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The activity of the molecular motor enzyme, chloroplast ATP synthase, is regulated in a redox-dependent manner. The γ subunit, CF1-γ, is the central shaft of this enzyme complex and possesses the redox-active cysteine pair, which is reduced by thioredoxin (Trx). In light conditions, Trx transfers the reducing equivalent obtained from the photosynthetic electron transfer system to the CF1-γ. Previous studies showed that the light-dependent reduction of CF1-γ is more rapid than those of other Trx target proteins in the stroma. Although there are multiple Trx isoforms in chloroplasts, it is not well understood as to which chloroplast Trx isoform primarily contributes to the reduction of CF1-γ, especially under physiological conditions. We therefore performed direct assessment of the CF1-γ reduction capacity of each of the Trx isoforms. The kinetic analysis of the reduction process showed no significant difference in the reduction efficiency between two major chloroplast Trxs, namely Trx-f and Trx-m. Based on the thorough analyses of the CF1-γ redox dynamics in Arabidopsis thaliana Trx mutant plants, we found that lack of Trx-f or Trx-m had no significant impact on the in vivo light-dependent reduction of CF1-γ. The results showed that CF1-γ can accept the reducing power from both Trx-f and Trx-m in chloroplasts.  相似文献   

We have recently reported that the activity of maize leaf glycerate kinase [EC] is regulated in vivo by the light/dark transition, possibly involving the ferredoxin/thioredoxin mechanism, and that the stimulating effect of light can be mimicked in vitro by incubation of crude leaf extract with reducing compounds (LA Kleczkowski, DD Randall 1985 Plant Physiol 79: 274-277). In the present study it was found that the time course of thiol activation of the enzyme was substantially dependent on the presence of some low molecular weight inhibitor(s) of activation found both in leaf extracts and mesophyll chloroplasts. Activity of glycerate kinase from maize as well as wheat leaves increased upon greening of etiolated plants and was correlated with the development of photosynthetic apparatus in these species. The maize enzyme was strongly activated by thiols at all stages of development from etiolated to green seedlings. Thiol activation of glycerate kinase was observed for a number of C4 plants, notably of the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-malic enzyme type, with the strongest effect found for the enzyme from leaf extracts of maize and sorghum (10- and 8-fold activation, respectively). Among the C3 species tested, only the enzyme from soybean leaves was affected under the same conditions (1.6-fold activation). This finding was reflected by an apparent lack of cross-reactivity between the enzyme from maize leaves and antibodies raised against purified spinach leaf glycerate kinase. We suggest that, in addition to its role as a final step of photorespiration in leaves, glycerate kinase from C4 species may serve as a part of the facilitative diffusion system for the intercellular transport of 3-phosphoglycerate. Simultaneous operation of both the passive and the facilitative diffusion mechanisms of 3-phosphoglycerate transport in C4 plants is postulated.  相似文献   

Light modulation of maize leaf phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) was extracted from maize (Zea mays L. cv Golden Cross Bantam T51) leaves harvested in the dark or light and was partially purified by (NH4)2SO4 fractionation and gel filtration to yield preparations that were 80% homogeneous. Malate sensitivity, PEPC activity, and PEPC protein (measured immunochemically) were monitored during purification. As reported previously, PEPC from dark leaves was more sensitive to malate inhibition compared to enzyme extracted from light leaves. Extraction and purification in the presence of malate stabilized the characteristics of the two forms. During gel filtration on Sephacryl S-300, all of the PEPC activity and PEPC protein emerged in a single high molecular weight peak, indicating that no inactive dissociated forms (dimers, monomers) were present. However, there was a slight difference between the light and dark enzymes in elution volume during gel filtration. In addition, specific activity (units at pH 7/milligram PEPC protein) decreased through the peak for both enzyme samples; because the dark enzyme emerged at a slightly higher elution volume, it contained enzyme with a relatively lower specific activity. The variation in specific activity of the dark enzyme corresponded with changes in malate sensitivity. Immunoblotting of samples with different specific activity and malate sensitivity, obtained from gel filtration, revealed only a single polypeptide with a relative molecular mass of 100,000. When the enzyme was extracted and purified in the absence of malate, characteristic differences of the light and dark enzymes were lost, the enzymes eluted at the same volume during gel filtration, and specific activity was constant through the peak. We conclude that maize leaf PEPC exists in situ as a tetramer of a single polypeptide and that subtle conformation changes can affect both enzymic activity and sensitivity to malate inhibition.  相似文献   

