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Huntington's disease is an autosomal dominant disorder with degeneration of medium size striatal neurones. As the disease evolves, other neuronal populations are also progressively affected. A transgenic mouse model of the disease (R6/2) that expresses exon 1 of the human Huntington gene with approximately 150 CAG repeats has been developed, but GABA concentrations are reported to be normal in the striatum of these animals. In the present study, we analysed the status of GABAergic systems by means of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD)67 mRNA in situ hybridization in the brain of R6/2 transgenic mice and wild-type littermates. We show that GAD67 expression is normal in the striatum, cerebellum and septum but decreased in the frontal cortex, parietal cortex, globus pallidus, entopeduncular nucleus and substantia nigra pars reticulata of R6/2 mice. These data, which may, in part, account for the behavioural changes seen in these animals, indicate that at 12.5 weeks of age the pathological features seen in the mice differ from those seen in humans with Huntington's disease.  相似文献   

Expression of the basic helix-loop-helix factor Hairy and Enhancer of Split-1 (Hes1) is required for normal development of a number of tissues during embryonic development. Depending on context, Hes1 may act as a Notch signalling effector which promotes the undifferentiated and proliferative state of progenitor cells, but increasing evidence also points to Notch independent regulation of Hes1 expression. Here we use high resolution confocal scanning of EGFP in a novel BAC transgenic mouse reporter line, Tg(Hes1-EGFP)1Hri, to analyse Hes1 expression from embryonic day 7.0 (e7.0). Our data recapitulates some previous observations on Hes1 expression and suggests new, hitherto unrecognised expression domains including expression in the definitive endoderm at early somite stages before gut tube closure and thus preceding organogenesis. This mouse line will be a valuable tool for studies addressing the role of Hes1 in a number of different research areas including organ specification, development and regeneration.  相似文献   

Freeze-dried sections (14 m thick) were prepared from mice with normal (C57BL strain) and degenerated (C3H strain) retinas. GABA concentration and GAD activity were determined in the microsamples (1.8–20 ng dry weight) of retinal layers and sublayers, using an enzymatic amplication reaction, NADP cycling. 1) GABA was distributed over all layers of normal retina with a broad concentration peak covering both inner nuclear and plexiform layers. In contrast, GAD activity was mostly localized in the inner plexiform layer. 2) GABA concentration was similar in one-fourth of the sublayers of each inner nuclear or plexiform layer. GAD activity was highest in the innermost sublayer of the inner nuclear layer. An increasing gradient of GAD activity was present in the inward direction in the inner plexiform layer. 3) In the degenerated retina, lacking in photoreceptors, the inner nuclear and plexiform layers remained, and GABA and GAD levels in these layers were similar to those in normal retina.Special Issue dedicated to Dr. O. H. Lowry.  相似文献   

Transplantation studies and cell lineage analyses require the ability to explicitly distinguish morphologically identical cells that have an identifiable marker indicating their origin in vivo. Several reporter mouse strains have been generated for such studies, but pancellular detection of the marker in all tissues has not been achieved. In this report, we describe the generation of transgenic mice that express enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) under control of a 187 kb bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) containing the murine ROSA26 locus, and show several advantages over existing EGFP reporter lines. It is demonstrated that EGFP is ubiquitously and reproducibly expressed from the murine BAC transgene in all organs and tissues analyzed, including the hematolymphoid compartment. Using this new reporter strain in hematopoietic cell transplantation studies, it is demonstrated that leukocytes in recipients maintain uniform transgene expression and are easily distinguished by flow cytometric analysis of live cells. The results suggest that the ROSA26 BAC is an efficient strategy for expressing complex transgene cassettes in vivo.  相似文献   

肾缺血引起大鼠儿茶酚胺神经元Fos表达   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Ding YF 《生理学报》2001,53(6):445-450
实验应用Fos蛋白和酪氨酸羟化酶(tyrosine hydroxylase,TH)的双重免疫组化方法,观察肾脏动脉阻断(renal artery occlusion,RAO)是否激活脑干中核团的儿荷酚胺能神经元。所得结果如下:(1)脑干中Fos样蛋白的基础性表达低;RAO可诱发孤束核(nucleus tractus solitarius,NTS)、最后区(area postrema,AP)、巨细胞旁外侧核(paragi-gantocellularis lateralis,PGL)和蓝斑(locus coeruleus,LC)核团中许多神经元显示Fos样免疫反应(Fos-like immunoreactivi-ty,FLI)。(2)NTS、AP、PGL和LC核团中含有较多的儿茶酚胺能神经元;RAO能激活其中的部分儿荷酚胺能神经元。(3)腺苷受体阻断剂8-苯茶碱可明显减弱RAO所致的上述效应。以上结果表明,肾脏短暂缺血能激活脑干内的一些神经核团以及其中的部分儿荷酚胺能神经元。此效应可能是肾缺血时腺苷释放作用于肾内腺苷受体后引起肾传入神经活动增加的结果。  相似文献   

