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Climate change-induced rainfall reductions in Mediterranean forests negatively affect the decomposition of plant litter through decreased soil moisture. However, the indirect effects of reduced precipitation on litter decomposition through changes in litter quality and soil microbial communities are poorly studied. This is especially the case for fine root litter, which contributes importantly to forests plant biomass. Here we analyzed the effects of long-term (11 years) rainfall exclusion (29% reduction) on leaf and fine root litter quality, soil microbial biomass, and microbial community-level physiological profiles in a Mediterranean holm oak forest. Additionally, we reciprocally transplanted soils and litter among the control and reduced rainfall treatments in the laboratory, and analyzed litter decomposition and its responses to a simulated extreme drought event. The decreased soil microbial biomass and altered physiological profiles with reduced rainfall promoted lower fine root—but not leaf—litter decomposition. Both leaf and root litter, from the reduced rainfall treatment, decomposed faster than those from the control treatment. The impact of the extreme drought event on fine root litter decomposition was higher in soils from the control treatment compared to soils subjected to long-term rainfall exclusion. Our results suggest contrasting mechanisms driving drought indirect effects on above-(for example, changes in litter quality) and belowground (for example, shifts in soil microbial community) litter decomposition, even within a single tree species. Quantifying the contribution of these mechanisms relative to the direct soil moisture-effect is critical for an accurate integration of litter decomposition into ecosystem carbon dynamics in Mediterranean forests under climate change.  相似文献   

High-N2-fixing activities of Frankia populations in root nodules on Alnus glutinosa improve growth performance of the host plant. Therefore, the establishment of active, nodule-forming populations of Frankia in soil is desirable. In this study, we inoculated Frankia strains of Alnus host infection groups I, IIIa, and IV into soil already harboring indigenous populations of infection groups (IIIa, IIIb, and IV). Then we amended parts of the inoculated soil with leaf litter of A. glutinosa and kept these parts of soil without host plants for several weeks until they were spiked with [15N]NO3 and planted with seedlings of A. glutinosa. After 4 months of growth, we analyzed plants for growth performance, nodule formation, specific Frankia populations in root nodules, and N2 fixation rates. The results revealed that introduced Frankia strains incubated in soil for several weeks in the absence of plants remained infective and competitive for nodulation with the indigenous Frankia populations of the soil. Inoculation into and incubation in soil without host plants generally supported subsequent plant growth performance and increased the percentage of nitrogen acquired by the host plants through N2 fixation from 33% on noninoculated, nonamended soils to 78% on inoculated, amended soils. Introduced Frankia strains representing Alnus host infection groups IIIa and IV competed with indigenous Frankia populations, whereas frankiae of group I were not found in any nodules. When grown in noninoculated, nonamended soil, A. glutinosa plants harbored Frankia populations of only group IIIa in root nodules. This group was reduced to 32% ± 23% (standard deviation) of the Frankia nodule populations when plants were grown in inoculated, nonamended soil. Under these conditions, the introduced Frankia strain of group IV was established in 51% ± 20% of the nodules. Leaf litter amendment during the initial incubation in soil without plants promoted nodulation by frankiae of group IV in both inoculated and noninoculated treatments. Grown in inoculated, amended soils, plants had significantly lower numbers of nodules infected by group IIIa (8% ± 6%) than by group IV (81% ± 11%). On plants grown in noninoculated, amended soil, the original Frankia root nodule population represented by group IIIa of the noninoculated, nonamended soil was entirely exchanged by a Frankia population belonging to group IV. The quantification of N2 fixation rates by 15N dilution revealed that both the indigenous and the inoculated Frankia populations of group IV had a higher specific N2-fixing capacity than populations belonging to group IIIa under the conditions applied. These results show that through inoculation or leaf litter amendment, Frankia populations with high specific N2-fixing capacities can be established in soils. These populations remain infective on their host plants, successfully compete for nodule formation with other indigenous or inoculated Frankia populations, and thereby increase plant growth performance.  相似文献   

