, predation indices were significantly different between the predators. Although N. tenuis was more efficient against T. absoluta eggs than M. pygmaeus, M. pygmaeus predatory indices showed that this predator was more efficient on E. kuehniella eggs. Thus, minimum and maximum attack rate were observed in N. tenuis fed on E. kuehniella (0.0871 h?1) and T. absoluta (0.2514 h?1) eggs, respectively. Whilst, the minimum and maximum handling time were observed in M. pygmaeus fed on E. kuehniella (1.8695 h) and T. absoluta (2.7415 h) eggs, respectively.  相似文献   

Nesidiocoris tenuis (Reuter) (Hemiptera: Miridae) is an omnivorous generalist predator which is augmentatively released and conserved for control of whiteflies (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) and Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in tomato crops. Eggs of Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) are often provided as factitious prey to improve the establishment of N. tenuis after its release. We first tested different amounts of E. kuehniella eggs per plant to optimize N. tenuis establishment and then investigated whether the amount of eggs that optimized N. tenuis establishment might be reduced by adding sugars (hydrocapsules filled with 0.5 m sucrose) under walk‐in cage and commercial greenhouse conditions. These experiments demonstrated that the addition of sugar to the diet of N. tenuis could half the amount of E. kuehniella eggs required to establish N. tenuis. Under greenhouse conditions, the progeny of N. tenuis per plant did not differ significantly between E. kuehniella alone or the half amount of E. kuehniella plus hydrocapsules. These results demonstrated that the sugar could partially substitute for E. kuehniella eggs improve establishment of N. tenuis and suggest that natural sugars such as nectar and honeydew might also beneficial.  相似文献   

杂食性昆虫烟盲蝽Nesidiocoris tenuis是烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci的重要天敌之一。为探索烟盲蝽对不同虫态烟粉虱的捕食作用及捕食偏好性,在室内进行了非选择性和选择性试验。结果表明,在非选择性试验中,烟盲蝽雌成虫、雄成虫以及5龄若虫可以捕食烟粉虱成虫和各龄若虫,但极少捕食卵。其中,烟盲蝽雌成虫、雄成虫及5龄若虫对烟粉虱1龄若虫的捕食量最大,分别为134.2头、101.3头和88.1头,其次是2~3龄若虫,捕食量分别为94.1头、64.2头和53.4头。而在选择性试验中烟盲蝽雄虫更偏好捕食烟粉虱的2~3龄若虫,其次是1龄若虫、4龄若虫和成虫。该结果对了解烟盲蝽控制烟粉虱的作用以及如何对烟盲蝽和其他天敌组合应用提供了参考信息。  相似文献   

Knowledge about the orientation mechanisms used by two important predaceous mirids (Macrolophus pygmaeus Rambour and Nesidiocoris tenuis (Reuter)) in finding their prey (whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) and the tomato borer Tuta absoluta (Meyrick)) is limited. In a Y-tube olfactometer, we tested the behavioral responses of naïve and experienced predators to uninfested plants, herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) from plants infested with T. absoluta and/or B. tabaci, the sex pheromone of T. absoluta, and volatiles produced by plants injured by the predators. Nesidiocoris tenuis responds to volatiles produced by uninfested plants only after experience with the plant, whereas naïve and experienced M. pygmaeus show positive chemotaxis. Both predators are attracted to volatiles from prey-infested plants, and we provide the first evidence that experience affects this response in M. pygmaeus. Infestation of the same plant by both prey species elicited similar responses by the two predators as plants infested by either herbivore singly. Neither predator responded to sex pheromones of T. absoluta. Macrolophus pygmaeus avoided plants injured by conspecifics, while N. tenuis females were attracted by such plants. The implications of these results for augmentative biological control are discussed.  相似文献   

The number of N. tenuis on the upper, middle, and bottom leaves of tomato plants was correlated; nymphs were most abundant on middle and adults on upper leaves. The dispersion pattern of N. tenuis is aggregated and can be described using a negative binomial distribution. A binomial sampling method is proposed.  相似文献   

