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Several vertebrate genes of the Hairy/Enhancer-of-split (HES) family are involved in paraxial mesoderm segmentation and intersomitic boundary establishment/maintenance. Here, we show that the zebrafish hairy-related gene, her6, highly homologous to the mammalian and chicken HES-1 genes, is expressed in the posterior part of each segmented somite and in stripes in the anterior presomitic mesoderm (PSM), and also in a dynamic, segmentally restricted pattern during hindbrain segmentation, with all rhombomeres expressing her6 at different time points and at different levels.  相似文献   

We report here the development and rescue of the truncated hindbrain of retinoid-deprived quail embryos. The embryo is completely rescued by an injection of retinol into the egg; this confirms retinol, or a related retinoid, as a required molecule in hindbrain development. Staging the retinoid replacement enabled us to determine that the 3-4 somite stage is the period when retinoids are required for normal development. Analysis of the development of the retinoid-deprived hindbrain phenotype through somitogenesis has revealed a pathway of retinoid action in early hindbrain regionalization. The hindbrain of the retinoid-deprived embryo is normal in size, during early somitogenesis, but has a respecified pattern of Krox-20 expression. From the earliest expression of Krox-20, at the 5 somite stage, the rhombomere 3 stripe fills the caudal third of the developing hindbrain to the level of the first somite. Morphologically only 2, instead of the normal 5, rhombomere bulges form. These 2 bulges express genes and, later, develop morphology characteristic of rhombomeres 1 and 2 and rhombomere 3. Posterior hindbrain specific genes, Hoxb-1, Fgf3, MafB, and the rhombomere 5 stripe of Krox-20 are never expressed in the head neuroepithelium of these embryos. From the initial formation of the neural plate, there is no evidence of rhombomere 4-7 specific characteristics. These results indicate the specification of the posterior hindbrain is lost and its cells participate in the formation of an enlarged anterior hindbrain. In our previous study, we reported the absence of the posterior hindbrain in retinoid-deprived quails (Maden, M., Gale, E., Kostetskii, I., Zile, M., 1996. Vitamin A-deficient quail embryos have half a hindbrain and other neural defects. Curr. Biol. 6, 417-426). Here, we show this phenotype to be the result of respecification of the hindbrain cells. This provides evidence for a region specific response to a single stimulus, retinol, which suggests a pre-rhombomeric regionalization of the hindbrain.  相似文献   

Spontaneous activity regulates many aspects of central nervous system development. We demonstrate that in the embryonic chick hindbrain, spontaneous activity is expressed between embryonic days (E) 6–9. Over this period the frequency of activity decreases significantly, although the events maintain a consistent rhythm on the timescale of minutes. At E6, the activity is pharmacologically dependent on serotonin, nACh, GABAA, and glycine input, but not on muscarinic, glutamatergic, or GABAB receptor activation. It also depends on gap junctions, t‐type calcium channels and TTX‐sensitive ion channels. In intact spinal cord‐hindbrain preparations, E6 spontaneous events originate in the spinal cord and propagate into lateral hindbrain tissue; midline activity follows the appearance of lateral activity. However, the spinal cord is not required for hindbrain activity. There are two invariant points of origin of activity along the midline, both within the caudal group of serotonin‐expressing cell bodies; one point is caudal to the nV exit point while the other is caudal to the nVII exit point. Additional caudal midline points of origin are seen in a minority of cases. Using immunohistochemistry, we show robust differentiation of the serotonergic raphe near the midline at E6, and extensive fiber tracts expressing GAD65/67 and the nAChR in lateral areas; this suggests that the medial activity is dependent on serotonergic neuron activation, while lateral activity requires other transmitters. Although there are differences between species, this activity is highly conserved between mouse and chick, suggesting that developmental event(s) within the hindbrain are dependent on expression of this spontaneous activity. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol, 2009  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to determine if and where Angiopoietin-like genes are expressed in the mouse uterus during the implantation period of pregnancy and to determine if uterine expression of such genes is controlled by estrogen or progesterone. We found that all six known murine angiopoietin-like genes were expressed in the mouse uterus during implantation. The expression of four genes was controlled by either estrogen or progesterone. Only the levels of angiopoietin-like 4 (Angptl4) mRNA dramatically increased in implantation segments of the uterus during decidualization and was conceptus-independent. Due to this increased expression and the fact that angiopoietin-like 4 protein plays a role in lipid metabolism and angiogenesis in other tissues, only the expression of Angptl4 was further examined in the uterus and developing placenta. Angptl4 mRNA was localized to subpopulations of the endometrial stromal fibroblast and endothelial cell populations during decidualization. It was also localized to the ectoplacental cone, trophoblast giant cells and parietal endoderm of the conceptus at this time. By mid-pregnancy, Angptl4 mRNA was localized mainly to the mesometrial lymphoid aggregate region plus mesometrial endothelial cells of the uterus, as well as in various cell types of the conceptus. Additional work showed that Angptl4 expression increases in mouse endometrial stromal cells as they undergo decidualization in vitro. As in other cell types, the expression of Angptl4 in endometrial stromal cells was increased in response to an agonist of the peroxisome proliferator activated receptors. Taken together, the results of this work support the hypothesis that locally expressed Angptl4 might play a role in local uterine/placental lipid metabolism and vascular changes during implantation and thus provide a basis for future research.  相似文献   

