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Liprins are a conserved family of scaffolding proteins important for the proper regulation and development of neuronal synapses. Humans have four liprin-αs and two liprin-βs which all contain long coiled-coil domains followed by three tandem SAM domains. Complex interactions between the coiled-coil and SAM domains are thought to create liprin scaffolds, but the structural and biochemical properties of these domains remain largely uncharacterized. In this study we find that the human liprin-β2 coiled-coil forms an extended dimer. Several protease-resistant subdomains within the liprin-β1 and liprin-β2 coiled-coils were also identified. A 2.0 ? crystal structure of the central, protease-resistant core of the liprin-β2 coiled-coil reveals a parallel helix orientation. These studies represent an initial step toward determining the overall architecture of liprin scaffolds and understanding the molecular basis for their synaptic functions.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage Qβ is a small RNA virus that infects Escherichia coli. The virus particle contains a few copies of the minor coat protein A1, a C‐terminally prolonged version of the coat protein, which is formed when ribosomes occasionally read‐through the leaky stop codon of the coat protein. The crystal structure of the read‐through domain from bacteriophage Qβ A1 protein was determined at a resolution of 1.8 Å. The domain consists of a heavily deformed five‐stranded β‐barrel on one side of the protein and a β‐hairpin and a three‐stranded β‐sheet on the other. Several short helices and well‐ordered loops are also present throughout the protein. The N‐terminal part of the read‐through domain contains a prominent polyproline type II helix. The overall fold of the domain is not similar to any published structure in the Protein Data Bank.  相似文献   

Protein N-glycosylation occurs in the three domains of life. Oligosaccharyltransferase (OST) transfers glycan to asparagine in the N-glycosylation sequon. The catalytic subunit of OST is called STT3 in eukaryotes, AglB in archaea, and PglB in eubacteria. The genome of a hyperthermophilic archaeon, Archaeoglobus fulgidus, encodes three AglB paralogs. Two of them are the shortest AglBs across all domains of life. We determined the crystal structure of the C-terminal globular domain of the smallest AglB to identify the minimal structural unit. The Archaeoglobus AglB lacked a β-barrel-like structure, which had been found in other AglB and PglB structures. In agreement, the deletion in a larger Pyrococcus AglB confirmed its dispensability for the activity. By contrast, the Archaeoglobus AglB contains a kinked helix bearing a conserved motif, called DK/MI motif. The lysine and isoleucine residues in the motif participate in the Ser/Thr recognition in the sequon. The Archaeoglobus AglB structure revealed that the kinked helix contained an unexpected insertion. A revised sequence alignment based on this finding identified a variant type of the DK motif with the insertion. A mutagenesis study of the Archaeoglobus AglB confirmed the contribution of this particular type of the DK motif to the activity. When taken together with our previous results, this study defined the classification of OST: one group consisting of eukaryotes and most archaea possesses the DK-type Ser/Thr pocket, and the other group consisting of eubacteria and the remaining archaea possesses the MI-type Ser/Thr pocket. This classification provides a useful framework for OST studies.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine the association between infection with Helicobacter pylori and dyspepsia. DESIGN--Cross sectional study of dyspeptic subjects and age and sex matched controls identified by a questionnaire survey of all inhabitants aged 20-69. (Endoscopy, histological examination, and microbiological examinations of biopsies from the gastric mucosa were performed blind.) SETTING--Population based survey in Sørreisa, Norway. SUBJECTS--All 782 dyspeptic subjects (excluding those with a previous history of peptic ulcer, gall stones or kidney stones, and coronary heart disease) and controls were offered an endoscopy, of whom 309 dyspeptic subjects and 310 controls attended. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Prevalences of endoscopic and histological diagnoses and of cultures positive for H pylori. RESULTS--A high prevalence of positive cultures, increasing with age, was found in both dyspeptic subjects (48%) and non-dyspeptic controls (36%) (p = 0.004). Positive cultures in both dyspeptic subjects and controls were strongly associated with histological gastritis (70%, 95% confidence interval 65.5 to 85.3; 60%, 52.7 to 67.7, respectively) and peptic ulcer (92%, 61.5 to 99.8; 64.1, 9.4 to 99.2, respectively). Only 3% of subjects with a histologically non-inflamed gastric mucosa had this infection (dyspeptic subjects 2%, 0.2 to 7.0; controls 4%; 1.2 to 8.8). CONCLUSIONS--The relation between dyspeptic symptoms and H pylori is dubious; H pylori seems to have a pathogenetic role in gastritis and may be a contributing factor but not a cause of peptic ulcer.  相似文献   