Fluorescent proteins provide a powerful means to track gene expression and cellular behaviors in the study of model organisms such as mice. Among the new generation of fluorescent protein markers, the monomeric red fluorescent protein mRFP1 is particularly attractive because of its rapid maturation and minimal interference with GFP and GFP-derived markers. Here we evaluate the utility of mRFP1 as a marker in transgenic mice. We show that high level and ubiquitous expression of mRFP1 does not affect mouse development, general physiology, or reproduction. mRFP1 expression can be readily detected with unaided eyes under daylight in transgenic mice on the albino background. The intensity of mRFP1 signals can be used to distinguish homozygous and heterozygous transgenic mice. Together, these features make mRFP1 an attractive marker for broad applications in transgenic research.  相似文献   

Expression vectors of human granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSG) and long acting tissue plasminogen activator (La-tPA) in mammary gland were constructed using promoters of mouse whey acid protein gene (WAP) and sheep β-lactoglobulin gene (BLG) with sizes of 2.6 and 5 kb respectively. Two kinds of transgenic mice of G-CSF and La-tPA were produced with microinjection. The expression of G-CSF and La-tPA was achieved in mammary glands of transgenic mice, respectively. In order to establish dual transgenic mice of La-tPA/G-CSF, transgenic mice carrying G-CSF and La-tPA gene characterized with specific expression in mammary gland were mated. La-tPA/G-CSF dual transgenic mice were screened out from the hybrid offspring by Once-PCR. The co-expression of La-tPA and G-CSF in mammary gland of the dual transgenic mice was confirmed by the milk assayed and Northern blot analysis. Some parameters about the dual transgenic mice indicated that there were fewer litters than that of normal mice. The ratio of du  相似文献   

Regulation of Thy-1 gene expression in transgenic mice   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Genomic DNA fragments encompassing the human Thy-1 or mouse Thy-1.1 gene have been microinjected into pronuclei of mouse embryos homozygous for the Thy-1.2 allele. In the resulting transgenic mice, the human gene is expressed in a pattern characteristic of normal human tissues, and is not influenced by the pattern of endogenous mouse Thy-1 expression. The mouse Thy-1.1 gene fragment is expressed in a pattern typical of mouse Thy-1, although it is more limited in its distribution. The results indicate the presence of multiple cis-acting regulators of Thy-1 gene expression that have changed in both their character and arrangement over the course of Thy-1 gene evolution.  相似文献   

The Notch signaling pathway plays a critical role during mammalian development. To bypass embryonic lethality associated with constitutive Notch1 signaling, we created transgenic mice with a floxed beta-geo/stop signal between a cytomegalo virus promoter and the constitutively active intracellular domain of Notch1 (IC-Notch1). IC-Notch1 is activated upon introduction of Cre recombinase and it is coexpressed with an enhanced green fluorescent protein or human placental alkaline phosphatase reporter. We created three IC-Notch1 transgenic mouse lines and crossed them to a general Cre deletor mouse line, pCX-Cre. The double transgenic IC-Notch1/pCX-Cre embryos have widespread expression of IC-Notch1 and reporters and die before 10.5 days of gestation. Morphological and histological analysis of the double transgenic embryos indicated growth arrest and various developmental defects, including lack of neural tube closure, disorganized somites, and disrupted vasculature. The conditional IC-Notch1 expressing transgenic mice provide a unique tool to investigate the Notch pathway using tissue-specific Cre mice and inducible Cre systems.  相似文献   

Maternal infection during pregnancy increases the risk of neurodevelopmental disorders in the offspring. In addition to its influence on other neuronal systems, this early-life environmental adversity has been shown to negatively affect cortical γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) functions in adult life, including impaired prefrontal expression of enzymes required for GABA synthesis. The underlying molecular processes, however, remain largely unknown. In the present study, we explored whether epigenetic modifications represent a mechanism whereby maternal infection during pregnancy can induce such GABAergic impairments in the offspring. We used an established mouse model of prenatal immune challenge that is based on maternal treatment with the viral mimetic poly(I:C). We found that prenatal immune activation increased prefrontal levels of 5-methylated cytosines (5mC) and 5-hydroxymethylated cytosines (5hmC) in the promoter region of GAD1, which encodes the 67-kDa isoform of the GABA-synthesising enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD67). The early-life challenge also increased 5mC levels at the promoter region of GAD2, which encodes the 65-kDa GAD isoform (GAD65). These effects were accompanied by elevated GAD1 and GAD2 promoter binding of methyl CpG-binding protein 2 (MeCP2) and by reduced GAD67 and GAD65 mRNA expression. Moreover, the epigenetic modifications at the GAD1 promoter correlated with prenatal infection-induced impairments in working memory and social interaction. Our study thus highlights that hypermethylation of GAD1 and GAD2 promoters may be an important molecular mechanism linking prenatal infection to presynaptic GABAergic impairments and associated behavioral and cognitive abnormalities in the offspring.  相似文献   

