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Benthic metazoans play a key role as test organisms in toxicity analyses of aquatic ecosystems. This report gives an overview of the species of benthic metazoans used for the assessment of toxicity in freshwater and marine sediments, as well as of the criteria relevant to the choice between test species and procedures. The main applications of these organisms are mono-species bioassays, test-batteries, analyses of benthic communities and bioaccumulation studies. Sediment toxicity assays, including acute and chronic exposures, have been developed for nematodes, insects, oligochaetes, polychaetes, crustaceans, molluscs and echinoderms. At least 30 species of freshwater and 71 species of marine and estuarine benthic metazoans have thus far been used in sediment toxicity bioassays. Although aquatic pollution is a world-wide problem, most sediment toxicity bioassays have been developed for organisms native to Europe and North America. The most common bioassay endpoints are mortality, development, growth and behavioural responses. The value of genetic, biochemical, physiological and pathological responses as toxicity endpoints is currently being investigated. The quest for additional test species and protocols is still a worthwhile endeavour in sediment ecotoxicology.  相似文献   

The extent to which sediments of aquatic systems immobilize or release phosphorus can affect dramatically the P content of overlying waters. Data from 48 different aquatic systems suggests that there may be a major difference between fresh- and salt-water systems in this immobilization. Under oxic conditions (water overlying sediments had dissolved oxygen > 0.5 mg/L) P is strongly immobilized in sediments of most fresh-water systems. In sediments of most salt-water systems P is released from sediments and behaves, essentially, as a conservative tracer of benthic decomposition. This difference in P cycling is large enough to have an influence on the often cited difference in phytoplankton nutrient limitation between fresh- and salt-water systems.  相似文献   

Morphological diversity, abundance and community structure of viruses were examined in the deep and anoxic sediments of the volcanic Lake Pavin (France). The sediment core, encompassing 130 years of sedimentation, was subsampled every centimeter. High viral abundances were recorded and correlated to prokaryotic densities. Abundances of viruses and prokaryotes decreased with the depth, contrasting the pattern of virus-to-prokaryote ratio. According to fingerprint analyses, the community structure of viruses, bacteria and archaea gradually changed, and communities of the surface (0–10 cm) could be discriminated from those of the intermediate (11–27 cm) and deep (28–40 cm) sediment layers. Viral morphotypes similar to virions of ubiquitous dsDNA viruses of bacteria were observed. Exceptional morphotypes, previously never reported in freshwater systems, were also detected. Some of these resembled dsDNA viruses of hyperthermophilic and hyperhalophilic archaea. Moreover, unusual types of spherical and cubic virus-like particles (VLPs) were observed. Infected prokaryotic cells were detected in the whole sediment core, and their vertical distribution correlated with both viral and prokaryotic abundances. Pleomorphic ellipsoid VLPs were visible in filamentous cells tentatively identified as representatives of the archaeal genus Methanosaeta, a major group of methane producers on earth.  相似文献   

海洋病毒——海洋生态系统结构与功能的重要调控者   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
摘要:作为海洋生态系统中的重要成员,海洋病毒在调节海洋生态系统中的群落结构、种群数量、物质循环、生物间遗传物质的转移以及气候变化等方面起着重要的作用。本文概述了近年来对海洋病毒的研究进展,讨论了海洋病毒对海洋生态系统结构和功能的重要调控作用,并对海洋病毒的研究前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

The evolutionary origins of the salmonidfishes, whether in freshwater or the sea, havebeen debated for centuries. Early viewsfavoured a group of marine ancestry invadingfreshwaters; more recently, there was a shifttowards a freshwater ancestry, on grounds thata return to freshwater to spawn indicates theancestral biome. Salmonids are widely believedto share an ancient common ancestry with thenorthern hemisphere Osmeridae and southernhemisphere Retropinnidae and Galaxiidae. Salmonidae are diadromous, as are Osmeridae,Retropinnidae and Galaxiidae. This suggeststhat diadromy is an ancient behavioralphenomenon across all these groups, that theshared common ancestry of these groups was alsodiadromous, and that the ancestry of Salmonidaewas neither marine nor freshwater, but wasamongst diadromous fishes. This begs thequestion of whether this common ancestor wasmarine or freshwater, a question for which ananswer seems likely to be elusive.  相似文献   