The role of leaf litter in hydrological processes and soil erosion of forest ecosystems is poorly understood. A field experiment was conducted under simulated rainfall in runoff plots with a slope of 10%. Two common types of litter in North China (from Quercus variabilis, representing broadleaf litter, and Pinus tabulaeformis, representing needle leaf litter), four amounts of litter, and five rainfall intensities were tested. Results revealed that the litter reduced runoff and delayed the beginning of runoff, but significantly reduced soil loss (p<0.05). Average runoff yield was 29.5% and 31.3% less than bare-soil plot, and for Q. variabilis and P. tabulaeformis, respectively, and average sediment yield was 85.1% and 79.9% lower. Rainfall intensity significantly affected runoff (R = 0.99, p<0.05), and the efficiency in runoff reduction by litter decreased considerably. Runoff yield and the runoff coefficient increased dramatically by 72.9 and 5.4 times, respectively. The period of time before runoff appeared decreased approximately 96.7% when rainfall intensity increased from 5.7 to 75.6 mm h−1. Broadleaf and needle leaf litter showed similarly relevant effects on runoff and soil erosion control, since no significant differences (p≤0.05) were observed in runoff and sediment variables between two litter-covered plots. In contrast, litter mass was probably not a main factor in determining runoff and sediment because a significant correlation was found only with sediment in Q. variabilis litter plot. Finally, runoff yield was significantly correlated (p<0.05) with sediment yield. These results suggest that the protective role of leaf litter in runoff and erosion processes was crucial, and both rainfall intensity and litter characteristics had an impact on these processes.  相似文献   

Previous work in a young Hawaiian forest has shown that nitrogen (N) limits aboveground net primary production (ANPP) more strongly than it does decomposition, despite low soil N availability. In this study, I determined whether (a) poor litter C quality (that is, high litter lignin) poses an overriding constraint on decomposition, preventing decomposers from responding to added N, or (b) high N levels inhibit lignin degradation, lessening the effects of added N on decomposition overall. I obtained leaf litter from one species, Metrosideros polymorpha, which dominates a range of sites in the Hawaiian Islands and whose litter lignin concentration declines with decreasing precipitation. Litter from three dry sites had lignin concentrations of 12% or less, whereas litter from two wet sites, including the study site, had lignin concentrations of more than 18%. This litter was deployed 2.5 years in a common site in control plots (receiving no added nutrients) and in N-fertilized plots. Nitrogen fertilization stimulated decomposition of the low-lignin litter types more than that of the high-lignin litter types. However, in contrast to results from temperate forests, N did not inhibit lignin decomposition. Rather, lignin decay increased with added N, suggesting that the small effect of N on decomposition at this site results from limitation of decomposition by poor C quality rather than from N inhibition of lignin decay. Even though ANPP is limited by N, decomposers are strongly limited by C quality. My results suggest that anthropogenic N deposition may increase leaf litter decomposition more in ecosystems characterized by low-lignin litter than in those characterized by high-lignin litter. Received 26 October 1999; accepted 2 June 2000.  相似文献   

Global comparisons suggest that rates of N fixation in tropical rain forests may be among the highest on earth. However, data supporting this contention are rare, and the factors that regulate N fixation within the biome remain largely unknown. We conducted a full-factorial (N × P) fertilization experiment in two lowland tropical rain forests in Costa Rica to explore the effects of nutrient availability on rates of free-living N fixation in leaf litter and soil. P fertilization significantly increased N fixation rates in both leaf litter and soil, and the effect was dependent on sampling date. Fertilization with N did not affect rates of N fixation at any time. In addition, variation in N fixation rates measured in unfertilized plots at four sampling time points suggested seasonal variability in N fixation: leaf litter N fixation ranged from 0.36 kg/ha/yr in the dry season to 5.48 kg/ha/yr in the wet season. Soil N fixation showed similar patterns ranging from a dry season low of 0.26 kg/ha/yr to a wet season high of 2.71 kg/ha/yr. While the observed temporal variability suggests potential climatic control over free-living N fixation in these forests, data suggest that neither soil nor leaf litter moisture alone regulate N fixation rates. Instead, we hypothesize that a combination of ample C availability, low leaf litter N:P ratios, and high rainfall coincide during the latter portions of the rainy season and drive the highest free-living N fixation rates of the year.  相似文献   

