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A human cDNA clone encoding the calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase (CaMKK) was isolated by RT-PCR amplification of the fragment corresponding to the conserved kinase catalytic domain followed by rapid amplification of cDNA ends and cDNA library screening. Compilation of nucleotide sequencing data yielded a consensus cDNA sequence of 1.9 kb with an open reading frame of 1,251 nucleotides in length which translates to a polypeptide of 417 amino acids (47 kd). It showed significant homology to the rat brain CaMKK isozymes. The human CaMKK, which was expressed as a Flag-tagged protein in human non-small cell lung cancer H-1299 cells followed by immunoprecipitation with anti-Flag antibody, was shown to phosphorylate recombinant human CaMK I in a calcium/CaM-dependent fashion. Northern blot analysis revealed that human CaMKK is ubiquitously expressed, with brain showing the highest level of expression. The CaMKK gene is localized to human chromosome 12. The presence of cDNA clones with divergent 3' terminal sequences suggests a family of CaMKK variants which may arise from alternative splicing.  相似文献   

Prenylated proteins contain either a 15-carbon farnesyl or 20-carbon geranylgeranyl isoprenoid covalently attached to cysteine residues at or near their C terminus. These proteins constitute up to 2% of total cellular protein in eukaryotic cells. The degradation of prenylated proteins raises a metabolic challenge to the cell, because the thioether bond of the modified cysteine is quite stable. We recently identified and isolated an enzyme termed prenylcysteine lyase that cleaves the prenylcysteine to free cysteine and an isoprenoid product (Zhang, L., Tschantz, W. R., and Casey, P. J. (1997) J. Biol. Chem. 272, 23354-23359). To facilitate the molecular characterization of this enzyme, its cloning was undertaken. Overlapping cDNA clones encoding the complete coding sequence of this enzyme were obtained from a human cDNA library. The open reading frame of the gene encoding prenylcysteine lyase is 1515 base pairs and has a nearly ubiquitous expression pattern with a message size of 6 kilobase pairs. Recombinant prenylcysteine lyase was produced in a baculovirus-Sf9 expression system. Analysis of both the recombinant and native enzyme revealed that the enzyme is glycosylated and contains a signal peptide that is cleaved during processing. Additionally, the subcellular localization of this enzyme was determined to be lysosomal. These findings strengthen the notion that prenylcysteine lyase plays an important role in the final step in the degradation of prenylated proteins and will allow further physiological and biochemical characterization of this enzyme.  相似文献   

The interferon (IFN)-induced, double-stranded (ds)RNA-activated serine-threonine protein kinase, PKR, is a key mediator of the antiviral activities of IFNs. In addition, PKR activity is also involved in regulation of cell proliferation, apoptosis, and signal transduction. In virally infected cells, dsRNA has been shown to bind and activate PKR kinase function. Implication of PKR activity in normal cellular processes has invoked activators other than dsRNA because RNAs with perfectly duplexed regions of sufficient length that are able to activate PKR are absent in cellular RNAs. We have recently reported cloning of PACT, a novel protein activator of PKR. PACT heterodimerizes with PKR and activates it by direct protein-protein interaction. Overexpression of PACT in mammalian cells leads to phosphorylation of the alpha subunit of the eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2alpha), the cellular substrate for PKR, and leads to inhibition of protein synthesis. Here, we present evidence that endogenous PACT acts as a protein activator of PKR in response to diverse stress signals such as serum starvation, and peroxide or arsenite treatment. Following exposure of cells to these stress agents, PACT is phosphorylated and associates with PKR with increased affinity. PACT-mediated activation of PKR leads to enhanced eIF2alpha phosphorylation followed by apoptosis. Based on the results presented here, we propose that PACT is a novel stress-modulated physiological activator of PKR.  相似文献   