Thermoplasma acidophilum is a thermoacidophilic archaeon that grows optimally at 59°C and pH 2. Along with another thermoacidophilic archaeon,Sulfolobus solfataricus, it is known to metabolize glucose by the non-phosphorylated Entner-Doudoroff (nED) pathway. In the course of these studies, the specific activities of glyceraldehyde dehydrogenase and glycerate kinase, two enzymes that are involved in the downstream part of the nED pathway, were found to be much higher inT. acidophilum than inS. solfataricus. To characterize glycerate kinase, the enzyme was purified to homogeneity fromT. acidophilum cell extracts. TheN-terminal sequence of the purified enzyme was in exact agreement with that of Ta0453m in the genome database, with the removal of the initiator methionine. Furthermore, the enzyme was a monomer with a molecular weight of 49 kDa and followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics withK m values of 0.56 and 0.32 mM forDL-glycerate and ATP, respectively. The enzyme also exhibited excellent thermal stability at 70°C. Of the seven sugars and four phosphate donors tested, onlyDL-glycerate and ATP were utilized by glycerate kinase as substrates. In addition, a coupled enzyme assay indicated that 2-phosphoglycerate was produced as a product. When divalent metal ions, such as Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Zn2+, Ca2+, and Sr2+, were substituted for Mg2+, the enzyme activities were less than 10% of that obtained in the presence of Mg2+. The amino acid sequence ofT. acidophilum glycerate kinase showed no similarity withE. coli glycerate kinases, which belong to the first glycerate kinase family. This is the first report on the biochemical characterization of an enzyme which belongs to a member of the second glycerate kinase family.  相似文献   

Incubation of purified phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase from Zea mays L. leaves with dithiothreitol resulted in an almost 2-fold increase in the enzymic activity. The activated enzyme showed the same affinity for its substrates and the same sensitivity with respect to malate and oxalacetate inhibition. The activation induced by dithiothreitol was reversed by diamide, an oxidant of vicinal dithiols, suggesting that the redox state of disulfide bonds of the enzyme may be important in the expression of the maximal catalytic activity.

Titration of thiol groups before and after activation of maize phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase by dithiothreitol shows an increase of the accessible groups from 8 to 12 suggesting that the reduction of two disulfide bonds accompanied the activation. The thiols exposed by the treatment with dithiothreitol were available to reagents in nondenatured enzyme and two of them were reoxidized to a disulfide bond by diamide. It is concluded that the mechanism of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activation by dithiothreitol involves the net reduction of two disulfide bonds in the enzyme.


An antibody for phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase was used to isolate and to quantitate the enzyme from greening maize (cv. KOU 6) leaves. The increase in enzyme activity during greening was due to de novo synthesis, which was paralleled by increases in enzyme protein and incorporation of leucine. The light-induced activity was due to one specific isoenzyme. The action spectrum for enzyme synthesis had red and blue peaks.  相似文献   

C4 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) is post-translationally regulated by reversible phosphorylation of a specific N-terminal seryl residue in response to light/dark transitions of the parent leaf tissue. The protein-serine kinase (PEPC-PK) that phosphorylates/activates this mesophyll-cytoplasm target enzyme is slowly, but strikingly, activated by high light and inactivated in darkness in vivo by a mechanism involving cytoplasmic protein synthesis/degradation as a primary component. In this report, evidence is presented indicating that the inhibition of Calvin cycle activity by a variety of mesophyll (3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea, isocil, methyl viologen) and bundle sheath (dl-glyceraldehyde)-directed photosynthesis inhibitors blocks the light activation of maize (Zea mays L.) PEPC-PK and the ensuing regulatory phosphorylation of its target enzyme in vivo. Based on these and related observations, we propose that the Calvin cycle supplies the C4 mesophyll cell with (a) a putative signal (e.g. phosphorylated metabolite, amino acid) that interacts with the cytoplasmic protein synthesis event to effect the light activation of PEPC-PK and the concomitant phosphorylation of PEPC, and (b) high levels of known positive effectors (e.g. triose-phosphate, glucose-6-phosphate) that interact directly with the carboxylase. The combined result of this complex regulatory cascade is to effectively desensitize PEPC to feedback inhibition by the millimolar levels of l-malate required for rapid diffusive transport to the bundle sheath during high rates of C4 photosynthesis.  相似文献   

