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Actin is an ancient conserved protein that is encoded by multiple isovariants in multicellular organisms. There are eight functional actin genes in the Arabidopsis genome, and the precise function and mechanism of action of each isovariant remain poorly understood. Here, we report the characterization of ACT11, a reproductive actin isovariant. Our studies reveal that loss of function of ACT11 causes a delay in pollen germination, but enhances pollen tube growth. Cytological analysis revealed that the amount of filamentous actin decreased, and the rate of actin turnover increased in act11 pollen. Convergence of actin filaments upon the germination aperture was impaired in act11 pollen, consistent with the observed delay of germination. Reduction of actin dynamics with jasplakinolide suppressed the germination and tube growth phenotypes in act11 pollen, suggesting that the underlying mechanisms involve an increase in actin dynamics. Thus, we demonstrate that ACT11 is required to maintain the rate of actin turnover in order to promote pollen germination and maintain the normal rate of pollen tube growth.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis contains eight actin genes. Of these ACT7 is the most strongly expressed in young plant tissues and shows the greatest response to physiological cues. Adult plants homozygous for the act7 mutant alleles show no obvious above-ground phenotypes, which suggests a high degree of functional redundancy among plant actins. However, act7-1 mutant plants are at a strong selective disadvantage when grown in competition with wild-type plants and therefore must have undetected physical defects. The act7-1 and act7-4 alleles contain T-DNA insertions just after the stop codon and within the first intron, respectively. Homozygous mutant seedlings of both alleles showed less than 7% of normal ACT7 protein levels. Mutants displayed delayed and less efficient germination, increased root twisting and waving, and retarded root growth. The act7-4 mutant showed the most dramatic reduction in root growth. The act7-4 root apical cells were not in straight files and contained oblique junctions between cells suggesting a possible role for ACT7 in determining cell polarity. Wild-type root growth was fully restored to the act7-1 mutant by the addition of an exogenous copy of the ACT7 gene. T-DNA insertions just downstream of the major polyadenylation sites (act7-2, act7-3) appeared fully wild type. The act7 mutant phenotypes demonstrate a significant requirement for functional ACT7 protein during root development and explain the strong negative selection component seen for the act7-1 mutant.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis fruit forms a seedpod that develops from the fertilized gynoecium. It is mainly comprised of an ovary in which three distinct tissues can be differentiated: the valves, the valve margins and the replum. Separation of cells at the valve margin allows for the valves to detach from the replum and thus dispersal of the seeds. Valves and valve margins are located in lateral positions whereas the replum is positioned medially and retains meristematic properties resembling the shoot apical meristem (SAM). Members of the WUSCHEL‐related homeobox family have been involved in stem cell maintenance in the SAM, and within this family, we found that WOX13 is expressed mainly in meristematic tissues including the replum. We also show that wox13 loss‐of‐function mutations reduce replum size and enhance the phenotypes of mutants affected in the replum identity gene RPL. Conversely, misexpression of WOX13 produces, independently from BP and RPL, an oversized replum and valve defects that closely resemble those of mutants in JAG/FIL activity genes. Our results suggest that WOX13 promotes replum development by likely preventing the activity of the JAG/FIL genes in medial tissues. This regulation seems to play a role in establishing the gradient of JAG/FIL activity along the medio‐lateral axis of the fruit critical for proper patterning. Our data have allowed us to incorporate the role of WOX13 into the regulatory network that orchestrates fruit patterning.  相似文献   

Identification of genes expressed in the Arabidopsis female gametophyte   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The angiosperm female gametophyte typically consists of one egg cell, two synergid cells, one central cell, and three antipodal cells. Each of these four cell types has unique structural features and performs unique functions that are essential for the reproductive process. The gene regulatory networks conferring these four phenotypic states are largely uncharacterized. As a first step towards dissecting the gene regulatory networks of the female gametophyte, we have identified a large collection of genes expressed in specific cells of the Arabidopsis thaliana female gametophyte. We identified these genes using a differential expression screen based on reduced expression in determinant infertile1 (dif1) ovules, which lack female gametophytes. We hybridized ovule RNA probes with Affymetrix ATH1 genome arrays and validated the identified genes using real-time RT-PCR. These assays identified 71 genes exhibiting reduced expression in dif1 ovules. We further validated 45 of these genes using promoter::GFP fusions and 43 were expressed in the female gametophyte. In the context of the ovule, 11 genes were expressed exclusively in the antipodal cells, 11 genes were expressed exclusively or predominantly in the central cell, 17 genes were expressed exclusively or predominantly in the synergid cells, one gene was expressed exclusively in the egg cell, and three genes were expressed strongly in multiple cells of the female gametophyte. These genes provide insights into the molecular processes functioning in the female gametophyte and can be used as starting points to dissect the gene regulatory networks functioning during differentiation of the four female gametophyte cell types.  相似文献   

