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Ejaculated proteins play important roles in reproductive fitness. In many species, seminal fluid coagulates and forms what has been referred to as a copulatory plug in the female's reproductive tract. In mice, previous work demonstrated that knockout males missing a key seminal fluid protein were unable to form a plug and less successful at siring litters in noncompetitive matings (one female, one male), probably the result of reduced sperm transport or insufficient stimulation of the female. Here, we extend these previous studies to competitive matings (one female, two males) and make two key insights. First, when first males were unable to form a plug, they lost almost all paternity to second males to mate. Thus, the copulatory plugs of second males could not rescue the reduced fertility of first males. Second, we showed that the copulatory plug of first males effectively blocked fertilization by second males, even if first males were vasectomized. Taken together, our experiments demonstrated that first males lost almost all paternity if they never formed a plug. We discuss our results in the context of natural populations, where in spite of the strong effects seen here, pregnant female mice regularly carry litters fertilized by more than one male.  相似文献   

A mismatch in synchrony between male and female gamete release in external fertilizers can result in reduced or failed fertilization, sperm competition, and reduced paternity. In Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus), males can adopt either a guard or sneak tactic resulting in both pre‐ and postcopulatory competition between males with alternative reproduction tactics. Here, spawning behavior of free‐living Arctic charr was video‐recorded, and their reproductive behavior was analyzed. From evaluating 157 spawning events, we observed that females mainly spawned with a guarding male and that the female and the guarding male synchronized timing of gamete release under sperm competition. Although sneakers spawned with higher synchrony than the guarding male in single‐male spawning events, the average sneaker released his milt less synchronized with the female than the guarding male under sperm competition. Approximately 50% of the recorded spawning events occurred under sperm competition, where each event included an average of 2.7 males. Additionally, sneakers were more exposed to sperm competition than guarding males. An influx of males, in close proximity to the female, occurred during the behavioral sequences leading up to egg release, but this influx seemed not dependent on egg release, suggesting that something else than gonadal product attracts sneaker males to the spawning female. Just before and during the actual release of gametes, the spawning couple vibrates their bodies in close contact and it seems likely that this vibrational communication between the spawning couple, which results in a larger amplitude sound wave than seen under regular courting, reveals time of gamete release to sneaker males. Thus, vibrational communication may enable synchrony between the guarding male and the female, and this might be traded against the cost of higher detectability from surrounding sneaker males, eavesdropping in close proximity.  相似文献   

Male soapberry bugs (Jadera haematoloma)face severe mating competition at the northern edge of their range due to male-biased adult sex ratios. Copulations lasting up to 11 days may serve a mate guarding function (encompassing four or more ovipositions), but copulation duration is highly variable, with some pairings lasting as little as 10 min. Data were gathered to describe factors that influence the reproductive costs and benefits of prolonged copulation. Estimated copulation durations (mean ± SD) were 20 ± 23 h in the lab and 50 ± 8 h in the field and were only weakly affected by sex ratio. Females mated for 5 min produced as many fertile eggs as those mated for 600 min laid; they became depleted of fertile sperm after about 25 days. In twicemated females, the first male's paternity was reduced by about 60%, and all females (N = 13) whose mates were removed experimentally mated again within an average of 6 min. The outcome of sperm competition on a perclutch basis was not highly predictable. The possibility of increased sperm displacement in longer copulations was not tested. Males often guarded females during oviposition and successfully defended them from intruding single males by recopulating. Such intrusions occurred in the majority of oviposition attempts observed in nature. Even though most females mated promiscuously, in a focal aggregation with a mean sex ratio of 2.2 ± 0.4 males/female, the interval between matings by males was commonly several days. Males appeared to respond facultatively to several aspects of the distribution and availability of females. The intensities of mating competition and sperm competition indicate that monogamous mate guarding should be favored over nonguarding in nature. Unpredicted brief. pairings may result from assessment by males of female reproductive value or of their own physical condition, or from female resistance.  相似文献   

