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Source-sink landscape theory and its ecological significance   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Exploring the relationships between landscape pattern and ecological processes is the key topic of landscape ecology, for which, a large number of indices as well as landscape pattern analysis model were developed. However, one problem faced by landscape ecologists is that it is hard to link the landscape indices with a specific ecological process. Linking landscape pattern and ecological processes has become a challenge for landscape ecologists. “Source” and “sink” are common concepts used in air pollution research, by which the movement direction and pattern of different pollutants in air can be clearly identified. In fact, for any ecological process, the research can be considered as a balance between the source and the sink in space. Thus, the concepts of “source” and “sink” could be implemented to the research of landscape pattern and ecological processes. In this paper, a theory of sourcesink landscape was proposed, which include: (1) In the research of landscape pattern and ecological process, all landscape types can be divided into two groups, “source” landscape and “sink” landscape. “Source” landscape contributes positively to the ecological process, while “sink” landscape is unhelpful to the ecological process. (2) Both landscapes are recognized with regard to the specific ecological process. “Source” landscape in a target ecological process may change into a “sink” landscape as in another ecological process. Therefore, the ecological process should be determined before “source” or “sink” landscape were defined. (3) The key point to distinguish “source” landscape from “sink” landscape is to quantify the effect of landscape on ecological process. The positive effect is made by “source” landscape, and the negative effect by “sink” landscape. (4) For the same ecological process, the contribution of “source” landscapes may vary, and it is the same to the “sink” landscapes. It is required to determine the weight of each landscape type on ecological processes. (5) The sourcesink principle can be applied to non-point source pollution control, biologic diversity protection, urban heat island effect mitigation, etc. However, the landscape evaluation models need to be calibrated respectively, because different ecological processes correspond with different source-sink landscapes and evaluation models for the different study areas. This theory is helpful to further study landscape pattern and ecological process, and offers a basis for new landscape index design. __________ Translated from Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2006, 26(5): 1444–1449 [译自: 生态学报]  相似文献   

A great number of research papers in the English literature of science education present difficulties pupils have in understanding natural selection. Studies show that children have essentialist and teleological intuitive ideas when dealing with organisms and that these biases hinder their ability to understand the theory of evolution by natural selection. Consequently, it is interesting to ascertain if and how the school education offered today deals with the problem, i.e., helps the children confront these biases. To that purpose, this study answered the two following research questions: (a) How is biological evolution presented—from the past to the present day—in the official documentation of primary school education, namely the science curricula and the textbooks of Greece? and (b) what are the conceptions held by Greek primary school teachers of the concepts of evolutionary theory and relevant issues that they have to teach? Our research found that not only are the intuitive ideas not “confronted” but they are also “affirmed” in Greek primary education. This phenomenon, as some other international studies have shown, must not be only a Greek one. A drastic change in the content and structure of primary school curricula and the training of educators is necessary in order to improve and facilitate the teaching of biological evolution.  相似文献   

Standardized patient (SP) performances are staged clinical encounters between health-professional students and people who specialize in role-playing the part of patients. Such performances have in recent years become increasingly central to the teaching and assessment of clinical skills in U.S. medical schools. SP performances are valued for being both “real” (in that they involve interaction with a real person, unlike written examinations) and “not real” (in that the SP does not actually suffer from the condition portrayed, unlike an actual patient). This article considers how people involved in creating SP performances reconcile a moral commitment to avoid suffering (to keep it “not real”), with an aesthetic commitment to realistically portray it (to keep it “real”). The term “moral aesthetic” is proposed, to indicate a sensibility that combines ideas about what is morally right with ideas about what is aesthetically compelling. Drawing on ethnographic research among SPs and SP program staff and medical faculty who work closely with them, this article argues that their work of creating “realism” in simulated clinical encounters encompasses multiple different (and sometimes conflicting) understandings and practices of realism, informed by three different moral aesthetics: (1) a moral aesthetic of induction, in which an accurate portrayal with a well-documented provenance serves to introduce experientially distant forms of suffering; (2) a moral aesthetic of inoculation, in which the authenticity and emotional impact of a performance are meant to inoculate students against the impact of future encounters with suffering; (3) a moral aesthetic of presence, generating forms of voice and care that are born out of the embodied presence of suffering individuals in a clinical space. All are premised on the assumption that risk and suffering can be banished from SP performances. This article suggests, however, that SP performances necessarily raise the same difficult, important, fundamentally ethical questions that are always involved in learning from and on human beings who are capable of suffering, and who need and deserve recognition and respect as well as care.  相似文献   

