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The interdisciplinary field of quantitative microscopy (computer-aided microscopy) and artificial image understanding systems is explored, with an emphasis on the philosophical aspects of pathology and artificial intelligence. Three methodological problems of traditional diagnostic pathology are identified: those of validity, variability and organisation. Quantitative microscopy is a potential research strategy for solving these problems. In practice, however, the quantitative microscopy program is handicapped by the difficulty of building artificial image-understanding systems. We discuss the segmentation problem in image understanding, and four general strategies, three cognitivistic and one connectionistic, are reviewed.  相似文献   

The study of supraspinal systems of motor control in a series of vertebrates by electroanatomical methods shows that certain key features of reticulo-motoneuronal projection persist throughout the scale of evolution from Cyclostomata to primates. There is a particularly marked similarity between the monosynaptic reticulo-motoneuronal EPSPs in primitive animals and in the advanced quadrupeds: amphibians, reptiles, and mammals. Certain general principles governing the maturation of derivatives of the reticulo-spinal system, namely the vestibulo-spinal and rubro-spinal projections, can be discussed. The most marked changes occurred in the development of the mammalian cortico-spinal system. The properties of the conducting system and synaptic connections with the spinal motoneurons differ considerably in the series rodents—carnivores—primates. In this survey the similarities and differences between the pyramidal and nonpyramidal monosynaptic projections to motoneurons in primates and the role of brain-stem structures in the mechanism of cortico-extrapyramidal control are discussed.I. M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 453–470, September–October, 1972.  相似文献   

The control theory of steady states, previously presented for linear enzymatic systems (Heinrich and Rapoport, 1974) is extended to nonlinear systems. On the basis of three theorems a new procedure for the calculation of the control strength and of the control matrix is developed. The theory is applied to the extended model of glycolysis of erythrocytes, which includes also ATP-consuming processes. Also in this model the glycolytic flux is mainly controlled by the hexokinase-phosphofructokinase-system. The control strengths of the pyruvate kinase and of the enzymes of the 2.3 P2G-bypass are negligibly small. The control strength of the ATPase is negative, i.e. an activation of this enzyme leads to a decrease of the flux. For transition states of multienzyme systems definitions are given for the mean time required for the transition of the metabolites and for the "transient control" of enzymes. Enzymes with a pronounced influence on the transition time are called time-limiting enzymes. Enzymes which excert strong control on the time-dependent processes may have little influence under steady state conditions and vice versa. The transition times of ATP have been calculated for transient states of glycolysis.  相似文献   

The production and control of complex motor functions are usually attributed to central brain structures such as cortex, basal ganglia and cerebellum. In traditional schemes the spinal cord is assigned a subservient function during the production of movement, playing a predominantly passive role by relaying the commands dictated to it by supraspinal systems. This review challenges this idea by presenting evidence that the spinal motor system is an active participant in several aspects of the production of movement, contributing to functions normally ascribed to 'higher' brain regions.  相似文献   

During my graduate studies, I characterized patterns of geographical distribution and taxonomic differentiation in birds of the West Indies, which suggested that species undergo phases of expansion and contraction similar to the taxon cycles that E. O. Wilson had described for Melanesian ants. Fieldwork in the early 1970s with George Cox confirmed that these phases were associated with variation in habitat distribution and abundance on individual islands, tying together local ecology and biogeography. Because taxon‐cycle stage was independent of taxonomic or ecological relationships among birds of the West Indies, George and I postulated that whether a species was in a phase of expansion or contraction reflected the outcome of coevolved relationships with antagonists, including pathogens. The taxon cycle concept had a cool reception initially, but subsequent phylogeographical analyses, beginning in the early 1990s with Eldredge Bermingham, provided a time scale that confirmed the relationship between taxon cycle stage and the relative age of the most recent population expansion. The discrete nature of islands allows one to visualize taxon cycles in island systems, but the principle should apply in a continental biota as well. The absence of strong phylogenetic effects in distribution and abundance is consistent with evolutionary lability caused by coevolutionary outcomes with specialized antagonists. Related species appear to compete for resources on a more‐or‐less equal footing across a broad range of environments, and their distribution at any particular time is likely to be determined primarily by their relationships with pathogens, among other antagonists. This model of distribution and abundance within a regional community is consistent with much of what we know about the interactions between pathogens and their host populations, but testing the model will require the development of a new research programme focused on endemic pathogen effects in natural communities.  相似文献   

The development of new measurement techniques and improved models of the larynx and the vocal tract have significantly advanced our understanding of speech motor control. Recently, several groups have been using electromagnetic transduction techniques to record tongue movements. The laryngeal vibrations have been modeled and studied using techniques from non-linear dynamics. Computational models of supraglottal movements have been proposed and tested. A connectionist model that synthesizes the results obtained from observing the effects of variations in rate, stress, and phonetic context on speech kinematics has recently been proposed.  相似文献   

