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Increased utrophin expression is known to reduce pathology in dystrophin-deficient skeletal muscles. Transgenic over-expression of PGC-1α has been shown to increase levels of utrophin mRNA and improve the histology of mdx muscles. Other reports have shown that PGC-1α signaling can lead to increased oxidative capacity and a fast to slow fiber type shift. Given that it has been shown that slow fibers produce and maintain more utrophin than fast skeletal muscle fibers, we hypothesized that over-expression of PGC-1α in post-natal mdx mice would increase utrophin levels via a fiber type shift, resulting in more slow, oxidative fibers that are also more resistant to contraction-induced damage. To test this hypothesis, neonatal mdx mice were injected with recombinant adeno-associated virus (AAV) driving expression of PGC-1α. PGC-1α over-expression resulted in increased utrophin and type I myosin heavy chain expression as well as elevated mitochondrial protein expression. Muscles were shown to be more resistant to contraction-induced damage and more fatigue resistant. Sirt-1 was increased while p38 activation and NRF-1 were reduced in PGC-1α over-expressing muscle when compared to control. We also evaluated if the use a pharmacological PGC-1α pathway activator, resveratrol, could drive the same physiological changes. Resveratrol administration (100 mg/kg/day) resulted in improved fatigue resistance, but did not achieve significant increases in utrophin expression. These data suggest that the PGC-1α pathway is a potential target for therapeutic intervention in dystrophic skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) receptor oligomerization has important roles in signaling. Complex formation among type I and type II (TβRI and TβRII) TGF-β receptors is well characterized and is essential for signal transduction. However, studies on their interactions with the type III TGF-β coreceptor (TβRIII) in live cells and their effects on TGF-β signaling are lacking. Here we investigated the homomeric and heteromeric interactions of TβRIII with TβRI and TβRII in live cells by combining IgG-mediated patching/immobilization of a given TGF-β receptor with fluorescence recovery after photobleaching studies on the lateral diffusion of a coexpressed receptor. Our studies demonstrate that TβRIII homo-oligomerization is indirect and depends on its cytoplasmic domain interactions with scaffold proteins (mainly GIPC). We show that TβRII and TβRI bind independently to TβRIII, whereas TβRIII augments TβRI/TβRII association, suggesting that TβRI and TβRII bind to TβRIII simultaneously but not as a complex. TβRIII expression inhibited TGF-β–mediated Smad2/3 signaling in MDA-MB-231 cell lines, an effect that depended on the TβRIII cytoplasmic domain and did not require TβRIII ectodomain shedding. We propose that independent binding of TβRI and TβRII to TβRIII competes with TβRI/TβRII signaling complex formation, thus inhibiting TGF-β–mediated Smad signaling.  相似文献   

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