Loss-of-function, dominant-negative, and change-of-function genetic approaches were used to investigate the role played by the Arabidopsis mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase MPK6 throughout development. Plants homozygous for T-DNA null alleles of MPK6 displayed reduced male fertility and abnormal anther development. In addition, a portion of the seed produced by mpk6 plants was found to contain embryos that had burst out of their seed coats. To address potential functional redundancy, a dominant-negative version of MPK6 was constructed by changing the TEY activation loop motif to the amino acid sequence AEF. Plants expressing MPK6AEF via the MPK6 native promoter were found to produce excessive stomata, consistent with the recently described role of MPK6 in stomatal patterning. A novel floral phenotype characterized by abnormal sepal development was also observed in MPK6AEF lines. The gene expression pattern of the MPK6 native promoter was determined using a YFP-MPK6 fusion construct, and expression was observed throughout most plant tissues, consistent with a role for MPK6 in multiple developmental processes. The YFP-MPK6 construct was found to rescue the fertility phenotype of mpk6 null alleles, indicating that the fusion protein retains its biological activity. It was also observed, however, that plants expressing YFP-MPK6 displayed reduced apical dominance and a shortening of inflorescence internodes. These results suggest that the YFP tag modifies the activity of MPK6 in a manner that affects inflorescence development but not anther development. Taken together, the present results indicate that MPK6 is involved in the regulation of multiple aspects of plant development.  相似文献   

The nature of the interaction among deleterious mutations is important to models in many areas of evolutionary biology. In addition, interactions between genetic and environmental factors may affect the predictions of such models. Individuals of unknown genotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana, ecotype Marburg, were exposed to five levels of chemical (EMS) mutagenesis and three levels of Pseudomonas syringae infection. Survival, growth and flowering characteristics of each individual were measured. The logarithm of fitness is expected to be a linear function of mutation number if mutations act independently. Furthermore, the expected number of mutations should be approximately a linear function of time of exposure to mutagen. Therefore, nonlinear effects of mutagen exposure on the logarithm of fitness characters would suggest epistasis between mutations. Similarly, if pathogen infection and mutation act independently of each other, their effects should be additive on a log scale. Statistical interactions between these factors would suggest they do not act independently; particularly, if highly mutated individuals suffer more when infected than do less mutated individuals, this suggests that pathogens and mutations act synergistically. Pseudomonas-infected individuals were shown to have an increased probability of flowering under conditions of short day length, but to ultimately produce fewer flowers than uninfected individuals. This suggests a plastic response to stress and, despite that response, an ultimately deleterious effect of infection on fitness. Leaf rosette growth was negatively and linearly related to the expected number of mutations, and the effects of mutation on different life-cycle stages appeared to be uncorrelated. No significant interactions between pathogen and mutation main effects were found. These results suggest that mutations act multiplicatively with each other and with pathogen infection in determining individual fitness.  相似文献   

Nucleotide excision repair in Arabidopsis thaliana differs from other eukaryotes as it contains two paralogous copies of the corresponding XPB/RAD25 gene. In this work, the functional characterization of one copy, AtXPB1, is presented. The plant gene was able to partially complement the UV sensitivity of a yeast rad25 mutant strain, thus confirming its involvement in nucleotide excision repair. The biological role of AtXPB1 protein in A. thaliana was further ascertained by obtaining a homozygous mutant plant containing the AtXPB1 genomic sequence interrupted by a T-DNA insertion. The 3' end of the mutant gene is disrupted, generating the expression of a truncated mRNA molecule. Despite the normal morphology, the mutant plants presented developmental delay, lower seed viability and a loss of germination synchrony. These plants also manifested increased sensitivity to continuous exposure to the alkylating agent MMS, thus suggesting inefficient DNA damage removal. These results indicate that, although the duplication seems to be recent, the features described for the mutant plant imply some functional or timing expression divergence between the paralogous AtXPB genes. The AtXPB1 protein function in nucleotide excision repair is probably required for the removal of lesions during seed storage, germination and early plant development.  相似文献   