Cholix toxin from Vibrio cholerae is the third member of the diphtheria toxin (DT) group of mono-ADP-ribosyltransferase (mART) bacterial toxins. It shares structural and functional properties with Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A and Corynebacterium diphtheriae DT. Cholix toxin is an important model for the development of antivirulence approaches and therapeutics against these toxins from pathogenic bacteria. Herein, we have used the high-resolution X-ray structure of full-length cholix complexed with NAD+ to describe the properties of the NAD+-binding pocket at the residue level, including the role of crystallographic water molecules in the NAD+ substrate interaction. The full-length apo cholix structure is used to describe the putative NAD+-binding site(s) and to correlate biochemical with crystallographic data to study the stoichiometry and orientation of bound NAD+ molecules. We quantitatively describe the NAD+ substrate interactions on a residue basis for the main 22 pocket residues in cholixf, a glycerol and 5 contact water molecules as part of the recognition surface by the substrate according to the conditions of crystallization. In addition, the dynamic properties of an in silico version of the catalytic domain were investigated in order to understand the lack of electronic density for one of the main flexible loops (R-loop) in the pocket of X-ray complexes. Implications for a rational drug design approach for mART toxins are derived.  相似文献   

To develop a specific line blot (LB) for supporting ELISA-based serodiagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection, individual native/recombinant H. pylori antigens were evaluated with respect to their reactivity with both serum IgG and IgA from 156 dyspeptic screening patients (67% H. pylori positive). Of 13 antigens, HP0175, p17, and p19 revealed highest positive likelihood ratios for H. pylori-specific IgG (> 5.0) and were selected as LB substrates, in addition to the established virulence markers VacA and CagA. For validation, the LB was compared to a commercial whole-cell-lysate-based ELISA by parallel (re-)analysis of 156 screening sera, 22 sera from diabetes mellitus patients and 15 sera from follow-up patients after H. pylori eradication. In screening patients, the combined use of IgG ELISA and LB revealed a sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of 94%, 81%, and 90%, respectively, whereas IgG ELISA alone exhibited a low specificity of 75%. In diabetic and follow-up patients, IgA ELISA exhibited high accuracy of 89% and 93%, respectively, whereas IgG detection was unreliable (accuracy < 80%). In conclusion, using HP0175, p17, p19, CagA, and VacA as LB substrates significantly improves the specificity of anti-H. pylori IgG analysis, providing a reliable tool for (1) confirmation/refutation of ELISA-based screening results and (2) assessment of the CagA/VacA status.  相似文献   



Drug resistance in Helicobacter pylori severely affects the efficacy of eradication therapy, and a number of studies have been conducted on this issue. The aim of this study was to assess the progress in this field using a bibliometric approach.

Materials and Methods

Publications related to H. pylori resistance from 2002 to 2022 were retrieved from the Web of Science database. Relevant information including titles, authors, countries, and keywords was extracted, and the data were processed using Excel, VOSviewer, and CiteSpace software for co-authorship, co-citation, and co-occurrence analysis.


From 2002 to 2022 (as of 09/24/2022), the field of H. pylori–resistance research produced a total of 2677 publications with a total of 75217 citations, with an overall upward trend in the annual number of articles published, reaching a peak of 204 in 2019. Articles were mainly published in Q1 or Q2 journals, with Helicobacter (TP = 261) publishing the most literature, Baylor College of Medicine (TP = 68) and Deng-chyang wu (TP = 38) being the most prolific institutions and authors, respectively. China and the United States were the locations of most of the articles, accounting for 35.08% of the global publication volume. Keyword co-occurrence analysis divided H. pylori-resistance research into four clusters: “Therapeutic Strategies,” “Diseases,” “Mechanism Research and Epidemiology,” and “Drug Research.” “Drug research” and burst detection indicate that the current research hotspot involves the selection and analysis of treatment strategies.


