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Effective predictive and management approaches for species occurring in a metapopulation structure require good understanding of interpopulation connectivity. In this study, we ask whether population genetic structure of marine species with fragmented distributions can be predicted by stepping‐stone oceanographic transport and habitat continuity, using as model an ecosystem‐structuring brown alga, Cystoseira amentacea var. stricta. To answer this question, we analysed the genetic structure and estimated the connectivity of populations along discontinuous rocky habitat patches in southern Italy, using microsatellite markers at multiple scales. In addition, we modelled the effect of rocky habitat continuity and ocean circulation on gene flow by simulating Lagrangian particle dispersal based on ocean surface currents allowing multigenerational stepping‐stone dynamics. Populations were highly differentiated, at scales from few metres up to thousands of kilometres. The best possible model fit to explain the genetic results combined current direction, rocky habitat extension and distance along the coast among rocky sites. We conclude that a combination of variable suitable habitat and oceanographic transport is a useful predictor of genetic structure. This relationship provides insight into the mechanisms of dispersal and the role of life‐history traits. Our results highlight the importance of spatially explicit modelling of stepping‐stone dynamics and oceanographic directional transport coupled with habitat suitability, to better describe and predict marine population structure and differentiation. This study also suggests the appropriate spatial scales for the conservation, restoration and management of species that are increasingly affected by habitat modifications.  相似文献   

Like many wide‐ranging mammals, American bison (Bison bison) have experienced significant range contraction over the past two centuries and are maintained in artificially isolated populations. A basic understanding of the distribution of genetic variation among populations is necessary to facilitate long‐term germplasm preservation and species conservation. The 11 herds maintained within the US federal system are a critically important source of germplasm for bison conservation, as they include many of the oldest herds in the USA and have served as a primary resource for the establishment of private and public herds worldwide. In this study, we used a panel of 51 nuclear markers to investigate patterns of neutral genetic variation among these herds. Most of these herds have maintained remarkably high levels of variation despite the severe bottleneck suffered in the late 1800s. However, differences were noted in the patterns of variation and levels of differentiation among herds, which were compared with historical records of establishment, supplementation, herd size, and culling practices. Although some lineages have been replicated across multiple herds within the US federal system, other lineages with high levels of genetic variation exist in isolated herds and should be considered targets for the establishment of satellite herds. From this and other studies, it is clear that the genetic variation represented in the US federal system is unevenly distributed among National Park Service and Fish and Wildlife Service herds, and that these resources must be carefully managed to ensure long‐term species conservation.  相似文献   

In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Neuwald & Templeton (2013) report on a 22‐year study of natural populations of Collared Lizards (Crotaphytus collaris) that evolved on isolated on rock outcrops (‘glades’) in the Ozark Mountains in eastern Missouri. This ecosystem was originally maintained by frequent fires that kept the forest understory open, but fire‐suppression was adopted as official policy in about 1945, which led to a loss of native biodiversity, including local extinctions of some lizard populations. Policies aimed at restoring biodiversity included controlled burns and re‐introductions of lizards to some glades, which began in 1984. Populations were monitored from 1984–2006, and demographic and genetic data collected from 1 679 lizards were used to documents shifts in meta‐population dynamics over four distinct phases of lizard recovery: 1–an initial translocation of lizards drawn from the same source populations onto three glades that were likely part of one meta‐population; 2–a period of isolation and genetic drift associated with the absence of fires; 3–a period of rapid colonization and population increase following restoration of fire; and 4–stabilization of the meta‐population under regular prescribed burning. This study system thus provides a rare opportunity to characterize the dynamics of a landscape‐scale management strategy on the restoration of the meta‐population of a reintroduced species; long‐term case studies of the extinction, founding, increase, and stabilization of a well‐defined meta‐population, based on both demographic and population genetic data, are rare in the conservation, ecological, and evolutionary literature.  相似文献   

