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Variation in flowering time of Arabidopsis thaliana was studied in an experiment with mutant lines. The pleiotropic effects of flowering time genes on morphology and reproductive yield were assessed under three levels of nutrient supply. At all nutrient levels flowering time and number of rosette leaves at flowering varied among mutant lines. The relationship between these two traits depended strongly on nutrient supply. A lower nutrient supply first led to an extension of the vegetative phase, while the mean number of leaves at flowering was hardly affected. A further reduction resulted in no further extension of the vegetative phase and, on average, plants started flowering with a lower leaf number. At low nutrients, early flowering affected the timing of production of siliques rather than the total output, whereas late flowering was favorable at high nutrients. This may explain the fact that many plant species flower at a relatively small size under poor conditions. Flowering time genes had pleiotropic effects on the leaf length, number of rosette and cauline leaves, and number of axillary flowering shoots of the main inflorescence. Silique production was positively correlated with the number of axillary shoots of the main inflorescence; the number of axillary primordia appeared to have a large impact on reproductive yield.  相似文献   

In many plants the transition from vegetative growth to flowering is controlled by environmental cues. One of these cues is day length or photoperiod, which synchronizes flowering of many species with the changing seasons. Recently, advances have been made in understanding the molecular mechanisms that confer photoperiodic control of flowering and, in particular, how inductive events occurring in the leaf, where photoperiod is perceived, are linked to floral evocation that takes place at the shoot apical meristem. We discuss recent data obtained using molecular genetic approaches on the function of regulatory proteins that control flowering time in Arabidopsis thaliana. These data are compared with the results of physiological analyses of the floral transition, which were performed in a range of species and directed towards identification of the transmitted floral singals.  相似文献   

Association studies utilize the action of recombination over numerous generations to identify loci that underlie quantitative traits. We use a candidate‐gene association approach, segregation analyses and analyses of local linkage disequilibrium (LD) to evaluate the potentially causal effects of molecular variation at PIF4 (PHYTOCROME INTERACTING FACTOR 4) on ecologically important traits in Arabidopsis thaliana. A preliminary analysis of sequence diversity in 14 natural genotypes revealed one intermediate‐frequency replacement polymorphism at PIF4. A sample of 161 natural accessions was genotyped at PIF4 and screened for average length of early internodes, inflorescence length, days to flowering and flowering interval (days between bolting and flowering) under high‐ and low‐density environments to test for genotype‐phenotype associations. PIF4 was associated with early internode lengths, while the PIF4× treatment interaction was associated with flowering interval in the panel of 161 accessions. Further, in a set of recombinant inbred lines that segregate for the PIF4 polymorphism, nucleotide substitutions at PIF4 co‐segregated with early internode lengths, days to flowering and fruit set, suggesting that cryptic population structure in the association‐mapping panel and attendant LD with a physically distant locus do not account for the observed association. Finally, in a panel of pseudochromosomes from 20 re‐sequenced genotypes, LD appeared to decay rapidly in the immediate vicinity of PIF4, suggesting that flanking loci contribute little to the observed association. In sum, the results suggest that PIF4 causally affects early internode lengths on the primary inflorescence, potentially via effects on reproductive timing and that these traits in turn affect fitness.  相似文献   

To determine whether population differentiation in flowering time is consistent with differences in current selection, we quantified phenotypic selection acting through female reproductive success on flowering phenology and floral display in two Scandinavian populations of the outcrossing, perennial herb Arabidopsis lyrata in two years. One population was located in an alpine environment strongly affected by grazing, whereas the other was close to sea level and only moderately affected by herbivory. Multiple regression models indicated directional selection for early end of flowering in one year in the lowland population, and directional selection for early start of flowering in one year in the alpine population. As expected, there was selection for more inflorescences in the lowland population. However, in the alpine population, plants with many inflorescences were selectively grazed and the number of inflorescences produced was negatively related to female fitness in one year and not significantly related to female fitness in the second year. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that genetic differentiation in flowering phenology between the study populations is adaptive, and indicate that interactions with selective grazers may strongly influence selection on floral display in A. lyrata.  相似文献   

