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A novel anamorphic yeast species belonging to the genus Candida has been isolated from cellar surfaces in North Patagonia. Morphological and physiological observation and phylogenetic analysis were performed. Pseudomycelium was plentifully produced. No sexual reproduction was observed. From sequence analysis of the 26S rDNA D1/D2 region, Candida bituminiphila and Zygoascus hellenicus were the closest species with 40 and 79 bp substitutions, respectively. C. bituminiphila differed physiologically from the novel species in its ability to assimilate sucrose and erythritol, in not fermenting any sugars, in growing without some vitamin compounds, and in growing at 40°C. All these data support the hypothesis that the new yeast, named Candida patagonica, is a novel species related to C. bituminiphila. The type strain is UNCOMA 159.5 (= CECT 12029 = CBS 10443).  相似文献   

Gymnopilus ombrophilus sp. nov., growing on rotten wood of conifers and hardwoods from Niigata, Japan is described and illustrated. It is characterized by its medium-sized, brownish-orange basidiocarps with a finely squamulose pileus, stipe lacking an annulus, and mild taste, and microscopically by dextrinoid, small, broadly ellipsoid basidiospores. The new species belongs to the section Microspori. The differences between the taxon and similar species are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Three new yeast species, Candida kashinagacola (JCM 15019(T) = CBS 10903(T)), C. pseudovanderkliftii (JCM 15025(T) = CBS 10904(T)), and C. vanderkliftii (JCM 15029(T) = CBS 10905(T)) are described on the basis of comparison of nucleotide sequences of large subunit ribosomal DNA D1/D2 region (LSU rDNA D1/D2). The nearest assigned species of the three new species was Candida llanquihuensis. Candida kashinagacola and C. pseudovanderkliftii differed from C. llanquihuensis by 3.8% nucleotide substitution of the region, while C. vanderkliftii did by 4.4%. Three new species differed in a number of physiological and growth characteristics from any previously assigned species and from one another. A phylogenetic tree based on the sequences of LSU rDNA D1/D2 showed that these new species together with Candida sp. ST-246, Candida sp. JW01-7-11-1-4-y2, Candida sp. BG02-7-20-001A-2-1 and C. llanquihuensis form a clade near Ambrosiozyma species. The new species did not assimilate methanol as a sole source of carbon, which supported the monophyly of these non methanol-assimilating species which are closely related to the methylotrophic yeasts. Candida kashinagacola was frequently isolated from the beetle galleries of Platypus quercivorus in three different host trees (Quercus serrata, Q. laurifolia and Castanopsis cuspidata) located in the sourthern part of Kyoto, Japan, thus indicating that this species may be a primary ambrosia fungus of P. quercivorus. On the other hand, C. pseudovanderkliftii and C. vanderkliftii were isolated only from beetle galleries in Q. laurifolia. Candida vanderkliftii was isolated from beetle gallery of Platypus lewisi as well as those of P. quercivorus. Candida pseudovanderkliftii and C. vanderkliftii are assumed to be auxiliary ambrosia fungi of P. quercivorus.  相似文献   

Psilopezioid fungi form a group of operculate discomycetes characterized by sessile, generally pulvinate to shallow cupulate, and broadly attached apothecia occurring on wet or submerged wood and plant debris. A new member, Pachyella globispora sp. nov. (Pezizaceae), is described that is distinguished from other species of Pachyella in having markedly warted, globose ascospores.  相似文献   

Cortinarius breviradicatus sp. nov., found in deciduous forests, is described and illustrated from Niigata, Japan. It is characterized by its medium-sized to large dark brown basidiocarp, acutely conical pileus, and rooting stipe, and by subglobose to broadly ellipsoid basidiospores. In addition, the extracting solution from its basidiocarps exhibits a strong fluorescence around 400–430 nm in ultraviolet radiation (250 nm), which was observed in a species of Cortinarius sect. Orellani. The new species belongs to the section Orellani. The differences between the new taxon and similar species are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Two new species of Lirula (L. japonica and L. exigua) on Abies mariesii collected in subalpine areas of northern Japan are described as members of Rhytismatales, Discomycetes. Lirula japonica causes needle cast in fir, but L. exigua seems to occur on the needles of physically damaged twigs. Morphological characteristics of both species are discussed.  相似文献   

A new species, Strobilomyces verruculosus, is described and illustrated. It is morphologically distinct from other species of Strobilomyces by having a verruculose pileus with small subpyramidal scales, a long and thick stipe with small warty to appressed scales, subdecurrent tubes, and incompletely reticulate basidiospores. Molecular phylogenetic analyses using the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit 3 (cox3) gene support that it belongs to the genus Strobilomyces and is highly differentiated from the other members of this genus found in Japan.  相似文献   

A group of Fusarium isolates from slime flux similar to F. aquaeductuum produced unique, strongly curved, aseptate, C-shaped conidia. They were found to be identical to F. splendens nom. nud. Dried specimens from which F. splendens was originally isolated were reexamined and characterized as a new species of Cosmospora. Cosmospora matuoi sp. nov. is proposed for the teleomorph, and Fusarium matuoi sp. nov. is proposed for its anamorph.  相似文献   

