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Combined effects of cumulative nutrient inputs and biogeochemical processes that occur in freshwater under anthropogenic eutrophication could lead to myriad shifts in nitrogen (N):phosphorus (P) stoichiometry in global freshwater ecosystems, but this is not yet well‐assessed. Here we evaluated the characteristics of N and P stoichiometries in bodies of freshwater and their herbaceous macrophytes across human‐impact levels, regions and periods. Freshwater and its macrophytes had higher N and P concentrations and lower N : P ratios in heavily than lightly human‐impacted environments, further evidenced by spatiotemporal comparisons across eutrophication gradients. N and P concentrations in freshwater ecosystems were positively correlated and N : P was negatively correlated with population density in China. These results indicate a faster accumulation of P than N in human‐impacted freshwater ecosystems, which could have large effects on the trophic webs and biogeochemical cycles of estuaries and coastal areas by freshwater loadings, and reinforce the importance of rehabilitating these ecosystems.  相似文献   

This paper studies the composition and spatial distribution of the atmospheric deposition of mineral nitrogen (Nmin) in forest ecosystems of Moscow, Vologda, and Kostroma regions. The composition of Nmin depositions was shown to be affected by the nature of emissions and specialization of industrial enterprises, as well as the proximity of large highways. It was ascertained that forest stands significantly increased the concentration of Nmin (ammonium and nitrate) in snowmelt. It was shown that the atmospheric depositions of Nmin were not correlated with the distribution of nitrophilous species in the ground cover of the forests studied.  相似文献   

Archived soil samples (1937-1999) and historic air quality data from the Los Angeles Basin were used for reconstructing the record of change between atmospheric NO(x) loads, soil delta(15)N values and the diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM), which are ubiquitous plant-fungus mutualists that control plant community productivity. A tripling of atmospheric NO(x) loads between 1937 and the 1970s was paralleled by soil nitrogen enrichment (delta(15)N = 3.18). From 1975 onwards, atmospheric NO(x) declined, but soils became nitrogen saturated (delta(15) N = -4 and NO(3)-nitrogen = 171mgkg(-1)). The shifts in the AM community followed 28 years of atmospheric nitrogen enrichment and coincided with the onset of soil nitrogen saturation. Such changes were manifest in the loss of AM productivity, species richness (one species per year), three genera (Acaulospora, Scutellospora and Gigaspora) in the spore community and Gigaspora within the roots. Nitrogen enrichment also enhanced the proliferation of potentially less mutualistic species of Glomus. Autoregressive models implied that such patterns will persist and be driven by soil nitrogen cycling patterns. Chronic nitrogen enrichment from air pollution thus alters the diversity and mutualistic functioning of AM communities, which, in turn, may influence the plant community.  相似文献   

Question: What are the main reasons for changes in the spatial distribution of vegetation types during the last four decades? Location: Isolated small deciduous forest; surrounded by farmland in the northeast of Munich (Germany). Methods: Based on sequential vegetation mapping from the last four decades the spatial development of the vegetation was analysed. Additionally, environmental parameters (soil parameters, PAR, N-deposition) have been analysed to describe the different vegetation types. Results: By linking the vegetation types to environmental parameters, it was possible to identify N-deposition as the most important factor for the changes. In the 1960s to 1980s the replacement of vegetation types adapted to N-poor conditions by N-rich vegetation was very fast. A vegetation type containing species signifying soil impoverishment vanished totally, another vegetation type indicating nutrient poor conditions decreased dramatically. However, since 1985 up to now the decrease of N-poor vegetation types has slowed, but is still ongoing. As a reason for the decreased rate of replacement, we stressed changes in the vertical structure: From 1961 to 1985 both N-deposition as well as changes in vertical vegetation structure seem to be important. Since 1985 up to now only minor changes in vertical structure could be found; changes are mainly due to N-availability. Conclusion: In this paper, the limitations of different methods to detect vegetation changes are discussed. We focus on the potentials of historical vegetation data and vegetation maps. It is shown that valuable information on N-induced vegetation changes can be retrieved from historical vegetation data.  相似文献   

