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The ‘Active Cues Magic Table’ is a new game concept within nursing home care. It consists of light animations projected on a dining table and responding to movements of the players. The aim of this exploratory, quasi-experimental study was to examine the quality of life of nursing home residents with moderately severe or severe dementia before, during and after playing with this magic table. Quality of life was assessed with the Qualidem and the DS-DAT. Of the 34 nursing home residents included, 62% were female and mean age was 86.5 years (standard deviation 6.2). The Qualidem showed a small to moderate improvement in ‘negative affect’, ‘restless tense behavior’ and ‘positive self-image’ up to the week after playing (p ≤ 0.04). The DS-DAT showed a moderate improvement up to one hour after playing compared to a quarter of an hour before playing (p < 0.001). In conclusion, the quality of life of nursing home residents with moderately severe or severe dementia seems to improve up to the week after playing with the magic table. However, future research is needed to confirm the results of this exploratory study and to examine whether the improvements can truly be ascribed to the magic table.  相似文献   

Different definitions of quality of life (QOL) are found in the literature. This raised the question which domains are viewed as really important by persons with dementia. In an explorative study the opinions of persons with dementia (community-dwelling and living in nursing homes), were compared to those of professional carers and instruments for QOL in dementia. Data were gathered through interviews, focus groups and literature study. Most QOL-domains mentioned as important by persons with dementia were also acknowledged by carers and in measurement instruments. Some domains, however, were not mentioned by the carers (‘sense of aesthetics’, ‘financial situation’, ‘being useful’ and ‘spirituality’), or not selected in the measuring instruments (‘security and privacy’, ‘self-determination and freedom’, ‘being useful’ and ‘spirituality’). This indicates differences in perspectives on quality of life between persons with dementia, professional caregivers and researchers. Subsequently it was studied to what degree professionals focus on the QoL-domains that persons with dementia consider essential. Caregivers working on 29 units and 3 day care facilities of 13 nursing homes and in 12 meeting centers filled out a questionnaire (N=374). They reported to focus at least to some degree on most domains considered important by persons with dementia. However, little attention was paid to the domains ‘financial situation’ and ‘being useful’. Professionals offering daytime activities focused more than 24-hour care staff on ‘attachment’, ‘enjoyment of activities’, ‘sense of aesthetics’, and ‘being useful’ This article is a translation and merging of 1) Dröes et al. Quality of life in dementia in perspective; an explorative study of variations in opinions among people with dementia and their professional caregivers, and in literature. Dementia: The International Journal 2006; 5 (4): 533–558, and 2) Gerritsen et al. Differences in perspective: do professional caregivers focus on the Quality of life domains that are important for people with dementia? American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias 2007; 22:176–183.  相似文献   

Frail older people have an increased risk of limitations in performing activities of daily living, hospitalization, nursing home admission, and premature death. In this study we determined the difference in experiencing quality of life between frail and non-frail older people. We also investigated the associations between physical, psychological and social components of frailty and the physical and mental dimensions of quality of life. 374 people of 75 years and older filled in a questionnaire, the Senioren Barometer. This questionnaire contained the Tilburg Frailty Indicator (TFI) to assess frailty and the SF-12 for assessing quality of life. The study showed that frail older people on average experience a lower quality of life than non-frail older people. A considerable part of the variance of the physical and mental dimensions of quality of life could be explained by the fifteen components of frailty, after controlling for the background characteristics of the respondents, 33.2% and 36.5%, respectively. The frailty components physical inactivity, physical tiredness, and depressive symptoms were associated with the physical dimension as well as the mental dimension of quality of life. The results confirm the importance of multidimensional assessment of frailty. In addition, they provide a direction to healthcare and welfare professionals in performing interventions with the aim of increasing the quality of life of older people.  相似文献   

Samenvatting Van 43 tuberkelbacillen stammen van net bovine type, gekweekt op den voedingsbodem van L?wenstein, vertoonden 35 een verandering in groeiwijze, die tenslotte bij sommige stammen zoover door ging, dat het uiterlijk van het humane type ontstond. De virulentie voor het konijn onderging hierbij geen verandering. Passage door konijnen had geen beslissenden invloed op de groeiwijze van deze stammen. Tot slot een woord van dank aan Mevr. J. Adriani—Blindenbach, wier toewijding dit onderzoek mogelijk maakte.

Gedeelte van een voordracht, gehouden op de Vergadering van de Nederl. Ver. voor Microbiologie te Amsterdam, op 13 November 1937.

Gedeelte van een voordracht, gehouden op de Vergadering van de Nederl. Ver. voor Microbiologie te Amsterdam, op 13 November 1937.  相似文献   

Samenvatting In het d-glutaminezuur werd een chemisch zuivere, relatief goedkoope stof gevonden, die het pepton in de voedingsbodems voor het bacteriologische wateronderzoek lijkt te kunnen vervangen; waarmede de moeilijkhedem uit de wereld zouden zijn, die, vooral bij het colionderzoek, kleven aan het gebruik van peptonen van verschillende herkomst. Hoewel het niet mogelijk bleek, de false presumptive tests geheel te vermijden, wordt toch het voordeel groot genoeg geacht om een proefneming op grooteren schaal in waterleidingbedrijven aan te bevelen.Summary The fact is stressed, that in bacteriological wateranalysis many false presumptive tests occur, where B. coli can not be isolated from strongly fermenting tubes. The view is held, that an improvement may be possible, when substituting peptone by a nitrogen compound, that is easily taken by B. coli and not by the organisms causing the false presumptive test. Therefore d-glutamic acid (as a sodium- or ammoniumsalt) is tried and found to be perfectly suitable to grow B. coli, but equally good to the other organisms. Nevertheless glutamic acid has a distinct advantage on peptone, being a chemically pure and relatively cheap substance, so that difficulties, arising from the use of different brands of commercial peptones, of unknown composition, may be avoided. Investigation of natural waters, using a solution of 1 % lactose, 1 % glutamic acid, 0.1% K2HPO4 and 0.05 % MgSO4 in distilled water, coloured with bromo thymol blue and neutralised with sodium hydroxide to p4 7.0, gives the same results as the same liquid, wherein peptone (Witte) substitutes the glutamic acid. Further experience will have to decide on its suitability in large scale practice.  相似文献   

Samenvatting Bij 3 proefreeksen werden fretten intranasaal besmet met het gorgelwater van 8 grieppatiënten en van 1 lijder aan bronchopneumonie.In het gorgelwater van den lijder aan bronchopneumonie werd geen virus aangetoond.In het gorgelwater van 4 grieppatiënten, genomen op den 7den of lateren dag der ziekte, kon geen virus aangetoond worden.Fretten geïnfecteerd met gorgelwater, genomen den 1sten, 2den of 3den ziektedag van grieppatiënten, vertoonden 2–3 dagen later typische ziekteverschijnselen, bestaande in algemeen ziek zijn, koorts en etterige neuscatarrh. De ziekteverschijnselen duurden ongeveer een week.Fretten, die te voren besmet geweest waren met Engelsch virus, werden niet ziek. Fretten, die een infectie met Hollandsch virus hadden doorstaan, waren, behoudens één twijfelachtig geval, immuun voor Engelsch virus.  相似文献   

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