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Different methylations of cloned human ornithine decarboxylase gene with restriction methylases in vitro before transfection greatly reduced the transient expression of ODC in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Single methylation of the gene with Hpa II (CCGG) methylase decreased the transiently expressed peak activity by about 50%, single methylation with Hha I (CCGG) methylase by about 80% whilst a double methylation at both Hpa II and Hha I restriction sites virtually abolished any transiently expressed ornithine decarboxylase activity. These results together with our earlier circumventing evidence indicate that the expression of mammalian ornithine decarboxylase is critically influenced by the methylation state of the gene.  相似文献   

Cell expansion, gene transfer and protein production were all executed with a single serum-free, animal protein-free commercial medium designed for suspension-adapted Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO DG44). This is a most important process to consider for clinical production of recombinant proteins. The transfection with polyethylenimine (PEI) was shown here to be scalable using both stirred-tank bioreactors of 3- and 150-l and novel agitated cultivation vessels (50 ml ventilated centrifuge tubes and 1-l square-shaped glass bottles) that lack any instrumentation. The transient transfections spanned a range of working volumes from 2 ml to 80 l. The maximum transient recombinant antibody yield was 22 mg/l, the highest ever reported for a multiliter transfection in CHO. The transiently expressed protein had the same extent of glycosylation as the same antibody produced from a stably transfected recombinant CHO cell line.  相似文献   

Six X-ray-sensitive (xrs) strains of the CHO-K1 cell line were shown to revert at a very high frequency after treatment with 5-azacytidine. This suggested that there was a methylated xrs+ gene in these strains which was structurally intact, but not expressed. The xrs strains did not complement one another, and the locus was autosomally located. In view of the frequency of their isolation and their somewhat different phenotypes, we propose that the xrs strains are mutants derived from an active wild-type gene. However, there is in addition a methylated silent gene present in the genome. Azacytidine treatment reactivated this gene. We present a model for the functional hemizygosity of mammalian cell lines, which is based on the inactivation of genes by de novo hypermethylation. In contrast to results with xrs strains, other repair-defective lines were found not to be reverted by azacytidine.  相似文献   

Gadd45 is a p53-regulated protein and is involved in cell cycle arrest in the G2/M phase. In an effort to improve transient gene expression (TGE) in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, the effect of Gadd45-induced cell cycle arrest on TGE in CHO cells was investigated using the two different expression vectors encoding Fcfusion protein and recombinant antibody. To regulate the expression of Gadd45 in CHO cells, the CHO-TREx-gadd45 cell line was established using the T-REx system controlled by doxycycline. During the cultures for TGE, Gadd45 overexpression severely inhibited cell growth, but significantly enhanced TGE. Compared with the culture without Gadd45 overexpression, the TGE of Fc fusion protein and humanized antibody were increased by 111 and 93%, respectively. The enhanced TGE, despite the cell growth arrest induced by Gadd45 overexpression, was due to the significantly increased specific productivity, resulting from enhanced transfection efficiency, increased cell size, and active DNA demethylation. Taken together, the data obtained here demonstrate that Gadd45-induced cell cycle arrest in G2/M phase can significantly enhance TGE in CHO cells.  相似文献   

Recent advances in transient transfection protocols using polyethylenimine (PEI) as a transfection reagent have led to the development of economical methods that provide yields sufficient for industrial production of proteins for many preclinical needs. There are many variables that can be optimized to improve protein expression in transient transfection, and one of the most critical is the medium in which the cells are grown. While transfection with PEI works well in media containing serum, the biopharmaceutical industry is moving away from animal-derived components in media. A number of serum-free media have been found to allow transient transfection, but many others do not for reasons that are not clear. Thus, knowledge of the components of serum-free media that can cause inhibition of PEI-mediated transient transfection would be useful for media development. In this study, an analysis was performed of various components of a serum-free medium used for Chinese hamster ovary cells in which PEI-mediated transient transfection was inhibited. We found that an iron supplement added to the medium was responsible for the inhibition. Further investigation showed that iron (III) citrate, a common iron chelator found in serum-free medium, was the specific component that caused the effect. Further, we showed that inhibition of transient transfection was caused by iron (III) citrate specifically, rather than citrate or iron alone. Finally, we showed that various iron chelators in serum-free media other than iron (III) citrate do not inhibit antibody expression.  相似文献   