百望山土壤动物群落结构在枸树落叶分解中的变化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
2002年4~11月,采用凋落袋法(5 mm、1 mm和1/300mm)对北京百望山土壤动物群落结构在枸树(Broussonetia papyrifera)凋落叶分解过程中的动态变化进行了研究.在56只分解袋中,共采集到土壤动物3 322只(未知17只),隶属5门12纲25目19科,其中摇蚊科(Chironomidae)、盲蛛目(Opiliones)、圆跳科(Sminthuridae)、等节跳科(Isotomidae)、棘跳科(Onychiuridae)、长角跳科(Entomobryidae)、蜱螨目(Acariformes)为优势类群.土壤动物以杂食性和植食性为主.3种凋落袋中,土壤动物总类群数和个体总数均5 mm>1 mm>1/300mm,并且前两者分别在10月份或7月份达到最大值.土壤动物多样性随月份变化幅度较大,多样性变化与反映群落变化的个体数量、类群数以及均匀性指数的变化不一致.鼠妇科(Porcellionidae)在凋落物中集聚的时间最长,后孔寡毛目(Oligochaeta opisthopora)集聚的时间最短,分别为12.48和8.00个月.  相似文献   

以现有42年生的马尾松(Pinus massoniana)人工纯林,经过采伐形成4种不同大小有效面积的林窗(100、400、900和1 600 m2)为研究对象,以未经采伐的42年生马尾松人工纯林为对照样地,采用凋落叶分解袋法,研究不同大小有效面积林窗对马尾松凋落叶、土壤C、N、P及化学计量比和养分损失率的影响。研究结果表明:(1)不同大小有效面积林窗下的马尾松凋落叶、土壤C、N、P含量及养分损失率除土壤P含量和马尾松凋落叶P养分损失率外,均存在显著差异。随着林窗有效面积G1~G4的增大,马尾松凋落叶C、N、P含量均呈降低趋势,三者均在G3林窗体现出较小值。马尾松凋落叶C、N、P养分损失率、土壤C、N、P养分含量多呈抛物线趋势,且均在G2或G3林窗体现出最大值。(2)不同大小有效面积林窗下的马尾松凋落叶、土壤C/N/P均存在显著差异。随着林窗有效面积G1~G4的增大,马尾松人工林土壤C/N/P基本呈抛物线变化趋势,土壤C/N在G3林窗出现最大值,土壤C/P、N/P均在G2林窗体现出最大值;土壤C/N、C/P、N/P变异系数分别为13.31%、16.51%、17.21%。马尾松凋落叶C/N、C/P均在G3体现出最小值。(3)马尾松凋落叶C、N含量与土壤C、C/N/P及环境因子的相关性较强,P含量与它们的相关性较弱;C/N与土壤P、C/N/P及环境因子的相关性较强,C/P、N/P与土壤C/P及环境因子的相关性较强;C、N养分损失率与土壤C、C/N、C/P及环境因子的相关性较强,P养分损失率与土壤C、N、P含量及其化学计量比和环境因子的相关性较弱。土壤C、N、P含量及其化学计量比与环境因子的相关性较强。  相似文献   