Biogeography and ecology of freshwater diatoms in Subantarctica: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Subantarctica is situated between the Antarctic and the Subtropical Convergence and consists of the islands in the southern Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. Diatoms are an important component of all Subantarctic aquatic, moss and soil habitats. Taxonomic studies reveal a high diversity and species richness in both the present-day and the fossil diatom flora. Planktonic diatoms are almost completely absent. A similarity analysis of the diatom composition from different localities in the southern zone (below 40°S) resulted in a biogeographical zonation. Three regions could be formed, based on their diatom composition: Subantarctica, Maritime Antarctica and the Antarctic Continent. The diatom communities in the different regions are all characterized by a high proportion of cosmopolitan species. A second feature of the southern diatom floras is the decreasing diversity when moving southwards.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic data were analysed from 49 species of freshwater fish, 57 species of marine fish, and seven anadromous species. For each species, at least 15 individuals had been assayed for at least 15 loci in two or more subpopulations. The results showed that while average total heterozygosity ( T ) was approximately equal in freshwater and marine species (0·062 and 0·064 respectively), subpopulation heterozygosity ( s ) was significantly less in the former group (0·046 and 0·059 respectively). Consequently the average degree of genetic subpopulation differentiation ( ST ) was significantly greater for freshwater species (0·222 v. 0·062). On average, it is likely that marine subpopulations exchange between 10 and 100 times more migrants per generation than freshwater subpopulations, presumably because of the relative absence of barriers to dispersal in the marine environment. The reduced values of Hs in freshwater species are likely to reflect reduced effective subpopulation sizes relative to marine species. The few andromous species that have been analysed show intermediate levels of GST .  相似文献   

Induced defences in marine and freshwater phytoplankton: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many organisms have developed defences to avoid predation by species at higher trophic levels. The capability of primary producers to defend themselves against herbivores affects their own survival, can modulate the strength of trophic cascades and changes rates of competitive exclusion in aquatic communities. Algal species are highly flexible in their morphology, growth form, biochemical composition and production of toxic and deterrent compounds. Several of these variable traits in phytoplankton have been interpreted as defence mechanisms against grazing. Zooplankton feed with differing success on various phytoplankton species, depending primarily on size, shape, cell wall structure and the production of toxins and deterrents. Chemical cues associated with (i) mechanical damage, (ii) herbivore presence and (iii) grazing are the main factors triggering induced defences in both marine and freshwater phytoplankton, but most studies have failed to disentangle the exact mechanism(s) governing defence induction in any particular species. Induced defences in phytoplankton include changes in morphology (e.g. the formation of spines, colonies and thicker cell walls), biochemistry (such as production of toxins, repellents) and in life history characteristics (formation of cysts, reduced recruitment rate). Our categorization of inducible defences in terms of the responsible induction mechanism provides guidance for future work, as hardly any of the available studies on marine or freshwater plankton have performed all the treatments that are required to pinpoint the actual cue(s) for induction. We discuss the ecology of inducible defences in marine and freshwater phytoplankton with a special focus on the mechanisms of induction, the types of defences, their costs and benefits, and their consequences at the community level.  相似文献   

Marine sediments cover most of the ocean bottom, and the organisms that reside in these sediments therefore constitute the largest faunal assemblage on Earth in areal coverage. The biomass in these sediments is dominated by macrofauna, a grouping of invertebrate polychaetes, molluscs, crustaceans and other phyla based on size. Globally, only a small portion of marine habitats have been sampled for macrofauna, but sampled areas have led to global estimates of macrofaunal species number ranging from 500,000 to 10,000,000. Most of these species are undescribed, and global syntheses of patterns of individual taxa and biodiversity are few and based on limited samples. The significance of biodiversity in marine sediments to ecosystem processes is poorly understood, but individual species and functional groups are known to carry out activities that have global importance. Macrofaunal activity impacts global carbon, nitrogen and sulphur cycling, transport, burial and metabolism of pollutants, secondary production including commercial species, and transport of sediments. Documented extinctions of marine macrofauna are few, but the ramifications of species loss through habitat shrinkage and undocumented extinctions are unknown. Limited data suggest there is substantial functional redundancy in macrofauna within trophic groups but whether this redundancy is sufficient to allow species loss without significantly altering ecosystem processes is unknown. Sorely needed are experiments that test specific hypotheses on biodiversity, redundancy, and ecosystem processes as they relate to marine macrofauna.  相似文献   

