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Summary Prenatal diagnoses were established in 3 pregnancies at risk for GM1-gangliosidosis at 9, 10, and 12 days after amniocentesis. -galactosidase activities in cultured amniotic fluid cells were determined by microchemical assays in cell homogenates and in isolated groups of 10–30 freeze-dried cells. The latter method requires only a few hundred cells growing in one or more clones and will usually allow a diagnosis within 9–12 days after amniocentesis.  相似文献   

A new technique to quantitate nucleoside phosphorylase (NP) activity in single or small numbers of counted visually selected cells is presented. Fibroblasts were cultivated on the plastic film bottom of culture dishes. After lyophilisation in situ, plastic film leaflets carrying a counted number of cells were cut out and tested for NP activity. Some properties of NP, including temperature stability, pH optimum and substrate affinity, have been studied. The data obtained suggest that Np might play a regulatory role in the purine interconversion pathway.  相似文献   

Prenatal diagnosis for the lysosomal storage disorders is typically achieved by enzymatic analysis of the relevant lysosomal enzyme in cultured amniocytes or chorionic villi. While prenatal diagnosis of some genetic diseases can be done by analysis of pertinent metabolites in amniotic fluid, there are few data regarding prenatal diagnosis of lysosomal disorders by enzyme analysis of amniotic fluid. Prenatal diagnosis by enzyme analysis of amniotic fluid has the potential advantage of providing a more rapid prenatal test result. In this study we describe an assay for the prenatal diagnosis of the mucopolysaccharidosis beta-glucuronidase deficiency (MPS VII; MIM #253220) using amniotic fluid and we confirm its reliability in detecting an affected fetus in an at-risk pregnancy by enzyme analysis of cultured amniocytes and fetal fibroblasts. Because MPS VII is rare and few instances of prenatal diagnosis for this and nearly all other lysosomal disorders have been accomplished by enzyme analysis of amniotic fluid, confirmation of results obtained from enzyme analysis of amniotic fluid should be carried out by enzyme or mutation analysis using cultured amniocytes or chorionic villus specimens.  相似文献   

Ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) (E.C. is an X-linked hepatic enzyme in the urea cycle necessary for ammonia detoxification. Deficiency of OTC results in neonatal hyperammonemia, coma, and death in childhood. Because fibroblasts do not express OTC, prenatal diagnosis in the past has required fetal liver biopsy. Using a complementary DNA (cDNA) for OTC for Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA, we have found probands with complete OTC deficiency from two unrelated families in whom the same TaqI restriction endonuclease site has been altered because of independent, but not necessarily identical, mutations in the OTC gene, suggesting that this site may be a relative hotspot for mutation at a location that is critical for normal gene function. This TaqI alteration has allowed the identification of the individual in each family in whom the mutation originated as well as the exclusion of a recurrence of OTC deficiency in a male fetus at risk for the disease. OTC deficiency joins the growing list of genetic disorders for which Southern blot analysis allows accurate heterozygote detection and prenatal diagnosis in conditions for which they were not previously available.  相似文献   

A rapid yet reliable chemical diagnosis for dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DHPD) deficiency, and possibly dihydropyrimidinase (DHP) deficiency in cancer patients, prior to therapy with pyrimidine analogues such as 5-fluorouracil, is desired for prevention of severe side-effects by these drugs. We have reported the basic separation and quantitation technology for pyrimidine metabolites using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. A proposal to use the number (n) of standard deviations (SD) above the normal mean, as the index of the excessive urinary excretion of the metabolites appears not to be commonly used. When used, the values were too small, such as two or three, even in genetic disorders. Here, we applied the method to 11 urine specimens from proven cases including two DHP carriers and proved how specific the method is, because "n"-values were markedly large for thymine (T), uracil (U) and/or dihydrothymine (DHT) and dihydrouracil (DHU). In three cases with DHPD deficiency, two were siblings, one with symptoms and the other without, n was 12 for T and 5.9 for U, and 5-hydroxymethyluracil was distinctly detected. These values indicate that the nature of genetic mutation relates closely to the degree of metabolite accumulation in pyrimidine disorders. In six patients with DHP deficiency, n was 8.4-12 for DHT and 7.2-11 for DHU. Many mutations are known for both genes and the assay of residual enzyme activity may be time-consuming or invasive especially for those with DHP deficiency. Thus, this noninvasive yet comprehensive urinalysis has great value for those without a family history, as the first trial, before DNA or the enzyme assay. Our findings again raise the question whether the metabolic block really causes the symptoms found in pyrimidine disorders.  相似文献   