The recent introduction and rapid spread of the tomato leaf miner Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) throughout Europe, Africa and the Middle East poses a severe threat to future cultivation of tomato and other Solanaceae. Among the best practicable means for effective and sustainable control of this invasive insect pest are entomopathogenic fungi, which can either prevent a further spread of this insect to new areas or keep population densities below an economic threshold level. Here, we report on the efficacy of a commercially available mycoinsecticide based on the entomopathogen Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. (Ascomycota: Hypocreales) against all four larval stages of T. absoluta. In bioassays, high mortality rates and significantly reduced longevity of larvae were obvious when larvae had fed for a period of around 15 days on leaves with B. bassiana propagules present on the surface as an epiphyte with mortality values corrected for variance in control mortality of 90–100%. In addition, a second mode of action of B. bassiana against T. absoluta larvae was evident in bioassays in the form of an endophytic establishment of this fungus in treated tomato plants. Longevity of T. absoluta L4 larvae was significantly lower in individuals which had fed on surface‐sterilized tomato leaves obtained from plants treated 18 days before the bioassay with a B. bassiana suspension compared to larvae feeding on control plants treated with water. Corrected mortality reached values between 30% and 50% for all larval instars. Growth of tomato plants was not inhibited due to colonization by endophytic B. bassiana and a weak systemic translocation of fungal propagules in non‐treated leaves was evident in the assays. Accordingly, entomopathogenic fungi like B. bassiana express different modes of action again target insect pests, which is of particular relevance for the design of efficient management strategies for invasive pests like T. absoluta.  相似文献   

The tomato leafminer Tuta absoluta (Meyrick 1917) (Lepidoptera:Gelechiidae) is a devastating pest, causing losses of up to 100%. An interesting tool for its control is the use of the insect specific viruses of Baculoviridae family. Despite its high potential, its use on T. absoluta larvae has been poorly studied. In this work, Colombian granuloviruses VG013 and VG003 isolated from T. absoluta and Tecia solanivora (Lepidoptera:Gelechiidae) larvae sampled in tomato and potato crops, respectively, were morphologically, biologically and molecularly characterized. Occlusion bodies showed ovoid shape containing one nucleocapsid. Restriction endonuclease analysis revealed a pattern similar to Phthorimaea operculella granulovirus and bioinformatics studies showed that both isolates are variants of that baculovirus specie. Similar mean lethal concentrations (LC50) on T. absoluta larvae were estimated for both viruses, although VG013 exhibited shorter mean time to death than VG003. The latter reached a higher OBs yield in comparison with VG013. These results demonstrated an interesting potential of evaluated betabaculoviruses to control T. absoluta populations and pointed key features to its use under field conditions.  相似文献   

The suitability of cysts of the brine shrimp Artemia sp. as a factitious food for the predator Macrolophus pygmaeus Rambur was investigated. The influence of decapsulation time and hydration of the cysts on the performance of the predator were studied in the absence of plant material. A longer time of decapsulation had a positive influence on the development of the predator. Hydration of cysts had a significant impact on nymphal survival when cysts where non‐decapsulated or poorly decapsulated. An experiment in which nymphs were switched from a diet of hydrated cysts to non‐hydrated cysts showed that in the absence of plant material the relative importance of hydrating the cysts decreased with nymphal age. Especially, the first instar and to a lesser extent the second instar appear to be susceptible to water shortage. Effects of prolonged rearing on development and reproduction on brine shrimp cysts from different origins were tested in the presence of plant material. Rearing M. pygmaeus on Artemia sp. (Jingyu Lake) cysts yielded similar survival, development, adult weight and fecundity in the fourth as in the second generation. In contrast, for Artemia franciscana cysts, an increase in nymphal development was notable. Biochemical analyses showed that total amino acid content and the concentration of the different amino acids did not differ among diets and generations. There were, however, differences in total fatty acid content between the different diets and generations and in the concentration of certain fatty acids, indicating that insects fed brine shrimp cysts may show nutritional deficiencies compared to those reared on a diet of Ephestia kuehniella eggs. Our results indicate that decapsulated brine shrimp cysts are an economically viable alternative food source in at least part of the rearing process for M. pygmaeus.  相似文献   