How regional patterning of the neural tube in vertebrate embryos may influence the emergence and the function of neural networks remains elusive. We have begun to address this issue in the embryonic mouse hindbrain by studying rhythmogenic properties of different neural tube segments. We have isolated pre‐ and post‐otic hindbrain segments and spinal segments of the mouse neural tube, when they form at embryonic day (E) 9, and grafted them into the same positions in stage‐matched chick hosts. Three days after grafting, in vitro recordings of the activity in the cranial nerves exiting the grafts indicate that a high frequency (HF) rhythm (order: 10 bursts/min) is generated in post‐otic segments while more anterior pre‐otic and more posterior spinal territories generate a low frequency (LF) rhythm (order: 1 burst/min). Comparison with homo‐specific grafting of corresponding chick segments points to conservation in mouse and chick of the link between the patterning of activities and the axial origin of the hindbrain segment. This HF rhythm is reminiscent of the respiratory rhythm known to appear at E15 in mice. We also report on pre‐/post‐otic interactions. The pre‐otic rhombomere 5 prevents the emergence of the HF rhythm at E12. Although the nature of the interaction with r5 remains obscure, we propose that ontogeny of fetal‐like respiratory circuits relies on: (i) a selective developmental program enforcing HF rhythm generation, already set at E9 in post‐otic segments, and (ii) trans‐segmental interactions with pre‐otic territories that may control the time when this rhythm appears. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol, 2006  相似文献   

The morphogenesis of snake embryos is an elusive yet fascinating research target for developmental biologists. However, few data exist on development of early snake embryo due to limited availability of pregnant snakes, and the need to harvest early stage embryos directly from pregnant snakes before oviposition without knowing the date of fertilization. We established an ex vivo culture method for early snake embryos using the Japanese striped snake, Elaphe quadrivirgata. This method, which we named “sausage‐style (SS) culture”, allows us to harvest snake embryos at specific stages for each experiment. Using this SS culture system, we calculated somite formation rate at early stages before oviposition. The average somite formation rate between 6/7 and 12/13 somite stages was 145.9 min, between 60/70 and 80/91 somite stages 42.4 min, and between 113–115 and 126/127 somite stages 71 min. Thus, somite formation rate that we observed during early snake embryogenesis was changed over time. We also describe a developmental staging series for E. quadrivirgata. This is the first report of a developmental series of early snake embryogenesis prior to oviposition by full‐color images with high‐resolution. We propose that the SS culture system is an easy method for treating early snake embryos ex vivo.  相似文献   

Cell‐based therapy using stem cells has emerged as one of the pro‐angiogenic methods to enhance blood vessel growth and sprouting in ischaemic conditions. This study investigated the endogenous and induced angiogenic characteristics of hCDSC (human chorion‐derived stem cell) using QPCR (quantitative PCR) method, immunocytochemistry and fibrin‐matrigel migration assay. The results showed that cultured hCDSC endogenously expressed angiogenic–endogenic‐associated genes (VEGF, bFGF, PGF, HGF, Ang‐1, PECAM‐1, eNOS, Ve‐cad, CD34, VEGFR‐2 and vWF), with significant increase in mRNA levels of PGF, HGF, Ang‐1, eNOS, VEGFR‐2 and vWF following induction by bFGF (basic fibroblast growth factor) and VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor). These enhanced angiogenic properties suggest that induced hCDSC provides a stronger angiogenic effect for the treatment of ischaemia. After angiogenic induction, hCDSC showed no reduction in the expression of the stemness genes, but had significantly higher levels of mRNA of Oct‐4, Nanog (3), FZD9, ABCG‐2 and BST‐1. The induced cells were positive for PECAM‐1 (platelet/endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1) and vWF (von Willebrand factor) with immunocytochemistry staining. hCDSC also showed endothelial migration behaviour when cultured in fibrin‐matrigel construct and were capable of forming vessels in vivo after implanting into nude mice. These data suggest that hCDSC could be the cells of choice in the cell‐based therapy for pro‐angiogenic purpose.  相似文献   