The 25-kDa heat-shock protein (Hsp25) is a member of the small heat-shock protein family but its function remains largely unknown. In the present study we examined the expression and cellular localization of Hsp25 mRNA in mice under physiological, unstressed conditions using Northern blot and in situ hybridization analyses with specific oligonucleotide probes. At the organ level, high amounts of Hsp25 mRNA were detected in the oesophagus, skin,eye, stomach, lung and urinary bladder, with moderate amounts in the heart, skeletal muscle, aorta, adrenal gland, ovary, testis, uterus, large intestine, and thymus. At the cellular level, intense to moderate signals for Hsp25 mRNA were localized in the muscle cells of smooth, heart and skeletal types, in the epithelial cells of stratified squamous and transitional types and of the oviduct, in the steroid endocrine cells of the adrenal cortex and corpus luteum, as well as in the spermatocytes of the testis. In contrast, the signal was scarcely detectable in the nervous tissues, lymphatic tissues, the columnar epithelial cells of the digestive tract, or the parenchymal cells of the liver, pancreas and kidney. These results suggest some significant role for Hsp25 in distinct populations of mouse cells under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Repeat proteins are constructed from a linear array of modular units, giving rise to an overall topology lacking long-range interactions. This suggests that stabilizing repeat modules based on consensus information might be added to a repeat protein domain, allowing it to be extended without altering its overall topology. Here we add consensus modules the ankyrin repeat domain from the Drosophila Notch receptor to investigate the structural tolerance to these modules, the relative thermodynamic stability of these hybrid proteins, and how alterations in the energy landscape influence folding kinetics. Insertions of consensus modules between repeats five and six of the Notch ankyrin domain have little effect on the far and near-UV CD spectra, indicating that neither secondary nor tertiary structure is dramatically altered. Furthermore, stable structure is maintained at increased denaturant concentrations in the polypeptides containing the consensus repeats, indicating that the consensus modules are capable of stabilizing much of the domain. However, insertion of the consensus repeats appears to disrupt cooperativity, producing a two-stage (three-state) unfolding transition in which the C-terminal repeats unfold at moderate urea concentrations. Removing the C-terminal repeats (Notch ankyrin repeats six and seven) restores equilibrium two-state folding and demonstrates that the high stability of the consensus repeats is propagated into the N-terminal, naturally occurring Notch ankyrin repeats. This stability increase greatly increases the folding rate, and suggests that the transition state ensemble may be repositioned in the chimeric consensus-stabilized proteins in response to local stability.  相似文献   

Daphnia (water fleas) are small crustaceans that undergo an unusual switch from asexual to sexual reproduction that is dependent on environmental conditions. In this study, a senescence-associated protein (SAP) from the common freshwater species Daphnia pulex was cloned using primers based on homologous sequences and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). Real-time PCR was employed to quantify the expression of D. pulex SAP (DpSAP) in individual organisms. The role of DpSAP in the reproductive transformation was further investigated in both parthenogenetic and sexual females by using digoxin-labeled SAP RNA probes and RNA whole-mount in situ hybridization. DpSAP was more highly expressed in sexual females, indicating a role in growth and reproduction. Cellular localization studies using RNA whole-mount in situ hybridization showed specific expression in the second tentacle joints. These expression patterns suggest an important role for DpSAP in the reproductive transformation of D. pulex.  相似文献   

Heparanase is an endoglucuronidase that plays an important role in tumor invasion and metastasis. A full-length heparanase gene was cloned from a mouse embryo cDNA library and determined to encode a protein of 535 amino acids that is 77% identical to human heparanase. The full-length mouse gene was stably expressed in NS0 myeloma cells. The recombinant mouse heparanase protein was purified to homogeneity from cell lysates by a combination of Con-A affinity chromatography, heparin affinity chromatography, and size exclusion chromatography. The purified protein consisted of a non-covalent heterodimer of 50- and 8-kDa polypeptides, similar to the human homolog. The protein was enzymatically active in assays using radiolabeled ECM and heparan sulfate as substrates. The maximum heparanase activity was observed at acidic conditions; however, significant activity was also detected at neutral pH. The enzymatic activity of mouse heparanase was blocked by known heparanase inhibitors.  相似文献   