CONSTANS (CO) is an important floral regulator in the photoperiod pathway, integrating the circadian clock and light signal into a control for flowering time. It is known that CO promotes flowering in Arabidopsis under long-day conditions. CONSTANS-LIKE 9 (COL9) is a member of the CONSTANS-LIKE gene family, encoding a nuclear protein. The expression of COL9 is regulated by the circadian clock in the photoperiod pathway and is detected in various organs. Unexpectedly, overexpression of COL9 in transgenic Arabidopsis resulted in delayed flowering, while co-suppression lines and a transferred DNA (T-DNA) knockout line showed earlier flowering under long-day conditions. Overexpression of COL9 did not enhance the late-flowering phenotype in a co mutant background. Double overexpressors produced by overexpression of CO in COL9 transgenic lines showed an early flowering phenotype similar to single CO overexpressors. The pattern of oscillation of a number of circadian-associated genes remained unchanged in the COL9 transgenic lines. Compared with wild-type plants, the abundance of CO and FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) mRNA was reduced in the COL9 overexpression lines. Our results indicate that COL9 is involved in regulation of flowering time by repressing the expression of CO, concomitantly reducing the expression of FT and delaying floral transition.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThe transition from vegetative growth to reproductionis one of the most important developmental events in flow-ering plants since it is related to the competence and sur-vivability of a particular species living in a particularenvironment. The…  相似文献   

Le Corre V 《Molecular ecology》2005,14(13):4181-4192
Flowering Locus C (FLC) and Frigida are two interacting genes controlling flowering time variation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Variation at these genes was surveyed in 12 A. thaliana populations sampled in France. These populations were also screened for variation at molecular markers [12 microsatellites and 19 cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) markers] and at seven quantitative traits measured with and without vernalization. Seven populations were highly polymorphic at markers (H(S) = 0.57 at microsatellites, 0.24 at CAPS) and showed heritable variation for bolting time and some other traits. Five populations were genetically fixed or nearly fixed. Q(ST) for bolting time without vernalization was significantly higher than F(ST), suggesting local divergent selection. One of the two haplotype groups at FLC (FLC(A)) was very predominant (frequency of 99%). The first exon of Frigida showed elevated nonsynonymous variation, and nine loss-of-function mutations were found throughout the gene. The association between loss-of-function and earlier bolting was confirmed. Overall, 18 Frigida haplotypes were detected. The pattern of variation at Frigida was largely similar to that found at markers and traits, with the same populations being fixed or highly diverse. Metapopulation dynamics is thus probably the main factor shaping genetic variation in A. thaliana. However, F(ST) for functional (FRI) vs. nonfunctional (FRI(Delta)) haplotypes was significantly higher than F(ST) at markers. This suggested that loss-of-function at Frigida is under local selection for flowering time.  相似文献   