Gompert Z 《Molecular ecology》2012,21(7):1542-1544
Admixture and introgression have varied effects on population viability and fitness. Admixture might be an important source of new alleles, particularly for small, geographically isolated populations. However, admixture might also cause outbreeding depression if populations are adapted to different ecological or climatic conditions. Because of the emerging use of translocation and admixture as a conservation and wildlife management strategy to reduce genetic load (termed genetic rescue), the possible effects of admixture have practical consequences ( Bouzat et al. 2009 ; Hedrick & Fredrickson 2010 ). Importantly, genetic load and local adaptation are properties of individual loci and epistatic interactions among loci rather than properties of genomes. Likewise, the outcome and consequences of genetic rescue depend on the fitness effects of individual introduced alleles. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Miller et al. (2012) use model‐based, population genomic analyses to document locus‐specific effects of a recent genetic rescue in the bighorn sheep population within the National Bison Range wildlife refuge (NBR; Montana, USA). They find a subset of introduced alleles associated with increased fitness in NBR bighorn sheep, some of which experienced accelerated introgression following their introduction. These loci mark regions of the genome that could constitute the genetic basis of the successful NBR bighorn sheep genetic rescue. Although population genomic analyses are frequently used to study local adaptation and selection (e.g. Hohenlohe et al. 2010 ; Lawniczak et al. 2010 ), this study constitutes a novel application of this analytical framework for wildlife management. Moreover, the detailed demographic data available for the NBR bighorn sheep population provide a rare and powerful source of information and allow more robust population genomic inference than is often possible.  相似文献   

Is a key theory of evolutionary and conservation biology—that loss of genetic diversity can be predicted from population size—on shaky ground? In the face of increasing human‐induced species depletion and habitat fragmentation, this question and the study of genetic diversity in small populations are paramount to understanding the limits of species’ responses to environmental change and to providing remedies to endangered species conservation. Few empirical studies have investigated to what degree some small populations might be buffered against losses of genetic diversity. Even fewer studies have experimentally tested the potential underlying mechanisms. The study of Schou, Loeschcke, Bechsgaard, Schlotterer, and Kristensen ( 2017 ) in this issue of Molecular Ecology is elegant in combining classic common garden experimentation with population genomics on an iconic experimental model species (Drosophila melanogaster). The authors reveal a slower rate of loss of genetic diversity in small populations under varying thermal regimes than theoretically expected and hence an unexpected retention of genetic diversity. They are further able to hone in on a plausible mechanism: associative overdominance, wherein homozygosity of deleterious recessive alleles is especially disfavoured in genomic regions of low recombination. These results contribute to a budding literature on the varying mechanisms underlying genetic diversity in small populations and encourage further such research towards the effective management and conservation of fragmented or endangered populations.  相似文献   

Nematophagous fungi can trap and capture nematodes and other small invertebrates. This unique ability has made them ideal organisms from which to develop biological control agents against plant‐ and animal‐parasitic nematodes. However, effective application of biocontrol agents in the field requires a comprehensive understanding about the ecology and population genetics of the nematophagous fungi in natural environments. Here, we genotyped 228 strains of the nematode‐trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora using 12 single nucleotide polymorphic markers located on eight random DNA fragments. The strains were from different ecological niches and geographical regions from China. Our analyses identified that ecological niche separations contributed significantly, whereas geographic separation contributed relatively little to the overall genetic variation in our samples of A. oligospora. Interestingly, populations from stressful environments seemed to be more variable and showed more evidence for recombination than those from benign environments at the same geographic areas. We discussed the implications of our results to the conservation and biocontrol application of A. oligospora in agriculture and forestry.  相似文献   

As the field of phylogeography has continued to move in the model‐based direction, researchers continue struggling to construct useful models for inference. These models must be both simple enough to be tractable yet contain enough of the complexity of the natural world to make meaningful inference. Beyond constructing such models for inference, researchers explore model space and test competing models with the data on hand, with the goal of improving the understanding of the natural world and the processes underlying natural biological communities. Approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) has increased in recent popularity as a tool for evaluating alternative historical demographic models given population genetic samples. As a thorough demonstration, Pelletier & Carstens ( 2014 ) use ABC to test 143 phylogeographic submodels given geographically widespread genetic samples from the salamander species Plethodon idahoensis (Carstens et al. 2004 ) and, in so doing, demonstrate how the results of the ABC model choice procedure are dependent on the model set one chooses to evaluate.  相似文献   