We studied two multimale–multifemale groups of black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra) during a 14‐month study (June 2006–July 2007) in Palenque National Park, Mexico to evaluate the ways in which their sexual behavior changes across ovarian cycles. We analyzed 231 fecal samples, collected every 2.2±1.4 days from five females. For four females, estradiol and progesterone profiles revealed an average (±SE) cycle length of 18.3±1.4 days. Copulations occurred significantly more frequently during the periovulatory period (POP), defined as the estimated day of ovulation ±3 days (N=18). This was largely the result of cycling females soliciting sexual interactions during their POPs. Females directed their solicitations significantly more often toward “central” males of their group, who had close spatial associations with females at other times, compared with “noncentral” males, who did not associate closely with females. Central males rarely solicited sexual interactions, but instead monitored the females' reproductive status by sniffing their genitals, and maintained significantly closer proximity to females during their POPs, suggesting male mate guarding when conceptions are most likely to occur. Our findings indicate that the reproductive strategies of black howler central males and females coincide, highly skewing mating opportunities toward central males. Black howler females, however, occasionally choose to copulate with noncentral resident males or extra‐group males during their POPs, undermining the ability of central males to monopolize all reproductive opportunities. Am. J. Primatol. 71:153–164, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

During the spring emergence of red‐sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) in Manitoba, Canada, the operational sex ratio is strongly skewed towards males, who scramble to locate and court newly emerged females. A high frequency of multiple paternity litters suggests that the females are promiscuous; the gelatinous copulatory plugs (CPs) deposited by males may confer fitness benefits via passive mate guarding. Because precopulatory female choice is limited in large mating aggregations, sexual conflict may place a premium on preventing females from ejecting male sperm. In snakes, sperm are produced in the testes and delivered through the ductus deferens, and the CP is thought to be produced by the renal sexual segment and conveyed through the ureter. We manipulated the delivery of the two fluids separately by surgically ligating the ducts. Ureter‐ligated males did not produce a CP, causing their sperm to leak out of the female's cloaca immediately after copulation. Contrary to previous suggestions, histology revealed sperm distributed throughout the CP. Thus, the CP may function as a spermatophore: the protein matrix contains the sperm, which are liberated gradually as the plug dissolves. The likelihood of a male depositing a CP fell significantly after his second mating, perhaps limiting his reproductive success. These results challenge the hypothesis that passive mate guarding is the primary function of the CP in T. sirtalis parietalis. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109 , 893–907.  相似文献   

It is well known that sexual selection can target reproductive traits during successive pre‐ and post‐mating episodes of selection. A key focus of recent studies has been to understand and quantify how these episodes of sexual selection interact to determine overall variance in reproductive success. In this article, we review empirical developments in this field but also highlight the considerable variability in patterns of pre‐ and post‐mating sexual selection, attributable to variation in patterns of resource acquisition and allocation, ecological and social factors, genotype‐by‐environment interaction and possible methodological factors that might obscure such patterns. Our aim is to highlight how (co)variances in pre‐ and post‐mating sexually selected traits can be sensitive to changes in a range of ecological and environmental variables. We argue that failure to capture this variation when quantifying the opportunity for sexual selection may lead to erroneous conclusions about the strength, direction or form of sexual selection operating on pre‐ and post‐mating traits. Overall, we advocate for approaches that combine measures of pre‐ and post‐mating selection across contrasting environmental or ecological gradients to better understand the dynamics of sexual selection in polyandrous species. We also discuss some directions for future research in this area.  相似文献   

Competition for mates has substantial effects on sensory systems and often leads to the evolution of extraordinary mating behaviours in nature. The ability of males to find sexually immature females and associate with them until mating is a remarkable example. Although several aspects of such pre-copulatory mate guarding have been investigated, little is known about the mechanisms used by males to locate immature females and assess their maturity. These are not only key components of the origin and maintenance of this mating strategy, but are also necessary for inferring the level to which females cooperate and thus the incidence of sexual conflict. We investigated the cues involved in recognition of immature females in Heliconius charithonia, a butterfly that exhibits mate guarding by perching on pupae. We found that males recognized female pupae using sex-specific volatile monoterpenes produced by them towards the end of pupal development. Considering the presumed biosynthetic pathways of such compounds and the reproductive biology of Heliconius, we propose that these monoterpenes are coevolved signals and not just sex-specific cues exploited by males. Their maintenance, despite lack of female mate choice, may be explained by variation in cost that females pay with this male behaviour under heterogeneous ecological conditions.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism is often a likely outcome of the interplay between natural selection and sexual selection, with female size dictated primarily by natural selection that maximizes fecundity and male size by sexual selection that maximizes reproductive opportunities. Attention to male fitness has focused heavily on direct male-male conflict selecting for superior male size and/or fighting ability, although male reproductive traits vary immensely among animals. An alternative, advanced by Michael Ghiselin, posits highly mobile dwarf males as a strategy for finding relatively immobile females in low-density populations. Adult male crab spiders Misumena vatia , sit-and-wait predators, are strikingly smaller, much more active, and relatively longer-legged than their females. This size difference results largely from males having two fewer instars than females, which simultaneously results in marked protandry. Populations of M. vatia often were small and of low density, with a female-biased sex ratio and an operational sex ratio that changed strikingly over the season. Sexual selection through scramble competition (locating the female first) should favour this suite of characters in males of low-density populations. Although direct male-male contests favoured large males, the low densities of adult males and the dispersed, relatively immobile females led to low levels of direct intrasexual contest. Females exaggerated the problem of males in finding them by providing few cues to their presence, a pattern consistent with indirect mate choice. In addition to favouring high mobility, scramble competition favoured males that selected flowers attracting many prey, the sites most often occupied by females.  相似文献   