BAHD acyltransferases catalyze the acylation of many plant secondary metabolites. We characterized the function of At2g19070 , a member of the BAHD gene family of Arabidopsis thaliana . The acyltransferase gene was shown to be specifically expressed in anther tapetum cells in the early stages of flower development. The impact of gene repression was studied in RNAi plants and in a knockout (KO) mutant line. Immunoblotting with a specific antiserum raised against the recombinant protein was used to evaluate the accumulation of At2g19070 gene product in flowers of various Arabidopsis genotypes including the KO and RNAi lines, the male sterile mutant ms1 and transformants overexpressing the acyltransferase gene. Metabolic profiling of flower bud tissues from these genetic backgrounds demonstrated a positive correlation between the accumulation of acyltransferase protein and the quantities of metabolites that were putatively identified by tandem mass spectrometry as N 1, N 5, N 10-trihydroxyferuloyl spermidine and N 1, N 5-dihydroxyferuloyl- N 10-sinapoyl spermidine. These products, deposited in pollen coat, can be readily extracted by pollen wash and were shown to be responsible for pollen autofluorescence. The activity of the recombinant enzyme produced in bacteria was assayed with various hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA esters and polyamines as donor and acceptor substrates, respectively. Feruloyl-CoA and spermidine proved the best substrates, and the enzyme has therefore been named spermidine hydroxycinnamoyl transferase (SHT). A methyltransferase gene ( At1g67990 ) which co-regulated with SHT during flower development, was shown to be involved in the O -methylation of spermidine conjugates by analyzing the consequences of its repression in RNAi plants and by characterizing the methylation activity of the recombinant enzyme.  相似文献   

In higher plants, an outer layer of meristematic cells, the protoderm, forms early in embryogenesis and this layer gives rise to the epidermis in differentiating tissues. We proposed previously that an Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of crinkly4 (ACR4), a gene for a receptor-like protein kinase, would be involved in differentiation and/or maintenance of epidermis-related tissues. In the present study, we isolated loss-of-function acr4 mutants by a reverse genetic approach. Our extensive analyses using the transmission electron microscopy and the toluidine blue test -- a method that has recently been developed for the rapid visualization of defects in the leaf cuticle -- showed that the acr4 mutations significantly affected the differentiation of leaf epidermal cells, suggesting similar roles for ACR4 and CR4 in the differentiation of leaf epidermis. Our acr4 mutants also had various abnormalities related to epidermal differentiation, which included disorganized cell layers in the integument and endothelium of ovules. In addition, the green fluorescent protein fused to ACR4 was localized preferentially on the lateral and basal plasma membranes in the epidermis of the leaf primordia, suggesting a role for ACR4 in epidermal differentiation at cell surfaces that make contact with adjacent cells. Furthermore, the loss-of-function mutations in the ACR4 and ABNORMAL LEAF SHAPE1 (ALE1) genes, which encode a putative subtilisin-like serine protease, synergistically affected the function of the epidermis such that most leaves fused. Thus, ACR4 seems to play an essential role in the differentiation of proper epidermal cells in both vegetative and reproductive tissues.  相似文献   