The day lengths to which migratory birds are exposed depend on the timing and course of their journey. While winter day length is known to influence vernal events, it is not clear if birds also use day length during the spring migration as a temporal cue. We addressed this question by exposing captive stonechats (Saxicola torquata) to two different photoperiodic simulations of spring migration routes, following common winter conditions. One group experienced day lengths of the regular (“fast”) migration, and the other group, a “slow”, or more southerly originating, route. The resulting small, temporary differences in day length had lasting effects on the birds. The groups differed in migratory restlessness during and following exposure to different day lengths. “Slow” migrants continued nocturnal activity longer than “fast” migrants. Furthermore, all activities of the ensuing breeding season were delayed in the “slow” migrants, indicating a phase shift in their underlying annual rhythm. “Slow” migrants delayed terminating their reproductive stage by regressing testes and the cloacal protuberance later than the “fast” migrants. Molt started and ended later in “slow” migrants, but the duration of the molt was unaffected by spring day length. Finally, “fast” migrants resumed nightly restlessness earlier than “slow” migrants in late summer. These results demonstrate that Zugunruhe (migratory restlessness) and reproductive windows are not set exclusively during winter but can be modified by day length cues during the spring migration. Because migration modifies the day length exposure of birds, migration routes can have carry-over effects on the timing of breeding season events, including the completion of molt and initiation of autumnal nocturnal activity.
Einfluss der Tagesl?nge w?hrend des Frühjahrszugs auf Brutzeitraum, Mauser, und Beginn der Herbstzugunruhe
Zusammenfassung Zugv?gel beeinflussen durch ihre Zugroute und Zugzeit die Tagesl?nge, in der sie sich befinden. W?hrend experimentell belegt ist, dass die Wintertagesl?nge das saisonale Verhalten im Frühling beeinflusst, ist bisher unbekannt, ob V?gel auch w?hrend der Frühjahrszugzeit photoperiodische Zeitinformationen nutzen. Um diese Frage zu beantworten, haben wir Schwarzkehlchen (Saxicola torquata) unter den Lichtbedingungen von zwei verschiedenen Zugrouten untersucht. Die V?gel hatten unter einheitlichen Bedingungen überwintert. Anschlie?end erlebte eine Gruppe die Lichtbedingungen ihres regul?ren (“schnellen“) Zugweges, die andere die eines “langsameren“, oder weiter südlich beginnenden Zugweges. Die damit verbundenen geringen Unterschiede in der Tagesl?nge zeigten nachhaltige Wirkung. V?gel der beiden Gruppen unterschieden sich in Zugunruhe w?hrend und nachdem sie unterschiedliche Tagesl?ngen erlebten. “Langsame” Zieher setzten ihre n?chtliche Aktivit?t l?nger fort als “schnelle" Zieher. Darüber hinaus verz?gerten sich bei den “langsamen" Ziehern alle Aktivit?ten der anschlie?enden Brutsaison. Dies deutet auf eine Phasenverschiebung der zugrunde liegenden Jahresrhythmen hin. “Langsame" Zieher verz?gerten den Abschluss ihrer Brutphase, indem sie Hoden und Kloakenprotuberanz sp?ter zurückentwickelten als “schnelle" Zieher. Die Mauser begann und endete sp?ter als bei “schnellen" Ziehern, dauerte aber gleich lang an. Schlie?lich nahmen “schnelle" Zieher die n?chtliche Unruhe früher wieder auf als “langsame" Zieher. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der Brutzeitraum von Zugv?geln nicht allein im Winter, sondern auch w?hrend des Frühjahrszugs von der Tagesl?nge beeinflusst wird. Somit k?nnen sich Zugzeit und Zugroute auf das anschlie?ende zeitliche Verhalten bis zu Mauserende und Beginn der Herbstzugunruhe auswirken.