Patterns of human development are shifting from concentrated housing toward sprawled housing intermixed with natural land cover, and wildlife species increasingly persist in close proximity to housing, roads, and other anthropogenic features. These associations can alter population dynamics and evolutionary trajectories. Large carnivores increasingly occupy urban peripheries, yet the ecological consequences for populations established entirely within urban and exurban landscapes are largely unknown. We applied a spatial and landscape genetics approach, using noninvasively collected genetic data, to identify differences in black bear spatial genetic patterns across a rural‐to‐urban gradient and quantify how development affects spatial genetic processes. We quantified differences in black bear dispersal, spatial genetic structure, and migration between differing levels of development within a population primarily occupying areas with >6 houses/km2 in western Connecticut. Increased development disrupted spatial genetic structure, and we found an association between increased housing densities and longer dispersal. We also found evidence that roads limited gene flow among bears in more rural areas, yet had no effect among bears in more developed ones. These results suggest dispersal behavior is condition‐dependent and indicate the potential for landscapes intermixing development and natural land cover to facilitate shifts toward increased dispersal. These changes can affect patterns of range expansion and the phenotypic and genetic composition of surrounding populations. We found evidence that subpopulations occupying more developed landscapes may be sustained by male‐biased immigration, creating potentially detrimental demographic shifts.  相似文献   

Understanding the consequences of habitat disturbance on mating patterns although pollen and seed dispersal in forest trees has been a long‐standing theme of forest and conservation genetics. Forest ecosystems face global environmental pressures from timber exploitation to genetic pollution and climate change, and it is therefore essential to comprehend how disturbances may alter the dispersal of genes and their establishment in tree populations in order to formulate relevant recommendations for sustainable resource management practices and realistic predictions of potential adaptation to climate change by means of range shift or expansion (Kremer et al. 2012 ). However, obtaining reliable evidence of disturbance‐induced effects on gene dispersal processes from empirical evaluation of forest tree populations is difficult. Indeed, tree species share characteristics such as high longevity, long generation time and large reproductive population size, which may impede the experimenter's ability to assess parameters at the spatial and time scales at which any change may occur (Petit and Hampe 2006 ). It has been suggested that appropriate study designs should encompass comparison of populations before and after disturbance as well as account for demonstrated variation in conspecific density, that is, the spatial distribution of mates, and forest density, including all species and relating to alteration in landscape openness (Bacles & Jump 2011 ). However, more often than not, empirical studies aiming to assess the consequences of habitat disturbance on genetic processes in tree populations assume rather than quantify a change in tree densities in forests under disturbance and generally fail to account for population history, which may lead to inappropriate interpretation of a causal relationship between population genetic structure and habitat disturbance due to effects of unmonitored confounding variables (Gauzere et al. 2013). In this issue, Shohami and Nathan ( 2014 ) take advantage of the distinctive features of the fire‐adapted wind‐pollinated Aleppo pine Pinus halepensis (Fig. 1) to provide an elegant example of best practice. Thanks to long‐term monitoring of the study site, a natural stand in Israel, Shohami and Nathan witnessed the direct impact of habitat disturbance, here taking the shape of fire, on conspecific and forest densities and compared pre‐ and postdisturbance mating patterns estimated from cones of different ages sampled on the same surviving maternal individuals (Fig. 2). This excellent study design is all the more strong that Shohami and Nathan took further analytical steps to account for confounding variables, such as historical population genetic structure and possible interannual variation in wind conditions, thus giving high credibility to their findings of unequivocal fire‐induced alteration of mating patterns in P. halepensis. Most notably, the authors found, at the pollen pool level, a disruption of local genetic structure which, furthermore, they were able to attribute explicitly to enhanced pollen‐mediated gene immigration into the low‐density fire‐disturbed stand. This cleverly designed research provides a model approach to be followed if we are to advance our understanding of disturbance‐induced dispersal and genetic change in forest trees.  相似文献   

As the field of phylogeography has matured, it has become clear that analyses of one or a few genes may reveal more about the history of those genes than the populations and species that are the targets of study. To alleviate these concerns, the discipline has moved towards larger analyses of more individuals and more genes, although little attention has been paid to the qualitative or quantitative gains that such increases in scale and scope may yield. Here, we increase the number of individuals and markers by an order of magnitude over previously published work to comprehensively assess the phylogeographical history of a well‐studied declining species, the western pond turtle (Emys marmorata). We present a new analysis of 89 independent nuclear SNP markers and one mitochondrial gene sequence scored for rangewide sampling of >900 individuals, and compare these to smaller‐scale, rangewide genetic and morphological analyses. Our enlarged SNP data fundamentally revise our understanding of evolutionary history for this lineage. Our results indicate that the gains from greatly increasing both the number of markers and individuals are substantial and worth the effort, particularly for species of high conservation concern such as the pond turtle, where accurate assessments of population history are a prerequisite for effective management.  相似文献   