Mao  Z.  Wang  Yu.  Ma  X.  Jiang  H.  Zu  Yu.  Voronin  P. Yu. 《Russian Journal of Plant Physiology》2004,51(4):508-512
A greenhouse experiment, which imitated a short (4-day-long) and progressive (3-week-long) soil drought, was employed to assess, with an IR gas analyzer, leaf CO2 exchange rate (CER) in intact one-year-old seedlings of Betula platyphylla as related to the flux of photosynthetically active radiation ranging from 0 to 1400 E/(m2 s). The registered indices comprised leaf temperature, leaf transpiration conductivity, and the average daily increment of the leaf area. Within a week period following the transition from the short severe soil drought (20% H2O per soil weight) to the conditions of sufficient water content (35–40%), the plants completely regained the initial leaf CER. Under the progressive soil drought, leaf CER was reduced by 30–35%, as compared to the conditions of sufficient water content, evidently due to a 3.7-fold drop in the transpiration conductivity as compared to the control plants. The apparent constant of Rubisco carboxylation and leaf respiration in the light were not affected by the drought period. The rate of leaf growth under the progressive drought was reduced by 64% as compared to the sufficient moisture conditions. Thus, under the progressive drought, the diminished stomatal conductivity reduced CO2 concentration inside the leaf and lowered carbon photosynthetic assimilation. Meanwhile, the leaf source activity considerably increased in spite of diminished photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Because of conflicting results in previous studies, it is unclear whether litter diversity has a predictable impact on microbial communities or ecosystem processes. We examined whether effects of litter diversity depend on factors that could confound comparisons among previous studies, including leaf type, habitat type, identity of other leaves in the mixture, and spatial covariance at two scales within habitats. We also examined how litter diversity affects the saprotrophic microbial community using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism to profile bacterial and fungal community composition, direct microscopy to quantify bacterial biomass, and ergosterol extraction to quantify fungal biomass. We found that leaf mixture diversity was rarely significant as a main effect (only for fungal biomass), but was often significant as an interaction with leaf type (for ash-free dry mass recovered, carbon-to-nitrogen ratio, fungal biomass, and bacterial community composition). Leaf type and habitat were significant as main effects for all response variables. The majority of variance in leaf ash-free dry mass and C/N ratio was explained after accounting for treatment effects and spatial covariation at the meter (block) and centimeter (litterbag) scales. However, a substantial amount of variability in microbial communities was left unexplained and must be driven by factors at other spatial scales or more complex spatiotemporal dynamics. We conclude that litter diversity effects are primarily dependent on leaf type, rather than habitat type or identity of surrounding leaves, which can guide the search for mechanisms underlying effects of litter diversity on ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

为探究广西乐业大石围天坑森林群落的C、N、P养分循环特征,比较了天坑内外森林群落的植物叶片-凋落物-土壤C、N、P含量及其化学计量比,采用相关性分析和冗余分析等统计方法研究其内在联系和相互影响。结果表明,与天坑外部森林相比,天坑内部森林植物叶片和凋落物呈现出C低N、P高,土壤为C、N低P高的格局。植物叶片C:N、C:P与凋落物C、N:P显著正相关,植物叶片C与土壤P显著负相关;天坑外部森林的植物叶片N、N:P与土壤N:P显著负相关,植物叶片C:N与土壤C、C:N显著正相关,说明天坑森林内部凋落物的C、P养分可能主要来源于植物叶片,而天坑外部森林的植物叶片C、N主要来自土壤。土壤C:N:P对植物叶、凋落物的C:N:P变化的解释率分别为90.7%和50.6%,其中土壤P对植物叶和凋落物的C:N:P计量特征变化的解释度最高,坑内生境植物对P含量变化更为敏感、坑外植物对于N含量变化更为敏感,表明天坑内部森林可能是P素受限位点、天坑外部森林是N素受限位点。喀斯特天坑内部森林和外部森林植物叶-凋落物-土壤的C:N:P的差异和联系,体现了天坑内外森林群落的养分循环特征和植物群落的适应性。  相似文献   