The effect of some more or less harmful compounds like Cd, Pb, Ni, Ti salts and DCMU at low concentrations on the development of chloroplasts in maize and bean seedlings was investigated. Chlorophyll content, chlorophyll a/b ratio, photosynthetic activity (14CO2 fixation), chlorophyll-protein composition of thylakoid membranes, fluorescence spectra of chloroplasts, fluorescence induction parameters of leaves and electron microscopic structure of maize and bean chloroplasts as well as growth parameters were studied. Stimulation of chlorophyll synthesis and photosynthetic activity was observed at different intervals during all of the treatments, while chlorophyll a/b ratios and fluorescence properties of leaves or chloroplasts did not change considerably except in DCMU treated plants. Heavy metal treatments increased the amount of photosystem I and light-harvesting complex II, while decreased amount of photosystem I and higher amount of light-harvesting complex II was found in DCMU treated thylakoids. Electron microscopy showed only sligth differences in the morphology of chloroplast lamellar system (mostly in DCMU treated plants), while the status of the plasmalemma and tonoplast seemed to be altered as a result of certain metal treatments. Results showed the expression of a cytokinin-like effect on the development of chloroplasts. It is assumed, that these low-dose stressors generate non-specific alarm reactions in plants, which may involve changes of the hormonal balance.  相似文献   

The net carbon incorporation in maize (Zea mays) and tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) leaves was mainly the result of the carboxylation of ribulose 1,5-diphosphate. In both of these organisms synthesis of glycerate 3-phosphate was studied during short chase experiments (2 or 3 seconds in 14CO2 then 8 to 27 seconds in unlabeled CO2). Changes in the radioactivity in the individual carbon atoms of glycerate 3-phosphate, malate, and aspartate are consistent with the formation, in both leaves, of 2 molecules of glycerate 3-phosphate for each CO2 molecule incorporated. The CO2, before reacting with ribulose 1,5-diphosphate, is first incorporated in an intracellular CO2 pool which has a different composition according to the species. This pool is constituted in tomato by volatile compounds (50 nanomoles per gram of fresh weight) more or less in equilibrium with atmospheric CO2. In maize the pool consists of carbon atoms 4 of malate and aspartate (for at least 80% of the pool) and volatile compounds which correspond, in all, to 540 nanomoles per gram of fresh weight where atmospheric CO2 enters through an irreversible reaction.  相似文献   

In photorespiration, leaf peroxisomes convert serine to glycerate via serine-glyoxylate aminotransferase and NADH-hydroxypyruvate reductase. We isolated intact spinach leaf peroxisomes in 0.25 M sucrose, and characterized their enzymatic conversion of serine to glycerate using physiological concentrations of substrates and coenzymes. In the presence of glycolate (glyoxylate), and NADH and NAD alone or together in physiological proportions, the rate of serine-to-glycerate conversion was enhanced and sustained by the addition of malate. The rate was similar at 1 and 5 mM serine, but was two to three times higher in 50 mM than 5 mM malate. In the presence of NAD and malate, there was 1:1 stoichiometric formation of glycerate and oxaloacetate. Addition of 1 or 5 mM glutamate resulted in a negligible enhancement of the conversion of hydroxypyruvate to glycerate. Intact peroxisomes produced glycerate from either serine or hydroxypyruvate at a rate two times higher than osmotically lysed peroxisomes. These results suggest that under physiological conditions, the peroxisomal malate dehydrogenase operates independent of aspartate-alpha-ketoglutarate aminotransferase in supplying NADH for hydroxypyruvate reduction. This supply of NADH is the rate-limiting step in the conversion of serine to glycerate. The compartmentation of hydroxypyruvate reductase and malate dehydrogenase in the peroxisomes confers a higher efficiency in the supply of NADH for hydroxypyruvate reduction under a normal, high NAD/NADH ratio in the cytosol.  相似文献   

Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPCase) from light- and dark-adapted maize leaves was rapidly purified in the presence of L-malate and glycerol to apparent electrophoretic homogeneity by ammonium sulfate fractionation, hydroxylapatite chromatography, and fast-protein liquid chromatography on Mono Q. The resulting preparations were totally devoid of pyruvate, orthophosphate dikinase protein based on immunoblot analysis. Throughout the purification, both forms of PEPCase retained their different enzymatic properties. The specific activity of the light enzyme was consistently about twice that of the dark form when assayed at suboptimal (but physiological) pH (pH 7.0-7.3), and the former was also less sensitive to feedback inhibition by L-malate than that from darkened leaves under various conditions. Covalently bound phosphate and high-performance liquid chromatography-based phosphoamino acid analyses showed that both forms of purified PEPCase were phosphorylated exclusively on serine residues, but the degree of phosphorylation was about 50% greater in the light enzyme. Notably, incubation of purified PEPCase in vitro with exogenous alkaline phosphatase led to an increase in malate sensitivity and a decrease in specific activity of the light form enzyme to levels observed with the dark form, which was essentially not affected by phosphatase treatment. These results with the purified enzyme from light- and dark-adapted maize leaves indicate that the light-induced changes in activity and malate sensitivity of C4 PEPCase are related, at least in part, to the degree of covalent seryl phosphorylation of the protein in vivo.  相似文献   

We have recently characterised the presence of a Ca2(+)-mobilising receptor for ATP which stimulates exocytosis in differentiated HL60 cells. Here we demonstrate that the undifferentiated HL60 cells also respond to extracellular ATP by stimulating an increase in inositol phosphates and exocytosis. Of the nucleotides (ATP, UTP, ITP, ATP gamma S, AppNHp, XTP, CTP, GTP, 8-Br-ATP and GTP gamma S) that were active in stimulating inositol phosphate formation, only UTP, ATP, ITP, ATP gamma S and AppNHp were active in stimulating secretion. On differentiation, the extent of secretion due to the purinergic agonists ATP, ITP, ATP gamma S and AppNHp remained unchanged whilst secretion due to UTP, a pyrimidine, was substantially increased. These results indicate that the effect of ATP and UTP may be mediated via separate purinergic and pyrimidinergic receptors, respectively.  相似文献   

The mechanism of thiol modulation of the chloroplast ATP synthase by Escherichia coli thioredoxin was investigated in the isolated ATPase subcomplex and in the ATP synthase complex reconstituted in bacteriorhodopsin proteoliposomes. Thiol modulation was resolved kinetically by continuously monitoring ATP hydrolysis by the isolated subcomplex and ATP synthesis by proteoliposomes. The binding rate constant of reduced thioredoxin to the oxidized ATPase subcomplex devoid of its epsilon subunit could be determined. It did not depend on the catalytic turnover. Reciprocically, the catalytic turnover did not seem to depend on thioredoxin binding. Thiol modulation by Trx of the epsilon-bearing ATPase subcomplex was slow and favored the release of epsilon. The rate constant of thioredoxin binding to the membrane-bound ATP synthase increased with the protonmotive force. It was lower in the presence of ADP than in its absence, revealing a specific effect of the ATP synthase turnover on thioredoxin-gamma subunit interaction. These findings, and more especially the comparisons between the isolated ATPase subcomplex and the ATP synthase complex, can be interpreted in the frame of the rotational catalysis hypothesis. Finally, thiol modulation changed the catalytic properties of the ATP synthase, the kinetics of which became non-Michaelian. This questions the common view about the nature of changes induced by ATP synthase thiol modulation.  相似文献   

Two different types of artificial leaf damage, crushing and cutting, were assessed for their effects on the growth and survival of Rhopalosiphum padi caged on maize (cv. LG11) leaves. Crushing significantly reduced aphid growth rate by up to 23% and their survival by five to six times, while cutting had no significant effects. Although the area of tissue involved was lower for crushing relative to cutting (c. 5% and 10% respectively), the greater level of cellular damage inflicted by crushing may have resulted in more phytochemical changes. These effects suggest that the feeding of one herbivore guild such as leaf chewers may adversely affect the performance of another, such as phloem feeders.  相似文献   