Approximately 1 500 angiosperm species, in previous papers, have been sampled for the assessment of the amino acids (a. a.) in their nectar. We reaffirm that the findings provide statistically significant data linking differences in the concentration with pollinator type. Flowers that are pollinated by animals that have alternative sources of protein-building a. a.’s show lower a. a. concentration than those that are not. There is a tendency for woody plant nectar a. a.’s to be less concentrated than those of herbaceous plants, but there can be “phylogenetic constraints” which may reduce the correlations of a. a. concentration with pollinator type and with life form. The individual a. a.’s form complements which are qualitatively extremely constant within species. Proline is a normal constituent of many nectars and does not necessarily indicate contamination of the nectar by pollen. Criticism of our findings byGottsberger & al. (1984) is answered by reference to our previous publications and those of other workers, and to the presentation of data from California native species, not published previously. All previous postulates are borne out by these new data with the exception of positive correlations of a. a. concentration with “primitive” and “advanced” floral characteristics taken one at a time, which appear to be inconsistent and are affected strongly by the nature of the family in which they occur. Summary data are provided for families and genera which indicate that high or low a. a. concentration can typify certain families and genera of both relatively “primitive” and relatively “advanced” nature. Needs for future research on an ecosystem basis are quoted.  相似文献   

This paper describes, analyzes, and critiques the construction of separate “male” and “female” genomes in current human genome research. Comparative genomic work on human sex differences conceives of the sexes as like different species, with different genomes. I argue that this construct is empirically unsound, distortive to research, and ethically questionable. I propose a conceptual model of biological sex that clarifies the distinction between species and sexes as genetic classes. The dynamic interdependence of the sexes makes them “dyadic kinds” that are not like species, which are “individual kinds.” The concept of sex as a “dyadic kind” may be fruitful as a remedy to the tendency to conceive of the sexes as distinct, binary classes in biological research on sex more generally.  相似文献   