香樟(Cinnamomum camphora)凋落叶分解能够明显干扰受体植物的生长、生殖、光合生理和活性氧代谢。该研究继续采用盆栽试验,探讨了不同量[0(对照)、25、50和100g]的香樟凋落叶添加到土壤(10kg/盆)中对受体植物辣椒(Capsicum annuum)及其土壤氮营养状况的影响,外源氮(尿素)输入对凋落叶分解的交互作用,以及凋落叶分解效应的产生是否因为其较高的C/N比而导致微生物争氮。结果显示:(1)各剂量(25~100g/盆)凋落叶处理下,辣椒幼苗硝态氮、可溶性蛋白和全氮含量均在至少2个月内大幅显著降低。(2)土壤硝态氮与辣椒硝态氮、全氮间均具有极显著的协同下降趋势;土壤微生物生物量氮则在总体上高于对照,而土壤全氮和铵态氮的响应较小。(3)施氮不仅使辣椒各氮组分和土壤硝态氮含量整体提升,还使凋落叶分解在这些指标上的抑制作用显著减弱。(4)香樟凋落叶的初始C/N为125.61±4.89,其在土壤中分解48~137d后的C/N始终远高于Hodge假说指出的可导致微生物争氮的临界值,但经过分解120d和135d的凋落叶添加到土壤中并不抑制辣椒的生长。研究认为,香樟凋落叶分解初期可能释放了不利于土壤硝化过程的物质,造成土壤硝态氮匮乏,以致受体植物的氮素吸收和积累减少,而凋落叶较高的C/N比及土壤微生物争氮并非主导因素。  相似文献   

为考察核桃(Juglans regia L.)与冬性作物复合种植模式中凋落叶分解对作物生长的影响,该试验采用盆栽法,以冬性作物萝卜(Raphanus sativus L.)为受体,种入混有0、60、120和180g/pot核桃凋落叶的土壤中,并在萝卜生长过程中测定其形态、生理及生殖相关指标。结果表明:(1)萝卜地上部分的生长在凋落叶分解初期受到显著抑制,而在后期得到明显恢复。(2)在核桃凋落叶分解的影响下萝卜出现了明显的胁迫响应,特别是在分解初期和较高凋落叶量(120、180g/pot)处理下,光合色素含量受到明显抑制,叶片内活性氧含量增加,并在一定程度上受到渗透胁迫。(3)在测定时期内,萝卜叶片内MDA含量并未显著增加,即萝卜可通过自身调节抵御胁迫造成的危害。(4)萝卜在较高凋落叶剂量处理下,产出的种子颜色较深,且在180g/pot处理下产出的种子萌发率较低,种子质量受到明显影响。研究认为,土壤中核桃凋落叶分解初期能对萝卜造成化感胁迫,但长久来看不会降低萝卜产量;将两者复合种植时,可保留地面凋落叶,且最好在叶片分解一段时间后种植作物。  相似文献   

The Amazon Basin, representing the largest expanse of intact tropical rain forest on the planet, harbors the largest diversity of amphibians and reptiles in the world. Limited elevation and climate differences across the Basin belie one major division of upland forests – geomorphological soil age and induced nutrient levels. We hypothesized that secondary consumers in the leaf litter herpetofauna community on ancient soils of Central Amazonia would exhibit reduced biomass compared with those found on younger soils of Western Amazonia, and that population densities on ancient soils could be driven below viable thresholds, reducing species richness. We found overall herpetofauna abundance, biomass and richness on young soils in Ecuador were significantly greater than those on ancient soils in the Brazilian Amazon. Separately, amphibians were only slightly more abundant, but their biomass on younger soils was twice that on ancient soils. Even more impressive was the variation exhibited by lizards: abundance was not significantly different, but biomass was five times greater on younger soils. Diversity of both taxa was greater on young soils. The most important driver of differences in herpetofauna biomass, abundance and possibly diversity across Amazonia may be the underlying geomorphologic differences. Reduced primary productivity on ancient soils appears to reverberate up the food chain, leaving fewer resources for higher trophic levels. We suggest that conservation initiatives must compensate for reduced biomass on ancient soils through increased reserve size, especially as forest fragmentation escalates. This study highlights the importance of including biomass as a standard measure in herpetofauna sampling.  相似文献   