The size distribution of viral DNA in natural samples was investigated in a number of marine, brackish and freshwater environments by means of pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). The method was modified to work with both water and sediment samples, with an estimated detection limit for individual virus genome size groups of 1-2 x 10(4) virus-like particles (VLP) mL(-1) water and 2-4 x 10(5) VLP cm(-3) sediment in the original samples. Variations in the composition and distribution of dominant virus genome sizes were analyzed within and between different habitats that covered a range in viral density from 0.4 x 10(7) VLP mL(-1) (sea water) to 300 x 10(7) VLP cm(-3) (lake sediment). The PFGE community fingerprints showed a number of cross-system similarities in the genome size distribution with a general dominance of genomes in the 30-48, 50-70 and 145-200 kb size fractions, and with many of the specific genome sizes detected in all the investigated habitats. However, large differences in community fingerprints were also observed between the investigated sites, and some virus genome sizes were found only in specific biotopes (e.g. lake water), in specific ecosystems (e.g. a particular lake) or even in specific microhabitats (e.g. a particular sediment stratum).  相似文献   

Factors controlling bacterial production in marine and freshwater sediments   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
We collected benthic bacterial production data measured by 3H thymidine incorporation (TTI) (25 studies), frequency of dividing cells (FDC) (3 studies), dark-C02 assimilation (1 study) and 3H-adenine uptake (2 studies) from the literature, which included 18 marine, 6 river, and 2 lake studies. In all of the studies that used the TTI method, 3H-DNA was isolated and incubations were carried out at in situ temperatures. Most of the researchers also determined 3H-DNA extraction efficiencies and isotope dilution, thus interpretable estimates of bacterial production were used in the analysis. In marine sediments, bacterial production rates were linked to bacterial biomass, bacterial abundance, sediment organic matter, temperature, and sediment chlorophyll a, with these variables explaining between 40% and 68% of the variation in production rates. Simple relationships between production and bacterial biomass or bacterial abundance, or between production and sediment organic matter, were improved by also including temperature in the analysis of marine sediments. Sediment organic matter explained an appreciable fraction (58%) of the observed production in freshwater sediments. Temperature was the most powerful predictor of the observed variability in specific growth rates (r 2 = 0.48 and r 2 = 0.58) in marine and freshwater sediments, respectively. Thus, bacterial production and specific growth rates are most closely linked to substrate supply and temperature in marine and freshwater sediments. Offprint requests to: B. C. Sander.  相似文献   

Arsenic is a wide-spread contaminant of soils and sediments, andmany watersheds worldwide regularly experience severe arsenic loading. While the toxicityof arsenic to plants and animals is well recognized, the geochemical and biological transformationsthat alter its bioavailability in the environment are multifaceted and remain poorly understood.This communication provides a brief overview of our current understanding of the biogeochemistryof arsenic in circumneutral freshwater sediments, placing special emphasis on microbialtransformations. Arsenic can reside in a number of oxidation states and complex ions. The commoninorganic aqueous species at circumneutral pH are the negatively charged arsenates(H2AsVO4 - and HasVO4 2-) and zero-charged arsenite(H3AsIIIO3 0). Arsenic undergoes diagenesis in response to both physicaland biogeochemical processes. It accumulates in oxic sediments by adsorption on and/orco-precipitation with hydrous iron and manganese oxides. Burial of such sediments in anoxic/suboxicenvironments favors their reduction, releasing Fe(II), Mn(II) and associatedadsorbed/coprecipitated As. Upward advection can translocate these cations and As into theoverlying oxic zone where they may reprecipitate. Alternatively, As may be repartitioned tothe sulfidic phase, forming precipitates such as arsenopyrite and orpiment. Soluble and adsorbedAs species undergo biotic transformations. As(V) can serve as the terminal electronacceptor in the biological oxidation of organic matter, and the limited number of microbes capableof this transformations are diverse in their phylogeny and physiology. Fe(III)-respiring bacteriacan mobilize both As(V) and As(III) bound to ferric oxides by the reductive dissolution ofiron-arsenate minerals. SO4 2--reducing bacteria canpromote deposition of As(III) as sulfide minerals via their production of sulfide. A limited number of As(III)-oxidizing bacteriahave been identified, some of which couple this reaction to growth. Lastly, prokaryotic andeukaryotic microbes can alter arsenic toxicity either by coupling cellular export to its reductionor by converting inorganic As to organo-arsenical compounds. The degree to which each ofthese metabolic transformations influences As mobilization or sequestration in differentsedimentary matrices remains to be established.  相似文献   