The p21 GTPases, Rho and Cdc42, regulate numerous cellular functions by binding to members of a serine/threonine protein kinase subfamily. These functions include the remodeling of the cell cytoskeleton that is a feature of cell growth and differentiation. Two of these p21 GTPase-regulated kinases, the myotonic dystrophy protein kinase-related Cdc42-binding kinases (MRCKalpha and beta), have been recently characterized in rat. Both of these proteins phosphorylate nonmuscle myosin light chain, a prerequisite for the activation of actin-myosin contractility. Here we report the cDNA cloning of the human homologue of MRCKbeta, CDC42BPB, which was found by Northern blot analysis to be expressed in a wide range of tissues. The human CDC42BPB gene maps to cytogenetic band 14q32.3 by FISH analysis.  相似文献   

The major heat shock protein (Hsp) chaperones Hsp70 and Hsp90 both bind the co-chaperone Hop (Hsp70/Hsp90 organizing protein), which coordinates Hsp actions in folding protein substrates. Hop contains three tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domains that have binding sites for the conserved EEVD C termini of Hsp70 and Hsp90. Crystallographic studies have shown that EEVD interacts with positively charged amino acids in Hop TPR-binding pockets (called carboxylate clamps), and point mutations of these carboxylate clamp positions can disrupt Hsp binding. In this report, we use circular dichroism to assess the effects of point mutations and Hsp70/Hsp90 peptide binding on Hop conformation. Our results show that Hop global conformation is destabilized by single point mutations in carboxylate clamp positions at pH 5, while the structure of individual TPR domains is unaffected. Binding of peptides corresponding to the C termini of Hsp70 and Hsp90 alters the global conformation of wild-type Hop, whereas peptide binding does not alter conformation of individual TPR domains. These results provide biophysical evidence that Hop-binding pockets are directly involved with domain:domain interactions, both influencing Hop global conformation and Hsp binding, and contributing to proper coordination of Hsp70 and Hsp90 interactions with protein substrates.  相似文献   

Mouse reproductive homeobox on the X chromosome (Rhox) is a novel homeobox gene cluster. Rhox5, also called Pem, belongs to the beta subcluster of Rhox. Codon analysis indicated that the cDNA contains 16% of codons rarely used in Escherichia coli. To achieve high-level expression of Rhox5, the coding sequence of Rhox5 was amplified and subcloned into the prokaryotic expression vector pET22b (+) in order to produce 6His-tagged fusion protein in the modified BL21 (DE3) cells, namely Rosetta2 (DE3) cells. The 6His-tagged Rhox5 was expressed efficiently in Rosetta2 (DE3), compared with marginal expression in BL21 (DE3). The fusion protein amounted to 16% of the total bacterial proteins after induction with 0.4mM IPTG for 1.5h at 37 degrees C. After purification, Rhox5-6His was used to immunize New Zealand white rabbits following standard protocol. The homemade antiserum could detect both endogenous Rhox5 protein expressed in eukaryotic cells (Cos-7) and exogenous GFP-Rhox5 protein. Furthermore, the antiserum was used to determine the localization of Rhox5 in NIH3T3 cells using an immunofluorescence technique. The results demonstrated that Rhox5 was localized predominantly in the nucleus. Preparation of the anti-Rhox5 polyclonal antibody will facilitate further functional study of Rhox5.  相似文献   

The fusion of synthetic epitopes with proteins of interest is an important tool in the identification and characterization of recombinant proteins. Several mammalian expression vectors are commercially available containing unique identification tags or epitopes. These vectors offer a great advantage to researchers, as highly specific antibodies and purification resins against these specific epitopes are readily available. The tags facilitate immunologic assays and the purification of the recombinant proteins. The fusion of these epitopes with the recombinant proteins is not expected to alter the behavior of the protein of interest. In this report, we demonstrate that the mere expression of a cellular protein, hVIP/mov34, which we earlier identified as a cellular HIV-1 Vpr ligand, in two different vectors clearly altered its localization pattern in HeLa cells. Specifically, cloning of hVIP/mov34 in pcDNA3/HisA resulted in its nuclear localization, whereas the expression of this gene from a TOPO cloning expression vector, pcDNA3.1/V5/His, resulted in cytoplasmic expression. The native staining pattern of hVIP/mov34 using polyclonal antisera raised against hVIP/mov34 demonstrated cytoplasmic staining. During cloning, other leader sequences intended for targeting this protein into a cytoplasmic or a nuclear location were not fused to the actual ORF of this protein. Also, the amino acid sequence of the fusion region arising from cloning of hVIP/mov34 in both vectors does not match any reported NLS sequences. These results indicate that the choice of the expression vectors, as well as the position of synthetic epitopes, can significantly alter the behavior and the biology of recombinant proteins. This result suggests the need for a careful examination of these features when characterizing a newly identified protein.  相似文献   