Because nitrogen is the mineral nutrient needed in largest amounts by plants, it is usually also the limiting factor for plant growth in terrestrial ecosystems (Vitousek & Howarth, 1991). Consequently, the deposition of oxidized and reduced N compounds will almost invariably have large effects in these systems, and because N availability not only regulates plant growth but also that of organisms at other trophic levels, disturbances of several ecosystem processes might occur. The alternations introduced by deposition of atmospheric N compounds are both of a quantitative and of a qualitative nature. Moreover, N deposition can have phytotoxic as well as growth-stimulating effects.
This short commentary gives a personal view of some of the possible consequences of N deposition on plants. It refers particularly to the oral presentations given by Professor Heinz Rennenberg and Dr Marta Peréz-Soba, and to the discussions held after their talks where appropriate. Separate attention is given to four different consequence of anthropogenic N-deposition: N-availability; N-form, N-uptake by the shoot, and the period of N-uptake. Finally, I have tried to adopt an ecosystem perspective and discuss briefly the concept of critical loads of N.  相似文献   

The status of plant and microbial nutrient limitation have profound impacts on ecosystem carbon cycle in permafrost areas, which store large amounts of carbon and experience pronounced climatic warming. Despite the long-term standing paradigm assumes that cold ecosystems primarily have nitrogen deficiency, large-scale empirical tests of microbial nutrient limitation are lacking. Here we assessed the potential microbial nutrient limitation across the Tibetan alpine permafrost region, using the combination of enzymatic and elemental stoichiometry, genes abundance and fertilization method. In contrast with the traditional view, the four independent approaches congruently detected widespread microbial nitrogen and phosphorus co-limitation in both the surface soil and deep permafrost deposits, with stronger limitation in the topsoil. Further analysis revealed that soil resources stoichiometry and microbial community composition were the two best predictors of the magnitude of microbial nutrient limitation. High ratio of available soil carbon to nutrient and low fungal/bacterial ratio corresponded to strong microbial nutrient limitation. These findings suggest that warming-induced enhancement in soil nutrient availability could stimulate microbial activity, and probably amplify soil carbon losses from permafrost areas.  相似文献   

Effects of nitrogen deposition on forest biodiversity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Lu X K  Mo J M  Dong S F 《农业工程》2008,28(11):5532-5548
Humans have altered global and regional cycles of nitrogen (N) more than any other elements. Increasing N emissions to the atmosphere from accelerating industrialization and production and use of fertilizer N now make N deposition significant not only in densely populated regions of Europe and North America, but also in other parts of the world (e.g., Asia and Latin America). Increased atmospheric N deposition is known to be able to reduce biodiversity in natural and semi-natural ecosystems. It is suggested that N deposition will be the third greatest driver of biodiversity loss on the global scale in this century, after land use and climate change. Based on published study results, we reviewed the impacts of N deposition on forest biodiversity by emphasizing 3 aspects: (1) plant diversity, including arborous plants, understory plants and cryptogam plants; (2) soil microorganism diversity; (3) animal diversity, including underground soil fauna and aboveground herbivores. In general, it was found that N deposition could alter species diversity, and excessive N could reduce species diversity, such as richness and abundance, and even lose special species. We also identified specific mechanisms on how excessive N deposition affected forest biodiversity. Finally, we summarized the current status of research on N deposition in China and in other countries, and proposed potential research activities and recommendations.  相似文献   

氮沉降对森林植物的影响   总被引:78,自引:9,他引:78  
综述了氮沉降对森林植物的影响。氮沉降对森林植物的影响主要表现在以下6个方面:(1)在一定量范围内的氮沉降有利于植物的光合作用,但过量后则会引起植物的光合速率下降;(2)当植物生长受氮限制时,在一定程度上的氮沉降增加植物生产力,但当氮过量后,氮沉降则使植物的生产力下降;(3)过量的氮沉降导致植物体各种营养元素含量的比例失衡;(4)氮沉降会改变植物的形态结构,集中表现为根/冠比减小;(5)氮沉降会增加植物对天然胁迫如干旱、病虫害和风的敏感性,减少其抵御能力;(6)氮沉降会改变植物组成和降低森林植物的多样性。  相似文献   

We examined the response of mycorrhizal fungi to free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) and nitrogen (N) fertilization in a warm temperate forest to better understand potential influences over plant nutrient uptake and soil carbon (C) storage. In particular, we hypothesized that mycorrhizal fungi and glomalin would become more prevalent under elevated CO2 but decrease under N fertilization. In addition, we predicted that N fertilization would mitigate any positive effects of elevated CO2 on mycorrhizal abundance. Overall, we observed a 14% increase in ectomycorrhizal (ECM) root colonization under CO2 enrichment, which implies that elevated CO2 results in greater C investments in these fungi. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) hyphal length and glomalin stocks did not respond substantially to CO2 enrichment, and effects of CO2 on AM root colonization varied by date. Nitrogen effects on AM fungi were not consistent with our hypothesis, as we found an increase in AM colonization under N fertilization. Lastly, neither glomalin concentrations nor ECM colonization responded significantly to N fertilization or to an N-by-CO2 interaction. A longer duration of N fertilization may be required to detect effects on these parameters.  相似文献   

