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J Fontaine-Perus 《Peptides》1984,5(2):195-200
The distribution of the VIP containing structures was studied in the gut and in the paravertebral sympathetic ganglia of the quail and chick embryos by immunocytochemistry. In the gut, development of peptidergic nerves followed a craniocaudal gradient. Immunoreactive fibres were first visible in the oesophagus at day 9 in the quail and day 10 in the chick, at 12 days they extended over the whole length of the gut. Cell bodies were localized at day 9 in the foregut and observed in the mid- and hind-gut just before hatching. Transplantations on the chorioallantoic membrane of fragments of various parts of the digestive tract clearly demonstrated that VIP nerve cell bodies belonged to the intrinsic innervation of the gut. Besides the gut, sympathetic paravertebral ganglia contained cells with VIP immunoreactivity detected at day 9 and 10 in quail and chick respectively. In order to find out whether VIP containing neurons differentiated normally in chick embryos in which quail neural crest cells had been implanted at an early stage of development we looked for the appearance of peptidergic neurones in the following situations: when the quail neural primordium had been grafted orthotopically and isochronically into chick host (1) at the adrenomedullary (somites 18-24) and (2) at the vagal (somites 1-7) levels of the neural axis. In all conditions VIP immunoreactivity was observed in quail cells located either in the sympathetic paravertebral ganglia of the trunk at the level of the graft or in the enteric ganglia according to the graft was made at the adrenomedullary and vagal levels respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Of the many models to study vascular biology the avian embryo remains an informative and powerful model system that has provided important insights into endothelial cell recruitment, assembly and remodeling during development of the circulatory system. This review highlights several discoveries in the avian system that show how arterial patterning is regulated using the model of dorsal aortae development along the embryo midline during gastrulation and neurulation. These discoveries were made possible through spatially and temporally controlled gain-of-function experiments that provided direct evidence that BMP signaling plays a pivotal role in vascular recruitment, patterning and remodeling and that Notch-signaling recruits vascular precursor cells to the dorsal aortae. Importantly, BMP ligands are broadly expressed throughout embryos but BMP signaling activation region is spatially defined by precisely regulated expression of BMP antagonists. These discoveries provide insight into how signaling, both positive and negative, regulate vascular patterning. This review also illustrates similarities of early arterial patterning along the embryonic midline in amniotes both avian and mammalians including human, evolutionarily specialized from non-amniotes such as fish and frog.  相似文献   

Until recently, almost everything known about the molecular controls of early neural development came from studies in amphibians. It is now possible to misexpress factors in chick embryos at relatively late stages in development, allowing careful dissection of the timing of cell interactions. This is starting to contribute significantly to our understanding of neural induction and early patterning.  相似文献   

Insect cuticles have been a model system for the study of planar polarity for many years and a number of genes required for this process have been identified. These genes organise the polarised arrangement of hairs on the legs, wings, thorax, and abdomen of adult Drosophila. It has previously been shown that four-jointed is involved in planar polarity decisions in the eye as well as proximal distal leg and wing development. We now present evidence that four-jointed is expressed in a gradient through the developing wing and show that it is required for planar polarity determination in both the wing and the abdomen. Clones of cells either lacking or ectopically expressing four-jointed cause both autonomous and nonautonomous repolarisation of hairs in these tissues. We propose that the inferred four-jointed expression gradient is important for planar polarity establishment and that local inversions of the gradient by the clones are the probable cause of the observed polarity phenotypes. In addition we observe defects in wing vein development. The subtle phenotypes of mutant flies, and the diverse patterning processes in which it is involved, suggest that four-jointed may act as a modifier of the activity of multiple other signalling factors.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) family members, including BMP2, BMP4, and BMP7, are expressed throughout limb development. BMPs have been implicated in early limb patterning as well as in the process of skeletogenesis. However, due to complications associated with early embryonic lethality, particularly for Bmp2 and Bmp4, and with functional redundancy among BMP molecules, it has been difficult to decipher the specific roles of these BMP molecules during different stages of limb development. To circumvent these issues, we have constructed a series of mouse strains lacking one or more of these BMPs, using conditional alleles in the case of Bmp2 and Bmp4 to remove them specifically from the limb bud mesenchyme. Contrary to earlier suggestions, our results indicate that BMPs neither act as secondary signals downstream of Sonic Hedghog (SHH) in patterning the anteroposterior axis nor as signals from the interdigital mesenchyme in specifying digit identity. We do find that a threshold level of BMP signaling is required for the onset of chondrogenesis, and hence some chondrogenic condensations fail to form in limbs deficient in both BMP2 and BMP4. However, in the condensations that do form, subsequent chondrogenic differentiation proceeds normally even in the absence of BMP2 and BMP7 or BMP2 and BMP4. In contrast, we find that the loss of both BMP2 and BMP4 results in a severe impairment of osteogenesis.  相似文献   