To increase transient expression of recombinant proteins in Chinese hamster ovary cells, we have engineered their protein synthetic capacity by directed manipulation of mRNA translation initiation. To control this process we constructed a nonphosphorylatable Ser(51)Ala site-directed mutant of eIF2alpha, a subunit of the trimeric eIF2 complex that is implicated in regulation of the global rate of mRNA translation initiation in eukaryotic cells. Phosphorylation of eIF2alpha by protein kinases inhibits eIF2 activity and is known to increase as cells perceive a range of stress conditions. Using single- and dual-gene plasmids introduced into CHO cells by electroporation, we found that transient expression of the eIF2alpha Ser(51)Ala mutant with firefly luciferase resulted in a 3-fold increase in reporter activity, relative to cells transfected with reporter only. This effect was maintained in transfected cells for at least 48 h after transfection. Expression of the wild-type eIF2alpha protein had no such effect. Elevated luciferase activity was associated with a reduction in the level of eIF2alpha phosphorylation in cells transfected with the mutant eIF2alpha construct. Transfection of CHO cells with the luciferase-only construct resulted in a marked decrease in the global rate of protein synthesis in the whole cell population 6 h post-transfection. However, expression of the mutant Ser(51)Ala or wild-type eIF2alpha proteins restored the rate of protein synthesis in transfected cells to a level equivalent to or exceeding that of control cells. Associated with this, entry of plasmid DNA into cells during electroporation was visualized by confocal microscopy using a rhodamine-labeled plasmid construct expressing green fluorescent protein. Six hours after transfection, plasmid DNA was present in all cells, albeit to a variable extent. These data suggest that entry of naked DNA into the cell itself functions to inhibit protein synthesis by signaling mechanisms affecting control of mRNA translation by eIF2. This work therefore forms the basis of a rational strategy to generically up-regulate transient expression of recombinant proteins by simultaneous host cell engineering.  相似文献   

A luminescence method for monitoring gene expression in Chinese hamster ovary cells using apoaequorin as a secreted reporter enzyme is described. In this method, the cell is not disrupted prior to assay as in the earlier aequorin procedure and in the firefly method. The apoaequorin secretion vector is constructed by fusing the DNA fragment of the signal peptide sequence of human follistatin to the apoaequorin gene. Transfection of Chinese hamster ovary cells with the vector causes the apoaequorin to be secreted directly into the culture medium. Assay is carried out by removing a small aliquot of the culture medium, incubating it with coelenterazine, and adding Ca2+ to trigger light emission from the regenerated aequorin. The light intensity is measured with a photomultiplier photometer and is proportional to the amount of apoaequorin present. The method is highly specific and sensitive and can be carried out in a relatively short period of time.  相似文献   

Studies on epithelial cells often require the transient expression of exogenous proteins in polarized epithelial cells. However, the major limitation of this approach has been the difficulty of obtaining transient gene expression in polarized epithelial cell cultures. We report here on the application of a polyethylenimine (PEI)/DNA/adenovirus system for efficient transient gene expression in mammary epithelial cells. Based on luciferase assay and FACScan analysis the PEI/DNA/adenovirus system is shown to be an effective and simple method for transfecting epithelial cells.  相似文献   

The relationship between centriole formation and DNA synthesis was investigated by examining the effect of taxol on the centriole cycle and the initiation of DNA synthesis in synchronized cells. The centriole cycle was monitored by electron microscopy of whole-mount preparations [Kuriyama and Borisy, J. Cell Biol., 1981, 91:814-821]. A short daughter centriole appeared in perpendicular orientation to each parent during late G1 or early S and elongated slowly during S to G2. Addition of 5-20 micrograms/ml taxol to a synchronous population of cells in S phase did not inhibit centriole elongation; rather, elongation was accelerated. In contrast, when taxol was added to M phase or early G1 cells, centriole duplication was completely inhibited. The taxol block was reversible since nucleation and elongation of centrioles resumed as soon as the drug was removed. Cells exposed to taxol progressed through the cell cycle and became blocked in mitosis, as indicated by an increase in the mitotic index, but eventually the mitotic arrest was overcome, resulting in formation of multinucleated cells. A peak in mitotic index was seen in the following generation, indicating that chromosomes duplicated in the presence of taxol. Incorporation of 3H-thymidine followed by autoradiography confirmed that DNA synthesis was initiated in the presence of taxol even though formation of daughter centrioles was inhibited. It seems, therefore, that centriole duplication is not a prerequisite for entry into S phase. Since DNA synthesis has already been demonstrated not to be necessary for centriole duplication, these two events, normally coordinated in time, appear to be independent of each other.  相似文献   