The aquarium trade has a long history of transporting and introducing fish, plants and snails into regions where they are not native. However, other than snails, research on species carried “incidentally” rather than deliberately by this industry is lacking. I sampled invertebrates in the plankton, and from water among bottom stones, of 55 aquaria from 43 New Zealand households. I recorded 55 incidental invertebrate taxa, including copepods, ostracods, cladocerans, molluscs, mites, flatworms and nematodes. Six were known established non-indigenous species, and eight others were not previously recorded from New Zealand. Of the latter, two harpacticoid copepod species, Nitokra pietschmanni and Elaphoidella sewelli, are not native to or known from New Zealand, demonstrating the aquarium trade continues to pose an invasion risk for incidental fauna. The remaining six species were littoral/benthic rotifers with subtropical/tropical affinities; these may or may not be native, as research on this group is limited. A variety of behaviours associated with the set-up and keeping of home aquaria were recorded (e.g., fish and plants in any home were sourced from stores, wild caught, or both, and cleaning methods varied), which made prediction of “high risk” behaviours difficult. However, non-indigenous species had a greater probability of being recorded in aquaria containing aquatic plants and in those that were heated. Methods for disposal of aquarium wastes ranged from depositing washings on the lawn or garden (a low risk for invasion) to disposing of water into outdoor ponds or storm-water drains (a higher risk). It is recommended that aquarium owners be encouraged to pour aquarium wastes onto gardens or lawns—already a common method of disposal—as invasion risk will be minimised using this method.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis is presented of the main contributions, both local and international, to the fields of oceanography and fishery sciences resulting from exploratory cruises carried out on the continental shelf off Argentina over the last 100 years. The end of the 19th century is chosen as a starting point for this analysis as it marks the beginning of active marine research by Argentinian scientists and an accumulation of information on Antarctic and Subantarctic organisms in foreign journals. Mention is also made of previous contributions derived from the classic expeditions and global circumnavigational voyages during the 18th and 19th centuries. Although the aims of those were not always strictly oceanographic, they rendered significant information to this field of knowledge. In the early years, references arose mainly from the particular geographic situation of the Argentinian shelf, a necessary passage in the navigation routes to the Pacific Ocean, and later on the way to Antarctica. Sources of information are divided into four categories: (a) foreign scientific projects in the area; (b) investigation by Argentinian scientists and research vessels; (c) joint projects between Argentinian and foreign institutions; and (d) contributions from sources other than oceanographic cruises (commercial navigation, maritime weather reports, satellite images, etc.). The analysis includes an updated and classified bibliographical list of the main contributions to the fields of oceanography and fishery sciences derived from those sources, published either in international or local journals or appearing as technical and internal reports. The motivations, objectives and main achievements of foreign surveys and programmes in the area and their impact on local scientific progress are discussed. The early sixties mark a turning point in the evolution of international research in the area. The creation of biological stations along the Argentinian coast, and the support given to the pooling of human resources set the basis for the development of bilateral programmes. Similar progress in Brazil and Uruguay led to the outgrowth of regional activities. Joint scientific efforts described in this analysis include the programmes carried out by the research vessels of Germany (“Walther Herwig”, “Meteor”), Japan (“Kaiyo Maru”, “Orient Maru”, “Shinkai Maru”), Poland (“Professor Siedlecki”), Russia (“Evrika”, “Dimitry Stefanov”) and the USA (“Vema”, “Atlantis II”), the achievements of which are a landmark in the evolution of marine science in the aea.  相似文献   

The anti-Darwinian “Typostrophe Theory” of O.H.Schindewolf can be put to the test by revisiting the ammonoid examples on which this macroevolutionary model was founded. It is shown that none of the three theoretical elements saltationism, internalism, and cyclism can be supported by empirical data obtained from ammonoid research. Putative saltations (“Typogenesis”) were feigned because of the lack of knowledge of intermediate forms. Internalistic and orthogenetic development (“Typostasis”) can only be favoured by neglecting possible functions of morphological characters. Preprogrammed extinction of “degenerated” clades (“Typolysis”) is unlikely when ruling out anthropocentric views regarding ammonoid morphology. In terms of evolution of Palaeozoic ammonoids, there is no basis for the preference of the “Typostrophe Theory” or some of its composing elements, including the “Type Concept” and “Proterogenesis”, over the Darwinian evolutionary model and the Modern Synthesis.   相似文献   

The incorporation of “culture” into U.S. biomedicine has been increasing at a rapid pace over the last several decades. Advocates for “cultural competence” point to changing patient demographics and growing health disparities as they call for improved educational efforts that train health providers to care for patients from a variety of backgrounds. Medical anthropologists have long been critical of the approach to “culture” that emerges in cultural competence efforts, identifying an essentialized, static notion of culture that is conflated with racial and ethnic categories and seen to exist primarily among exotic “Others.” With this approach, culture can become a “list of traits” associated with various racial and ethnic groups that must be mastered by health providers and applied to patients as necessary. This article uses an ethnographic examination of cultural competence training to highlight recent efforts to develop more nuanced approaches to teaching culture. I argue that much of contemporary cultural competence education has rejected the “list of traits” approach and instead aims to produce a new kind of health provider who is “open-minded,” willing to learn about difference, and treats each patient as an individual. This shift, however, can ultimately reinforce behavioral understandings of culture and draw attention away from the social conditions and power differentials that underlie health inequalities.  相似文献   

