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Sympatric speciation is among the most controversial and challenging concepts in evolution. There are a multitude of definitions of speciation alone, and when combined with the biogeographic concept of sympatric range overlap, consensus on what sympatric speciation is, whether it happens, and its importance, is even more difficult to achieve. Providing the basis upon which to define and judge sympatric speciation, the Modern Evolutionary Synthesis (Huxley in Evolution: the modern synthesis. MIT Press, Cambridge, 1942) led to the conclusion that sympatric speciation is an inconsequential process in the generation of species diversity. In the post Modern Synthesis era of evolutionary biology, the PCR revolution and associated accumulation of DNA sequence data from natural populations has led to a resurgence of interest in sympatric speciation, and more importantly, the role of natural selection in lineage diversification. Much effort is currently being devoted to elucidating the processes by which the constituents of an initially panmictic population can become reproductively isolated and evolve some level of reproductive incompatibility without the complete cessation of gene flow due to geographic barriers. The evolution of reproductive isolation solely due to natural selection is perhaps the most controversial manner by which sympatric speciation occurs, and it is that which we focus upon in this review. Mathematical model simulations indicate that even strict definitions of sympatric speciation are possible to satisfy, empirical data consistent with sympatric divergence are accumulating, but irrefutable evidence of sympatric speciation in natural populations remains elusive. Genomic investigations are advancing our ability to identify genetic patterns caused by natural selection, thereby advancing our understanding of the power of natural selection relative to gene flow. Overall, sympatric lineage divergence, especially at the sub-species level, may have led to a substantial portion of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Sympatric speciation has always fascinated evolutionary biologists, and for good reason; it pits diversifying selection directly against the tendency of sexual reproduction to homogenize populations. However, different investigators have used different definitions of sympatric speciation and different criteria for diagnosing cases of sympatric speciation. Here, we explore some of the definitions that have been used in empirical and theoretical studies. Definitions based on biogeography do not always produce the same conclusions as definitions based on population genetics. The most precise definitions make sympatric speciation an infinitesimal end point of a continuum. Because it is virtually impossible to demonstrate the occurrence of such a theoretical extreme, we argue that testing whether a case fits a particular definition is less informative than evaluating the biological processes affecting divergence. We do not deny the importance of geographical context for understanding divergence. Rather, we believe this context can be better understood by modelling and measuring quantities, such as gene flow and selection, rather than assigning cases to discrete categories like sympatric and allopatric speciation.  相似文献   

Sympatric speciation is now accepted as theoretically plausible and a likely explanation for divergence in a handful of taxa, but its contribution to large-scale patterns of speciation remains contentious. A major problem is that it is difficult to differentiate between alternate scenarios of geographic speciation when species ranges have shifted substantially in the past. Previous studies have searched for a signal of the geographic mode of speciation by testing for a correlation between time since speciation and range overlap. Here we use simulations to show that the proportion of species showing zero or complete range overlap are more reliable indicators of the geography of speciation than is the correlation between time since speciation and overlap. We then apply these findings to the distributions of 291 pairs of avian sister species. Although 49% of pairs show some overlap in their ranges, our simulations show that this is not surprising under allopatric models of speciation. More revealingly, less than 2% show complete range overlap. Our simulations demonstrate that the observed patterns are most consistent with a model in which allopatric speciation is dominant but in which sympatric speciation is also present and contributes 5% of speciation events.  相似文献   

There is growing awareness of the importance of natural selection in driving genetic divergence and speciation, and several of the most apparent cases of this ecological speciation are provided by the existence of genetically distinct host forms in phytophagous insects. Such examples of host-associated differentiation (HAD) have become increasingly documented, and the implications of this phenomenon for the diversification of insects are becoming widely appreciated. However, instances of HAD remain rare relative to insect diversity and are sparsely distributed both ecologically and taxonomically. We sought to assess the frequency of HAD in a model herbivore community by examining genetic divergence in a variety of herbivores that feed on two closely related and broadly sympatric species of goldenrod (Solidago altissima and S. gigantea). Using mitochondrial DNA and allozyme data, in conjunction with previously published studies, we found that four of nine herbivores exhibited evidence of HAD, including possible host races or cryptic species. Using a range of reasonable substitution rate estimates for cytochrome oxidase I mitochondrial DNA, we found that HAD appears to have proceeded asynchronously across taxa. This pattern, along with the broadly sympatric distribution of host plants and the specialized life histories of the phytophagous insects, is consistent with sympatric divergence in some or all of these taxa. Although further behavioral and ecological study is needed, our survey of HAD in a community of herbivores indicates that ecological (perhaps sympatric) speciation may have been responsible for generating a significant fraction of the extant diversity of phytophagous insects.  相似文献   