Here we describe a detailed analysis of the expression of neurochondrin (ncdn) in the developing and adult mouse brain. Ncdn is first expressed in the hindbrain and spinal cord at embryonic day 10.5 (E10.5) followed by expression in the midbrain at E11.5. By E18 ncdn is also expressed in the diencephalon and telencephalon. However, strongest expression is still observed in the hindbrain. In adults, the expression in the forebrain is as strong as in the hindbrain. Ncdn is highly expressed in the hippocampus, piriform cortex, septum, amygdaloid complex, medial geniculate nucleus, inferior colliculus, cerebellar nuclei and the nuclei of the Vth, VIIth, and XIIth cranial nerves.Edited by B. HerrmannR. Istvánffy and D.M. Vogt Weisenhorn contributed equally to this paper  相似文献   

This study examined the detailed gene expression pattern of three different heat shock proteins (HSPs), Hsc73, Hsj2, and Hsp86, by means of an in situ hybridization method. Hsc73, Hsj2, and Hsp86 were shown in our previous study to be differentially expressed in the mouse embryonic mandible at day 10.5 (E10.5) gestational age. These HSP genes showed similar expression patterns during development of the mouse lower first molar. HSPs-expressing cells were widely distributed in both the epithelial and underlying ectomesenchymal cells at E10.5, and then were slightly localized at E12 in an area where the tooth germ of the lower first molar is estimated to be formed. A strong expression of HSPs was observed in the tooth germ at E13.5. At the cap stage, HSPs were expressed in the enamel organ and dental papilla. At the bell stage, HSPs were distinctly expressed in the inner enamel epithelium and dental papilla cells facing the inner enamel epithelial layer, which later differentiate into ameloblasts and odontoblasts, respectively. This study is the first report in which Hsc73, Hsj2, and Hsp86 were distinctly expressed in the developing tooth germ, thus suggesting these HSPs are related to the development and differentiation of odontogenic cells.  相似文献   

Coincident iterated gene expression in the amphioxus neural tube   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SUMMARY The segmental patterning of the vertebrate hindbrain has been intensely investigated, yet the evolutionary origin of hindbrain segmentation remains unclear. In the vertebrate sister group, amphioxus (Cephalochordata), the embryonic neural tube lacks obvious morphological segmentation, but comparative Hox gene expression analysis has suggested the presence of a region homologous to the vertebrate hindbrain. Does this region contain ancient segmental features shared with the vertebrate hindbrain? To help address this question we cloned the paired‐like amphioxus homeodomain gene shox and found that its expression is segmental in the amphioxus neural tube. We also uncovered a previously uncharacterized iterated neural tube expression pattern of the zinc‐finger gene AmphiKrox. We propose that these genes, along with amphioxus islet and AmphiMnx, share a one‐somite width periodicity of expression in the neural tube, the coincidence of which may reflect an underlying segmental organization. We hypothesize that the segmental patterning of neurons in the neural tube was present in the amphioxus/vertebrate ancestor, but the establishment of a bona fide segmented hindbrain may indeed have arisen in the vertebrate lineage.  相似文献   

Polydnaviruses (PDVs) are a group of insect DNA viruses, which exhibit a mutual symbiotic relationship with their specific host wasps. Moreover, most encapsidated genes identified so far in PDVs share homologies with insect‐originated genes, but not with virus‐originated genes. In the meantime, PDVs associated with 2 wasp genera Cotesia and Glytapanteles encode some genes presumably originated from other viruses. Cotesia plutellae bracovirus (CpBV) encodes 4 genes homologous to baculoviral p94: CpBV‐E94k1, CpBV‐E94k2, CpBV‐E94k3, and CpBV‐E94k4. This study was conducted to predict the origin of CpBV‐E94ks by comparing their sequences with those of baculoviral orthologs and to determine the physiological functions by their transient expressions in nonparasitized larvae and subsequent specific RNA interference. Our phylogenetic analysis indicated that CpBV‐E94ks were clustered with other E94ks originated from different PDVs and shared high similarity with betabaculoviral p94s. These 4 CpBV genes were expressed during most developmental stages of the larvae of Plutella xylostella parasitized by C. plutellae. Expression of these 4 E94ks was mainly detected in hemocytes and fat body. Subsequent functional analysis by in vivo transient expression showed that all 4 viral genes significantly inhibited both host immune and developmental processes. These results suggest that CpBV‐E94ks share an origin with betabaculoviral p94s and play parasitic roles in suppressing host immune and developmental processes.  相似文献   