Noninvasive genetic approaches continue to improve studies in molecular ecology, conservation genetics and related disciplines such as forensics and epidemiology. Noninvasive sampling allows genetic studies without disturbing or even seeing the target individuals. Although noninvasive genetic sampling has been used for wildlife studies since the 1990s, technological advances continue to make noninvasive approaches among the most used and rapidly advancing areas in genetics. Here, we review recent advances in noninvasive genetics and how they allow us to address important research and management questions thanks to improved techniques for DNA extraction, preservation, amplification and data analysis. We show that many advances come from the fields of forensics, human health and domestic animal health science, and suggest that molecular ecologists explore literature from these fields. Finally, we discuss how the combination of advances in each step of a noninvasive genetics study, along with fruitful areas for future research, will continually increase the power and role of noninvasive genetics in molecular ecology and conservation genetics.  相似文献   

The central–marginal hypothesis (CMH) predicts that population size, genetic diversity and genetic connectivity are highest at the core and decrease near the edges of species' geographic distributions. We provide a test of the CMH using three replicated core‐to‐edge transects that encompass nearly the entire geographic range of the endemic streamside salamander (Ambystoma barbouri). We confirmed that the mapped core of the distribution was the most suitable habitat using ecological niche modelling (ENM) and via genetic estimates of effective population sizes. As predicted by the CMH, we found statistical support for decreased genetic diversity, effective population size and genetic connectivity from core to edge in western and northern transects, yet not along a southern transect. Based on our niche model, habitat suitability is lower towards the southern range edge, presumably leading to conflicting core‐to‐edge genetic patterns. These results suggest that multiple processes may influence a species' distribution based on the heterogeneity of habitat across a species' range and that replicated sampling may be needed to accurately test the CMH. Our work also emphasizes the importance of identifying the geographic range core with methods other than using the Euclidean centre on a map, which may help to explain discrepancies among other empirical tests of the CMH. Assessing core‐to‐edge population genetic patterns across an entire species' range accompanied with ENM can inform our general understanding of the mechanisms leading to species' geographic range limits.  相似文献   

Polymorphism for immune functions can explain significant variation in health and reproductive success within species. Drastic loss in genetic diversity at such loci constitutes an extinction risk and should be monitored in species of conservation concern. However, effective implementations of genome-wide immune polymorphism sets into high-throughput genotyping assays are scarce. Here, we report the design and validation of a microfluidics-based amplicon sequencing assay to comprehensively capture genetic variation in Alpine ibex (Capra ibex). This species represents one of the most successful large mammal restorations recovering from a severely depressed census size and a massive loss in diversity at the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). We analysed 65 whole-genome sequencing sets of the Alpine ibex and related species to select the most representative markers and to prevent primer binding failures. In total, we designed ~1,000 amplicons densely covering the MHC, further immunity-related genes as well as randomly selected genome-wide markers for the assessment of neutral population structure. Our analysis of 158 individuals shows that the genome-wide markers perform equally well at resolving population structure as RAD-sequencing or low-coverage genome sequencing data sets. Immunity-related loci show unexpectedly high degrees of genetic differentiation within the species. Such information can now be used to define highly targeted individual translocations. Our design strategy can be realistically implemented into genetic surveys of a large range of species. In conclusion, leveraging whole-genome sequencing data sets to design targeted amplicon assays allows the simultaneous monitoring of multiple genetic risk factors and can be translated into species conservation recommendations.  相似文献   