Umbilical cord blood banking is one of many biomedical innovations that confront pregnant women with new choices about what they should do to secure their own and their child’s best interests. Many mothers can now choose to donate their baby’s umbilical cord blood (UCB) to a public cord blood bank or pay to store it in a private cord blood bank. Donation to a public bank is widely regarded as an altruistic act of civic responsibility. Paying to store UCB may be regarded as a “unique opportunity” to provide “insurance” for the child’s future. This paper reports findings from a survey of Australian women that investigated the decision to either donate or store UCB. We conclude that mothers are faced with competing discourses that force them to choose between being a “good mother” and fulfilling their role as a “good citizen.” We discuss this finding with reference to the concept of value pluralism.  相似文献   

Almost half a century after Whittaker (Ecol Monogr 30:279–338, 1960) proposed his influential diversity concept, it is time for a critical reappraisal. Although the terms alpha, beta and gamma diversity introduced by Whittaker have become general textbook knowledge, the concept suffers from several drawbacks. First, alpha and gamma diversity share the same characteristics and are differentiated only by the scale at which they are applied. However, as scale is relative––depending on the organism(s) or ecosystems investigated––this is not a meaningful ecological criterion. Alpha and gamma diversity can instead be grouped together under the term “inventory diversity.” Out of the three levels proposed by Whittaker, beta diversity is the one which receives the most contradictory comments regarding its usefulness (“key concept” vs. “abstruse concept”). Obviously beta diversity means different things to different people. Apart from the large variety of methods used to investigate it, the main reason for this may be different underlying data characteristics. A literature review reveals that the multitude of measures used to assess beta diversity can be sorted into two conceptually different groups. The first group directly takes species distinction into account and compares the similarity of sites (similarity indices, slope of the distance decay relationship, length of the ordination axis, and sum of squares of a species matrix). The second group relates species richness (or other summary diversity measures) of two (or more) different scales to each other (additive and multiplicative partitioning). Due to that important distinction, we suggest that beta diversity should be split into two levels, “differentiation diversity” (first group) and “proportional diversity” (second group). Thus, we propose to use the terms “inventory diversity” for within-sample diversity, “differentiation diversity” for compositional similarity between samples, and “proportional diversity” for the comparison of inventory diversity across spatial and temporal scales. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Despite several decades of extensive research efforts, there is yet no single permanent cell line available from marine invertebrates as these cells stop dividing in vitro within 24–72 h after their isolation, starting cellular quiescence. This ubiquitous quiescent state should be modified in a way that at least some of the quiescent cells will become pluripotent, so they will have the ability to divide and become immortal. Following the above need, this essay introduces the rationale that the discipline of marine invertebrates’ cell culture should gain from applying of two research routes, relevant to mammalian systems but less explored in the marine arena. The first is the use of adult stem cells (ASC) from marine organisms. Many marine invertebrate taxa maintain large pools of ASC in adulthood. Ample evidence attests that these cells from sponges, cnidarians, flatworms, crustaceans, mollusks, echinoderms, and ascidians play important roles in maintenance, regeneration, and asexual cloning, actively proliferating in vivo, resembling the vertebrates’ cancer stem cells features. The second route is to target resting somatic cell constituents, manipulating them in the same way as has recently been performed on mammalian induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. While “iPS cells” are the outcome of an experimental manipulation, ASC are natural and rather frequent in a number of marine invertebrates. Above two cell categories reveal that there are more than a few types of seeds (cells) waiting to be sowed in the right soil (in vitro environmental conditions) for acquiring stemness and immortality. This rationale carries the potential to revolutionize the discipline of marine invertebrate cell cultures. When cultured “correctly,” ASC and “iPS cells” from marine invertebrates may stay in their primitive stage and proliferate without differentiating into cells lineages, harnessing the stem cell’s inherent abilities of self-replication versus differentiated progenies, toward the development of immortal cell lines.  相似文献   