Variations in magnetic field (MF) intensity are known to induce plant morphological and gene expression changes. In Arabidopsis thaliana Col‐0, near‐null magnetic field (NNMF, i.e., <100 nT MF) causes a delay in the transition to flowering, but the expression of genes involved in this response has been poorly studied. Here, we showed a time‐course quantitative analysis of the expression of both leaf (including clock genes, photoperiod pathway, GA20ox, SVP, and vernalization pathway) and floral meristem (including GA2ox, SOC1, AGL24, LFY, AP1, FD, and FLC) genes involved in the transition to flowering in A. thaliana under NNMF. NNMF induced a delayed flowering time and a significant reduction of leaf area index and flowering stem length, with respect to controls under geomagnetic field. Generation experiments (F1‐ and F2‐NNMF) showed retention of flowering delay. The quantitative expression (qPCR) of some A. thaliana genes expressed in leaves and floral meristem was studied during transition to flowering. In leaves and flowering meristem, NNMF caused an early downregulation of clock, photoperiod, gibberellin, and vernalization pathways and a later downregulation of TSF, AP1, and FLC. In the floral meristem, the downregulation of AP1, AGL24, FT, and FLC in early phases of floral development was accompanied by a downregulation of the gibberellin pathway. The progressive upregulation of AGL24 and AP1 was also correlated to the delayed flowering by NNMF. The flowering delay is associated with the strong downregulation of FT, FLC, and GA20ox in the floral meristem and FT, TSF, FLC, and GA20ox in leaves. Bioelectromagnetics. 39:361–374, 2018. © 2018 The Authors. Bioelectromagnetics Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In plants, light is not only an energy source but also a very important signal that modulates development and differentiation. Here, we report a putative photo-regulatory factor sequence in LKP1 (LOV kelch protein 1). LKP1 cDNA encodes a protein of 610 amino acids and with a molecular weight of 65 905 with an LOV domain and kelch repeats. LOV domains are present in a number of sensor proteins involved in the detection of light, oxygen or voltage. The LKP1 LOV is very similar to the LOV domains in NPH1, a plasma membrane-associated blue light receptor kinase that regulates phototropism (Huala, E., Oeller, P.W., Liscum, E., Han, I-S., Larsen, E. & Briggs, W.R. (1997) Science, 278, 2120-2123). LKP1 mRNA accumulates in roots, stems, flowers and siliques. It is most abundant in leaves, and least abundant in seeds. Transgenic plants with a beta-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene driven by a 1.5 kb LKP1 promoter display strong GUS activity in leaves. Transgenic plants with a 35S:LKP1 cDNA gene overexpress LKP1 mRNA. These plants have elongated hypocotyls and petioles with elongated cells, and exhibit distinct cotyledon movement during the day. Expression of 35S:LKP1 in transgenic Arabidopsis promotes late flowering in plants grown under long-day, but not under short-day conditions. Vernalization does not affect the late flowering phenotype of the 35S:LKP1 plants. Transgenic plants possessing the 35S:GFP-LKP1 construct also have long hypocotyles and petioles, and a late flowering phenotype, suggesting that the GFP-LKP1 fusion protein is active. The GFP-associated fluorescence in 35S:GFP-LKP1 plants is observed in nuclei and cytosol, indicating that LKP1 is a new nucleo-cytoplasmic factor that influences flowering time in the long day pathway of Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Polyadenylation is a critical 3′‐end processing step during maturation of pre‐mRNAs, and the length of the poly(A) tail affects mRNA stability, nuclear export and translation efficiency. The Arabidopsis thaliana genome encodes three canonical nuclear poly(A) polymerase (PAPS) isoforms fulfilling specialized functions, as reflected by their different mutant phenotypes. While PAPS1 affects several processes, such as the immune response, organ growth and male gametophyte development, the roles of PAPS2 and PAPS4 are largely unknown. Here we demonstrate that PAPS2 and PAPS4 promote flowering in a partially redundant manner. The enzymes act antagonistically to PAPS1, which delays the transition to flowering. The opposite flowering‐time phenotypes in paps1 and paps2 paps4 mutants are at least partly due to decreased or increased FLC activity, respectively. In contrast to paps2 paps4 mutants, plants with increased PAPS4 activity flower earlier than the wild‐type, concomitant with reduced FLC expression. Double mutant analyses suggest that PAPS2 and PAPS4 act independently of the autonomous pathway components FCA, FY and CstF64. The direct polyadenylation targets of the three PAPS isoforms that mediate their effects on flowering time do not include FLC sense mRNA and remain to be identified. Thus, our results uncover a role for canonical PAPS isoforms in flowering‐time control, raising the possibility that modulating the balance of the isoform activities could be used to fine tune the transition to flowering.  相似文献   