The importance of geographic isolation in speciation has been debated since the 19th century. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the consensus has been that most speciation involves divergence in allopatry. This consensus was based largely on decades of observations by naturalists and verbal arguments against speciation without isolation. Recent attempts to quantify the importance of allopatric versus sympatric speciation using comparative methods called "age-range correlation" (ARC) suggest that allopatric speciation is more common than sympatric speciation. However, very few taxa have been studied and there are concerns about the adequacy of the methods. We propose methodological improvements including changes in the way overlap between clades is quantified and Monte Carlo methods to test the null hypothesis of no relationship between phylogenetic relatedness and geographic range overlap. We analyze 14 clades of mammals, chosen because of the availability of data and the consensus among mammalogists that speciation is routinely allopatric. Although data from a few clades clearly indicate allopatric speciation, divergence with gene flow is plausible in others and many results are inconclusive. The relative rarity of significant correlations between phylogenetic distance and range overlap may have three distinct causes: (1) post-speciation range changes, (2) relative rarity of range overlap, and (3) a mixture of geographic modes of speciation. Our results support skepticism about ARC's power for inferring the biogeography of speciation. Yet, even if few clades provide clear signals, meta-analytic approaches such as ARC may set bounds on the prevalence of alternative modes of speciation.  相似文献   

We combined phylogenetic and biogeographic data to examine the mode of speciation in a group of African monkeys, the Cercopithecini. If allopatric speciation is the major force producing species, then there should be a positive relationship between the relative divergence time of taxa and their degree of geographic range overlap. Alternatively, an opposite relationship between divergence time and geographic range overlap is consistent with sympatric speciation as the main mechanism underlying the cercopithecin radiation. We collected biogeographic and phylogenetic data for 19 guenon species from the literature. We digitized geographic range maps and utilized three different phylogenetic hypotheses based on Y chromosome, X chromosome, and mitochondrial (mtDNA) data. We used regressions with Monte Carlo simulation to examine the relationship between the relative time since divergence of taxa and their degree of geographic range overlap. We found that there was a positive relationship between relative divergence time and the proportion of geographic range overlap between taxa using all three molecular data sets. Our findings provide evidence for allopatric speciation being the common mode of diversification in the cercopithecin clade. Because most of these primates are forest adapted mammals, the cyclical contraction and expansion of African forests from the late Miocene to the present has likely been an important factor driving allopatric speciation. In addition, geographic barriers such as the Congo and Sanaga rivers have probably played a complementary role in producing new species within the clade.  相似文献   

Evidence for sympatric speciation by host shift in the sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The genetic divergence and evolution of new species within the geographic range of a single population (sympatric speciation) contrasts with the well-established doctrine that speciation occurs when populations become geographically isolated (allopatric speciation). Although there is considerable theoretical support for sympatric speciation, this mode of diversification remains controversial, at least in part because there are few well-supported examples. We use a combination of molecular, ecological, and biogeographical data to build a case for sympatric speciation by host shift in a new species of coral-dwelling fish (genus Gobiodon). We propose that competition for preferred coral habitats drives host shifts in Gobiodon and that the high diversity of corals provides the source of novel, unoccupied habitats. Disruptive selection in conjunction with strong host fidelity could promote rapid reproductive isolation and ultimately lead to species divergence. Our hypothesis is analogous to sympatric speciation by host shift in phytophagous insects except that we propose a primary role for intraspecific competition in the process of speciation. The fundamental similarity between these fishes and insects is a specialized and intimate relationship with their hosts that makes them ideal candidates for speciation by host shift.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic studies on insect social parasites have found very close host-parasite relationships, and these have often been interpreted as providing evidence for sympatric speciation. However, such phylogenetic inferences are problematic because events occurring after the origin of parasitism, such as extinction, host switching and subsequent speciation, or an incomplete sampling of taxa, could all confound the interpretation of phylogenetic relationships. Using a tribe of bees where social parasitism has repeatedly evolved over a wide time-scale, we show the problems associated with phylogenetic inference of sympatric speciation. Host-parasite relationships of more ancient species appear to support sympatric speciation, whereas in a case where parasitism has evolved very recently, sympatric speciation can be ruled out. However, in this latter case, a single extinction event would have lead to relationships that support sympatric speciation, indicating the importance of considering divergence ages when analysing the modes of social parasite evolution.  相似文献   