Use of symbols, the key to the biosemiotics field as to many others, required bigger brains which implied a promissory note for greater energy consumption; symbols are obviously expensive. A score years before the current estimate of 18–20% for the human brain’s metabolic demand on the organism, it was known that neural tissue is metabolically dear. This paper first discusses two evolutionary responses to this demand, on both of which there is some consensus. The first, assigning care of altricial infants with burgeoning brains (and in human infants the metabolic demand peaks at 65% of the total) to “allomothers” is not unique to humans. The second, using relatively small neurons as primates do, risks misfires past a certain minimal value. Moreover, in apparent paradox, there is an increasing consensus that large “Von Economo” neurons are critical for communication. This paper’s main contribution is the discussion of two further evolutionary tricks. The first is the use of self-similarity in the cortex, both in structure and process, to allow the cortex readily—and in energetic terms, parsimoniously—to shift between states in a high-dimensional space. This leads to discussion of the kind of formalism appropriate to model these shifts, a formalism which—it is tentatively suggested—may do double duty for the modeling of symbolic thought. The second trick is the superimposition on the background “white noise” of neural firing of EEG-detected waves like gamma. The paper describes a method, using the Hilbert transform, of calculating the dips in energy consumption as the brain is transitioned by gamma waves. It is hypothesized that consciousness may be a spandrel, the incidental result of a neurodynamic imperative that the brain enter a maximally sensitive (in sensory terms) “zero power” state a few times a second. If that is the case, then there are obvious benefits for health in meditation, which can be viewed as a state of consciousness extended over time by limiting afferent stimuli.  相似文献   

The primate literature provides many indications not only that the nature of dyadic interactions is to a large extent determined by the relations of the interacting animals with others and between these others, but also of the existence of polyadic interactions in which more than two individuals are simultaneously involved. The objectives of the present study are to obtain a quantitative categorization of the agonistic interaction types of captive Java-monkeys and an analysis of their dynamics. After having described the agonistic behaviour patterns of Java-monkeys we shall discuss the categorization of agonistic interaction types (depending on the number of involvees: “dyads”, “triads” and “polyads”), the way in which these types can be further differentiated on the basis of the nature and the direction of the behaviours shown (e.g., different types of alliances), and the existence of so-called “sub-directed” behaviours (i.e., non-agonistic behaviours which are shown towards a dominant third animal more or less simultaneously with aggressive behaviour directed towards an opponent). The analysis indicates that agonistic behaviour is different both in its form and its regulation in interactions of different complexity. This research was supported in part by a government grant (i.e.: Beleidsruimte project: 16-21-06, “Brain and Behaviour”) to the first author. The investigation was supported by a grant from the Beleidsruimtemiddelen Hersenen en Gedrag to the first author.  相似文献   

According to Charles Hauss, “[i]n the last few years, reconciliation has become one of the ‘hottest’ topics in the increasingly ‘hot’ field of conflict resolution” (2003, ?1). However, despite the apparent interest in this “hot” academic topic (which is becoming increasingly warm in Canada as our own Truth and Reconciliation Commission commences), reconciliation studies have been dominated by Truth-based approaches. The restrictions of these approaches, which emphasize objectivity and rationality, often elide the body and the primacy of emotions in the reparative process. This essay begins a conversation on the role of the body and emotion in the study of reconciliation by engaging the work being done in the social sciences with contemporary trends in critical theory and literature. I argue that by looking at the fundamental role the body plays on the “road to reconciliation” we can devise a more vital approach to conflict resolution and the various processes that make it up.  相似文献   