Environmental variation in temperature can have dramatic effects on plant morphology, phenology, and fitness, and for this reason it is important to understand the evolutionary dynamics of phenotypic plasticity in response to temperature. We investigated constraints on the evolution of phenotypic plasticity in response to a temperature gradient in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana by applying modern analytical tools to the classic data of Westerman & Lawrence (1970). We found significant evidence for two types of constraints. First, we detected numerous significant genetic correlations between plastic responses to temperature and the mean value of a trait across all environments, which differed qualitatively in pattern between the set of ecotypes and the set of mutant lines in the original sample. Secondly, we detected significant costs of flowering time plasticity in two of the three experimental environments, and a net pattern of selection against flowering time plasticity in the experiment overall. Thus, when explored with contemporary methods, the prescient work of Westerman & Lawrence (1970) provides new insights about evolutionary constraints on the evolution of plasticity.  相似文献   

The effect of 16 different day (DT) and night (NT) temperature combinations (DT and NT 12, 17, 22 and 27 degrees C) on rosette leaf growth, flower stem elongation and flowering time in Arabidopsis thaliana Ler was investigated. Final leaf length decreased with increasing NT due to a combination of reduced elongation period and reduced elongation rate. Final stem length increased with increasing DT due to increased elongation rate, and decreased with increasing NT due to a decrease in elongation period. Under NT 27 degrees C, however, stem elongation rate increased greatly, resulting in the same final stem length as under NT 12 degrees C. The transition to flowering was accelerated by increasing NT. A linear regression analysis was performed to clarify the relationship between final leaf length, final stem length and flowering time with DIF (DT minus NT) and/or ADT (average daily temperature). For all three variables, the effect of DIF depended on ADT and vice versa. The relationship of final stem length with DIF also depended on the temperature range. Increased cell volume in flower stems developing at DT/NT 22/12 degrees C gave rise to longer and thicker stems compared with stems developing at DT/NT 12/22 degrees C. GC-MS analysis (gas chromatography-mass spectrometry) showed that the endogenous level of IAA was 56 % higher in stems grown under DT/NT 22/12 degrees C compared with DT/NT 12/22 degrees C. Of the 12 gibberellins analysed, however, only the level of non-bioactive GA29 was affected by the temperature treatment.  相似文献   

Range expansion during biological invasion requires that invaders adapt to geographical variation in climate, which should yield latitudinal clines in reproductive phenology. We investigated geographic variation in life history among 25 introduced populations of Lythrum salicaria, a widespread European invader of North American wetlands. We detected a strong latitudinal cline in initiation of flowering and size at flowering, which paralleled that reported among native populations. Plants from higher latitudes flowered earlier and at a smaller size than those from lower latitudes, even when raised in a uniform glasshouse. Early flowering was associated with greatly reduced reproductive output, but this was not associated with latitudinal variation in abundance, and probably did not result from a genetic correlation between time to and size at flowering. As introduction to North America c. 200 years ago, L. salicaria has re-established latitudinal clines in life history, probably as an evolutionary response to climatic selection.  相似文献   

Mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL) was used to investigate the genetic architecture of divergence in floral characters associated with the mating system, an important adaptive trait in angiosperms. Two species of Leptosiphon (Polemoniaceae), one strongly self-fertilizing (L. bicolor) and the other partially outcrossing (L. jepsonii), were crossed to produce F2 and both backcross progenies. For each crossing population, a linkage map was created using amplified fragment length polymorphism markers, and QTL were identified for several dimensions of floral size. For each of the five traits examined, three to seven QTL were detected, with independent datasets yielding congruent results in some but not all cases. The phenotypic effect of individual QTL was generally moderate. We estimated that many of the QTL were additive or showed dominance toward L. bicolor, whereas comparison of mean trait values for parental and cross progenies showed apparent overall dominance of L. jepsonii traits. Colocalization of QTL for different dimensions of floral size was consistent with high phenotypic correlations between floral traits. Substantial segregation distortion was observed in marker loci, the majority favoring alleles from the large-flowered parent. A low frequency of male sterility in the F2 population is consistent with the Dobzhansky-Muller model for the evolution of reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

Niu Y  Yang Y  Zhang ZQ  Li ZM  Sun H 《Annals of botany》2011,108(7):1257-1268

Background and aims

Pollination-induced floral changes, which have been widely documented in flowering plants, have been assumed to enhance the plant''s reproductive success. However, our understanding of the causes and consequences of these changes is still limited. Using an alpine gynodioecious species, Cyananthus delavayi, we investigated the factors affecting floral closure and estimated the fitness consequences of floral closure.