Xue BJ  Zhang XX  Ding YF  Shi GM  He RR 《生理学报》2001,53(1):66-71
实验采用NADPH-d组化技术和Fos蛋白免疫组化技术相结合的方法,观察了颈动脉注射辣椒不时,大鼠脑干心血管相关核团内NOS和Fos蛋白的分布以及两者的共存关系。结果显示:(1)颈动脉注射辣椒不可诱发脑干中最后区(AP)、孤束核(NTS)、巨细胞旁外侧核(PGL)和蓝斑(LC)等多个部位Fos样免疫反应(FLI)神经元显著增加 中脑中央灰质(PAG)和中缝核群(RN)的FLI神经元无明显改变。(2)PGL和NTS内NO合成神经元以及PGL内双标神经元数量也明显增加,而AG和RN中NO合成神经元无明显变化,在LC和AP仅偶见或未见NO合成神经元。(3)预先应用辣椒素受体阻断剂钌红或NMDA受体阻断剂MK-801,则明显减弱辣椒素的上述效应,以上结果表明,颈动脉注射辣椒素可兴奋脑干心血管活动相关核团神经元,NO在脑干核团对辣椒素的反应中发挥间接的调制作用,辣椒素的效应由香草酸受体(辣椒素受体)介导并有谷氨酸参与。  相似文献   

Peptides derived from proteolytic processing of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) are important for the pathogenesis of Alzheimers disease (AD). In the present study, we found that transgenic mice overexpressing wild-type human APP gene (hAPP/+) displayed a much higher expression of FAS, one of the death receptor subfamily. This FAS overexpression was significantly reduced in the cortex of mice overexpressing both wild-type hAPP gene and wild-type human superoxide dismutase-1 gene (hSOD-1). Moreover hSOD-1 transgenic expression was associated with an increase of Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) production. This study indicates that SOD-1 overexpression can inhibit FAS expression, which may be beneficial in AD.  相似文献   

Timing of paternal Pgk-1 expression in embryos of transgenic mice   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In mouse development, the paternal allele of the X-linked gene Pgk-1 initiates expression on day 6, two days later than the maternal allele, which is activated on day 4. The different timing of expression of the maternal and paternal alleles may be determined by (i) imprinting of the chromosome region in which the gene resides, but not aimed specifically at the Pgk-1 gene; (ii) gene specific imprinting, acting on Pgk-1 irrespective of the chromosomal localization of the gene; (iii) an interplay between embryo cell differentiation, timing of X-inactivation and Pgk-1 expression, without the involvement of imprinting at the Pgk-1 locus itself (Fundele R., Illmensee, K., Jagerbauer, E. M., Fehlau, M. and Krietsch, W. K. (1987) Differentiation 35, 31-36). Our findings in transgenic mouse lines, carrying Pgk-1 on autosomes, indicate the importance of the X chromosomal location for the delayed expression of the paternal Pgk-1 allele, and are in agreement with the first of the explanations listed above. We propose that the late activation of the paternal Pgk-1 locus is a consequence of imprinting targeted at, and centered around, the X chromosome controlling element.  相似文献   

High-level salivary gland expression in transgenic mice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A 7.1 kb mini-gene construct containing cloned DNA from the murine parotid secretory protein (PSP) gene with 6.2 kb of the promoter, has previously been shown to direct specific mRNA expression to the salivary glands in transgenic mice. However, the level of transgene expression in the parotid gland was only a few percent of the endogenous level. This indicated that elements necessary for high-level expression are still to be found. In this study, we have searched for such regulatory elements in additional flanking regions by using a 25 kb clonedPsp b fragment containing the complete structural gene, 11.4 kb of 5-flanking sequence, and 2.5 kb 3-flanking sequence as a transgene. To distinguish the expression of the transgene from that of the endogenous gene, we took advantage of an allelic difference, using an oligonucleotide that recognized the mRNA fromPsp b and the transgene but not that from the other allele,Psp a . The expression of the transgene was examined in animals homozygous forPsp a . Three independent integrations all exhibited a level of parotid-gland-specific expression that corresponded to that of the endogenous gene. Thus, sequences responsible for this high-level PSP mRNA expression are situated within the genomic DNA of the transgene.  相似文献   

