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New data were obtained on the karyotypes of 12 parasitic wasp species of the family Ichneumonidae: Scambus detritus (2n = 28), S. vesicarius (2n = 28), Pimpla contemplator (2n = 36), Theronia atalantae (2n = 24), Stenomacrus sp. 2 (n = 18, 2n = 36), Phygadeuon sp. 3 (2n = 32), Ichneumon memorator (2n = 24), I. vorax (2n = 22), Lymantrichneumon disparis (2n = 26), Orthopelma mediator (n = 15, 2n = 30), Lissonota buccator (2n = 22), and Trichionotus flexorius (2n = 16). Chromosomes of Anomaloninae were studied for the first time. The data on the karyotype structure of the subfamily Orthopelmatinae were revised. Various aspects of chromosome variability in Ichneumonidae are discussed.  相似文献   

The second communication continues the analysis of altitudinal changes and the spatial-typological structure of the Gamasina mite community of the Northeastern Altai based on the data of August 2006 and 2007.  相似文献   

The results of this work are presented in two communications. In this first communication, altitudinal changes and the spatial-typological structure of the Mesostigmata mite community in the Northeastern Altai are studied on the basis of the results of investigations carried out in June 2006 and 2007.  相似文献   

Basing on materials collected in 1963, 1998, and 2009–2016, we describe subzonal changes in the population of small mammals in the Prealtai Plain, provide their classification, investigate the spatial–typological structure, and estimate the dependence of heterogeneity of communities on environmental factors. We compare the heterogeneity rate of the populations of West Siberian and Prealtai plains and mountain provinces of Altai.  相似文献   

The area under study covered the West Siberian Plain from the Urals to the Yenisei River and the same band to the southern borders of the former Soviet Union in 1991, including a part of the Altai-Sayan mountain country, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and the whole of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. The results of ornithogeographic surveys carried out on routes with a length of 63000 km in 3140 habitats from May 16 to July 31 in the period from 1936 to 2013 were analyzed for this territory. More than 110 specialists took part in the study. The collected data were averaged according to the contours of natural-geographical maps. The subsequent cluster analysis revealed the presence of three systems (series) of bird communities in undeveloped and developed lands, as well as in water and riparian areas. Eight types of communities were distinguished within the first system: 1—tundra type; 2—forest-tundra type; 3—forest type; 4 and 5—West Siberian meadow-steppe and semidesert-steppe types; 6 and 7—Middle Asian northern desert-steppe and southern desert types; 8—high-mountain type. The borders of their distribution do not coincide with the zonal borders. Seven and six types of communities were distinguished in the second and third systems, respectively. A part of them was divided into 29 subtypes in total. The revealed heterogeneity of bird communities is largely determined by 12 environmental factors. The greatest correlation was detected for forestation, buildup, and watering. The multiple correlation of the bird population variability with all the identified environmental factors amounted to about 54 ± 1% of variance in the similarity matrix, which approximately corresponds to the correlation coefficient of 0.74.  相似文献   

Australian Institute of Marine Science Contribution no. 436.  相似文献   

Large seaweeds are often structurally dominant in subtidal and intertidal rocky shore benthic communities of the N.W. Atlantic. The mechanisms by which these algal assemblages are maintained are surprisingly different in the two habitats. In the subtidal community, kelps are dominant space competitors in the absence of strong grazing interactions. In contrast, the large perennial seaweeds of intertidal zones (fucoids and Chondrus crispus) are competitively inferior to both sessile filter feeders and ephemeral, pioneer algal species. Intertidal seaweed beds are maintained by carnivory of whelks, which reduces filter feeder populations, and by herbivorous periwinkles which reduce ephemeral algal populations. Through most of the intertidal zone, disturbance, both biological and physical, dictates which species shall compete and equilibrium conditions obtain subsequently.The roles of subtidal consumers are quite different. Sea urchins are the major algal herbivores and these voracious animals maintain an equilibrium state in which large tracts of subtidal coralline pavement are kept free of kelp forests. Urchins do not seem to play a successional facilitative role for kelps in the way that periwinkles do for fucoids in the intertidal. Control of herbivore populations is thus a key to the maintenance of subtidal foliose algal beds. It is clear that parasitic amoebas can decimate sea urchin populations so that kelp forest dominance is assured. However, the importance of carnivory in limiting urchins in the subtidal community is unclear in the absence of appropriate manipulation experiments. It is possible that carnivorous decapods and fin fish control sea urchin populations and hence foliose algal abundance, but this must remain speculative. The seaweed-dominated state of the subtidal system is an alternative equilibrium condition to the urchin/coralline alga configuration. The structure of the kelp beds is relatively uniform in responding to frequent small-scale, infrequent large-scale, or no, disturbance.  相似文献   