We have studied the localizations of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) 2 and 3 immunohistochemically using isoform-specific antibodies and TGF-β3 mRNA by in situ hybridization in the nervous system of the 3- to 15-day-old chick embryo with special reference to spinal cord, hindbrain, and dorsal root ganglia (DRG). At embryonic day (E) 3, TGF-β3 mRNA as well as TGF-β2 and 3 immunoreactivities (IRs) were most prominent in the notochord, wall of the aorta, and dermomyotome. At E5 and E7, strong TGF-β2 and 3 IR were seen in or on radial glia of spinal cord and hindbrain. Radial glia in the floor plate region and ventral commissure gave the most intense signal. In the DRG, fiber strands of intense IRs representing extracellular matrix or satellite cells were seen. Neuronal perikarya did not become IR for TGF-β2 and 3 until E11, but even then the moderate signals for TGF-β3 mRNA could not be specifically localized to the neuronal cell bodies. In E11 and older embryos, spinal cord glial or glial progenitor cells, but not neuronal cell bodies were labeled for TGF-β3 mRNA. Immunocytochemistry and western blot analysis indicated that E8 DRG neurons have the TGF-β receptor type II, and treatment of these cells with NGF induces expression of TGF-β3 mRNA. The TGF-β isoforms 1, 2, and 3 did not promote survival of E8 DRG neurons in dissociated cell cultures. All three TGF-β isoforms, however, promoted neurite growth from E8 DRG explants, but were less potent than nerve growth factor. Our data suggest identical localizations of TGF-β2 and -β3 IR in the developing chick and mammalian nervous systems, underscoring the general importance of TGF-βs in fundamental events of neural development. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to check whether the three chick Early B‐cell Factor (Ebf) genes, particularly cEbf1, would be targets for Shh and Bmp signals during somites mediolateral (ML) patterning. Tissue manipulations and gain and loss of function experiments for Shh and Bmp4 were performed and the results revealed that cEbf1 expression was initiated in the cranial presomitic mesoderm by low dose of Bmp4 from the lateral mesoderm and maintained in the ventromedial part of the epithelial somite and the medial sclerotome by Shh from the notochord; while cEbf2/3 expression was induced and maintained by Bmp4 and inhibited by high dose of Shh. To determine whether Ebf1 plays a role in somite patterning, transfection of a dominant‐negative construct was carried out; this showed suppression of cPax1 expression in the medial sclerotome and upregulation and medial expansion of cEbf3 and cPax3 expression in sclerotome and dermomyotome, respectively, suggesting that Ebf1 is important for ML patterning. Thus, it is possible that low doses of Bmp4 set up Ebf1 expression which, together with Shh from the notochord, leads to establishment of the medial sclerotome and suppression of lateral identities. These data also conclude that Bmp4 is required in both the medial and lateral domain of the somitic mesoderm to keep the ML identity of the sclerotome through maintenance of cEbf gene expression. These striking findings are novel and give a new insight on the role of Bmp4 on mediolateral patterning of somites.  相似文献   

Nolz-1/Zfp503, a zinc finger-containing gene, is a mammalian member of the SP1-related nocA/elb/tlp-1 gene family. Previous studies have shown that Nolz-1 homologs are important for patterning the rhombomeres in zebrafish hindbrain. We therefore studied the expression pattern of Nolz-1 in the developing mouse hindbrain. Nolz-1 mRNA expression was detected in the prospective rhombomere 3, 5 and caudal regions as early as E8.75. After E11.5, Nolz-1-positive cells were organized as distinct cell clusters, and they were largely non-overlapped with either Pax2-positive or Phox2b-positive domains. Most interestingly, we found that Nolz-1 was specifically expressed by Phox2b-negative/Isl1/2-positive somatic motor neurons, but not by Phox2b-positive/Isl1/2-positive branchial and visceral motor neurons, suggesting that Nolz-1 may regulate development of somatic motor neurons in the hindbrain. In addition to be expressed in differentiating post-mitotic neurons, Nolz-1 was also expressed by progenitor cells in the ventricular zone located in the dorsal part of aqueduct and the alar plates of hindbrain, which suggests a regulatory role of Nolz-1 in the germinal zone. Taken together, based on its domain- and cell type-selective pattern, Nolz-1 may involve in regulation of various developmental processes, including regional patterning and cell-type specification and differentiation in the developing mouse hindbrain.  相似文献   

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