The importance of phenolic compounds for responding to various environmental conditions has been widely emphasized. However, the role of interactions between polyphenols and ecological factors, especially C, N, and P stoichiometry was little studied. Here, 15 sites across five provinces of Pinus bungeana in temperate regions of China were studied. The results showed that the higher values of total phenolic contents (TPC) of leaf and litter were distributed among the north distribution area of P. bungeana, lower values were in the south, whereas soil TPC were contrary to leaf and litter TPC. The stepwise regression, path analysis and decision index of path analysis for leaf TPC and ecological factors showed that altitude had the most direct impact on leaf TPC. Moreover, the principal determinants of leaf, litter and soil TPC were soil C/P ratios, longitude, and soil N/P ratios, respectively. In addition, the leaf, litter and soil TPC of P. bungeana were limited by soil C/N ratios, mean annual temperature, and soil P, respectively. Overall, our study provided evidence that ecological factors affected strongly the leaf, litter and soil TPC of P. bungeana.  相似文献   

Changes of caloric values and energy-rich organic compounds were studied in the detritus derived from mangrove Kandelia candel (L.) Druce leaf litter during the various in situ seasonal decomposition in Jiulong River Estuary, Fujian, China. The results showed that the caloric values varied little among the seasonal fallen leaves being a mean of 19.63 kJ/g dry wt or 21.55 kJ/g AF dry wt, the caloric values of detritus increased remarkably after decomposition but they more rapidly in summer and autumn than in winter and spring. The change was well in agreement with the degree of decomposition, being increased in the early decomposition period and slightly decreased in the later, with a peak at about the half-time of decomposition (50% weight loss). The maximum was averagely 17.67% of dry weight and 14.35 % of ash-free dry; weight basis over the initial values. The dissipation of total energy was somewhat slower than the loss of dry matter. As decomposition proceeds the energy of detritus was more and more contributed by raw protein, raw fat, raw fibers rather than by N-free extract. Therefore it is suggested that detritus at half-time of decomposition should be more important to marine detritivores from the viewpoint of energy supplement.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of landscape-level variation in soil fertility and topographic position on leaf litter nutrient dynamics in a tropical rain forest in Costa Rica. We sampled across the three main edaphic conditions (ultisol slope, ultisol plateau, and inceptisol) to determine the effect of soil nutrients on leaf litter nutrient concentrations while controlling for topography, and to examine topographic effects while controlling for soil nutrients. Both leaf litter macronutrient [phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N), sulfur (S), calcium (Ca), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg)] and micronutrient concentrations were quantified throughout a 4-year period. Leaf litter [P], [N] and [K] varied significantly among soil types. The variation in [P], [N], and [K] was explained by soil fertility alone. Leaf litter [S], [Ca], and [Mg] did not vary among the three soil types. Macronutrient (P, K, Mg, S, Ca) concentrations in the leaf litter were much less variable than those of Fe and Al. Lower variability in essential plant nutrients suggests a great deal of plant control over the amount of nutrients resorbed before senescense. Leaf litter macronutrient concentrations varied significantly over the 4-year period, but the temporal variation did not differ among the three edaphic types as anticipated. Hence, although the magnitude of nutrient fluxes may be controlled by local factors such as soil fertility, temporal patterns are likely regulated by a common environmental variable such as precipitation or temperature.  相似文献   

High severity wildfire events are a feature of forests globally and are likely to be more prevalent with climate change. As a disturbance process, fire has the potential to change important ecological functions, such as decomposition, through its impact on biodiversity. Despite the recognised importance of decomposition in terms of fuel loads and energy flow, little is known about the post-fire effects of fire severity on decomposition by litter-dwelling macroinvertebrate detritivores. We tested the hypotheses that: 1) increasing fire severity is associated with decreased rates of leaf litter decomposition by macroinvertebrate detritivores; and 2) the abundance and biomass of macroinvertebrate detritivores decreases with increasing fire severity, while body size increases. We used a litterbag experiment at long-unburnt, ground-burnt and crown-burnt sites (n = 7 for all treatments) to test the effect of fire severity on: a) macroinvertebrate-driven break-down of litter fuel loads; and b) the size and abundance of macroinvertebrate detritivores three years after fire. Microhabitat conditions differed among fire severity classes. Macroinvertebrate exclusion reduced litter decomposition by 34.7%. Macroinvertebrate detritivores were larger and less abundant following higher severity fires, possibly as a result of fire-induced changes in habitat structure. Opposing effects of fire severity on macroinvertebrate abundance and body size resulted in both similar detritivore biomass and, most interestingly, no differences in leaf litter decomposition under different fire severities. This suggests that the diversity of macroinvertebrates enhances functional resilience of litter decomposition to fire and that litter-breakdown is not inhibited within three years following a high severity fire in this forest type and where recolonisation sources are readily available. We found no support for the hypothesis that high severity fires reduce litter decomposition and therefore increase the likelihood of future fires.  相似文献   