The timings of floral closure and fertilization were determined. The effects of pollen load, pollen type (cross- or self-pollen) and floral morph (female or perfect flower) on the occurrence of floral closure were examined. Ovule fertilization and seed production were examined to investigate the causes and consequences of floral closure. Flowers were manipulated to prevent closing to detect potential benefits for female fitness.

Key Results

Floral closure, which could be induced by a very low pollen load, occurred within 4–7 h after pollination, immediately following fertilization. The proportion of closed flowers was influenced by pollen load and floral morph, but not by pollen type. Floral closure was more likely to occur in flowers with a higher proportion of fertilized ovules, but there was no significant difference in seed production between closed and open flowers. Those flowers in which closure was induced by natural pollination had low fruit set and seed production. Additionally, seed production was not influenced by closing-prevented manipulation when sufficient pollen deposition was received.


The occurrence of floral closure may be determined by the proportion of fertilized ovules, but this response can be too sensitive to ensure sufficient pollen deposition and can, to some extent, lead to a cost in female fitness. These results implied that the control of floral receptivity by the recipient flowers does not lead to an optimal fitness gain in C. delavayi.  相似文献   

Increasing consumption of refined carbohydrates is now being recognized as a primary contributor to the development of nutritionally related chronic diseases such as obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). A data mining approach was used to evaluate the role of carbohydrate metabolic pathway genes in the development of obesity and T2DM. Data from public databases were used to map the position of the carbohydrate metabolic pathway genes to known quantitative trait loci (QTL) for obesity and T2DM and for examining the pathway genes for the presence of sequence and structural genetic variants such as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and copy number variants (CNS), respectively. The results demonstrated that a majority of the genes of the carbohydrate metabolic pathways are associated with QTL for obesity and many for T2DM. In addition, some key genes of the pathways also encode non-synonymous SNPs that exhibit significant differences in population frequencies. This study emphasizes the significance of the metabolic pathways genes in the development of disease phenotypes, its differential occurrence across populations and between individuals, and a strategy for interpreting an individuals' risk for disease.  相似文献   

Recent phylogenetic evidence suggests that the extraordinary diversity of the Cape Floristic Kingdom in South Africa may be the result of widespread evolutionary radiation. Our understanding of the role of adaptive versus neutral processes in these radiations remains largely speculative. In this study we investigated factors involved in the diversification of Argyroderma, a genus within the most spectacular of the Cape radiations, that of the Ruschioid subfamily of the Aizoaceae. We used amplified fragment length polymorphisms and a suite of morphological traits to elucidate patterns of differentiation within and between species of Argyroderma across the range of the genus. We then used a matrix correlation approach to assess the influence of landscape structure, edaphic gradients, and flowering phenology on phenotypic and neutral genetic divergence in the system. We found evidence for strong spatial genetic isolation at all taxonomic levels. In addition, genetic differentiation occurs along a temporal axis, between sympatric species with divergent flowering times. Morphological differentiation, which previous studies suggest is adaptive, occurs along a habitat axis, between populations occupying different edaphic microenvironments. Morphological differentiation is in turn significantly associated with flowering time shifts. Thus we propose that diversification within Argyroderma has occurred through a process of adaptive speciation in allopatry. Spatially isolated populations diverge phenotypically in response to divergent habitat selection, which in turn leads to the evolution of reproductive isolation through divergence of flowering phenologies, perhaps as a correlated response to morphological divergence. Evidence suggests that diversification of the group has proceeded in two phases: the first involving divergence of allopatric taxa on varied microhabitats within a novel habitat type (the quartz gravel plains), and the second involving range expansion of an early flowering phenotype on the most extreme edaphic habitat and subsequent incomplete differentiation of allopatric populations of the early flowering group. These results point to adaptive speciation in allopatry as a likely model for the spectacular diversification of the ice-plant family in the dissected landscapes of the southern African winter rainfall deserts.  相似文献   

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