H. pylori–resistance research has become a popular research field, and although there are significant contributions from Europe, the United States, and East Asia, there are significant imbalances between regions that cannot be ignored. In addition, the exploration of treatment strategies remains a key issue for research at the current stage.  相似文献   

The glycosyltransferase SnogD from Streptomyces?nogalater transfers a nogalamine moiety to the metabolic intermediate 3',4'-demethoxynogalose-1-hydroxynogalamycinone during the final steps of biosynthesis of the aromatic polyketide nogalamycin. The crystal structure of recombinant SnogD, as an apo-enzyme and with a bound nucleotide, 2-deoxyuridine-5'-diphosphate, was determined to 2.6?? resolution. Reductive methylation of SnogD was crucial for reproducible preparation of diffraction quality crystals due to creation of an additional intermolecular salt bridge between methylated lysine residue Lys384 and Glu374* from an adjacent molecule in the crystal lattice. SnogD is a dimer both in solution and in the crystal, and the enzyme subunit displays a fold characteristic of the GT-B family of glycosyltransferases. Binding of the nucleotide is associated with rearrangement of two active-site loops. Site-directed mutagenesis shows that two active-site histidine residues, His25 and His301, are critical for the glycosyltransferase activities of SnogD both in?vivo and in?vitro. The crystal structures and the functional data are consistent with a role for His301 in binding of the diphosphate group of the sugar donor substrate, and a function of His25 as a catalytic base in the glycosyl transfer reaction. Database The atomic coordinates and structure factors have been deposited with the RCSB Protein Data Bank under accession numbers 4AMB, 4AMG and 4AN4 Structured digital abstract ? snogD?and?snogD?bind?by?x-ray crystallography?(View Interaction:?1,?2).  相似文献   

The tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase catalyzes the activation of tyrosine and its coupling to the cognate tRNA. The enzyme is made of two domains: an N-terminal catalytic domain and a C-terminal domain that is necessary for tRNA binding and for which it was not possible to determine the structure by X-ray crystallography. We determined the secondary structure of the C-terminal domain of the tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase from Bacillus stearothermophilus by nuclear magnetic resonance methods and found that it is of the alpha+beta type. Its arrangement differs from those of the other anticodon binding domains whose structure is known. We also found that the isolated C-terminal domain behaves as a folded globular protein, and we suggest the presence of a flexible linker between the two domains.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to evaluate seasonal periodicity in the prevalence of Helicobacter pylori. A prospective study was performed on 1076 consecutive patients who were investigated in our hospital over a 3-year span because of epigastric complaints. Our findings indicate a significant accumulation of positive Helicobacter pylori tests in October. Gastric acidity, gender, and age did not influence Helicobacter pylori infection significantly. There was no significant correlation between potential seasonal influence on the diagnosis of ulcer disease and the seasonal fluctuation of Helicobacter pylori infection. The seasonality was confirmed by cosinor analysis for the absolute frequencies of H. pylori infections and also for the number of cases positive for H. pylori per number of presenting patients per month. A seasonal concept of a sensitivity threshold for positive Helicobacter pylori testing is introduced, taking into account such factors as immune system, nutrition, and medication status.  相似文献   