水曲柳根系生物量、比根长和根长密度的分布格局   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用连续钻取土芯法在生长季内对东北林业大学帽儿山实验林场17年生水曲柳人工林根系取样,研究水曲柳不同直径根系现存生物量、比根长和根长密度及垂直分布状况.结果表明,水曲柳人工林根系总生物量为1 637.6 g·m-2,其中活根生物量占85%,死根占15%.在活根生物量当中,粗根(直径5~30 mm)占的比例最高(69.95%),其次为活细根(直径<1 mm,13.53%),小根(1~2 mm)和中等直径的根(2~5 mm)比例较小(分别为7.21%和9.31%).直径<1 mm活细根的比根长为32.20 m·g-1,直径5~30 mm粗根的比根长为0.08 m·g-1.单位面积上活根的总长度为6 602.54 m·m-2,其中直径<1 mm的细根占92.43%,其它直径等级则不到活根总长度的8%.直径<1 mm的细根生物量与根长密度具显著线性关系(R2=0.923),但与比根长无显著相关关系(R2=0.134).  相似文献   

系统研究了南方5个亚热带森林生态系统地表植被的动态变化情况.研究方法是:在每个研究区域内,按照地形梯度分别布设50个1m2 的样方,记录样方内所有物种的频度及相关的环境变量,5个研究区域共设250个样方,每个样方分别调查两次.通过单元及多元统计方法分析表明:维管植物物种频度在一个区域明显下降,另二个区域显著增加;苔藓物种频度在一个区域有明显下降,另一个区域明显增加;苔藓物种数量在3个区域显著增加,另二个区域显著下降;维管植物物种数量显著增加在二个区域;物种组成沿着第一个植被梯度轴DCA 1没有显著变化,沿着第二个植被梯度轴DCA 2在二个区域有显著变化.综合分析表明,苔藓对气候变化及其波动反映敏感,是较好的气候变化及气候波动生物指示因子,而管植物数量及频度的变化没有明显证据显示与土壤酸化和大气污染有紧密关系.  相似文献   

方华  莫江明 《生态学报》2006,26(9):3127-3136
氮沉降增加作为全球变化的重要现象之一,已经并将继续对森林凋落物分解产生影响.综述了国内外氮沉降对森林凋落物分解影响及其机理的研究现状.氮沉降对凋落物分解的影响可分为直接影响和间接影响.氮沉降通过影响森林地被物组成和凋落物化学成分,间接影响凋落物分解.氮沉降对凋落物分解的直接影响表现为促进、无影响和抑制3种效果.分析了产生以上影响效果的作用机理,介绍了氮沉降对森林凋落物分解影响的研究方法,探讨了目前研究存在的问题,讨论了未来该方面研究的重点和方向.  相似文献   

Chronic nitrogen (N) deposition is a threat to biodiversity that results from the eutrophication of ecosystems. We studied long‐term monitoring data from 28 forest sites with a total of 1,335 permanent forest floor vegetation plots from northern Fennoscandia to southern Italy to analyse temporal trends in vascular plant species cover and diversity. We found that the cover of plant species which prefer nutrient‐poor soils (oligotrophic species) decreased the more the measured N deposition exceeded the empirical critical load (CL) for eutrophication effects (P = 0.002). Although species preferring nutrient‐rich sites (eutrophic species) did not experience a significantly increase in cover (P = 0.440), in comparison to oligotrophic species they had a marginally higher proportion among new occurring species (P = 0.091). The observed gradual replacement of oligotrophic species by eutrophic species as a response to N deposition seems to be a general pattern, as it was consistent on the European scale. Contrary to species cover changes, neither the decrease in species richness nor of homogeneity correlated with nitrogen CL exceedance (ExCLempN). We assume that the lack of diversity changes resulted from the restricted time period of our observations. Although existing habitat‐specific empirical CL still hold some uncertainty, we exemplify that they are useful indicators for the sensitivity of forest floor vegetation to N deposition.  相似文献   