The movement of organelles and vesicles in pollen tubes depends on F-actin. However, the molecular mechanism through which plant myosin XI drives the movement of organelles is still controversial, and the relationship between myosin XI and vesicle movement in pollen tubes is also unclear. In this study, we found that the siliques of the myosin xi-b/e mutant were obviously shorter than those of the wild-type (WT) and that the seed set of the mutant was severely deficient. The pollen tube growth of myosin xi-b/e was significantly inhibited both in vitro and in vivo. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching showed that the velocity of vesicle movement in the pollen tube tip of the myosin xi-b/e mutant was lower than that of the WT. It was also found that peroxisome movement was significantly inhibited in the pollen tubes of the myosin xi-b/e mutant, while the velocities of the Golgi stack and mitochondrial movement decreased relatively less in the pollen tubes of the mutant. The endoplasmic reticulum streaming in the pollen tube shanks was not significantly different between the WT and the myosin xi-b/e mutant. In addition, we found that myosin XI-B-GFP colocalized obviously with vesicles and peroxisomes in the pollen tubes of Arabidopsis. Taken together, these results indicate that myosin XI-B may bind mainly to vesicles and peroxisomes, and drive their movement in pollen tubes. These results also suggest that the mechanism by which myosin XI drives organelle movement in plant cells may be evolutionarily conserved compared with other eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Genetic and molecular studies have shown that the Arabidopsis ABSCISIC ACID-INSENSITIVE3 (ABI3) protein plays a prominent role in the control of seed maturation. The ABI3 protein and its orthologues from various other plant species share four domains of high sequence identity, including three basic domains designated as B1, B2 and B3. The leaky abi3-1 mutation is a single amino acid substitution within the B3 domain. A new abi3 allele, abi3-7, was generated by mutagenizing abi3-1 seeds. The abi3-7 line contains, in addition to the abi3-1 mutation, a point mutation that converts residue Ala-458 into Thr within the B2 domain of the ABI3 protein. This Ala residue is absolutely conserved in all known ABI3 orthologues. Abi3-7 seeds display reductions in dormancy and in sensitivity to abscisic acid which are intermediate between those of the leaky abi3-1 and of the severe abi3-4 and abi3-5 mutants. Accumulation and distribution of At2S1 and At2S2 albumin mRNA as well as of AtEm1 and AtEm6 late embryogenesis-abundant proteins and mRNA have been analyzed. Both At2S1 and At2S2 mRNA are reduced in abi3-7, but distribution of At2S2 is spatially restricted. Accumulation of AtEm6 protein is more sensitive to abi3-7 mutation than AtEm1. However both mRNAs are considerably reduced in this mutant. Their distribution is also differentially affected. These results provide genetic evidence for the importance of the conserved B2 domain for ABI3 function in vivo.  相似文献   

Luo B  Xue XY  Hu WL  Wang LJ  Chen XY 《Plant & cell physiology》2007,48(12):1790-1802
Cuticle, including wax and cutin, is the barrier covering plant aerial organs and protecting the inner tissues. The Arabidopsis thaliana ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter CER5 (AtWBC12) has been identified as a wax exporter. In agreement with the latest report of another wax exporter, AtWBC11, here we show that atwbc11 mutants displayed organ fusions and stunted growth, and became vulnerable to chlorophyll leaching and toluidine blue staining. Chemical analysis showed that wax and cutin monomers were both reduced in the atwbc11 mutant. AtWBC11 was widely expressed in aerial organs. Interestingly, we found that the expression was light dependent, and the phytohormone ABA up-regulated AtWBC11 expression. We also found that while the AtWBC11 promoter had a broad pattern of activity, the expression was converted to epidermis specific when the reporter gene was fused to AtWBC11 cDNA. Furthermore, RNA blot analysis supported epidermis-specific expression of AtWBC11. Our results support that AtWBC11 is involved in cuticle development.  相似文献   

The actin cytoskeleton has been implicated in regulating plant gravitropism. However, its precise role in this process remains uncertain. We have shown previously that disruption of the actin cytoskeleton with Latrunculin B (Lat B) strongly promoted gravitropism in maize roots. These effects were most evident on a clinostat as curvature that would exceed 90 degrees despite short periods of horizontal stimulation. To probe further the cellular mechanisms underlying these enhanced gravity responses, we extended our studies to roots of Arabidopsis. Similar to our observations in other plant species, Lat B enhanced the response of Arabidopsis roots to gravity. Lat B (100 nm) and a stimulation time of 5-10 min were sufficient to induce enhanced bending responses during clinorotation. Lat B (100 nm) disrupted the fine actin filament network in different regions of the root and altered the dynamics of amyloplasts in the columella but did not inhibit the gravity-induced alkalinization of the columella cytoplasm. However, the duration of the alkalinization response during continuous gravistimulation was extended in Lat B-treated roots. Indirect visualization of auxin redistribution using the DR5:beta-glucuronidase (DR5:GUS) auxin-responsive reporter showed that the enhanced curvature of Lat B-treated roots during clinorotation was accompanied by a persistent lateral auxin gradient. Blocking the gravity-induced alkalinization of the columella cytoplasm with caged protons reduced Lat B-induced curvature and the development of the lateral auxin gradient. Our data indicate that the actin cytoskeleton is unnecessary for the initial perception of gravity but likely acts to downregulate gravitropism by continuously resetting the gravitropic-signaling system.  相似文献   

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