近年来,由于一些新疾病的发生和细菌耐药性的出现,微生物来源次级代谢产物的筛选重复率越来越高,微生物一些代谢基因在现有实验室条件下无法表达,所以需要发现新的微生物资源,同时找到激活微生物代谢产物基因的方法.海洋动物体内蕴含着大量的共附生微生物资源,可以产生很多具有生物活性的化合物,是潜在的药用资源.本文综述了近年来海洋动...  相似文献   

Survival of fecal microorganisms in marine and freshwater sediments.   总被引:10,自引:9,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
The survival of culturable fecal coliforms, fecal streptococci, and Clostridium perfringens spores in freshwater and marine sediments from sites near sewage outfalls was studied. In laboratory studies, the inhibition of protozoan predators with cycloheximide allowed the fecal coliforms to grow in the sediment whereas the presence of predators resulted in a net die-off. C. perfringens spores did not appear either to be affected by predators or to die off throughout the duration of the experiments (28 days). Studies using in situ membrane diffusion chambers showed that, with the exception of C. perfringens, die-off of the test organisms to 10% of their initial numbers occurred in both marine and freshwater sediments within 85 days. The usual exponential decay model could not be applied to the sediment survival data, with the exception of the data for fecal streptococci. It was concluded that application of the usual decay model to the fecal coliform data was confounded by the complex relationship between growth and predation. The survival of seeded Escherichia coli in marine sediment was studied by using an enumeration method which detected viable but nonculturable bacteria. Throughout the duration of the experiment (68 days), the same proportion of E. coli organisms remained culturable, suggesting that sediment provides a favorable, nonstarvation environment for the bacteria.  相似文献   

The distributions of bacterial form IA and form IC ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO) were investigated using Lowes Cove intertidal mudflat and Damariscotta Lake littoral sediments by PCR amplification of 492-495 bp fragments of the large subunit RuBisCO gene, cbbL. Genomic extracts for amplification were obtained from lake surface (upper 2 mm), mudflat surface (upper 2 mm), subsurface (5-7 cm), and soft-shell clam (Mya arenaria) burrow-wall sediments, as well as from a sulfide-oxidizing mat. Phylogenetic analyses of cbbL clone libraries revealed that Lowes Cove sediments were dominated by form IA cbbL-containing sequences most closely related to cbbL genes of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria or sulfide-oxidizing mats. In contrast, Damariscotta Lake cbbL clones contained primarily form IC cbbL sequences, which typify aerobic CO- and hydrogen-oxidizing facultative chemolithotrophs. Statistical analyses supported clear differentiation of intertidal and lake chemolithotroph communities, and provided evidence for some differentiation among intertidal communities. amova and libshuff analyses of Lowes Cove libraries suggested that M. arenaria burrow-wall sediments did not harbour distinct communities compared with surface and subsurface sediments, but that surface and subsurface libraries displayed moderate differences. The results collectively support a conceptual model in which the relative distribution of form IA- and IC-containing bacterial chemolithotrophs depends on sulfide availability, which could reflect the role of sulfate reduction in sediment organic matter metabolism, or the presence of geothermal sulfide sources.  相似文献   

海洋微生物药物的开发和应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
概要介绍了海洋微生物药物的开发和应用现状,海洋微生物药物的研究开发技术和方法,并展望了海洋微生物药物及其资源的开发和应用前景。  相似文献   

Anders Broberg 《Hydrobiologia》1985,120(2):181-187
A method for measuring respiratory electron transport system activity (ETSA) in freshwater sediments is presented. It is a modification of the methods used for marine sediments by Christensen & Packard (1977) and Olànczuk-Neyman & Vosjan (1977). The assay is based on the reduction of the electron acceptor 2-(p iodophenyl) 3 (p nitrophenyl) 5 phenyl tetrazolium chloride (INT) by cell-free homogenates of sediment samples. This study shows that the method is sensitive, has good accuracy and can be used for freshwater sediments. The accuracy decreases at high turbidity and as yet has only been tested for sediments of the gyttja type. Untreated samples can be stored at low temperature for several weeks without any loss of activity. ETSA decreases with the depth of sediment and with increased amount of allochthonous material in the sediment.  相似文献   

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