We tested the main and interactive effects of elevated carbon dioxide concentration ([CO2]), nitrogen (N), and light availability on leaf photosynthesis, and plant growth and survival in understory seedlings grown in an N‐limited northern hardwood forest. For two growing seasons, we exposed six species of tree seedlings (Betula papyrifera, Populus tremuloides, Acer saccharum, Fagus grandifolia, Pinus strobus, and Prunus serotina) to a factorial combination of atmospheric CO2 (ambient, and elevated CO2 at 658 μmol CO2 mol−1) and N deposition (ambient and ambient +30 kg N ha−1 yr−1) in open‐top chambers placed in an understory light gradient. Elevated CO2 exposure significantly increased apparent quantum efficiency of electron transport by 41% (P<0.0001), light‐limited photosynthesis by 47% (P<0.0001), and light‐saturated photosynthesis by 60% (P<0.003) compared with seedlings grown in ambient [CO2]. Experimental N deposition significantly increased light‐limited photosynthesis as light availability increased (P<0.037). Species differed in the magnitude of light‐saturated photosynthetic response to elevated N and light treatments (P<0.016). Elevated CO2 exposure and high N availability did not affect seedling growth; however, growth increased slightly with light availability (R2=0.26, P<0.0001). Experimental N deposition significantly increased average survival of all species by 48% (P<0.012). However, seedling survival was greatest (85%) under conditions of both high [CO2] and N deposition (P<0.009). Path analysis determined that the greatest predictor for seedling survival in the understory was total biomass (R2=0.39, P<0.001), and that carboxylation capacity (Vcmax) was a better predictor for seedling growth and survival than maximum photosynthetic rate (Amax). Our results suggest that increasing [CO2] and N deposition from fossil fuel combustion could alter understory tree species recruitment dynamics through changes in seedling survival, and this has the potential to alter future forest species composition.  相似文献   

Here, it was investigated whether Sphagnum species have adjusted their nitrogen (N) uptake in response to the anthropogenic N deposition that has drastically altered N-limited ecosystems, including peatlands, worldwide. A lawn species, Sphagnum balticum, and a hummock species, Sphagnum fuscum, were collected from three peatlands along a gradient of N deposition (2, 8 and 12 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1)). The mosses were subjected to solutions containing a mixture of four N forms. In each solution one of these N forms was labeled with (15)N (namely (15)NH(+)(4), (15)NO(-)(3) and the amino acids [(15)N]alanine (Ala) and [(15)N]glutamic acid (Glu)). It was found that for both species most of the N taken up was from , followed by Ala, Glu, and very small amounts from NO(-)(3). At the highest N deposition site N uptake was reduced, but this did not prevent N accumulation as free amino acids in the Sphagnum tissues. The reduced N uptake may have been genetically selected for under the relatively short period with elevated N exposure from anthropogenic sources, or may have been the result of plasticity in the Sphagnum physiological response. The negligible Sphagnum NO(-)(3) uptake may make any NO(-)(3) deposited readily available to co-occurring vascular plants.  相似文献   

氮沉降对森林生态系统土壤碳库的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
邓小文  韩士杰 《生态学杂志》2007,26(10):1622-1627
森林土壤碳库是陆地生态系统碳库的重要组成部分,对维持全球碳平衡具有重要意义。不断加剧的全球氮沉降有可能改变森林生态系统中碳元素的地球化学循环过程,从而引起森林土壤碳储量的变化。本文从森林土壤碳收支的角度,将氮沉降对森林生态系统土壤碳库影响的复杂过程划分为凋落物分解、细根周转、土壤呼吸和土壤可溶性有机碳淋失4个相对独立的过程。综合国内外研究现状,对其进行了简要评述,指出了目前研究的不足,并探讨了这一研究领域的发展方向。  相似文献   

As anthropogenic N deposition has been suspected to be the main reason for the decline of macromycetous sporocarp production in forest ecosystems, various N-fertilization experiments were started in the mid 1990s. The dynamics of ectomycorrhizal (root-inhabiting) and terricolous saprobic (litter-inhabiting) fungal communities were studied by exhaustive sporocarp inventories in a substitution Norway spruce (Picea abies) forest in two 256-m2 plots sampled for periods of 1 week at 1-m2 resolution between 1994 and 2007. N was added to the soil twice per year in one plot from the fourth year onwards. The effects of N input and time on aboveground fungal communities were assessed using redundancy analysis, principal response curves and non-parametric multivariate ANOVA. Results of this long-term experiment revealed that both ectomycorrhizal and saprobic fungal communities responded to an increase in soil N input. The ectomycorrhizal community reacted by a fast decrease in sporocarp production and in species richness, whereas the saprobic community was less affected. The response was highly species specific, especially for the saprobic community. The difference in species composition between control and fertilized plots was significant after 1 year of N addition for ectomycorrhizal fungi and only after 3 years for saprobic fungi. An aging effect affected sporocarp production in the whole area. For both communities, this unidirectional drift in species composition was as important as the treatment effect. This result highlights the importance of considering the respective role of treatment and year effects in long-term field experiments on fungal communities.  相似文献   

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