Dispersal is a fundamental attribute of species in nature and shapes population dynamics, evolutionary trajectories and genetic variation across spatial and temporal scales. It is increasingly clear that landscape features have large impacts on dispersal patterns. Thus, understanding how individuals and species move through landscapes is essential for predicting impacts of landscape alterations. Information on dispersal patterns, however, is lacking for many taxa, particularly reptiles. Eastern foxsnakes (Mintoinus gloydi) are marsh and prairie specialists that avoid agricultural fields, but they have persisted across a fragmented region in southwestern Ontario and northern Ohio. Here, we combined habitat suitability modelling with population genetic analyses to infer how foxsnakes disperse through a habitat mosaic of natural and altered landscape features. Boundary regions between the eight genetic clusters, identified through assignment tests, were comprised of low suitability habitat (e.g. agricultural fields). Island populations were grouped into a single genetic cluster, and comparatively low F(ST) values between island and mainland populations suggest open water presents less of a barrier than nonsuitable terrestrial habitat. Isolation by resistance and least-cost path analysis produced similar results with matrices of pairwise individual genetic distance significantly more correlated to matrices of resistance values derived from habitat suitability than models with an undifferentiated landscape. Spatial autocorrelation results matched better with assignment results when incorporating resistance values rather than straight-line distances. All analyses used in our study produced similar results suggesting that habitat degradation limits dispersal for foxsnakes, which has had a strong effect on the genetic population structure across this region.  相似文献   

Highly mobile marine species in areas with no obvious geographic barriers are expected to show low levels of genetic differentiation. However, small‐scale variation in habitat may lead to resource polymorphisms and drive local differentiation by adaptive divergence. Using nuclear microsatellite genotyping at 20 loci, and mitochondrial control region sequencing, we investigated fine‐scale population structuring of inshore bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) inhabiting a range of habitats in and around Moreton Bay, Australia. Bayesian structure analysis identified two genetic clusters within Moreton Bay, with evidence of admixture between them (FST = 0.05, P = 0.001). There was only weak isolation by distance but one cluster of dolphins was more likely to be found in shallow southern areas and the other in the deeper waters of the central northern bay. In further analysis removing admixed individuals, southern dolphins appeared genetically restricted with lower levels of variation (AR = 3.252, π = 0.003) and high mean relatedness (= 0.239) between individuals. In contrast, northern dolphins were more diverse (AR = 4.850, π = 0.009) and were mixing with a group of dolphins outside the bay (microsatellite‐based STRUCTURE analysis), which appears to have historically been distinct from the bay dolphins (mtDNA ΦST = 0.272, < 0.001). This study demonstrates the ability of genetic techniques to expose fine‐scale patterns of population structure and explore their origins and mechanisms. A complex variety of inter‐related factors including local habitat variation, differential resource use, social behaviour and learning, and anthropogenic disturbances are likely to have played a role in driving fine‐scale population structure among bottlenose dolphins in Moreton Bay.  相似文献   

Numerous approaches have been developed to examine recent and historical gene flow between populations, but few studies have used empirical data sets to compare different approaches. Some methods are expected to perform better under particular scenarios, such as high or low gene flow, but this, too, has rarely been tested. In this issue of Molecular Ecology , Saenz-Agudelo et   al . (2009 ) apply assignment tests and parentage analysis to microsatellite data from five geographically proximal (2–6 km) and one much more distant (1500 km) panda clownfish populations, showing that parentage analysis performed better in situations of high gene flow, while their assignment tests did better with low gene flow. This unusually complete data set is comprised of multiple exhaustively sampled populations, including nearly all adults and large numbers of juveniles, enabling the authors to ask questions that in many systems would be impossible to answer. Their results emphasize the importance of selecting the right analysis to use, based on the underlying model and how well its assumptions are met by the populations to be analysed.  相似文献   

Genetic structure in host species is often used to predict disease spread. However, host and pathogen genetic variation may be incongruent. Understanding landscape factors that have either concordant or divergent influence on host and pathogen genetic structure is crucial for wildlife disease management. Devil facial tumour disease (DFTD) was first observed in 1996 and has spread throughout almost the entire Tasmanian devil geographic range, causing dramatic population declines. Whereas DFTD is predominantly spread via biting among adults, devils typically disperse as juveniles, which experience low DFTD prevalence. Thus, we predicted little association between devil and tumour population structure and that environmental factors influencing gene flow differ between devils and tumours. We employed a comparative landscape genetics framework to test the influence of environmental factors on patterns of isolation by resistance (IBR) and isolation by environment (IBE) in devils and DFTD. Although we found evidence for broad‐scale costructuring between devils and tumours, we found no relationship between host and tumour individual genetic distances. Further, the factors driving the spatial distribution of genetic variation differed for each. Devils exhibited a strong IBR pattern driven by major roads, with no evidence of IBE. By contrast, tumours showed little evidence for IBR and a weak IBE pattern with respect to elevation in one of two tumour clusters we identify herein. Our results warrant caution when inferring pathogen spread using host population genetic structure and suggest that reliance on environmental barriers to host connectivity may be ineffective for managing the spread of wildlife diseases. Our findings demonstrate the utility of comparative landscape genetics for identifying differential factors driving host dispersal and pathogen transmission.  相似文献   