Dorsoventral patterning of the neural tube has a crucial role in shaping the functional organization of the CNS. It is well established that hedgehog signalling plays a key role in specifying ventral cell types throughout the neuroectoderm, and major progress has been made in elucidating how hedgehog signalling works in this ventral specification. In addition, other molecular pathways, including nodal, retinoic acid and fibroblast growth factor signalling, have been identified as important molecular cues for ventral patterning of the spinal cord, telencephalon and eye. Here, we discuss recent advances in this field, highlighting the emerging interplay of these signalling pathways in the molecular specification of ventral patterning at different rostrocaudal levels of the CNS.  相似文献   

Recent studies of the sea urchin embryo have elucidated the mechanisms that localize and pattern its nervous system. These studies have revealed the presence of two overlapping regions of neurogenic potential at the beginning of embryogenesis, each of which becomes progressively restricted by separate, yet linked, signals, including Wnt and subsequently Nodal and BMP. These signals act to specify and localize the embryonic neural fields - the anterior neuroectoderm and the more posterior ciliary band neuroectoderm - during development. Here, we review these conserved nervous system patterning signals and consider how the relationships between them might have changed during deuterostome evolution.  相似文献   

Decorin, a proteoglycan, interacts with extracellular matrix proteins, growth factors and receptors. Decorin expression and spatio-temporal distribution were studied by RT-PCR and immunofluorescence, while decorin function was examined by blocking antibodies in the early chick embryo. Decorin was first detectable at stage XIII (late blastula). During gastrulation (stage HH3-4), decorin fluorescence was intense in epiblast cells immediately adjacent to the streak, and in migrating cells. Decorin fluorescence was intense in endoderm and strong at mesoderm-neural plate surfaces at stage HH5-6 (neurula). At stage HH10-11 (12 somites), decorin fluorescence was intense in myelencephalon and then showed distinct expression patterns along the myelencephalon axes by stage HH17. Decorin fluorescence was intense in neural crest cells, dorsal aorta, heart, somite and neuroepithelial cells apposing the somite, nephrotome, gut and in pancreatic and liver primordia. Antibody-mediated inhibition of decorin function affected the head-to-tail embryonic axis extension, indicating that decorin is essential for convergent extension cell movements during avian gastrulation. Decorin was also essential for retinal progenitor cell polarization, neural crest migration, somite boundary formation and cell polarization, mesenchymal cell polarization and primary endoderm displacement to the embryo periphery. The embryonic blood vessels were deformed, the dorsal mesocardium was thinned and the cardiac jelly was abnormally thickened in the heart. Decorin is known to modulate collagen fibrillogenesis, a key mechanism of matrix assembly, and cell proliferation. Decorin also appears to be essential for the coordination of cell and tissue polarization, which is an important feature in organ patterning of the embryo.  相似文献   