Dicyphus maroccanus Wagner and Nesidiocoris tenuis Reuter (Hemiptera: Miridae) are 2 biological control agents in tomatoes. Through the crop seasons, a natural shift in the occurrence of both mirids in favor of N. tenuis has been observed at the end of the cropping cycle in eastern Spain. To better optimize their conservation, the reasons for the observed change, such as intraguild interactions (IGP) or the influence of environmental conditions, are worth elucidating. To do this, we first studied the IGP of adult females on heterospecific nymphs in the laboratory. We next studied exploitative competition between adults and nymphs of each species when feeding on Ephestia kueniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) eggs in the laboratory. Finally, to analyze the competitive displacement between both mirids, we conducted a semifield experiment in which both predators were released together. All experiments were conducted at 2 temperature regimes (20 and 25°C). Adult‐to‐nymph intraguild interactions occurred only at 25 ºC at very low levels, showing that N. tenuis attacked and consumed a greater proportion of heterospecific nymphs. Nesidiocoris tenuis was a better competitor than D. maroccanus when feeding on the shared prey in the presence of its heterospecific nymph at 25 ºC. In semifield conditions, N. tenuis showed a competitive advantage over D. maroccanus at both temperatures. We conclude that there is not direct interference between both species, however, N. tenuis has a greater ability to outcompete, since it is best adapted to higher temperatures and it is able to remove food sources for D. maroccanus.  相似文献   

The native parasitoid Eretmocerus mundus Mercet and the predator Macrolophus pygmaeus Rambur are widely used to control Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) in Mediterranean tomato greenhouses. An optimal biological control strategy for B. tabaci should take into account intraguild interactions between these natural enemies. In this study, predator's prey preferences and prey consumption were studied when offered different parasitoid and whitefly stages. The effect of the host plant on the adults of both natural enemies was also examined. M. pygmaeus preferred to consume B. tabaci over E. mundus when immature stages and adults of B. tabaci and E. mundus were offered. They consumed a larger amount of healthy B. tabaci nymphs and adults than of parasitised nymphs or E. mundus adults. The predator M. pygmaeus interfered with the reproduction of E. mundus females on cotton but not on tomato. However, B. tabaci nymphal mortality on tomato associated with parasitoid host feeding was also lower when the adult parasitoids coexisted with the predators. The joint release of M. pygmaeus and E. mundus adults did not increase the control of the whitefly B. tabaci.  相似文献   

Biological control is widespread in management of greenhouse sweet pepper crops. Several species of predatory mites, bugs, and parasitoids are used against a wide range of pest species. However, biological control of particular pests like aphids, caterpillars, and the tobacco whitefly, Bemisia tabaci Gennadius, remains problematic. Macrolophus pygmaeus Rambur (Hemiptera: Miridae) is a generalist predatory bug which is used on a large scale in Western European tomato greenhouses. It has already been demonstrated that M. pygmaeus is a valuable biocontrol option in sweet pepper crops, but it has yet to find its way into common practice. Macrolophus pygmaeus should be introduced at the start of the growing season and determining an optimal release strategy is a key step in this process. In tomato crops, M. pygmaeus requires supplemental food releases to reach sufficient population numbers and dispersal levels. In this study, the need for food supplementation in sweet pepper is investigated. Three strategies were tested: (1) no food supplementation, (2) local food supplementation, and (3) full field food supplementation. Both population numbers and dispersal rates of the second generation were higher under the third strategy. Macrolophus pygmaeus oviposits near food sources, therefore dispersal rates are higher when food is more spread out. Pest control was achieved in all treatments, but faster and at lower pest levels under the full field strategy.  相似文献   

The tomato leafminer Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) represents a global threat to commercial tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) production, both in open field and greenhouse. Native to South America, it spread over the Mediterranean Basin, Europe, Africa and part of Asia in only 12 years, and currently it is reported in over 80 countries. Biological control is one of the options for its control and a large number of natural enemies has been reported in association with the pest, both in the areas of origin and of introduction. The egg parasitoid Trichogramma pretiosum, in South America, and the mirid predators Macrolophus pygmaeus and Nesidiocoris tenuis, in Europe and the Mediterranean basin, are used as commercial biocontrol agents. Even if several natural enemies might be promising candidates for biocontrol, their potential role in quantitative pest reduction has been seldom established under practical tomato production conditions.

Since climatic suitability indices predict a high probability for continued invasion by T. absoluta, mainly in China and the USA, there is an urgent need for new control options. In order to minimise the use of broad spectrum insecticides, biocontrol techniques should be considered. As tomato is produced seasonally, augmentative biocontrol seems to be the most effective control option, but pest reduction might be optimised by adding conservation biocontrol, and by combining biocontrol within IPM programmes.