We present here a bibliometric analysis of publications on photosynthesis research from 1992 to 2009 in the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-Expanded) Web of Science. This has allowed us to examine the growing trends and the key topics on this subject. We have assessed the document type, language of the publications, publication output, subject category, journal distribution, countries and territories of these publications, institutions involved, hot topics and highly cited papers. The top 30 countries/territories were ranked according to their total number of articles (TA), single country articles (SCA), internationally collaborative articles (ICA), first author articles (FAA) and corresponding author articles (CAA). Research directions on the subject of photosynthesis were also investigated and evaluated by statistically analyzing the distribution of author keywords in the database. Our analysis indicates that “water”, “stress”, “carbon dioxide”, “nitrogen” and “climate change” are hot topics of research on photosynthesis during this period.  相似文献   

We report a phylogenetic analysis of “core” Malvales (Tiliaceae, Sterculiaceae, Bombacaceae, and Malvaceae) based on morphological, anatomical, palynological, and chemical features. The results of the analyses lead to the conclusion that Tiliaceae, Sterculiaceae, and Bombacaceae, as variously delimited, are paraphyletic; only the Malvaceae are likely monophyletic. The genera of “core” Malvales form a well-defined clade. Genera of “Tiliaceae” constitute the basal complex within “core” Malvales. The “Sterculiaceae” (most genera)+ “Bombacaceae” + Malvaceae form a clade on the basis of a monadelphous androecium; “Bombacaceae”+ Malvaceae also form a clade, which is diagnosable on the basis of monoloculate anthers. It is clear that the traditional classification, with its arbitrarily delimited evolutionary grades, is unsatisfactory, especially if one seeks to reflect phylogeny accurately. Thus, Malvaceae is redefined to refer to the most recent common ancestor of plants previously considered to be “Tiliaceae,” “Sterculiaceae,” “Bombacaceae,” and Malvaceae, and all of the descendants of that ancestor. This broadly circumscribed Malvaceae can be diagnosed by several presumed synapomorphies, but we draw special attention to the unusual floral nectaries that are composed of densely packed, multicellular, glandular hairs on the sepals (or less commonly on the petals or androgynophore).  相似文献   

Protein evolution is not a random process. Views which attribute randomness to molecular change, deleterious nature to single-gene mutations, insufficient geological time, or population size for molecular improvements to occur, or invoke “design creationism” to account for complexity in molecular structures and biological processes, are unfounded. Scientific evidence suggests that natural selection tinkers with molecular improvements by retaining adaptive peptide sequence. We used slot-machine probabilities and ion channels to show biological directionality on molecular change. Because ion channels reside in the lipid bilayer of cell membranes, their residue location must be in balance with the membrane’s hydrophobic/philic nature; a selective “pore” for ion passage is located within the hydrophobic region. We contrasted the random generation of DNA sequence for KcsA, a bacterial two-transmembrane-domain (2TM) potassium channel, from Streptomyces lividans, with an under-selection scenario, the “jackprot,” which predicted much faster evolution than by chance. We wrote a computer program in JAVA APPLET version 1.0 and designed an online interface, The Jackprot Simulation , to model a numerical interaction between mutation rate and natural selection during a scenario of polypeptide evolution. Winning the “jackprot,” or highest-fitness complete-peptide sequence, required cumulative smaller “wins” (rewarded by selection) at the first, second, and third positions in each of the 161 KcsA codons (“jackdons” that led to “jackacids” that led to the “jackprot”). The “jackprot” is a didactic tool to demonstrate how mutation rate coupled with natural selection suffices to explain the evolution of specialized proteins, such as the complex six-transmembrane (6TM) domain potassium, sodium, or calcium channels. Ancestral DNA sequences coding for 2TM-like proteins underwent nucleotide “edition” and gene duplications to generate the 6TMs. Ion channels are essential to the physiology of neurons, ganglia, and brains, and were crucial to the evolutionary advent of consciousness. The Jackprot Simulation illustrates in a computer model that evolution is not and cannot be a random process as conceived by design creationists.  相似文献   

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