The analysis of the outgrowth pattern of spinal axons in the chick embryo has shown that somites are polarized into anterior and posterior halves. This polarity dictates the segmental development of the peripheral nervous system: migrating neural crest cells and outgrowing spinal axons traverse exclusively the anterior halves of the somite-derived sclerotomes, ensuring a proper register between spinal axons, their ganglia and the segmented vertebral column. Much progress has been made recently in understanding the molecular basis for somite polarization, and its linkage with Notch/Delta, Wnt and Fgf signalling. Contact-repulsive molecules expressed by posterior half-sclerotome cells provide critical guidance cues for axons and neural crest cells along the anterior-posterior axis. Diffusible repellents from surrounding tissues, particularly the dermomyotome and notochord, orient outgrowing spinal axons in the dorso-ventral axis ('surround repulsion'). Repulsive forces therefore guide axons in three dimensions. Although several molecular systems have been identified that may guide neural crest cells and axons in the sclerotome, it remains unclear whether these operate together with considerable overall redundancy, or whether any one system predominates in vivo.  相似文献   

WNT signalling has a key role in early embryonic patterning through the regulation of cell fate decisions, tissue polarity and cell movements. In the nervous system, WNT signalling also regulates neuronal connectivity by controlling axon pathfinding, axon remodelling, dendrite morphogenesis and synapse formation. Studies, from invertebrates to mammals, have led to a considerable understanding of WNT signal transduction pathways. This knowledge provides a framework for the study of the mechanisms by which WNTs regulate diverse neuronal functions. Manipulation of the WNT pathways could provide new strategies for nerve regeneration and neuronal circuit modulation.  相似文献   

The chordate central nervous system has been hypothesized to originate from either a dorsal centralized, or a ventral centralized, or a noncentralized nervous system of a deuterostome ancestor. In an effort to resolve these issues, we examined the hemichordate Saccoglossus kowalevskii and studied the expression of orthologs of genes that are involved in patterning the chordate central nervous system. All 22 orthologs studied are expressed in the ectoderm in an anteroposterior arrangement nearly identical to that found in chordates. Domain topography is conserved between hemichordates and chordates despite the fact that hemichordates have a diffuse nerve net, whereas chordates have a centralized system. We propose that the deuterostome ancestor may have had a diffuse nervous system, which was later centralized during the evolution of the chordate lineage.  相似文献   

The TGFbeta family member Nodal has been shown to be involved in a variety of processes in development, including early axis formation. Here, we use a conditional gene inactivation strategy to show a specific requirement for Nodal in the epiblast. Complete inactivation of the Nodal locus in the epiblast using the Sox2-Cre deleter strain results in a failure to establish global anterior-posterior patterning, a phenotype that resembles the Nodal null phenotype. By contrast, mosaic inactivation of Nodal in the epiblast using the Mox2-Cre (MORE) deleter strain affects formation of the anterior mesendoderm and subsequent anterior neurectoderm patterning. Furthermore, ES cell chimera experiments indicate that Nodal-deficient ES cells preferentially populate the anterior compartment of the epiblast, suggesting that cell mixing in the epiblast is not random and that Nodal signaling mediates a novel anterior-posterior cell-sorting process within the epiblast before gastrulation.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A) is best known for its essential roles in blood vessel growth. However, evidence has emerged that VEGF-A also promotes a wide range of neuronal functions, both in vitro and in vivo, including neurogenesis, neuronal migration, neuronal survival and axon guidance. Recent studies have employed mouse models to distinguish the direct effects of VEGF on neurons from its indirect, vessel-mediated effects. Ultimately, refining our knowledge of VEGF signalling pathways in neurons should help us to understand how the current use of therapeutics targeting the VEGF pathway in cancer and eye disease might be expanded to promote neuronal health and nerve repair.  相似文献   

骨是机体的主要支持结构,也是参与机体运动和钙磷代谢的主要器官.骨也是一种潜在的新型内分泌器官,其通过骨细胞和骨髓分泌的多种生物活性物质,参与心血管、消化、内分泌等多个系统的生理和病理生理过程.骨源活性物质还可直接作用于中枢神经系统,参与脑功能和个体行为的调节,骨-脑轴的双向调控也逐渐引起了神经科学研究领域的关注.本文综...  相似文献   

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