The effect of hyperosmolarity on transient recombinant protein production in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells was investigated. Addition of 90 mM NaCl to the production medium ProCHO5 increased the volumetric yield of recombinant antibody up to 4-fold relative to transfection in ProCHO5 alone. Volumetric yields up to 50 mg l−1 were achieved in a 6 day batch culture of 3 l. In addition, hyperosmolarity reduced cell growth and increased cell size. The addition of salt to cultures of transiently transfected CHO cells is a simple and cost-effective method to increase TGE yields in this host.  相似文献   

Recombinant proteins are of great commercial and scientific interest. Yet, most production methods in mammalian cells involve the time- and labor-consuming step of creating stable cell lines. Production methods based on transient gene expression are advantageous in terms of speed and versatility; yet, depending on the transfection protocol, transient transfection faces some bottlenecks such as a priori complex formation, limitations in terms of transfection and production media used and the need for medium exchange prior to and/or after transfection. Published protocols for transfection of suspension-adapted HEK-293 cells with polyethyleneimine have shown great promise in overcoming some of these bottlenecks, but still require a priori complex formation for optimal yields and limit the choice of transfection and production media. Here, we report successful in situ transfection of suspension-adapted HEK-293 cells with 25-kDa linear polyethyleneimine at densities up to 20 x 10(6) cells/mL in complex media followed by production at lower cell densities (1 x 10(6) cells/mL). After concentrating cells to such high densities, transfection of HEK-293 cells becomes possible in most commonly used media and is not restricted to a specific medium. Furthermore, there is no need to make transfection complexes a priori, a step that prevents inline sterile filtration of the DNA bulk for transfection, an important consideration when scaling processes up to 100 or 1,000 L. Finally, transfecting HEK-293 cells at high density in complex media is superior to existing transfection protocols and doubles yields of recombinant protein obtainable by transient gene expression.  相似文献   

Using a transient gene expression assay to measure host cell reactivation, the effects of cyclobutane dimer and noncyclobutane dimer uv photoproducts on expression of a reporter gene were examined in normal and repair-deficient Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell lines. Ultraviolet damage in plasmid pRSV beta gal DNA, containing the Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase gene, resulted in reduced reporter gene expression in both uv-hypersensitive mutant CHO cell lines UV5 and UV61 relative to wild-type, parental AA8 cells. However, the effects of uv irradiation of transfected plasmid DNA on gene activity were reduced in UV61, a mutant with normal (6-4) photoproduct repair, compared to UV5, which is deficient in (6-4) photoproduct repair; this reduction correlated with the intermediate uv-hypersensitivity of UV61. Selective removal of cyclobutane dimers by in vitro photoreactivation of uv-irradiated plasmid DNA prior to transfection substantially increased reporter gene activity in both uv-hypersensitive mutant cell lines. This increase was significantly greater in UV61 than in UV5, consistent with UV5 being deficient in repair of both (6-4) photoproducts and cyclobutane dimers. These results suggest that unrepaired (6-4) photoproducts in transfected pRSV beta gal plasmid DNA are responsible for a significant fraction of the reduction in transient gene expression observed in recipient uv-hypersensitive CHO cell mutants.  相似文献   

The formation and removal of UV-induced pyrimidine dimers were measured in restriction fragments near and within the essential dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) gene in Chinese hamster ovary cells in order to map the genomic fine structure of DNA repair. Dimer frequencies were determined at 0, 8, and 24 h after irradiating the cells with 20 J/m2 UV light (254 nm). Within 8 h, the cells had removed more than 40% of the dimers from sequences near the 5' end of the gene, somewhat fewer from the 3' end, but only 2% from the 3' flanking region and 10% from a region upstream from the gene. The corresponding extent of repair in the genome as a whole is 5-10% in the 8-h period. Isoschizomeric restriction enzyme analysis was used to detect the level of methylation in the fragments in which repair was measured. We found that the only hypomethylated sites in and around the DHFR gene were in the fragment near its 5' end, which displayed maximal DNA repair efficiency. The size of the region of preferential DNA repair at the DHFR locus appears to be in the range of 50-80 kilobases, and this finding is discussed in relation to genomic domains and the structure of mammalian chromatin.  相似文献   