Exposure of rat adipocytes to physiological concentrations of insulin resulted in a time- and concentration-dependent activation-translocation of kinase FA (an activating factor of ATP.Mg-dependent protein phosphatase) in plasma membranes and the subsequent activation of ATP.Mg-dependent protein phosphatase in the cytosol. The insulin-induced activation of membrane-associated kinase FA and cytosolic ATP.Mg-dependent protein phosphatase occurred very rapidly, reaching the maximal activity levels within 3 min. Moreover, the insulin effect is transient; the insulin-stimulated FA activity in membranes and ATP.Mg-dependent phosphatase activity in the cytosol returned to control levels within 30 min. It is concluded that insulin may induce the activation of kinase FA in membranes and thereby promotes the activation of ATP.Mg-dependent multifunctional protein phosphatase in the cytosol of rat adipocytes in order to mediate some of its intracellular effects through the dephosphorylation reactions. The release of factor FA from plasma membranes may represent one of the transmembrane signalling mechanisms for insulin actions.  相似文献   

The distribution of glycerate kinase [ATP:D-glycerate 2-phosphotransferase, EC] in kidney was studied. This enzyme was found to be present in the renal cortex. By differential centrifugation of the homogenate and sucrose density gradient analysis, it was found that 42% and 60% of the renal glycerate kinase were localized in the cytosol and mitochondria, respectively. The mitochondrial enzyme appeared to be present in the inner membrane and/or matrix. No difference was found between the solubilized-mitochondrial and cytosolic glycerate kinase as regards kinetic properties, thermal stability, electrochemical properties, and molecular size. Immunochemical identity of these enzymes was demonstrated using a rabbit antibody against mitochondrial glycerate kinase purified from rat liver. Although the hepatic enzyme was induced by dietary protein (Kitagawa, Y., Katayama, H., & Sugimoto, E. [1979] Biochim. Biophys. Acta 582, 260--275), the renal enzyme in mitochondria and cytosol was not affected by dietary protein. These results on renal glycerate kinase are compared with those for the hepatic enzyme, and the regulatory mechanism for intracellular distribution of the enzymes is discussed.  相似文献   

A thiol protease was isolated and purified from the crown leaf of pineapple, Ananas comosus (L.) Merr. cv. Queen, by an immunoaffinity procedure. After the purification to electrophoretic homogeneity, the enzyme was characterized with respect to some of its physico-chemical and kinetic properties. The molecular weight of the protease (22.4-22.9 kDa), Km (97 microM) and kcat (8.8 s(-1)) for its esterolytic cleavage of the synthetic protease substrate N(alpha)-CBZ-L-lysine p-nitrophenyl ester, the concentration of its thiol activator L-cysteine required for half maximal activation A0.5 (9.9 microM), optimum pH (6.5) for its proteolytic action on azocasein, T(1/2) (60 degrees C) for inactivation by heating the enzyme (35.5 microg protein/mL) in citrate buffer pH 6.0 for 15 min, and SH-group content (0.98 mol/mol enzyme) were determined. Most of these physicochemical and kinetic properties were found to be similar to those of the already well-characterized stem bromelain (EC Thus, the immunoaffinity purified crown leaf protease appeared to be closely related to stem bromelain.  相似文献   

An improved procedure for the purification of pig liver mevalonate kinase (ATP:mevalonate 5-phosphotransferase, EC is described. A high-voltage electrophoresis assay was developed for mevalonate kinase. The procedure separates mevalonate from phosphomevalonate and also from diphosphomevalonate so that it can be used to measure the subsequent enzyme, phosphomevalonate kinase (EC The assay has allowed the reassessment of the metal ion and nucleotide specificity of the pig liver enzyme. Some of the previously reported properties reflected those of the enzymes in the coupling assay rather than mevalonate kinase itself. A series of compounds were tested as activators or inhibitors of mevalonate kinase. It was found that ATP4-, arsenate and, to a smaller extent, inorganic phosphate activated the enzyme. At fixed MgATP2- (1 mM) concentrations the activation of mevalonate kinase by free ATP4- at pH 8.0 was observed at concentrations at up to 10-fold that of MgATP2- before causing any inhibition. The presence of free ATP4- resulted in a biphasic Lineweaver-Burke plot with apparent Km values for MgATP2- being 0.14 mM and 60 microM, respectively. Fluorescence measurements were consistent with the notion that the binding of excess ATP4- to the enzyme caused a conformational change.  相似文献   

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