Three new species of Candida and a new combination in the genus Hyphopichia are proposed from phylogenetic analysis of nucleotide divergence in domains D1/D2 of the large subunit (26S) rDNA. The new taxa and their type strains are the following: Candida bentonensis sp. nov. (NRRL YB-2364, CBS 9994), Candida hispaniensis sp. nov. (NRRL Y-5580, CBS 9996), Candida pseudorhagii sp. nov. (NRRL YB-2076, CBS 9998) and Hyphopichia heimii comb. nov. (NRRL Y-7502, CBS 6139), basionym Pichia heimii Pignal. Phylogenetic analysis placed C. pseudorhagii and H. heimii in the Hyphopichia clade whereas C. bentonensis and C. hispaniensis are members of the Yarrowia clade.  相似文献   

Two new yeasts are described that were recognized as novel from nucleotide divergence in domains D1/D2 of 26S rDNA. The new species and their type strains are the following: Trichomonascus petasosporus NRRL YB-2092T (CBS 9602T), mating type a, NRRL YB-2093 (CBS 9603), mating type alpha, and Sympodiomyces indianaensis NRRL YB-1950T (CBS 9600T). Phylogenetic analysis placed the two new taxa, which are sister species, in the Sympodiomyces clade near Blastobotrys/Stephanoascus farinosus. Placement of Trichomonascus in the Saccharomycetales resolves the earlier uncertainties surrounding the classification of this morphologically unusual genus.  相似文献   

One new hyphomycete, Phialosporostilbe gregariclava, is described and illustrated based on specimens collected on dead culms of two Sasa species in Hokkaido and Iwate, Japan. This fungus is compared with previously described species of Phialosporostilbe and Nawawia, and its morphological and cultural characteristics are reported.  相似文献   

A new yeast species, Candida gelsemii, is described to accommodate three isolates recovered in Georgia, USA, from the toxic nectar of the Carolina jessamine (Gelsemium sempervirens). The species resembles other members of the Metschnikowiaceae clade that have been recovered from nectar, but differs in a number of morphological and physiological characteristics. Analysis of rDNA sequences places the new species well into the clade, but in a basal position with respect to a group of Metschnikowia and Candida species known to occur in association with nectars and bees, as well as marine invertebrates. The type is strain UWOPS 06–24.1T (CBS 10509T, NRRL Y-48212T.  相似文献   

Eight new species of the genus Mycena (Agaricales) found on dead leaves or twigs in warm temperate lowland forests are described and illustrated from central Honshu, Japan: (1) Mycena fonticola sp. nov. (section Fragilipedes); (2) Mycena intersecta sp. nov. (section Fragilipedes); (3) Mycena lanuginosa sp. nov. (section Fragilipedes); (4) Mycena mustea sp. nov. (section Fragilipedes); (5) Mycena multiplicata sp. nov. (section Mycena); (6) Mycena nidificata sp. nov. (section Hiemales); (7) Mycena fuscoaurantiaca sp. nov. (section Fragilipedes); and (8) Mycena clariviolacea sp. nov. (section Fragilipedes).  相似文献   

Morphological observations using light and scanning electron microscopes and molecular phylogenetic analysis revealed that the fungus growing on the surface of fruits or sepals of Styrax japonica collected at Nagano, Japan, is a new powdery mildew with an unusual morphology, described here as Erysiphe monascogera. This fungus has mainly a single ascus in a chasmothecium, but molecular phylogenetic analysis and the shape of the hyphal appressoria suggest that it is an Erysiphe species. Erysiphe monascogera is a sister-species to E. nomurae on Symplocos chinensis var. leucocarpa f. pilosa, although there are obvious morphological differences between the two species. This inconsistency between molecular phylogeny and morphology may be explained by the unique habitat of E. monascogera. Erysiphe monascogera and E. nomurae are included in a clade composed of the E. alphitoides complex, which suggests that these two species diverged by host jumping of the E. alphitoides complex, having oaks as major host plants.  相似文献   

A pea rust fungus, Uromyces viciae-fabae, has been classified into two varieties, var. viciae-fabae and var. orobi, based on differences in urediniospore wall thickness and putative host specificity in Japan. In principal component analyses, morphological features of urediniospores and teliospores of 94 rust specimens from Vicia, Lathyrus, and Pisum did not show definite host-specific morphological groups. In molecular analyses, 23 Uromyces specimens from Vicia, Lathyrus, and Pisum formed a single genetic clade based on D1/D2 and ITS regions. Four isolates of U. viciae-fabae from V. cracca and V. unijuga could infect and sporulate on P. sativum. These results suggest that U. viciae-fabae populations on different host plants are not biologically differentiated into groups that can be recognized as varieties.Contribution no. 184, Laboratory of Plant Parasitic Mycology, Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Tsukuba, Japan  相似文献   

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