The biogeography of speciation remains a controversial issue and the process of allopatric speciation reigns. Sympatric speciation differs from allopatric speciation in terms of geographic setting and the role of selection in bringing about reproductive isolating mechanisms, making it a particularly fascinating and controversial subject for evolutionary biologists. Mayr (1947) explained the difference eloquently: for allopatric speciation, populations spatially diverge and then become reproductively isolated; for sympatric speciation, populations first become reproductively isolated and then diverge. Because of this, sympatric speciation is difficult to show empirically and most evolutionary biologists agree that strict ecological, evolutionary, and geographic criteria must be met ( Coyne & Orr 2004 ). In this issue, Crow et al. (2010) challenge us to expand the definition of sympatric speciation by studying species of marine fishes that they propose have arisen by sympatric speciation in a setting that does not appear to conform to the usual geographical criteria.  相似文献   

Categorizing speciation into dichotomous allopatric versus nonallopatric modes may not always adequately describe the geographic context of divergence for taxa. If some of the genetic changes generating inherent barriers to gene flow between populations evolved in geographic isolation, whereas others arose in sympatry, then the mode of divergence would be mixed. The apple maggot fly, Rhagoletis pomonella, has contributed to this emerging concept of a mixed speciation mode "plurality." Genetic studies have implied that a source of diapause life-history variation associated with inversions and contributing to sympatric host race formation and speciation for R. pomonella in the United States may have introgressed from the Eje Volcanico Trans Mexicano (EVTM; a.k.a. the Altiplano) in the past. A critical unresolved issue concerning the introgression hypothesis is how past gene flow occurred given the current 1200-km disjunction in the ranges of hawthorn-infesting flies in the EVTM region of Mexico and the southern extreme of the U.S. population in Texas. Here, we report the discovery of a hawthorn-infesting population of R. pomonella in the Sierra Madre Oriental Mountains (SMO) of Mexico. Sequence data from 15 nuclear loci and mitochondrial DNA imply that the SMO flies are related to, but still different from, U.S. and EVTM flies. The host affiliations, diapause characteristics, and phylogeography of the SMO population are consistent with it having served as a conduit for gene flow between Mexico and the United States. We also present evidence suggesting greater permeability of collinear versus rearranged regions of the genome to introgression, in accord with recent models of chromosomal speciation. We discuss the implications of the results in the context of speciation mode plurality. We do not argue for abandoning the terms sympatry or allopatry, but caution that categorizing divergence into either/or geographic modes may not describe the genetic origins of all species. For R. pomonella in the United States, the proximate selection pressures triggering race formation and speciation stem from sympatric host shifts. However, some of the phenological variation contributing to host-related ecological adaptation and reproductive isolation in sympatry at the present time appears to have an older history, having originated and become packaged into inversion polymorphism in allopatry.  相似文献   

While it now appears likely that sympatric speciation is possible, its generality remains contentious. If it really is rare, then most natural populations must not fit the assumptions of sympatric speciation theory. A better understanding of these assumptions may help identify when sympatric speciation is or is not likely. This paper investigates two such assumptions: that genetic variation for stringent assortative mating is not limiting and that females are not penalized for mating assortatively. Simulations demonstrate that the speed of sympatric speciation is very sensitive to the population's capacity for stringent assortative mating and is potentially extremely slow. The rapid divergence often thought to be a hallmark of sympatric speciation may only occur in a restricted area of parameter space.  相似文献   

Climate may play important roles in speciation, such as causing the range fragmentation that underlies allopatric speciation (through niche conservatism) or driving divergence of parapatric populations along climatic gradients (through niche divergence). Here, we developed new methods to test the frequency of climate niche conservatism and divergence in speciation, and applied it to species pairs of squamate reptiles (lizards and snakes). We used a large‐scale phylogeny to identify 242 sister species pairs for analysis. From these, we selected all terrestrial allopatric pairs with sufficient occurrence records (= 49 pairs) and inferred whether each originated via climatic niche conservatism or climatic niche divergence. Among the 242 pairs, allopatric pairs were most common (41.3%), rather than parapatric (19.4%), partially sympatric (17.7%), or fully sympatric species pairs (21.5%). Among the 49 selected allopatric pairs, most appeared to have originated via climatic niche divergence (61–76%, depending on the details of the methods). Surprisingly, we found greater climatic niche divergence between allopatric sister species than between parapatric pairs, even after correcting for geographic distance. We also found that niche divergence did not increase with time, further implicating niche divergence in driving lineage splitting. Overall, our results suggest that climatic niche divergence may often play an important role in allopatric speciation, and the methodology developed here can be used to address the generality of these findings in other organisms.  相似文献   