In Leucauge orb‐web spiders, females form mating plugs, which play a part in cryptic female choice after they evaluate male performance during courtship and mating. Our aim was to assess sexual behavior and mating plug formation of Leucauge mariana from Colombia (CO). We carried out mating trials to describe in detail courtship and mating behavior of sexual pairs from the CO population, and then compared the results to previously collected data from a Costa Rican population (CR). In addition, we assessed the amount of sperm transferred during mating predict plug formation in CO pairs. All CO virgin females mated (n = 23), and mating plug formation occurred in only 11 cases (48%). In contrast, all CR virgin females mated (n = 43) and 74% formed mating plugs. None of the male courtship or mating behaviors that we measured in CO pairs predicted mating plug formation, in contrast to previous reports from CR. Mating plugs of CO consisted of a matrix of unknown composition (77.2%) and encapsulated and decapsulated sperm (22.8%). In CR, plug composition varied in color and consistency, but also comprised a matrix with encapsulated and decapsulated sperm. We observed female cannibalism of males in CO pairs, which had never been reported in CR pairs. Some female displays during courtship and mating were unique to each population. Different female preferences could explain the observed geographic differences between L. mariana in male traits and behaviors that could, in turn, promote reproductive isolation. More studies are needed to test this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Sexual selection theory predicts that paternal quality should drive female investment in progeny. We tested whether polyandrous female side-blotched lizards, Uta stansburiana, would adjust within-clutch progeny investment according to sire phenotypes. In two different years, polyandrous females selectively used sperm from larger sires to produce sons and used sperm from smaller sires to produce daughters. This cryptic sperm choice had significant effects on progeny survival to maturity that were consistent with sexually antagonistic effects associated with sire body size. Large sires produced sons with high viability and small sires produced daughters with high viability. These results are consistent with our previous findings that alleles for male body size have different fitness effects in male and female progeny. Breeding experiments in the laboratory indicate that results from the wild are more likely due to female choice than biased sperm production by males. Our results demonstrate highly refined gender-specific female choice for sperm and indicate that sire body size may signal the quality of sons or daughters that a sire will produce.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism in body size and weaponry was examined in two Cinetorhynchus shrimp species in order to formulate hypotheses on their sexual and mating systems. Collections of Cinetorhynchus sp. A and Cinetorhynchus sp. B were made in March, 2011 on Coconut Island, Hawaii, by hand dipnetting and minnow traps in coral rubble bottom in shallow water. Although there is overlap in male and female size, some males are much larger than females. The major (pereopod 1) chelipeds of males are significantly larger and longer than those of females. In these two Cinetorhynchus species, males and females have third maxillipeds of similar relative size, i.e., those of males are not hypertrophied and probably not used as spear-like weapons as in some other rhynchocinetid (Rhynchocinetes) species. Major chelae of males vary with size, changing from typical female-like chelae tipped with black corneous stout setae to subchelate or prehensile appendages in larger males. Puncture wounds or regenerating major chelipeds were observed in 26.1 % of males examined (N = 38 including both species). We interpret this evidence on sexual dimorphism as an indication of a temporary male mate guarding or “neighborhoods of dominance” mating system, in which larger dominant robustus males defend females and have greater mating success than smaller males. Fecundity of females increased with female size, as in most caridean species (500–800 in Cinetorhynchus sp. A; 300–3800 in Cinetorhynchus sp. B). Based on the sample examined, we conclude that these two species have a gonochoric sexual system (separate sexes) like most but not all other rhynchocinetid species in which the sexual system has been investigated.  相似文献   