DNA polymerases cannot synthesize DNA without a primer, and DNA primase is the only specialized enzyme capable of de novo synthesis of short RNA primers. In eukaryotes, primase functions within a heterotetrameric complex in concert with a tightly bound DNA polymerase α (Pol α). In humans, the Pol α part is comprised of a catalytic subunit (p180) and an accessory subunit B (p70), and the primase part consists of a small catalytic subunit (p49) and a large essential subunit (p58). The latter subunit participates in primer synthesis, counts the number of nucleotides in a primer, assists the release of the primer-template from primase and transfers it to the Pol α active site. Recently reported crystal structures of the C-terminal domains of the yeast and human enzymes'' large subunits provided critical information related to their structure, possible sites for binding of nucleotides and template DNA, as well as the overall organization of eukaryotic primases. However, the structures also revealed a difference in the folding of their proposed DNA-binding fragments, raising the possibility that yeast and human proteins are functionally different. Here we report new structure of the C-terminal domain of the human primase p58 subunit. This structure exhibits a fold similar to a fold reported for the yeast protein but different than a fold reported for the human protein. Based on a comparative analysis of all three C-terminal domain structures, we propose a mechanism of RNA primer length counting and dissociation of the primer-template from primase by a switch in conformation of the ssDNA-binding region of p58.Key words: DNA primase, prim1, prim2, replication, 4Fe-4S cluster, crystal structure, DNA polymerase α  相似文献   

Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are involved in fast synaptic transmission in the central and peripheral nervous system. Among the many different types of subunits in nAChRs, the β2 subunit often combines with the α4 subunit to form α4β2 pentameric channels, the most abundant subtype of nAChRs in the brain. Besides computational predictions, there is limited experimental data available on the structure of the β2 subunit. Using high-resolution NMR spectroscopy, we solved the structure of the entire transmembrane domain (TM1234) of the β2 subunit. We found that TM1234 formed a four-helix bundle in the absence of the extracellular and intracellular domains. The structure exhibited many similarities to those previously determined for the Torpedo nAChR and the bacterial ion channel GLIC. We also assessed the influence of the fourth transmembrane helix (TM4) on the rest of the domain. Although secondary structures and tertiary arrangements were similar, the addition of TM4 caused dramatic changes in TM3 dynamics and subtle changes in TM1 and TM2. Taken together, this study suggests that the structures of the transmembrane domains of these proteins are largely shaped by determinants inherent in their sequence, but their dynamics may be sensitive to modulation by tertiary and quaternary contacts.  相似文献   

The α-carbonic anhydrase gene from Helicobacter pylori strain 26695 has been cloned and sequenced. The full-length protein appears to be toxic to Escherichia coli, so we prepared a modified form of the gene lacking a part that presumably encodes a cleavable signal peptide. This truncated gene could be expressed in E. coli yielding an active enzyme comprising 229 amino acid residues. The amino acid sequence shows 36% identity with that of the enzyme from Neisseria gonorrhoeae and 28% with that of human carbonic anhydrase II. The H. pylori enzyme was purified by sulfonamide affinity chromatography and its circular dichroism spectrum and denaturation profile in guanidine hydrochloride have been measured. Kinetic parameters for CO2 hydration catalyzed by the H. pylori enzyme at pH 8.9 and 25°C are kcat=2.4×105 s−1, KM=17 mM and kcat/KM=1.4×107 M−1 s−1. The pH dependence of kcat/KM fits with a simple titration curve with pKa=7.5. Thiocyanate yields an uncompetitive inhibition pattern at pH 9 indicating that the maximal rate of CO2 hydration is limited by proton transfer between a zinc-bound water molecule and the reaction medium in analogy to other forms of the enzyme. The 4-nitrophenyl acetate hydrolase activity of the H. pylori enzyme is quite low with an apparent catalytic second-order rate constant, kenz, of 24 M−1 s−1 at pH 8.8 and 25°C. However, with 2-nitrophenyl acetate as substrate a kenz value of 665 M−1 s−1 was obtained under similar conditions.  相似文献   