Fluoxetine is an antidepressant medicine causing relaxation and mood improvement in people, with silencing certain personality traits in some cases. The question arise if such phenomena can be observed in nontarget organisms such as fish. Fluoxetine affects fishes behavior; however, it is not known if the medicine affects its “personality.” This study aimed to evaluate the reaction of the invasive Neogobius fluviatilis and native Gobio gobio individuals to fluoxetine at environmental concentration of 360 ng/L. We prepared three variants of the experiments: (a) behavioral trials with unexposed fishes, (b) behavioral trials with the same fishes after 21 days of fluoxetine exposure, and (c) behavioral trials with the same fishes after 21‐day depuration period, that is, without fluoxetine. The fishes reaction time (RT), that is, difference in time spent on reaching food with and without the necessity of overcoming the obstacle, was analyzed. Additionally, the personality, bold or shy, traits of each fish individual, was assigned. The results indicated that environmental concentrations of the antidepressant influenced RT. The average RT of the fishes cultured with fluoxetine was by 7‐min shorter in comparison with the nonexposed control. Share of individuals exposed to fluoxetine assigned as bold raised to 71.4% in comparison with 46.4% in nonexposed control. This sheds new light on wild fishes behavior caught from freshwater. Environmental concentrations of the antidepressant influenced the time of fishes reaction and share individuals assigned as bold. Moreover, 21‐day recovery lasting might be not enough to get fluoxetine effect on fishes.  相似文献   

Sequence organization of animal nuclear DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

West Siberian reptiles were studied on the basis of the materials collected in forest, forest-steppe, and steppe zones of the Ob’ region during 12 years. Their abundance in certain biotopes has been determined. The relationship between the heterogeneity of reptile community and basic structure-forming environmental factors has been estimated, and a map of population of this faunal class was compiled.  相似文献   

The main results of the STAR project on the intercalibration of boundaries of European assessment systems and comparison between assessment methods are summarized here. The main findings are outlined in the context of the Water Framework Directive that requires reliable instructions to be set up on how to use and harmonise assessment systems and methods for European rivers. The main papers published on these subjects by STAR partners are reviewed, with focus on major questions addressed and approaches used for investigation. The need for broad coverage of geographic ranges and pressure gradients, together with the goal of providing outcomes appropriate to the effective application of the WFD are emphasized. Extensive datasets from a wide range of countries, stream types and sites and a large number of methods, metrics and approaches are compared and tested and various cross-cutting themes emerged. Among these, the value of the use of benchmarking systems for comparison and intercalibration is highlighted. Two ways of looking for comparability of assessment systems results were analyzed: a) by adopting identical sampling techniques across Europe and b) by harmonizing the classification results of the national assessment systems. In addition, the need, in the intercalibration process, for a proper definition of the criteria for reference conditions is underlined. This is because their imprecision now represents one of the major weaknesses of the whole intercalibration process. Direct and indirect approaches to intercalibration are considered and commented on for their potential use in distinct circumstances. Finally, the use common metrics for the intercalibration process, which make comparability across Europe valid, is tested and indeed encouraged.  相似文献   

Population genetics has gained popularity as a method to discover glacial refugia in terrestrial species, but has only recently been applied to the marine realm. The last glacial maxima occurred 20,000 years ago, decreasing sea levels by 120 m and exposing much of the continental shelf in the northern Gulf of Mexico, with the exception of De Soto Canyon (2100 m depth). The goal of this study was to determine whether population dynamics of the giant deep-sea isopod, Bathynomus giganteus, were better explained by habitat diversity or by the past presence of a marine glacial refugium in De Soto Canyon. To accomplish this we (1) measured genetic diversity in De Soto Canyon and adjacent regions, (2) characterized gene flow and connectivity between these regions, and (3) investigated historical changes to population size. We sequenced three mitochondrial loci (12S, 16S, and COI) from 212 individuals and also performed a next-generation sequencing pilot study using double digest Restriction site-Associated DNA sequencing. We found high genetic diversity and connectivity throughout the study regions, migration between all three regions, low population differentiation, and evidence of population expansion. This study suggests that habitat heterogeneity, rather than the presence of a glacial refugium, has had an historical effect on the population dynamics of B. giganteus.  相似文献   

Stream ecosystems across the world are dynamic and complex. Biogeographic and historical constraints cause many of these systems to be unique and create difficulty in predicting compositional changes in fish assemblages. However, each system appears to comprise similar functional groupings despite phylogenetic differences. I hypothesized that assemblages within a river would be more similar to one another, regardless of season, than assemblages from other localities based on taxonomic organization; however, assemblages from different rivers but within the same season would be more similar to one another based on functional organization. I assessed functional and taxonomic organizations of fish assemblages from three tributaries of the Colorado River in Texas (Pedernales River, San Saba River, and South Llano River) across all four seasons. Direct ordination methods resulted in assemblages from the same river, regardless of season, clustering together. More specifically, the functional and taxonomic organizations of assemblages from the South Llano River, regardless of season, were noticeably different than that from both the Pedernales River and the San Saba River, at least with respect to the first ordination axis. Current velocity, habitat availability, and temperature were influential in structuring the functional organization of assemblages in central Texas, while current velocity, substrate availability, and stream width were influential in structuring the taxonomic organization.  相似文献   