The medium spiny neurons (MSNs), which comprise the direct and indirect output pathways from the striatum, use gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) as their major fact-acting neurotransmitter. We generated mice carrying a conditional allele of the Gad1 gene, which encodes GAD67, one of the two enzymes responsible for GABA biosynthesis, and bred them to mice expressing Cre recombinase at the dopamine D1 receptor locus (Drd1a) to selectively reduce GABA synthesis in the direct output pathway from the striatum. We show that these mice are deficient in some types of motor skills, but normal for others, suggesting a differential role for GABA release from D1 receptor-containing neurons.  相似文献   

Testicular protein kinase 1 (TESK1) is a serine/threonine kinase highly expressed in testicular germ cells and has the potential to phosphorylate cofilin and induce actin cytoskeletal reorganization. We examined the expression of a lacZ reporter gene linked to a 9.0-kb 5'-flanking region of TESK1 gene in transgenic mice. A high level of lacZ expression was observed in testicular germ cells only at stages after pachytene spermatocytes, the expression patterns being similar to those of TESK1 mRNA in rat testis, determined by in situ hybridization. Expression of lacZ was also detected in renal proximal tubules, cardiac myocytes, and specific neurons in the central nervous system in adult transgenic mice. Whole-mount staining revealed the expression of lacZ in neural tissues in embryonic mice. These results suggest the cell-type- and stage-specific expression of TESK1 gene and the diverse and specific physiological functions of TESK1, including those in spermatogenesis and neural development.  相似文献   

Most, but not all, V beta 8.1+ T cells respond to M1s-1 and are clonally deleted in the thymus of M1s-1-expressing animals. To formally examine the role of the TCR alpha-chain in reactivity and tolerance to M1s-1, we have analyzed M1s-1 reactivity in a large panel of CD4+ hybridomas generated from TCR V beta 8.1 transgenic mice, that express an identical, potentially M1s-1-reactive beta-chain. The data show that the alpha-chain strongly influences the M1s-1 reactivity of the hybridomas and that the differences in reactivity had relevance for tolerance. Thus, V alpha 11+ hybridiomas were biased toward M1s-1 reactivity and V alpha 11+ T cells were correspondingly absent from the peripheral repertoire of M1s-1-expressing transgenic mice. V alpha 2+ hybridomas, on the other hand, were biased against M1s-1 reactivity, and V alpha 2+ T cells were correspondingly amplified in the M1s-1-expressing transgenic mice. Structural analysis of the alpha-chains revealed that the M1s-1 reactivity of the V alpha 11+ hybridomas segregated precisely with family member, such that V alpha 11.1+ hybridomas were M1s-1-reactive and V alpha 11.3+ hybridomas were not M1s-1-reactive. On the other hand, there was not a clear correlation between family member and M1s-1 reactivity in the V alpha 2+ hybridomas. The hybridomas also showed striking variation in their reactivity to staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB), and the SEB reactivity of the V alpha 11+ hybridomas correlated precisely with family member and with M1s-1 reactivity. In contrast, there was not a clear correlation with V alpha 2+ alpha-chain structure and SEB reactivity. Also, there was no correlation between M1s-1 reactivity and SEB reactivity in individual V alpha 2+ hybridomas, suggesting that the recognition of the two superantigens by the same TCR is not equivalent. Taken together, these data define a role for the TCR alpha-chain in superantigen reactivity and T cell tolerance, and provide a structural explanation for the different fates of M1s-1-reactive T cells in normal and transgenic mice.  相似文献   

Huntington's disease (HD) is associated with an expansion in the CAG repeat sequence of a gene on chromosome 4, resulting in a neurodegenerative process particularly affecting the striatum and with profound but selective changes in content of various neurotransmitters. Recently, transgenic mice expressing a fragment of the human HD gene containing a large CAG expansion have been generated; these mice exhibit a progressive neurological phenotype that includes motor disturbances, as well as neuronal deficits. To investigate their underlying neurotransmitter pathology, we have determined concentrations of GABA, glutamate, and the monoamine neurotransmitters in several brain regions in these mice and control animals at times before and after the emergence of the behavioural phenotype. In contrast to the findings in HD, striatal GABA was unaffected, although a deficit was observed in the cerebellum, consistent with a dysfunction of Purkinje cells. Losses of the monoamine transmitters were observed, some of which are not seen in HD. Thus, 5-hydroxytryptamine and, to a greater extent, 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid levels were diminished in all brain regions studied, and noradrenaline was particularly affected in the hippocampus. Dopamine was decreased in the striatum in older animals, parallelling evidence for diminished dopaminergic activity in HD.  相似文献   

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