Caffeine alone causes DNA damage in Chinese hamster ovary cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Caffeine has been shown to enhance the lethal effect of DNA-damaging agents in mammalian cells, and the potentiation by caffeine of this effect is generally interpreted as the result of inhibition by caffeine of the repair of damaged DNA. However, the mechanism by which caffeine enhances the lethal effect of DNA-damaging agents has not yet been elucidated. During studies on the effect of caffeine on DNA repair, we found by alkaline elution analysis that caffeine alone produced DNA strand breaks or alkali labile sites in Chinese hamster ovary cells. The amount of DNA breakage or alkali labile sites depended on the concentration of caffeine. We propose that DNA breakage induced by caffeine may be involved in the enhancement of the lethal effect of DNA-damaging agents.  相似文献   

Gene 33 (g33) is a non-tissue-specific gene regulated in rat liver and hepatoma cells by insulin and other agents. It is thought to participate in the transition from quiescence to proliferation in mitogen-treated cells. The mechanism(s) by which insulin exerts its action on g33 are not totally understood; it is unclear whether a functional insulin receptor is required for this action. In this study, we evaluate the mechanism for insulin induction of g33 mRNA in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells transfected with the neomycin-resistant plasmid (CHONeoB), human insulin receptor (CHONewIRa), and a kinase-defective insulin receptor mutated at the ATP-binding site (CHOK1018A). Transfected cells had higher levels of insulin binding than that of CHONeoB cells; insulin-induced phosphorylation of the insulin receptor and its intracellular substrates were impaired in CHOK1018A cells. Maximal insulin induction of mRNA(g33) occurred 3 h after hormonal exposure in all cell lines. The degree of insulin stimulation of g33 mRNA levels was four- to sixfold higher in CHONewIRa than in CHONeoB or CHOK1018A cells, which had minimal levels of insulin-stimulated g33 mRNA levels. Half-maximal stimulation of g33 mRNA levels was observed at 0.06 +/- 0.01 nM in CHONewIRa cells, consistent with insulin interaction with its own receptor. Wortmannin, an inhibitor of phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase (PI3K), had some effects on insulin stimulation of g33 mRNA in CHO NewIRa cells. PD98059, an inhibitor of mitogen-activated kinase kinase (MAPKK), and rapamycin, a p70 S6 kinase inhibitor, had minimal effect on insulin stimulation of g33 mRNA in all cells tested. By contrast, hydroxy-2-naphthalenylmethyl)phosphonic acid triacetoxymethyl ester (HNMPA(AM)(3), a selective inhibitor of the insulin receptor tyrosine kinase, caused complete inhibition of insulin stimulation of g33 mRNA levels. These data indicate that the insulin receptor with intact kinase activity is required for insulin stimulation of g33 mRNA levels. They also suggest that AKT, a PI 3-kinase downstream effector molecule, could mediate insulin stimulation of g33 mRNA. The mechanism(s) of insulin regulation of g33 expression downstream of receptor do not seem to rely entirely on the classic insulin receptor transduction pathway, as a minor effect was observed upon inhibition of MAPKK, suggesting that multiple pathways may be involved.  相似文献   

The recombinant a and bsubunits for human coagulation factor XIII were transfected into Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. CHO cells were amplified and selected with methotrexate in adherent cultures containing serum, and CHO 1-62 cells were later selected in protein-free medium. To develop a recombinant factor XIII production process in a suspension culture, we have investigated the growth characteristics of CHO cells and the maintenance of factor XIII expression in the culture medium. Suspension adaptation of CHO cells was performed in protein-free medium, GC-CHO-PI, by two methods, such as serum weaning and direct switching from serum containing media to protein-free media. Although the growth of CHO cells in suspension culture was affected initially by serum depletion, cell specific productivity of factor XIII showed only minor changes by the direct switching to protein-free medium during a suspension culture. As for the long-term stability of factor XIII, CHO 1-62 cells showed a stable expression of factor XIII in protein-free condition for 1000 h. These results indicate that the CHO 1-62cells can be adapted to express recombinant human factor XIII in a stable maimer in suspension culture using a protein-free medium. Our results demonstrate that enhanced cell growth in a continuous manner is achievable for factor XIII production in a protein-free medium when a perfusion bioreactor culture system with a spin filter is employed. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Restriction digests of genomic DNA from tunicamycin-resistant Chinese hamster ovary cells, 3E11, were probed with the yeast transferase gene, ALG7. The data presented suggest moderate amplification of the N-acetylglucosaminyl-1-phosphate transferase gene occurred in these cells, consistent with the previously observed chromosomal translocations and increased enzymatic activity. This is the first example of gene amplification as a mechanism for aberrations in N-linked glycosylation.  相似文献   

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