Recent developments in the field of genetic divergence and speciation focus more on diversifying processes than on geographic mode of speciation (i.e. allopatric versus sympatric). Some of these new theories concern speciation driven by conflicts between the sexes. Even though it is well known that the two reproductive functions in plants can have different selective optima, sexual selection in plants is by many assumed to be weak or non-existent. Here we outline potential sexual conflicts in plants and discuss how selection pressures generated by such conflicts may influence genetic divergence. There is opportunity for conflicting selection pressures between individuals, such as manipulative pollen traits that enhance male reproductive success at the expense of the female reproductive function. Within individual plants, fitness of the male function (pollen export) and fitness of the female function (pollen import) may be optimised by different traits, leading to conflicting selection pressures in relation to pollen transfer. This may affect selection for floral specialisation versus floral generalisation in animal-pollinated species. We believe that selection pressures generated by sexual conflict need to be appreciated in order to fully understand microevolutionary processes which may lead to genetic divergence and speciation in plants.  相似文献   

Understanding the role of geography and ecology in species divergence is central to the study of evolutionary diversification. We used climatic, geographic, and biological data from nine wild Andean tomato species to describe each species' ecological niche and to evaluate the likely ecological and geographical modes of speciation in this clade. Using data from >1000 wild accessions and publicly available data derived from geographic information systems for various environmental variables, we found most species pairs were significantly differentiated for one or more environmental variables. By comparing species' predicted niches generated by species distribution modeling (SDM), we found significant niche differentiation among three of four sister-species pairs, suggesting ecological divergence is consistently associated with recent divergence. In comparison, based on age-range correlation (ARC) analysis, there was no evidence for a predominant geographical (allopatric vs. sympatric) context for speciation in this group. Overall, our results suggest an important role for environmentally mediated differentiation, rather than simply geographical isolation, in species divergence.  相似文献   

Gene flow between coexisting or nearby populations normally prevents genetic divergence and local adaptation. Despite this, there are an increasing number of reports of sympatric sister taxa, indicating potential divergence and speciation in the face of gene flow. A large number of such reported cases involve lake-dwelling fish, which are expected to run into few physical barriers to dispersal within their aquatic habitat. However, such cases may not necessarily reflect sympatric speciation if cryptic dispersal barriers are common in lakes and other aquatic systems. In this study, we examined genetic differentiation in perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) from nine locations in a single, small lake (24 km(2)), using microsatellites. We detected significant genetic differentiation in all but two pairwise comparisons. These patterns were not consistent with divergence by distance or the existence of kin groups. Instead, they suggest that cryptic barriers to dispersal exist within the lake, allowing small-scale genetic divergence. Such an observation suggests that allopatric (or parapatric) divergence may be possible, even in small, apparently homogenous environments such as lakes. This has important consequences for how we currently view evidence from nature for sympatric speciation.  相似文献   

The significance of sympatric speciation is one of the most controversial topics in evolutionary biology. Theory suggests that different factors can lead to speciation in full geographical contact, including selection and nonrandom mating. Strict criteria have been established for assessing sympatric speciation, which have been met in only a very few cases. Here, we investigate differentiation among sympatric morphospecies and color morphs of "roundfin" sailfin silversides (Telmatherinidae), small freshwater fish endemic to ancient Lake Matano in Central Sulawesi (Indonesia). Morphospecies are distinct according to body shape (geometric morphometrics), population structure (population-level amplified fragment length polymorphism [AFLP] markers), ecology, and mating behavior (habitat transects, stomach contents). Explorative genome scans based on AFLPs indicate that divergent selection affects only 1.3-4.2% of the analyzed loci, suggesting an early stage of speciation. Transect data demonstrate strong assortative mating and adaptive niche differentiation. However, we find no restrictions in gene flow among the conspicuous male color morphs. In summary, our data are consistent with a sympatric mode of divergence among three morphospecies under conditions effectively ruling out allopatric scenarios. Substantial, but incomplete, reproductive isolation suggests an early stage of speciation, most likely due to ecological selection pressure.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that clades diversifying via sympatric speciation will exhibit high diversification rates. However, the expected rate of diversification in clades characterized by allopatric speciation is less clear. Previous studies have documented significantly higher speciation rates in freshwater fish clades diversifying via sympatric versus allopatric modes, leading to suggestions that the geographic pattern of speciation can be inferred solely from knowledge of the diversification rate. We tested this prediction using an example from darters, a clade of approximately 200 species of freshwater fishes endemic to eastern North America. A resolved phylogeny was generated using mitochondrial DNA gene sequences for logperches, a monophyletic group of darters composed of 10 recognized species. Divergence times among logperch species were estimated using a fossil calibrated molecular clock in centrarchid fishes, and diversification rates in logperches were estimated using several methods. Speciation events in logperches are recent, extending from 4.20 +/- 1.06 million years ago (mya) to 0.42 +/- 0.22 mya, with most speciation events occurring in the Pleistocene. Diversification rates are high in logperches, at some nodes exceeding rates reported for well-studied adaptive radiations such as Hawaiian silverswords. The geographic pattern of speciation in logperches was investigated by examining the relationship between degree of sympatry and the absolute age of the contrast, with the result that diversification in logperches appears allopatric. The very high diversification rate observed in the logperch phylogeny is more similar to freshwater fish clades thought to represent examples of sympatric speciation than to clades representing allopatric speciation. These results demonstrate that the geographic mode of speciation for a clade cannot be inferred from the diversification rate. The empirical observation of high diversification rates in logperches demonstrates that allopatric speciation can occur rapidly.  相似文献   