M Gao  D Li  Y Hu  Y Zhang  Q Zou  DC Wang 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e41871
Tipα (TNF-α-inducing protein) from Helicobacter pylori is a carcinogenic effector. Studies on this protein revealed that a homodimer linked by a pair of intermolecular disulfide bridges (Cys25-Cys25 and Cys27-Cys27) was absolutely necessary for its biological functions. The activities of Tipα would be abolished when both disulfide bridges were disrupted. The crystal structures of Tipα reported to date, however, were based on inactive, monomeric mutants with their N-terminal, including residues Cys25 and Cys27, truncated. Here we report the crystal structure of H. pylori Tipα protein, TipαN25, at 2.2Å resolution, in which Cys25 and Cys27 form a pair of inter-chain disulfide bridges linking an active dimer. The disulfide bridges exhibit structural flexibility in the present structure. A series of structure-based mutagenesis, biochemical assays and molecular dynamic simulations on DNA-Tipα interactions reveal that Tipα utilizes the dimeric interface as the DNA-binding site and that residues His60, Arg77 and Arg81 located at the interface are crucial for DNA binding. Tipα could bind to one ssDNA, two ssDNA or one dsDNA in experiments, respectively, in the native or mutant states. The unique DNA-binding activities of Tipα indicate that the intrinsic flexible nature of disulfide bridges could endow certain elasticity to the Tipα dimer for its unique bioactivities. The results shed light on the possible structural mechanism for the functional performances of Tipα.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional (3D) structure of the catalytic domain of Gas1p, a protein belonging to the only family of β-(1,3)-glucan transferases so far identified in yeasts and some pathogenic fungi (family GH-72), has been predicted by combining results derived from threading methods, multiple sequence alignments and secondary-structure predictions. The 3D model has allowed the identification of several residues that are predicted to play a crucial role in structural integrity, substrate recognition and catalysis. In particular, the model of the catalytic domain can be useful for designing site-directed mutagenesis experiments and for developing inhibitors of Gas1p enzymatic activity. Figure Three-dimensional models of the Gas1p catalytic domain as predicted using as template 7A3H (PDB code) protein Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

Background: [2Fe–2S] ferredoxins, also called plant-type ferredoxins, are low-potential redox proteins that are widely distributed in biological systems. In photosynthesis, the plant-type ferredoxins function as the central molecule for distributing electrons from the photolysis of water to a number of ferredox-independent enzymes, as well as to cyclic photophosphorylation electron transfer. This paper reports only the second structure of a [2Fe–2S] ferredoxin from a eukaryotic organism in its native form.Results: Ferredoxin from the green algae Chlorella fusca has been purified, characterised, crystallised and its structure determined to 1.4 Å resolution – the highest resolution structure published to date for a plant-type ferredoxin. The structure has the general features of the plant-type ferredoxins already described, with conformational differences corresponding to regions of higher mobility. Immunological data indicate that a serine residue within the protein is partially phosphorylated. A slightly electropositive shift in the measured redox potential value, -325 mV, is observed in comparison with other ferredoxins.Conclusions: This high-resolution structure provides a detailed picture of the hydrogen-bonding pattern around the [2Fe–2S] cluster of a plant-type ferredoxin; for the first time, it was possible to obtain reliable error estimates for the geometrical parameters. The presence of phosphoserine in the protein indicates a possible mechanism for the regulation of the distribution of reducing power from the photosynthetic electron-transfer chain.  相似文献   

The single cystathionine β-synthase (CBS) pair proteins from Arabidopsis thaliana have been identified as being a redox regulator of the thioredoxin (Trx) system. CBSX1 and CBSX2, which are two of the six Arabidopsis cystathione β-synthase domain-containing proteins that contain only a single CBS pair, have close sequence similarity. Recently, the crystal structure of CBSX2 was determined and a significant portion of the internal region was disordered. In this study, crystal structures of full-length CBSX1 and the internal loop deleted (Δloop) form are reported at resolutions of 2.4 and 2.2 Å, respectively. The structures of CBSX1 show that they form anti-parallel dimers along their central twofold axis and have a unique ~155° bend along the side. This is different from the angle of CBSX2, which is suggestive of the flexible nature of the relative angle between the monomers. The biochemical data that were obtained using the deletion as well as point mutants of CBSX1 confirmed the importance of AMP-ligand binding in terms of enhancing Trx activity.  相似文献   

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