A membrane-bound protein was purified from rat liver mitochondria. After being digested with V8 protease, two peptides containing identical 14 amino acid residue sequences were obtained. Using the 14 amino acid peptide derived DNA sequence as gene specific primer, the cDNA of correspondent gene 5′-terminal and 3′-terminal were obtained by RACE technique. The full-length cDNAthat encoded a protein of 616 amino acids was thus cloned, which included the above mentioned peptide sequence. The full length cDNA was highly homologous to that of human ETF-QO, indicating that it may be the cDNA of rat ETF-QO. ETF-QO is an iron sulfur protein located in mitochondria inner membrane containing two kinds of redox center: FAD and [4Fe-4S] center. After comparing the sequence from the cDNA of the 616 amino acids protein with that of the mature protein of rat liver mitochondria, it was found that the N terminal 32 amino acid residues did not exist in the mature protein, indicating that the cDNA was that of ETF-QOp. When the cDNA was expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae with inducible vectors, the protein product was enriched in mitochondrial fraction and exhibited electron transfer activity (NBT reductase activity) of ETF-QO. Results demonstrated that the 32 amino acid peptide was a mitochondrial targeting peptide, and both FAD and iron-sulfur cluster were inserted properly into the expressed ETF-QO. ETF-QO had a high level expression in rat heart, liver and kidney. The fusion protein of GFP-ETF-QO co-localized with mitochondria in COS-7 cells.  相似文献   

The double-stranded (ds) RNA-activated protein kinase from human cells is a 68 kd protein (p68 kinase) induced by interferon. On activation by dsRNA in the presence of ATP, the kinase becomes autophosphorylated and can catalyze the phosphorylation of the alpha subunit of eIF2, which leads to an inhibition of the initiation of protein synthesis. Here we report the molecular cloning and characterization of several related cDNAs from which can be deduced the full-length p68 kinase sequence. All of the cDNAs identify a 2.5 kb RNA that is strongly induced by interferon. The deduced amino acid sequence of the p68 kinase predicts a protein of 550 amino acids containing all of the conserved domains specific for members of the protein kinase family, including the catalytic domain characteristic of serine/threonine kinases. In vitro translation of a reconstructed full-length p68 kinase cDNA yields a protein of 68 kd that binds dsRNA, is recognized by a monoclonal antibody raised against the native p68 kinase, and is autophosphorylated.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylcholine transfer protein (PC-TP) is a cytosolic protein that catalyzes intermembrane transfer of phosphatidylcholines in vitro. We have cloned a cDNA encoding the human ortholog of PC-TP and have determined its tissue-specific expression as well as genomic organization. Radiation hybrid mapping localized the human gene, PCTP, to chromosome 17q21-22 and PCR-based single strand conformation polymorphism analysis of an interspecific backcross assigned mouse Pctp to the region of syntenic conservation on chromosome 11.  相似文献   

P G Eipers  J M Lahti  V J Kidd 《Genomics》1992,13(3):613-621

A subunit of the preprotein translocon of the outer envelope of chloroplasts (Toc complex) of 64 kD is described, Toc64. Toc64 copurifies on sucrose density gradients with the isolated Toc complex. Furthermore, it can be cross-linked in intact chloroplasts to a high molecular weight complex containing both Toc and Tic subunits and a precursor protein. The 0 A cross-linker CuCl(2) yields the reversible formation of disulfide bridge(s) between Toc64 and the established Toc complex subunits in purified outer envelope membranes. Toc64 contains three tetratricopeptide repeat motifs that are exposed at the chloroplast cytosol interface. We propose that Toc64 functions early in preprotein translocation, maybe as a docking protein for cytosolic cofactors of the protein import into chloroplasts.  相似文献   

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