Understanding how UV radiation interacts with prevailing climatic conditions and litter quality to determine leaf litter decomposition is fundamental for understanding soil carbon cycling pathways and ecosystem functioning in drylands. We carried out a field manipulative experiment to investigate how litter quality (labile and nitrogen-rich Retama sphaerocarpa vs. recalcitrant and nitrogen-poor Stipa tenacissima), position (on the ground vs. standing) and different UV radiation levels (UV pass vs. UV block) affect litter decomposition rates at two semiarid Mediterranean steppes with contrasting climates (continental vs. maritime) in a fully factorial experimental design. As expected, Retama litter decomposed faster than that of Stipa, and litter placed on the ground decayed faster than standing litter. However, and surprisingly, contrasting effects of UV radiation on litter decomposition were observed between the two sites. At the continental site, UV radiation increased litter decay constants by 21% on average, although the contribution of photodegradation was larger when litter was placed on the ground rather than in standing litter. At the maritime site, decay constants were 15% larger in the absence of UV radiation regardless of litter position. Significant litter type × UV exposure radiation and litter type × position interactions indicate that photodegradation contributes more to litter decomposition under less favorable moisture and substrate availability conditions for microbial decomposers. Our results emphasize the need to consider interactions between moisture availability, litter quality and UV radiation in litter decomposition models to fully understand litter decomposition impacts on soil carbon cycling and storage in drylands under climate change.  相似文献   

香樟凋落叶分解物对辣椒生长发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用盆栽试验,研究了香樟(Cinnamomum camphora)凋落叶(0、25、50、75、100g凋落叶分别与10kg土壤混合)分解过程中对辣椒(Capsicum annuum)及其子代生长发育的影响,并采用气质联用(GC-MS)技术对凋落叶分解前后的萜类物质进行了检测和对比。结果显示:(1)香樟凋落叶分解物显著地抑制了辣椒的叶片数量、整株叶面积以及株高和基径生长,抑制效应随凋落叶剂量的增大而增强,而分解过的凋落叶和塑料片替代凋落叶原样的试验并不抑制辣椒的生长。(2)观察期内(处理45~76d),辣椒的现蕾数、开花数和结实数在各凋落叶处理下均明显低于同期对照;采用指数方程拟合的现蕾、开花和结实动态显示,25g凋落叶处理使辣椒的始蕾期、始花期和始果期分别推迟了0.81、0.17和1.35d,50g处理使这3项参数分别推迟了4.69、5.78和6.27d,而75g和100g处理均使这3项参数推迟10d以上。(3)辣椒的单株果实产量在凋落叶处理下降低29.44%~61.29%,而单果重受到的影响相对较小。(4)辣椒产出的种子千粒重和子代的生长状况并未受到凋落叶分解物的影响。(5)凋落叶的正己烷提取物中萜类占78.05%,而分解后其相对总量下降至40.76%,峰面积下降至原样的约1%。研究认为:香樟凋落叶添加处理对辣椒营养生长和生殖生长产生的明显抑制作用,不是由凋落叶添加对土壤通气透水性或对受体生长造成机械阻隔引起的,其在分解过程中释放樟脑(Camphor)、1,8-桉叶油醇(1,8-cineole)等萜类物质引起化感作用可能才是关键原因。  相似文献   

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