Structural organization of the multifunctional animal fatty-acid synthase   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The amino acid sequence of the multifunctional fatty-acid synthase has been examined to investigate the exact location of the seven functional domains. Good agreement in predicting the location of interdomain boundaries was obtained using three independent methods. First, the sites of limited proteolytic attack that give rise to relatively stable, large polypeptide fragments were identified; cryptic sites for protease attack at the subunit interface were unmasked by first dissociating the dimer into its component subunits. Second, polypeptide regions exhibiting higher-than-average rates of non-conservative mutation were identified. Third, the sizes of putative functional domains were compared with those of related monofunctional proteins that exhibit similar primary or secondary structure. Residues 1-406 were assigned to the oxoacyl synthase, residues 430-802 to the malonyl/acetyl transferase, residues 1630-1850 to the enoyl reductase, residues 1870-2100 to the oxyreductase, residues 2114-2190 to the acyl-carrier protein and residues 2200-2505 to the thioesterase. The 47-kDa transferase and 8-kDa acyl-carrier-protein domains, which are situated at opposite ends of the multifunctional subunit, were nevertheless isolated from tryptic digests as a non-covalently associated complex. Furthermore, a centrally located domain encompassing residues 1160-1545 was isolated as a nicked dimer. These findings, indicating that interactions between the head-to-tail juxtaposed subunits occur in both the polar and equatorial regions, are consistent with previously derived electron-micrograph images that show subunit contacts in these areas. The data permit refinement of the model for the fatty-acid synthase dimer and suggest that the malonyl/acetyl transferase and oxoacyl synthase of one subunit cooperate with the reductases, acyl carrier protein and thioesterase of the companion subunit in the formation of a center for fatty-acid synthesis.  相似文献   

Structural and functional organization of the animal fatty acid synthase   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
The entire pathway of palmitate synthesis from malonyl-CoA in mammals is catalyzed by a single, homodimeric, multifunctional protein, the fatty acid synthase. Each subunit contains three N-terminal domains, the beta-ketoacyl synthase, malonyl/acetyl transferase and dehydrase separated by a structural core from four C-terminal domains, the enoyl reductase, beta-ketoacyl reductase, acyl carrier protein and thiosterase. The kinetics and specificities of the substrate loading reaction catalyzed by the malonyl/acetyl transferase, the condensation reaction catalyzed by beta-ketoacyl synthase and chain-terminating reaction catalyzed by the thioesterase ensure that intermediates do not leak off the enzyme, saturated chains exclusively are elongated and palmitate is released as the major product. Only in the fatty acid synthase dimer do the subunits adopt conformations that facilitate productive coupling of the individual reactions for fatty acid synthesis at the two acyl carrier protein centers. Introduction of a double tagging and dual affinity chromatographic procedure has permitted the engineering and isolation of heterodimeric fatty acid synthases carrying different mutations on each subunit. Characterization of these heterodimers, by activity assays and chemical cross-linking, has been exploited to map the functional topology of the protein. The results reveal that the two acyl carrier protein domains engage in substrate loading and condensation reactions catalyzed by the malonyl/acetyl transferase and beta-ketoacyl synthase domains of either subunit. In contrast, the reactions involved in processing of the beta-carbon atom, following each chain elongation step, together with the release of palmitate, are catalyzed by the cooperation of the acyl carrier protein with catalytic domains of the same subunit. These findings suggest a revised model for the fatty acid synthase in which the two polypeptides are oriented such that head-to-tail contacts are formed both between and within subunits.  相似文献   

The essence of relevant approaches to the study of principles of animal community organization is in abstracting from the real territory and performing analysis in a factor (virtual) space, with typological presentation of the results. In this context, spatial heterogeneity of the fauna, its internal regularities, and dependence on environmental factors are discussed. In fact, the existing concepts concerning the spatial organization of the fauna contain all essential components of a theory. In this study, the assumptions, postulates, and statements of the theory of regime—resource organization of animal communities are formulated, and the theory is formalized in statistical models. The models are verified through prognosis (i.e., the prognostic capacity of the formalized models reflecting the proposed theory is estimated). Taking into account fairly strong correlations between the calculated and factual data, the results of verification of theoretical ideas concerning heterogeneity of the fauna may be considered satisfactory.  相似文献   

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