There is proposed a generalized mathematical model of endocrine systems, consisting of a set of differential equations which describe a chain of chemical reactions. The product of each reaction stimulates or inhibits some other reaction in the chain except possibly the last, which may or may not influence the system. At least one reaction must be independent and able to proceed without stimulation or inhibition by the products of other reactions. If only two reactions of the type assumed constitute a closed chain, sustained periodic variations in the concentrations of the reaction products cannot occur. If the chain consists of three or more reactions forming a closed loop, sustained oscillations, such as are observed in the menstrual cycle or in the mental disorder called periodic catatonia, can occur under suitable conditions. In this case, the concentrations of the system components exhibit relaxation oscillations characterized by periodic degeneration of the system when an independent reaction becomes completely inhibited by other reaction products. A set of conditions sufficient to produce periodicities in component concentrations is presented. Application of the model to the normally periodic system of the menstrual cycle and to the abnormal endocrine system which causes periodic catatonia is discussed.  相似文献   

Bulbospinal serotonin-containing neurons and motor control   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

An integrative mathematical approach to endocrinological homeostasis is presented. By means of it, three homeostatic systems of increasing complexity are analyzed. The two-variable system described embraces the thyroid hormone and the thyrotropic hormone; the three-variable system, calcium, phosphate, and the parathyroid hormone; and the fourvariable system, sodium, water, the antidiuretic hormone, and aldosterone. The Laplace transforms of the variables are found. The handling of these transforms utilizes well-known techniques.  相似文献   

Mathematical models in microbial systems biology   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  


Masking in motor systems was defined as the omission of one act in a sequence due to an earlier or later act in the sequence. A study of phoneme omission in natural speech showed that:

  1. 1.

    Masked phonemes were usually preceded or followed by an identical phoneme (referred to as the masking phoneme).

  2. 2.

    Backward masking, where the masked phoneme preceded the masking phoneme was as frequent as forward masking.

  3. 3.

    The phonemes immediately adjacent to the masked and masking phonemes were usually similar in distinctive features, but rarely identical.

  4. 4.

    The masking phoneme usually occurred in a stressed syllable and the masked phoneme in an unstressed one, suggesting that motor intensity may be a factor in masking.

  5. 5.

    The components for an adequate model of motor masking were shown to be similar to those in models of other types of errors in speech.


Experimental results consistently show that the respiratory control system is plastic, such that environmental factors and experience can modify its performance. Such plasticity may represent basic neurobiological principles of learning and memory, whereby intermittent sensory stimulation produces long-term alterations (i.e. facilitation or depression) in synaptic transmission depending on the timing and intensity of the stimulation. In this review, we propose that intermittent chemosensory stimulation produces long-term changes in respiratory motor output via specific neuromodulatory systems. This concept is based on recent data suggesting that intermittent hypoxia produces a net long-term facilitation of respiratory output via the serotonergic system, whereas intermittent hypercapnia produces a net long-term depression by a mechanism associated with the noradrenergic system. There is suggestive evidence that, although both respiratory stimuli activate both modulatory systems, the balance is different. Thus, these opposing modulatory influences on respiratory motor control may provide a 'push-pull' system, preventing unchecked and inappropriate fluctuations in ventilatory drive.  相似文献   

New concepts and computational models that integrate behavioral and neurophysiological observations have addressed several of the most fundamental long-standing problems in motor control. These problems include the selection of particular trajectories among the large number of possibilities, the solution of inverse kinematics and dynamics problems, motor adaptation and the learning of sequential behaviors.  相似文献   

Motor behaviour results from information processing across multiple neural networks acting at all levels from initial selection of the behaviour to its final generation. Understanding how motor behaviour is produced requires identifying the constituent neurons of these networks, their cellular properties, and their pattern of synaptic connectivity. Neural networks have been traditionally studied with neurophysiological and neuroanatomical approaches. These approaches have been highly successful in particularly suitable 'model' preparations, typically ones in which the numbers of neurons in the networks were relatively small, neural network composition was unvarying across individual animals, and the preparations continued to produce fictive motor patterns in?vitro. However, analysing networks without these characteristics, and analysing the complete ensemble of networks that cooperatively generate behaviours, is difficult with these approaches. Recently developed molecular and neurogenetic tools provide additional avenues for analysing motor networks by allowing individual or groups of neurons within networks to be manipulated in novel ways and allowing experiments to be performed not only in?vitro but also in?vivo. We review here some of the new insights into motor network function that these advances have provided and indicate how these advances might bridge gaps in our understanding of motor control. To these ends, we first review motor neural network organisation highlighting cross-phylum principles. We then use prominent examples from the field to show how neurogenetic approaches can complement classical physiological studies, and identify additional areas where these approaches could be advantageously applied.  相似文献   

Computational models can provide useful guidance in the design of behavioral and neurophysiological experiments and in the interpretation of complex, high dimensional biological data. Because many problems faced by the primate brain in the control of movement have parallels in robotic motor control, models and algorithms from robotics research provide useful inspiration, baseline performance, and sometimes direct analogs for neuroscience.  相似文献   

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