Management programmes often have to make decisions based on the analysis of the genetic properties and diversity of populations. Expected heterozygosity (or gene diversity) and population structure parameters are often used to make recommendations for conservation, such as avoidance of inbreeding or migration across subpopulations. Allelic diversity, however, can also provide complementary and useful information for conservation programmes, as it is highly sensitive to population bottlenecks, and is more related to long‐term selection response than heterozygosity. Here we present a completely revised and updated re‐implementation of the software metapop for the analysis of diversity in subdivided populations, as well as a tool for the management and dynamic estimation of optimal contributions in conservation programmes. This new update includes computation of allelic diversity for population analysis and management, as well as a simulation mode to forecast the consequences of taking different management strategies over time. Furthermore, the new implementation in C++ includes code optimization and improved memory usage, allowing for fast analysis of large data sets including single nucleotide polymorphism markers, as well as enhanced cross‐software and cross‐platform compatibility.  相似文献   

Small and isolated populations face threats from genetic drift and inbreeding. To rescue populations from these threats, conservation biologists can augment gene flow into small populations to increase variation and reduce inbreeding depression. Spectacular success stories include greater prairie chickens in Illinois (Westermeier et al. 1998 ), adders in Sweden (Madsen et al. 1999 ) and panthers in Florida (Johnson et al. 2010 ). However, we also know that performing such crosses risks introducing genes that may be poorly adapted to local conditions or genetic backgrounds. A classic example of such ‘outbreeding depression’ occurred when different subspecies of ibex from Turkey and the Sinai were introduced to assist recovery of an ibex population in Czechoslovakia (Templeton 1986 ). Despite being fertile, the hybrids birthed calves too early, causing the whole population to disappear. In the face of uncertainty, conservation biologists have tended to respect genetic identity, shying away from routinely crossing populations. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Frankham ( 2015 ) compiles empirical data from experimental studies to assess the costs and benefits of between‐population crosses (Fig.  1 ). Crosses screened to exclude those involving highly divergent populations or distinct habitats show large heterosis with few apparent risks of outbreeding depression. This leads Frankham to advocate for using assisted gene flow more widely. But do the studies analysed in this meta‐analysis adequately test for latent outcrossing depression?  相似文献   

Adaptive divergence in coloration is expected to produce reproductive isolation in species that use colourful signals in mate choice and species recognition. Indeed, many adaptive radiations are characterized by differentiation in colourful signals, suggesting that divergent selection acting on coloration may be an important component of speciation. Populations in the Anolis marmoratus species complex from the Caribbean island of Guadeloupe display striking divergence in the colour and pattern of adult males that occurs over small geographic distances, suggesting strong divergent selection. Here we test the hypothesis that divergence in coloration results in reduced gene flow among populations. We quantify variation in adult male coloration across a habitat gradient between mesic and xeric habitats, use a multilocus coalescent approach to infer historical demographic parameters of divergence, and examine gene flow and population structure using microsatellite variation. We find that colour variation evolved without geographic isolation and in the face of gene flow, consistent with strong divergent selection and that both ecological and sexual selection are implicated. However, we find no significant differentiation at microsatellite loci across populations, suggesting little reproductive isolation and high levels of contemporary gene exchange. Strong divergent selection on loci affecting coloration probably maintains clinal phenotypic variation despite high gene flow at neutral loci, supporting the notion of a porous genome in which adaptive portions of the genome remain fixed whereas neutral portions are homogenized by gene flow and recombination. We discuss the impact of these findings for studies of colour evolution and ecological speciation.  相似文献   

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