Propionic acidemia is one of the most frequent inborn errors of metabolism caused by a deficiency of propionyl-CoA carboxylase. Methylcitric acid, a key indicator of this disorder, is increased in amniotic fluid when a fetus is affected. Therefore, the direct chemical analysis of cell-free amniotic fluid for methylcitric acid, using stable isotope dilution gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, was carried out for the prenatal diagnosis of propionic acidemia. We developed a simple, highly sensitive, and accurate method for quantitation of this polar methylcitric acid in amniotic fluids by applying a simplified urease pretreatment which we devised earlier for urine. As the recovery of methylcitric acid from amniotic fluid was as high as 91% with a coefficient of variation lower than 3% in this procedure, only 0.02 ml of sample was required for the analysis of the affected fetus. This new procedure takes 1 h for sample pretreatment, including derivatization, and 15 min for GC-MS measurement and provides final results within 1.5 h.  相似文献   

In this study we reported the results for the first time of applying Polymerase Chain Reaction-Short Tandem Repeats (PCR-STR) method in the field of detection of aneuploidies for chromosomes 21 and 18 in Croatians. The aims of the study were: (I) validation of the diagnostic informativeness of 6 STR loci (D18S51, D18S858, D18S535, D21S1435, D21S1411, and D21S1414) in sample of 205 unrelated healthy individuals; (II) evaluation of diagnostic power of the PCR-STR method for those 6 microsatellites; (III) establishment protocol for use STRs as routine method for rapid prenatal detection of trisomy 21 and 18. DNA samples were amplified by fluorescence-based PCR reaction, subjected to electrophoresis in automated laser fluorescence DNA sequencer (ALFexpress). Results of our study were: (I) all 6 tested loci are informative (68-85% of heterozygous individuals); (II) comparison between PCR-STR method and conventional cytogenetics did not revealed any false positive or false negative results; (III) in prenatal screening of 105 samples of uncultured amniotic fluid 6 (5.7%) samples with chromosomal abnormalities were identified.  相似文献   

Fetal DNA was recovered from 17 of 39 (44%) transcervical cell (TCC) samples obtained between 7 and 9 weeks of gestation by endocervical canal flushing. Trophoblast retrieval was adequate for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of Y chromosome-specific DNA sequences and detection of paternal-specific microsatellite alleles. The fetal sex predicted by PCR in TCCs was confirmed in all cases by karyotype analysis of chorionic villi at 10 weeks of gestation. The absence of the disease-associated paternal alleles in TCC samples from two pregnancies at risk for spinal muscular atrophy and myotonic dystrophy predicted unaffected fetuses in agreement with subsequent results on chorionic villi and newborns' leukocytes. A trisomy 21 fetus was diagnosed in TCCs using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) and semiquantitative PCR analysis of superoxide dismutase-I (SOD 1). Present experience indicates that TCC sampling is a promising technique for early prenatal monitoring of Mendelian disorders and chromosome aneuploidy.  相似文献   

In cases of foetal neural tube defects (NTDs) macrophages are present in the amniotic fluid. These mononuclear cells were analysed with immunobiological methods: functional markers as Fc and C3b receptor-mediated phagocytosis and chemoluminescence have been studied. It was found that most of these pathognomic cells ingest haemolysin sensitized sheep red blood cells (sSRBCs) and zymosan (Mannozym) particles opsonized with fresh human serum. Amniotic fluid cell suspensions from pregnancies with and without foetal NTDs were stimulated by opsonized Mannozym; consistently higher chemoluminescence activities were found when open lesion was present. The evaluation of multiple functional markers is likely to provide a better basis for understanding the characteristics of amniotic fluid macrophages and may contribute to the prenatal diagnosis of NTDs.  相似文献   

Pyruvate kinase (PK) deficiency is a rare red cell glycolytic enzymopathy. The purpose of the present investigation was to offer prenatal diagnosis for PK deficiency to a couple who had a previous child with severe enzyme deficiency and congenital non-spherocytic hemolytic anemia. PK deficiency was identified in the family by assaying the enzyme activity in red cells. Chorionic villus sampling was performed in an 11-week gestation and the mutation was located in exon 10 of the PKLR gene characterized by polymerase chain reaction and using restriction endonuclease digestion with the MspI enzyme, which was confirmed by DNA sequencing on the ABI 310 DNA sequencer. Both the parents were heterozygous for the 1436G-->A [479 Arg-->His] mutation in exon 10 and the proband was homozygous for this mutation. The fetus was also heterozygous for this mutation and the pregnancy was continued. Prenatal diagnosis allowed the parents with a severely affected child with PK deficiency to have the reproductive choice of having the fetus tested in a subsequent pregnancy.  相似文献   

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