The geographical pattern of speciation and the relationship between floral variation and species ranges were investigated in the tribe Sinningieae (Gesneriaceae), which is found mainly in the Atlantic forests of Brazil. Geographical distribution data recorded on a grid system of 0.5 x 0.5 degree intervals and a near-complete species-level phylogenetic tree of Sinningieae inferred from a simultaneous analysis of seven DNA regions were used to address the role of geographical isolation in speciation. Geographical range overlaps between sister lineages were measured across all nodes in the phylogenetic tree and analyzed in relation to relative ages estimated from branch lengths. Although there are several cases of species sympatry in Sinningieae, patterns of sympatry between sister taxa support the predominance of allopatric speciation. The pattern of sympatry between sister taxa is consistent with range shifts following allopatric speciation, except in one clade, in which the overlapping distribution of recent sister species indicates speciation within a restricted geographical area and involving changes in pollinators and habitats. The relationship between floral divergence and regional sympatry was also examined by analyzing floral contrasts, phenological overlap, and the degree of sympatry between sister clades. Morphological contrast between flowers is not increased in sympatry and phenological divergence is more apparent between allopatric clades than between sympatric clades. Therefore, our results failed to indicate a tendency for sympatric taxa to minimize morphological and phenological overlap (geographic exclusion and/or character displacement hypotheses). Instead, they point toward adaptation in phenology to local conditions and buildup of sympatries at random with respect to flower morphology. Additional studies at a lower geographical scale are needed to identify truely coexisting species and the components of their reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

The Madeiran archipelago consists of Madeira itself, Porto Santo and the Deserta islands. On Madeira, the forest arid the coastal floral associations are so different that their faunas are effectively isolated and have undergone largely independent development. There are different faunal associations on the eastern peninsula and in the SE coastal region, which may have been separated from each other in the past. On Porto Santo, western and eastern hills have different faunas. Most observations on the fauna are compatible with evolution by allopatric speciation, consequent upon isolation on different islands or mountains, as opposed to parapatric or sympatric processes following disruptive selection. Some cases where the taxonomy is difficult to unravel may, however, indicate parapatric speciation; examples belong to the genera Discula and Heterostoma (Helicidae) and Amphorella (Ferussaciidae). Most evidence relating to species composition in communities is compatible with a balance of random immigration and extinction, rather than selective interaction, allowing clusters of similar sympatric species to accumulate. However, this impression may indicate that test procedures are insufficiently sensitive to detect interactions, and detailed ecological studies are required. Questions about speciation and distribution would be clarified if dates of divergence were established.  相似文献   

To investigate the time course of speciation, we gathered literature data on 119 pairs of closely related Drosophila species with known genetic distances, mating discrimination, strength of hybrid sterility and inviability, and geographic ranges. Because genetic distance is correlated with divergence time, these data provide a cross-section of taxa at different stages of speciation. Mating discrimination and the sterility or inviability of hybrids increase gradually with time. Hybrid sterility and inviability evolve at similar rates. Among allopatric species, mating discrimination and postzygotic isolation evolve at comparable rates, but among sympatric species strong mating discrimination appears well before severe sterility or inviability. This suggests that prezygotic reproductive isolation may be reinforced when allopatric taxa become sympatric. Analysis of the evolution of postzygotic isolation shows that recently diverged taxa usually produce sterile or inviable male but not female hybrids. Moreover, there is a large temporal gap between the evolution of male-limited and female hybrid sterility or inviability. This gap, which is predicted by recent theories about the genetics of speciation, explains the overwhelming preponderance of hybridizations yielding male-limited hybrid sterility or inviability (Haldane's rule).  相似文献   

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