Both sexes of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were very sensitive to the absence of their mate on the spawning ground, particularly females during the last hour before oviposition. The improvement of behavioural chaining just before viposition might elicit the accurate timing of synchronized gamete release for successful fertilization. While the reproductive behaviour of the opposite sex could largely affect breeding activity, relative mate size appeared to be the prevailing sexual motivation factor in this species. Even in the absence of courtship, large mate size may constitute a supra-stimulus inducing an increase in spawning behaviour of the other sex. Females with smaller males delayed their first spawning activity, took longer to spawn and made more nests than those with large males. However, female egg retention was not influenced by relative male size.  相似文献   

During insemination, males of internally fertilizing speciestransfer a complex array of seminal fluid proteins to the femalereproductive tract. These proteins can have profound effectson female reproductive physiology and behavior and are thoughtto mediate postcopulatory sexual selection and intersexual conflict.Such selection may cause seminal fluid to evolve rapidly, withpotentially important consequences for speciation. Here we investigatethe evolution of seminal fluid proteins in a major mammalianradiation, the muroid rodents, by quantifying diversity in seminalfluid proteome composition for the first time across a broadrange of closely related species. Using comparative proteomicstechniques to identify and cross-match proteins, we demonstratethat rodent seminal fluid is highly diverse at the level ofboth proteomes and individual proteins. The striking interspecificheterogeneity in seminal fluid composition revealed by our surveyfar exceeds that seen in a second proteome of comparable complexity,skeletal muscle, indicating that the complement of proteinsexpressed in seminal fluid may be subject to rapid diversification.We further show that orthologous seminal fluid proteins exhibitsubstantial interspecific variation in molecular mass. Becausethis variation cannot be attributed to differential glycosylationor radical differences in termination sites, it is stronglysuggestive of rapid amino acid divergence. Sperm competitionis implicated in generating such divergence for at least onemajor seminal fluid protein in our study, SVS II, which is responsiblefor copulatory plug formation via transglutaminase-catalyzedcross-linking after insemination. We show that the molecularmass of SVS II is positively correlated with relative testissize across species, which could be explained by selection foran increased number of cross-linking sites involved in the formationof the copulatory plug under sperm competition.  相似文献   

Recent studies have indicated that mating success of large malesmay improve under increasing levels of mating competition. Thisoutcome is explained 1) if male mating competition is overridingfemale preferences for male traits that are unrelated to, ornegatively correlated with, male size and dominance and, inso doing, dictates the distribution of matings or 2) if femalesalter their preferences with respect to large males when male–malecompetition is intense. Under both hypotheses, one could expectlarge, dominant males to be more successful under intense competitionthan under weak competition. However, only the first explanationpredicts that male mating success under intense competitionshould be determined by dominance; traits that are unrelatedto male dominance should be uncorrelated to mating success.In contrast, if females change their preferences (explanation2), males with traits beneficial to females independent of thecompetitive environment can maintain a high mating success underall levels of male–male competition. We tested these alternativesusing a small marine fish, the sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus.The mating success of large males increased under conditionsallowing intense male competition, whereas females showed apreference for good nest building independent of the level ofcompetition. These findings suggest that females are in controlof their choice by altering their preference for male size inresponse to the intensity of male–male competition ratherthan female preference being overshadowed by male dominance.This plasticity of preferences implies that the strength ofsexual selection is not constant at the population level.  相似文献   

Genetic variation among females is likely to influence the outcome of both pre- and post-copulatory sexual selection in Drosophila melanogaster. Here we use association testing to survey natural variation in 10 candidate female genes for their effects on female reproduction. Females from 91 chromosome two substitution lines were scored for phenotypes affecting pre- and post-copulatory sexual selection such as mating and remating rate, propensity to use sperm from the second male to mate, and measures of fertility. There were significant genetic contributions to phenotypic variation for all the traits measured. Resequencing of the 10 candidate genes in the 91 lines yielded 68 non-synonymous polymorphisms which were tested for associations with the measured phenotypes. Twelve significant associations (markerwise P<0.01) were identified. Polymorphisms in the putative serine protease homolog CG9897 and the putative odorant binding protein CG11797 associated with female propensity to remate and met an experimentwise significance of P<0.05. Several other associations, including those impacting both fertility and female remating rate suggest that sperm storage might be an important factor mitigating female influence on sexual selection.  相似文献   

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