Here, an overview of predators and parasitoids of T. absoluta in South American and Euro-Mediterranean regions, and their biological control efficacy under laboratory, semi-field and field conditions is provided.  相似文献   

为明确捕食性天敌昆虫益蝽Picromerus lewisi对番茄潜叶蛾Tuta absoluta幼虫的生防潜能,在室内开展了益蝽对不同龄期番茄潜叶蛾幼虫的捕食功能反应、搜寻效应以及防治潜力研究。结果表明,益蝽5龄若虫、雌雄成虫对番茄潜叶蛾4龄幼虫的捕食功能模型均符合Holling Ⅱ模型,其中,益蝽5龄若虫的捕食能力更强,表现为瞬时攻击率和控害效应最高,为1.112和48.35。且益蝽5龄若虫对番茄潜叶蛾2龄和3龄幼虫的捕食功能模型也符合Holling Ⅱ模型,其控害效应为2龄(155.67)>3龄(79.87)>4龄(48.35),益蝽5龄若虫对番茄潜叶蛾2~4龄幼虫的日最大捕食率均可达85%以上,搜寻效应随番茄潜叶蛾幼虫密度的增加而降低,对番茄潜叶蛾3龄幼虫的搜寻效应大于2龄和4龄幼虫。另外,益蝽5龄若虫的捕食作用受自身密度因素干扰,随着自身密度的增加,其相互干扰作用增强,单头捕食率下降。综上,益蝽4龄和5龄若虫、雌雄成虫均能捕食番茄潜叶蛾,其中益蝽5龄若虫对番茄潜叶蛾不同龄期幼虫具有较好的捕食作用,尤其是2龄幼虫,对潜叶状态的番茄潜叶蛾也具有一定防治作用,本研究可为益蝽对番茄潜叶蛾的绿色防控提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The use of Nesidiocoris tenuis (Hemiptera: Miridae) as a biocontrol agent is controversial as it is considered a pest in Northwest European tomato greenhouses, due to its tendency to damage the plant and fruit. Necessary chemical plant protection products to control N. tenuis have toxic side effects on important beneficials like Macrolophus pygmaeus (Hemiptera: Miridae), which jeopardizes the whole IPM programme. In this study, several commercial tomato greenhouses were monitored for mirid populations. The relationship between the number of N. tenuis individuals and plant damage was assessed in function of availability of prey and interaction with M. pygmaeus. These greenhouse data were used to determine a practical density intervention threshold. Next, the hypothesis that a Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) infection increases plant and fruit damage by N. tenuis (as has been shown for M. pygmaeus) was tested. Plant damage occurred when the average number of predatory bugs in the head of the plant exceeded 16 per ten plants. Plant damage increased in severity at increasing predatory bug densities, independent of the availability of prey and M. pygmaeus presence. Plant and fruit damage were not affected by the presence of PepMV, as was shown for fruit damage in previous studies for M. pygmaeus. Our study provides a practical density intervention threshold for growers in greenhouse crops. Simple monitoring of the number of predatory bugs in the head of the plant can be used to take specific biocontrol actions. It was also shown that only the predatory bug N. tenuis itself causes damage, and there is no interaction with PepMV.  相似文献   

Nesidiocoris tenuis is a zoophytophagous mirid with biological control potential. However, the relative importance of predation and herbivory for survival and development has not been clear. The bugs survived longer on tomato than on eggplant and especially sweet pepper, but could not complete development in the absence of supplemental food. Tomato also proved to be a more favorable substrate than pepper when eggs of Ephestia kuehniella were added as a food supplement. These results demonstrated that animal prey is a required dietary component for N. tenuis, and also that survival time on a strict plant diet is host plant dependent.  相似文献   

Abstract The biological parameters of Macrolophus pygmaeus Rambur after prolonged rearing in the absence of plant materials were compared with those of conventionally plant‐reared predators. When eggs of Ephestia kuehniella Zeller were provided as food, developmental and reproductive fitness of M. pygmaeus reared for over 30 consecutive generations using artificial living and oviposition substrates was similar to that of predators kept on tobacco leaves. Plantless‐reared fifth instars of the predator also had similar predation rates on second instars of the tobacco aphid, Myzus persicae nicotianae Blackman, as their peers maintained on plant materials. In a further experiment, predation on aphid prey by fifth instar M. pygmaeus fed one of two egg yolk‐based artificial diets was compared with that of nymphs fed E. kuehniella eggs. Despite their lower body weights, predators produced on either artificial diet killed similar numbers of prey as their counterparts reared on lepidopteran eggs. Our study indicates that artificial rearing systems may be useful to further rationalize the production of this economically important biological control agent.  相似文献   

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